• Published 18th Apr 2020
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Stay Together, No Matter What - Mister E-Nonymous

After a tragic accident with a couple parents, a young boy and his baby sister try to run away, and nearly get severely hurt. But it was up to one pony to make a tough decision when the two human children came to Equestria.

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Chapter 10: Home Alone: Part 2 (Spring the Traps)

Chapter 10: Home Alone: Part 2 (Spring the Traps)

(Cody's Point of View)

We waited about a day and a half for the bad guys to find us. We got a call from the man from Witness Protection called us and told us that the bad guys would be on our way to our location tomorrow. On this February day, it would be hard for just three kids to take down five grown ups.

Danny, Alex and I walked towards the old orphanage. We were preparing to get the traps prepared. I looked out the window on the second floor, waiting for any bad guys to come in. Alex looked in the back side because there was a door on the back gate. Then Alex's voice came out of a walkie talkie.

"We got the muscle and the hacker coming in the back gate," Alex's voice came from the walkie talkie. "As that parrot said, 'Let the Party Begin'."

Safe House...

(Rarity's Point of View)

I was watching the whole thing from inside the safe house. There were so many traps set up and there were cameras set up across the old orphanage. I just hope that the kids would be able to take care of themselves.

"Oh," I said. Flora was desperately wanting to come out. I tried my best to keep her calm enough so we wouldn't get spotted. "Flora, I know you want out, but you're going to have to wait."

Flora stayed settled down. But she did put out gentle kick. I could feel that she was sorry. I then looked at the security camera screen and saw that there were some guys heading into the old orphanage. My heart clenched to see that the kids were in danger.

"Oh, my," I said. "Be careful, kids."


(Third Person Point of View)

Mr. Pierce and Mr. Quinn were heading towards the back door. They then split off where Mr. Quinn heading for the front door. They even had their own headsets for a private channel for them to communicate.

Mr. Quinn made it to the front door and saw some yarn tied up against two poles in front of the door, and a paper sign that said "DANGER! ELECTRICAL ENERGY! Don't Get Electrocuted!" He then chucked and said, "Pierce, I think I'm gonna enjoy this. It's been 25 years since I was a little kid. You forget how dumb they really are."

Mr. Pierce came up to a boarded up door with a metal chair and there were some jumper cables attached to a golf cart battery. He didn't notice it and said, "Well, you better be careful. Sometimes when a kid gets scared, they wet themselves." He set down his bag of tools and then he decided to sit down on the chair, but gt a shocking surprise. He regretted having power tool batteries on his belt. It made the electrocution even worse.

Mr. Quinn had a similar situation when using wire cutters to cut the yarn, only to see that there was wired and the wire was connected to a plug and it was plugged in. Both of their electrifying experience lasted for 20 seconds each. The electricity cut a hole through Quinn's pants, and Mr. Pierce was flung off the chair like it was an ejector seat.

Both of them were trying to recover, but Mr. Quinn got angry and tried jumping over the wire, and landed on the doormat. Unbeknownst to him, there were marbles under the doormat, moving the doormat and himself towards the front door, and banging his head. He then fell over, leaving a bruise. Then Reginald walked up to him.

"Mr. Quinn. What on Earth are you doing?" asked Reginald.

"The yarn... it's electrified," said Mr. Quinn. "Don't touch it." Reginald then grabbed the poles holding the wired yarn, without touching the wires, and pulled them off, unplugging it in the process.

"We can't afford any distractions, Mr. Quinn," said Reginald. He then helped up his teammate and asked, "Have you tried the door?"

"Not yet," said Mr. Quinn. "Why?"

"Look," said Reginald. He had his fingers on a nearly invisible wire tied to the door knocker. The two of them looked up and saw some barbells over the roof.

"Missed that..." said Mr. Quinn, weakly.

"Stand clear," said Reginald as he grabbed his pocket knife. He then cut the wire and then the wire went somewhere. What they didn't know was the wire was tied to a tape measure with a skateboard with a trunk on it on an ironing board at an angle going out the window. The tape measure was going back as fast as it could, but it was taking time. Reginald and Mr. Quinn thought it was a decoy and Reginald said, "Maybe these kids aren't as smart as they thought."

"Perhaps we're just having an off day," said Mr. Quinn. But then the tape measure fully retracted, getting out of the way of the skateboard, rolling it down the ironing board, stopping, the trunk flying off of it, going through the window, getting the attention of the bad guys, making them gasp and then scream right before the trunk collided with them, and a bunch of thick, hard-cover books came out, scattering all over them. They were knocked out for a few seconds.

They shook the dizziness off of them, and tried getting back up. Meanwhile, in the attic, Alex was waiting with some hedge clippers, getting ready to cut a thicker wire, which was connected to the barbells. Luckily, she was the one who set up that trap, and she kept her Earth Pony Strength. She then said, "Heads up!" and cut the wire, making the barbells fall, right as Reginald and Mr. Quinn were just about to get up, and it landed on their heads, pushing them back down.

Then Natasha came up to them, saying, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. You tried going after kids, and you got knocked out by a book."

"Books," Mr. Quinn debated. "Plural. A trunk... full of books. And a set of weights. We got hit twice, Natasha."

"We didn't think that the children would prepare defenses while we were looking for them," said Reginald. "I'll go in the side. Natasha, why don't you take the back door just in case the kids try to escape out the back door?" Natasha nodded. "And Quinn, you go into one window on the side. Where's Mr. Pierce?"

Back with Mr. Pierce, he was getting up. He was mad. "Guys, come in!" He got no response. He then checked the battery for his earpiece and saw that the machine was fried. "Dang it. He then looked up and saw an open window. He then smiled, and walked towards the shed where the nuns kept the buses for field trips. He then walked towards the door and bashed it open.

Unbeknownst to him, Reginald came around the corner and then headed towards one window which was covered by wooden cover doors that could be opened from the inside. He then brought out his knife and started to try and unlock it.

A moment ago...

(Cody's Point of View)

I got a message from mom that Reginald was coming towards the side window, where the slingshot trap was. There were some stretch cords with hooks and at the end was an old pair of boxers with a water balloon and some plaster. It was tied to the back with a string tied to a pencil, which I was holding.

Reginald then opened the window, and the slingshot trap was stretched to it's max. He then saw the trap, and then he saw me. He was surprised. I smiled and I said to him, "Hi."

He got nervous and then I activated the trap, and the water balloon and plaster headed right towards him, hitting him in the face, making him land on the other side of the driveway, knocking him out. I then closed the doors on the window, and locked it, and then padlocked it. I headed off towards the entryway, waiting for the next guy to come.

(Third Person Point of View)

Natasha was heading towards the right side to get in through the back. The gate was locked. She reached over to unlock it, unbeknownst to find out there was a bucket of industrial-strength glue hanging off the locking mechanism.

Then it went to Mr. Quinn. He was about to turn the door knob, but instead, it was pulled out, connected to a cord. He then started pulling on the cord, trying to find the end of it. As soon as he reached the end, it stopped. On the other side of the door, the cord was connected to a staple gun. He was about to keep pulling on it, got the cord between his legs, and then he pulled it as hard as he can, and then a staple went through the door lock, and it stapled the cord to his butt. Shouting out, "YEEEEEEOOOOW!!"

Then it went to the garage. Mr. Pierce was looking in there for a ladder so he could get up to the second story window. As soon as he spotted the ladder, he walked over to pick it up. He then turned his head towards his right to look at the door. But then he looked at one of the buses, and saw the shadow of someone in the window. He then smiled, and shouted, "I got one of them!" He then ran onto that bus. As soon as he got on, he pulled a tripwire, and the doors to the bus shut, and the sound of something came up. He looked over and saw where he thought was one of the kids was really a CPR dummy. And then the sound of whirling got his attention. There, he saw an automatic tennis ball launcher filled with rocks and ice balls. It fired all of its ammo at him, pushing him down on the floor, and burying him in rocks and ice balls.

It then went back to Natasha. She decided to go over the gate, but realized too late that the ground was really muddy, making her trip on a tripwire, pulling down some bricks from the ceiling, landing on her head and knocking her out.

It went back to Mr. Quinn. He was slowly recovering from getting that string stapled to his but. He was turning around, which was a mistake because it activated the staple gun again, stapling the string to his private parts, making him lean down so he was eye level with the key hole, and the staple gun firing again, making the staple going onto the tunnel of his nose, and he fell on his back after.

Then it went back to Reginald. He was getting up from being hit by that plaster trap. He coughed up some of it, and then he got what was left of the water balloon out of his mouth and then he tried cleaning his face.

It then went to the garage. Mr. Pierce was recovering from getting pummeled by ice and rocks. He then felt his head, and he had a gash on it. Then he got worried, ran out of the bus, taking an ice ball with him, and headed to a paper towel dispenser, and he held the ice ball and paper towel to where the gash was. He then said, "I sure hope this garage has a first aid kit. I'm going to have to cover up this gash in about 15 minutes."

It then went back to the front door. Mr. Quinn just recovered and pulled out the staples and spring. Then he kicked the door open. Sitting on the stairs in front of him was Cody. He gasped when he saw him.

"Gotcha kid!" said Mr. Quinn. He took a step forward and not seeing a huge hole, he landed on the cement floor in the basement.

"Ooooh," said Cody. "That's gotta hurt. I might have to tell the cops to give him a chiropractor."

It then went back to where Natasha was. She was back up, trying to get herself through the mud, but then she got her foot stuck under the mud and then she tripped, landing on another trip wire, and noticing a flower pot coming down, and it landed on her face.

Then it went to Reginald. He came to another open window, and he then pulled up the rolling window screen, but there was a ruler holding up the window, and when the screen came up, the ruler came out and the window came down, landing on his head, pushing him back out.

Then it went back to Mr. Quinn. He was getting up from that tremendous fall. He then looked up and saw the hole. He then said, "Wow! That's a huge hole!" He then looked around, looking for a way out. He then stepped forward, not noticing the floor was covered in liquid bath soap. He was slipping, trying to keep his balance. Too bad for him he doesn't know how to ice skate. He then slipped, fell, and he was sliding right towards some bookshelves full of paint, screaming all the way there. It fell over when he made contact, him saying, "Uh oh." Then he got crushed by the bookshelves.

Then it went back to Reginald. He used a pine tree branch to hold up the window, and he climbed inside. He put his feet down, and they landed in two rolling tubs for toys, and both of them were filled with some sticky much. He tried pulling his left foot out of one of them, but it was stuck. He then grumbled.

Then it went to Natasha in the back yard. She checked the steps to see if they were trapped. The middle of each step was cut. She said, "Well, well, well..." She then put her hands on the hand railing, and swung her feet. "Not fooling me this time, kids." What she didn't know was that the end of the railings were also cut, and they went apart, making her land on the pre-cut steps.

Then it went to the basement. Mr. Quinn got out from under the bookshelf, covered in different paint colors, even some stinging his eyes. He went over to a shelf, and grabbed a roll of paper towels, and cleaned his face off. He then noticed a sink in the basement. He walked over towards it. What he didn't know was that Danny was down there with a car battery charger, connected to the sink pipes. He then turned it on right as Mr. Quinn was just about to turn on the sink. Basically, it went down like this.

Danny basically ran away, and headed for the dumbwaiter that was down there. He pushed the button to the attic, and headed up when Mr. Quinn was trying to recover from the electric shock.

It went back to the backyard. Natasha was stretching out to get her composure back. She was back a few feet from the broken porch steps. Then she said, "Oh, Daniel. You might have forgotten that I took track and field in high school. Six and a half meters in the long jump." She then started running, and she jumped over the steps, and landed on the porch. She then smiled and stepped forward. But the planks under her were unscrewed and cut, and she fell down in front of the basement door entrance underneath the porch. She was in pain from that fall.

Then it went to Mr. Pierce. He recovered and had a bandage over the gash on his head, and he was bringing the ladder so he could climb it to the open 2nd floor window. He climbed it and he was about to put his feet down on the covered floor. He then said, "Now, things are looking up!" Then the door on the other side of the room opened, and there was Alex. She gasped, and then Mr. Pierce said, "Gotcha, girl!" He then put his feet on the covered floor, but there was a huge hole underneath the paint blanket, and he was screaming all the way down.

"See ya," said Alex as Mr. Pierce was falling. Mr. Pierce then landed on a toilet in the basement. Then the toilet broke right under him.

Then it went to Reginald. He was rolling all over the place as he was trying to get to the basement stairs. He then opened it, and then he announced, "I'm coming down!" There was a screwed up board across the doorway, making Reginald trip and flip over, then he uncontrollably skated down the stairs. He then hit the washing machine in the basement, caught his hand on a mousetrap, and then he slipped. The mouse trap had a string connected to it, and it was connected to a pipe above him, and the pipe broke off, leaking a lot of grey water onto his head, draining all the toilets from the floors above him.

Mr. Balk stayed in the car, waiting for his group to get back with the kids. He then asked, "What's taking so long?" He then grabbed his earpiece and put it on his ear. He then said, "Natasha? Reginald? Anybody? Are the kids caught?" He then looked around. He then got out of the car, grabbed a gun, and then headed towards the door. He then noticed that the back porch was damaged. He looked down the hole and saw Natasha. He then headed down the stairs that led right to her and as he came down, he asked, "Natasha. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," said Natasha. She then took his gun and said, "I'm gonna kill one of those kids. Just to teach the other two a lesson in disobeying me. Then I'll kill the pregnant prissy lady after the baby is born."

Seattle Police Department...

Solar Eclipse, Twilight and her friends walked into the police department, and walked up to the front desk. There was one officer there, taking in phone calls. She finished up one phone call.

"Can I help you?" asked the receptionist lady.

"Ma'am," said Solar Eclipse, "have you heard about those five escaped convicts from the prison in Memphis, Tennessee?"

"Yes," said the receptionist lady. "Why do you ask?"

"They have been spotted here in Seattle," said Solar Eclipse. "They've been spotted in the shut down orphanage. God's Orphanage for Hopeful Children."

"Oh, I'm on it," said the receptionist lady. "I'll let all units know." She then grabbed a microphone, and called out, "All units. The escaped convict from Memphis, Tennessee have been spotted at the old orphanage that shut down two years ago. All units report there ASAP."

Then Solar Eclipse and the girls went out of the police station.

"This was a good plan," said Sunset. "Good call, Solar Eclipse."

"Sonny, while we're here, call me Geoffrey," said Solar Eclipse. "But the job's not done yet. We have to get the kids back before they get them."

The six of them headed back to the car. Hopefully, they'll get Rarity and the kids back before any trouble.

Author's Note:

Thought I would put in some traps that were set up in Home Alone 2 & 3. But I thought I would put in an original trap. What do you guys think of this, guys?