• Published 18th Apr 2020
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Stay Together, No Matter What - Mister E-Nonymous

After a tragic accident with a couple parents, a young boy and his baby sister try to run away, and nearly get severely hurt. But it was up to one pony to make a tough decision when the two human children came to Equestria.

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Chapter 8: Escaping

Chapter 8: Escaping

(Cody's Point of View)

I groaned when getting up. I woke up and looked around. I saw that me, Mom, Danny and Alex, all of us human, were in the back on an old station wagon. I was about to wake up my new mom until a voice was said.

"Well, well, well," said a woman's voice. I looked over towards the voice and saw a woman sitting between two men. "It would seem that one of them is awake."

I was getting scared. I wanted to get out of there. I stuttered, "Wh-wh-where are you taking us?"

"Out of the country," said the woman. "We'll be on the next plane to Cancun."

"Cancun?" I asked. "Where is that?"

"That would be in Mexico, kid," said the man sitting to her right. "Now shut up."

I went quiet after that. I was really scared about what was happening. These bad people that raised Danny were going to kill my new mom after Flora was born again. I didn't want that to happen. I already lost my old parents. I didn't want that to happen again.

"We'll be at the airport in just 15 minutes, Natasha," said the driver.

"Thank you, Mr. Balk," said Natasha. "Let's hope you can fly a plane as well as you can drive."

"You wanted a getaway driver," said Mr. Balk. "Of course I can fly a plane. And it's a good thing you also got a hacker and document forger with us. Isn't that right, Mr. Quinn?"

"I'm forging the documents as we speak," said Mr. Quinn, who was riding shotgun.

"And you better not think about trying to get away from us," said Natasha. "Or else our muscle, Mr. Pierce, will teach you all a lesson."

"Indeed," said Mr. Pierce. "So don't even think about trying to get away."

I was getting more scared at the moment. What am I supposed to do? Then I heard Mom starting to wake up. She then gasped. She then saw me and hugged me.

"Cody, are you okay?" Mom asked.

"I'm fine," I told her.

She then saw the roman and said, "Natasha! Where are you taking all of us?!"

"Out of the country," said Natasha.

"Well Solar Eclipse will save us!" said Rarity. "When he finds out you have us..."

"He won't be a problem," said Natasha. "This... Solar Eclipse... also known as Geoffrey Merlin, is currently in an asylum. Probably for the rest of his life."

"WHAT?!" Mom shouted, waking Danny and Alex at the process. When Danny saw his aunt and uncle, he screamed.

"Shut up, you ignorant brat!" said Natasha. "We are going out of the country, and no one can stop us from our plan."

"No! How are you able to get back to me?!" Danny asked, scared.

"Thanks to a special locket that Nightmare Moon left us," said Natasha. "And no hope relying on that male pony friend of yours. You're never going to get out of this this time."

"No!" shouted Danny. "You're not my family anymore!"

"You will never escape us," said Natasha. "We're getting on the next flight out of the country."

Then we saw that we pulled into a private airport. We were escorted towards a plane. I was really scared about what was about to happen. Along with Danny. He was more scared than I was. Although, we got a break when we heard Alex say four words of relief.

"I have to pee."

That made the five criminals stop. Natasha then spoke up and said, "Yeah. I guess you're right. It's best to go to the bathroom before a long flight. Plus, I don't think these planes have a bathroom."

"Go on and use the bathrooms," said Mr. Balk. "I'll choose the plane we'll hijack."

Then we separated to go to the bathroom. Mom and Alex were escorted into the ladies's room with Natasha while Danny and I were escorted by the other three men into the men's room.

As soon as we finished, we bolted out of the men's room, without getting grabbed by the bad guys. Luckily, the bathroom could be locked from the outside with a pad lock. Danny and I locked them in the bathroom. We were about to run, but then we saw Mom and Alex come out of the ladies's room and locked the door.

"I see you boys had the same idea," said Mom.

"Let's get out of here!" said Alex. All of us then started running. It was hard for mom to because of her pregnancy. We then saw some guys in suits.

"Mr. Philips," said one of them. "Is your name Daniel Philips?"

"Yeah," said Danny. "Why is that? Who are you?"

"Witness Protection," said the same man. "We got an anonymous tip the day that those criminals that escaped from prison would try and smuggle you and your friends and this woman out of the country, and we would find you four at this exact location, at this exact minute. We had a bet to see if this was going to be true. Looks like I lost."

"Sounds like a line from Back to the Future Part II," I said.

"I know, right?" said the man. "Anyway, we're getting the four of you on a different plane. We need to get you kids somewhere safe and in the country until those criminals are taken in."

"Where should we go?" Mom asked. "I doubt this Detroit is safe."

"Yeah," said the man. "Not a good idea to go towards the Motor City this time of the year."

"But where could we go?" Danny asked. "I'm going to be restless if we don't get out of here soon."

"Restless?" Alex asked. She then started thinking. "I know a place."

"Where to, little girl?" asked the man.

"Seattle, Washington," said Alex. "My old home."

(Third Person Point of View)

Mr. Pierce just bust open the bathroom door with Reginald and Mr. Quinn right behind him. Then he ripped the lock off of the ladies's room door. Then they saw a plane taking off and the kids and Rarity inside.

"Oh, crud!" said Reginald. They started chasing the plane but it was already too far. Then Mr. Balk ran up to them.

"Those brats just got on some other plane, didn't they?" he asked.

"Track that plane," said Natasha. "We'll stay hidden and when we find out where that plane lands, we'll head off there and get to where they land. Daniel, you are going to get an even worse punishment than all the other times you have gotten."

Nashville, Tennessee... Insane Asylum

Sunset pulled the car up to right outside an Insane Asylum. Twilight, Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked outside and at the Asylum.

"Are you sure that Solar Eclipse is in there?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm sure he is," said Twilight. "I sense his magical surge. He's in there, alright. But the question is... how are we going to get him out of there?"

Sunset then pulled out a laptop and started typing on it. That got Applejack's attention when she asked, "What in the hay are ya doin'?"

"Hacking into the prison of which this woman, her husband and three other criminals escaped from," said Sunset as she was doing what she was saying. "Now I'm sending the information that the hacker of this group sent the anonymous tip to the state police."

"How do you know how to do that?" Twilight asked.

Sunset answered that question with a question of her own. "How do you think I hacked into Pinkie Pie's e-mail address at Canterlot High?"

Twilight thought about that and nodded, saying, "Okay, I see your point. Although, you were still evil back then."

"I don't wanna talk about it," said Sunset. She then finished typing and she pushed send. "And I'm done."

"Okay," said Rainbow Dash. "Now what?!"

"We wait," said Sunset. It might take a couple hours.

"I can't wait that long!" said Rainbow Dash. "Rarity, Danny, Alex and Cody are somewhere here in this world and we have to find them!"

"How long are we going to have to wait?" asked Twilight.

"Don't know," said Sunset. She then turned her head towards Pinkie Pie and asked, "Got something to pass the time?"

It has been two hours since then. The girls were playing card games waiting for Solar Eclipse to come. Then there was a knocking on the window. Outside was Solar Eclipse.

Twilight unlocked the door and then Solar Eclipse came into the van, saying, "Thanks for waiting for me."

"Alright, Solar Eclipse, we need to find Rarity and the kids," said Twilight. "We need to know where they are at the moment."

"They're on their way to Seattle at the moment," said Solar Eclipse. "We'll start driving there. But first... looks like we're gonna fill up on some gas."

"Good call," said Sunset. "I used up a lot of gas on our way here."

"Remember. When you're on a trip, remember to gas up the vehicle," said Solar Eclipse. "Put those cards away, put the seats back to normal, and buckle up. We're going for a ride."

Seattle, Washington

(Rarity's Point of View)

We arrived in Seattle, Washington. The city where Alex grew up. As a boy before Solar Eclipse saved him. The man from Witness Protection took us to a park. I had to sit down on a park bench to rest. I was really bloated and needed to get off my hooves turned feet.

"I'm gonna find the four of you a place to stay," said the man. "We might have to keep moving from place to place."

"I'm not sure I should travel anymore," I told the man. "I don't think it'll be healthy. For me or my baby."

"Don't worry, miss," said the man. "We'll try to get you someplace safe. I'm going to let the police know about you four. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Alright," I said. "Thank you." He then walked away towards the exit. I then looked at Alex and asked, "Where should we go? You have the experience around this city."

"I know a place," said Alex. "My old orphanage."

"Do you think the people working there are going to be curious that there are three kids and a lady walking into an orphanage?" I asked.

"Nope," said Alex. "The orphanage shut down when I was being sent to foster care. But then there was that car crash and..." She then motioned an arm, making us get the hint.

"Oh, that's right," said Danny. "Alex nearly died, and got sent to Equestria as the other gender."

"So, what are we going to do when we get there?" asked Cody.

"Ever seen the movie, Home Alone?" asked Alex.

Then the boys looked around and saw the weather. Danny then said, "Well, looks like it's going to snow soon. We better get there fast."

"How did you know that?" asked Cody.

"Pegasi can tell what the whether is going to be," said Danny. "Mom took me on a tour of the Cloudsdale Weather Factory a long time ago."

"Well, we should head on over there," said Rarity. "Although, it might be hard for me to. So let's take it slow, kids."

"Okay..." said Cody, Danny and Alex. Cody said "Mom" while Danny and Alex said "Rarity" at the same time.

"Alex," said Danny, "you lead the way. This is the city you were originally from."

"Okay," said Alex. "Let's get going."

Then we all headed off somewhere. Hopefully it's not that long a walk from here to that old orphanage.