• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,351 Views, 79 Comments

Stay Together, No Matter What - Mister E-Nonymous

After a tragic accident with a couple parents, a young boy and his baby sister try to run away, and nearly get severely hurt. But it was up to one pony to make a tough decision when the two human children came to Equestria.

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Chapter 3: Cody's Day

Chapter 3: Cody's Day

(Cody's Point of View)

After the commotion that Rarity had, Princess Celestia had made sure that no one would ever mess with Rarity's businesses and home. That was two weeks ago. I'm sure that she'll be okay. My room is finished, my sister's room is finished, and hopefully, we won't have to worry about Suri Polomare from ever taking Rarity's business away from her.

I came down the stairs to the front area of the boutique and saw Rarity reading some mothering books, basically the books are for single mothers. I walked over towards her and said, "Hey, Rarity? Is it okay if I head out towards the arcade?"

"Well, I might as well give you a proper allowance while you're here," she said, levitating a bag of coins towards me. "Are you practicing your magic?"

I then lit up my horn in a green aura. A bit darker than Sweetie Belle's aura. I then said, "I basically got levitation down. I'll see you later this afternoon."

"Okay, darling," she said. "Don't spend it all in one place."

"Okay," I said. I then headed out towards the arcade. I went in and I saw one game that peeked my interest. I took out one of the gold coins, known as bits, and started playing. Playing this game, I noticed that it's kinda like Super Mario Bros. I was getting the hang of this.

"Wow," came a voice. "You're a natural at this game."

I looked towards my left and saw a brown earth pony colt with a lighter brown mane with a propeller beanie hat. I then quickly looked back at the game and continued.

"Thanks," I said. "I had a game similar to this one back in my world. My name's Cody."

"Hello, Cody," he said. "My name is Button Mash. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too," I said.

"Oh, hit the third guy coming up!" he said. "You'll get a power up!" I then took his advice and took out that third bad guy and got a power up. I then took out the other guys and continued.

"Wow!" I said. "Thanks, Button Mash. You played this game before?"

"Well, yeah," said Button Mash. "I almost beat the game, but I lost, due to a bit of a distraction."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well..." he said, explaining what happened.

"Wow," I said. "Sweetie Belle distracted you during the last boss battle with your last life? That's messed up."

"I know, right?" he asked. "And that was during one Hearts and Hooves day. And, according to what that Danny kid said, it's basically like that earth holiday, Valentine's Day."

"I'm going to have to get used to all of this," I said. "It's been three weeks since I've been here." I then reached the final boss. "Oh, great. Final boss."

"Sweet!" said Button Mash. "This is going to be tough."

"That's it!" I said. "I got this." I was just about to finish the boss one last time, but then I had the urge to pee. "Uh oh. I gotta go to the bathroom."

"You can hold it," said Button Mash. "You got this."

I tried holding in my pee, but the urge to go was getting strong. But then, I put in the final blow and defeated the final boss. I raised my front hooves and shouted, "I did it!" But then I crossed my back legs, and looked towards Button Mash and asked, "Where's the bathroom?"

He pointed towards a public bathroom, and I bolted towards it. Luckily, I grabbed my bits so no one would take them. I rushed into the boys room and released the pee I was holding. After I finished, I headed back towards the arcade, but I bumped into someone, making both of us go "Oof!" and fall over.

I got up and said, "I am so sorry. I didn't see you."

"It's okay," said the voice of a girl. "Accidents happen." We then looked at each other and I saw that the girl pony I bumped into was pink with a purple and white mane and tail, and a tiara in her mane. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and she looked into mine. Both of us just stood there and stared at each other. She then spoke up, saying, "Hi."

"Uhh... hi..." I replied, nervously.

We couldn't take our eyes off of each other. The two of us then got up and she said, "Are you... new to Ponyville?"

"Yeah," I said. "I used to be a human. My name is Cody."

"Hello, Cody," she said. "My name is..."

"DIAMOND TIARA!!" shouted a mare. We looked over and saw a mare that was walking over towards the both of us. Her coat was pink, her mane and tail were styled up, and had different shades of purple, her muzzle was pointy, she was wearing a light blue blouse with a golden yellow shell necklace, and her cutie mark was of a diamond ring. "What are you doing with this... low society pony?! Get away from him!"

"M-mother..." Diamond Tiara said. "It's just..."

"YOU!" the mare shouted at me. "You stay away from my daughter! If I catch you anywhere near her, I shall make sure that your parents will know how much of a delinquent you are!" She then looked at Diamond Tiara and said, "Let's go, Tiara."

"Yes... mother..." she said, hopelessly. The two of them walked off. I felt bad for that girl. She seemed so nice.

Later, I went over towards Sugarcube Corner. I went inside and saw Alex there with the blue mare, Mrs. Cake. It would seem that Mrs. Cake is teaching her how to bake. I could see her in the back.

"Now, take it easy, dearie," said Mrs. Cake. "It's a little tough for a beginner."

Alex took a potholder in her mouth, and grabbed the muffin tin and she walked over to a stool and walked up it, muffling, "Ouch, ouch, ouch." She then set it on the cooling rack, and then let go of the potholder. She then saw me and smiled. "Oh, hey, Cody."

"Hey, Alex," I said. "How's it going?"

"Oh, why don't you take a break and go with your friend, Alex," said Mrs. Cake. "I'm sure that you are wanting a break."

"Thanks, Mrs. Cake," said Alex. She then came over to me and said, "So, what's up?"

"I was at the arcade earlier," I said. "I even beat a game that this colt named Button Mash almost won."

"Ah, so you met Button Mash, eh?" Alex asked. "He tends to stay in the gaming zone, but he gets distracted when it comes to certain things."

"I know," I said. "He told me about what Sweetie Belle did to him when he was playing that one game."

"I know that," said Alex. "So, what else is new?"

"Nothing much," I told her. "I had been wanting to get to know the place I'm staying at. Although..." I then chuckled nervously.

"You saw a cute filly earlier, didn't you?" asked Alex. "You're in love, aren'tcha?"

"I... might have a crush on her..." I said. "Just a crush."

"Who is she?" Alex asked me.

"Pink. Purple and white mane and tail. And wears a Tiara," I explained.

"Diamond Tiara?!" Alex asked. "Well, she used to be a bully. But when she lost the election for student pony president, she has been a better pony than she has ever been. She had to stand up to her own mother that day to help pay for the new playground equipment to the school when all of it was damaged. You don't want to know how the playground equipment got damaged in the first place."

"Good to know," I said. "But, when I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine, we seemed to have this... well..."

"I get it," said Alex. "I know some girls here who have crushes on boys. And it looks like you and her have a crush on a certain colt in their class. Looks like a new colt has a thing for Diamond Tiara."

"But, her mother just thought that I was..." I started, but was interrupted by Alex.

"A low life that will end up as a lonely peasant who doesn't deserve to live?"

"Bingo," I said.

"She says that to everypony who's not rich, or royal," said Alex. "I was a human boy before I came here, but I was taught by the nuns at my orphanage that kids aren't really bad, but were raised in the wrong direction."

"So, there's no such thing as bad kids, but bad influences," I said. "Guess it was Spoiled Rich who was making her do some bad things."

"She did more than just teach her that," said Alex. "She wants her daughter to be superior to all of the ponies. But since she finally stood up to her mother, Diamond Tiara has been scolded a lot more than usual and her mom wants her to do things that she doesn't want to do."

"Who's idea was it to do that to a kid?" I asked. "It just shows how bad a parent is."

"I agree," said Alex. "I'm sure that you'll find love. Just wait a while, and you'll find someone in no time."

"You're right, Alex," I said. "But, right now, Rarity would be expecting me to be back soon."

Then coming in from the door came Pinkie Pie, saying, "Food request from Rarity. Oh, hey Cody!"

"Hey, Pinkie," I said.

"Well, since Rarity already paid for her order, I guess it's okay for you to take the order to her," said Pinkie Pie. "Let's get some food and I'll send you on your way there."

"Okay," I said.

After Pinkie Pie had packed up the order for Rarity, I headed back taking the order with me. I arrived back with the food and saw Rarity laying on her sofa. I could see Rarity was already showing a bump in her stomach.

"I'm back," I called out to her. "And I brought the food you ordered."

"Oh, thank you, Cody," Rarity said. "I'm starving." I brought it over to the coffee table and Rarity set it up for us to eat. Sweetie Belle then came down from her room.

"Oh, good," said Sweetie Belle. "I'm starving."

"I just said that a moment ago, Sweetie Belle," Rarity said. "So, what did you do today?"

"Well, all I did was help other ponies get their Cutie Marks with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle. "It's been wild trying to help ponies find Cutie Marks."

"I'm sure that it's nothing too dangerous," said Rarity.

"We're not letting them do anything dangerous," said Sweetie Belle. "Although, there were some ponies who thought their own or other ponies marks meant something else. Like this one pony for example."

That made me laugh. "Petunia's parents thought that her cutie mark meant she was going to be a pirate? That is hilarious."

Rarity was covering her mouth, giggling, too. She then said, "It actually is. It's a good thing she found those dinosaur bones, making her an archaeologist."

"Although, there are some archaeologists that have done very dangerous stunts to get to the treasure," I said. "But those only happen in fiction."

For some strange reason, Rarity and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, giving a smirk face. I was confused at first but then I just shrugged it off.

"What about you, Cody?" Rarity asked. "What have you been up to?"

"Well, I went to the arcade, today," I said. "I beat the final boss of one game, but I had to go to the bathroom but after I left, I bumped into a girl..."

"Diamond Tiara?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Danny saw the two of you, and then he told us," said Sweetie Belle. "But he also told us that her mom was being a major jerk to her and you."

"Well, nopony has the rights to tell somepony who they can or cannot fall in love with," said Rarity. "It also depends on who the personality is."

"And it's a good thing Diamond Tiara isn't a bully anymore," said Sweetie Belle. "Although, her mom was being more harsher to her than usual ever since Diamond Tiara stood up to her at the school, and we got a whole new playground."

"Well, I hope that Spoiled Rich shall be punished for abusing her own daughter," said Rarity. "Well, let's get to eating, shall we?"

We then we started eating. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.