• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,351 Views, 79 Comments

Stay Together, No Matter What - Mister E-Nonymous

After a tragic accident with a couple parents, a young boy and his baby sister try to run away, and nearly get severely hurt. But it was up to one pony to make a tough decision when the two human children came to Equestria.

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Chapter 4: Forced Eviction

Chapter 4: Forced Eviction

(Rarity's Point of View)

I was in the kitchen, making myself, Cody and Sweetie Belle a nice breakfast of pancakes and eggs. I set down the plates in front of them and they started eating. As soon as I started to eat my own plate, there was a knocking on my door. I went over to the front door with Sweetie Belle and Cody following me.

I opened the door and outside, there were two ponies in black suits. One of them said, "Are you the mare known as Rarity?"

"Um, yes," I said. I was starting to get nervous about this.

"Miss Rarity, you are aware that you haven't been paid any taxes for the last two months, haven't you?" asked that same stallion.

"WHAT?!" I shouted. "I'll have you know that I always pay my taxes!"

"Well, according to these tax payments, you are the only pony in Ponyville who hasn't payed his or her taxes," said the same stallion. "So, we have no choice but to take your property and sell it to somepony who can actually pay his or her taxes."

"But... but..." I said, started sniffling. "But this is my house, and I would never forget to pay my taxes!"

"Sorry, Miss," said the stallion. "But I'm afraid that you no longer own Carousel Boutique."

"You can't do this!" I shouted. "Don't you see? I am a pregnant mare, and I have to be here! And plus, this is my business! You can't just take it away from me!"

"Sorry, Rarity," said the stallion. "But your home and business has been... evicted."

I was jaw dropped. My business and home... it was being taken away from me. And there was no way I would forget to pay my taxes. What am I going to do?

"R-Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked. "W-what are we going to do?"

I gave Sweetie Belle a sad look, giving her the thought that there was nothing that I could do to stop this.

Two Days Later...

(Cody's Point of View)

Ever since that day Rarity's home got evicted, we have been staying at the castle with Twilight, Spike and Starlight. Rarity wasn't taking it very well, and she has been crying in her room while things are being worked out. Sweetie Belle and I were right outsider her room.

Right when we were prepared for Flora's rebirth, it was taken away. I wish there was something we could do to help her. Then Sweetie Belle and I heard the sound of hooves coming right towards us. We saw Twilight Sparkle coming right up to the door with a plate of food for Rarity. She knocked on the door and asked, "Rarity? I brought you some breakfast."

"Bring it in!" Rarity said, still sobbing. Then the three of us came into the room, and on the guest bed was Rarity, wearing a nightgown, crying her eyes out and her mascara running with her tears. Rarity's cat, Opal, was also on the bed, being annoyed by Rarity's cries.

"Oh, Rarity," said Twilight. "Everything's going to be okay."

"HOW?!" she shouted, making Opal jump in surprise. "My business here in my home town has been taken away from me and I'm expecting! The room I had prepared for her will be gone with it! I don't know what to do-hoo-hoo!" She continued crying her eyes out.

Twilight walked over to the bed and hugged Rarity. "I'm sorry this happened to you, Rarity. We'll do whatever it takes to get your home back before somepony buys it."

Then we heard the small footsteps of Spike running down the hall. He came towards the room, went in and shouted, "Somepony just bought Rarity's home!"

"WHAT?!" we all yelled.

(Rarity's Point of View)

We all rushed towards my boutique as fast as we could. Well, I had to take it easy due to me expecting. We made it towards where our friends were. Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Danny, Alex, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were there, wondering what was going on.

"Why would somepony just go ahead and take away my boutique?!" I shouted. "Who bought my boutique?!"

"That would be me," said a mare's voice. I knew that voice. We looked towards it and standing there was Suri Polomare.


"It's not your boutique anymore," said Suri. "I now own in. And soon, I doubt there will be anypony that will remember you. Your days of being a fashionista are over."

"You're just wanting to be a better than every fashion pony, no matter what!" I shouted. "I want my home back!"

"Not going to happen!" said Suri. "I can have every right to burn this building down and make something better with the insurance money." Then she gave a grimacing smile and said, "Or... you can come wok for me, do all of the fashion for me and I'll get all the credit."

"I would never hand over my rights to make clothes for you!" I shouted at her. "First, you took my fabric to use for your dresses instead of using it for an accent! And now, you're taking my home and business and turn it into yours! You have been taking credit for the designs of other ponies as your own! You aren't a real fashion designer!"

"And do you think that anypony is going to believe you?!" asked Suri Polomare. "I have friends in high places, and I'll make sure that you will never sell another dress ever again. I'll make sure that you will be just a simple cockroach to the fashion world. Nopony will ever want to be your customer ever again."

I was about to shout back at her, but she would threaten my career. What was I going to do? All I could do is one thing, run off somewhere. I heard my friends cry out my name. "RARITY!"

(Cody's Point of View)

Rarity ran off somewhere, making all of us feel bad for her. I then got angry, turned towards the mare who took Rarity's business, and shouted at her.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! Why would you want to ruin other fashion ponies and think you should be the only one?! You're nothing but a jerk!"

"Some big talk from a little colt," said the mare. She then patted my head and said, "That mare just doesn't seem to know the true thing about fashion. There's only room for one greatest fashion designer in Equestria, and that... is... me! So what if I took away Rarity's business? So what if I stole her fabric for my own dresses? And so what if I stole Rarity's tax payment? She will never be a better fashionista than me. Then again, fame comes with a price."

"You'll never get away with this," I said to her.

"I just did," said Suri. She then headed inside.

The rest of us headed off to find Rarity. I then heard Rainbow Dash call out, "What are we going to do?! That mare is nothing but a cheat, a thief, and a potential arsenal."

"But we can't prove it!" said Twilight. "She has played her cards perfectly. If only we could tell Princess Celestia about this, but we don't have any proof."

"Uh, yeah we do," said Danny. We all looked towards him as he pulled out something, saying, "As that last conversation happened, I recorded a video of all of it on my iPod Touch."

"Ha ha! That's my boy!" Rainbow Dash said, while messing with his hair.

"That's very good thinking, Danny," said Twilight. "Let's tell Princess Celestia about this."

After Princess Celestia arrived here when Twilight sent her a message, she was surprised that Rarity's home was taken, and the one who bought her home was her biggest enemy in the fashion world.

"That shouldn't be allowed," said Princess Celestia. "This Suri Polomare should not be able to take the property of one of my subjects." She then looked at the video on Danny's phone. "And this is clearly evidence of multiple charges that this mare has done."

"Well we have to stop Suri Polomare, now!" said Twilight.

"Rarity should not be kicked out her own home," said Rainbow Dash. "Pregnant or not!"

"We're going to put a stop to this," said Applejack. "C'mon, y'all! Let's get Rarity 'er house back!"

We all nodded and headed out.

We then headed off towards Rarity's home. When we were there, there was a strange smell coming from the building.

"What kind of perfume is Suri using?!" asked Pinkie Pie. "It's awful!"

"That doesn't smell like perfume," said Alex. "I know the smell of perfume, and this isn't perfume."

Then what is it?" asked Danny.

Princess Celestia knocked on the door, and the door opened, revealing Suri Polomare. She was surprised to see Princess Celestia standing there.

"Princess Celestia?!" she asked, surprised. "Oh, what may I be honored to do for you? Surely, there is nothing too big for the best fashion pony in Equestria to do."

"You are not even a real fashion pony if you steal from other ponies," said Princess Celestia. "You're under arrest. Stealing fabric, designs, and Rarity's tax payments. And as for this building, it's going back to the property of Rarity."

"No way!" said Suri. "I haven't done any of that..." She was cut off by the video that Danny recorded.

"That mare just doesn't seem to know the true thing about fashion. There's only room for one greatest fashion designer in Equestria, and that... is... me! So what if I took away Rarity's business? So what if I stole her fabric for my own dresses? And so what if I stole Rarity's tax payment? She will never be a better fashionista than me. Then again, fame comes with a price."

Suri was surprised by the video on Danny's phone. She then got angry and said, "Fine! Well, I'm not leaving without doing this!" She then took out a match, lit it, and put it on the outside wall, and then the flames expanded, covering the entire building with flames. We all gasped at what Suri just did.

"I knew it!" said Alex. "It's kerosene!"

"Kerosene?!" asked Twilight. "That makes sense!" She then saw Suri getting away. "Hey! Suri is getting away!"

Then Rainbow Dash flew fast towards her and then tackled her. She then said to Suri, "You're going to jail, Suri! You're done for!" Then a couple royal guards came over to Suri and then grabbed her. She was then escorted into a prisoner chariot.

We then all looked towards Carousel Boutique. It was just about burnt halfway to a crisp. The building was structurally unsound. Kinda like that one building in the movie, "The Incredibles."

"Now what are we going to do?" I asked.

"I'll get some ponies to rebuild Rarity's home," said Princess Celestia. "And as for Suri Polomare... let's just say she won't be allowed to make dresses anymore."

"That would make things better," I said. "I... I should tell Rarity about what's going on." I started running off somewhere, searching for Rarity.

(Rarity's Point of View)

Suri Polomare has taken everything away from me. Taking my fabric is one thing, but taking my home is another. I ran off to the ice cream shop, and bought three tubs of ice cream. I brought it back to the guest room I was staying at in Twilight's castle, scarfing down all of the strawberry ice cream.

As soon as I took a bite from my ice cream, my stomach rebelled it and I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I wonder if Flora isn't too fond of strawberry. Or she's lactose and tolerant. I bought three tubs of strawberry ice cream, and I can't eat it. But I needed ice cream to help me calm down from what happened.

I was then interrupted by the sound of door knocking. I looked over towards the door and saw Cody there. I then said, "Oh, hello, Cody. What is it?"

"Okay," he said. "I got some good news, and I got some bad news."

"I doubt some good news will be able to help me right now," I said, heading back to my bed. I got up onto it, and laid my head down on my pillow.

"The good news is Suri Polomare has been arrested for multiple counts of theft," said Cody. "Including your tax payments."

I lifted my head and stared at Cody, saying, "REALLY?!" I then rushed over towards him, and hugged him. "This is splendid! So I get my home back?!"

"Well..." he said. "Remember what I said about bad news?" I looked towards his face and nodded. He then took a breath and said, "She... she burned it down right before she was taken in."

"SHE DID WHAT?!" I shouted. I then tightened my grip, and let out some more tears. "This is the last straw! I shall..."

"Even if she gets out of prison, she's not allowed to purchase any fabrics for clothes making," said Cody, interrupting me. "Now, no fashion pony will worry about Suri trying to ruin their business."

I smiled then I rubbed my cheek against his. I then said, "Well, it might take a while for my boutique to be rebuilt. But, at least it'll be done before the baby's born."

"Yeah," said Cody.

"Speaking of which," I said. "I usually love strawberry ice cream, but..."

"Oh," said Cody. "Flora hates strawberries. No matter if it's a real one or artificial flavored. We tried feeding her one strawberry after she was born. She threw up."

"Okay," I said. "I might have to wait a while for me to eat some strawberries." I then looked down at Cody, and he was rubbing my belly. "Trying to feel for your sister's kick? It's still too early, you know."

"I know," said Cody. "I just hope my sister will still think of me as her older brother."

I then got to thinking. I haven't really signed some papers of adoption for him. True, I am giving birth to his sister, but I haven't really thought of Cody as my own son. I then smiled at him and then I told him, "You know what? I think I should officially adopt you. Legally or not, you'll still will be Flora's older brother. And, I think we should legalize it. Would you like to be my son?"

"R-really?" Cody asked.

"I think we should do it, don't you?" I asked him.

He then smiled and wrapped his hooves around my neck, saying, "Yes, yes, yes!" We then heard hoofsteps coming into the room.

"I had a feeling that eventually you two would want to be a family." We looked over and saw Princess Celestia. "Luckily, I've brought the adoption papers with me just in case." She then levitated the papers over to me, and I took them, and started filling them out.

I finished filling out the papers, and levitated back to the princess, telling her, "Finished."

Princess Celestia nodded and said, "Alright, Rarity. I'll take these back up to Canterlot. And I'll make sure that your boutique gets rebuilt in the exact same layout it was left before Suri burned it down."

"Oh, thank you, Princess!" said Rarity. "I humbly thank you."

I heard the princess giggle and said, "It's okay. Everything is going to be fine. I shall see that things will pick up for you."

I nodded. Soon enough, everything will be back to normal. Hopefully for the better.