• Published 30th May 2020
  • 1,699 Views, 14 Comments

Sonic & Friends in Equestria Girls - Taionia05

Twilight and friends set off to retrieve her crown from a alternate world

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Chapter 10: The Winner Is

As the Fall Formal was starting to begin, the students were walking inside the building, but as they were about to walk inside, a blinding green flash appeared and soon to died out to reveal the group as they student looked in shocked to see something that is very unusual, but amazing happened.

"Welp, looks like we’re here.” Mighty said casually as Rainbow Dash bumped his shoulder to get him to notice the other students looking at them. As the red armadillo looked, he realized that this was new and unusual to them.

“I guess we made a dramatic entrance for ourselves.” Rainbow Dash said.

As they were about to walk inside, a car pulled up and the driver was Flash Sentry himself as Rarity, Charmy, and Vector were surprised to see a student that can afford a expensive car at high school.

“Is that guy rich or something!” Vector yelled

“How did he make so much money.” Charmy gushed as he flew around the car, making Flash smile as he walked over to Twilight and her friends.

When Flash walked up to them, Flash took out his hand from his pocket and said, “I know you said “no” and I wasn’t so sure if I can ask you because I haven’t been this cool guy you expected me to be. So do you want to dance with just this once. he said worriedly.

Knuckles put his hand on Twilight shoulder and said, “Look and to be honest, but I’m not the type of person to be encouraging like Sonic, but we, no, you made it this far and we helped each other get to where we are.” the red echidna spoke as Twilight remembered that she has supporting friends by her side.

“I didn't say "no"! I mean, I did, but... I didn't mean no, to you. I was... Well, what I mean is... yes. I'd love to dance with you!” Twilight as the two began holding hand as some of the girls awed.

Sonic dashed up to Flash and said, “Told you she needed to think about it.” As they walked towards the door, Flash accidentally crashes through the door as Twilight helped get inside without sustaining more damage to his face.

When Sonic looked to his side to see Amy holding her hand out and asked, “May I have this dance?”

Sonic got slightly annoyed, but since it was a dance, he agreed as the two hedgehogs hold hand until Pinkie said, “I think people would ship them?”

Knuckles laughed at Sonic until Rouge made him start blushing as she grabbed Knuckles’ hand as they started walking as Knuckles tried to yank his hand away, the bat girl always hold his hand while his back was turned.

During the Formal Fall, all the students danced on the dance floor as Flash and the Chaotix played their music the group were also dance except Twilight, who was dancing, but looked around and asked Rainbow Dash about Sunset Shimmer.

“Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!” Rainbow Dash said.

“And she also have to realize that all of her mean plans didn’t work as she thought they did.” Cream added which made Twilight a little worried.

“I guess so.” Twilight said to herself

As they continued to dance, Principal Celestia walked up the stage as a student named Mirco Chips, turned the music down to silent as the band walked off stage as Vector gave the principal the microphone so she can give out an announcement.

“First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown.” Principal Celestia said as her sister walked up stage with a box in her hand. “The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is... Twilight Sparkle!” The students cheered that Twilight Sparkle won and not Sunset Shimmer as a undetected Snips and Snails walked in and sneaked towards Spike and Cheese. “Congratulations, Twilight Sparkle.”Principal Celestia said as she put the crown on Twilight head.

“TWILIGHT HELP, CHEESE AND SPIKE ARE MISSING. THEY WERE TAKEN BY SNIPS AND SNAILS!” Cream cried as Amy tried to calm her down as when they saw Snips and Snails walking out the doors with Cheese and Spike as the group chased them to front building to see Sunset Shimmer with a Sledgehammer as the group stopped as Sunset told them to stop.

“Twilight, help us!” Spike yelled, but his mouth was covered by Snails.

“You better not lay a single scratch on Cheese you...you...Bacon Head bully!” Cream yelled as everyone went silent as Sunset growled, but kept her cool.

“Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Cream.” Sunset said to the rabbit as she turned to her lackeys. “Let them go.” Sunset commanded as they let go of Spike and Cheese as Twilight picked up Spike as Cream, Amy, and Fluttershy hugged the crying Chao as he was also hugging the girls. Sunset look at Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy and said, “The five don't belong here. Give me the crown and the emeralds, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home.

Twilight and the other were shock that Sunset know about the Chaos Emeralds until Twilight asked, “How do you know about the Chaos Emeralds?!”

“Because of that blue robot.” Sunset said as she was referring to Metal Sonic himself. Suddenly Metal Sonic appears and stand beside Sunset Shimmer. “Tick-tock. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what's your answer?”

Twilight was in a very tough spot to go back home, but Sunset will keep the crown and emeralds for another thirty-moons or not giving Sunset the crown and emerald, but stay her for another thirty-moons.

“Heck no!” Sonic yelled, prompting a really confused response from Sunset. “We would rather stay here with our new friends than giving you two the emeralds and crown!”

“Sonic’s right. We would stay here than let you destroy Equestria because even if I’m gone, Equestria will find a way to protect itself without my magic!” Twilight said as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy agreed. Sunset gave up and threw the hammer backwards as it almost hit Snips and Snails.

“That...was...amazing!” Rainbow Dash yelled

“You’re willing to do this for us.” Mighty asked Sonic and Knuckles.

“It’s no wonder why you’re a real live princess. Rarity said.

As Twilight’s friends thanked her for staying here than to give up to Sunset, making her more and more annoyed and she snapped saying, “Oh, yes, she's so veryspecial!” Sunset Shimmer tackled her on the ground as the crown fall off her head as Rouge picked up the crown. Sunset turns to Metal Sonic, Snips, and Snails yelling, “Get her you fools!”

Rouge ran away from Snips and Snails, but Sunset pushes them out of the way. Rouge flew above Sunset and nearly dodged Metal Sonic and passed the crown to Applejack. The cowgirl caught it, but Snips and Snails tried to take it from her as she fended them off and passed it to Rarity. Rarity tried to catch it, but Metal Sonic flew by, and snatched it, but before he could do anything, Knuckles uppercut the robot and tossed it to Charmy, Snips took it, Pinkie grabbed it from his hands and passed it to Spike, then Cream, then Twilight, Vector, and Espio as he tossed it to Cheese as Snips failed to grab it. Cheese got really excited, but got hit by Metal Sonic and was caught by Cream as Metal also knocked out the emeralds out of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles.

“Thank You Metal. Sunset said while looking at the crown and emerald, but she didn’t notice that they turned black and glowed purple. “At last! More power than I could ever imagine!” As Sunset used the crown’s magic and emeralds power, along with Metal, they were surrounded by a electric wave and Suddenly, Sunset and Metal was floating in the air as thunder rumbled. The Heroes looked on as Snips and Snails were amazed.

Author's Note:

Remember when I said that Metal was going to be important, no, you guys knew it was going to happen, well anyway Sunset and Metal use the crown’s power and the Chaos Emeralds power to transform and become even more powerful.

Also I wanted to make Flash good (I don’t hate him), but I couldn’t since he isn’t interesting for others.