• Published 30th May 2020
  • 1,700 Views, 14 Comments

Sonic & Friends in Equestria Girls - Taionia05

Twilight and friends set off to retrieve her crown from a alternate world

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Chapter 2: The Stolen Crown

As the speedster ran, they were neck-to-neck at speed, not using their full speed to hurt anyone around them.

“I see you gotten a little faster Sonic.” Rainbow Dash said to Sonic. “But I’m faster!”

“We’ll see about that, Rainbow Dash.” Sonic said as he turned his feet into the figure 8 motion and they blasted off even faster, leaving behind a trail.

The two made it to the castle at the same time and were greeted by a guard who had a blue mane and a orange coat and his cutie mark was a blue shield with a lightning bolt in front of it.

“Hello there Rainbow Dash and...Sonic the Hedgehog?! What are you doing here?” The guard ask in confusion see Sonic right in front of him.

“Me, oh I’m here to see one of my best friends become a princess and me and friends couldn’t miss it.” Sonic told the guard. “So, what’s your name anyway.”

“Oh, right I forgot to tell you. My name is Flash Sentry.” The guard to him.”

“Flash Sentry huh, that’s a pretty cool name.” Sonic said to Flash.

All of a sudden, the 3 of them heard Knuckles and Applejack and saw them running towards Sonic and RD for their hats.

“SONIC, RAINBOW DASH! GIVE US OUR HATS BACK RIGHT NOW!” Knuckles and Applejack said with loud, booming which caused Sonic and Rainbow to his inside the castle.

Before they could hide, they met the 3 Alicorn Princesses, who gave the two a suspicious look.

“Why hello there Sonic and Rainbow Dash, what’s with the new hat? Princess Celestia asked.

“Oh these, we got them from our friends.” Rainbow Dash said as the two of them gave Princess Celestia a sheepishly smile. But then, the doors busted open and it was Knuckles and Applejack bursting through it.

“So you guys were looking for these...right” Sonic said as he and Rainbow Dash took off the hats and gave it back to Knuckles and AJ, but not before Knuckles hits Sonic on the top of his head and AJ kicking Rainbow Dash.

“Well that was um, a weird greeting I suppose.” Princess Cadence said with a awkward smile.

Outside the Castle, the other were greeted by Flash Sentry, followed by a trumpet fanfare.

“Her highness, here is Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Flash said.

“Twilight! It’s been so long since I seen you at coronation!” Princess Cadence said to Twilight.

“We can discuss this later, you all look really tired getting here. Everypony should go to bed right now.”

As everypony went back to their respective homes, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Twilight, and Spike went to sleep at the Crystal Empire. The guards were patrolling the hallway, making sure no one is allowed inside.

Meanwhile in Twilight’s room the 6 of them were talking to each about tomorrow and seeing what Sonic and the other missed while they were gone. Tails and Twilight were reading books and talked about interesting things they learned, Knuckles took out the Chaos Emeralds so that Eggman wouldn’t steal them and show and explained them to Spike. Sonic was taking a nap, it wasn’t for long until Amy showed up.

“Amy, what now.” Sonic said in a slightly annoyed tone.

“Sonic, have you noticed something off about Twilight?” Amy ask Sonic in a worried tone.

“Well now that you mentioned it, I guess so?” Sonic said as he got and ask Amy a question. “Hey Amy, do you think you can talk to Twilight, I’ll be taking a little nap.” Sonic went back to sleep, causing Amy’s face to puff up in bitterness.

“Alright then, I’ll talk to Twilight, she looks like she needs someone to talk about to.” As Amy was walking up to Twilight, Sonic went back to resume his little nap.

“Hey Twilight is everything ok for you, it seems like you aren’t yourself right now. Amy asked in a concerned manner and Twilight responded with a sigh.

“Actually no, I haven’t been myself lately Amy.” Twilight said “You see, Princess Celestia and Luna control the sun and moon, Cadence has the Crystal Empire, and then there’s me. Princess Celestia expects me to lead a entire kingdom on my own and I don’t think I should deserve the crown.

Amy knows what Twilight is going through, but she always kept a optimistic mood and always keep a positive attitude and always been a good friends to the ones close to her like Sonic.

“Listen to me Twilight, it might be a lot of pressure to being a princess and control a kingdom is going to be tough, but you don’t have to think about the negatives, you have your friends, us, and even Spike, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself and you really do deserve the crown Twilight” Amy said as Twilight realize that she has friends by her side and they support her for many adventures.

“Thanks Amy, no wonder why your good with and Sonic and the other.” Twilight said which caused Amy face to become completely red.

“O-Oh w-well i-it was n-nothing...” Amy shyly said “Now like Princess Celestia said, we all need to sleep for tomorrow ok.”

“Ok then Amy” Twilight responded

While the guards were roaming in the corridors, a mysterious pony was sneaking through the hallway until it reached the room Twilight was sleeping in. Once it got inside the room, the mysterious pony took out a fake crown that looks identical to the real one. It swap the crowns, but dropped the real one which woken up Twilight who saw the hooded figure.

“My crown!” Twilight yelled then chased the hooded figure downstairs, but not before waking up her friends.

Once Twilight caught up to the pony, she saw a mirror and the mysterious pony revealed it face and it was a female unicorn with a crimson mane and a brilliant amber skin tone.

“What do you want with her crown!” Knuckles said in a demanding tone.

“Sorry it has to be this way Princess, but I gotta go, see ya.” the mysterious pony said before she left,

“Who was that?” Twilight asked herself

“Sunset Shimmer. A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown.” Princess Celestia explained.

“But why would she steal the crown anyway?” Tails asked.

“Mostly likely to use it powers for evil.” Princess Luna said.

“Just like the Chaos Emeralds!” Sonic said as he pulled a green emerald and showed it to everyone/everypony.

“What do you mean Sonic, how is Twilight’s crown similar to a Chaos Emeralds?” Princess Cadence asked.

“Well, I heard about it once before but, in the past, my kind used the Chaos Emeralds’ power for evil like power, greed, and even corruption. That why I’m the only one in my tribe and that all I know.” Knuckles explained.

“Thanks for the explanation, but where did she go, and all that left is a mirror?” Twilight said.

“That isn’t a ordinary mirror, it’s a mirror that leads to a new dimension I haven’t seen before that came from the the Crystal Empire after the Canterlot Wedding.” Princess Celestia said.

“Twilight, you need to get the crown back from Sunset before anything else gets worse.” Princess Cadence asked.

“Ok then, but Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, I’m going to need your help, I don’t think Sunse-“ Twilight was interrupted by Sonic, who jumped in first, after waiting for a new adventure, then Tails, Twilight, Knuckles, and Amy follow behind him. Spike grew worried and followed them as the Mane 5 tried to stop him, it was too late. As they were inside the mirror, they went through a gateway to the dimension, Sunset escaped to.

Author's Note:

Welp looks like our 6 heroes are going to have to chase Sunset in order to get Twilight’s crown back in a new dimension that they never been to and was a mystery of what could be on the other side.