• Published 30th May 2020
  • 1,700 Views, 14 Comments

Sonic & Friends in Equestria Girls - Taionia05

Twilight and friends set off to retrieve her crown from a alternate world

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Chapter 4: More Familiar Faces

As Twilight and her friends were walking down the hallway to Principal Celestia office. Sonic asked Tails, Knuckles, and Amy do they have a chaos emerald with as each of them pulled out 2 Chaos Emeralds as Sonic had one Chaos Emerald. The Emeralds filled Twilight and Spike with awe from first seeing these gems right in-front of their eyes.

“Oh my goodness...” Twilight stops to look as her eyes sparkled from one of the emeralds pulsating glow, but the look of the emerald caused her to not notice Spike sneak out of her bag to get a closer look.

Twilight reaction grabbed the attention of Sonic and friends. “Um...are you alright Twi?” Sonic asked, but Twilight didn’t answer as she continued to look at the emerald in their hands.

Amy snapped her fingers close to Twilight’s face, which worked to get her back to reality.

“You were like you where in some kind of weird pocket dimension for a tiny bit Twilight.” Tails told Twilight, then asked what was going on with her.

“It’s those gems you four have on your ‘hands’, just what in the world are those things.” Twilight shortly explained as she almost got mesmerized by the emeralds again before she got herself back to her senses.

“Well no one really knows where they came from or what they can truly do and from what I’ve studied, they can be used for either for the goodness for everyone or for corrupt power and Knuckles knows a little more about these things than I do.” Tails explain to Twilight as Knuckles was about to speak.

Knuckles added to Tails’ explanation by saying, “The Chaos Emeralds were created by the Echidna Tribe, my ancestors and from I can learn is that they used the emeralds too, but I don’t know more about it.” The red echidna told the backstory of the emeralds and started to tell Twilight even more things about them. “The Chaos Emeralds, like Tails said, were used for both good or evil. We used them for good, but others use them for malicious intent like Dr. Robotnik and he always wants his hands on them. One emerald is good by themselves, but with all seven Chaos Emeralds, they’re at their best and Sonic can use all 7 of them to transform in Super Sonic and I can also use them to become Super Knuckles. Tails and Amy can’t transform for some reason?” Knuckles explained before Amy interrupted him.

“What are you talking?! I can transform!” Amy raised her voice at Knuckles.

“Well okay, then try.” Knuckles provoked the pink hedgehog as she grabbed the seven emeralds and began to transform as the floated up to her waist, but Spike snatched one of the emeralds and gave it one big look at he was about to eat it, but Sonic took it away from just being something bad happened.

“Woah there lil’ buddy, these things aren’t a snack you know. We’re gonna need these things since they helped us before.” Sonic told Spike as he gave him a pat on the head.

“Sorry, but they look super tasty and probably taste good too!” Spike defended himself to justify his action.

“Spike you aren’t a dragon remember.” Twilight told her assistant as he looked embarrassed and jumped back into Twilight’s bag.

“Should’ve realized.” Spike chuckled as Twilight rubbed his head and zipped up the backpack, but left a tiny opening for Spike to get himself out and get some air.

As they were leaving to the principal’s office, Sunset Shimmer was watching for the background gave them a sinister smile as they walked off and so did the crimson hair bully too as she headed in a different directions, but not before saying to herself, “Those pretty gems won’t be their for much longer.”

At the door, Twilight started to knock on the door, then they a voice saying “Come in.” Amy opened the door as Sonic, Twilight and the others walked inside to see a woman looking at a folder.

Tails spoke up and asked, “Are you the principal of this school?”

“Why yes I’m.” the woman said without looking up, but she looked at them and was surprised. “I haven’t seen the five of you before, have you transferred here from another school?”

Twilight and the other looked at her as she looked like Princess Celestia. Amy told her that they did transfer from another school.

“So tell me, what are your names?” Principal Celestia asked as Twilight and the others introduced themselves. “I’m great to have more students as CHS, especially Mobians.”

This made Twilight and the others confused from her that statement.

“What do you mean more ‘Mobians’?” Sonic asked.

Principal Celestia simply responded by saying, “We don’t have many Mobians at our school because most of them are at different school.”

This made Twilight more curious and asked, “What are these other schools I may ask?”

“There is one school called Crystal Prep, it’s our rivalry school,” Principal Celestia answered.

“We came here to ask, have someone gave you a crown that has a purple sparkle on top?” Amy asked

“Why I do, but my sister: Vice Principal Luna and I had hidden it to make sure that no one can steal it.” Principal Celestia said which made Twilight look disappointed, but she quickly asked her another question.

“So is there anyway I can get that crown.”

“Yes there is,” Principal Celestia said then made a follow up statement. If you want that crown, you can participate and become Princess of Formal Fall.”

Twilight tried to tell her, but end her sentence by asking about being a Princess of the Formal Fall.

“Is it like some kind of a big event?” Knuckles asked as Principal Celestia nodded her head.

“True, in order to become Princess, you must have everyone convinced to vote for you and it’s not going to be easy.” she said as she got up from her seat and went up to the calendar while Twilight and the other say 3 photos of Sunset Shimmer as Princess of Formal Fall as the pictures showed how Sunset become what she is now, a heartless bully that makes every student near her not to get on her bad side.

“Hey Principal Celestia, can Twilight run for Princess of the Formal Fall?” Sonic asked, which made Twilight more nervous.

“Yes she can, I’ll just have the let the head of the Formal Fall know,” Principal Celestia said. “Is there anything else you want to ask?”

“No ma’am, that’s all we need.” Tails said as they left the office.

As they left the room, Spike popped out and asked the 5 heroes why they didn’t tell the truth.

“It’s because we might sound like we aren’t nice people and if that was so, we might not leave a first good impression.” Tails stated.

“Tails is right Spike and also, if we told her that one of them showed up from a world filled with magical talking ponies.” Twilight told Spike.

“That is true.” Spike admitted

“If I’m going to become Princess of Canterlot School High Formal Fall, I got whatever it takes!” Twilight said in a determined tone.

“And how are you going to plan on doing that?” Spike asked.

“I have no idea.” Twilight said which caused her friends to facepalm themselves.

Shortly after, the 6 of them heard the school bell ring and they when through the double doors which lead to the cafeteria. They looked around and saw Fluttershy and Cream and Cheese getting their food as Twilight and the others walked towards them as Tails was flying with them.

“Woah Tails, you can fly, how is that possible?” Cream asked as Fluttershy was surprised to see him fly.

“Well you see, I have two tails as you can.” Tails said as Cream And Fluttershy look at his tails, twirling like a helicopter. I was born with them and people made fun of me because of it.”

“Oh no, that’s a horrible thing for someone to do.” Fluttershy said in a concerned tone.

“Don’t you mean everypo-!” Twilight was interrupted by Spike, who hit her because they’re humans, not ponies.

“I’m sorry, what was that you just said?” Fluttershy asked as her and Cream looked confused.

“She meant to say everyone, but she sometimes mixed up her word without even knowing...” Amy said with a sheepish laugh.

“We also want to tell you that Twilight is participating in becoming Princess of the Formal Fall.” Knuckles said, which caused Cream to accidentally spill her drink on Sonic.

“I’m so sorry Mr. Sonic, I didn’t mean to do that because...well...” Cream said in a apologetic tone as Cheese grabbed some napkins and wipe off the juice on Sonic. “...no one ever voted against Sunset Shimmer.”

As the group was walking to the table, Amy and Twilight noticed that many people were eating in different groups.

“Hey Fluttershy, why aren’t people sitting next to each other?” Amy asked

“Everyone stick to their own kind like the athletes, fashionistas, techies, eco-kids, drama kids, and the rockers.” Fluttershy explained to them. “One thing they have in common, is that Sunset will rule this school until graduation.”

“Well I believe that this whole ‘Sunset ruling the school’ is going to end!” Sonic said as Fluttershy, Cream, and Cheese look confused with Cheese showing a question mark above his head.

“Sonic, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Fluttershy told him.

“When Sunset Shimmer wants something, she gets it and there’s nothing we can do.” Cream also said. “ One time, a girl voted against Sunset and it didn’t turn out great.”

“Well we have to try, so where can we find the head of the Formal Fall?” Twilight asked the two.

“Chao, chao, chao.” Cheese said

“Cheese said from here, take a left and, go right and you’ll find the gym.” Cream said as the 5 of them left the cafeteria after they said their thank you to Fluttershy, Cream, and Cheese.

“You guys can go see the head of the Formal Fall while I check out this school even more.” Sonic said as he walked off while Amy followed him.

“Welp they’re gone.” Knuckles said as he shook his head. “Tails. Twilight. Let’s go see where you can participate.”

In the hallway, Knuckles, Tails, and Twilight made it to a double door. As they opened the doors that led to the gym, Knuckles, Tails, and Twilight heard a buzzing noise in the gym.

“Incoming!” the voice said before he crashed into Knuckles, Tails, and Twilight. And they go up to see a balloon right in front of them.

“Woah, is it me or does the guys look familiar?” the hyperactive voice said.

“Hm, maybe.” the cheery voice said to the bee.

When they got back up, they saw a flying bee who was wearing a helmet that had the same colors of a bee, a bee emblem, and even antennas that looked like a bee. They looked at the girl who had curly pink hair, a short sleeve shirt, pink skin, and pink dress that had balloons on the side.

“Hey guys my name is Twilight Sparkle and...Pinkie Pie?” Twilight said, confused.

“You know my name, (sharp gasp) are you psychic ?!” Pinkie Pie asked in a excited look on her face.

Twilight let out a smile and said, “Not exactly, but can you do something like that?”

Unfortunately, Pinkie isn’t psychic and let out a sigh.

“My name is Charmy the Bee, so what are you guys here for?” the bee said.

“We’re hear because Fluttershy said this is where the head of the Formal Fall was.” Tails told them.

“Don’t let the whole ‘shy’ thing get to ya, she’s a big meanie once you really know her.” Pinkie Pie said as this left the Knuckles, Tails, and Twilight dumbfounded to hear this.

“What do you mean you guys aren’t friends?!” Knuckles asked.

“Pinkie told me that it happened a long time ago, long-story short, Fluttershy might did something to Pinkie.” Charmy said.

“CHARMY, WHAT DID YOU DO!” A loud voice said.

“Hey I’m sorry Vector, you know how this is going to be the best Formal Fall ever, right.” Charmy told the voice as the name ‘Vector’ made Knuckles more curious.

They saw a big green crocodile with headphones, and gold chain around his neck, orange spike that goes from the back of his head to his tail, white gloves with a black wrist strap with a gold buckle, and black shoes. Right next him was Espio the Chameleon, a purple chameleon with a yellow horn between his gold eyes and a ridge of three black scales down his spine and a coiled tail. He wears dark purple and black shoes with elaborate cuffs, white gloves with a purple back, and studded bands around his wrists and ankles.

“Charmy, you know that the Formal Fall is going to be the same right?” Espio said. “Every Formal Fall, Sunset has been Princess and there’s no doubt about it.”

“Well that changing because there’s a new person going against her now!” Charmy said which made Vector and Espio look at each other confused.

“What are you talking about Charmy?” Vector asked as Charmy pointed at Twilight.

“You’re saying that this girl is challenging Sunset, that’s takes a lot of encouragement to do so.” Espio stated.

“Well I’m not afraid of Sunset and I’m not going to let people have their school year ruined!” Twilight said with determination.

“That is really nice for someone to stand against her.” Vector said. “It’s nice to meet you, my name Vector the Crocodile and this is Espio and Charmy and we’re ‘The Chaotix!’, a detective club, but we’re short because of a certain red Armadillo.” Hearing the name

“Hi guys, my name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Knuckles and Tails.” Twilight said as they greeted each other.

“Anyhoo, just sign your name right here.” Pinkie said as she pointed to her where to sign. Twilight picked up the pen with her mouth and she thought she signed it, only to show scribble over it.

“Wow, you have terrible handwriting you know.” Pinkie said nonchalantly, the the gym doors opened and say a cowgirl and her brother right beside her and next to him was a armadillo wearing fingerless gloves, brown shoes with black shoelaces, and belt looking wrist strap.

“Did anyone order fizzy apple cider?” the cowgirl said.

“We did!” both Charmy and Pinkie Pie said.

“Alright-y then, hey Big Mac, Mighty, can ya move the rest of them.” the cowgirl said.

“Eeyup” Big Mac said.

“Yes ma’am” Mighty said as him and Big Mac to the boxes to the table.

“Hey there AJ!” Knuckles said as he waved his hand to her, then she walked up to the Knuckles and the others.

“How did ya know ma’ name?” Applejack asked, but dropped the question she was going to ask him. “Hey I know you three!”

This made Knuckles, Tails, and Twilight worried as Knuckles asked, “You do?!” He asked her.

“Yeah, you three and your two other friends confronted Sunset like it was nothing!” Mighty said as he and Applejack used fake voice of how they confronted Sunset Shimmer.

“Maybe we might have a chance to go against Sunset because Twilight is going against her.” Espio said.

“You better watch out for her, she might act nice to you before she stabs you right in the back.” Mighty told Twilight.

“She one of the student not to be trusted like, for example: Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said.

“Rainbow Dash, you mean the girl that has rainbow hair?” Tails asked.

“Yeah and she also the captain of every single sports team.” Pinkie Pie said.

“And also bein’ the captain of sayin’ she and her sports are goin’ to show up, and then makin’ a fool out of ya’!” Applejack stated.

“Well thanks for the advice there Applejack, see you guys around.” Twilight said as she left the gym.

“Hey Knuckles, is it, have we met before?” Mighty asked as Espio, Charmy, and Vector asked him as well.

“I guess so?” Knuckles said, then suddenly Sunset Shimmer came in with two boys alongside.

“Why are these streamers on the floor, they should be on the ceiling and also less balloons!” Sunset said as she yelled at Charmy and popped a ballon in front of Pinkie as Snip and Snails tried, but failed embarrassingly. Charmy accidentally popped a balloon in Sunset’s face, messing up her hair as she quickly fixed it up and yelled at the bee again, causing him regret what he did.

“What are you yelling at him for, it was an accident, not on purpose lady!” Vector angrily said to her as Sunset ignored him.

“Ugh, fizzy apple cider, no one wants this at my coronation, and it not going to look a dumb reunion!” Sunset yelled as she threw a bottle away, causing it to break.

“Would you at least try not be this rude, we worked hard making those.” Mighty said to her.

“And you country folk aren’t the smartest anyway.” Sunset taunted as she covered Applejack eyes with her own hat, making her face turn red in anger and Mighty eyes were in flames. “Well since this is my coronation, no one will oppose will and I’ll win again.”

Before she left, she heard Tails voice saying, “No you won’t because Twilight is going to beat you for sure!” she turned around and snatched the clipboard and saw Twilight’s handwriting and mad that she didn’t noticed sooner.

“Are you kidding?” Sunset said

“I know, she has some sloppy writing skills.” Charmy said.

“Me too!” Pinkie said to Charmy.

Sunset got friendly to the others and said, “I love to see some friendly competition.” she said with a fake smile.

Meanwhile, Twilight was walking down the hallway and saw a section where the lights were flickering and behind her was Sunset.

“So it was you huh, should’ve known that Princess Celestia would send her star pupil and her animal friends.” Sunset mockingly said to Twilight and Spike.

“One: it’s my crown and Two: you do not talk about my friends, even Tails!” Twilight said, aggressively.

“Why, do you have a crush on him or something?” Sunset asked, with made Twilight blush a little.

“No, he just someone I can feel that we can be best friends with along with Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and my pony friends!” Twilight said to her.

Well whatever, it just a minor setback, that’s all, but one more thing.” Sunset said and told Twilight, “Do you know what happens when you bring a Element of Harmony to a different?”

Twilight was silent and couldn’t think of a answer.

“You don’t know, Seriously, why are you even Celestia’s star pupil if you don’t even know.” Sunset said, followed up by her laughing. “Thinking about, what are the chances of her finding a student to put under her wings that is smart as me.”Spike growled at her, but she mocked him then said, “And keep a eye on that mutt, and word of advice, you wouldn’t want him taken away from you.”

“Is that a threat or something?!” Spike said

“Of course not.” Sunset simply answered as Spike barked at her. “Well I were you, my best option is to drop out if you’re saying you can be a Princess, you don’t know a single thing about this place!”

“It’s not going to stop me, I’ll just learn eventually, I’ll become the Princess.” Twilight say before Sunset walked off.

Sunset walked to the gym when suddenly, Snips and Snails were tied up with streamer and a balloon saying, “Here's a gift for you, try finding better lackey. - Signed by Knuckles, Tails, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Espio, Charmy, Vector, and Mighty. P.S., we’re on Team Twilight.”

“Those guys aren’t messing around.” Snips said.

“Yeah, especially that red guy.” Snails said.

“Which one?” Snips said.

“The one with the cowboy hat.” Snails told Snips.

Sunset grabbed and yanked the steamers off of Snips and Snails as they spin around and crash into each other.

“Snips, I want you to keep an eye and follow Twilight.” Sunset said.

“Yes ma’am!” Snips said as he followed Twilight.

“Snails, I need you to follow two hedgehogs, one is blue and has sneakers and white gloves and the pink one with a red dress and gold rings on her wrist.” Sunset told Snails.

“You got it boss!” Snails said as he ran off to follow Sonic and Amy.

As Sonic and Amy checked the rest of the school, they heard a boy crying for help as Sonic grabbed Amy hand and dashed off to find him. Once they got there, they saw Metal Sonic, who was about to hurt a yellow squirrel who had blue goggles, a blue scarf, blue shoes, a long tail, and hair sticking up top.

“Sonic, we got to saw him from Metal Sonic!” Amy said to Sonic.

“Right!” Sonic said as he ran in front of Metal and joked to him, “Hey Metal me, try finding someone that looks like you, oh wait, it’s me!”

Sonic and Metal Sonic stated to throw punches at each other as Amy helped the squirrel up and moved him away from the fight.

“You should go, it’s too dangerous for you.” Amy told him as she pulled her hammer out of nowhere.

“Please, let me help, I tried to fight him but he’s too fast, so the three of us must worked together to beat him!” the squirrel said as Amy saw the determination in his eyes.

“Well okay, if you say so.” Amy replied as they helped Sonic defeat his metal counterpart.

Amy swinged her hammer at Metal, but he dodged all of her attacks at the last minute, making her angry while the squirrel began flying above Metal to distract him, which gave Sonic a opportunity to hit him with his lightspeed dash. As Sonic was charging his spindash, light spheres began swarming him, after four seconds, his whole body was encased in a light blue aura. When he used it, Metal Sonic took notice and dodged it and used a counterattack by kick him to the lockers.

“Shoot, you’re tough, but this isn’t over yet Metal.” Sonic said to Metal Sonic.

Sonic, Amy, and the squirrel stand next to each other and discussed a plan to take out Metal Sonic. After they’re were done talking, Sonic and the squirrel jumped in the air, turning in a ball as Amy knocked the two at high speeds at Metal Sonic, who couldn’t react in time to dodge their attack. After a few hits on Metal Sonic, the squirrel axe kicked him into a trash can.

“Woah kid, that was some pretty cool stuff right there if you ask me.” Sonic complimented to the squirrel.

“Hey I helped too you know!” Amy shouted at Sonic as all he could give to her was a sheepish laugh.

“Thanks, so I haven’t introduced myself, my name is Ray, Ray the Flying Squirrel!” the squirrel told the two hedgehogs with a smile.

“That’s a nice you got there Ray.” Amy told Ray.

“Thank you two for helping me stopping that Metal Sonic robot.” Ray said

“No problem.” Sonic simply said as they walked away, not knowing that Snails recorded the whole fight.

Later, robot noises began coming out of Metal Sonic until he got back to his sense and said, “Destroy. Sonic The Hedgehog. Primary Objective!

Author's Note:

So after our heroes meet some friendly and unfriendly face and this isn’t the end for Metal Sonic