• Published 30th May 2020
  • 1,700 Views, 14 Comments

Sonic & Friends in Equestria Girls - Taionia05

Twilight and friends set off to retrieve her crown from a alternate world

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Chapter 3: A Strange New World

After the 6 heroes went through the mirror, Spike was the first to wake up an saw himself in the mirror as a dog, which caused to immediately panic and didn’t notice that some people saw him acting crazy.

“H-How did this happen?!” Spike asked himself as he now looked a dog now. “Why are ears look so different? My mouth is also different too, and what the heck is this thing in my neck!” Spike asked many of these to himself before he heard Twilight moaning and when he looked behind him, he saw Twilight in a new body and silently freaked out by it.

“Is that really Twilight? What the heck is she supposed to be, and why do Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy looked the same, but different?” Spike asked himself as he near his unconscious friend

"Spike, you aren't suppose to-Spike?" Twilight said, then she look towards Sonic and the other and turn to Spike. "Are you a dog?"

"Dog?" Spike questioned as looked at his body and he was a dog and answered her question. "I think so, but I have no idea what you are?" Spike said as he told Twilight who looked at her hooves, or so she thought.

She then screamed loud enough make Sonic and the other wake up and regain consciousness before she covered her mouth.

"Twilight are you okay, you sound like something bad happen to you? Tails asked Twilight as he was surprised to see Twilight in a weird form. "I-Is th-that y-you T-Twilight?

Soon the other were confused to see Twilight's new appearance, as well as Spikes who looked like a dog. Twilight was still freaking out that she had hands, shoes, and even fingers until Spike told her to keep it cool. Twilight kept her cool and turned to Sonic and said in a jealous tone.

"At least you guys look normal."

Yes, they did kept their Mobian appearance, but they had longer limbs and had colored eyes which caused Sonic to become center of attention.

"S-Sonic your eyes?!" Amy said which made him confused.

Sonic was confused at what she just said. "What's wrong with my eyes Amy?" "AND WHY ARE OUR ARMS AND LEGS LONGER?!" Sonic said in a panicked tone, but quickly calmed.

"Spike, what does the rest of me look like?" Twilight as Spike who examined her body.

"Well you're you, only not you, and I think your mussel gotten smaller? Spike said

"MY MUSSEL?! Twilight said as she touched her nose and almost freaked out and screamed, but Knuckles cover her mouth.

"Are you going to scream again?" Knuckles asked and Twilight shook her head as Knuckles moved his hand away from her mouth.

They look around and found themselves in front of a horse statue, distance away from it was a golden horseshoe on a block surrounded by bushes, and what appears to be people walking on grey blocks going in 4 directions.

"Where are we" Spike asked

"I don't know, that must have served as a gateway through Equestria." Twilight said as she put her hand on the through the glass which showed her hoof, much to her surprise.

"Well we aren't just gonna stand here and do nothing, lets go find your crown and return it back to Equestria!" Sonic said with a determined as he zipped off into a blue streak and came back. "Hey I didn't lose my powers!"

When he found out, he began circling around the building at high speeds, Tails flew high in the sky, Knuckles lifted up the golden horseshoe with ease and Amy was able to catch up with Sonic's speed. They came back to where Twilight was.

"Ok then, since you guys didn't change and didn't lose you powers, I say we should the castle for clues." Twilight said

"Works for me." Spike said as Sonic, Knuckles, Amy walked while Tails was flying, Twilight was galloping while Spike was on her back and it didn't take long for a guy and his dog giving her strange looks.

"Maybe you should walk like us for now on Twilight..." Amy said with a sheepish smile as she help Twilight get in like Sonic and his friends. The dog looks at its owner and got excited, but the owner pointed straight, which caused the dog to get upset while the owner didn't care as they walked on.

When Twilight was trying to stand up, she had trouble standing and walking weird as her body was rocking back and forth.

"Come on guys, I do not want to stay like this for long than I have to." Twilight say as she was still having trouble walking up stair.

"Well look on the bright side, at least you don't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore." Spike said as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy looked at him, dumbfounded while Twilight gave Spike a irritated look as Spike gave her a sheepish smile.

Twilight got to the doors and she walked in front it, thinking that she could use her magic to open it. She was trying hard to open it, but realized that her magic isn't working.

"Most likely because you don't have your horn on your head, Twilight." Sonic said as Twilight was freaking out a little, pulling her hair as Sonic opened the door for the others.

"Ladies first." Sonic said

"I never realized you were a really kind gentlemen." Amy said as she winked at Sonic, who he rolled his eyes.

When they walked inside, they saw poster blue with two horses on each side, a golden horseshoes in the middle and two lighting bolts. Below them were things that were encased by glass.

"I think we're in some kind of school?" Tails said.

"How do you know this is a school Tails, have you ever been to one? Spike asked.

"No because I was home-school since people bullied me and the reason I know it's a school is because there are locker and flags. Tails said as he pointed towards the flags, banners, and lockers. Twilight looked around to see objects behind glass.

"So guys, what do you think these are artifacts Sunset stolen from Equestria? Twilight said, as she was looking through the glass, she saw her own reflection. "What am I?" she said as she was looking at herself from different poses. Sonic was thinking and asked.

"What would Eggman look like if he was here?" they all thought what Eggman would look like and it wasn't anything to make fun of or laugh at.

"If I would have to guess...a nightmare..." Knuckles replied

Suddenly, they heard a ringing bell and then people and animals like Sonic were walking out of the door and talking to each other, surrounding the 6 of them, but lucky for Tails, he could fly while Sonic and the other couldn't. Eventually they made it out of the crowd as Twilight hit a boy's leg as he was reaching for his locker. He had on blue jeans, a jacket, light skin, and blue hair.

"Whoa, are you guys ok?" the teenage boy asked as he helped Twilight and the other get up from the floor

"Yeah, I guess so." Sonic replied

Sonic was in his mind and thought to himself, ("He looks familiar, but I don't quiet understand why?") but before he couldn't ask, the boy left into the direction where the crowd was.

"Tails' right, this isn't a castle." Spike said.

Song: "This Strange World"


[Twilight Sparkle]

I've never see a place
That's quite like this
Everything is turned around
This crazy world is upside-down

As Twilight and the other were walking down the hallway, Twilight was nervously looked side-to-side, then turned to Spike, but then lost her balance and fall down on the floor.

Getting on my feet
It's the hand that I was dealt
But I don't have much time with them
Got to learn all that I can

Twilight got back up and show her friends a determined look as was ready to try again. As the 6 heroes peaked behind a corner, Twilight was stunned at how many people where doing to many tricks without magic.

They don't use any magic or fly with any wings
I don't get these funny clothes, skinny legs or tiny nose
Everything's confusing when it seems so new
But I look a little closer and it starts to feel familiar too

As Twilight and the others were walking, they almost ran into a young student riding a scooter and went past them as they saw two other girls following her. When they left, the 6 heroes looked at each other with a raised eyebrow

What a strange new world (what a strange new world)
I'm trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world (what a strange new world
Sorting through the small details of this strange new world

When Twilight went to a restroom, she looked at herself in the, only for a teenage boy walked out of a stall and saw Twilight as he closed the door back before she could explain. She ran out of the bathroom and ran past Sonic and the other and realized that she went to the men's restroom and followed her.

What a strange new world

Twilight and the other were walking down the hallway until they heard a quiet, shy voice and another voice that was an innocent, soft voice nearby. The 6 then peaked behind a corner is listen to their conversation

"We're so sorry miss, we found it and we thought it would be right and take it to her." the soft voice said, followed by a word saying "chao." "chao."

"We didn't known you would drop it." the quiet voice said.

"Well I did and I was about get it until you three came in and ruined everything!” The teenage girl said with crimson hair, black, long sleeve jacket, and a short, orange dress. "You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you!”

"Chao!" Chao!" the floating creature said.

"Cheese said it didn't belong to you anyway." the soft voice said

"Excuse Me?!" the crimson haired girl said, making the two girls slide down to the floor whilst the shy one covered the floating creature.

"N-n-nothing..." the quiet voice said in a even quieter tone.

"That's what I thought." the crimson haired girl said as this made the 6 heroes really upset as Spike growled. "It's as good as mine, and you know it." "You two really are pathetic" "No wonder why your friends with each other, because you can’t do anything except cower.

This caused Amy to move from behind the corner and finally say, "How dare talk to them like that!" which cause the girl to turned around.

"What did you just say to me?!" the crimson haired girl said which caused the other students to be sliding on the lockers.

"You heard here, no one talks to them like that at all!" Sonic said to her as him, Amy, and Twilight walked up to the the crimson haired girls and went eye to eye. As they did, the crimson haired girl just smiled.

"It looks you three are new, I can speak to anyone, anyway I want."

"Well I believe that's going to change." Knuckles said as he and Tails moving out of the corner and she was slightly taken back, but responded.

"Don't think this will be the end." she said before she left off.

"Wow, I can't believe that you just did that?" the shy girl said

"We couldn't just stand there and let her bully you three like that." Amy said.

"The thing is, no one ever stand up against Sunset Shimmer." the bunny said.

"Sunset Shimmer?!" Twilight said as she looked at crimson haired girl before she left.

"You guys know Sunset?" the shy girl said

"Kinda." Sonic said as he shrugged his arms.

"We haven't seen you guys before, have you transferred from another school to Canterlot? the bunny said.

"Yeah, we did, my name Tails and this is Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Twilight." Tails said."So um, what's your names anyway?" Tails asked

"Fluttershy." the shy girl said in a hard to hear voice.

"What was it again?" Knuckles said

"Fluttershy." the shy girl said in a voice they can almost hear.

"Sounds like you're saying Fluttershy am I right." Twilight asked as the girl nodded.

"My name's Cream the Rabbit and this my friend Cheese, he’s a creature called Chao." the soft girl said

"Cheese sounds like a cute name for a chao there Cream." Amy said as she rubbed Cheese head., which caused Cream to let out a big smile on her face.

Fluttershy looked back at Twilight with her hair covering one of her eyes until she saw Spike and ran toward him.

"Oh my goodness, who this sweet little guy!" Fluttershy said as she asked Twilight.

"That's Spike, he's uh...my dog." Twilight said

"Oh he so cute, go on little pup, try it." Fluttershy suggested it to Spike as he took a small bite, then ate the whole. "Don't you jest want to know what they're really thinking."

"He usually just tells me." Twilight said, nonchalantly.

"What do you mean? Fluttershy asked as Spike told her to keep it subtle, but when Fluttershy turns around, he started barking.

"Oh uh...nevermind" Twilight said, but asked Fluttershy and Cream a question. "Sunset Shimmer said you three picked something up, something that belongs to her, it wasn't a crown, was it.

"Chao, Chao" Cheese said

"Cheese said how did you know?" Cream asked

"Uh, lucky guess." Twilight said. "So do you three still have with you."

Fluttershy responded by shaking her head.

"But you know happened to it, am I right" Sonic said as Fluttershy nodded her head.

"This morning Fluttershy were passing passing out flyers for the animal shelter that she give out every Wednesday." Cream said as she flashback what happened in the morning.

"Canterlot Animal Shelter needs more volunteers, won't you help a animal that can't" Fluttershy said, but no one listened to her, which made her sad, but one girl listen to her and it was Cream and Cheese and it how they first met as Cream saw her, head in her knees as she was crying.

Cream and Cheese looked at each other with a sad expression and wanted to make sure she was okay, then finally asked her. “Are you okay miss, you seem to have dropped your flyers and maybe I could help, my name is Cream the Rabbit and this my best friend Cheese..” Cream ask as she helped up Fluttershy.

Fluttershy looked at the rabbit and her Chao and worked the courage to speak. “My name is Fluttershy...” she said as they saw a crown hitting Cheese.

“Are you okay, Cheese?! Cream said, making sure that no serious injury happened. They also saw a crown with pink sparkle up front.

Fluttershy then finish the by saying that they have given it Principle Celestia which made Twilight ask her a question, “Is she like a ruler or something.”

“I think so, both she and her sister, Vice Principal Luna do make the rules.” Cream said.

Twilight had a smile on her face as they split off, but shortly after, they came to Fluttershy and Cream.

But before the 6 heroes Fluttershy told Twilight one of the rules. “You really aren’t suppose to bring animals here, only Chao are allowed and the only student to have one is Cream, so try to keep your puppy in your backpack like mine.” As she turned around, she had a bunny, a bird, and cat leaving her backpack. “They get so lonely when I’m at school all day.”

“Oh well, thank you.” Twilight said, but they heard the school bell ring, causing Fluttershy and Cream running into a different direction.

Author's Note:

It seems like they found Sunset and Fluttershy as humans and even a rabbit named Cream the Rabbit and her friend Cheese. What could Twilight and her friends find next?