• Published 21st Jun 2020
  • 4,102 Views, 127 Comments

Dragon's Mothers - TAD2

  • ...

Griffon The Brush Off

Today was like any other day, by Ponyville standards. Twilight was reading in the park, listening to Pinkie talk about Spike's last day of forced flight restrictions and, to commemorate it, Rainbow took Spike out to teach him some tricks. "Twilight, it was hoof-biting action overload! They were like stunt superstars, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down—swoosh—with Spike right behind her, and before she hit the ground—shoom, she pulled up—vrrrmmm! Then Spike pulled up—vrrrmmm, and started cutting the grass."

Twilight nodded. "Uh-huh." But she wasn't listening really.

"And then they looped around and around like whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!" As she jerked her head in every possible direction, but this made her fall onto her back.

Twilight nodded again. "Uh-huh."

Pinkie was looking up at the sky when she noticed Rainbow and Spike flying above. She gasped at seeing them, so she started to follow. Leaving Twilight alone. "Whew." Said Twilight as she went to the next page.

Up above Rainbow and Spike were flying to meet an old friend of Rainbows. "So, Mom, tell me. Who is Gilda?"

"Well, Spike, she's an old friend of mine from before we found you. I kinda lost touch with her after I moved, but I looked her up again and she's coming to visit."

"RAINBOW DASH, SPIKE!" Cried Pinkie from the ground.

They both looked down and noticed Pinkie. "Hey Mama, what's up?"

"Watch..." There was a loud thud as the pair just flew right into a mountain. "Aww, that's gotta hurt."

"It did." Said Spike as he and Rainbow slid down the side and onto the ground.

Pinkie ran over to them. "Are you alright?"

Spike got up and dusted himself off. "Yep, nothing's wrong."

"Same here, Pinkie." Said Rainbow as she got to her hooves and dusted herself off.

"YO, DASH! YOU HERE?!" Yelled a voice from above.

"DOWN HERE, GILDA!" Yelled Rainbow as she saw her old griffon friend in the sky.

Soon a brown feathered griffon with a white head, but purple crest feathers landed on the ground. "Dang Dash, trying to live up to the name Rainbow Crash much?"

Rainbow chuckled as she pulled the griffon into a hug. "Hey, I even make crashing 20% cooler."

"Yeah. Like the time you crashed headfirst into that colt you liked." Said Gilda with a chuckle.

Rainbow blushed at the memory. "That was a long time ago Gilda, and not in front of Spike, I'm like his idol."

Spike shrugged, all of his mamas were his idols and he wanted to be just like them, just minus the whole scared, stubborn, crazy, obsessed, and ego things. "Hi, it's nice to meet you, Miss Gilda."

"So, you’re the dragon that took my friend from me, I feel sorry for you though; it took you 11 years to finally meet your cool new aunt." She pulled Spike into a hug and gave his head a nuggie.

"Aunt, aunt." Cried, Spike. Gilda chuckled as she released the dragon. "So, what's there to do around here?"

"Hold on Gilda. I want to introduce you to my friends and Spike's other mothers first."

"Yeah, that's cool I guess." She then looked to Pinkie who was smiling wide at the griffin. "Um... Dash is she ok?"

Rainbow looked at Pinkie. "Yeah, she does that when she's excited to meet a new friend." Rainbow pulled Pinkie in front of Gilda. "Gilda, this is Pinkie Pie, she's Spike's Mama. Pinkie this is my friend Gilda."

"Yeah, it's cool to meet you." Said Gilda.

"Wait for it." Said Spike as he had seen Pinkie like this before. Pinkie then gasped and ran to her party cave to get Gilda's party started. "And there she goes." Said Spike.

Rainbow sighed at seeing Pinkie be Pinkie. "She went to start planning, didn't she?"

Spike nodded. "Yep."

"And you're not going with her, why?" Asked Rainbow.

Spike shrugged, he could help his Mama, or he could talk with Gilda. "I want to talk with Aunt Gilda."

Gilda smirked as she wrapped her eagle leg around Spike's neck. "Great choice, kiddo."

"So, let's head over to Shy's place." Said Rainbow.

"Wait, Crybaby Shy is here?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, but Gilda, I told you to stop calling her that."

Gilda rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, but she was always a crybaby."

"Gilda, she had some issues, but she's toughened up quite a bit since you last saw her."

"Sure, let me be the judge."

Rainbow nodded as the group took to the sky to visit Fluttershy.

When they got to the cottage, Fluttershy was feeding some of the otters that lived under the walkway near the small stream. "Hi, Mommy." Said Spike as he walked over to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy looked at Spike and smiled at him, she knew what today was, and she was ready to hear all about what happened, just minus the dangerous stunts that Rainbow no doubt taught Spike that would make her heart stop out of sheer fear. "Hi, Sweetie. How did it go?"

Spike smiled, it was one of the most exhilarating flies of his life. "It went great. I did a quadruple loop and changed into an almost vertical dive-bomb, but I pulled up and was only a few feet off the ground."

Fluttershy's mouth went dry at hearing that her baby was doing something so dangerous. "Oh...well...that does seem like something that could be...fun."

Spike nodded, but then he kept going. "I know, then mom taught me how to a roll and turn on a bit. Granted it probably wasn't a good idea to do that in the Whitetail Woods, but I only hit one tree."

Fluttershy's brain was shutting down. The thought of Spike flying into the ground was worrying enough, but hearing that he did hit a tree was almost too much. "Spike, you are ok, right?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I think so." He started looking over his body, and he didn't see anything different. But then he noticed that one of his scales on his tail was a little loose. Spike moved his tail in front of him, and it was just one of his small scales, he grabbed the scale and tore it off. "Ok, almost fine, just damaged one of my scales. Nothing major." He tossed the scale away and smiled at Fluttershy. "So, Mommy...Mommy?" Spike sighed the moment he noticed what had happened.

Fluttershy had passed out on her hooves. The fact that Spike got so hurt in her head had made all of the news she got collapse onto her.

Rainbow and Gilda walked over to Spike. "Spike, what did you do?" Asked Rainbow, she wasn't worried or upset. Fluttershy had passed out from seeing a bird chirp a bad word.

Spike shrugged. He didn't know what he did to cause this. "I don't know. I just told Mommy about my last flying lesson, and then I found that one of my tail scales got damaged when I hit that tree. I tore it off and tossed it away, and then I found her like this."

"Spike, can you carry Fluttershy back into the house?" Spike nodded as he picked up Fluttershy and carried her into the house. Rainbow looked to Gilda and looked apologetic. "Sorry about that, Gilda."

Gilda rolled her eyes. "It's fine. I wasn't expecting much anyway."

Rainbow huffed but smiled. "Well, Shy is out, but I'm sure AJ won't pass out. Oh, you'll love AJ, she's cool to hang with, and if anything, we might get some cider."

Gilda shrugged. "Whatever."

When Spike walked out of the house he was followed by Harry. Gilda was a little shocked to see a bear in the house, but she kept her cool. "Spike, is Shy good?"

Spike nodded when he rejoined the group. "She is. Sorry about that, Aunt Gilda, but let me introduce you to Harry." Spike moved to show Harry to Gilda. "Aunt Gilda, this is Harry, he's one of my friends." He looked at Harry. "Harry this is Gilda. She's Mom's friend," Harry growled and stuck out his paw for the griffon.

Gilda gulped slightly but took the paw. "Sup, it's cool to meet you."

Harry growled some more and smiled. "He's happy to meet you, but he has to go take care of Mommy." Said Spike.

"Wait, you can understand him?" Asked Gilda.

Rainbow sighed as she wrapped her leg around Gilda's neck. "G, trust me when I say this. Spike is not normal, but that's what makes him so great."

Spike smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, Mom. but I learned how to do all those cool things thanks to all my Mamas - including you."

Rainbow smiled at her son. "Thank you, Spike, but let's get moving."

Spike nodded and looked at Harry. "Ok Harry, please take care of Mommy, I'll be home later." Harry nodded as he walked back to the house to tend to his friend. Spike looked to his mother and aunt. "So, should we go see Ma, Mother, or Twilight next?"

"Twilight?" Asked Gilda. "Who is that?"

"It's a long story, but Twilight is the one that actually hatched Spike's egg." Said Rainbow.

Gilda growled, she remembered what she read in the letter, and now she had a target to take her anger out on. "Where is she?! we need to have a little talk about leaving a baby in the forest."

"Gilda, I think I need to explain more on that, but to make it clear, it wasn't Twilight who left Spike, she just hatched him. I'll give you the details while we fly to the farm." Said Rainbow, hoping that Gilda didn't go and hunt down Twilight.

Gilda huffed, but she nodded. "Fine, but if I ever see the pony that is willing to leave a poor baby in a place like the Everfree, they'll be lucky to eat their next meal through a straw."

Rainbow gulped at the comment, but she nodded. "So, let's move on." Rainbow took to the sky followed by Gilda and Spike, and they flew to the farm.

When they arrived, Gilda had calmed down about finding the guard that abandoned Spike in the forest (because she was reassured that Celestia already punished him quite severely after she found out), but she was still not going to go easy on them if she ever meets them. "Spike, I'm going to make that guard pay." Said Gilda.

Spike shook his head. "No. Don't worry Aunt Gilda, I don't hate him, because, thanks to him, I got to meet my mamas."

Gilda huffed at the comment. "Fine."

Spike looked around and noticed that Granny was sitting in her rocking chair on the porch. "Granny!" Yelled Spike when he noticed his great grandmother.

Granny was passed out in her chair, but when she heard her name, she awoke. "What, who?" Granny looked around for the source of the yelling, but soon her eyes found Spike flying in the sky. "Spike?"

Spike landed near the house and smiled at his great grandmother. "Hi, Granny."

Granny smiled at Spike, she slowly got out of her chair and walked over to Spike. "Hey Spike, how did it go?"

"It went great! Mom and I had so much fun, but do you know where Ma is?"

Granny rubbed her chin with her leg. "I think she's in the east orchard with Buttercup."

Spike nodded as he hugged Granny. "Thanks, Granny. I love you."

Granny smiled and returned the hug. "Love you too Spike."

Spike ended the hug and started flying to the east orchard with Gilda and Rainbow to find his Ma.

When they got to the east orchard, they found AJ and Pear, they were walking around the border of the farm, trying to find a small plot of land for the family to help build a house for the Pears along with a few of their trees. "MA! Grandma!" Cried Spike when he noticed them.

AJ and Pear smiled at seeing Spike. "Hey, Sugarcube!" Yelled AJ as she waved her son down. Spike, Rainbow, and Gilda all landed, and the moment Spike was on the ground AJ pulled Spike into a hug. "Spike, did it go well?"

"It did, and I can't wait for tomorrow to come."

AJ chuckled. "I know, but just don't go flying off without telling us. We love you and we get worried when you disappear."

Spike smiled. "I know, Ma, but I'll never do that. I love my Mamas."

AJ smiled at hearing that. "And we love you too."

Gilda gagged at the sappiness in front of her and this earned her an elbow into her side from Rainbow. "Gilda, not cool." Whispered Rainbow.

"Yeah yeah, sorry." Said Gilda.

AJ looked to her fellow mother and the new face in the group. "Howdy. The names Applejack, this is my Ma, and welcome to Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack walked over to Gilda and smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you..."

"Gilda." Said, Gilda.

"Gilda, but may I ask, what brings you here. it's not every day we see a griffin in Ponyville?"

"Yeah. I used to know Crash when we were younger and, after the little dude showed up, I lost touch with her. She sent me a letter and asked me to see her and meet Spike."

AJ looked to Rainbow. "Rainbow, why didn't you tell us?"

Rainbow shrugged. "I didn't think it was that big."

AJ sighed. This was normal Rainbow behavior. But Pear walked over to Gilda and introduced herself to Gilda. "It's nice to meet you, and I'm sorry for my daughter. My name is Pear Butter, and it's wonderful to meet you."

Gilda smiled a bit. "Thanks, but I want to know has Crash changed since she showed up?"

Pear giggled at the question. "Kinda, but I think it's more to do with growing up, but since the first day I met her, she's never lost that spark that makes her special."

Gilda looked to AJ, Spike, and Rainbow. Spike was in the middle of them trying to calm them down.

AJ sighed at her friend. "Rainbow, next time you want to invite your old friend that you care about, maybe take a few moments to think about telling us so we can give her a warm welcome."

AJ looked to Gilda and sighed again. "Sorry about not talking with you Gilda. I don't know what she was like when you met her, but I have a feeling that she was a hoof full."

Gilda laughed at the statement. "Have you ever had to try to talk Rainbow out of challenging a teacher at our junior flight camp to a race, and then not getting through her head?"

"I feel like that every time." Said AJ. Then the 2 started laughing at the Pegasus’s embarrassment.

Gilda wrapped her arm around AJ's neck. "You're not so bad Applejack. I'm happy to know that someone is around to keep Rainbow in line."

Rainbow blushed as she wanted this conversation to end soon. "Well, sorry to talk and run, but we're going to go see Rarity next, so bye." Rainbow grabbed Gilda and started flying to town.

Spike laughed at his Mom running away, but he gave his Ma and Grandma each a kiss on the cheek before he flew to follow.

"Gilda, that was not cool." Said Rainbow as she was not happy with the old story.

"Dash it was not that bad. Besides, you still won that race." Said the griffin.

"Oh, Spikie?!" Cried Rarity as she was walking to her home to drop off some fabrics she ordered when she noticed that Spike was above her. Spike looked down and saw his Mother below them.

"Hi, Mother." Said Spike as he started landing to help his mother with Gilda and Rarity. When they landed Rarity pranced over and pulled her little Spikey Wikey into a big kiss. "Mother?" Whined Spike. He was fine with a little kiss, but not this big.

Rainbow and Gilda snickered at the Mama's drake, but seeing as half of that group was the drake's mothers, it was fine. "Hey, Rares." Said Rainbow.

Rarity smiled at her friends. "Hello Rainbow, dear. How did it go, is our little Spikey ready to fly on his own?"

"Yeah, Spike is ready."

Rarity smiled widely at the news. "Oh, that is fantastic." She looked at Gilda and blushed. "Oh, I'm so sorry, where are my manners, it's lovely to meet you, dear. My name is Rarity."


"Well, it is fabulous to meet you, Gilda, and might I say your white feathers look fabulous."

Gilda shrugged at the compliment. "Thanks, I guess."

"Oh, let's not just stand around. Let's head to my home and we can talk over some lovely tea." Suggested Rarity.

Spike nodded at the plan and grabbed all the fabrics from Rarity. "Sweet, but let me take these for you Mother."

Rarity giggled at the kindness of her son. "Oh, thank you, Spike. Such a sweet little dragon you are." Rarity gave Spike another kiss and showed her guests to her home.

When they arrived, Spike took the fabrics to Rarity's workshop and smiled at his kinda pet cat. "Hey Opal, how are you today?" Opal was just laying in her cat bed in the sun.

Opal yawned and looked at her owner's son, but he was the one that took care of her, so Opal liked him more. "I'm good Spike."

"Good. Well, don't let me bother you. I'm just going to put some stuff up in Mother's workshop."

"Ok, but something is different. Is there someone new in the house?"

"Yep. Mom's old friend Gilda is here."

"Whatever. Wake me up when it's time for dinner."

Spike nodded at the cat. "Sure thing, Opal."

Downstairs, Gilda was sitting with Rainbow in Rarity's kitchen while Rarity got the tea ready. "Dash, what the heck? how did you ever become friends with someone like this?" She looked into the beauty area of the shop and shivered. "It's just so cutesy."

Rainbow huffed. "Gilda, that is not cool! She's my friend and, while I really don't care about dressing up, she does, so it's important to me."

"The Dash I knew, would have bolted the second she saw a place like this. Where is that filly? at least she was cool."

"Well sorry, but that filly grew up. Sure, I wish I got to be a little wilder when I was younger, but I made a promise to my son that I was going to be there for him and every day, I make good on that because I love him."

Gilda rolled her eyes. "Fine. I knew what was wrong the moment I saw the kid, he stole your foal hood and that's something that you can't get back, it seems. Maybe you'd be cooler if he wasn't around."

Suddenly there was the sound of the door opening. "Oh sorry. My shop is closed for the day please come back tomorrow." Said Rarity from the kitchen. But when the sound of the door closing never came, Rarity walked out of her kitchen and headed to the door to see who it was. "Who was that?" Asked Rarity as she didn't see anyone. She looked to Rainbow and Gilda. "Rainbow, did you see anyone?"

"No, I was just talking with Gilda."

"Sweetie Belle are you home?" Asked Rarity, but when she got no answer her worry started to grow. "SPIKE?" She got no response, so she got really worried now. "Rainbow, I think Spike left."

"What, why would he do that?"

"I don't know, but it's clear something happened. What were you talking about before the door was opened?"

"We were just talking about how I've changed... Oh no." Said Rainbow as she had a good idea of what went on. "Gilda, we need to go find him now."

"Why? He's old enough to leave on his own. Probably wanted to give you and me some time to talk."

Rainbow growled and got into Gilda's face. "Or he heard what you said and is thinking that if he wasn't around we could relax and not deal with being mothers."

Rarity's eyes went wide, and her horn glowed bright, she pined Gilda to the chair and looked at her with death in her eyes. "WHAT!" Yelled Rarity, she was furious right now and for good reason. "I will have you know that we did not grow up because of Spike. We grew up FOR Spike! We did it for him so he could grow up knowing that he was loved. NOW YOU HELP US FIND OUR SON OR I WILL PERSONALLY SEND YOU TO TARTARUS FOR A YEAR FOR EVERY SCALE OUT OF PLACE ON HIS BODY!"

Rainbow gulped. That was something she never learned to do, she was the cool mom, AJ was the hard worker, Pinkie was the happy mom, Fluttershy was the loving one, but Rarity was the angry mom hoofs down. "Rarity, less threatening, more finding Spike before he does something stupid."

Rarity huffed as she released the griffin from her magic. "Fine." She looked to Rainbow. "Rainbow, he's not as fast as you, so maybe you can see him."

Rainbow nodded as she grabbed Gilda's legs and flew off to find Spike. Rarity turned off the stove and followed suit to make sure that Spike was ok. But unbeknownst to everyone, Spike was still in the house.

Back upstairs, Opal was looking at Spike's face. "Spike, are you ok?"

"Yeah, just remind me to bring Ma over soon." Spike was half-buried in fabrics and ribbons, the shelf that normally housed these things in Rarity's workshop had finally broken thanks to the large amount she had, and it fell all over Spike. He lifted himself out of the pile and groaned at the mess. "So, you want to help?" Asked Spike.

"No magic, and no thumbs." Said Opal.

Spike sighed as he looked at the mess. "I'll go tell Mother." Spike walked out of the room and down the stairs. But when he arrived Rarity, Rainbow, and Gilda were gone. "Mom, Mother, Aunt Gilda, where did you guys go?" Spike hummed as he looked around the floor, but it was empty aside from him. "That's odd, but I'm guessing they just went out. They never really have time to themselves, and besides, I'll see them later at the party." Suddenly the door to the shop opened on its own. "Sorry but the shop is closed for the day." Said Spike as he turned to see who it was, but when he saw nothing he sighed. "Right need to get that fixed as well." He walked over to the door and yep he was right. "Stupid latch, I told Mother that it was starting to stick." Spike pushed the latch on the door, and it popped out. "She must have not used the deadbolt before they left." Spike closed the door and used the deadbolt to make sure the wind didn't open it again.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was flying above the town looking for any hint of purple in her view. "Come on, come on. Where is he?"

"Geeze Rainbow. Live a little, the kids probably fine. Let's call this off and we can hang just like when we were younger?"

"Gilda what is your deal? my son is missing, I'm worried sick, and all you can think about is having a good time? You know what, fine. If you want to have a good time, you can do it on your own. A real friend would actually care that I'm worried."

Gilda huffed. "Fine, but it's him or me."

"HIM! Always him, it's always going to be him, and it will never change."

"Fine. Waste of a trip anyway." Said Gilda as she flew away.

Rainbow looked at Gilda flying away. "Good riddance. Maybe when you have someone that you really love, you'll finally understand." But she still needed to find Spike, so she kept flying around.

With Rarity, she was looking around on the ground and had informed as many ponies as she could to aid in the search. "SPIKE?!" Cried Raven, it was a slow day at Town Hall, and this was important.

"SPIKE?!" Cried Misses Cake.

"SPIKE?!" Cried Applejack.

"SPIKE?!" Cried almost everyone in town, they were all worried about Spike.

But Spike was still in the workshop rolling the fabrics up, thankfully he was almost done. "And there, all better." Said Spike as he placed the last roll of fabric on the ground in order. "Opal, how does it look?"

"Fine, but why hasn't Rarity returned?"

"Don't know, but do you mind if I go out for a bit? I think the newest issue of the Power ponies is coming in today."

"Fine. I'll keep the house safe."

Spike smiled and gave the cat a scratch on her back, this earned a loving purr from the cat. "Thanks, Opal." Spike walked out of the room with Opal following behind. She went back to her bed, and Spike walked into his room, to grab some of his bits.

With bits in hand, Spike walked to the ground floor and walked out the door. But before he left he grabbed one of the rocks near the entrance and found the backup key for the house. He locked the door and went to get his comic.

As Spike was walking around, he noticed that something was a bit off. Normally, around this time of day, the streets were packed. Spike looked around and found that the only thing in the streets was him and a tumbleweed. "Ok." Said Spike, but he chalked it up to normal Ponyville craziness and kept walking to the library.

Meanwhile, Rarity was sitting with everyone in the barn at sweet apple acres. "Ok, we've checked town, and I'll send a letter to Celestia to get her help. Applejack and Zecora, he might have gone into the forest. I know it's dangerous but please go check?"

Applejack nodded as she looked at Zecora. "Let's find Spike." Zecora smiled back.

"Mister Bow, Miss Windy, can you lead all the pegasi from the sky to widen the search?"

"Of course, dear. Oh, I hope he's ok." Said Windy, she was worried about her little grand drake. Bow wrapped his leg around Windy to comfort her.

"Mom, Dad, I remember when I was little, you used a spell on my stuffed toy to track me. How hard would that be to learn?"

"Not hard at all. We just need something of Spike's." Said Cookie.

"Everyone, this means a lot to us, and I know that you are all taking time out of your day to help, thank you." Said Granny.

Rarity smiled at having almost the whole town joining in the search for Spike. "Let's go."

Suddenly the door to the barn was opened and standing there was Spike. He looked at the town's ponies in the barn and closed the door. "Sorry, I'll come back later." Said Spike as he was not sure what craziness was going on today, but this one took a top spot.

The moment everyone noticed that Spike was found, all the girls ran to the door to talk with Spike. "SPIKE!" Cried Rainbow and Rarity as they both pushed the door open.

Spike was still there but the moment he was found again Rarity pulled Spike into a hug. "WHERE DID YOU GO?!" Cried Rarity, she was so worried that she lost her little Spikie forever.

"Um... the library." Said Spike as he showed his tail, it had the comic rolled up. "Today is Wednesday."

Rainbow sighed, it was her fault this happened, and it was her job to fix it. "Spike, I'm sorry about what Gilda said. We love you, and we were happy to grow up to be responsible for you."

"Um... thanks mom, but I have no idea what you are talking about, I was still at Mother's when you guys left out of the blue."

"Wait, you didn't hear us talking about stuff?"

"Nope, I was buried under a ton of fabric. One of Mother's shelves broke, and I was cleaning it up."

"But the door? It was wide open."

"Yeah, I told Mother that it was sticking and, if you haven't noticed, the wind is pretty strong today. The door was blown open." Said Spike.

"Right, I've been meaning to talk with AJ about that." Said Rarity as she blushed.

"So, where's Aunt Gilda?" Asked Spike.

"She needed to head home. Sorry, but Spike, please remember that we love you and no matter what, we have always been here for you." Said Rainbow.

Spike smiled as he pulled his mom into a hug. "I love you too mom."

In the background of all this, Pinkie was sitting on a haybale reading the original script for Griffin the Brush Off. "That's not how it's supposed to end. I know you're taking some liberties with this story, Mister Writer, but have a little respect for the original." Said Pinkie.

"Nah, I like this better. Besides, I don't mess with Fluttershy."

"Fine, but does that mean I get an episode to replace this one?"

"We'll talk later."

"Ok bye." Said Pinkie as she kicked the script away. "Wow, I haven't done that bit in a while. Wait, I remember something about a party." Pinkie gasped and pulled the whole party to the barn in 5 second’s flat. "LETS PARTY!" Cried Pinkie.

Everyone looked at Pinkie, but then they shrugged. "It's Pinkie. Don't question it."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, I didn't feel like I wrote Gilda right for a long time, but I think I got it.
Thanks to Comickook for their help. Not really sure I'm going to do a chapter on Trixie, none of the girls really effected how that episode turned out, sure Spike boasting about Twilight's ability did, but maybe Sunburst and Moondancer can do that. Might be a small chapter, or none at all.