• Published 21st Jun 2020
  • 4,102 Views, 127 Comments

Dragon's Mothers - TAD2

  • ...

Boast Busters

"Come on Twilight, why are you testing it on me?" Asked Sunburst as he was not so sure about this spell.

"Sunburst, it's not so bad, and it has to be you, and it's only your goatee." Said Twilight she was trying to use the spell to elongate a mane or tail that Celestia used.

"But why not Moondancer, or yourself?" Asked the stallion.

"Oh, you need a trim anyway, that thing is so messy." Said Moondancer, she was taking notes.

"Then why is Spike here?"

Spike was sitting next to Moondancer. "Mamas wanted me to spend time with Twilight."

Sunburst sighed as he accepted his fate. "Fine, but this is the last one, 24 spells in one day are still impressive Twilight."

"Fine, I am getting a little tired myself, this will be the last one, I promise. Now hold still." Twilight started the spell.

"GANGWAY!" Cried a voice from outside. This distraction caught everyone's attention, even Twilight's as she turned her head to see what was going on, and moving the target of the spell over to Spike.

"What's going on?" Asked Twilight, the spell was complete.

Moondancer blinked in surprise when she looked at Spike. "Ok, that is not right?" He was sitting there with a black mustache on his face. "Twilight, I think you missed the spell." Said Moondancer.

This brought back everyone's attention. "Wait, how?" Asked the mare, then she got a good look at Spike. "Oh, I see."

"What, do I got something on my face?" Asked Spike, not aware of anything happening.

"But that's not possible, dragons don't have hair." Said Twilight as she was so confused about where this came from.

Spike started to chuckle as he tore the mustache off his snout. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He looked at all the ponies looking at him. "What?"

"Where did you even get a fake mustache?" Asked Moondancer.

Spike smiled as he opened up a book. "Simple, me and Mama have supply stashes all around town. I took the mustaches and hats, and Mama took the eyepatches and balls."

"Why?" Asked Sunburst.

"Because of mustache emergencies duh." Said Spike as he opened the book of mustaches and inside was a neat row of face mustaches. Spike returned number 156 to the book and closed it. "Now, I swear I knew that voice, and something tells me it's not going to end well."

Twilight sighed as she just had to hatch a dragon that got adopted by a group of fillies, that lived in the craziest town ever to exist. "Let's go check if my day is going to be ruined." Said Twilight.

Once outside, they found the problem. More like pair of them, the first was a colt named Snips, he was shorter, rounder, and honestly not that bad to hand out with, but he was as sharp as a butter knife. Next to him was his partner in crime, Snails. He was a tall colt with a bowl mane cut. Spike had talked with him a few times and had learned that while he was a slow thinker, he was a very powerful one, it just took him some time to process it all. "Snips, Snails, what's wrong?" Asked Spike.

"Spike, haven't you heard? There's a new unicorn in town." Said Snails.

"Yeah, and they say that she's got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!" Cried Snips.

"Really?" Asked Twilight as she was interested. "Well, maybe we might know her? If she's that powerful she's probably a student from Princess Celestia's school."

"Yeah, it's possible, but that honor goes to Twilight. The only student to actually destroy one of those crystals." Said Sunburst. The last time they all used the crystal, Twilight destroyed it, while Sunburst and Moondancer got in the top 10 of all the graduates that year. Still, nothing to sneeze at, but Twilight was a top pony.

Twilight blushed at the compliment from her friend. "Guys, it wasn't that great, I probably had a faulty one." She did not, Celestia had made sure it was even reinforced to take that much power, and it still shattered into pieces. "Well, let's go see this unicorn, where are they?"

"Oh, she's in the town square. Come on!" Cheered Snails as he ran off with Snails.

Spike shrugged as he followed the pair. Twilight looked to her friends, who shrugged and followed Spike.

"COME ONE! COME ALL!" Cried a voice. Sitting in the middle of the town square was a cart, with most of the town gathered around. Spike pushed through most of the crowd and noticed that his Mamas were standing in the front row. "COME AND WITNESS THE AMAZING MAGIC OF THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" The cart unfolded to show a full over-the-top stage with horns, a curtain, and hoof-made props. There was a large pop, and the center of the stage was instantly filled with a cloud of dark smoke with sparkles in it. The crowd oohed at the display. Soon the smoke cleared and standing in the middle of the stage was a blue mare with a two-tone pale blue mane. She was dressed in a light lavender cape with a large gem clip and hat with stars on them. "WATCH IN AWE AS THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE PERFORMAS THE MOST SPECTACULAR FEATS OF MAGIC EVER WITNESSED BY PONY EYES!" Cheered the mare as she stood on her back legs. Behind her, some fireworks went off.

"My, my, my, what boasting." Said Rarity.

Twilight looked to the mare. "There's nothing wrong with being talented is there?"

"None at all, except when someone goes around showing it off like it's the greatest thing since sliced apple bread." Said AJ.

"Yes, just because someone has more magical ability, does not make them better than anyone else." Said Rarity.

"Well, well, well. It seems that we have some Naysayers in the audience, who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?"

Rarity blew a raspberry and rolled her eyes at the question. "Just who does she think she is?"

"Mother, I think she thinks she's the Great and Powerful Trixie." Said Spike like it was obvious.

"I know Spikie, I was being facetious." Said Rarity.

Rainbow sighed as she flew up to the mare on stage. " So, "Great and Powerful Trixie". What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?" Asked Rainbow.

Trixie scoffed. "Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" More fireworks shot out of the horns and formed an image of a bear. "When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!"

Snips and Snails reacted together at hearing the story. "So cool."

"That settles it." Said Snips as he nodded his head.

Snails nodded his head slowly as he agreed. "Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville."

But Snips figured that he was wrong. "No, in all of Equestria!"

Spike sighed as he looked at the 2 colts. "You guys do know this is an act right, there is no way anyone other than the princesses have even enough magic to deal with a Ursa Major, maybe a very powerful unicorn could handle a Ursa Minor, but a Major is much much stronger."

"But it is true, I am most definitely the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville, maybe in all Equestria." Suddenly there was a cricket chirping.

Fluttershy looked around, she knew that chirping and it was odd to hear him now. "Jiminy, where are you?" A small cricket hopped over to Fluttershy and chirped happily at seeing Fluttershy. "Oh, I knew it was you, what are you doing out so early?" More chirping. "Really, oh I'm so sorry, if you want my garden is open to you and the others." Jiminy chirped his thanks and jumped off to head to his new home. Everyone looked at the mare, and she blushed. "I'm sorry."

Spike sighed as he hugged his mommy. "It's ok."

Trixie cleared her throat to get back to her show. "Well, for those who don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?" She chuckled. "Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived?!" More fireworks started shooting off as more horns blew loudly.

The next thing everyone saw was Mayor Mare walking on stage. "I'm sorry this show is over." Said the Mayor.

"WHAT!" Yelled Trixie as she was not going to end her show before it even started. "Why, and who is going to make me?"

Mayor grabbed a scroll from her saddlebags and showed it to Trixie. "As the mayor of Ponyville, I hereby order you to end this show for unsafe pyrotechnics, disturbing the peace, and blocking traffic on our main road."

Trixie took the scroll and read on. "Wait, but I already requested permission to use my fireworks in town?"

"Yes I remember, and if it was any other town, I would have allowed this to continue, but if you actually read my response, you would have noted that all pyrotechnics are restricted in town due to a few miss understandings. You are free to set up near the field tomorrow, and continue the show there."

Trixie looked at the scroll. "But why is this even an issue?"

Everyone looked at Spike and the girls, but Mayor mare sighed. "Well Miss Great and Powerful, this town in home to the only dragon in Equestria, and many of the guest that learn of this, are not as understanding as we are."

All the girls growled at what happened when Spike was 7 years old. The town was celebrating its 75th-anniversary town existing, and it ended with a large fireworks show. There was an issue when a few bushes caught fire in town and the first thing that many of the guests did was accuse Spike of trying to burn down the town. But he was with the girls all night and was never even near those bushes.

Rarity huffed at the memory. "I swear, some ponies are just too..." She took a deep breath, she was still a lady, and a lady doesn't use such language. "Sorry, but yes, we do allow small things, mostly the things that Pinkie does, but she had been informed that anything that is able to shoot sparks over a building is not allowed."

Trixie blinked as she looked at her setup, most of the time she shoots high past her cart. "Now, please vacate this location and make sure that your fireworks are properly controlled." Said the Mayor as she walked off the stage to head home.

After the interruption, it was clear that the show was over, so everyone started to head home. Everyone except for Snips and Snails, they were upset that the show was canceled. "Ah, but she's super powerful, I'm sure that even if there was a fire, she could easily put it out."

"Yeah, she beat a Ursa major, a small fire is nothing compared to that."

Snips nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure if she shows how great she is, Mayor will let her preform anywhere in town. Come on, lets head to my house and we can come up with a plan." The duo went to start planning the stupidest plan ever created.

Hours later, Spike was sitting in the dining room with Fluttershy, they were eating dinner together when out of nowhere there was a roar echoing around the house. Spike and Fluttershy both stopped eating the moment they heard how loud it was and they looked at each other with worried expressions. "Mommy, please tell me I didn't just hear a very loud roar."

"Oh well, I think it's time for bed, I'm sure whatever large and scary monster that made that noise is nothing but a figment of our imagination." Said Fluttershy, she didn't want to face the creature.

"AWWWWWW!" Cried Snips and Snails as they ran away from the result of their master plan to show everyone that The Great and Powerful Trixie could defeat an Ursa major.

Spike looked at his mommy and mirrored her expression. "Mommy, did you just hear Snips and Snails?"

Fluttershy gulped but she nodded to confirm Spike's worries. Soon, the glass of milk Spike was drinking started shaking, creating ripples in the white liquid, telling them both that something large was coming this way. "I think we should go get the others." Said Fluttershy as she grabbed Spike and started pulling him away as all the other animals started fleeing the cottage.

By the time Fluttershy and Spike reached the town, it was clear what was going on, in the middle of town was a large blue glowing bear with stars in its fur and a large white star on its forehead, that towered over almost every building in town. "WHAT IS A URSA MINOR DOING IN TOWN!?" Cried Fluttershy in hysterical worry, if a minor was here, then its mother wasn't going to be far behind. She looked to Spike and in the most serious tone, she had ever used she told Spike what to do. "Spike, this is really bad, somehow a Ursa minor has wondered into town and it's mother can't be far behind. I need you to tell Celestia or Luna that we are going to need help right away."

Spike nodded, but that's when he noticed something really odd. "Wait, why did it go quiet?"

Fluttershy blinked as she looked around and Spike was right, there wasn't anything going on now. "What?" Asked Fluttershy. They both took to the air and a few streets away there was a large purple light lighting the area. "What's going on?" They both flew to the light to investigate.

When they landed, they learned that the light was actually Twilight using a massive amount of her magic, her magical aura was over 20 times larger than normal and small sparks of magic were being flung from it. "Twilight!" Cried Fluttershy, but she was pulled back by Moondancer and Sunburst, who shushed her.

"Fluttershy, don't distract her." Said Moondancer.

Spike looked at Twilight and watched as the town water tower was being held by the rampaging monster as it suckled on its contents. "Um... ok." He watched as the Ursa minor was carried in the air back to the Everfree. That's when Spike gulped at the massively large figure standing in the moonlight. "I think mommy is here." Said Spike.

Standing stories above the top of the trees in the Everfree was an even larger bear-like creature with dark purple fur and a large blue star on its forehead, she was looking for her child who ran out of the cave in the middle of the night, ready to attack any would-be kidnappers with the full fury of her anger. Spike was watching in fear, but when the Ursa Major turned around and walked further into the forest, Spike let out a breath. "I think Twilight just saved the town." Said Spike. He landed on the ground and smiled at the mare who was exhausted, but still on her hooves.

"That was amazing Twilight." Said Spike.

Twilight smiled lightly but she was huffing. "Thanks Spike, but it was really nothing."

"I'd hardly call that nothing, you just stopped a Ursa Minor from rampaging through the town."

"So, you aren't upset that I was a showoff?"

"Why would I?" Asked Spike confused on why she would ask that.

Moondancer patted Twilight on her back. "Twi, remember what we talked about the last time you thought Princess Celestia was giving you a surprise test."

Twilight groaned. "Don't remind me, I just assumed that she had something I didn't study on the test to see if I was studying on my own, and there wasn't even a test."

Sunburst nodded. "That's right, and I don't think that anyone here is going to hate you for being great at magic."

Spike blinked at the answer. "Wait seriously you were worried about showing off how great you are with magic?"

Twilight sheepishly nodded. "During Trixie's show, I heard that everyone was upset about how boastful she was about her talent, and I was worried that if you all found out about how magical I am, you and your Mamas would hate me."

"Twilight, my mom has the ego the size of the moon, you have nothing to worry about." Said Spike.

Twilight chuckled softly as she nodded more confidently. "Thanks Spike."

"Is it over?" Asked Snips and Snails as they pushed open the lid of the barrel they were using to hide. They looked around at the street and noticed that Ursa was gone.

"Whew, it's over." Said Snips as he and Snails climbed out of the barrel.

"I knew it, The Great and Powerful Trixie was able to defeat that Ursa Major." Said Snails.

"Is it over?" Asked a scared mare who was hiding in a cart of hay. A pair of purple eyes peeked out of the hay to survey if she was clear to run to her cart and high tail it out of town. Not seeing the monster, she climbed out of the cart, showing that it was Trixie.

Snips and Snails ran over to the mare with stars in their eyes. "You did it The Great and Powerful Trixie, you really are the most powerful unicorn to live."

"Um...Yes, you are welcome, but be aware that was only a small fraction of my powers." Said Trixie in her stage mare tone.

"Hey Twilight stopped the Ursa." Said Moondancer, she was not happy that her friend wasn't getting the credit.

"Actually, that wasn't a Ursa Major, that was a baby, a Ursa Minor." Said Spike as he walked over to Trixie. "I actually saw it's mother, and she was massive."

"THAT WAS A URSA MINOR!?" Cried Trixie.

Spike nodded. "And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because someone woke it up."

Snips and Snails both backed away slightly. "Aww..."

"Well, if that was an ursa minor, then what's an ursa major like?" Asked Trixie.

"You don't want to know." Said Twilight.

Trixie squinted her eyes as she looked at Twilight, giving her a huff. " Huh. You may have vanquished an ursa minor, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She then threw one of her emergency smoke bombs on the ground and ran off to her cart, determined to be the center of attention with even more magic than Twilight.

Everyone watched the mare run away, but this was about average for Ponyville. "Well, that was fun." Said Spike as he walked over to Twilight.

She looked at the reason she was here, and she sighed. "I will never understand this town." She started to lose her balance, all the adrenalin from the day was leaving her system, and she was ready for bed.

Spike caught Twilight and rolled her into his arms. "I think someone used too much magic just now."

Twilight yawned but she nodded. "I think I'm going to take a nap." She promptly passed out in Spike's arms as she snored loudly.

Spike looked at Moondancer and Sunburst. "I think this is worthy of a report to grandma Celestia." Said Spike, and the others nodded.

"You can use our quills and ink Spike, we're going to help clean up, can you take her back to the library?" Asked Sunburst.

"Sure." Said Spike. He walked off, carrying Twilight in his arms.

When they arrived at the library, Spike carried Twilight to her room in the canopy of the tree and placed her down on her bed. He covered her in her sheets and walked to the library part to send Celestia the letter.

Dear Grandma,

Today was very interesting. But for right now, I want to give you a little update on Twilight. I learned that she was worried about being thought of like a show-off around me and Mamas, but she risked her life and saved the town from an Ursa minor. Then I reminded her that the only real show-off in this town is Mom, and she shouldn't be afraid of just being who she is and that it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends.

Also, just be aware that we might need a new water tower seeing as Twilight kinda used it as a bottle.

Tell Aunt Luna I say hi, and I miss you and her both.

From Spike.

Spike rolled up the scroll and sent it to Celestia. Now that this was over, he looked at the moon and sighed. "Thank Grandma that Ursa Major didn't get here sooner."

Author's Note:

Boast Busters: Actually pretty hard to change to work with my universe of things. That's why it took so long, that and I was being lazy. But on that note, I have already written most of Dragon Shy, where Spike is the one to go up the mountain, and he reunites with some dragons. So that's next.

Comments ( 28 )

Glad your back to writing, Tad. You had me worried.

Oh Iโ€™ve been writing, a lot actually, itโ€™s the editing part, I use the sites text to speech function to listen to it and change what needs changing. And for E and T stories It doesnโ€™t want to work.

Thatโ€™s also a reason why Firebreathers is taking so long as well.

Glad to have another amazing chapter of this story, welcome back!!!:pinkiehappy:

The small changes to this episode were most welcomed, especially the moustache emergency gag! :rainbowlaugh:

Looking forward to Dragonshy when it's up! :moustache:

I understand. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


Perfect job, as usual. Keep it up!:twilightsmile:

Spike smiled as he opened up a book. "Simple, me and Mama have supply stashes all around town. I took the mustaches and hats, and Mama took the eyepatches and balls."

Of course Pinkie Pie would do that why am I not surprised lol ๐Ÿ˜†

Trixie scoffed. "Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" More fireworks shot out of the horns and formed an image of a bear. "When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!"

And that's probably what got her in trouble in the first place even though technically it was snips and snails who bought the Ursa Minor here but that got in their heads and probably she should have never said that but then again she brought this to herself

When they landed, they learned that the light was actually Twilight using a massive amount of her magic, her magical aura was over 20 times larger than normal and small sparks of magic were being flung from it. "Twilight!" Cried Fluttershy, but she was pulled back by Moondancer and Sunburst, who shushed her.

Yes I still remember that biggest moment that Twilight did and it was pretty freaking awesome

So it looks like Twilight is testing her magic ability but then she got interrupted by Trixie which she Comes To Town and of course she is very arrogant and thinking She's All That and of course the town ponies will not too happy she keeps boosting like that which that makes Twilight feel like she doesn't want to saying as well good thing the mayor of stalked her before she humiliated the other Mane 6 later after that the Ursa minor strolling into town but Twilight stopped him and she really does have a pretty good powerful magic then Trixie and as always she ran away and we're going to see her in season 3 but what's that Twilight admitted that she didn't want it to show off her magic because a lot of ponies that creatures were pretty annoyed what Trixie was trying to do but the thing is she should not feel like that she was not the only difference is she used her magic for good and that's why a lot of people appreciated her this was a pretty interesting chapter even though that Snips and snails should have been taught a lesson for what they did anyway I wonder what's going to happen next guess we'll find out next time

nice to see more meat on this story.

nice chapter
welcome back tad2

Nice to see you back, this was a good chapter. Hope to see more of your stories soon.

REALLY good job on this latest chapter. Definitely appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, humor, action and future chapter set-up. Particularly liked Spike mentioning that her mothers wanted her to spend a bit of time with "Aunt Twilight", the fake moustache joke, Twilight trying to undersell her destroying a testing crystal (even with a nod to the truth) in addition to the Mayor putting a stop to the show before Trixie humiliated AJ, Rainbow and Rarity, the point out that an actual Ursa Major would not be fair behind the Minor (and Twilight stepping in before the actual Major did) and Spike carrying Twilight home after she got tuckered out putting the Ursa Minor to sleep and getting the tyke back to the Major before anything worse happened. And, yeah, Moondancer pretty much calling Trixie out for trying to steal the credit from Twilight was another wonderful detail.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

It was so weird to finally read a chapter from this story. It felt so long like longer than 6 to 7 months.

Sorry, the site still hasn't fixed the TtoS feature, but I found a way to get around it, I have to unpublish chapters and it works, I was listening to the older chapters for the last few days to get some ideas, and I forgot to re publish it. It's back now

Hey TAD2, Hope you can provide an update on whenever you can update this story.

More please?

I hope this gets updated soon. Pretty please :scootangel:

any update yet?????

I wonder when we are going to get an update on the story ๐Ÿค”

Honestly I want to give you an answer, but I canโ€™t do that.

I hope a new chapter will come out in the near future.

Will there be more soon?

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