• Published 21st Jun 2020
  • 4,087 Views, 127 Comments

Dragon's Mothers - TAD2

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Friendship Is Magic Pt1-6

After cooking for himself and Rarity, it was time for them to go to bed, and the next morning came very quickly. Spike woke up at 4am and walked out of his room. He walked to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee for his mother and himself, he needed to meet Celestia at townhall at 5am, an hour before the event started. Spike yawned, he was never a morning dragon, but he wanted to see Celestia today, so he pushed his desire to go back to bed away.

In Canterlot, Celestia was drinking her 17th cup of coffee, she had been up all night getting ready for this day. "Princess, I know that it is a little early, but the weather above the city seems to be scheduled for an early morning storm, I recommend that we depart in the next few minutes." Said a guard.

Celestia nodded. "Very well, I am expecting a guest anyways, and I'd rather be there to greet him."

The guard nodded as he ran to prepare the royal air chariot. She took a sip of her coffee. "Luna, I hope by sunrise you will be back with me." Said Celestia as she watched the image of the mare on the moon disappear.

After boarding the chariot, it took the princess 20 minutes to arrive at the town hall's back door. The front was already packed with the ponies that wanted to get in. But when they landed, Mayor Mare greeted the princess. "Your highness, thank you for choosing Ponyville to hold this year’s summer sun celebration." Said Mayor as she bowed.

Celestia bowed her head. "It is a pleasure. Tell me, has Spike arrived yet?"

"No, not yet princess, but he should be here any moment."

Celestia looked to her guards. "Guards, please head inside and prepare for the doors to open." They all nodded and filed into the building, letting Celestia relax. "I can't wait to see him." Said Celestia with a smile.

Mayor Mare giggled as she looked at how the princess's mood always changed when he was around. "Well, I know that he is excited to see you."

"GRANDMA!" Cried Spike as he dive bombed from the sky to Celestia.

Celestia smiled as she used her magic to stop Spike from creating a new hole in the town. "Spike, how many days has it been?"

"16." Said Spike as he sighed.

"And what do you do if you don't want me to tell Fluttershy or Rainbow?"

Spike smiled as he wrapped his arms around Celestia's neck. "I love my Grandma."

Celestia smiled as she gave Spike's head a nuzzle. "And Grandma loves you too."

"Well, I have a meeting room ready for you and him to talk privately. I have a feeling, you have a lot to talk about."

Celestia smiled as she gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. "Come on Spike, I need to get ready."

With that, they walked into the building, and after arriving at the room, Mayor Mare walked away to let the grandmother and her grandson talk.

Celestia looked to Spike with a sad smile. "Sweetie, I need to be honest with you, today is not going to be easy, but no matter what, I will not let her hurt you."

"Grandma, what is going on, who's her?" Asked Spike worried that something was going to happen.

Soon a dark blue wisp raised out of the floor, behind Celestia. "Awe, Celestia, it's been a long time hasn't its sister? Are you ready for our rematch?"

Spike got close to Celestia. "Grandma, what's happening?" Celestia shushed the dragon and covered him with her wing.

"Nightmare, things have changed since we last saw each other, I do not have control of what you need to return fully, but I believe that they have chosen their new guardians. Per our agreement, I will accompany you to our old home, and we will observe what fate has determined will happen."

The wisp slowly shifted into the shape of a tall black mare with sharp teeth, a star filled mane, and armor on her body. But what shocked Spike was the large horn and wings on her back. "Very well, but I hope you are ready for the eternal night?"

"NO!" Cried Spike as he tried to protect Celestia. "I'm not going to let you take her."

The mare blinked in surprise. "What is a dragon doing here?" She looked to Celestia. "Sister, I know I have been gone, but when did you make peace with the dragons?"

"Nightmare, can you allow Luna to see this as well, I want to explain?"

"Very well, but just know that she is very confused, and still holds some resentment." Soon the mare's eyes changed into normal pony eyes. "Sister, what do you want?"

"Luna, I'm so sorry about what happened, I hope that you know that, and I hope that today we can be together again. But before our agreement has begun, I would like to introduce you to Spike Drake."

"Grandma, run, get the guards, I'll do my best to distract her." Said Spike.

Luna blinked as she looked at Spike. "Wait, did he just say Grandma?"

Celestia nuzzled Spike's head. "Shh, don't worry Sweetie, she won't do anything to me, if she did, that would send her to the moon again." She looked at Luna. "Yes Luna, Spike is my grandson, and I ask that you take him with us."

"Trust me sister, thou hath a whole lot to explain about this."

Celestia smiled. "Thank you. Spike let me explain. Long ago, I was not the only princess of the lands, I had a sister. Her name was Luna. She was the princess of the moon and ruled alongside me since Equestria was founded. But 1000 years ago, I was growing content with our places in the kingdom. Many ponies often forgot that I was only half of our home. While I was celebrated for the days I brought, many missed out on the beautiful nights that Luna worked to bring."

"Celestia, do not fill this youngling's mind with your lies. The ponies never cared for me, you were all they saw, I never was mentioned, I was never given the respect that I worked for, and when I tried to confront you about the ponies bias, all you did was ignore what I was saying. This is the start of the rule of Nightmare Moon, and the end of Celestia." She grabbed Spike in her magic and pulled him closer to her.

"NIGHTMARE! RELEASE HIM NOW!" Yelled Celestia, she was not going to let Spike get hurt.

"Fear not, I will not hurt him, I will merely display him to the crowd. If they see that a dragon has been defeated, than it will quell much of the resistance, when you disappear. I will return him, after I announce my return and we will depart."

Celestia nodded as she walked over to Spike. "Sweetie, just be calm, and everything will be fine. Do you trust me?"

Spike nodded. "I do, but will Mama's be ok?"

Celestia gave Spike a kiss on the head. "I'm sure they will be fine. I love you."

"I love you too." So with that Nightmare and Spike walked out of the room.

Once they were alone Spike looked to the mare. "So, you're Luna?"

"Correct, but I am also Nightmare Moon."

Spike looked at her. "So, does that make you my Aunt or something?"

"You are taking this quite well, youngling, why are you not afraid?" Asked Luna, she was holding him hostage, and he was not even struggling.

Spike shrugged. "I trust my grandma, and I know that everything will be ok."

Luna stopped on her way to the balcony. "Spike was it?"

Spike nodded. "Yes?"

"Did Celestia ever once mention me?"

"She did, she said that you were so adventurous, smart, talented, and loving, but then you changed, and she felt like it was all her fault."

Luna huffed as she looked at Spike. "Well it was, I was never as important as Celestia, and our ponies never saw the work that I did to bring them a restful night."

"Well, that's good." Said Spike.

She brought the dragon to her face and glared at him. "Tell me how that is good?"

"Grandma Cookie told me that before Equestria was formed, every day was a challenge, and the nights were filled with the sound of monsters and the cold."

Luna softened her glare. "That is all true, I remember those times. Many ponies feared the night, and I wished to help them."

"But now, our nights are filled with sleeping, dreams, and family. It's thanks to you that I can sleep in my home without fear."

"Then why is it that you are the first to ever thank me?" Asked Luna.

"Maybe others did, but you were too focused on Grandma that while you felt ignored, you were ignoring the very same ponies that only wished to thank the mare that allowed them to enjoy the day." Said Spike.

Luna looked at Spike. "What trick are you trying, this is some plot to distract me isn't it?"

Spike rolled his eyes at the idea. "Yes, because this whole time, while I've been in your magic, I've been lying to you. Grandma lied to you and is running for the guards to attack you."

"No, Celestia is a mare of honor, she has never broken such an agreement." Growled Luna in anger that her sister was being insulted.

"So, if that is all true, why do you think this is a plot to distract you?"

"Well...Because...What is your game?"

"Go Fish?"

"No, what is your plan, clearly my sister is not planning anything, but that cannot be the same for you."

Spike shrugged. "Well, I was planning on going back to bed when this was all done, that plan is out the window now. Then I was going to make lunch for me, my mamas and Grandma, then pick up that comic Feather mentioned a while back. Oh, then I have to get ready for Apple Buck season with Ma and Uncle Mac."

Luna looked at Spike, but she hadn't eaten anything in the last 1000 years, and she was hungry. "Wait, you said something about food?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I like to cook, are you hungry?"

Luna nodded. "I was in a magic spell for 1000 years, where I did not require food, but that doesn't mean I didn't want some. Listen Young Spike, let us continue this after we have procured some sustenance for me."

Spike nodded. "Um...Sure, go right past the balcony, down the stairs, second or third door on the left."

"Second or Third?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, sorry, Ma and the family were transporting the food last night, and she mentioned it to me only once, so it should be in either one."

Luna nodded. "Very Well." Luna walked down the hall with Spike.

"Can you tell me something?" Asked Spike.

"Fine, I have asked you so many questions, it is only fair."

"Why aren't you more scary?"

Luna started to giggle but she had to control herself. "What do you mean?"

"On Nightmare Night, I always hear stories of Nightmare Moon demanding that we offer her our candy, or she'll eat us, but so far you seem very nice, a little mean, but nothing like the stories."

"Who in Celestia's name would come up with such a lie, I have never ever eaten a foal, this is obviously a tactic to portray me as some villain."

"I think it was the dentist, they didn't want kids to get cavities, so they came up with the lie to get us to give up the candy."

"Then they shall be the first to be banished. I love foals, they are the future of our world, only a true monster would eat them. What other lies have been spread about me?"

"Well, I remember that a few kids said that you never really existed."

"Wait, surely there are some records of me?"

"Oh, plenty of them, but I'm talking about the Mare in the Moon thing. Some thought it was just a random pattern that formed on the surface of the moon after years of asteroid impacts."

"Oh, that one is true, not much to do on the moon but chuck rocks and dig, but I fixed all of it before I left."

Spike laughed at hearing that. "Really?"

"Yes. I envy you Spike, the world was much different 1000 years ago. Would you be willing to assist me in catching up to this time, I fear I have missed out on quite a lot?"

Spike smiled at the offer. "Sure, but only if you don't hurt anyone."

"And why do you think I am planning on hurting anyone, what is the point in that, you cannot rule a kingdom if there is no one to rule?"

"What about dragons?"

"I hold no ill will with them, so long as they are not a threat to me or my subjects, I will leave them be. That goes for all of the creatures of this world. I know that my appearance seems like I am filled with conquest, but I was also taught alongside Celestia, by our teacher Star Swirl. I want to preserve peace, not end it."

"You are a strange mare."

"Are thou insulting me, I believed we were becoming acquaintances?" Asked Luna, she was growing fond of the dragon.

Spike smiled at her. "Sorry, but no, I was not insulting you, it was a complement. In this town strange is good, and normal is boring. Take me for example, I'm a dragon living in a pony town, raised by five fillies after I was abandoned in the Everfree."

Luna gasped as she pulled Spike close to her. "Oh, you poor thing, there is no way that Celestia would ever allow that to happen in our kingdom."

Spike sighed as this was going to be a long talk. "I'll tell you while we get you some food. We're here." Spike opened the door and it was a closet. "Ok, I guess it was the third door." He opened that door and sitting on a buffet cart was treats from the Apple family and Sugar Cube Corner. "Here, if anyone asks, I'll take the blame for this, you don't need any more bad publicity."

Luna looked to the dragon. "No, if this is going to happen, than we're doing this together." She used her magic to move a treat over to Spike. "Tell me, what happened to cause a dragon to be left in the Everfree of all places?"

Spike sighed. "Well, from what Grandma told me, I was thought to be dead, my egg was not warm when a traveler brought me before her. So, for years I was used as an item in her school for gifted unicorns."

"I see, the shell of a dragon egg is one of the most magic resistant materials in the lands, even for an alicorn it would be a challenge to break."

"Really, I had no idea, cool. But then this filly somehow hatched me one day. But to avoid a war with Dragons, Grandma wanted to send me back to the dragon lands so I could be raised by dragons. But the guard she chose to take me there was a coward and decided to leave me in the forest to die."

Luna growled as her demonic eyes were back. "I will make him pay."

Spike placed his hand on her leg. "Luna, it's fine, I'm not upset, I'm actually thankful to him for it. I got to be found by my Mamas, I got to be loved by them and my family, sure there were some problems at first, but I was taught to let the stares and comments be just that. It didn't make the life I knew any different, I had a family and they loved me, for me."

Luna was crying as she stuffed another cupcake into her mouth. "Spike, you are much wiser than many dragons and far more than your age."

Spike chuckled at the frosting on Luna's mouth. "Thanks, but I'm just me." Spike wiped the frosting off her muzzle. "So, did they taste good?"

Luna blushed as she nodded. "Very, I had no idea such a confection existed."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, me and Mama are proud of our baking skills."

"Then she shall be my personal baker, while you assist me in learning of this world."

"Cool, now try one of these." Spike showed a fritter.

"What is it?"

"It's an apple fritter."

Luna took the treat and took a bite, then another, and another. "This is some trick, truly, nothing in this world can be this divine?"

"No, they are that good, but it takes a lot of hard work to make them, but we Apples are hard workers."

Luna brought more of the fritters to her. "Apples?"

Spike chuckled at the question. "Chew first."

Luna chewed and swallowed the 4 fritters in her mouth. "Sorry, but who are the Apples?"

"Their my Ma's family, they actually settled this area when my Great Granny was a little filly, and ever since then we have stayed here."

"I must say, the more of this town I hear about the more I see why strange is good."

"Oh, trust me, that isn't even the half of it. My Mommy is a shy mare that can wrestle a bear, but it's only to help him get the kinks out of his back. My Mom is one of the best fliers in the world, and my Mother is one of the best designers I have ever seen."

Luna sighed as she looked at Spike. "Spike, you're free to go, I'd rather not lose what we have forged by taking you hostage."

Spike looked at Luna. "Nah, that would be the normal thing to do. Besides, I got loads more stories to tell you when we leave."

Luna smiled as she looked at her nephew and friend. "Thank you Spike, you're the first bit of kindness that I've had in 1000 years. No matter what happens, I hope that we can still be friends."

Spike gave the mare a hug. "Sure."

"Luna, where are you?" Asked Celestia as she was getting worried when she never returned with Spike.

"Oh, that's grandma, she must be worried." Said Spike.

"Well, I was planning on doing this right after we left the room." She used her magic on Spike and smiled at him. "Thank you for everything Spike."

"No problem Aunt Luna."

Luna walked out of the storage room and found Celestia looking worriedly around. "There you are. Where have you 2 been, I'm supposed to raise the sun in a few minutes?"

Luna glared at Celestia. "Sister, I was trapped on the moon for 1000 years with no real food. The least you can do to accommodate me is to allow me to eat."

Celestia looked into the room and noticed that most of the food was gone. "No, I've been waiting for that all week."

"Oh, grow up, you could stand to lose the weight, I noticed that you had a more pronounced flank the moment I arrived."

Celestia glared at Luna. "Oh, the moment this is settled, you're going to regret saying that."

Spike sighed. "Can you 2 stop fighting like Mother and Aunt Sweetie, I'm supposed to be a hostage remember, and you 2 are fighting over cakes and flanks. Grandma, when I'm done, I'll make you a cake to make up for it, and Aunt Luna, why does it matter, you got thinner legs, and Grandma has a longer muzzle. That doesn't change the fact that you are both pretty. Now shut up, take me to the balcony, threaten to bring upon this eternal night thing, and lets head to where ever we're going, it is too early for all of this, and maybe we can stop off at Mommy's for some nice tea, it goes well with the cupcakes."

Both Celestia and Luna blinked at Spike. "Sweetie, are you ok?" Asked Celestia, she had never heard Spike talk like this.

Spike sighed. "Sorry Grandma, I just find this whole situation kinda dumb, so whoever wins this thing between you is kinda pointless, you 2 care about each other, you care about the ponies, and sorry to say this, but you 2 are really strange, sure sisters fight, but you don't see Aunt Sweetie going nuts and Mother banishing her to the moon." Spike huffed. "And honestly, if this keeps up, I'd rather just leave you both alone for a while."

Celestia looked at Spike. "Spike, I'm sorry, but you can't be serious, we love spending time together."

"No, I'm tired of all of this." Said Spike as something was different about him. "I'm tired of all of this." Spike's eyes started to change from their green to an aqua color. "I'm tired of you, it's because of you that I don't know about my own kind. It's because of you that I was left to die." Spike then smirked as his spine's became longer and sharper. "And it's thanks to you I have a new host." Said Nightmare. "Oh, this is even better than I felt. Deep seeded regret, questions that are left unanswered, anger for always being the voice of reason. So much better than a little sister’s jealousy. Now all I have to do is get the elements and I can finally be free to rule over all of Equestria, then the dragons, and then the world... Wow this kid is really knowledgeable."

Celestia and Luna glared at the dragon. "Nightmare, you leave Spike's body, he has nothing to do with this."

"Tia, Tia, Tia, he does now." Said Nightmare as she broke the hold Luna had on Spike's body. "Do what you want, I have a world to rule. But first, I need to go see my Mamas." Spike walked over to the wall and with a single punch, shattered it. Shocking everyone in the room for the celebration.

Spike flew up to the balcony. "Ponies of Ponyville, I have some sad news. The party is over."

Everyone looked at Spike, but all the girls ran over to get some answers. "Spike Drake, what is the meaning of this?" Asked Rarity, she was so confused.

Spike chuckled. "Sorry Mother, but I'm done being your little Spikie, in fact I'm done being a Shy, a Dash, a Pie, a Belle, and an Apple. I'm going to show the world that they shouldn't fear dragons, no they should fear me."

Rainbow flew up to Spike, this wasn't her son, and she was going to get him back. "Spike, snap out of it." But Rainbow ran straight into a wall.

"Sorry Mom, but someone that slow could never be a Wonderbolt, let alone catch me."

Rarity tried to use her magic to pull Spike down. "Spike, please calm down, this isn't you."

"I see, I guess you really are nothing but a dress maker, not even strong enough to save your son." Nightmare broke Rarity's spell on Spike's body and started laughing, but then he felt a rope around his leg. "Seriously, a rope?" AJ Glared at him as she gave a whistle.

"LETS GET THIS APPLE BACK!" Cried AJ as she, Mac, Pear, Bright Mac, Aunt Orange, and 30 other members of the family took hold of the rope. But nothing happened.

"Wow, this kid even works out his wings when he's alone. I picked a winner." Said Nightmare. He used his claws to cut the rope, but when he looked up, he saw the barrel of Pinkie's cannon.

"GIVE ME BACK MY SWEETIE!" She shot Spike with a whole party but when it was clear all she saw was a Spike cut out. "What?"

Spike grabbed the cannon and smiled when he placed it under his arm. "Thanks Mama, I'll make Gummy my general."

Fluttershy looked at all the girls. "No." She flew up to Spike. "Spike, please stop this."

"Mommy?" Asked the real Spike.

"Sweetie, something is wrong, you need to listen to me."

But her heart broke when she heard that evil laughter. "That was a close one, I almost got forced out, but I guess I'm stronger." Spike flew right in front of Fluttershy. "Sorry Mommy, but your little baby is a monster now."

Fluttershy's heart was shattered when she heard that. "No no no. YOU GIVE HIM BACK RIGHT NOW!" She grabbed his tail. "Let my little baby go!"

Nightmare looked back at her and growled. "Get off me." Nightmare tried to shake Spike's tail to get Fluttershy to let go of it. But she wasn't letting her little baby go. "Fine, I warned you." Nightmare was about to attack her, but the body wasn't moving. "What?"

Inside of Spike's head. Spike was looking at what he had become. "Stop this, I agreed to this on the condition that no one gets hurt."

"Fine, but how do you expect me to do that, I got goals Spike, and having your little mommy around kinda puts a cramp in that."

"Let me say something."

"Sure, what ever, but one word."

Spike nodded.

Nightmare looked at Fluttershy with a smirk. "Good news, Spike wants to say a something." Said Nightmare as Spike's eyes turned back to normal.

"Sorry." Said Spike.

Spike's eyes went back to Nightmares as they chuckled. "And moment gone." Said Nightmare Spike. "Now, let go."

Fluttershy glared at the creature that was taking her son. "We're going to get him back." Said Fluttershy as she let Spikes tail go.

"I wouldn't bet on it." Said Nightmare as they flew off into the Everfree.

Fluttershy watched as Spike left, but the moment he was gone, she landed. "Shy, what the hay, why did you let him go?" Asked Rainbow.

"Dash, that was not Spike, and nothing we did seemed like it did anything to him. We need to think about this before we rush in and get hurt."

"There is a castle at the heart of the Everfree, The Castle of The Two Sisters. We will show you what you must do if we want to get Spike back from Nightmare." Said Celestia as she and Luna walked out into the room.

All the girls ran over to Celestia. "Celestia, what is happening, who is this, and what happened to Spike?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, this is my sister Luna, or you might know her as Nightmare Moon."

Fluttershy growled as she looked at the mare. "YOU GIVE ME BACK MY LITTLE BABY RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Yelled Fluttershy.

Celestia used her magic to pry off the mare. "Fluttershy, this is not her doing, please listen, long ago, Luna was corrupted by a evil force that changed her into Nightmare Moon. I used a set of magical items to banish her to the moon, and now that thing has found a new host in Spike. But there is still time, I believe that we must the same method, to save Spike."

Twilight ran over to the princess. "Princess, are you talking about the Elements of Harmony?"

"That is correct, Twilight. We must use them to save Spike, before his mind is overpowered by Nightmare." She removed her yoke and showed her neckless. "I'm not going to lose my little granddrake like I did Luna."

"He's our son." Said Rainbow as she and the rest of the girls got on their necklaces.

"Twilight, I know that you do not know Spike as much, but you and he share a special connection. I think that you are going to play a role in getting him back. Moondancer, Sunburst, please stay and keep everyone calm." Said Celestia.

Twilight nodded. "Girls, I know that we have only known each other for a little while, but I'm his mother too, and I need to take responsibility." They all nodded, happy to know that Twilight was joining them.

"Great, we'll make you a mama necklace when we get back from saving Spike." Said Pinkie.

Luna looked at Celestia. "You planned this?" Asked Luna in shock.

Celestia nodded. "Well, most of it, I wasn't expecting Spike to be possessed. I had planned to take him with us, and then you accept the loss after you talked with him, you turn back to Luna, and boom, all good, the elements have their matches, I got you back, and Spike isn't a power hungry demon. But this town is strange. Sorry if my premonitions are a little off." Whispered Celestia.

Luna sighed as she looked at the girls. "Spike spoke highly about all of you, I am so sorry that this has happened to him."

"If my little baby is not ok after this, than the only one that will be in trouble is you."

Luna nodded, it was fair. "I will not argue."

Fluttershy sighed. "Sorry, but we need to focus on Spike."

"AH!" Cried Zecora as she was running away from her home.

"Zecora!?" Cried everyone.

The Zebra mare ran into town hall. "Spike, gave me a fright, what is he doing in the dead of night, more over why is it still the middle of the night?"

"Long story short, Spike got possessed, we need to head to a castle in the forest to save him, and Celestia hasn't risen the sun." Said Rainbow.

Celestia face hoofed. "Right, I was going to blame that on Nightmare. Yaddy yaddy yadda, I Celestia raise the sun on a bright new day." Celestia's horn glowed and the sun was in position. "There, let’s go." Said Celestia as she teleported the group to the forest's edge.

Author's Note:

Hey, I'm sure I'm going to get some comment about the fact that Nightmare was acting like this. First, it is so dumb how the show did her, I know it was the first episode, and they needed a big bad villain but then they flush the story out later and it always irked me. Second was the whole Celestia thing, we see in the show that Celestia was at least able to hold off Nightmare for some time, long enough for them to destroy the castle, so if she did return, why was there no news about it, no cried of pain or even a destroyed building or 2, then when it's all over, she just magically appears without a scratch? That is why I think Celestia planned all of it, and the 2 made a deal long ago. I just tweaked it a bit.