• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 941 Views, 16 Comments

Goddess of the Moon - Duke of Canterlot

With Luna's retirement, a new goddess of the moon is needed - Princess Luna decides Apple Bloom is the best choice.

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R.I.P : Part I

Apple Bloom heard a knock at her door. The sun wasn’t out yet and Apple Bloom was mad tired. What could be the matter?

“Open on up”, grumbled Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom saw a distraught Applejack.

“Oh no”, muttered Apple Bloom, “don’t tell me..”

“It’s terrible”, said Applejack with tears in her eyes, “ah can’t believe it…Granny..Granny..”

“Granny’s dead?”, responded Apple Bloom already crying.
Applejack nodded.

Apple Bloom was devastated. This couldn’t be. She was supposed to have the skills to save Granny and she was already taken away from the world.

Applejack and Apple Bloom embraced in a hug – sharing their grief with one another. This all happened too soon. At least, thought Apple Bloom, Granny didn’t have to suffer for so long.

“Where’s Big Mac”, asked Apple Bloom.

“He’s at the hospital. Mac’s making sure that everything goes well with the… the… funeral preparations.”

“Why couldn’t have Granny stuck around? Ah would have saved her once ah became a full-fledged alicorn!”

“Sugarcube, there’s nothing you or ah could have done. We have to start informing the rest of the family. This is gonna be a big ol’ Apple funeral.”

Apple Bloom sighed. Everything was changing way too fast. All at once. Life would never be the same without Granny.

Apple Bloom spent all day moping in the treehouse. She just couldn’t stop thinking about Granny Smith. Why did she have to die like that? Granny was supposed to live forever like an alicorn. Apple Bloom groaned. She wasn’t so sure she wanted to be an alicorn if all her friends and family were going to die.

Apple Bloom bawled at the thought of losing everypony around her. It would just be her, Twilight, Spike, and goddamn Discord wandering Canterlot if there was an apocalypse – probably Discord’s fault.

Apple Bloom was considering telling Luna that she couldn’t go on with the alicorn training. She wouldn’t be able to handle everypony dying around her. It would only be about 80 years before every non immortal pony she knew was going to die.

“So sorry about Granny.”

Apple Bloom turned around and saw Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

“You guys didn’t have to visit me”, said Apple Bloom, “ah’m gonna be getting awfully used to loneliness. Ah wish ah could have done something to save Granny. Just a little more time and ah could have figured it out!”

“I feel the same way about my grandpa”, said Sweetie Belle.
“But ah’m supposed to become an almighty alicorn – what good does it do if ah can’t actually help ponies cheat death except myself?”

“Becoming an alicorn is a honor”, said Scootaloo, “it takes a really incredible pony to get there and that’s you.”

“You’re going to make a great alicorn”, added Sweetie Belle.

“But what happens when well.. you know… alicorns live an awfully long time. Just losing Granny has been horrible enough – what happens when everypony ‘round my age grows old and…”

“I guess I never thought of it like that before”, said Scootaloo, “but Equestria needs you! You’ve always been such a special pony and I’ve been honored to be your friend.”

“Yeah! You’re the one who always told us to never give up on our cutie mark quest! You may not see it, Bloom, but every pony else does. Like Twilight Sparkle, you’re one of a kind.”

“Ah guess Twilight will stay young with me. But maybe ah should tell Luna that ah don’t want it. Maybe one of you two can take my place.”

“I wouldn’t be able to handle it”, said Sweetie Belle.

“Me neither”, said Scootaloo.

“Ah’m just like you two. No need for me to become an alicorn. The sooner ah can see my parents and Granny in Heaven, the better!”

“Don’t say that”, said Scootaloo, “you know your Granny would never want that for you.”

“Scootaloo and I plan to be here a long time and we are rooting for you!”

Apple Bloom began to cry and embraced her two friends in a hug. Losing Granny Smith was rough.
But she knew that ending her own life or giving up on her alicorn training wouldn’t make anything better – it would only make things worse.

Apple Bloom did message Luna letting her know that she couldn’t continue the lessons until after the funeral. Luna not only understood but promised to attend the funeral.

The funeral took place two days after Granny’s death. She was amazed by the number of ponies who showed up to pay their respects. The crowd was enormous. She even saw Twilight Sparkle. Now might be a good time to talk to her, just to get her perspective on the whole alicorn thing.

Apple Bloom ran over to Twilight Sparkle and said, “hey, long time – no see, Twilight!”

“It has been forever, hasn’t it? I am so sorry for your loss, Apple Bloom. Granny was an inspiration to us all.”

“Thank you, Twilight. Ah learned so much from her and ah love her so much.”

“Granny is so proud of you! I know that much. Losing any pony you love is hard.”

“Ah guess it will only get harder in the upcoming years.”

“I foresee that being the toughest part of alicornhood for certain but I have no regrets of taking on the mantle from Celestia and you certainly shouldn’t feel that way with your upcoming role. We’re doing great things.”

“Ah don’t know, Twilight. Ah wasn’t meant for this kind of stuff – ah think. You’re a unicorn who was blessed with magical talent from birth. You were made for alicornhood. Me, ah am just a simple earth pony who grew up on a farm.”

“I see your horn. You’re at least part unicorn now.”

“Luna has been the best teacher ah ever had besides Granny”, said Apple Bloom, “ah really appreciate all the faith she has in me..but ah don’t know if ah can live life like that.”

“I know”, said Twilight, “it’s not an easy transition. I never asked for alicornhood but Princess Celestia had faith in me. She knew it was time to retire and she picked me. I honestly don’t fully understand why I’m the one Celestia chose but I was and I have been slowly growing into the role.”

“Of course you know why because you are only the smartest and most talented pony in the whole wide world.”

“I’ve seen your test results, Apple Bloom”, said Twilight, “you are off-the-charts smart. And you also possess a drive which I think Equestria could use. I know I’m an anal perfectionist but you are so good at going outside the box. We’ve all seen those talents in play over the years. I see why Luna picked you and I am so grateful for that. Plus, I could never deal with other ponies’ dreams. You have the strength and empathy to help others in the same way Luna has.”

“Ah sure feel weak now though.”

“Of course, you just lost someone so special in your life. But you are not weak. You are strong and confident. Luna has been telling me and Celestia about your lessons. You’re really coming along for a “simple earth pony”.”

“Ah know what Granny would want me to do. She wouldn’t want me to mope around and give up on everything. Ah just wish there was more ah could have done to save Granny.”

“Unfortunately”, said Twilight, “not even alicorns can stop death. We can stop our own deaths but not others. Or apparently if you’re Spike.”

“Spike? Ah know dragons can live long but..”

“He doesn’t know it yet but he’s immortal. Apparently I granted him immortality by accident when I had him hatched. At least, that’s what Celestia told me.”

“So at least you have Spike. But who do I have who is super close?”

“My best advice for you is to focus on the present moment. I know, I’m totally the wrong pony to be saying that – but it’s true. Good things and beings end so enjoy them while you can.”

“Ah know you’re right. Ah just still can’t believe that Granny is gone. Ah’m going to miss her so much.”

“I know. Me too.” The two of them hugged.

“Ah’m looking forward to getting back to my lessons with Luna.”

“You’re going to do great! Sometime we should go over some really cool spells I’ve learned over the years.”

“Definitely once ah get the hang of this horn.”

“From what Luna said, you really kicked butt in combat training. Good for me since you’ll be protecting me at Canterlot Castle!”

“Ah don’t know about that. Luna must be exaggerating.”

“I doubt that.”

“Nice seeing you again and ah really enjoyed our chat. Maybe ah can do this.”


Apple Bloom waved to Twilight and went over to her family.
One thing she did notice was that Big Mac and Daisy were in a loving embrace.
Apple Bloom smiled. At least it looked like her brother could find love again.

Author's Note:

R.I.P Granny Smith :(

This chapter will be split into two parts.

Hope everyone is enjoying the story!

I got a lot of ideas about expanding this MLP 'universe' after I'm done with this story too.