• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 940 Views, 16 Comments

Goddess of the Moon - Duke of Canterlot

With Luna's retirement, a new goddess of the moon is needed - Princess Luna decides Apple Bloom is the best choice.

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The Coronation

Today was the day – or the night. Luna insisted on having the coronation during the night. Apple Bloom was going to officially become an alicorn princess.

Apple Bloom had a beautiful dress picked out. It was a dark blue dress with a crescent moon sown on the back. It was perfect for her upcoming coronation. Luna was also going to give Apple Bloom her tiara tonight to complete the dress in full.

Apple Bloom heard a knock on the door. “Come on in, door is open!”

It was Scootaloo.

“Hey Scoots, glad you could make my coronation!”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Rainbow and I flew from Ponyville to get here. I’m forever grateful to you and Princess Luna for making my dreams come true.”

“Ah am so glad to hear that. We can fly around a little bit before the coronation. Ah am still trying to get used to these wings.”

“I’m always up to flying – you know that!”

“Alrighty, let’s go. Ah got a couple hours before ah have to get in my coronation dress.”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo flew around Canterlot. It was hard to believe that just two weeks ago, neither of them could fly – no matter how hard they tried.

“So, what’s the plan now Scootaloo?”

“Well – I got some great news to tell you. After I could fly, I applied to enroll in Wonderbolts Academy. They gave me some preliminary test where I got to show off my skills. And I’m in! This fall, you are looking at the newest Wonderbolt-in-training. The icing on the cake is that I get to go for free. They gave me a full-tuition scholarship.”

“That’s amazing! So happy for you. Ah think you could be a Wonderbolt someday.”

“I hope so. Rainbow thinks I can.”

“You’re flying better than me.”

“That’s okay. You don’t need to be a super flier to become an alicorn princess. You got that massive Royal Guard protecting you and Twilight everywhere you go.”

“Ah still want to constantly improve on my flying and magic. Luna is insanely good at both – especially magic. Ah bet she could beat any pony in a magic duel.”

“She’s got over a thousand years of practice. So, was wondering – what’s been going on with you and Sweetie Belle? Sweetie said she didn’t even want to go to the coronation. I know how Sweetie can be and frankly I already know that I’m going to side with you. But how bad did things get between you and Sweetie Belle?”

“Pretty bad. Ah think Sweetie is mad about what ah did last year and she just can’t forgive me for that.”

“But you apologized like what – a thousand times.”

“Ah know. But she said the problem is that Button Mash is still into me. Ah made some stupid move last year and he’s now forever entranced or something like that.”

“That sucks. Sweetie Belle didn’t even tell me that but I see why she’s worried.”

“Me too. So probably the best thing ah can do is just give her space and hopefully things work out.”

“I think Sweetie is being ridiculous but I know how she is. Giving her and Button some space will be good, it will either make or break their relationship.”

“With me out of the picture, ah am sure they will live happily ever after.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

What do you mean?”

“Button Mash seems like he’s afraid that Sweetie Belle is moving things too fast. Maybe try visiting his dream.”

“It’s probably my fault he’s thinking like that anyways.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Princess Apple Bloom. Wanna race?”

“Sure – ah am good for a race.”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo raced in the sky. It was clear to Apple Bloom that her friend was the faster one of the two. Apple Bloom tried to dash to speed ahead of Scootaloo but it didn’t work.

After about a half hour – Apple Bloom knew for sure she couldn’t fly faster than Scootaloo.

“Hey Scoots, you can say that you kicked an alicorn’s ass in flying.”

“Rainbow is so going to love to hear that! Now, get ready to take what is yours.”

“You’re the best friend an alicorn can ask for, Scootaloo.”

Luna had asked a small crowd of ponies to meet her outside Canterlot Castle. Apple Bloom didn’t get many hints regarding what her coronation would entail. The young alicorn walked outside of her castle and she could see about 50 ponies – all who she knew well – looking at her with anticipation. Apple Bloom didn’t see Sweetie Belle in the crowd. But she wasn’t going to let that get to her.

At a podium, Apple Bloom saw Luna, Twilight, and Celestia.

“Princess Apple Bloom”, said Luna, “please join us at your rightful spot.” Apple Bloom headed over and bowed to the three alicorn princesses.

“The sky is dark but there is no moon”, said Luna, “Princess Apple Bloom, show the crowd how it is done.”

Apple Bloom channeled her energy into the sky. The ground was lower than last time so the moon was harder to pick out – but the moon seemed to trust her enough to avoid much embarrassment. She could feel the moon’s presence – it was… wait, the moon wasn’t an it… the moon was a she. The moon was speaking to Apple Bloom.

“Princess Apple Bloom”, “said” the moon with flickers, “I have watched you throughout your journey and while I am saddened to see that Luna is finally moving on, I am glad that she has chosen you as her successor. Now help me make the sky a little brighter.”

Apple Bloom could already understand the moon’s language. She turned back to Luna with a smile. Apple Bloom used her magic to rise the moon all the way to the sky. It was slightly more full than the night before. She was looking forward to her first night of a full moon over Canterlot.

“And now I present to all of you the new Goddess of the Moon, Princess Apple Bloom from Ponyville. Please join me in congratulating her!”

The crowd cheered. Apple Bloom could see the rest of the Mane Six, Scootaloo, Spike, Apple Bloom’s family, Discord, the Young Six, and some others – including a smirking Starlight Glimmer and a bouncy Button Mash. No Sweetie Belle in sight.

Every pony in the crowd rushed over to Apple Bloom to offer their congratulations.

“Ah am so proud of my little sis, but ah ain’t so sure ah can call you little anymore, sugarcube”, said Applejack.

“You’ll always be my big sister to me, AJ”, responded Apple Bloom, “ah am always going to you for advice.” The two sisters hugged.

“Goddess of the Moon”, said Discord, “expect a couple of surprises from me now that you’re such a big cheese.”

“Don’t worry”, whispered Twilight, “I know how to deal with this clown.”

“Oh heavens – I mean no harm at all. This reminds me – perhaps I would like to retire someday and find my own master of chaos.”

“Aren’t you immortal or something like that?”

“Yes, I am, Princess. Invincible to any deadly danger” Apple Bloom did hint a tinge of sadness in Discord’s eyes – he must have known that all of them would perish someday before him, including the alicorns.

“I have been alive long enough to know that your little experiment in friendship is a horrible failure – but don’t worry – that one is a lost cause and incapable of any goodness unlike me“, continued Discord.

“Stop trolling us, Discord”, groaned Twilight.

“You do not make many mistakes, Twilight. But this one is your biggest. Congratulations, Princess Apple Bloom.”

“Thank you, Discord.”

“Discord means well but he gets on my nerves sometimes”, said Twilight to Apple Bloom.

“Ah know what you mean”, said Apple Bloom, “what did he mean by little experiment in friendship?”

“We can chat about that later. For now, enjoy your coronation.”

Apple Bloom knew exactly who Discord was talking about. Starlight Glimmer. Apple Bloom didn’t trust her at all. But more on that later.

Button Mash ran over to Apple Bloom to extend his congratulations.

“I am so proud of you, Princess Apple Bloom”, said Button enthusiastically, “you are perfect as Goddess of the Moon.”

“Thanks Button”, responded Apple Bloom, “question though – where’s Sweetie Belle?”

“I don’t know”, said Button Mash, “Sweetie and I actually broke up today. Things just weren’t working out.”
“Ah’m sorry to hear that. You know that ah am not going to date you, right?”

“Yeah, I know”, responded Button, “but I need to find some pony that helps me get over you.”

“Ah wish you best of luck with that, Button. You really deserve the best - better than me.”

The two hugged.

Seemed like there would be a lot for Apple Bloom to deal with later – but for now she would take the victory and accomplishment. Apple Bloom was now the Goddess of the Moon.

Author's Note:

I hope everyone enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
More stories to be written in my future universe of MLP.