• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 936 Views, 16 Comments

Goddess of the Moon - Duke of Canterlot

With Luna's retirement, a new goddess of the moon is needed - Princess Luna decides Apple Bloom is the best choice.

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Princess Luna

Apple Bloom opened her eyes. She saw that her surroundings had completely changed. She was no longer in her bedroom but at Canterlot Castle. What was she doing here?

Apple Bloom could see proud armored ponies from the Royal Guard to her left and right. They didn’t seem alarmed by her presence in the castle so she decided to move onward. She didn’t remember why she went to Canterlot. Her first day at university was three months away.

Apple Bloom could hear a groan. Was that Princess Twilight Sparkle?

She ran up a set of stairs and she was at the door of the Royal Chambers – formerly the bedchambers of Princess Celestia and now those of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Apple Bloom knocked on the door. No answer. She knocked again. No response. She could hear Twilight talking to someone.

“Spike, I don’t think I can do this. I am just not the pony that Princess Celestia thought I was.”

“That’s nonsense, Twilight. You’ve been doing a great job for three years! Every pony is so proud of you!”

“Certainly they must have noticed that the rising of the moon isn’t quite as precise as it used to be.”

“I haven’t noticed.”

“It’s been off by minutes sometimes! I am sure every pony knows but just doesn’t want to tell me!”

“Heh, I’m a dragon so maybe I don’t..”

“I meant, every creature. Spike, I am at a loss!”

Apple Bloom could feel the pressure that Twilight was putting on herself. She wanted to let them know but it seemed that neither Twilight nor Spike were interrupted by Apple Bloom’s knocking.

Apple Bloom felt her own presence in the castle was odd.

The conversation continued.

“Well, maybe the moon doesn’t need to be perfect.”

“This is Equestria! Everything must be perfect!!”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Nothing. I can do this on my own!”

Apple Bloom then heard a voice without a body.

“And it is clear that Princess Twilight Sparkle is wrong.”

Princess Luna?

“Princess Luna? Is that you?”

“Yes, Apple Bloom. I am here. Do you know why I brought you here?”

“Where are you? I can’t see you.”

“Oh, oops”, said Luna, “I forgot to turn off the invisibility.”

Apple Bloom was as impressed as ever to see Princess Luna – the former goddess of the moon. Even in her retirement, Luna held a royal presence to her – one which would probably never leave her.

“How’s retirement?”

“Some days, it’s relaxing. Some days, it’s boring. But I must admit that it is time for me to end all of my duties.”

“Is time? Ah thought you fully retired?”

“There is one skill I couldn’t give Princess Twilight Sparkle. My sister wanted me to give it to her but I flat our refused.”


“Paralyzed by the fear of failure and far too jittery. Twilight would be a horrible dream watcher.”

“So, is this a dream?”

“It is not but I brought you here in your slumber. So sorry that your grandmother isn’t doing well by the way.”

“We’re all worried about Granny. Ah wish there were something any pony could do.”

“Me too. I have been alive for over a thousand years and I know that mortality is something none of us can avoid.”

“Even an alicorn?”

“Even alicorns die someday, Apple Bloom, we just live a long time.”

“What about Discord?”

“Hmmm… I hardly think of that nuisance. He might very well be immortal.”

“Oh, so forever chaos?”

“I suppose so”, said Luna with a chuckle.

“So ah wonder, why did you bring me here?”

“Good question, Apple Bloom. I wanted some pony to see what I have been seeing the past three years. Things aren’t quite as easy for Twilight Sparkle as one would think.”

“Ah would imagine it’s real tough trying to take care of the sun and the moon.”

“Exactly. By all accounts, Twilight is doing a good job, but it is costing her sanity and happiness.”

“So why is no other pony helping her?”

“Celestia, my dear sister, sometimes is so blind. She was able to manage the sun and moon for a thousand years since she banished me to the moon. I suppose Celestia tried, at some point, to find a replacement for me but she held out for my reformation. It wasn’t easy on Celestia, but she is a super alicorn, as much as I hate to admit it, more powerful than me or Twilight Sparkle.”

“This is all really interesting and ah imagine that it’s gotta be tough on every pony but why are you telling me this and not some pony who can make a difference?”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Apple Bloom. I have been watching over so many ponies since I returned to Equestria. This will sound crazy to you, I know. Hear me out. I have been looking for my own replacement for some time. Twilight is precious and brilliant, but I never thought she could be Goddess of the Moon. The Princess of Friendship is more suited for the sun. I put my hoof down at giving Twilight my dreamwatching abilities. But I am getting old in my age and am ready to fully retire and Twilight needs help with the moon. I knew I needed a pony with wit, empathy, and ambition. I also needed one who knows life is a tragedy but deals with it.”

“Hold on. Are you saying that..”

“Yes, I want you to replace me as the Goddess of the Moon. I have seen many ponies and you are the best one out there.”

“But that requires becoming an alicorn, ah’m just an earth pony who lives on a farm.”

“There’s a first time for everything”, said Luna, “earth ponies have as much capability of becoming alicorns as unicorns or pegasi.”

“Oh, that makes sense. But what ah meant is that there’s nothing real special about me, ah can’t be an alicorn. Ah’m not like Twilight Sparkle who was practically raised to be Celestia’s little helper.”

“Yes, you are different from Twilight Sparkle. And that’s something I like about you. Despite your current doubts, I have seen a pony with incredible confidence and unstoppable determination. You’ll catch on to the magic stuff unicorns know how to do and magical prowess isn’t the most important quality for my role.”

Apple Bloom was still in shock. Was this some crazy dream? It was something that Apple Bloom had never considered before but Luna was right there talking about how she was perfect for the role.

“What about my family? Ah would have to stay in Canterlot for this job.”

“You’re already planning on attending Canterlot University, aren’t you?”

“Yeah but that isn’t the same.”

“Not too different. You can visit your friends.”

“Ah hardly see Twilight anymore. She’s stuck in that castle.”

“Because she doesn’t have anypony else to help her. So, what do you think?”

“Ah’m honored that you think so highly of me, Luna. But ah need to stay by Granny’s side while she’s feeling sick.”

“That won’t be a problem”, said Luna, “we can train in Ponyville. I can’t make you an alicorn just yet. A few things to learn first!”

“Like what?”

“I have never trained another pony before but I suppose it is learning how to focus the power inside of you. There will also be lessons of flight and magic. You would oversee the moon going forward! I also, dare I say it, would also learn how to inhabit the dreams of other ponies.”

“Wow..that’s a lot. Are you sure that ah am the pony you want?”

“Absolutely, Apple Bloom! Oh, this will be so exciting! In your case…hmmm..what to do? I know! I will give you your own unicorn horn! How does that sound?”

Apple Bloom still couldn’t believe what she was hearing. With a wave of Luna’s horn, Apple Bloom felt something grow out of her forehead. This was definitely odd.

“Are you sure ah’m not dreaming?”

“100%. You are now a unicorn/earth pony. Take a look in the mirror behind you.”

Apple Bloom ran to the mirror. She couldn’t believe it. She had a horn. It was a yellow horn, the same color as her coat. Apple Bloom had no idea how to use it but she certainly had one.

“Wow, wait till ah show this to my family and friends!”

“Yes, this is very real, Bloom. I shall teleport you back to bed. Tomorrow, at 20:00, we shall begin our lessons at Sweet Apple Acres! Nothing about this is secret. You will be the new goddess of the moon!”

“Ah hope ah can make you proud, Princess Luna.”

“Oh please, just call me Luna.”

In a second, Apple Bloom found herself back in her bed. She was still trying to absorb everything that had just happened. Thinking of more immediate matters, Apple Bloom was thinking that she could do something to help Granny once she became an alicorn. The young mare fell asleep.

Author's Note:

The training begins next chapter!