• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 940 Views, 16 Comments

Goddess of the Moon - Duke of Canterlot

With Luna's retirement, a new goddess of the moon is needed - Princess Luna decides Apple Bloom is the best choice.

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R.I.P: Part II

It seemed like every pony Apple Bloom ever knew was at the funeral and more. The funeral was held at Ponyville Cemetery. Granny Smith was to be buried right next to her husband and Apple Bloom’s own parents, who died far too young. At least Granny would have some company in Heaven, thought Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom also volunteered to give a speech at Granny’s funeral. She regretted volunteering but neither Big Mac nor Applejack wanted to do it at all.

“Ah don’t know if ah can do this speech”, said Apple Bloom to her siblings.

“You can do it”, said Applejack, “remember that heartwarming speech you gave at graduation. Ah really think you’re the best one to say our farewells to Granny.”

Big Mac nodded in agreement.

“But ah think ah’m going to cry”, said Apple Bloom.

“You and me both”, said Applejack, “Granny will be so proud of you.”

“Ah think you’d be so much better at it, sis. You’re so strong.”

“Ah would be crying like a baby up there too. And ah told Granny about yer speech at graduation and she said that she wanted you to give one at her funeral.”

“Granny would say that. If she talked less about dying, maybe she would still be alive.”

“Ah don’t think so, sugarcube. Granny got sick and we did our best to help.”

Apple Bloom sat down as she saw the funeral director, an elderly male earth pony with a halo cutie mark, approach the coffin.

“Greetings, every pony”, said the funeral director, “we have all gathered here today to pay our respects to Granny Smith. An incredible mare who has lived a long and meaningful life. She has touched the hearts of every pony here today. We will always remember her as the pony who brought Sweet Apple Acres to what it is today – the pillar of Ponyville. We will remember Granny for her strong work ethic, her sharp wit, and her sense of fun and adventure. She will be missed dearly by all, including me. I actually grew up with Granny right her in Ponyville – back when Ponyville was a very tiny town. Granny’s love of Ponyville helped make this town what it is today – a town known for its diversity and the magic of friendship. Granny’s legacy will never be forgotten, and neither will Granny herself. I have been told that her granddaughter, Apple Bloom, will be saying a few words. Your time has come to speak, Apple Bloom.”

Of course her family would tell the funeral director in advance. Apple Bloom sighed. She didn’t know if she could do this – and besides, she didn’t want ponies to be distracted by her horn. She already saw that ponies were looking at her with awe. Word had spread quickly she was going to be the next alicorn. She was grateful that this guy didn’t remind them of that.

Apple Bloom walked to the coffin and took the microphone. She gulped and began to speak.

“Thank you everyone for joining me and my family today as we mourn my Granny. As many of you know, ah lost both my parents when ah was really young, so Granny was my parental figure. She is full of wisdom and heart. She taught me how to exercise my muscles and my mind. She wanted me to be both a farmer and a scholar. Ah don’t know where ah would be today without Granny Smith. Ah hate that she is now dead. Some ponies might say that Granny lived above life expectancy, but ah wish that Granny could have lived forever. We all have benefitted from her kindness and helpfulness. Ah guess, like the funeral director said, she really did help make Ponyville what is today. Ah guess you could say that Granny was a parental figure to Ponyville too.”

Apple Bloom could hear a couple chuckles in the audience for that line.

“The biggest thing that Granny taught me and any pony ah know is, “don’t give up on your dreams. You know what they are – don’t stop pursuing them”. Ah admire Granny so much and she has helped me become the pony that ah am today. So much ah can say about Granny that can’t even be put into words. Granny, ah don’t want you to leave – please come back to us. Ah love you so much.” The tears were flowing out of Apple Bloom’s eyes. She briskly walked back to her seat. This felt more real than ever. Her grandmother was dead. Where did ponies go after they die? Did Luna know the answer? Apple Bloom wanted to find out.

Ponies kept on commenting throughout the funeral about how impressive Apple Bloom was for her journey to alicorn. But Apple Bloom felt like a scared filly who was lost and miserable. She couldn’t take this loss at all. Thankfully, every pony was taking the funeral seriously – even Discord.

Every pony gathered at the coffin. The sun was shining but the mood was gloomy. She could only stare at the coffin as it was slowly moved into its permanent home.

“Bye Granny, ah will miss you so much”, whispered Apple Bloom.

The coffin went two meters under the ground and then that was it. The funeral was over. Apple Bloom felt so miserable. She would be seeing a lot of death if she becomes an alicorn.

“Apple Bloom, are you doing alright?”

She turned around and saw Princess Luna. Apple Bloom ran over to Luna to give her a hug.

“No, Princess Luna. Ah’m not doing alright. Going to miss Granny so much.”

“Losing someone you love is never easy”, said Luna, “I have had my own share of losses over who knows how long.”

“Ah don’t know if ah can take losing so many friends over the years. Granny dying is hard enough.”

“Becoming a Princess is a calling and takes a ton of responsibility. There is sacrifice and sadness but there is also reward and relevance.”


“As the newest Goddess of the Moon, you will be bringing Equestria into the future. I’ve seen you handle your new horn nicely. Still a baby unicorn but a talented baby unicorn. As Celestia and I fully retire and leave behind our responsibilities over Equestria, I want to ensure that Equestria is in good hooves. You are that pony. You have proven repeatedly. I understand if you need time or a break given your grandmother’s demise but I hope you finish your alicorn lessons. We all need you. I need you.”

“Honestly”, said Apple Bloom, “ah think that ah…”

Apple Bloom needed to make a decision. But this all felt right. Yes, Granny is dead and yes it sucks – but… this was something she needed to do. She always knew there was something missing from her life – this was it.

“Ah would like to continue with my alicorn lessons immediately”, said Apple Bloom, “ah know that’s what Granny would have wanted for me. That seems to be what every pony wants for me.”

“Every pony seems to be aware of how amazing you are except you. But don’t worry, I was the same way at your age.”

“Ah just hope that ah can make you proud, Luna.”

“You already are. I think tomorrow night, we can teach you how to fly.”

“Looking forward to getting my wings – does this mean ah will be an alicorn?”

“Technically, yes. But you’ll still be like a baby pegasus – learning how to flap her wings for the first time.”

“Ah’m so psyched! This can’t be real, can it?”

“Oh my baby alicorn, this is as real as it gets!”

Apple Bloom was psyched. She couldn’t believe that she was going to be a full-fledged alicorn. She only wished that Granny could have been there to see it.

Apple Bloom could hardly sleep. It would only be about another 22 hours until she got her wings. Apple Bloom was lazily moving objects around her room with her horn – testing it out. This was a new chapter of her life. Apple Bloom would get to protect those she cared about with her new powers and responsibilities. She was going to make Luna so proud.

Apple Bloom grew tired of testing out her magic and stared at the ceiling. She hoped that she would be able to sleep all day until it was time for her lessons – the anticipation was killing her. How would she feel inside knowing that alicornhood was on its way?

Suddenly, Apple Bloom heard a knock on the door.

“Go away, Applejack”, muttered Apple Bloom, “ah’m trying to sleep.”

There was only another knock. And then another.

“Hey, Apple Bloom – I really need to talk to you. It’s real important.”

Apple Bloom wanted to tell whoever it was to go away but her curiosity got the best of her.

Apple Bloom opened the door wondering who was knocking so late. The young mare was shocked. It was Button Mash.

Author's Note:

What does Button Mash want?
What will Apple Bloom's next flying lesson entail?