• Member Since 12th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen June 3rd


"Fine. I'll do it myself." -Horndog (the recently revived fetish-powered zombie resurected by the power of the mighty Model M), having run out of porn containing his specific fetishes.

Comments ( 6 )

That was hot. I really liked how the beginning of this chapter was subtly different than the first. It made it feel like this version of the world is more open to casual sex. Like being rimmed out by your doctor is normal. Almost expected, really.

First off congrats on your first story! Hopefully its not your last because for a extreme fetish story this was pretty well done. The fetishes themselves were delivered in a way that was sexy and yet not *too* overdone. Honestly as far as real "hoofing" is concerned this story handled it better than anything I can think of in recent years. Only thing that really got kinda of confusing is how the whole prolapse scene was being portrayed. Then again we're talking about *feet* of prolapse! Things are bound to get tied up. ;)

Other than that love Dr. Stable and his "thorough" examinations. And that scene at the end where Cinnamon has a bit of a prolapse accident that requires a helping hoof/mouth! XD

Funnily enough, the differences were never planned to happen. The original plan was simply to leave the beginning as it was, butt I got a little carried away. Glad you liked it though. Makes the several hours I put into changing things up worth it.

This is most certainly not going to be my last, I have four more stories in the works, and several more ideas beyond that. As for the confusion, I simply did the best I could to describe something that I've never seen before ever. The folded sock analogy is the best real world comparison I could think of for folding a tube back over itself.

As for Dr. Stable, He Will Return.

Your fetishes are weird, and I mean that in the best way. This was extremely impressive stuff, I'm glad you've got more on the way, and I'm really curious what other directions and themes you have in mind.

The two versions were really cool, and both very hot in distinct ways. I read B first, of course, so I was actually pretty surprised when A, uh, went the direction it did, still. I kinda expected it to be more of just butt-rutting, but I think I like the kayfabe professionalism in it more, anyway. Stable being an absolute creep and taking advantage of the poor buttslut patient in his care appeals to my dubious-consent abuse-of-power kink a ton~

I loved how horny Cinnamon gets, too. You let her fall into all her base instincts and that's really hot – her growing depraved and needy as she's totally destroyed and taught the fun ways she didn't know her body could be used is well done.

I looked at both versions side by side, out of curiosity, and there's a couple of fun differences – I'm still trying to puzzle out how Cinna's aunt changed relationships between universes. Maybe that's the wrong question, actually... the most fun theory might be that in Universe B, Cinnamon's Dad is a Mom?

I'm glad you liked it! I'm planning on doing all of my stories in an A/B format, just so I can include more kinks. Version A is my personal favorite, but Version B does something that I've never seen before, and I wanted to see it done. As for the Aunt issue, it's a little easier to get the full-function futa potions in Universe B, changing family dynamics just a bit. (Totally not just bullshitting because I have no idea why it's different. I think I might have accidentally rewritten that sentence and just forgotten which parent I used. We'll go with the potion thing though.)

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