• Published 30th Aug 2020
  • 423 Views, 90 Comments

The Shatter Realm - keithsterling

This story is in response to some questions Queenchrysalisforever put into a review of one of my story. How does Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight feel about this war.

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Chapter 1 (Somnus and Aurora)

With the last gasp of Crystal Empire forces under the Command of Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle beaten back to the Crystal City the combined forces of Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight loyal Crystal Army forces and Equestria Royal Army under the command of her older siblings lay siege on the City and the Crystal Palace. The snow squishes under horseshoe clad equines soldiers of Blueberry's loyal Crystal army forces charging north toward crystal city heading straight to the Crystal Palace.

The valley echoes with the sound of combat small squads of the Equestria Royal army soldiers engaging the fanatic Flurry Heart Crystal Empire soldiers; the white snow is stained crimson red. As the blades of bladed weapons make contact with the unfortunate soldiers' pony flesh to feel the cold bite of steel before feeling nothing at all.

The horseshoes both sides are wearing are stain with blood from this violent battle. The acidity taste of blood permeates the clean cold air blowing from west to east across the battlefield. The steely clank of steel on steel masks the screaming, the fighting, and the sounds of ponies in pain across this long expanse of snowfield leading up to the Crystal City's outskirts.

Once in the city streets of Crystal City Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight loyal Crystal Army forces splits into three squads, two of the units engage more of the fanatic remnants Flurry Heart Crystal Empire soldiers stationed in the city. Why Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight squad's steamrolls through the streets of Crystal City to the delight of Crystal Ponies citizens.

A teenage Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle face was etched in desperation by her inexperience at ruling the Crystal Empire and commanding the Crystal Empire army. It is highly evident as each engagement with the combined forces under the Royal Foals' command has ended with humiliating defeat, the once second most powerful army in the land. Are now shadows of its former glory, still a handful of small groups of fanatical troops continuing the fight not for victory, but for death?

"This not my fault! None of it! It was those army commander hired by that half breed Alicorn Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. Their horse-patty leadership caused defeat for my glorious Crystal Empire!" Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle said, growing maniacal shifting back and forth on all fours nervously.

'Oh poor little Princess pony, did your grand plan not bear fruit like you wanted? Boo-hoo, but I must give props to Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight, those soldiers where some of the finest warriors to serve the Crystal Empire army. It too bad the lack of Leaderships at the top dooms them to defeat. But still, I have one card to play, which will change the course of destiny for this planet.' A Unicorn mare thought walking out of the shadows was greenish-blue unicorn mare with cerulean colored mane and tail.

She slowly walks up to a pedestal next to the thrones of the Crystal Empire. Sitting on the pedestal was a book of Alicorn magic spells; each spell was more powerful than the next. Only a very experience Alicorn can cast this level of magic to perform it requires precision mystic Energy Control that none of these Terran Alicorn have. Still, this billion-year-old disguised imperator, Alicorn mare, has plenty. She quickly flips through the magic book with her magic aura until she finds the spell. The book is written in the most ancient rune language that no Terran Alicorn has learned to read:

Altered time spell


Suppose the spell is incorrectly cast, or the user doesn't have required precision mystic energy control. In that case, this spell can permanently alter time. The altered time is, at best, a random event. What every timeline the spell chooses the knowledge of that timeline is giving to the previous timeline. The trade-off for this is an event that happens at an earlier timeline that will be reset or broken. The object will experience a physical change. Suppose an object has been held in the area between space and time. In that case, the rarest event will be drag into the new timeline with all the knowledge it had before it was sent to the site between space and time. In layman terms, the object will think it just their routine day and see no changes. The only trade-off for the object will be a physical change.

Slowly, the magical energy begins to build inside the disguised imperator, Alicorn mare's spiral horn. Once the mystic power reaches its zenith, Adviser Rose Eventide raises her front hoofs in the air about to slam them onto the book to set it off.

Went she is body check by fearful Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle not wanting to be punished and figures the spell was escape spell. She slams her front hoofs onto the book; the book begins to rumble and hiss out of control Mystic Energy. The book shoots into the air sending Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle flying into ceramic vases in one corner of the throne room break them on impact.

In the air, the book sends out mystic shockwaves before bursting into flames. As the mystic shockwaves touch the walls of the Throne room, empty walls become large computer banks and huge holographic tactics table form in the center of the room. On the table a hologram of the battlefield forms showing the large Equestria Royal army's position and the position of the Crystal Empire army, the system estimates the Crystal Empire army is outnumbered 10 to 1. Only viable option activating Princess Amore AI system and Dome shield of the system.

As the mystic shockwaves spread out from the Crystal palace into the city, Crystal pony citizens touch by the shockwaves is transformed into anthro Crystal pony with Minicomputer vambrace on their forearm. The moment the crystal heart is touch by mystic shockwaves, it shatters into pieces, before reforming into a hologram Crystal heart. A moment later, the magnificent head of very pale vermillion colored unicorn mare with a gradient of brilliant raspberry and moderate cobalt blue mane appears.

"Princess Amore AI system activated, searching for system keys! Looking for Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight >>>key<< not found. Master Key one Princess Cadence Sparkle>>>key<<< Found key but faint-not found. Master Key two Prince Shining Armor Sparkle>>>key<<< found the key but heartbeat weak-not found. Princess Amore AI system will initiate Crystal Protection Protocol activate Dome shield. Crystal Protection protocol may be deactivated by inserting one of three system keys here at the crystal heart or manual at the throne room's main computer." The Princess Amore AI system said it begins to charge up the shield generator around the Crystal City.

As the Crystal City's mystic shockwave continues to spread out across the snowfield, the battlefield remains unchanged because it was natural terrain. Once the waves touch all the Equestria Royal army's ponies, they transform into Anthro versions of themselves. The steel bladed weapons they fight with transform into beam weapons. The beam weapons generate a shield on itself that can cut through anything, except for higher energy shields or other beam weapons. Because the two shields repel each other went in close quarters, so fighting with beam weapons is a finesse skill, more than a brute force skill.

Standing in the center of a large group of fanatic Crystal Empire troops was calm, gorgeous light blue half Alicorn/half unicorn mare with crimson red mane and tail tied in a ponytail. A six-foot-long pole arm with cleaver like ax rotates as high speed around her waist knocking away enemy soldiers that are too close to this Alicorn. She shoots into the air with her large light blue feathered bird wings and executes perfectly timed back flip. Once out of the back flip, the pole flies back into her hand. She slams blade into the ground, sending a pressure wave to knock enemy soldiers off their feet and to the ground in a heap.

Her shapely 6ft 6in equine figure was attired in the Equestria royal army heavy combat body armor. On her head was a helmet with a crown-shaped crest on it. This half alicorn/half unicorn mare was Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight, the current sitting Princess, and Equestria's co-ruler.

"Hey, brother, how are you holding up!?" Aurora calls to the second figure a few feet away from her.

Standing in the center of the second large group of fanatic Crystal Empire troops was calm half Alcorn/half unicorn stallion with crimson red mane and tail. He was dual wheeling two beam weapons a long and short sword. His movements were more fluid and precise, striking quickly and parry. The mare's actions were more refined and elegant due to the long reach of her beam halberd. The two Alicorns seem to be performing an elaborate dance routine that only the brother and sister team can pull off.

His muscular 6ft 2in equine figure was attired in the Equestria royal army Special Forces combat body armor, and on his head was a helmet with a crown-shaped crest on it. This half alicorn/half unicorn stallion was Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight, the current sitting Prince, and co-ruler of Equestria with his older sister Aurora.

"Doing fine, sister!" Somnus answer as the two siblings end up back to back with the large group of fanatic Crystal Empire troops charging toward the two Alicorns.

"What do you think, brother? Play some more? Or retreat?" Aurora asked

"My, you like playing a lot, dear sister." Somnus reply

"Well, writing royal policies and reports is not the most exciting thing in the ruling monarch's life. I must find my fun somehow?" Aurora answers as Somnus smiles.

"I must agree with you, their sister. Our little sister should have made it to Crystal Palace by now. So what about tsunami wave, dear big sister." Somnus suggested as Aurora blushes a bit, it has been some time since he calls her dear big sister.

With that, the two Alicorns open their large light blue feather bird wings and shoot into the sky once in the air they simultaneously back flip once parallel with each other. Aurora lands first, releasing a slow-moving but powerful pressure wave from a flat arch of her beam halberd. Soon Somnus lands he releasing fast-moving pressure wave that impacts with slower pressure wave supercharging it. The impact of the supercharged pressure wave throws soldiers about like rag dolls in front of them. Till pulse, energy fire is shot toward them force them to make a dead run off the battlefield. While returning pulse energy fire from their own custom pulse pistols.

As the two siblings slip and slide across the icy battlefield heading towards natural stairs leading up to the bluff, the location of the Polar Star Assault base the Equestria Royal Army base of operation. Aurora unleashes a loud painful shriek as she badly twists her ankle went she step into a hole while they escape.

"Brother!" Aurora calls reach her hand out toward Somnus, but he's too far ahead and doesn't hear her calling for help.

Tears streak her cheeks because she knows her fate; they will kill her on sight ending the Crystal War. As desperation begins to set-in, a shadow appears over her, she looks up to see her brother standing over her.

"Brother," Aurora said, relieved as he helps her to her feet and let her use him as a crutch.

"You are the boss mare for the Royal family; I must protect you like I did for mother and auntie. That is my job, and you are my older sister. You are the only one left with mother and auntie gone." Somnus said confidently as Aurora shook her head from side to side, annoyed, but grateful.

"Then you are a fool, brother! We are both dead now!" Aurora said bluntly as she kisses him on his cheek for coming back for her. Even those it was his worst idea now both rulers will be killed.

Suddenly the sound of assault helicopters flying overhead can be heard. They begin laying down cover fire toward the Crystal Empire forces stop their forward progress toward the two rulers of Equestria. Soon several Equestria Royal army hover jeeps armed with pulse chain guns firing speed across the battlefield, passing the two rulers heading toward Crystal Empire forces.

A moment later, a hover APC skids to a stop in front of Aurora and Somnus from the rear of vehicle four ponies attired in purple Special Force combat body armor of Somnus's night wings company quickly take up defensive positions around the two monarchs. Despite the very loud protest from his older sister about being carried aboard the APC like a helpless mare, Somnus manages to load Aurora aboard the vehicle. This allows the four soldiers outside to quickly reload aboard APC. Inside the vehicle sitting on the floor, Aurora noticed her brother's face grows chalky with delayed fear from all most losing his sister in this Crystal War.

"Somnus, I appreciate what you did out their coming back for me. I know I don't make it easy on you being your older sister. But remember all is said and done we are still family. And right now that what we need because of this Crystal war." Aurora said, grateful and reassuring as Somnus wraps his arms around his sister in a loving embrace.

"Thank you, big sister, could you shed your armor. So I can check your ankle for you," Somnus asked politely and reassured as Aurora shakes her head and press two buttons on her MCV, deactivating her armor and leaving her wearing her nano-suit.

Somnus carefully eases his sister's boot off her smooth legs, even going slowly; the form-fitting boot puts pressure on her bad ankle. Causing her to clamp her teeth together with the pain. But once the boot was removed left revealed was a luxurious gracefully long rounded shaped light blue barefoot with light pink nail polish. He carefully and gently examines her ankle, ever place he touched she wince in pain.

"As I can't say that it might not be broken, sister. Went we get back to the base, I am taking you straight to the base hospital so they can check your ankle." Somnus said firmly before Aurora can protest, Somnus ran his finger up her bare sole cause her to yelp. A moment later, a tear slowly runs down his cheek as he still worries about her.

"All right, Somnus, you may take your big sister to the base hospital to get her ankle checked. But brother, you better hope it not too bad, because I expect that you will take care of me till I am better. And you know how demanding I am went I am lay-up." Aurora comments as Somnus wrap an ace bandage around his sister's foot and ankle to keep it stable till they reach the base.

"You wouldn't be my big sister if you were not a huge pain in the tail," Somnus said, teasing as Somnus intentionally tickled the toes of his sister injured foot as she can't move her foot without it hurting more.

The unprovoked assault on Aurora's sensitive toes stops a moment later allow her to exhale, and Somnus once again wraps his arms around his sister. What catches her by surprise is him whispering into her ear all his hidden emotions. Much like their auntie Luna, he doesn't tell anyone but his wife his feelings. This is the first time he opened up to her.

"I might not tell you this very often or show you I do love my sister Aurora Sol Silverlight, we are the two sides of the same coin. I am the dark side, and you are the light side. Without the light side of my big sister, I would be lost in the eternal darkness of my night, unable to find a way out. Doomed to repeat what happen to our aunt a thousand years ago." Somnus said with fear in his voice as tears run down Aurora's cheeks.

"You listen and listen well. You will never become like our aunt from a thousand years ago. That I promise, for if you did, I don't have the heart to send you away for a thousand years. That means you would have to kill me to take over Equestria, and like our mother, my dark side will be playing with your dark side." Aurora said, warning as she taps her gloved finger on his chest plate. Soon the APC stops, and the rear door opens outside the base hospital, and Somnus pick his sister up and carry her to the base hospital.