• Published 30th Aug 2020
  • 424 Views, 90 Comments

The Shatter Realm - keithsterling

This story is in response to some questions Queenchrysalisforever put into a review of one of my story. How does Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight feel about this war.

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Chapter 7 (The Crystal City 3 and Friendship kingdom)

~The evening two months earlier City Council building Crystal City emergency City Council meeting~

Storm out of the Crystal City council building after the emergency meeting was stunning gorgeous shiny Savoy blue crystal older unicorn mare with gradient pale blue, mint green, and bright yellow mane and tail. Her 6ft even sleekly muscular equine figure was attired in dark green three-fourths sleeves below the calf-length embellished evening gown. On her splendid and impeccable, gorgeous crystal feet with red, orange-colored toenail polish were black heeled sandals with two and one-fourth heels. This older unicorn crystal mare was Baroness Antoinette Starsong, a Crystal Empire minor noble mare and boss mare for the Starsong family.

'Dammit! Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle is really pushing the formation of the Black obsidian secret police force. So she can spy on every pony in the Crystal City. Our history has taught us to granted one group open power and freedom to do what they like is dangerous. We are not going to make the same mistake we did went she formed the Black Opal Internal Security and interrogation unit. I and several minor noble families and some upper noble families opposed forming the Black Opal Internal Security and interrogation unit. But she pushes it through.' Antoinette thought she climbed into the driver seat of a crystal-powered sports car to drive back to the Starsong estate in Angelinite Ward of the Crystal City.

As she drives down the road from the Crystal City council building, she notices two crystal-powered black-outs windowed van following her for the pass few weeks; several boss mares from various noble families have been forced off the road and assaulted by the occupants of the vans. The Crystal City Police Department has taking reports from the boss mares of the incidences. Still, the Police Department is unable to make any arrests due to the interference of Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle. Besides, any officer that continues to investigate the incidences is either found dead or forced out of the police department. So this has caused many of the boss mares to carry a weapon with them for protection.

As she reaches for forty-five automatic pistol in her purse sitting on the passenger seat, her vehicle is bumped from behind by one of the black-out windowed vans, almost causing her to lose control of the car. She quickly grabs hold of the steering wheel and watches her purse with her gun fall off the passenger seat well out of her reach.

"Dammit!" Antoinette exclaims as her car is once again bumped from behind by the same van.

She keeps her hands on the steering wheel, trying to maintain control of her vehicle as a light rose colored magic aura surrounds her crystal horn. Instead of trying to retrieve her automatic pistol from her purse on the floor of her car, she use it to unbuckle her sandals and toss them into the passenger seat with her feet free, she steps onto the gas pedal. Her sports car revved up, trying to make some distance between her and vans trying to force her off the road. Suddenly her rear window explodes, showering her with glass fragments.

"What the hay! Are they shooting at me!?" Antoinette exclaims as she glances up at the rearview mirror and sees the muzzle flashes coming from the following van's passenger side.

As a bullet whizzes by her ear on top of her head, she overcorrects, and her vehicle flip over and over. As the vehicle comes to rest, she finds herself hanging upside down in the driver's side seat. She quickly unbuckles her seat belt and drops to the roof of her car. She quickly crawls out the broken passenger side window and makes a run toward the closest dark alley.

She hides behind a trash bin as one of the black-out windowed van drives up next to her car and unloads a full clip into the vehicle. A moment later, the vehicle burst into flames. If she was still inside it, she would have been killed. Soon the night is lit-up with red and blue lights from the Crystal City Fire Department and Crystal City Police Department; the fire makes quick work of putting out the vehicle fire. After checking out by the Crystal City paramedics and giving Police Department a report, Baroness Antoinette Starsong is taking back to her estate by a police officer.

~Back to present Friendship Kingdom Outpost base 1st lieutenant Rarity Radiance's quarters~

Tears streak the cheeks of an attractive and elegant looking light gray unicorn mare with moderate indigo blue colored corkscrew mane and tail. Her 5ft 7in slender equine figure was attired in the dull gold nano-suit of the Friendship Kingdom Military. Her superb pair of light gray (more toward the white spectrum) nine and one-sixth inch slender and elegant mare bare feet were dull gold form-fitting boots. This light gray unicorn mare was 1st Lieutenant Rarity Radiance, the Executive officer of this small detachment of troops from the Friendship Kingdom and dear friend of Prince Justice Silverlight.

'Justice, you must believe me I was outvoted by the rest of the friendship assembly. No, that a lie. I didn't want to push it. I sense something was quite off in Crystal City. I saw all the signs of something big was going to happen. But the friendship map never went off, I doubt my own sense. In doing so, I almost caused your youngest foal her life went Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle overthrew her.' Rarity thought as a feeling of a cold fist close over her's heart as she held a gold-framed photo of the Royal Foals giving to her by Prince Justice Silverlight last time she visited him in Canterlot went he was sick.

'You made it a point to have your foals call me Aunt Rarity, even those I was not related to the Royal family at all. But I enjoy every moment of it, with my own family away for most of the year I was alone. So to have the Royal foals call me Aunt Rarity relieved some of my loneliness. Went I received the report about Twilight's niece trying to kill my niece Blueberry even after surrendering the throne of love to her, I was red hot. I confronted her with the report of her niece trying to kill my niece. She looked at the report and said, "Why should you care." Being a lady, I left the throne room and drove up to Canterlot to check on my youngest niece.' Rarity thought as a tear splash on the glass photo she held in her hand.

'Went I arrived in Canterlot at the Grand Royal Palace, I felt the anger from my older niece and nephew toward me. My only concern at the time was my youngest niece; I went up to her bedroom on the second floor of the palace. I found her lying barefooted on top of her bed, shaken-up from the ordeal. I spend several hours with her talking to her about the ordeal. Even those her older siblings were angry at me, Blueberry was not; she was thankful I came to visit her. After hugging Blueberry, I told her I must speak to her older siblings about something. In the empty throne room of Grand Royal Palace, I faced the anger of her older siblings. Went they finished; I told them I know the friendship assembly failed them. Their no excuse for what happened. But if they can find it in their heart to forgive me, I'll be ok with that.' Rarity thought as she ran her fingers down the photo before kissing it.

"If you can hear me up there, my dear Justice, your foals did forgive me for the failure. I would never betray our friendship like that." Rarity comments look through a small window in her room toward the sky.

~Back in Canterlot~

Walking down the white porcelain tile hallways of the Canterlot Grand Royal palace in Equestria's capital city was very lovely looking lavender-colored Alicorn/siren mare with sky blue mane and tail. Her 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in ivory white slightly below the knee length short-sleeve lace fit and flare dress. Her perfectly shaped lavender-colored bare feet with blue violet-colored toenail polish were silver wedge sandals with two and three-fourths inch heels.

Behind her horn was the sun princess's original gold tiara that belongs to her Grandmother Princess Celestia Silverlight. Around her neck were a finely made gold and silver necklace with the sun and a half-moon symbol on it. This unicorn mare was Princess Alysia Ara Silverlight, the oldest daughter of the Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight and Granddaughter of Princess Celestia Silverlight.

She was on her way to the older part of the grand royal palace royal living area, the location of a door to an unoccupied and sealed bed-chamber to once belonged to her missing Grandmother Princess Celestia Silverlight. She reaches into her dress pocket and retrieves a copy of a small gold key with a stylized sun symbol on it. She inserts the gold key into the lock and unlocks the door before walking through the door into the room.

She walks into a grand bed-chamber painted in pale yellow color that gives off energy and warmth. The room doesn't look unoccupied or sealed because Princess Alysia spends a full hour cleaning and dusting the place after finishing her royal court duties in the throne room with her mother, Princess Wave runner Silverlight the currently sitting Princess and ruler of Equestria.

This room's dominating feature was the California king size bed with a white comforter with a quilted stylized sun symbol on it and the pillows to match. On either side of the bed were two dark wood nightstands with two suns shaped lamps on top. At the foot of the bed was a small bedroom bench. In the far wall of the bed-chamber was a large unlit fireplace with a large painted portrait of Alysia's grandparents. Princess Celestia and Prince Justice Silverlight the parents of the Royal foals. In front of the fireplace were two light gray upholstery and tufted accent chairs.

Between the two accent chairs was a large pile of colorful pillows brought by Alysia's herself to sits on the floor in front of her grandparents' portrait. Along the opposite side was a long dark wood dresser and mirror, next to that was a dark wood 5-drawer chest. On a strong shelf were two busts of unicorn heads. On the first unicorn, the statue was her grandmother's gold tiara and collar. On the second unicorn, the figure was grandfather's gold crown.

Seeing these three regal objects on display always caused Princess Alysia's to begin to weep, wishing her grandparents were here. From outside on the balcony, the pip-pops of a small water feature can be heard outside before adventuring deeper into her grandmother bed-chamber Alysia's reach down and slips her feet out of her wedge sandals. She's pap-pops over the marble tile floor of her grandparent's bed-chamber over to a pile of colorful pillows and sits down on top of the cushions and begins to talk to the painting.


In the Psychic Dimension, Princess Celestia Silverlight sits on the front leg of the Royal Alicorn stallion constellation laying on the ground lost in thought. The royal Alicorn stallion notices this and gently nudges Celestia's large and plushy white with a hint of pink crossed barefoot with his snout a few times. Went that doesn't work, he gently bounced her large and plushy foot on top of his snout, playfully getting her attention.

"Huh?" Celestia exclaimed as the very tip of Justice's large tongue licked Celestia on her cheek, causing her to blush and giggle shyly.

'What are you thinking about, my love?' Justice asked telepathically as he gently rests his chin on her lap, and she kisses him on his snout; follow by caresses his cosmic dust mane with her hand.

"Since being in this Psychic Dimension for how long I don't know. I have heard a voice in my head, a distressed voice. It started out as a filly voice, then a teenage mare voice. It broke my heart to hear it. The pony whose voice it belongs too was shunned by the general pony population for what reason I don't know. It hurt worse went it was filly voice; hearing the filly talking through tears broke my heart even more. You know me, my love. No pony, no matter what breed they are should be shunned like that." Celestia explains as Justice's licked Celestia on her cheek again.

'I know, Celestia, you were an exceptional ruler. You took the time to learn about that breed. You make sure to tell the general pony population that it was not right to shun any pony because they were different. Sometimes, that would cause trouble in the future, but that is why you have my Solar Guard and me. We would clean up your mess quickly and quietly without the general pony population knowing.' Justice said telepathically as he gently nuzzled her with his snout.

'But anyway, my love, do you know who the pony is?' Justice asked telepathically.

"I don't. I was hoping you could help me with that, my love." Celestia asked as Justice shook his head no.

'Unfortunately, my love, I can't hear that voice like you. In the Psychic Dimension, only a pony with a very special connection to that pony can hear the voice. So who every that pony is has a connection to you, my dearest Sun Princess.' Justice explains telepathically as it makes Celestia even more saddened because she the only one that can hear that pony's voice.