• Published 30th Aug 2020
  • 424 Views, 90 Comments

The Shatter Realm - keithsterling

This story is in response to some questions Queenchrysalisforever put into a review of one of my story. How does Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight feel about this war.

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Chapter 4 (Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle)

In the Crystal Palace's throne room, standing in front of a bank of holo computers typing haphazardly on the holographic keyboard, was beautiful light magenta gray teenage Alicorn mare with a gradient of light cerise to grayish violet mane and tail. She looks over her shoulder and winks her light opal green colored eye toward a handsome stallion, one of her Royal crystal guards standing nearby.

Her curvy 5ft 4in equine figure was attired in a black nano-suit, and over that, she wore a long black coat. On her bare Magenta's gray feet were black knee-high boots and on her head behind her horn with a plain gold crown. Folded on her back were her medium-sized light magenta, gray-colored feathered bird wings. This teenage Alicorn mare was Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle, the Crystal Empire's self- pointed ruler and only daughter of Princess Cadence Sparkle and Prince Shining Armor Sparkle.

"Hey, stallion, would you like to remove the boots from your Princess's feet or how about unzipping her nano-suit revealing her curvy Alicorn mare figure." Flurry's heart said sultry as the crystal guard seems to become mesmerized with Flurry's heart voice.

"What every my Princess wants." The Crystal guard said, hypnotized as he approached Flurry Heart.

Suddenly he trips over his own feet, accidentally tackling Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle knock the crown off her head. A very light yellow magic aura forms around the clumsy crystal guard and floats him off of her.

"You clumsy fool! How dare you touch the body of superior being!?" Flurry's heart said, self-righteously floating helpless guard in the air and flings him just as Rose enters the throne room.

"Your highness, control yourself right this minute!" Rose bellowing ferociously as Flurry Heart charge right toward her.

"Go right ahead, your highness, I'll take away all your friends. I'll leave the pathetic Alicorn here all alone. With no family or friends." Rose said cruelly as it causes Flurry Heart to back down and quickly dismissed everyone from the Throne room except Rose.

"Rose, why are you so mean to me? You are the only true friend I have here." Flurry Heart said a little bit hurt as a condescending smile form on Rose snout went Flurry Heart turns her back and affected a friendly smile went Flurry Heart look back toward her.

"Because I am your friend Flurry Heart," Rose said with false friendliness as she noticed something on Flurry Heart's face.

"Flurry heart, are you using your mother's Crystal moisturizer?" Rose inquiry as Flurry Heart blushed and shook her head.

"I am Rose; as a baby, I remember how beautiful my mother looked with crystal moisturizer on her skin. Her skin was so soft and glowing." Flurry Heart said a little bit embarrassed as Rose got up and close to Flurry Heart.

"Fess up, Flurry Heart, show me your feet. I know you do just use it on your face only." Rosa said, knowing as Flurry Heart lifted off and was about to fly off.

Went Rose whistles, and Flurry Heart looks back, she spotted the white book with a gold lock. She's frantically searching through her long coat and couldn't find her diary in any pockets. She quickly flew back to retrieve her diary from Rose.

"Give back my diary, Rose! My mommy gave it to me before she disappear! Give it back to me! You have no right to take away my memories!" Flurry Heart said, her voice becoming high and hysterical with grief.

"Here, your stinky old diary backs your highness," Rose said icily as she tosses the Flurry Heart's diary haphazardly to her.

She catches it and runs off to her bedroom in Crystal Palace's living area, passing the grand bedroom of her parents, she quickens her pace so not to linger for too long in front of her parents' luxurious bedroom as tears streaks her cheeks from missing them.

~In Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle memories~

"Daddy, is mommy really dead?" A ten-year-old Flurry Heart asked her father, Prince Shining Armor, after watching the Royal Foals' death announcement from the Canterlot Grand Royal Palace on the holo-set in the Crystal Empire.

"I don't know, Flurry Heart? But your cousins had to say something their bad ponies that wanted to take away your mommy's throne why she was gone. If they do, they will hurt your mommy's ponies in the Crystal Empire." Prince Shining Armor said as his daughter held a white diary in her arms.

Many years later, a fourteen-year-old Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle tosses and turns in her bed in her bedroom nightmares have plagued her since she was a small filly. Her mother always came to reassure her that she was safe. After her mother disappeared, an energy being, she called her angel would appear before her. The angel was shaped like a stallion with wings, but she knew it was not her cousin Somnus or her father. But she always felt like her mother sent the angel to take care of her, and her mother knew him.

"A bad nightmare again, Flurry heart?" The angel asked as he sat on her bed with her.

"Yes, Angel." Flurry heart answer as small cloudy tentacles snuck under her blankets and tickled Flurry's heart bare feet under the sheets.

"Angel, stop tickling my feet." Flurry heart said, remaining calm as the tentacles stop.

"Your feet are just as ticklish as your mother's feet. Do you miss her Flurry heart?" The angel asked as Flurry's heart shook her head yes.

"Don't give up hope that your mommy will return someday. Don't let yourself fall into despair, Flurry Heart." The angel said reassuringly as tentacles once again assault Flurry heart's bare feet under her sheets till she fell back to sleep.

~Back to the Present~

'But I let it happen; the angel always told me my mommy would return. But as time went on, the angrier and sadder I got become my mommy never return. I started to curse this world; every pony had their mother with them, and I didn't. Why should every pony be happy with their mother went my gone! From that, I buried my true self, and went my father disappeared, it came to ahead. I attacked the one pony whose mother also disappeared, my cousin Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. Losing my mother was greater than her losing her mother.' Flurry heart thought as she sat down in a chair beside her desk in her room as small cloudy tentacles started to wrap around her and make their way into her boots down to her feet.

"No!" Flurry Heart exclaims, aggrieved as she breaks away from the small white cloudy tentacles started to wrap around her, everything she had done she has no right for her angel to protect her and runs off.

"Well-well-well, so I did sense a light affinity Imperator Alicorn on this planet. But the question is who are you?" Black energy being asked as the white energy being transformed into a living constellation of alicorn stallion.

"So a dark affinity Imperator Alicorn is here, kind of far from the Dark star sector. Do you not think mare or Harmonia?" Alicorn stallion comments as black energy transform into its own living constellation form a bit smaller than the stallion.

"Huh? How do you know my name, stallion?" Harmonia said suspiciously as she tries to get a better attack angle on the much larger stallion, but the much larger stallion quickly takes it away from her.

"Oh, I know a lot about you, Daimyo Harmonia Strife, ruler of Dark Star Sector. The bane of Imperator Alicorn Space banished many space cycles ago for allowing a planet she was to protect, destroy itself went she set off a war." The stallion said, knowing as he allows Harmonia to get a right angle of attack on him.

At that moment, Harmonia charges toward the much larger stallion ready to kill him. As she will land a blow, the stallion quickly phases out, and she passes right through him before he phases back.

"A Phases shift! No normal Imperator Alicorn can phase that quickly! Unless you are a member of the Infinity Star Sector Royal Family!" Harmonia exclaimed as the stallion opens gold color wings from his side.

"NO!" Harmonia cries out in a voice raw with terror as the stallion force her back into her real body of Royal Advisor Rose Eventide with a single beam.

~In the room of Royal Advisor Rose Eventide~

"Empress Galaxy Cosmos, my all-mother, Supreme Creator being of Imperator Alicorn species. Unbelievably powerful and her royal family. Why is a royal family member here on Sol?" Rose said her voice breaks as she can't stop shaking from the encounter with the royal stallion in the psychic dimension.

Meanwhile, in a dangerous area in the Psychic Dimension, a 6-foot long spectrum colored oblong energy bubble floats gently about with a second 6-foot long spectrum colored oblong energy bubble both bubble are occupied by two deep sleeping Terran Alicorn mares. The Royal Alicorn stallion constellation soon arrives in this dimension to protect these two special bubbles from the psychic dimension's hazards.

As a psychic storm begins to form in the area, the royal alicorn stallion gathers the two bubbles, creates a deep cave out of the floating rock about the site, and takes the bubbles inside. Once it secures the two bubbles with mental-chains to the cave floor to keep it from floating away. The Royal Alicorn stallion constellation gently nudges with his nose the bubble containing a white with a hint of pink Alicorn mare with golden blonde mane and tail. Soon the spirit of that Alicorn mare form and Alicorn stallion lie down to allow the mare to hug it.

"Greetings, beloved, I felt you nudge me. So I came. How are you?" The alicorn mare said sweetly as she padded barefooted up to the Alicorn stallion constellation and sat down on his front leg.

"I miss you, Celestia, but better went you appear." The Royal Alicorn stallion said as Celestia reaches up and touches the horn with her hand as the only way to hear what he is saying.

"I know I miss you too, Justice. But our time has not arrived to reawaking yet. Went it does, I'll be waiting for your return. Till then, may I see my husband, Alicorn?" Celestia asked as the Royal Alicorn stallion transforms into the spirit of Prince Justice Silverlight dress in his white Solar Guard uniform.

"Greeting, my beloved Sun Princess, I do love this nightgown you are wearing." Justice comments as Celestia ran up to him and embrace him, even those wearing a thin fabric nightgown that doesn't leave anything to the imagination. But she doesn't care about it, it her husband, and he has seen her perfect figure many times nude why they have been married.

~In throne room of Crystal Palace~

In the throne room, a teenage angry Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle stands in front of the combat computer running simulated combat tactics scenarios through the system. The parameters set by her missing mother, Princess Cadence Sparkle, for tactics states that the current situation would result in mass casualties on both sides. The combat computer will not authorize those combat tactics to be used to result in mass casualties from the Crystal Empire army.

At that same time, at the Polar Star Assault base, the Equestria Royal Army base of operation, the Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight, runs simulated combat tactics through the combat computer at the base own personal parameters for battle tactics. Being an Alicorn that can see all angles, Aurora has run every possible scenario through the Combat Computer, even the distasteful one the mass casualties. If the mass casualties’ scenario happens, Aurora has called up all the resources from her little sister's 187th seraphim medical battalion in Canterlot.

The 187th seraphim medical battalion has already set up huge surgical and trauma care hospitals in the rear near the Polar Star Assault base to treat the wounded quickly and send them to Canterlot Royal hospital or any hospital in Equestria for treatment. Standing on the edge looking into the valley as a light snowstorm kick-up was Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. In her White seraphim combat body armor attached to her back were white metal wings with a removable jet propulsion system that allow her to fly like her older siblings.

She has turned over command of 115th Crystal Empire infantry Company to Captain Garth Foster, her guard captain. As she must now command her 187th seraphim medical battalion for this coming battle with the Crystal Empire army and the Equestria Royal Army.

"Remove all parameters and execute the battle plan!" Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle said cold, icy with no emotion as the Combat computer execute Flurry Hearts battle plan.

The snowfield outside the Crystal City is lit up with energy weapon fire and echoes with explosions; the battlefield is awash with both sides' blood, bodies begin to pile up across the snowfield, turn the white snow to red. There are explosions, energy weapon fire, and fire-fights everywhere. As the fanatic Crystal Empire army force continue pushing their advantage, pushing Equestria Royal Army back to bluff, the location of the Polar Star Assault base the Equestria Royal Army base of operation.

Suddenly, several large transport planes can be heard fly toward the battlefield from these planes' rear. Paratroopers jump landing behind the Crystal Empire army forces cutting off the Crystal Empire supply lines. Then from the rear of the Equestria Royal Army lines, several highly mobile units lay down covering fire allow hard-pressed Equestria Royal Army troops to retreat from the battlefield. The battle begins to turn against the Crystal Empire troops, many break ranks and run back to the Crystal City. Others quickly surrender to Equestria Royal Army and ask to join the loyal 115th Crystal Empire infantry Company under the command of Captain Garth Foster Blueberry's guard captain.