• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,397 Views, 135 Comments

Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry has a couple of the worst days of his life and loses practically everything. Now, he must duel to reclaim what he lost.

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HE vs DC:Part 3

Spike and Astral came to stand across from one another.

“Hey Spike, I saw your duel, and I’m impressed.” Astral was excited. “The fact that you beat the person I consider my rival means this is going to be a great duel no matter the outcome.”

“Hm, you’re my sister’s rival?” Spike questioned.

“You bet I am.” Astral pointed a finger in the air. “Your sister is my first, real obstacle on my way to the top.” He then pointed at Spike. “Since you beat her, I can test my strength against you. If I win, I got a shot at beating her.”

“Uh, I think you’re trying to justify a duel using a math term.” Spike stated. “That property is flawed when applied to duels though. Anything can happen.”

“Maybe.” Astral shrugged. “Still, I’m excited for this regardless.”

“Alright, folks we have the next duel ready to commence.” Autumn stated. “Team Harmonious Element came ready to duel one of last year’s favorite teams. In the end, Duel Crusaders sits with one duelist while Harmonious Element has three. So, let’s count it down.”

“3, 2, 1. Let’s Duel!”

Yugioh: Road to Quantum Opening

( watch?v=WXx21ivOCLU)

Don't you dare replace

Your first and only want

(Young Flash Sentry stares up at Flash Industries with his father and brother as Magnus ruffles their hair.)

Don't give up on the chase

Keep holding on!

(Teenage Flash is riding through Canterlot atop a duel runner before coming to a stop outside the open gates of a large complex with multiple buildings.)

Everything had gone to failure

(Young Flash stands in front of Canterlot Middle Schools statue and watches in despair as young Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash leave him going separate ways from himself and each other.)

My ambition turned into my broken dreams

(Flash is sent flying outside a building and into the grace outside as lighting arcs through the sky followed by thunder. Soon, it begins to storm on him.)

I left a promise out to die

(Flash kneels beside his younger brother, Forward Base, who is currently crying. He stands before facing Ethan with a determined expression.)

Every word I still remember

(Young Flash is standing on the roof as a young Sunset is waiting for him.)

They've been ringing in my head on full repeat

(The scene transitions to the park at night as Flash stands across from Sunset in shock while she laughs at him. His fists clench and he activate his black duel disc causing a blue energy blade to appear.)

Can't get your talk to ever leave my mind

(Young Flash is panting with tears in his eyes as he stands in the middle of his father's home office with books having been scattered. Anything that could be wrecked was.)

But now, from the clouds

There's a wind that gives me a boost

(Young Flash sits on his knees before a coffee table. Laid out before him is a blank deck of cards, his laptop, and a flash drive. He inserts the flash drive into the computer and plays a video.)

My heart, burning hard

Is about to light my fuse

(Young Flash watches as his father appears on screen. After a moment, his expression changes from sorrow and anger to a proud smile.)

(Let's try again!)

Live in the now and break your confines

Take ahold of this precious time (precious time)

(Flash is in his room as the sun shines through the window and her finishes packing his things. He tucks the blank deck into his deck box before walking out of the room.)

Glory days (glory days)

'Cause your life is not to trade

(Flash is seen walking down the sidewalk with Shadow Lock conversing happily with him before they enter a car and drive off.)

(Let's try again!)

Bring back the color as you advance

Paint it red, and then take a chance (take a chance)

(Young Flash and Shadow Lock stand across from each other in a room of the decaying Duel Sanctuary. Both wield black duel disk as Flash's blue energy blade and Shadow's black energy blade come out.)

Shout it loud (shout it loud)

'Cause your style's worth a bow

(Flash stands outside the sanctuary and stares down the stairs as he imagines a transparent version of his brother running up to meet him before he vanishes. Rather than be sad, Flash gives a small smile before walking back inside.)

Don't you dare replace

Your first and only want

(Teen Flash gets off his duel runner and looks back at the transparent version of his younger self who smiles and gives him a thumbs up before vanishing. Flash smiles and puts his hands in his pockets before walking onto the grounds of the large complex.)

Don't give up on the chase

Keep holding on!

(Flash looks up at the building as he draws closer to the entrance with a look of resolve. He stops as transparent version of the Humane 6 as their current ages appear before him. Flash nods to them before they vanish. He then walks into the building.)

(Astral 4000/Spike 4000)

“Since I’m the only duelist left standing, I’ll take the first turn.” Spike declared. “I’ll start with The Black Stone of Legend(LV 1/0/0).” A black stone with a hole in it appeared. “By tributing this card, I can special summon a level seven or lower Red-Eyes monster from my deck. I choose Red-Eyes B. Dragon(LV 7/2400/2000).” The black dragon with red eyes appeared roaring.

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Astral smiled. “Your deck can bust out practically any card at a whim. What a cool strategy.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Spike declared. “I activate the spell named after my dragon’s attack, Inferno Fire Blast. In exchange for my B. Dragon’s attack, which he can’t do on the first turn anyways, I can inflict damage to you equal to his original ATK (Astral 1600/Spike 4000). I’ll end my turn with a set card.”

Red Corner
Blaze stood up and started to walk off.

“Where are you going?” Twilight asked.

Blaze stopped and glanced back at her. “I changed my mind.” She yawned. “Nothing here has impressed me enough to stick around.” She waved. “Flash can handle this after Astral inevitably loses. I’m returning to the compound for a nap.”

“You’re just going to leave?” Flash questioned.

“I got my win already.” Blaze put her hands in her pockets and continued walking. “When you’re in the Top Five, you’re pretty much guaranteed a place at the end of year tournament… as long as you can show a win streak. See you around.”

Twilight was confused.

“What is her deal?” Flash was contemplative. “She’s predicted every duel up to this point, but nothing’s guaranteed. Astral could win or we both fail. With her gone, both of us failing means defeat.”

“Alright, my move.” Astral drew. “Oh, this going to be good. First, since you control a monster and I do not, I can special summon Cyber Dragon(LV 5/2100/1600). A long, silver machine appeared. “Then, I normal summon Genex Ally Birdman(LV 3/1400/400).”

A green machine birdman with yellow features appeared. “Now, my Birdman will give Cyber Dragon a tune up to Synchro for 8. Dragon with the power to burn all who oppose him. Come forth Hot Red Dragon Archfiend(LV 8/3000/2000).” A black and red menacing dragon appeared roaring challengingly at Red-Eyes.

Red Corner
The remaining two teammates looked at the dragon in awe.

“Astral has a version of Red Dragon Archfiend!?” Flash thought of his uncle. “Man, Astral is impressive in his own right.”

“He may be a little slower to summon them, but Astral does have three of the summoning methods.” Twilight thought.

Blue Corner
“Just when you think he’s shown all his tricks, he busts something else out.” Sweetie stated.

“No kidding.” Apple Bloom stated. “Kaiba’s Blue-Eyes, Zane Truesdale’s Cyber Dragons, and a different version of Jack Atlas’ signature dragon. All he’s missing is some Galaxy-Eyes, and he’d have a composite deck of some of the strongest duelists there’s been.”

“How do we know he doesn’t have any Galaxy-Eyes?” Scootaloo asked.

Astral continued. “I now activate Burden of the Mighty. This spell causes each monster you control to be weakened by 100 ATK times their level. Your dragon has seven levels meaning he loses 700 ATK.” Red-Eyes B. Dragon(LV 7/1700/2000 effect).

“Now, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend will destroy Red Eyes with Hot Inferno!” Hot Red Dragon’s fist was encased in fire which it used to punch B. Dragon exploding it (Astral 1600/Spike 2700). “I then set one card ending my turn.”

“That was impressive, but this duel isn’t over yet.” Spike drew. “I activate Return of the Dragon Lords. This spell allows me to revive a level 7 or 8 dragon from my grave. Come back Red-Eyes B. Dragon(LV 7/1700/2000 effect).

I’ll then summon Black Metal Dragon(LV 1/500/600 effect).” A small, black metal dragon appeared. “Next, I activate my set Level Wave. This trap allows me to target two monsters I control and declare a level from 1 to 8. Those monsters then become that level. I declare 7!”

Black Metal Dragon(LV 7/0/600 effect). “Now, I overlay my two level seven monsters. Dragon who punishes my opponent for their effects will now descend. Xyz summon Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon(R 7/O 2/2800/2400).” A black metal Red-Eyes B. Dragon appeared roaring.

“You bypassed my Burden of the Mighty, but your monster can’t quite cut it against my Archfiend.” Astral stated.

“You’re right, but Flare Metal can go one step higher.” Spike declared. “I rebuild the overlay network with Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon. Dragon of the heated metal evolves to garner new power. Rank-Up Red-Eyes Darkness Flare Dragon(R 8/O 3/2800/2400).”

A black metal dragon with fire coming off his body appeared.

“Whoa” Astral thought. “He ranked up into a monster with the exact same ATK and DEF meaning its abilities likely make up for this.”

“I now detach one of Red-Eyes Darkness Flare Dragon(O 2)’s overlay units to banish your Hot Red Dragon Archfiend. My dragon then gains half that monster’s ATK until the end of the turn.” Red-Eyes Darkness Flare Dragon(R 8/O 3/4300/2400 effect).”

“What a great move.” Astral declared happily. “What will you do to follow up on it?”

“My dragon will attack you directly.” Spike answered.

“That would work if not for my set Draining Shield.” Astral declared. “This negates your attack and grants me life points equal to your monster’s ATK.”

“I’ll counter it with my monster’s additional effect.” Spike declared. “As long as Flare Metal is one of his materials, any effect that grants you life points is changed to half your life points instead (Astral 800/Spike 2700). I then end my turn.”

“That was a stunning back and forth as both duelists used a slew of effects to counter the other.” Autumn declared. “Astral just manages to stay in the game.”

“My move.” Astral drew. “It’s time.” He nodded. “With these cards in my hand, I have no choice but to put it all on the line. I activate Power Bond fusing two Cyber Dragons with The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion which can be substituted for any one material.

Three headed dragon who reigns over the Cyber heed my call and aid me in this time of need. Fusion summon Cyber End Dragon(LV 12/4000/2800).” A huge, three headed cyber dragon appeared.

“Power Bond doubles his original attack, but if I don’t win this turn, I lose life points equal to his original ATK.” Cyber End Dragon(LV 12/8000/2800 effect). “Let’s go for broke Cyber End Dragon. Attack Darkness Flare with Super Strident Blast.”

“I activate Half Unbreak.” Spike countered. “This trap allows me to target my monster and make him immune to battle destruction this turn. In addition, any damage I’d take is halved (Astral 800/Spike 100).”

“Just enough for you to survive.” Astral laughed joyfully. “Man, you really are something else. I end my turn.” Cyber End Dragon exploded and said explosion washed over Astral (Astral 0/Spike 100).

“By the seat of his pants, Spike manages to squeak out a win for Duel Crusaders.” Autumn declared while everyone cheered. “This team isn’t done yet.”

Astral grinned at Spike and pointed at him. “Hear me now Spike because Harmonious Element will make it to the next round of team matches, and I have no doubt your team will make it as well. When that time comes, we’ll have a rematch where I’ll win. Count on it.”

Spike nodded. “I will.”

Red Corner
Astral rejoined his team.

“It was close Astral, but Spike’s dueling has entered a whole new level.” Twilight stated.

“You did your best.” Flash stood and walked towards the center of the arena with a rather serious look about him. “Now, it’s up to me to bring this home.”

Astral was confused until he noticed that Blaze was gone. “Hold on.” He turned to Twilight for answers. “What happened to Blaze?”

“She got bored and decided to leave.” Twilight replied. “She also said you would lose, so, in a sense, she’s left everything to Flash.”

“I can’t believe that jerk.” Astral declared angrily. “She’s not much of a team player at all.”

“What is your deal Blaze?” Flash walked towards the center. “I seem to be the only one you consider anything close to an equal, so I swear I’m finding out what’s up with you once this is over. Right now, weather I like it or not, Harmonious Element’s victory rides on me.”

Despite what you might think, Flash didn’t want this, but he wasn’t about to let that distract him. He had to win this for his team. He had to show everyone that Harmonious Element had the potential past teams lacked.

“Oh, I have just gotten word that Blaze Sol has left the building which forfeits her spot.” Autumn declared to the utter disappointment of the audience. “In a surprising turn of events, this match comes down to Spike of Duel Crusaders and Flash Sentry of Harmonious Element.”

Owner Box
“What is that girl thinking!?” Luna questioned angrily.

“Do not lose hope sister.” Celestia took a calming breath before staring at the arena ahead. “In situations like this, Flash plays at his best.”

She remembered her time observing him against Shadow, and the words Scorpan told her.

“Even so, this is just reckless.” Luna declared. “If Flash can’t do this, all the momentum we’ve built will evaporate.”

“We need to have faith in our other duelists.” Celestia stated. “Blaze is one member of this team. Believe in Flash, and he won’t let us down.”

With Zack
“Talk about a situation.” Zack thought. “Just how will the wonder boy do with all this pressure coming down on him?”

Flash came to stand across from Spike.

“This was unexpected.” The Red-Eyes user nodded. “Don’t take this wrong way, but I was kind of hoping to get a shot at Blaze. If I win, this seems like a cheap way to take the match.”

“Allow me to help you with your problem.” Flash declared firmly. “Even with the loss of Blaze, Harmonious Element can stand. A team is never one person, but a group of individuals coming together to achieve a single goal. Right now, that’s winning this duel.”

“You’ve certainly gained a lot more confidence these past two years.” Spike smiled. “Let’s see just how well it serves you.”

“This may have been unexpected in the long run, but there was always that potential for this to be the last duel of the day folks.” Autumn stated. “Help me count it down for the last time.” Everyone joined in. “3, 2, 1. Let’s Duel!”

(Flash 4000/Spike 4000)

“I’m taking the first turn.” Flash declared. “I’ll set my pendulum scales with Scale 1 Astrograph Warlord and Scale 8 Chronograph Warlord.” A warrior in light blue armor with a blue cape and lance appeared alongside a warrior in red armor with a black cape inside blue pillars.

“I activate both Pendulum monsters’ effects allowing me to destroy them and bring out their starting forms. I’ll reset the scales with Scale 1 Stargazer Knight and Scale 8 Timegazer Knight.” A knight in white armor and a knight in black armor appeared inside the blue pillars.

“Next, I activate Pendulum Card Burst allowing me to destroy two Pendulum monsters I control and draw two cards. I’ll then activate Pot of Riches. By shuffling three pendulum monsters into my deck from the grave or face up in my extra deck, I can draw two more cards.

“I’ll now reset my scales with Scale 1 Purple Poison Knight and Scale 8 Celestial Knight.” A knight with short purple hair and armor appeared in one blue pillar while a warrior in white and black armor appeared in the other.

“It’s time to bring out the one pendulum I left in my extra deck. Swing pendulum of my soul. Carve an arc through space and time. Pendulum summon Astrograph Warlord(LV 7/2500/2000).

I then target my level 7 Astrograph Warlord and decrease its level by 3 to special summon Tunning Knight(LV 3/700/1400).” A child in fire red armor with matching eyes and hair appeared wielding a short sword.

“I now tune my level four Astrograph Warlord with my level three Tuning Knight. Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind. Descend Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000).” A white dragon with green crystals on its body appeared.

“What an opening move.” Spike was stunned. “You picked up quite the slew of tricks during your training, huh Flash?”

“It was a necessity.” Flash declared. “Now, I equip my dragon with Supreme Wing.” Crystal Wing’s wings starting glowing a light green color. “I’ll withhold what this does until it’s needed. You’re move.”

“Flash really is bringing the heat, so I need to answer in kind.” Spike drew. “I activate Red-Eyes Fusion allowing me to fuse any monster which lists a Red-Eyes monster as material. I can also grab materials from my hand, field, or deck.

In return, I cannot summon anything more this turn. I will combine a Red-Eyes B. Dragon and Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact. Dragon who rains fire from above come on down. Fusion summon Meteor Black Comet Dragon-Red-Eyes B. Dragon(LV 8/3500/2000).”

A burning, black dragon appeared. “When this monster is fusion summoned, I can send a Red-Eyes monster from my hand or deck to the graveyard. Then, I can inflict half that monster’s ATK to you as damage.”

“You could if not for my Clear Wing’s effect.” Flash declared. “Since a level five or higher monster is activating its effect, that monster has their effects negated, is destroyed, and Clear Wing gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK until the end of the turn.”

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(LV 7/6000/2000 effect)

“I see.” Spike thought. “Flash took note of my earlier duels and summoned a monster to counter a good chunk of my cards. Since I used Red-Eyes Fusion, I can’t even use Black Comet’s secondary effect to summon a monster from my grave.

Not that it’d matter in the first place since Clear Wing negated Comet’s effects anyways.” Spike smiled. “Well done Flash. You completely circumnavigated my first turn, but my deck always has the potential to come back. I’ll set one card ending my turn.”

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000)

“My decks doesn’t lack moves.” Flash drew. “One of the draw backs to Supreme Wing is that I am forbidden from summoning anything else while it is one the field. That said, I don’t need to summon anything when Clear Wing can attack. Go, Wing Spiraling Drill!”

Clear Wing flew into the air before spiraling and generating wind around himself. He then tucked in his wings and dived at Spike.

“I activate my face down Quick-Play Silver’s Cry.” Spike declared. “This spell allows me to revive Meteor Black Comet DragonLV 8/3500/2000).”

“I was hoping you’d do that.” Flash declared. “Don’t halt your attack Clear Wing!”

“What?” Spike was shocked. “You’re dragon’s weaker than mine.”

“I’m aware, but the 1000 life points I’m about to take is a small price to pay.” Flash declared as his dragon was destroyed (Flash 3000/Spike 4000). “One of the boons of Supreme Wing is that it destroys the monster which destroyed the monster it was equipped to. Then, you take damage equal to your destroyed monster’s ATK (Flash 3000/Spike 500).”

“Oh, Flash just turned Spike’s play against him and got rid of his powerful fusion for the second time in a row.” Autumn declared. “A splendid counter which sees Spike on the back foot in this duel.”

The disappointment of Blaze leaving was starting to fade as people began to cheer once more.

“I could summon now, but I’ll set a couple of face downs instead.” Flash declared. “You’re move.”

“You’ve really backed me into a corner, so I have no choice.” Spike drew. “I need to go all out to beat you.”

“Before you continue, I activate Hand Balance.” Flash declared. “This can only be activated if our hand sizes aren’t equal. If this is the case, I can target either you or I. Whomever I target much then equal their hands size with the other. I target you.”

“That’s fine because all I need is one card.” Spike discard most of his hand. “I activate Return of the Dragon Lords and use it to revive Meteor Black Comet Dragon (LV 8/3500/2000).”

“By eliminating your options, I ensure my survival.” Flash declared. “I activate the effect of Life Knight in my hand. By setting this pendulum monster face up in my extra deck, I gain 1000 life points (Flash 4000/Spike 500).”

“You manage to survive the turn, but we’ll see what you can do to overcome my monster next turn.” Spike declared. “Speaking of him, Meteor Black Comet Dragon will attack you directly with Inferno Impact.” Comet Dragon flew into the air and radiated an intense heat before divebombing Flash (Flash 500/Spike 500). “Now, it’s your move.”

“I think I can overcome it.” Flash drew. “I activate Monster Reborn to revive Clear Wing Synchro Draogn(LV 7/2500/2000). Now, swing pendulum of my soul. Carve an arc through space and time. Pendulum summon Astrograph Warlord(LV 7/2500/2000).

I’ll then overlay my two level seven monsters to build the overlay network. Dragon of absolute darkness, I invoke your power. Descend Dark Anthelion Dragon(R 7/O 2/3000/2500).” A colossal, dark purple dragon with bone armor appeared roaring.

“That monster is huge!” Spike exclaimed in shock.

“He is, but the size of this dragon isn’t his main feature.” Flash smiled good naturedly. “By detaching one overlay unit, I can half your monster’s ATK and grant my monster that lost ATK until the end of the turn. My life points also go up by the same amount. Anthelion use Dark Absorption on Meteor Black Comet Dragon!”

Meteor Black Comet Dragon (LV 8/1750/2000 effect)
Dark Anthelion Dragon(R 7/O 1/4750/2500 effect)
(Flash 2250/Spike 500)

Flash held up his arm. “Dark Anthelion destroy Meteor Black Comet Dragon.” Dark Anthelion breathed a continuous stream of black lighting at Spike’s Dragon causing it to shatter (Flash 2250/Spike 0).”

The crowd went wild. “Flash! Flash! Flash!”

Flash reactivated his earlier program and spoke into his dual disk. “Quiet Everyone!” His voice rang out slowly silencing the crowd, and only once he had their attention, did the winning duelist speak again. “You all have it wrong in this moment.

This isn’t just my win. With this, Harmonious Element takes the victory today. Without my teammates, those that competed and those that didn’t, I wouldn’t be here now.” He pumped his fist into the air. “This is Harmonious Elements victory!”

That got the crowd cheering the team’s name. “Harmonious Element! Harmonious Element! Harmonious Element!”

“Mark my words because this is only the beginning.” Flash declared. “If we falter, we will rise stronger than ever. We’re going all the way to the top. As my teammate Astral Flare often says, count on it!”

The cheering was the loudest it’s been all day.

Red Corner
“That’s Flash for you.” Twilight smiled. “Even when you don’t do much, he refuses to let the team go under appreciated.”

“That Flash Sentry is a cool guy.” Astral had jumped to his feet. “You tell them Flash! Work up the crowd and let them see your burning spirit!”

Blue Corner
“Looks like, we need to step our game up.” Apple Bloom smiled. “Especially if we want another shot at Harmonious Element in the next round.”

“You know it captain.” Scootaloo nodded firmly. “I got to improve to the point that Blaze will give me an actual duel.”

“Yeah, and I really want to have another duel with Astral.” Sweetie stated.

Spike had rejoined them. “While we’re on the subject, I got to work to beat Flash.”

They all smiled at each other and put their hands in the center. “Team Duel Crusaders!” They raised their hands to the sky. “We’ll shoot for the top together!”

Owner’s Box
“In the end, they achieved exactly what we wanted.” Celestia smiled. “Harmonious Element’s stage is set.”

“Don’t rest easy now sister.” Luna stated. “This was an important victory, but we must continue to get results like this.”

“I’m aware.” Celestia sat back. “Still, this is something to celebrate. We can worry about training up the team tomorrow while enjoying what today has brought.”