• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,397 Views, 135 Comments

Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry has a couple of the worst days of his life and loses practically everything. Now, he must duel to reclaim what he lost.

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HE vs EH:Part 1

Mexico Duel Arena: Early Morning…
The sun was just barely rising as Flash stood before the arena where his team would face off with Excavated Heart. The Knight user had snuck out of the hotel when he woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. It was so early in the day that no one was here from fans to personnel.

He stared at the building before him. “Even though it’s only been over a couple of years, I can still remember the promise the eight of us made. Back then, we decided to try for the same team. Even though it was a long shot, it was a goal we had decided to shoot for.

Now, we’re in this position where I lead a team, Sunset put me through a Shadow Game, and five of the six girls have spread out across the world. Today, Harmonious Element must duel after losing Blaze, and one of my friends is on the opposing team. Still, we must prevail now.”

“Flash?” A familiar, gentle voice asked.

Flash opened his eyes wide before turning to see Fluttershy standing there with Catastros peeking out from behind her.

“Fluttershy…” Flash stated shocked before recovering. “Uh, hey.” He rubbed the back his head. “Honestly, I didn’t think any of you girls, outside of Twilight, would be willing to speak with me. If you did, I would expect a more negative connotation.”

“Yeah.” Fluttershy looked down before garnering her courage and looking up at him. “I just wanted to say I’ve had a lot of time to think about the past, and I’m sorry for not sticking up for you. I don’t know what got into me, but that’s no excuse for turning my back on you.”

“I will admit that I’m glad to hear those words, but I don’t really blame any of you.” With Flash forgiving Sunset, there was only one being he did blame for how things turned out. “If you need to hear it, I forgive you.”

“That’s a relief.” Fluttershy stated.

Flash then turned his eyes to Catastros. “So, I take it that’s Catastros.” He looked back at Fluttershy. “Don’t take this wrong way, but he’s acting even more timid than you used to.”

“Yeah.” Fluttershy smiled. “I’ve really come out of my shell thanks to Daring. She taught me that I can still be kind yet confident. As for Catastros, he’s a little bit of a peculiar case. He’s extremely shy and timid in everything outside of dueling.”

“Oh, he’s a confident dueler.” Flash rubbed his chin. “Is that all you know about him? What made him like this?”

“From what we can tell, it’s just who he is.” Fluttershy stated. “He’s a lot more open when around people he knows or in most dueling situation. Put him in situations where he can be confronted by a stranger, and he tends to stick by our side.”

“I see.” Flash nodded. “I think I should get back to my team, but before I leave, I got to know why you never came to see Twilight or I?”

“For the longest time, I didn’t trust either of you.” Fluttershy explained. “After a while, my head cleared up, but I felt guilty for how I treated you two. Well, I was afraid of this exact situation going worse than it did. In the end, I want to make what I did right.”

“Well, things were pretty bad all around, but I think Twilight will forgive you just like I have.” Flash shook his head. “Anyways, I really should get back before my team worries.” He walked off. “May the best team win.”

“Yeah.” Fluttershy nodded with a smile. “No matter who I duel, I’ll show you and Twilight how much I’ve improved.”

Flash had to admit that he didn’t expect meeting up with anyone of them, except Twilight, would be positive. It seems whatever Sunset did wasn’t meant to last. Though, he did have his doubts that reuniting with the other four would be as positive.

Yugioh: Road to Quantum Opening

( watch?v=WXx21ivOCLU)

Don't you dare replace

Your first and only want

(Young Flash Sentry stares up at Flash Industries with his father and brother as Magnus ruffles their hair.)

Don't give up on the chase

Keep holding on!

(Teenage Flash is riding through Canterlot atop a duel runner before coming to a stop outside the open gates of a large complex with multiple buildings.)

Everything had gone to failure

(Young Flash stands in front of Canterlot Middle Schools statue and watches in despair as young Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash leave him going separate ways from himself and each other.)

My ambition turned into my broken dreams

(Flash is sent flying outside a building and into the grace outside as lighting arcs through the sky followed by thunder. Soon, it begins to storm on him.)

I left a promise out to die

(Flash kneels beside his younger brother, Forward Base, who is currently crying. He stands before facing Ethan with a determined expression.)

Every word I still remember

(Young Flash is standing on the roof as a young Sunset is waiting for him.)

They've been ringing in my head on full repeat

(The scene transitions to the park at night as Flash stands across from Sunset in shock while she laughs at him. His fists clench and he activate his black duel disc causing a blue energy blade to appear.)

Can't get your talk to ever leave my mind

(Young Flash is panting with tears in his eyes as he stands in the middle of his father's home office with books having been scattered. Anything that could be wrecked was.)

But now, from the clouds

There's a wind that gives me a boost

(Young Flash sits on his knees before a coffee table. Laid out before him is a blank deck of cards, his laptop, and a flash drive. He inserts the flash drive into the computer and plays a video.)

My heart, burning hard

Is about to light my fuse

(Young Flash watches as his father appears on screen. After a moment, his expression changes from sorrow and anger to a proud smile.)

(Let's try again!)

Live in the now and break your confines

Take ahold of this precious time (precious time)

(Flash is in his room as the sun shines through the window and her finishes packing his things. He tucks the blank deck into his deck box before walking out of the room.)

Glory days (glory days)

'Cause your life is not to trade

(Flash is seen walking down the sidewalk with Shadow Lock conversing happily with him before they enter a car and drive off.)

(Let's try again!)

Bring back the color as you advance

Paint it red, and then take a chance (take a chance)

(Young Flash and Shadow Lock stand across from each other in a room of the decaying Duel Sanctuary. Both wield black duel disk as Flash's blue energy blade and Shadow's black energy blade come out.)

Shout it loud (shout it loud)

'Cause your style's worth a bow

(Flash stands outside the sanctuary and stares down the stairs as he imagines a transparent version of his brother running up to meet him before he vanishes. Rather than be sad, Flash gives a small smile before walking back inside.)

Don't you dare replace

Your first and only want

(Teen Flash gets off his duel runner and looks back at the transparent version of his younger self who smiles and gives him a thumbs up before vanishing. Flash smiles and puts his hands in his pockets before walking onto the grounds of the large complex.)

Don't give up on the chase

Keep holding on!

(Flash looks up at the building as he draws closer to the entrance with a look of resolve. He stops as transparent version of the Humane 6 as their current ages appear before him. Flash nods to them before they vanish. He then walks into the building.)

Mexico Stadium: Later…
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to welcome you to Mexico.” The commentator declared. “Today, our home team, Excavated Heart, will be taking on team Harmonious Element. For those of you who may not be aware, Harmonious Element recently lost its top duelist.

Shortly before that, mysterious circumstances now surrounded the team as their compound was attacked by what most are calling dark magic. It remains to be seen how these events have affected the team, but one thing is for certain.

All eyes will be on this match. Speaking of Harmonious Element, they will be standing in the blue corner today and led by Flash Sentry who took over the captain position with Blaze’s departure.”

Given that this was their away match, not to mention Harmonious Element had lost a great deal of momentum, no one cheered for them. “In the red corner we have our home team which is led by Daring Doo. With both teams set to battle it out, let’s have them come on out!”

Both teams walked out to everyone in the stands cheering for Excavated Heart. This time, Flash opted not to hijack the systems. Everything he’d wanted to say had been said during their first match. Today, he’d let their dueling speak for them.

“Now, the team captains need to meet in the middle to discuss how today’s duels will go.” The commentator declared once the cheering died down.

Flash moved to meet Daring Doo in the middle as the tablet on the mechanical table came up between them.

“I’m sorry if this comes across as rude, but I was hoping to see Blaze Sol standing here today.” Daring stated.

“I bet a lot of people feel the same, but Harmonious Element is here to prove we can stand without her.” Flash retorted firmly.

“That’s a good attitude to have.” Daring smiled. “Now, let’s get down to the real reason we’re here. I say we play by standard rules. As captains, we can pick whoever we want to duel, the duels will be one on one, and we’ll go best of three.”

“I’ll agree on one condition.” Flash stated. “You sit out the first two matches. If my team manages to win, you got to duel Astral.”

“I’ll agree provided that you duel me in the duel after your team’s second win… if you get there.” Daring returned. “While I wanted to duel Blaze, I must admit you come as a close second, and I like the sound of being the road block to your team’s victory.”

“Deal.” Flash stated.

The two captains shook on it causing the tablet on the table to beep before glowing green.

“Seems as though the captains have come to an agreement on standard rules with a few caveats added into the mix.” The commentor declared. “Depending on how many wins Harmonious Element gets in the first two duels, we could see quite the match today.”

The people cheered.

Blue Corner
Astral, Zack, and Twilight sat on the bench as the announcement was made.

“I’m surprised you were okay compromising Astral.” Zack stated. “You do know there is a very real possibility you could miss out on a rematch here.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Astral crossed his arms with a smile. “Even if I fail to rematch her here, there’ll be other chances to duel Daring again. Besides, I’ll take whatever duel I can get today.

“I’m making the call.” Flash rejoined the group. “Twilight, you might be reserve, but I want you to take the first match.” He took a seat. “Today, I’ll only duel if it’s necessary.”

This didn’t come as a surprise since Flash had talked over what his potential plans for the day were. Twilight was more than willing to duel anyone on the opposing team. Even Fluttershy. The Spellcaster user was just glad to hear from Flash that she was willing to make amends with them.

Twilight touched her duel disk to the podium. “I’ll go out there and give it my best.

Red Corner
Daring, Catastros, and Fluttershy took notice of who was picked.

“Looks like they’re going with the Spellcaster user.” Daring stated. “Fluttershy, are you okay dueling her?”

“I am.” Fluttershy stated.

She was a little nervous about this, but she wouldn’t shy away. Not after all the work Daring put into making her a better duelist.

“Then, you can take her on.” Daring stated.

Fluttershy stood causing Catastros to whisper, “Good Luck.”

She smiled back at him. “Thank you, Catastros.”

Fluttershy then walked over to the podium and touched her dual disk to it.

Twilight and Fluttershy made their way to the center of the arena. Granted, they had been able to see each other from across the room, but that was different from being across from each other. Neither were quite sure what to say, but both seemed to know now wasn’t the time to talk.

“May the best duelist win.” Fluttershy finally stated.

Twilight nodded. “Agreed.”

“Alright, it’s time to start this opening duel!” The commentator declared. “Let me hear you count it down everyone!”

Everyone counted down together. “3. 2. 1. Let’s Duel!”

Both duelists activated their duel disks.

(Twilight 4000/Fluttershy 4000)

“I will start.” Fluttershy stated. “I activate my Land of Darkness field spell.” The arena became shrouded in darkness, but everyone could still clearly see the duel. “This field spell allows me to draw one extra card on my turns, and I activate it now.

I’ll then normal summon Mythic Dog(LV 3/700/700).” A small, white dog appeared. “Since I control a field spell, he lets me add a Mythic monster form my deck to my hand. I’ll then set one card before ending my turn.”

“That’s the power of Fluttershy’s deck ladies and gentlemen.” The commentator announced. “She takes full advantage of having a field spell in the field zone allowing her to set up the field with minimal loss to advantage. The question is, how will Twilight respond?”

“Fluttershy really has improved since she didn’t hesitate to make her moves.” Twilight drew. “I discard my Dark Magic Attack to activate the effect of Timaeus the Dragon of Destiny(LV 8/2800/1800).

By sending a spellcaster or spell/trap which specifically mentions Dark Magician, from my hand or field to the grave, I can special summon this monster.” A large, blue dragon appeared roaring at Mythic Dog. “Now, Timaeus will attack your Dog.”

“I activate my Half or Nothing trap card.” Fluttershy countered. “Now that it’s your battle phase, you must choose to either half your monsters’ ATK until the end of the Battle Phase or end your Battle Phase.”

“I’ll halve my monster’s attack allowing him to continue the battle.” Twilight replied.

Timaeus the Dragon of Destiny(LV 8/1400/1800 effect) blasted Mythic Dog off the field (Twilight 4000/Fluttershy 3300).

Timaeus the Dragon of Destiny(LV 8/2800/1800)

“With that, I’ll set a card of my own before ending my turn.” Twilight finished.

“Fluttershy counters a strong play from Twilight reducing the damage she’d have taken.” The commentor declared. “With no cards on her field, and a powerful monster left on Twilight’s, Fluttershy’s going to need to catch up.”

“It’s my move, and I’ll use my field spell to draw two cards.” Fluttershy drew. “Since you control a monster, and I do not, I can special summon my Mythic Rabbit(LV 1/0/0).” A white rabbit appeared.

“Since I control a field spell, I special summon Mythic Bat(LV 3/800/800).” A white bat appeared. “I’ll then normal summon Mythic Gekko(LV 4/1100/1500).” A white Gekko appeared.

“When this card is normal summoned, I can special summon a Mythic monster from my grave. The only one in there is Mythic Dog(LV 3/700/700). Since I control at least one Mythic monster, I can special summon Mythic Wolf(LV 4/1500/1400).” A white wolf appeared.

Blue Corner
“You didn’t tell us she could pull off a combo like that!” Astral shouted in amazement.

“To be fair, I had no idea how far Fluttershy’s come.” Flash retorted. “If you’ll remember, Twilight and I both lost touch with our friends.”

“Still, if this is how far she’s come, then just how much have some of the strongest duelist from your former friend group come?” Zack questioned.

“This is a new treat to behold!” The commentator declared. “Fluttershy has just summoned five monsters in one turn, but what is she about to do with them?”

“Fluttershy, you just summoned five monsters in one turn!” Twilight shouted in shock. “Only a few duelists can do that and even fewer can do it without the aid of Pendulum monsters.”

“It took me a bit to figure this combo out, and I’m glad I get to use it against a friend.” Flutershy declared with a smile. “Now, Mythic Bat will give my Mythic Dog a tune up to Synchro for 6. Synchro summon Ancient Bicorn(LV 6/2200/1800).”

A colorful unicorn with two horns appeared. “During the main phase, this monster allows me to select one monster you control. Then, in exchange for this being the only monster that can attack this turn, your monster loses 500 ATK for each monster I control.

I control four.” Timaeus the Dragon of Destiny(LV 8/800/1800 effect). “Now, Bicorn will attack Timaeus (Twilight 2600/Fluttershy 3300). Now, Rabbit will give Wolf and Gekko a tune up to synchro for 9.

Dragon of ancient light, shine your power upon my field. Synchro summon Ancient Light Dragon(LV 9/3100/4000) in defense mode.” A colossal, beautiful dragon appeared coiled up on Fluttershy’s field. With her effect, once per turn, I can show the top four cards of my deck.

Then, I must reshuffle my deck, but I gain 1000 life points for each field spell revealed.” Land of Wind, Mythic Cat, Land of Water, and Mythic Tiger were revealed. With two field spells revealed, I gain 2000 life points (Twilight 2600/Fluttershy 5300). It’s your move Twilight.”

“Now, Fluttershy has flipped the odds back in her favor.” The commentator declared. “She answered Twilight masterfully putting her on the back foot. Can she recover?”

“You’ve really come into your own as a duelist Fluttershy, but my spellcasters always have tricks up their sleeves.” Twilight drew. “I first activate my face down Magician’s Navigation. First off, I special summon a Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2100) from my hand.”

The purple robbed magician appeared. “Then, I can special summon a level seven or lower dark Spellcaster form my deck. I choose a second Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2100).” The red robbed magician appeared. “Now, I activate Polymerization.

With this spell, I’ll fuse the second Dark Magician with Magician of Black Chaos MAX from my hand. Spellcaster that banishes all who stand before me, appear! Fusion summon Dark Master of Chaos(LV 8/3000/2500). A spellcaster in purple armor appeared.

Red Corner
“Well, Harmonious Element does appear to have some bite to them, huh Catastros?” Daring asked.

Catastros nodded. “Yeah…”

“When Master of Chaos is fusion summoned, I can special summon a light or dark monster form my grave. I choose Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2100). Now, I overlay my two Dark Magicians. Spellcaster that studies magic in the deepest realms of shadow, appear!

Xyz summon Ebon Illusion Magician(R 7/O 2/2500/2100).” A spellcaster with long, blond hair and dark blue robes appeared. “By detaching one overlay unit, I can special summon one, normal Spellcaster monster from my hand or deck. I choose Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2100).”

Ebon Illusion Magician(R 7/O 1/2500/2100)

The green robbed magician appeared.

“Looks like I wasn’t the only one to improve.” Fluttershy smiled. “You managed to incorporate Xyz summoning into your deck and increased your ability to special summon.”

“Just watch Fluttershy because this Xyz monster has another affect I’ll show you by attacking your Bicorn with Dark Magician. Dark Magic Attack. When a normal spellcaster declares an attack, Ebon, once per turn, can banish one card you control. I choose Light Dragon.”

Fluttershy watched on in shock as her dragon was banished. “Since she wasn’t destroyed, I can’t activate her effect to special summon an Ancient Synchro monster from my extra deck or grave besides her.”

Dark Magician then blasted Bicorn (Twilight 2600/Fluttershy 5000).

“Now, Ebon Illusion Magician will attack you directly with Ebon Magic Attack!” The magician generated a sphere of pitch-black magic that passed through Fluttershy (Twilight 2600/Fluttershy 2500). “Now, Master of Chaos will end this with Chaos Destruction.”

“I can discard Mythic Bear from my hand to negate your attack.” Fluttershy declared. “When he is sent to the grave through this effect, I can special summon Mythic Regulus(LV 4/1700/1000) from my deck, hand, or graveyard.” A white light appeared.

“I have no choice but to end my turn.” Twilight declared.

“Twilight’s back with the advantage at three monsters to Flutershy’s one.” The commentor declared. “What’s more, their life points are practically even. If you asked my opinion on who has this, I’d say it could go either way with the skills these two have displayed.”

“I use Land of Darkness meaning I’ll be drawing two cards.” Fluttershy drew. “Firstly, since Regulus is on the field, I can play field spells in my spell/trap zone. If Regulus ever leaves the field, any field spells down there, at the time, can remain as though he were still there.

With that in mind, I’ll play my Land of Fire field spell.” The darkness merged with the fire becoming a new realm around them. “This field spell allows me to target one card you control and destroy it. I choose Master of Chaos.”

Twilight watched as her monster exploded. “When Master of Chaos is destroyed by card effect or battle, I can target a spell card in my grave and add it to my hand. The only card I can choose is my Polymerization.”

“That monster is full of surprises, but that spell won’t save you this turn.” Fluttershy declared. “I summon my Mythic Squirrel(LV 2/500/300).” A white squirrel appeared. “Since I control a field spell, I can declare a level from 3 to 5 and make him that level. I declare 4.”

Mythic Squirrel(LV 4/500/300 effect). “Speaking of controlling a field spell, it’s what also allows me to discard my Mythic Cat which will then destroy another card you control. I choose Ebon Illusion Magician. Then, Squirrel will give Regulus a tune up to Synchro for 8.

Mighty beast of three horns, appear! Synchro summon Ancient Tricorn(LV 8/2800/2000).” A larger, white unicorn with three horns appeared. “He will attack Dark Magician (Twilight 2300/Fluttershy 2500).

When Tricorn destroys a monster by battle, I can special summon an Ancient Bicorn or Ancient Unicorn from my extra deck or grave. I choose to revive Ancient Bicorn(LV 6/2200/1800), and he will attack you directly (Twilight 100/Fluttershy 2500). I end my turn.”

Blue Corner
“At this point, it’s down to the wire.” Zack commented. “Either Twilight needs to win or have something to by herself time.”

“Don’t worry because I think Twilight’s got this.” Astral declared. “No matter what, the duel isn’t over until the last card is played.”

“Exactly.” Flash nodded. “A situation like this isn’t impossible to overcome, and Twilight has plenty of cards that can overcome it.”

“We’ll just have to see how her turn goes.” Zack stated.

“Well folks, this turn or the next could end up deciding this duel.” The commentor declared. “Twilight has been backed into a clear corner. Can she get out of it?”

“Looking at my hand, all I have is Polymerization and Attribute Declaration. Even if I drew a monster, I’d still need another to make use of it. Attribute Declaration has a great effect when paired with Mahad and an even better effect when in the grave.

While I could just use it now to get at that effect, I may not need it.” Twilight stared at her deck and took a deep breath. “All I need is Mahad, and I can take this duel.” She placed her hand on top of the deck and drew. “My turn!” She looked at the card and smiled.

The card I just drew is Palladium Oracle Mahad(LV 7/2500/2100). By revealing this drawn card, I can special summon him.” A man in white attire and golden armor appeared. “With him, the duel ends this turn.”

“You can’t win this turn.” Fluttershy stated. “You monster can’t overcome Tricorn and Bicorn’s destruction would only deal me 300 life points of damage.”

“Normally, you’d be right, but I can change that through the card Attribute Declaration. This card allows me to declare an Attribute and all monsters become that attribute until the end of the turn. I declare dark!”

Fluttershy’s eyes opened wide. “That means your Mahad can use his ability.”

“That’s right, and by attacking the right monster, this duel is over.” Twilight declared. “Mahad, attack Fluttershy’s now dark attributed Bicorn. When Mahad attacks a monster with a dark attribute, his attack doubles for the Battle Phase.”

Palladium Oracle Mahad(LV 7/5000/2100 effect)

Palladium drew his sword, which radiated powerful, black energy, before lunging forward and slicing through Bicorn with one, mighty slash (Twilight 100/Fluttershy 0).

“The first duel goes to Twilight putting Team Harmonious Element on the board.” The commentor declared. “It was a well fought duel, but Fluttershy just couldn’t take the win.”

The monsters faded and Twilight approached Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, thank you for giving it your all.” She held out her hand. “You helped me come to better understand the improvements I made to my deck, and it was a great duel.”

“Despite the differences with your deck, it still felt nostalgic to duel you.” Fluttershy smiled and shook the hand. “I hope to duel you again in the future.”

Twilight walked away from her. “I’ll look forward to it.”

Fluttershy looked after one of her old friends with a sad smile before moving to join her team.

Red Corner
“Sorry Daring and Catastros, but she proved to be too strong.” Fluttershy stated.

“In the end, win or lose, you gave the duel your all.” Daring nodded. “That’s all that matters.”

Catastros nodded. “Yeah, you were great.”

“Catastros, you’re next.” Daring declared. “Show them what you can do.”

He simply nodded before standing, touching his disk to the podium, and walking out to meet his opponent.

Blue Corner
“Now, that’s my rival.” Astral grinned. “You were awesome Twilight! What the heck were some of those cards? I don’t remember seeing a good few of them when we worked on our decks back at the compound.”

“It was that day Flash sent us out to try and find information on Excavated Heart.” Twilight stated. “I was checking out a local card shop and saw they were selling Spellcaster support. They seemed to fit me a bit more than the Silent Magicians. Sorry Astral.”

“Hey, don’t apologize.” Astral grinned. “Like I said, you were awesome. The two of us have to duel once this is over.

Besides Twilight, that’s your deck, so you should do what feels right for it.” Flash then turned to their Predaplant user. “Now, I think you should get your shot in the world league. Go on and show them your debut.”

Zack stood. “I believe I shall.”

He touched his duel disk to the podium and walked out to meet his opponent.

Author's Note:

When it comes to Fluttershy's deck, I originally wanted to give her Luna's deck from 5D's; however, no offense to Luna, but it didn't really seem to fit in with more modern styled decks. In the end, I decided I'd base her deck off the idea Luna seemed to aspire to.

From what I could gather, it was interactions with Field Spells along with gaining life points. I combined that idea with Fluttershy's love of animals to come up with the deck you saw. Hopefully, you enjoyed the duel between her and Twilight.

As for Fluttershy coming out the other end of that Dark Magic relatively fine, I kind of want to stress different levels with the girls. Some of them will be similar, but other different. some will be apologetic while others will need convincing.

Comments ( 11 )

Yeah youre back, and thanks for adding my OC again, i wish you good luck in the future.

Next chapter, which will come far sooner than this one, he gets to duel.

I'm getting excited. I just wonder if Rainbow's team will have turbo dueling because of the whole speed thing.

Nice to finally see this updated again. Glad Flash and Fluttershy are friends again, and the duel between Twilight and Fluttershy was fun.

Thank you, I promise it wouldn't be anywhere nearly as long until the next one.

Are you gonna update soon????

When you are gonna update.

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