• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,397 Views, 135 Comments

Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry has a couple of the worst days of his life and loses practically everything. Now, he must duel to reclaim what he lost.

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Flash vs Sunset

Duel Park
Lighting and thunder raged above as a downpour cascaded onto the ground. Flash heard none of this as he was in a building made of dark energy. It was soundproof and dry. Considering he was soaked; it would almost be nice if he weren’t facing his girlfriend in a duel of hate.

Even though he was determined to win, since she planned on targeting his family after him, he couldn’t forget about their time together. At this point, there was still a chance to end things peacefully. At least, that’s what Flash was hoping for.

“Sunset, before we begin, are you certain it has to be this way?” Flash asked. “You already said you grew to love me, so did our time together really mean nothing to you?”

“We’ve been over this Flash.” Sunset stated firmly. “I grew to love you, but my hate for your family never dissipated. If you weren’t part of it, we wouldn’t be here. I’ll even admit our time together meant more to me than you may know; however, this duel will happen, so stop stalling.”

“Maybe if I beat her, Sunset will see reason.” Flash thought. “Alright.”

“Let’s duel!”

(Flash 4000/Sunset 4000)

“I’ll take the lead.” Sunset declared. “I summon Volcanic Slicer(LV 4/1800/1200).” A beige with white armor bipedal monster appeared.

“Are you telling me your Shining deck wasn’t your real deck?” Flash asked.

“Of course, it wasn’t.” Sunset stated as though it were obvious. “That pathetic excuse for a deck can’t compare to my Volcanics. Speaking of them, in exchange for not attacking this turn, which I can’t do anyways, Slicer deals you 500 life points of damage.”

Slicer shot a fire ball from its mouth at Flash. When it impacted with his gut, the guy felt physical pain like when that darkness washed over him earlier. The pain led to Flash holding his gut (Flash 3500/Sunset 4000).

“This pain.” Flash looked at Sunset. “This really is a Shadow Game. One like those rumored to have existed in the past.” He shook his head in disbelief. “What are you doing with power like this Sunset?”

“It’s the power to make your family pay for everything I’ve had to endure.” Sunset declared. “Now, I shall continue. Since I control a Volcanic monster, other than Volcanic Commander(LV 4/1800/400), I can special summon him.”

A humanoid figure in red armor and with a blade appeared. “Since Commander was summoned, I can send a card from my deck to the grave. I’ll choose Volcanic Snake. When Snake is sent to the grave, you take another 500 life points of damage (Flash 3000/Sunset 4000).”

A transparent snake appeared and lunged at Flash wrapping around him. The snake squeezed him painfully for a few moments causing the guy to scream before the monster shattered. Once the snake was gone, Flash found himself wobbling.

“She can’t even attack, yet I’m already down 1000 life points.” Flash regained his footing. “To top it off, the rumors of Shadow Games are more real than I thought possible.”

“I overlay my two monsters.” Sunset continued. “When two Volcanics become one, they create a pyro monster of arcane might. Xyz Summon Volcanic Sorcerer(R 4/O 2/1800/1600).” A large black and red humanoid with bandages infused with arcane magic appeared.

“What does that monster do?” Flash asked.

“I’m glad you asked.” Sunset stated. “By detaching one overlay unit, I can send the top three cards of my deck to the graveyard. For every Volcanic monster sent to the grave this way, you’ll take 500 life points of damage.”

Volcanic Sorcerer(R 4/O 1/1800/1600)

She drew the top three cards and showed them to Flash with a smirk. “I’m sending the monsters Volcanic Rocket and Volcanic Ferocity along with my Triple Threat Tactics to the grave. This means you’re hit with 1000 life points. Sorcerer hit Flash with Pyro Rings!”

Sorcerer put his hands together as he generated two rings of fire imbued with archaic magic. He then fired them at Flash. The first slammed into his stomach sending the young man skidding and winding him before the second hit him in the legs sending the guy to the ground hard.

(Flash 2000/Sunset 4000)

Flash laid there as he worked to regain his breath. “I’ve already lost half my life points.”

“That’s enough for this turn, so I’ll set three cards.” Sunset declared.

“It’s my turn now, but even after everything that’s been said, I don’t want to do this.” Flash slowly got back to his feet. “I think I hate my grandfather now more than I ever did before, and that’s saying something.” He drew. “I’m activating Super Soldier Ritual.”

“Super Soldier Ritual?” Sunset questioned. “That card isn’t part of your Armed Dragon Deck.”

“You’re right Sunset.” Flash declared. “This card isn’t part of that deck, but it’s hard to use a deck I lost in an ante game. Now, the ritual I activated gives me access to any Black Luster ritual monster if I tribute monsters from my field or hand.

Not only that, but the monsters I send must equal 8 levels. I’ll send the level 4 Evening Twilight Knight and my Manju of Ten Thousand Hands. Solider of might heed my call and aid me with your power. Ritual summon Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier(LV 8/3000/2500).”

A soldier in blue, silver, and red armor appeared. “Now, you’re not the only one who can do burn damage. I activate Knight or Soldier. With this, I can target a Black Luster Soldier or Gaia the Fierce Knight and deal you damage equal to half their ATK.

I’ll target Super Soldier to deal you 1500 points of damage.” A transparent, half the size, Super Soldier shot off at Sunset knocking her off her feet. Unlike Flash, the pain seemed to barely phase her (Flash 2000/Sunset 2500).

“Is that all you got.” Sunset stood. “Pathetic.”

“That’s not even close.” Flash declared. “Since I used Evening Twilight Knight, I can activate one of two additional effects once per turn. The one I’ll activate is the ability to banish your Volcanic Sorcerer. Now, my soldier will attack you directly with Super Slash!”

“I activate the first of my face downs Defense Draw.” Sunset countered. “This card will reduce the damage I’m about to take to 0, and I get to draw a card.”

The soldier slashed at Sunset only to be met with a barrier it couldn’t penetrate.

“I set one card, ending my turn.” Flash stated.

Sunset drew before smiling. “This is the end Flash.”

“W-what do you mean?” Flash questioned worried.

“With this final card, I have the combo which will decimate the remainder of your life points. First, I activate my second face down Blaze Accelerator Reload. This card has a good effect, but I’m more interested in its ability to be Tri-Blaze Accelerator while in my spell/trap zone.

Thanks to that effect, I can send it to the grave to special summon my ace. Monster who reigns over the Volcanics, bring your fire to the field. Special summon Volcanic Doomfire(LV 8/3000/1800).” A hulking, bipedal monster appeared.

“This monster would be enough with the combo I have in mind, but I want to show you just how outclassed you are. Thanks to you getting rid of Sorcerer last turn, his last overlay entered the grave granting me three pyro monsters in my grave.

By banishing them, I can special summon another monster. Embodiment of the red planet, I summon you with sacrifices befitting your attribute. Special summon The Blazing Mars(LV 8/2600/2200).” A humanoid attached to a large rock in the shape of a monster appeared.

“You just special summoned two Level 8 monsters!” Flash shouted in shock.

“If you think that’s impressive, you haven’t seen anything.” Sunset stated. “I overlay The Blazing Mars and Volcanic Doomfire. Embodiment of the red planet and Volcanic who reigns over his kind, combine your power to create a true inferno.

Xyz summon Volcanic Blazing Doom(R 8/O 2/5000/3000 effect).” Volcanic Doom had merged with the large rock shaped like a monster creating a monster which roared at Flash. “Since The Blazing Mars and Doomfire were used to summon him, he gains 1500 ATK.”

“That monster is even more powerful that Nathan’s Domanitus.” Flash held out his hand. “I activate Damage Diet. With this trap, all damage I take this turn will be halved.”

Flash believed he was safe as even though Super Soldier would fall; he’d still have 1000 life points. Not only that, but Super Soldier would grant him a Gaia as protection with his destruction. From there, the guy just needs to draw something to aid him.

Sunset laughed darkly. “Nice try Flash, but even with halved damage, my last set card will see this end now. I activate Spiritual Fire Art – Kurenai. By tributing my fire type Blazing Doom, you take damage equal to their ATK.”

Blazing Doom exploded before that fire was contained into one, huge sphere of fire.

Flash stared at it with wide eyes. “I… failed… again.”

“Consider yourself fortunate that I’m not like your grandfather.” Sunset stated. “If I were, you’d be put in the Shadow Realm to rot for all eternity. Rather than that, the pain you will receive from this shall suffice.” She snapped her fingers. “I win.”

The sphere glowed before shooting out a huge stream of fire. Even though that stream reduced to half size, it still made Flash scream out in pain as the fire washed over him. Eventually, the force of the attack sent him crashing right through one of the sealed exits of the building.

(Flash 0/Sunset 2500).

He hit the ground outside and was already unconscious from all the pain as the downpour above fell on his body. Sunset walked out of the building as it vanished. She then approached Flash and took his deck.

“This deck may come in handy down the road.” Sunset thought as she tucked it away.

Once she was done, a sad look passed over her face as she stared at Flash. Sunset took a deep breath and steeled herself before snapping her finger. A portal of darkness appeared behind her, and the Volcanic user walked through it. Once she was gone, the portal closed.

Omega then appeared as he stood above Flash. “I almost forgot how pathetic you were.” He held out his hand and Flash was covered in a brilliant, white light which healed his body. “You will grow, but you have a long road ahead of you.”

Omega heard an approaching duel runner, so he vanished well before a standard issue police runner pulled up to the scene, casting lights on Flash. Shining got off the duel runner and immediately ran over to help him.

Hospital, Next Day…
Shadow sat in a chair beside Flash’s hospital bed; however, his focus was currently turned towards the T.V., which was tuned to the news channel. After last night, all the news networks could talk about were the events which took place.

“… According to our sources, The Phenomenon’s duel disk turned up at his apartment late last night, delivered by his student Shining Armor. People everywhere mourn the loss of the best of us, and questions arise as to who will take his place at the top.

At this time, there has been no confirmation on how this will come about. In related news, several other tragedies occurred shortly after this delivery. The Phenomenon’s apartment building was reduced to nothing more than a crater. Rumors of a physical duel monster circulate.

Later, we will show footage provided by longtime friend of Flash Magnus, Shadow Lock. For now, speaking of his family, the youngest son has signed on with Crystal Cavalcade. We have confirmation he left for Spain early this morning.

This leaves Flash Sentry, the oldest son, who was found last night by Officer Armor unconscious. We have no idea how this happened. Our hearts go out to those affected by this tragedy. In this time of uncertainty, we recommend you stick close to your loved ones.”

Shadow turned off the T.V. “That anchor’s better at keeping his cool than most have been.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe things turned out this way.”

“Is it true?” Flash asked, getting Shadow’s attention.

He looked at his nephew to see that he had woken up. “Flash, you’re alright!”

He was relieved, but Flash just asked, “Uncle, is what he said true? Has dad really vanished and Forward left?”

“I’m sorry you had to hear it that way Flash.” Shadow sighed. “It’s true, and unfortunately even his duel disk is gone after that attack last night. As for Forward, I tried to get him back, but Sombra had a document legally emancipating him. I have no idea how he got it, but its real.”

Flash sat up. “My mother vanished long before this, father is gone, my brother abandoned me, most of my friends turned their backs on me, my ex-girlfriend put me in here, and I’ve lost both my decks.” He shook his head. “I’m a failure.”

Shadow knew that wasn’t true. The only thing Flash could have done was be stronger, but even that was questionable given he’s lived a relatively peaceful live. It’s not like people expect a middle schooler, even the son of The Phenomenon, to handle problems like this.

That said, it appeared the rumors of Shadow Games and tangible duel monster were real. In that case, it appears the rumors of the greats and their friends saving the world may be true as well. Still, Flash was just a kid, and no kid should have to bear that weight alone.

“Flash, what you’re experiencing is something everyone experiences in one way or another.” Shadow stated. “There are aspects of life we can’t control, and some of those aspects, for lack of a better term, screw us over.

They can bring us to the lowest point in our lives and some people don’t handle it well. Those that continue to push past those negative times will come out stronger in the end. Your father didn’t have an easy childhood under his father.

Even with that, he didn’t succumb to what that man wanted him to be. Magnus worked his butt off to become smarter and stronger. In the end, he beat his old man to gain control of the company and becoming the strongest duelist around.

True, he’s not here, but you are. Unlike your brother, who takes more after your mother, you take after him. You have his will to fight. You have his fire. I know things are hard but remember your father’s motto. It gave him strength, and it can do the same for you.”

“You learn more from failure than you do victory until one day you’ve learned enough not to fail again.” Flash stated quietly to himself. “With every failure, you need to pick yourself back up or you’ll never reach the next victory.”

“Right now, this situation is crummy. I tried talking to Forward, but he wouldn’t change his mind. Something changed in him, and he’s already gone. Your family is divided, People are out to get you, and you aren’t strong enough. You could be though.”

Flash looked at him as he tried to process everything. “What do you mean?”

“Whether you like it or not, people are going to target you. You’re the oldest of the family. The company technically falls into your ownership, even if the board and vice president will take care of all decisions until you’re of age.

That’s besides the point. With your father gone, you’re the main target of anyone that may be out there because of your grandfather. Beyond that, there are many after the company itself, and it’s clear there are threats out there capable of destruction.

It’s your choice, but I can’t remain stagnant. I’m going to go where your father learned to duel and train my skills. You can come with, or I can take you to Stygian, who will protect you. What will you do?”

Flash looked down at his bed sheets as his latest losses to Nathan and Sunset played in his mind. “I don’t know.” He tightly gripped the bedding with closed eyes. “I just don’t know.”

“Give it some thought.” Shadow stood. “Since you’re alright, I need to prepare.” He sat a key card on the table beside him. “I’ll go talk to the doctors. That key card is to a room at the Royal Hotel.” He walked to the door. “By the end of the week, I’ll need your answer.”

Canterlot: Day After…
The doctors had looked Flash over, but he didn’t have any injuries. While the doctors were unaware of what exactly happened, they were told he passed out, Flash knew he’d been hit with real damage. By all accounts, he shouldn’t be out of the hospital now.

He would have been out yesterday if the doctors didn’t want to keep him a day for observations. Now, Flash walked aimlessly until he came upon the crater that had been his home since he could remember.

At least he was alive, which was more than you could say for the others who tragically lost their lives. The crater had been sectioned off to prevent people from going in, but that didn’t stop them from leaving flowers or small objects in memory.

“Even seeing it in person, it’s hard to believe my home’s gone.” Flash shook his head. “How did things become this messed up?”

“I don’t know Flash.” A familiar voice stated. “I’m sorry all of this has happened.”

Flash turned and realized Twilight had arrived. He heard her and Shining had tried to visit him yesterday, but he cut himself off from visitors.

“Thanks Twilight.” Flash nodded. “Have you heard from the girls?”

Twilight sighed. “Since your suspension, I tried to find out what was wrong.” She shook her head in confusion. “I’m honestly not sure myself. It was like every little fight I’ve ever had with them was compounded into something bigger.

When it came to you, it was like my mind thought the worst of you even though I knew for a fact you’re a good person. Then, my mind suddenly became clear making me realize the truth of the situation. It was peculiar.”

“The darkness I saw around them. After my duel with Sunset, I know for a fact it wasn’t my imagination, but I don’t know the first thing about combating it.” Flash sighed. “I think Sunset had a hand in that.”

“Yeah, your uncle told us what happened between you two.” Twilight shook her head. “While I don’t believe all this Shadow Game nonsense, I do believe she’s responsible for what’s happened.”

“That sounds like you.” Flash managed a small smile before sighing. “What about Shining? How’s he taken my father’s absence?”

“He’s going to press on.” Twilight smiled. “Says he’s going to quit the force, work on his deck, and go into dueling full time. He’s set on becoming the next Phenomenon.”

“That sounds like him.” Flash stated.

For a couple of minutes, Twilight and Flash just stood there in silence as they stared at the crater.

Eventually, Flash stuck his hands in his pockets. “Twilight, don’t take this the wrong way, but I kind of just want to be alone.” He walked off. “Sorry.”

Twilight turned to look at his back. “I understand.”

Flash Industries
Flash stared at the building which had been one of his father’s greatest achievements. Aura Flash had given this company a terrible reputation. He only remained on top because he was able to bend the law. When Magnus took over, he made the company into an honest business.

Magnus’ talents, and the change he made to the staff, brought the world into a new age. Flash walked inside to see the company was progressing as smoothly as it had with his father. As for the lobby itself, it was decorated with some of the company’s achievements.

There were duel runners and duel disk displayed while the workers moved about, going from one place to another. People did notice and whisper about Flash, but they soon got back to work. Flash stared at the lobby and remembered the first time his father brought him here.

A noticeably younger Flash, about 4 years old, wore a blue shirt with matching shorts as his father held his hand and took him into the lobby. The kid looked around at all the workers and dueling technology in wonder.

“What do you think Flash?” Magnus smiled. Pretty cool place, huh?”

Flash nodded in amazement. “Yeah.”

“Take it all in.” Magnus ruffled his son’s hair. “One day, it will be yours and Forward’s.”

Flash stared up at his father with wide eyes. “All of this will be ours?”

Magnus crouched before him. “There’s no one else I could see leaving this to, but if you don’t want it…”

“I want it! I want it!” Flash exclaimed.

“In that case, I’ll teach you everything I know.” Magnus nodded. “You’re a smart kid, so you’ll likely know more about this than I do before you’re meant to take over. Just keep this one thing in mind. Your workers are like a second family, and like family, we treat them right.”

“Alright.” Flash nodded. “I promise I’ll treat them just like you would.”

Magnus chuckled. “That’s my boy.”

Lobby: Present
“Well, if it isn’t Flash Sentry.” A familiar voice stated. “I didn’t think we would be seeing you so soon. Shows what I know.”

This brought Flash back to the present as he noticed a rather tall, thin man walking towards him. His skin was tan, he had dull green irises, and his hair was a light purple. He wore a white dress shirt with black pants, and a red coat overtop.

“Hello Capper.” Flash nodded solemnly. “Let’s just say, I have a rather important decision to make and decided to let my feet take me where they will.”

“I can hear that.” Capper nodded. “It must not be easy adjusting, but if you’re worried about Flash Industries, don’t be. I’ll take good care of it until you’re old enough to take over or the boss comes back. Whichever comes first.”

“You think he’ll be back?” Flash asked.

“By appearance, most assume I ain’t got faith; however, that couldn’t be further from the truth.” Capper stated. “Ever since the big man pulled me off the streets, he rubbed off on this urchin. He put faith in me, so I’ll put faith in him. Simple as that.”

“It is comforting to hear that from you.” Flash nodded. “I know you’ll look after this company as dad would have.”

“I will not only do that, but I’ll ensure you’re taken care of.” Capper shook his head. “It’s the least I can do. You ever need anything, come to Capper.”

Before Flash could speak, Stygian walked into the lobby. “Naturally, Harmonic Industries will do all it can to help you if you seek it as well Flash.”

“Uncle Stygian?” Flash asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I heard about all that happened, so I’ve come to show Harmonic Industries will keep its partnership with Flash Industries. In addition, I came to check on my family. In relation with that, I have a gift for you from your parents.”

“My parents left me something?” Flash questioned.

“There is an old saying.” Stygian nodded. “Hope for the best yet plan for the worst. Your father wanted to challenge The Cipher when he first showed up, but we of Harmonic Pillar convinced him to hold off. It was decided your mother would duel him first.

Before she departed, I had her and your father do a little something for me. Neither believed in it, but I’ve always theorized duel energy can be a powerful factor in creating a deck.” He produced a full deck, as well as an extra deck, yet showed each card was blank.

“I managed to have them imbue these cards with their duel energy. By having you take the deck, the son of the two whose energy flows through these cards, and taking it to a place of magical energy, I believe a new deck can be forged. I would recommend the Duel Sanctuary.”

Flash stared at the deck, and for a just a moment, he saw blazing red and cool blue energies flowing through the cards. “The Duel Sanctuary…”

Stygian cleared his throat. “I also have something your father gave me around the same time.” He took out a flash drive. “He recorded two messages just in case anything happened to him. One for you and one for Forward. This one is yours.”

Flash sighed as he took the deck, extra deck, and drive, tucking them away on his body. “Thank you, uncle.” He walked away from them towards the elevator. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe I would like to see my father’s office.”

“Ah, of course.” Capper nodded. “Consider it as much yours as his.”

Flash entered the elevator without another word.

Once he was gone, Stygian turned to Capper. “While Magnus’ disappearance is unfortunate, I did mean what I said. Harmonic Industries will remain a loyal partner to Flash Industries.”

Capper nodded. “Ah, that is news which will put people at ease. It may not look it, but there is worry about what his disappearance means. With your continued support, I’m sure we can make it out of this, and ensure the people still have jobs.”

“Quite.” Stygian nodded. “We can discuss more over a cup of tea.”

“Some tea to calm the nerves may be what I need.” Capper walked on. “We can head to the employee cafeteria.”

A man in security attire came running up to them. “Vice President Capper, President Magnus’ office has been ransacked.”

“What?” Capper asked. “How did none of you notice this before? Is the perpetrator still in the building?”

“We don’t understand it ourselves sir.” The security officer stated. “One moment, everything looked fine on our monitors, the next saw the office devastated. As for the perpetrator, we are uncertain.”

“I want this place locked down before performing a sweep.” Capper ran to the stairs. “I’m going straight to Magnus’ office because I just sent his son up there alone.”

Stygian ran after him. “I’m right behind you Capper.”

Top Floor
The elevator stopped and dinged before the door opened. Flash stuck his hands in his pockets and walked to his dad’s office. He stopped at the end of the hallway before a set of double doors and pushed them open only to freeze. His dad’s office was in ruins.

Bookshelves were broken, books were scattered, the desk had been snapped in half with drawers tossed around, and a picture of the family lay broken. Where that picture had hung, there was an open, empty wall safe. Flash could care less about that.

This room was where every project Flash Industries undertook began. Beyond that, this was the room where Flash spent the most time with his father. This was the room where Flash felt the most comfortable talking with his dad, man to man.

Tears started to well in Flash’s eyes. Up to this point, he’s felt sadness yet hadn’t cried. Seeing this room, a place that could honestly be considered more of a home than the apartment, in ruins really made it hit home for Flash.

“Mom’s gone…Dad’s gone…My little brother left.” Flash collapsed to his knees as he felt a mixture of sadness and anger overtake him. “You were supposed to be the strongest duelist in the world, so what happened dad!? Why are you gone!?”

This was the state Stygian and Capper found him in when they arrived.

Flash’s Hotel Room, Evening…
Capper and Stygian saw Flash to the hotel. Currently he was just lying there as everything truly sunk in. He still felt terrible, yet also better having let the floodgates open. Even though he wasn’t in the mood to move, he could feel that flash drive in his pockets.

Flash forced himself to his feet, entered the bathroom, and splashed some water over his eyes to clear them. He then walked over to the coffee table, sat the blank deck and extra deck on it, and opened a nearby laptop. Flash then took the drive and plugged it in to find a folder with a video.

“Alright, let’s see what you’ve left me dad.” Flash thought as he pressed play.

His father appeared sitting in his office. “Flash, if you’re seeing this, Cipher bested me. For that, I am sorry. I gave it my all, but he proved too much. Now, you and Forward are all that’s left. By now, one of you will have been given that deck of blank cards.

I still don’t believe in what Stygian told me, but I suppose it can’t be out of the question considering everything Cipher has done. Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do because you’re a smart kid. You know what you will do better than I could tell you.

Just know I love you, and I haven’t left you with nothing. You have my burning spirit within you. Never forget that wherever you go and whatever you do. Remember, you have more potential than I ever did. Take care of yourself and look after your brother.”

The video faded, and for the first time since waking up, Flash gave a genuine smile.

One Week Later…
Flash finished packing what few things he had before tucking the blank deck and extra deck away. He then stopped to stare out the window before smiling. With everything that happened, this was no time to wallow in the past. He had a blazing spirit that demanded he move forward.

“Sorry Twilight, but I won’t be back for a while.” Flash was sending her a text. “I’m off to get stronger, but I promise I will be back. Hopefully, you are not mad at me. Farewell, my friend.”

He sent the text before taking the phone and setting it to factory reset. If he were going to grow, he would focus solely on training. He sat the phone on the coffee table before leaving the room.

Outside the Hotel
Shadow looked at his watch and sighed as it read 1 minute until noon. “Looks like he’s really not coming.” He started walking down the sidewalk. “I’ll have to call Stygian to…”

Flash came running out the door. “Uncle Shadow, wait up!” Shadow turned to see his nephew running after him. “I want to come with you!”

Shadow smiled. “You sure you’re up for it?”

Flash nodded. “I did a lot of thinking this past week, and plenty of people told me what I needed to hear. The fact is, things suck, but if I let life get me down, the blazing spirit goes out with me. That’s why I’ll become a duelist worthy of surpassing my father.”

“Alright, I have a car parked at the end of the street. We may be uncle and nephew, but once we get to the Duel Sanctuary, we’ll be fellow students.” Shadow held out his hand. “Let’s work hard to help each other grow.”

Flash shook the offered hand. “Yeah.”

The pair walked down the sidewalk before arriving at a black car. Once they were inside, they were off down the road.

“I’ll return once I’m stronger.” Flash stared out at the city. “I promise.”