• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,397 Views, 135 Comments

Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry has a couple of the worst days of his life and loses practically everything. Now, he must duel to reclaim what he lost.

  • ...

Blaze Sol

Outside Harmonious Element Compound, Day…
A mob of reporters and talk show host from various outlets stood outside the compound. Last night’s dome of black magic, and two members of the team being found passed out at a destroyed warehouse, hadn’t gone unnoticed.

Autumn was of course among the crowd. “This is Autumn Blaze, from Blaze Talks, bringing you the latest on what transpired here last night. The owners have been rather silent beyond the bare necessities, and we are left to wonder what happened.

Last night a dome of darkness encompassed Team Harmonious Element’s compound. Attempts were made to get in but proved futile. When the dome vanished, it was revealed that the members were in rough shape while the owners were mentally shaken.

Naturally, precursory questions were asked concerning the members, but each member confirmed that no one part of Harmonious Element caused the injuries. Since then, the compound has sealed itself off with police ensuring no one gets in.

At this time, rumors run rampant, and many speculate that last night has to do with rumors that have always existed around the great duelists of the past. The question is, do you think magic and Shadow Games are involved or is there a more mundane answer…”

Yugioh: Road to Quantum Opening

( watch?v=WXx21ivOCLU)

Don't you dare replace

Your first and only want

(Young Flash Sentry stares up at Flash Industries with his father and brother as Magnus ruffles their hair.)

Don't give up on the chase

Keep holding on!

(Teenage Flash is riding through Canterlot atop a duel runner before coming to a stop outside the open gates of a large complex with multiple buildings.)

Everything had gone to failure

(Young Flash stands in front of Canterlot Middle Schools statue and watches in despair as young Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash leave him going separate ways from himself and each other.)

My ambition turned into my broken dreams

(Flash is sent flying outside a building and into the grace outside as lighting arcs through the sky followed by thunder. Soon, it begins to storm on him.)

I left a promise out to die

(Flash kneels beside his younger brother, Forward Base, who is currently crying. He stands before facing Ethan with a determined expression.)

Every word I still remember

(Young Flash is standing on the roof as a young Sunset is waiting for him.)

They've been ringing in my head on full repeat

(The scene transitions to the park at night as Flash stands across from Sunset in shock while she laughs at him. His fists clench and he activate his black duel disc causing a blue energy blade to appear.)

Can't get your talk to ever leave my mind

(Young Flash is panting with tears in his eyes as he stands in the middle of his father's home office with books having been scattered. Anything that could be wrecked was.)

But now, from the clouds

There's a wind that gives me a boost

(Young Flash sits on his knees before a coffee table. Laid out before him is a blank deck of cards, his laptop, and a flash drive. He inserts the flash drive into the computer and plays a video.)

My heart, burning hard

Is about to light my fuse

(Young Flash watches as his father appears on screen. After a moment, his expression changes from sorrow and anger to a proud smile.)

(Let's try again!)

Live in the now and break your confines

Take ahold of this precious time (precious time)

(Flash is in his room as the sun shines through the window and her finishes packing his things. He tucks the blank deck into his deck box before walking out of the room.)

Glory days (glory days)

'Cause your life is not to trade

(Flash is seen walking down the sidewalk with Shadow Lock conversing happily with him before they enter a car and drive off.)

(Let's try again!)

Bring back the color as you advance

Paint it red, and then take a chance (take a chance)

(Young Flash and Shadow Lock stand across from each other in a room of the decaying Duel Sanctuary. Both wield black duel disk as Flash's blue energy blade and Shadow's black energy blade come out.)

Shout it loud (shout it loud)

'Cause your style's worth a bow

(Flash stands outside the sanctuary and stares down the stairs as he imagines a transparent version of his brother running up to meet him before he vanishes. Rather than be sad, Flash gives a small smile before walking back inside.)

Don't you dare replace

Your first and only want

(Teen Flash gets off his duel runner and looks back at the transparent version of his younger self who smiles and gives him a thumbs up before vanishing. Flash smiles and puts his hands in his pockets before walking onto the grounds of the large complex.)

Don't give up on the chase

Keep holding on!

(Flash looks up at the building as he draws closer to the entrance with a look of resolve. He stops as transparent version of the Humane 6 as their current ages appear before him. Flash nods to them before they vanish. He then walks into the building.)

Celestia’s Office
“…One thing is certain. I will continue to cover this story and attempt to gather only the facts. Let us not forget that whatever happened here has greatly impacted Canterlot’s newest team. We are uncertain what this means for their dueling season, but I for one hope they continue.”

Celestia muted the program before leaning forward and rubbing her hands down her face with a sigh. “Shadow Games… What appears to be two factions… Flash and Blaze being found at a warehouse… What is going on?”

“Celestia.” Luna stated as she entered the room. “We need to talk about last night.”

“Sister, what I told you still stands.” Celestia stated. “We are not abandoning Flash Sentry. End of discussion.”

“I don’t want to abandon him either, but it is clear that people are after him.” Luna stated. “Powerful people. Weather we accept it or not, Shadow Games are real, and if we keep him around, everyone else is in danger.”

“I understand, but we already failed him once Luna.” Celestia stated. “We let the world of dueling influence our decision as educators. We suspended him and had to apply that to his permanent record.

That’s only the tip of the iceberg of what he’s suffered through. His parents are gone, he lost his home, he went into seclusion for two years, and his friends and brother ended up abandoning him when he needed them most.”

A white and black portal appeared from which Omega stepped through. “There’s also the fact that those who want Flash don’t have the best of intentions.”

Luna and Celestia were immediately on guard and by each other’s side.

“Who are you?” Celestia asked.

Luna added, “If you’re here to challenge us, I suggest you reconsider.”

“Peace, Celestia and Luna.” Omega removed his hood. “I am not here to challenge you.”

The owners were shocked as staring back at them was an older Flash Sentry. He had the same yellow-orange skin, blue hair, and forest green eyes. He was just 10 years older and had a full, blue beard.

“What manner of trickery is this?” Luna asked.

“There is no trick.” Omega put his hood back up. “You’ve seen that magic is indeed real, and it is what I used to come back to this point in time. The time where everything could be corrected.”

The sisters shared a look.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

A black and white screen appeared in midair before displaying Canterlot, but not as they knew it. The sky was gray, and the ground was lifeless. The city was in ruins. Buildings had collapsed whether it be into each other or on the ground.

“You two ended up booting me from Harmonious Element.” Omega explained. “I lost all hope and the will to duel. Soon after, countless threats arose. Threats no one could beat. Eventually, I took up a deck again, but it was too late.

All I could do was protect whatever was left as the enemies who sought destruction became too much for me to handle. Their skills and decks easily rivaled mine. With things at their worst, I took the last hope for a better future. I came back to fix things.

“The future is really doomed if we kick you out?” Luna asked shocked.

“I ended up becoming a duelist that rivaled any threat, but they rivaled me by the time I got around to dueling them.” Omega shook his head. “The only thing that kept the small group I had safe was my magic which quickly developed under stress.”

“What do we do?” Celestia asked at a loss.

“First things first, you can’t let Flash go.” Omega stated. “Being here and dueling in the World League will advance his skills to the point that he could prevent the future. Secondly, prepare your team to back him up.

A stronger team will make Flash stronger. Thirdly, this is directed at your Luna, do not condemn Astral for the cards he uses. He must remain on this team. It’s not his fault the cards sync up well with him, and he is not him.”

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asked.

“I mean, he is not your enemy and never was.” Omega replied. “Finally, keep my being here a secret never to leave this room. I fear enemies from the future, agents of the Supreme King, are here as well, so I must stay hidden. Do you understand? This future must never come to be.”

Omega then turned towards his portal. “I’m not out to enforce anything.” He walked towards the portal. “I can only hope you heed my warning.” He put his hands in his pockets. “With this, Flash will continue down the path to become me.”

Omega left the sisters with much to discuss.

Flash’s Dream
“N-No way.” Sunset stated shocked.

“That’s an impressive card Flash, but it’s not enough to win this duel.” Blaze declared. “You have two opponents and only one…”

“This dragon can attack twice each Battle Phase.” Flash interrupted. “Neither of you get another turn.” Raging Dragon sparked with electricity as his wings heated up. “Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon attack them with Destruction Burst of Rage!”

Raging Dragon breathed a mighty stream of destructive power that washed over both Sunset and Blaze. It even destroyed a large portion of the warehouse behind them.

Hospital, Flash’s Room…
Flash screamed as he bolted awake and looked at his surrounding breathing rapidly. “I’m in a hospital room… No. No. No. I didn’t…” He spotted his deck box next to his bed, grabbed it, and got his extra deck out before spotting the card. “Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon…”

Given Flash’s scream, it wasn’t long before doctors came to check on him.

Flash had played along to the best of his abilities, but he was shaken. Even more so once he got the doctors talking. He knew he damaged that warehouse, but apparently it was perfectly fine. What wasn’t fine were the people he harmed… At least one of them.

Blaze had been brought to the same hospital as him while no one else had been found with him. That meant Sunset was out there. While her being out their terrified Flash, as she could come for him again, a small part of him was glad she was able to walk away from what he did.

He was immensely glad that both his opponents were alive. He had no idea what he’d have done if his actions led to someone’s death. Not matter how he felt towards Sunset, he never wanted her to die. Even after all this time, and everything she did, a part of him wanted to protect her.

Once the doctors were gone, and those thoughts played through his head reputedly, Flash rubbed his head frantically. “What is wrong with me? What the hell is going on? The anger I felt… no destroyed warehouse where there should be one… Sunset. “

He thought all his feelings for that girl left him the moment she defeated him in that Shadow Game. Apparently, a part of him still loved her like he did years ago. That feeling made him angry and happy. Ultimately, he was starting to develop a headache over it.

Flash buried his face in his hands. “Why me?”

“Am I interrupting.” Blaze asked as plainly as ever.

Flash turned to the doorway to see Blaze standing in his room’s doorway. She was dressed in her normal clothes, but her body was wrapped in bandages.

“Blaze.” Flash felt immense guilt for her current state. “I know it can’t make up for…”

“No.” Blaze pulled up a chair to his bed side. “You have nothing to apologize for because what you did last night gave me clarity.” She crossed her arms. “Honestly, I thank you because what you did opened my eyes to what I must do.”

Flash wasn’t sure what to make of this. “What do you mean?”

“I’ll answer you, but first a question.” Blaze leaned back in her chair. “Are you still curious to know about my past? You more than earned the right to hear it.”

“I… uh… I guess.” Flash rubbed his head. “Sorry, I’m just a little caught off guard. Really didn’t expect someone to thank me for what I did.”

They honestly shouldn’t in his opinion.

“That is of little importance now.” Blaze stated. “Anyways, I suppose I should start at the beginning…

Blaze’s Story: Canterlot Warehouse, 3 Year’s Ago…
As I told you before our duel, I woke up in a warehouse with fuzzy memories and a name. Blaze Sol. Again, I’m not sure that’s even my name to begin with. Nearby, I found a duel disk and deck. Realistically, I was lost, but he was there…

Blaze looked pretty much the same as she does today save a few inches shorter.

She was currently looking at the duel disk and deck. “These things…” She put the duel disk on. “There used for dueling… I can duel. I can duel well.”

“Hey, I wasn’t expecting to find someone in my hideout.” A male voice stated.

Blaze whirled around with her duel disk at the ready. She was now facing a boy around her age with ocean blue skin, forest green hair, and matching eyes. He wore a pair of blue jeans, a gray shirt, and a brown vest.

The boy put his hands up with a smile. “Whoa, you got the look of a serious duelist.” He chuckled. “I was just surprised to see someone else in here is all. Uhm… I know. How about we introduce ourselves. My name is Nova. What’s yours?”

Blaze raised an eyebrow before determining this guy was no threat. “My name is Blaze Sol… At least, I think it is.”

“You think?” Nova was concerned. “What do you mean?”

“It’s the only clear thing in my mind.” Blaze looked at her duel disk. “That, and the fact that I duel well.”

“You duel well, huh?” Nova rubbed his chin before smiling. “I got it! You and I should duel.”

“Duel you?” Blaze asked.

“Yeah!” Nova nodded. “I read it in a history book. The rival of Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, once said that the way a duelist duels can reveal who they truly are. If we duel, maybe it’ll help you remember who you are.”

Blaze looked at her duel disk before sighing. “I guess it’s worth a shot.”

“Awesome!” Nova ran back from her and turned to face his opponent before holding out a fist. “Alright, let’s give this duel our best!”

(Blaze 3000/Nova 1000)

Blaze’s Turn: Main Phase 1

(0 Cards in hand) Nova’s Field
Elemental Hero Darkbright(LV 6/2000/1000)

(1 Card in hand) Blaze’s Field
1 set card

“Alright Blaze, you’ve got skill, but it all comes down to how well you can use what you have.” Nova smiled. “Show me an amazing turn.”

“Just you wait Nova because with the cards I have, this duel is finished.” Blaze smiled. “I first activate Call of the Haunted to revive my Scrap Dragon(LV 8/2800/2000).” A metal dragon made of scrap appeared. “I then normal summon Scrap Mind Reader(LV 1/0/0).”

A machine monster made of junk appeared. “Now, Mind Reader will give my dragon a tune up to Synchro for 9. Dragon of the scrap absorbs more junk to become twice as deadly. Synchro summon Scrap Twin Dragon(LV 9/3000/2200).” A two headed scrap dragon appeared.

Nova smiled. “Now, that’s what I’m talking about!”

“Scrap Dragon destroy Darkbright with Scrap Devastation!” Blaze declared.

The dragon heads breathed scrap down upon Darkbright destroying him (Blaze 3000/Nova 0).

Nova laughed. “Man, I got my butt handed to me.” He approached Blaze. “Still, you do duel well. Really well.” He smiled. “So, anything? Blaze just shook her head in response. “Man, that’s a bummer.”

“Honestly, I’m not sure I really care about my memories.” Blaze shrugged. “If they don’t want to return, so be it.”

“Blaze, you can’t think like that. Life has no meaning if you don’t care.” Nova gave her a beaming smiled. “Promise me you’ll never stop caring. If someone with your skills cared, you could do a lot for those around you.”

“I suppose you make sense.” Blaze stated.

“Well, since you don’t have your memories, what are you going to do now?” Nova asked.

“I’m not sure.” Blaze replied. “I don’t really have a plan.”

Nova got an idea. “Since you have nowhere to go, how about you join my team.”

“Your team?” Blaze asked.

“Uh huh.” Nova nodded. “Neo Satisfaction. Right now, we are in a city called Canterlot, and in its worse part. The cops rarely come out here because they’re not skilled enough to bring order.” He pointed at himself. “That’s where Neo Satisfaction comes in.

I may be by myself right now, but one day I’ll unite this part of Canterlot while cleaning it up.” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “Unfortunately, I haven’t had the best time recruiting people. So, what do you say?”

“Well, I have nothing better to do, and this is technically the only home I remember.” Blaze nodded. “Alright, I’m in.”

“Together, we’ll turn this place around.” Nova nodded. “You can even train me. With your help, I can become not just an inspirational leader, but a skilled one to boot.”

“I suppose I can do that.” Blaze smiled. “You know, maybe that’s my place in Neo Satisfaction. I can be the trainer and make sure everyone duels at their best.”

“I like it.” Nova put an arm around her shoulder. “Alright, this is Neo Satisfaction’s true beginning. Mark my words Blaze. Together, we’ll shape this city for the better.”

From then on, Nova and I were a team. In all honestly, he became my family. Once he started training, our leader acquired the skill to back his words causing people to flock to Neo Satisfaction.

We began making moves. Taking down the wrong doers, taking care of our people, and giving kids a sense of normalcy that they couldn’t have before. Honestly, things were great until she arrived…

Blaze was dressed much like Nova as the pair were handing out rations to families. These days, with more people joining, there was more to go around.

“I can feel it Blaze.” Nova smiled. “We’re close to making this place safe. That dream we set out to achieve three months ago is at hand, and it’s thanks to our meeting.”

“You don’t need to tell me that.” Blaze smirked. “Mr. Summon Trap.”

“Hey, that was in the early stages of training.” Nova defended. “I’ve gotten better since then.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Blaze waved him off. “Honestly, it’s a miracle our duel went as well as it did.”

Suddenly, civilians and Neo Satisfaction members alike were yelling or gasping drawing the pairs attention. They pushed past the crowd only to see a member of their team collapse on the ground. It was a young man with light blue skin, long, dark blue hair, and green eyes.

Nova and Blaze noticed his current state with the leader kneeling by his side. “Soren, what happened to you man?” He was clearly injured and in pain. “Who did this to you?”

“I’m sorry Nova.” Soren looked up at him. “Our patrol was hit by a single person. Her deck was unlike anything we’ve seen before. My men stayed behind to hold her off, but they won’t last long. Just down… the road.”

He passed out.

“A single woman did this to Soren.” Blaze commented.

“Someone needs to grab Soren and take him with them.” Nova stood and addressed his men. “I also want every civilian ushered safely back their home. You are to guard them and await further orders.” He looked down the road. “I’m going to go greet our intruder.”

“I should come with you.” Blaze stated.

“No, you should make sure everyone’s safe.” Nova stated. “If I can’t beat whoever did this, it’ll be up to you to stop her.” He beamed at her. “Of course, I have no intention of losing, so you probably won’t get the chance.”

Blaze looked at Soren who was now over the shoulder of another team member. “I’m not sure about this Nova.” She shook her head. “No one else we’ve faced has left one of our own like this.”

“You are right, but that’s why I must go.” Nova was angry which was something Blaze had never seen before. “Whoever did this to my friends has earned my ire.” He clenched his fist. “I’ll teach them a lesson for messing with my people.”

Blaze nodded. “Alright, I’ll be waiting here just in case she makes it past you.”

Storm clouds began to roll in overhead and the distant sounds of thunder could be heard.

“Yeah.” Nova took off. “I’ll be back!”

That was the last time I say my first friend alive…

Blaze stood in the middle of the street looking in the direction her friend had gone in. She’d been waiting for a while before a muscular, tall woman with dark orange skin covered in numerous scars walked down the road carrying something in her arms.

She had long, light orange hair and golden colored irises. Her attire consisted of an orange tank top, brown cargo pants, and black combat boots. She stopped across from Blaze who stared at what was in her arms in shock. She was holding Nova’s limp body.

The woman threw him causing Blaze to act as she moved into place to catch him. “No, please don’t be…” Blaze had quickly lain him out and felt for a pulse before finding nothing. “No.”

Tears started to form in her eyes.

“Y’know, that kid there managed to duel me five times.” The woman crossed her arms. “Every time I laid him out on the ground, he rose to duel me again. He may not have been skilled, but I can commend strength when I see it.”

“Shut up.” Blaze stated quietly.

“It’s not like I go around taking lives for fun.” The woman responded simply. “It just tends to happen from time to time even when I end up warning them. He didn’t heed the warning, so he paid the price. That’s just how it is. That’s how life works.”

“I said…” She stood and whirled around with an expression of pure rage. “… shut up! You do not get to treat taking a life like a trivial matter and throw around the body of someone who fought hard to bring better lives to everyone around them.”

“Oh, you have a real fire about your girl.” The woman smirked. “Y’know, before he died, he said someone named Blaze would take me down. Are you her?”

“Yeah, I am.” She walked away from Nova’s body and stood across from the woman. “My name is Blaze Sol, and you won’t get away with this, you monster!”

“Yes, keep that anger about your girl.” She smiled. “My name is Broken Mirror, and I want you to show me what you can achieve.”

They both activated their duel disks as it started to rain.

(Blaze 4000/Broken 4000)

“I’ll be going first, and I’ll start with the classic T-set.” Blaze declared.

“I’m not impressed.” Broken stated.

“Just take your turn already.” Blaze snapped.

“Very well.” Broken drew. “I’ll start by normal summoning Night Express Knight(LV 10/0/3000 effect).” A huge, machine knight attached to a train appeared.

“A level 10 monster!?” Blaze questioned in shock.

“This is the power of my deck.” Broken declared. “With this deck, summoning level ten monsters is as easy as summoning levels one through four are for other people. Night Express Knight can be normal summon without tribute, but his ATK is zeroed out.

Next, since I summoned an Earth Machine-Type monster, I can special summon Heavy Freight Train Derricrane(LV 10/1400/1000 effect), but his ATK and DEF are halved.” A large, orange train appeared. “Now, I overlay my two level ten monsters.

Appear Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max(R 10/3000/3000).” A colossal weapon on three tracks appeared. “Every turn, I can detach one overlay unit to deal you 2000 life points of damage. Go, Cataclysmic Canon!”

Blaze was fired upon and felt the blow as it knocked her off her feet (Blaze 2000/Broken 4000). “Real Damage…” She slammed into the ground but slowly rose not to long after. “How…”

“Ever heard of the Shadow Games of the past?” Broken questioned. “I don’t have nearly enough magic to imitate one, but I do have just enough to make every attack we deal real. I take a duel and turn it into combat. That is my style!”

Blaze looked at Nova’s body. “This is what she did to you, yet you kept rising to challenge her four more times after your first. Nova, I will defeat her.”

“Now, Gustav will destroy your face down monster.” Broken declared. “Fire!” Turbo Booster was blown off the field. “It’s your turn.”

“At this point, most of my monsters aren’t going to do well against a machine like that, but there is one monster I can summon to defeat it.” Blaze looked at her deck. “I just need to draw the final combo piece to make it happen.” She drew. “I normal summon Turbo Rocket(LV 2/0/0).”

A red monster with rockets appeared. “I’ll then activate my face down Call of the Haunted allowing me to revive Turbo Booster(LV 1/0/0).” A yellow machine monster appeared. “Rocket will give Booster a Tuner-Up to Synchro for 3. Canon which obliterates my enemies appear!

Synchro summon Turbo Rocket Canon(LV 3/0/0).” A white and yellow monster with rocket launchers appeared. “This monster allows me to destroy a monster you control and deal damage equal to that destroyed monster’s ATK. I target Gustav. Go Rocket Bombardment!”

Rocket Canon aimed at Gustav Max before firing, and Broken was blasted back (Blaze 2000/Broken 1000). “Finally, one of you Neo Satisfaction people have a little bite to you.” She began to rise seeming only slightly worse for wear. “As you are now, you don’t stand a chance.”

“We’ll just see about that.” Blaze declared. “I activate my spell, Book of Moon. This card will flip my Turbo Rocket Canon to face down defense position. Now, I end my turn.”

“Time to end this.” Broken drew. “I summon Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede(LV 4/1800/1000).” A navy blue train being pulled by a machine pegasus appeared. “When this card is summoned, I can target any Earth Machine in my grave and special summon it.

The catch is, it’s summoned in defense position, and their effects are negated. Welcome back Heavy Freight Train Derricrane(LV 10/2800/2000). Now, I’ll activate Pegasus’ other effect allowing me to target another monster on the field.

Then, this monster or the other becomes the other’s respective level. I’ll target Heavy Freight Train Derricrane(LV 4/2800/2000 effect) and make him level four. I build the overlay network with my two monsters. Xyz Summon Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf(R 4/O 2/2200/2200).”

A train shaped like a wolf appeared.

“Compared to what you summoned before; I’m underwhelmed.” Blaze declared.

“Allow me to change your mind.” Broken smirked. “By detaching one overlay unit from this monster, I can target any Machine monster I control, and for the cost of being unable to attack with anyone but that monster, that monster can attack you directly.”

No…” Blaze stepped back in shock. “No!”

“Yes.” Broken declared. “Ironwolf will attack you directly!” Ironwolf slammed into Blaze knocking her flat on her back (Blaze 0/Broken 1000). “We have just spoken the universal language of skill and power. It is the only thing that matters in this life.”

Blaze heard those words while feeling immense pain all over her body. “Nova… you experienced something like this five times over before caving in.” Her vision was blurring. “I can’t even… get up… after one.”

Blaze lost consciousness.

When I did regain consciousness, I was somehow on the roof of a nearby building with no idea who put me up there. From there I observed two things. My deck was gone, and the ground level was in utter chaos.

Unconscious Neo Satisfaction members and citizens who dueled where we failed were being loaded into ambulances while cops were getting statements from whomever was awake. Nova’s body was on a gurney and covered by a tarp…

What she didn’t tell him was that Omega had saved her, but that was part of her debt she owed.

Flash’s Room: Present…
“… On that day, I came to a conclusion.” Blaze continued. “People like Nova don’t belong in this world. People like him will fight the losing battle beyond it ever making sense. In the end, they’re just a fleeting ember.

I let Nova sway my heart to his cause, and you now know where it landed me. After that day, I swore to forgo everything Nova taught me and walk the road of power. Once I’m strong enough, I’ll make Broken pay for that day to put Nova behind me for good.”

“So, that’s why you butt heads with Astral more than anyone else.” Flash shook his head in disbelief. “Blaze, I’m…”

“I will not accept pity.” Blaze stood up. “Since you know my past, it’s yours to do with as you please.” She took out a deck box and sat it on the nearby table. “As for what I must do now… I’m leaving Harmonious Element behind me.”

Flash looked at her in shock. “What?”

“You heard me Sentry.” Blaze plainly stated. “There’s another team out there for me, and I intend to join it.” She walked away. “As soon as I’m able, I’ll resign from the team, and mention that you should be team captain.”

“Blaze, you can’t abandon the team.” Flash stated. “Celestia and Luna need you.”

“They’ll get by fine with you.” Blaze stopped at the doorway. “Flash, my rival, Harmonious Element is yours. Farewell.”

Flash couldn’t believe this. He knew his actions last night inspired this change in Blaze. Because of him, Harmonious Element just lost its most skilled duelist. He put his head in his hands.

“Even though I don’t like what happened last night, I got to keep dueling.” Flash stated. “Harmonious Element’s going to need me, and I can’t let them down.”

Just then, he heard footsteps running towards his room.

“You can’t run in the hospital! Sir!”

Flash looked at his doorway just as Shadow ran into the room panting. His uncle was dressed in a white shirt with black pants. The surrogate uncle and nephew stared at each other for a second.

“Uncle Shadow?” Flash questioned.

“You’re okay Flash!” Shadow ran over and hugged his nephew. “When I heard you were found unconscious, and admitted to the hospital, I came as soon as I could.”

When Shadow said he’d drop everything to come running, Flash didn’t expect him to come this quickly. Regardless, the Knight user was extremely happy that his uncle was here. He gladly hugged the man back.