• Published 1st Feb 2021
  • 1,520 Views, 33 Comments

Hold Still and Let Me Marry You - KingdaKa

Rarity always wanted a dream wedding. Now that she's about to marry the dream girl, she's determined to make the rest just as perfect. Of course she'll overthink this.

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Prologue: Engagement

It is a truth that is known to the sensible and wise of loving couples that the only surprise an engagement should bring along with it is how it is bestowed. A love that wishes to be bound and sealed with promise before a crowd of willing witnesses will –or should- know the strength and ability to endure such a test before one would dare to begin to suggest a weighty bond. Couples that are unified in heart and mind will know when the time has come, or when to break apart and see their paths uncross, for it is better to be in agreement on either solidarity or separation than for one soul to be imbalanced in their feelings regarding the other.

Their first discussion, or the ‘Big Talk’ as it was often called by many, was decisively awkward. Maybe that shouldn’t have been a surprise, all things considered. Rarity’s craftsmanship often had her rubbing shoulders with the elite, but such things hardly mattered when one was the significant other of a Princess- something that seemed to rub quite a few the wrong way. Yes, she had good friends who were perfectly fine with the matter, but more than a few of the royal world –and even some former acquaintances of high society- had grumbled at Celestia’s decision to take part in a romance with a ‘common’ girl. She’d quite badly wanted to take that as an insult. She might well have if it hadn’t been that it was far more an insult to her dear Princess than it was to her.

Maybe that had been why they’d had a bit of a rough spot during those first few months. Yes, they had agreed to go public with their relationship, but the sudden scrutiny hadn’t been the most pleasant to deal with. They had even fought a few times, something that made Rarity wince; there was more than one unkind word she had wanted to take back. When the two of them had finally decided to act like mature adults and let the dust settle, each had found the other more than a little shamefaced. It was almost the worst conversation the poor woman had ever endured, fearful that after all the horrid things she had called the exquisite Princess that she- well…

“Rarity,” Celestia had asked quietly, “do you not wish to be with me any longer?”

Elation took over where fear had once been. A kiss on those wonderful lips swiftly dispelled any thought of separation, letting forgiveness blossom between them. “I would not wish to be with anyone else, darling,” she had said in return.

Strange to think that such a conversation had been quite a while ago. Had they really been together for three years now? The elegant fashionista found herself struggling to recall a life in which she did not love Celestia- which, as far as she was concerned, not a bad thing in the slightest. Perhaps their romance no longer held the same polish, nor was it as elegant or glamorous, but it was loving and peaceful for them both. Rarity found that it had given her greater poise, better control over once-volatile emotions; words given form by a hot temper and turned against the one she loved would not again come easily.

And it had made each moment together all the sweeter. She had never known a more wonderful suitor than dear Celestia, one so tender and romantic; it was a delight to be wooed, and the brilliant Princess wooed her in a fashion that the besotted woman had only dreamed of. Perhaps the things that made Rarity swoon in her sunlit lover’s arms were more commonly found among romantic clichés, but she adored the gestures nonetheless. To be treated so kindly, to be so deeply loved was among the greatest delights her life had ever known. The only thing that could be quite as joyful was to return it all in equal measure; where Rarity delighted in gifts and acts of kindness, she had discovered that Celestia deeply treasured affection and words spoken from love. From the tabloid rags to members of state, the darling woman was constantly under scrutiny and pressure; it was a pleasure to be there for her Princess when she was wearied by the ways of the world. To be the hands that wiped worries away, to have the lips that so freely gave her affection of both kinds- Rarity treasured those moments more than anything Celestia could give her in return.

The realization had been a wondrous one: she was in love with Princess Celestia, and would like nothing better than to be with her forevermore. They had talked about it, of course. From time to time, the topic would arise between them and be discussed lightly, only for a little while, and then drift away. It was exciting, arousing to the soul- but neither would cross that line and see it done. The hesitancy in broaching the topic made Rarity wonder; surely Celestia didn’t think she would say no when the time came? It was hardly ladylike, but the lovesick seamstress was beginning to reach the point when she might just pop the question herself. A dropped hint here or there just in case, but she was coming a boiling point.

Looking back, she should have seen the moment coming from a mile away. The spring solstice often saw a smaller-time gala thrown to celebrate the season, but this one seemed to be of particular loveliness. The entire palace had been beautifully decorated from head to toe, the gardens spruced and turned into something out of a fairy-tale; lights seemed to glow in every nook and cranny, woven through bush and branch until it seemed as though fairies indeed had come to dwell among them. Even the dresses Celestia had commissioned for them both were particularly special; Rarity had been happy to make them, even if she couldn’t help but laugh at the teasing touch of sensuality that her darling love had desired for each.

As she stood there alongside her beloved, watching as guests streamed through the palace entrance, Rarity felt herself enduring a bit of a flush. She considered herself lovely, yes, but to have this many pairs of eyes upon her…

“Cellie, darling,” she leaned over to whisper, “I adored adding your signature touch to our dresses, I truly did…”

Celestia’s eyes sparkled. “Finding yourself the center of attention, are you?”

In fairness, it was probably both of them. Rarity was garbed in a royal-violet mermaid gown, that flaunted her natural curves with ease, and Celestia positively radiated in a trumpet dress the color of gold and possessing a rather revealing neckline. If her Princess had meant for them to be the stars of the show, it wouldn’t be a difficult feat.

“I only wonder if perhaps it was a bit too much. For such a refined occasion, I mean,” she explained.

“Ah. All the more reason, then,” Celestia replied, her arm suddenly wrapping about her beloved’s waist and bringing her close beside her. “I want them to see you, my precious diamond. I want them to know that I love you.”

A kiss between them brought an end to both word and thought for the elegant seamstress, that tender fervor of Celestia’s lips against hers working its magic and melting her heart. She at first wondered if she should be embarrassed at such a thing; they were in plain view of everyone, she a part of a kiss made to be showcased. But as she felt the warmth behind the gesture, it was all she could do but swoon in her darling’s arms, the two becoming a perfect likeness of a timeless, elegant romance. So people were staring as she locked lips with the love of her life- goodness, why did she care?

“Might I request you join me tonight?” Celestia said as they broke apart, releasing Rarity from her embrace and offering a gloved hand. “I would be delighted to have your company for the evening.”

“Oh my,” Rarity giggled, feigning shock at the gesture. “Does the Princess deign to dance with a common maiden? Think of what they’ll say, dearest.”

“They will say,” Celestia said as she took Rarity’s hand, “that I danced with the most beautiful woman of the evening.” Without another word she whisked her lady fair away, seeking out their first moment of joy for the night.

It had been like that since the beginning- not that Rarity had ever minded, relishing the teasing and attention she so often received. She loved being carried away wherever Celestia would take her, knowing it would be a memory she would come to treasure. For one who had walked the ways of the earth for so long, Celestia possessed such a vibrancy of life that left the beautiful seamstress speechless; it was such a feeling, to be carried swept up in that fervor. The Princess was so often held back by decorum and status that when she became herself, it was almost an immaturity that would come out to play. Rarity didn’t mind any longer, her time beside the brilliant royal easing her once-stringent desire for dignity. No matter how silly she looked or became, it would be time well spent when it was beside Celestia.

Tonight seemed tailor-made for her, even if she hadn’t realized it yet. The music that played through the halls were graceful and lovely to the ear, calling for those who heard it to sway and lose themselves in a regal rhythm; the food was delicious, each table brimming with so many of her favorites that it was difficult to keep track of them all. Everywhere she looked Rarity could see priceless works of art that beckoned for eyes to gaze and enjoy the skill that made them. At the entrance of the inner courtyard, she couldn’t help but give a start at the sight of a new portrait that hung on the wall- one of her in her old gala dress, looking more beautiful than she ever thought she had looked in real life.

“Cellie! You shouldn’t have,” she cried, truly flushed at the sight of such an extravagant gift. “Why, it’s simply too much, I- I don’t-”

“Don’t what?” Celestia asked as they paused in their journey to appraise the new painting, the Princess bearing a delighted smile that suggested she had planned this reveal for quite some time. “I spoke to the artist from memory. I hope he was able to portray your likeness properly.”

“But…” Rarity couldn’t help but stare at the portrait, never having seen herself look so lovely even in a daydream. The colors popped and seemed to shine in the lamplight, her painted face above gleaming with the faint touch of golden dust amidst the fairness. It was like a princess from a story- or perhaps more like the Princess who now stood beside her. “Darling, it’s- it’s too lovely. I’m not that beautiful…”

“Then you must have forgotten your reflection,” Celestia remarked, a hand coming to caress her beloved’s shining face. “I will tell you a secret, if you’d like to know it: your friends say you glow, Rarity. You shine, like jewels under light. And here I thought you knew!”

Rarity was desperate to stop blushing, but the words weren’t helping matters. Did she really glow? It must be all the time with Celestia that was rubbing off on her. “Being silly,” she muttered, and tugged at her Princess’ arm to hurry along. The band that awaited them in the courtyard had just begun a slow waltz and it was calling her name.

For many years, Rarity had considered herself a rather skilled dancer, having spent much of her youth learning the ways of a ballroom. It was not until she found a partner in Celestia did she come to truly enjoy it, at last paired with one who possessed the footwork that she did. It was a wonder to sweep across the floor with one skilled in the art- but with a woman as beautiful as Celestia, it was heavenly. She had always enjoyed the arts, but there was a feeling that came when she danced that no word or song or brush could come close to capturing. Here in the leading arms of her beloved, Rarity felt as though she were a work of art herself.

The clapping that came at the end of the tune was formal and polite, but much of it was directed at the happy pair right in the center of the once-moving crowd. Rarity smiled at the gracious praise, wondering how tonight could be any more wonderful. Lovely food and music, splendid company, and an elegant waltz- what could be better?

“Please excuse me, my dear,” Celestia whispered as she relinquished Rarity’s hand from her grasp. “I must give a speech for the crowd before we carry on. I promise to be brief.”

Rarity’s gaze followed her sweet Princess as she parted the crowd and strode to the nearby dais and call for the crowd’s attention. To see that flowing hair the color of pure sky in all its wonder, to watch as the lights made her flawless skin gleam. She marveled at the beauty of this woman, felt her breath leave her when she saw that strong light of love within those perfect eyes. She treasured Celestia, adored Celestia at the very core of her being. Her Princess had been nothing more than the most splendid suitor that one could ever have wished for. And to think, she wondered, I spent all that time hoping for a prince. A Princess has been much better. Oh Cellie, my darling, if only you’d ask to marry me!

The sound of applause roused her from her daydream and Rarity hurried to join in, realizing that her lover’s speech had been shorter than she’d expected. In no time at all the lovely Princess of the Sun was there beside her once again, arm held fast about her own. “Shall we enjoy the gardens?” Celestia asked. “My sister’s moonlight would be better enjoyed in a quieter place.”

Rarity was perfectly happy to go along and enjoy the night so long as it was alongside her Princess. The sounds of chatter and merriment began to disappear as they whisked themselves away into the lush greenery and soft lights that seemed beyond the realms of magical. It was something of a dream.

“It’s… beautiful,” Rarity sighed happily as she let her eyes wonder here and there amongst the gardens, the symphony of colors illuminated by pinpricks of white. “Cellie, you’ve truly outdone yourself this time. It has been a magnificent night.”

Celestia smiled. “I hoped you would think so. It was all crafted with you in mind.”

Beg pardon? Rarity felt her heart quicken at the revelation, yet remaining silent as she was guided to a nearby bench of stone, the two women taking a seat. “You held this ball for me?” she at last breathed.

“All for you, my precious diamond,” Celestia answered. “Tonight is your night, as I so dearly wished it would be.”

Rarity could have been lost in those eyes, such a sweet, happy smile that made them dance and shine. It was the face of the woman she loved, and she would have it no other way. Those hands were for her to hold, those lips for her to kiss- and everything beneath that dress, for her to ravish. It was better than any silly plan she had ever made for herself.

“Do you love me, Rarity?” Celestia asked. Her smile was softer now, a seriousness taking root in its depths. “Do you love me, truly?”

“Why, of course I do!” Rarity answered, shocked that her Princess would need to ask such a thing. “Such a silly question, you know I love you!”

“I wanted to make sure,” said the Princess. Her breaths were coming in more rapidly, a strange aura about her face. “Before I gave you this, and…”

Rarity felt her stomach flip. Oh my goodness-

An ornate, jeweled ring appeared in Celestia’s palm as though from nowhere, the diamond beautiful but not gaudy in size, allowing the intricacies of the band itself to take precedence. Across its golden lines were miniature suns, each blazing star carrying a solitary emblem of a jewel within its core. It was spectacularly intricate and almost put Rarity in a daze.

“Please marry me, Rarity,” Celestia said, all trace of her smile gone as she spoke the words, her voice soft and weighted by the emotion that spurred them. “I have waited too long to ask you already. I do not wish to tarry any longer.”

Rarity was starstruck. As the brilliant ring was slid onto her finger, she felt tears spring in her eyes at the sight of it. Finally, finally, after so much time spent awaiting this fateful day, it had actually arrived. “Cellie-!” Tears threatened to take her voice away and she brushed them aside instantly, leaping upon her would-be bride and bringing their lips together in a fierce, wild kiss. “Of course, yes!”

It had been a long night- miserable, really. Any shipment of books was destined to wreak havoc on her library, but the days of Golden Oaks and its rows of shelves now seemed quaint in comparison to the halls upon halls of literature that now decked her home. Twilight had been determined almost from the start: her castle would be a place of knowledge for the entire kingdom, one that she would see become unparalleled across the world. She just hadn’t expected its upkeep to be so difficult.

So it’s nice to have willing help, Twilight thought to herself as she carried the last stack in her arms, setting them on the top-most shelf as she began to set in them in place. She’d been hard at work since early in the morning, and even now in the late hours of the night she had only just come to a close. She didn’t want to imagine how long it would have taken if she had undergone the task alone, a job now completed thanks to-

Waagh!” A sudden wobble of the ladder beneath her feet and she fell back and away from any grip she could have managed to grab hold of. Cold, hard floor awaited with eagerness to deal pain-

“Whoa, there!” Strong, toned arms braced her fall and Twilight’s rapid descent came to a screeching halt. Gently pushed back to the ladder, Twilight gave herself a shake and put the last of the books in place before stepping away and turning to the grinning face of Rainbow Dash. “Jeez, Twi, you’ve been at this for too long! Get yourself some shut-eye before you really get hurt!”

“It’s alright, that’s the last of them,” she sighed, exhausted but pleased at the sight of their day’s work. The library had never been so full of knowledge, of stories and histories of so many sights and places. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash.”

The prismatic girl smiled. “Like I was gonna just let you fall.”

“Well, that too,” Twilight admitted. “But also for helping out today. I know it’s been miserable, but I couldn’t have got it done so quickly without you.”

“I know,” Rainbow said brusquely, suddenly pinning her companion to the bookshelf between two strong, sturdy arms. “You might say that you owe me for that.”

Twilight knew exactly what she meant, but wanted to hear the woman say it. “Oh? And what’s your plan for making me pay up?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I dunno. Might take you to your bedroom, start taking your clothes off. You know, have some fun.”

“Hmph! I might need some convincing, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight countered, though her own cheeky grin spoke to her receptiveness. “Come on. Persuade your girlfriend to-”

There was the sound of an incredibly thunderous Slam! that was accompanied by the sudden, piercing sound of a woman screaming. Footsteps that spoke to fast-moving heels began to come closer-

“What in the-”

“Rainbow, your hand’s up my shirt, get it out-”

“Oh jeez-!”

The two untangled themselves just in time as Rarity burst through the door in absolute hysterics, screaming to shatter stone and looking as though she were drunk with ecstasy. “SHEASKEDMESHEASKEDMESHEASKEDMESHEASKEDME!”

“Rarity, it’s almost midnight!”

Twilight’s protests were squeezed out of her by the almighty hug given to her by the raving fashionista, only able to regain her breath as she watched the same punishing act of affection be doted on a terrified Rainbow Dash. “I’M GETTING MARRIED TO PRINCESS CELESTIA! FINALLY!” The delirious girl proclaimed- and then promptly ran out of the room just as swiftly as she had come in, cheering and laughing all the while.

When the two had finally recovered, Twilight regarded her girlfriend and found the poor athlete at a loss of words. Both felt like they’d been hit by a sledgehammer, and could hardly make out the reason why. Twilight, more swift to her reasoning, managed to mentally decipher their frantic friend’s raving. “Holy cow, she’s actually getting married.”

Rainbow gave a start. “Wow, she- she…”

“Handled it rather well?”

“Yeah, actually.”

Twilight smiled, then gave a huff of a sigh. “We are going to die,” she concluded.

Her girlfriend gave a confused look at the oddball remark. “It’s a wedding, not a funeral. What could happen?”

Twilight shook her head. “Rainbow, it’s Rarity. You realize we’re going to have to help plan her wedding, right?”

One second, then another; eyes bulged, tanned skin turned pale. “Oh, hell.”

Author's Note:

I know nobody was really asking for a sequel, but I really wanted to do it. I almost never do anything light and sweet.

I'm gonna have so much fun writing this. To hell with the downvotes, I get to have fun!