• Published 1st Feb 2021
  • 1,521 Views, 33 Comments

Hold Still and Let Me Marry You - KingdaKa

Rarity always wanted a dream wedding. Now that she's about to marry the dream girl, she's determined to make the rest just as perfect. Of course she'll overthink this.

  • ...

V: Rest and Recuperation

She had awoken and found herself aching from the absence. Every morning she’d known for far too long was spent in a miserable state of solitude that the people about her could not remedy. The realm in which she languished was not unpleasant, or brimming with wickedness; it simply was. But to say that she enjoyed being here would have been the greatest lie she’d ever told. Here in this frozen wasteland, this kingdom that was not hers was where Celestia so desperately wished not to be. There were better people, better places to spend her time- and oh, how deeply she desired to be there.

She had spent her time of adjournment in the quietest sort of silence she could manage. Outside of Rutherford’s expansive private quarters and sitting upon an uncomfortable wooden chair beside an aged dining table, she found herself listening to the muffled sounds of the great prince, soon to be king, roaring in fury at his advisors over something so incredibly miniscule. The mistake in the treaty had been a clerical one, of no real significance at all in the grand scheme of things; but my gods, how he had come alive at the sight of it! Rutherford was not one to suffer fools gladly, and he seemed eager to deem all of his advisors as such. They had come so close to seeing the treaty completed- a few sentences away, at best. And yet now here she sat, waiting for this latest tirade to come to an end so she could see her work finally finished.

She also wondered if selling her soul would be what it took to see this finally taken care of. There were far gentler, more pleasant things she could attend to right now. One of which was particularly soft to the senses, bearing an elegance unseen since time began. That fair skin, those glowing eyes like resplendent jewels, and that unassailable bearing that spoke to her true grace, so wonderfully coated in kindness. And then there was the magnificent, sumptuous, decadent body that she knew by touch, by heart, that she so deeply lusted for and needed with all her being. Just the thought that Rarity was so far away pained her, pushed her to desperations! If she didn’t have her sweet beloved in her arms soon, she just might-

“Oh my god, you are sad.” The condescending, playful voice of her sister roused Celestia from her morose state and make aware to her senses that she was no longer alone in this place. Luna had returned from her temporary quarters and found herself gazing at the sunlit woman with a mixture of humor and pity- the reason likely being the pair of miniature women shaped from the ice that had formed upon the table, a pair of regally dressed beauties in a gentle caress surrounded by iced flowers. The sight of them, elegant and lovely, was another stab at her heart, and one easily dispelled when Luna’s mocking expression captured her attention.

“Oh will you shut up,” Celestia muttered, a flick of her fingers sending the two brides away and into the ether of nonexistence. “He’s not done screaming yet, obviously.”

“For heaven’s sake, you are the world’s biggest grump,” Luna said, more than a little disgruntled at having to deal with her sister’s continuous unhappiness for so long. “I get it, you wanna be with your girlfriend, but it’s not like this sort of crap wasn’t gonna happen in the first place. Get over yourself!”

“Why are you always like this? Why are you always mocking?” Celestia demanded. “Of course I want to be with her, I’m supposed to be getting married in little more than a month and yet I’m still here! Why shouldn’t that bother me?”

Luna gave a sigh, trying to extract every ounce of her patience and put it into this moment. She was the one more prone to emotions, but they often spent less time in their lingering. Celestia, however, struggled to see them set aside, more likely to bury them until they would resurrect and enact their horror. And, in fairness, she’d never really been in love with just one woman; she found herself more content to frolic wherever she roamed. To be longing for just one soul alone that could satisfy her body- well, no one had ever dared to say Celestia was actually perfect.

“Have you considered that politics and decorum might keep you from her more often than you think?” Luna asked, leaning back against the frostbitten wall. “You won’t always have her with you. Is that something you’ll be able to deal with?”

“Eventually- maybe,” Celestia answered. “But- Luna, heaven’s sake, she’s planning it all alone. Rarity doesn’t deserve that kind of stress. I need to be there to help, heaven knows how she’s dealing with everything.”

“I’m sure she’s fine. Rarity’s a smart girl and more than capable. Doubt you’d want to marry her otherwise,” Luna remarked. “So relax and stop stressing yourself out. You’ll be back in your pretty girltoy’s arms before too long and then you can start fu-”

The knock on the door came with an abruptness, a swift rapping against icy wood that seemed to shiver with each new frequency. The only one upright, and definitely closest to the door, Luna turned from her sibling and wrenched open the frozen joints that separated recipient and messenger to demand, “Who is it?”

“Message for Princess Celestia, Your Highness,” said the voice, a solitary hand slipping through with a well-wrapped missive in hand. “Marked Urgent by Princess Twilight, as to be known.”

Urgent, you say?” Luna took the message and unfurled its contents, perusing through with a swiftness-

It had been meant for her, after all. “Luna, does privacy mean nothing to­-”

“It’ll probably be important for me, too. Besides, this crap up here’s almost done and then you get to go home. Calm down.” The lunar princess’ eyes flickered back to the source of primacy, going down through each line slowly as to ensure her fullest understanding. And, by her sister’s estimation, whatever was written upon the scroll was working marvels at making her darkened eyes wide as saucer plates.

“What’s wrong?” Celestia inquired.

Luna let her filled hand fall to the side, seemingly stupefied by the content that had passed before her eyes for a moment of time. “Um.”

“That’s not good.”

Luna winced, gaze in a back-and-forth rhythm between Princess and paper as she pondered the consequences of actually delivering the message to its intended host. “I… I think you might need to read this one,” she muttered at last.

The crisp parchment fell into Celestia’s hands and her eyes instantly recognized the scroll to be filled with Twilight’s handwriting. Considering recent years, there was reason to be concerned; what monsters had decided to arise from the depths, what necromantic beast had returned to life? Deep in the depths of her heart, spearing through flesh and spirit alike, she dared to wonder if something dreadful had happened to Rarity. If her beloved was wounded while she’d been absent-!

She read the contents. And then read them again to make absolutely sure she wasn’t insane. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.”

The blinds hadn’t been enough to block out the light that continued to seep in, thick coverings put across the window and turning her bedroom into a darkened place. The house had been locked up tight, the Boutique’s ‘Closed’ sign left dead-center of the door and a note on her bedroom door that she was not to be disturbed. It was not pride that kept her from the sight of others, but shame; deep, loathsome, colossally heavy shame that made her feel lower than the cockroaches that scurried beneath the floorboards. She was a fool, she was clueless, she was vain, egotistical and just plain stupid.

Rarity had sealed herself in her room two days ago and had yet to make another appearance before the face of anyone. What water she needed came from the bathroom sink; food hadn’t even been considered. Combined with the fact that she’d been utterly unable to sleep, it was of no surprise that she found herself feeling nauseated and weak.

Good. It was what she deserved. How could she have been so foolish as to fall for Blueblood’s obvious bait? He’d goaded her perfectly, primed her to make a buffoon of herself before the entire House, and not once had she thought that it might be a trick. It had been his realm into which she had entered, like a child swimming alongside sharks. The lack of caution she’d shown was appallingly stupid to everyone who’d had a lick of sense, and just as much to her in retrospect. Rarity could only rewind the incident in her head over and over again, the spine-tingling, soul-crushing embarrassment streaming through her blood like venom; there wasn’t a mistake of its like that she could even recall.

Fame-seeker. Gold-digger. Desperate for status. She’d all but confirmed it before the eyes of so many, their denial of her wedding now seeming like it had indeed been the proper response. Whatever Twilight had said after she’d left was irrelevant. Her own actions had been proof enough. Convincing enough, even, to make her wonder if perhaps she’d tricked herself into ignoring the truth. The thought was blood-chilling and she wondered how Celestia would react to it. If she even wants to see me at all.

From the outside world of her dreary realm came a knock upon her bedroom door, a trio of gentle raps of a familiar strength. She knew who knew stood outside, on the cusp of her misery; for the first time in what felt like an eternity, a new emotion was allowed to find life within her heart. Unfortunately, it just so happened to be fear, and not yet powerful enough to give her the strength to rise from her place upon the covers.

Silence came. Then a new set of knocks, followed by a serene voice that called, “Rarity? May I come in?”

The despairing seamstress found herself caught between a rock and a hard place. Say nothing and she confirmed all of Blueblood’s condemnation; speak, and she might just be delaying the inevitable- or inviting new judgment into her very presence. There was also the fact that her voice struggled to even find its power at all…

“Rarity, darling? I know you’re in there,” Celestia said. “Sweetie Belle says you haven’t left since… Twilight told me what happened. Please let me know you’re alright.”

Fear was bubbling, frothing into panic. How could she escape what was about to befall her? Celestia was going to come in and demand the truth and she’d have to speak it, and then the whole engagement would fall apart and it really would be that she’d never have actually-

“I am sorry if I intrude, but… I am coming in all the same,” Celestia declared. A small flicker of light through the keyhole illuminated her darkened world for just a heartbeat, soon followed by the creaking sound of her bedroom door being opened, allowing the soft light of the hallway to spill through and expose the downcast place to prying eyes. In strode a tall figure that seemed to glow even in the faint brightness, her fair form bringing into the disordered bedroom an aura of tranquility that worked against the dreary spell that had overcome the place.

She was so tired that Rarity couldn’t even manage to bring herself upright so as to meet her judge and jury, merely glancing upwards with bleary eyes as Celestia came to her bedside and knelt down, a hand coming to gently stroke across her face so as to push stray strands of hair aside. Body tensed; now came the moment-

“Don’t scare me like that again,” came the whispered command, those soft, pink eyes gazing down at Rarity with such love brimming within that all the fears her young beloved had held deep only moments ago were now lost to time. How could she have ever doubted the truthfulness of her own feelings and that they were not shared? Were there not multitudes of memories that spoke otherwise, so plainly that they could not be denied? Rarity had not come to love a title or a name but a person. She had not loved riches nor fame, but the tender warmth that gave life to her spirit. Not anywhere else in the whole wide world could she feel safer, more secure, than in Celestia’s care.

“There we go,” Celestia breathed, a smile coming at the sight of her wearied fiancé displaying a small grin of her own. “See? It’ll be alright. Everything will be alright. Don’t you fret.”

Rarity couldn’t see how just yet; the road before her was still darkened, no light given for even the next footstep. But Celestia was Sunlight, and to her would she would cling, trusting that this wonderful woman would find a way to see them both to the end.

“Now, when was the last time you ate?” Celestia inquired. Her own worries soothed by the sight of Rarity’s spirit buoyed, to more practical needs did she now turn. “Do you need anything?”

The truthful answer was probably yes, but the majority of her nausea came from two days without slumber. The weight of her bedcovers suddenly felt so heavy, the darkened corners of her bedroom beckoning for her eyelids to fall and see her mind drift from the sadness that had tried to claim her.

“No? Then do you just want to sleep?” her sunlit bride asked, receiving a slow nod in reply that was well met by a smile. “I hoped you’d say that. Do you mind if I join you? I haven’t slept since yesterday morning.”

The nod she gave this time was more vigorous, even if weariness was beginning to sink its teeth in deep. Rarity watched as Celestia turned to the window and pulled away the thick blanket that had covered the blinds, the darkened world now turned a dark grey by the dim glow that entered from beyond. No longer did her black quarters seem so inhospitable, the dull light bringing a sense of calm to the bedroom.

The door was closed shut, the brilliant princess slipping out of her pale-white robe and allowing the garment to simply fall to the floor in a heap, her sun-kissed form now only covered with simple white undergarments. Around to the other side of the bed did she walk before slipping beneath the bedsheets, inching across the snug space until she found Rarity within her arms, the two nestling close as the young fashionista took her usual place in Celestia’s grasp.

“Don’t ever doubt that I love you, my precious diamond,” Celestia whispered, kissing the lank locks of her beloved’s hair.

Rarity felt the warmth that now lay about her, gentle and soothing to her heart as the sight and strength of candleflame. Oh, how deeply she had ached in its absence, more desperate for Celestia’s presence than even her conscious self had realized. Yes, there would be words to be shared, more troubles still ahead- but all in due time, not in this secret, treasured moment that was theirs alone. Here they lay, alone together and the rest of the world incapable of ever finding them.

Too content to be worried any longer and too tired to resist, the beautiful young woman closed her eyes and almost instantly fell away into a peaceful rest.

Their nap was likely only a few hours, but enough to work wonders on her well-being. Her eyes opened slowly and within her did she feel rejuvenated, her once-hollowed mind calm and at ease like the world about her. As Rarity took in the dimmed surroundings that had come about with the early evening, she rose upright and gazed at the slumbering woman still beside her. Celestia’s face held lines upon it even when dreaming, the heaviness of her sleep more weighty than even that of her betrothed.

The drowsy woman’s heart went out to the sleeping princess, fingers gently tracing along the contours of her face as she took in the peaceful sight. Just how fatigued had she been since their absence, burdened down by royal duty and diplomacy? Rarity could only imagine what sort of pressure Celestia was constantly under: to perform, to lead, to judge and rule- to be perfect. All her own striving seemed positively meager in comparison to what her beloved surely must endure. And why had she returned, leaving behind her duty as leader of a nation? To look after one fool of a girl who’d not been able to keep herself out of trouble. What sort of poor man’s consolation prize-

She came because she loves you, silly. The growing pity party, emotion left raw by sleep, was cut through as though with a blade and made lifeless. Of course Celestia had returned when the news had reached her ears; would she not have done the exact same? Goodness, it had been agony enough to be separate for this long, the absence a gaping wound that had grown with each passing day. If Rarity had been in the same circumstance, she knew without a doubt not any force on earth or heaven could have prevented her departure. And if this good, wonderful, beautiful, absolutely magnificent woman loved her, then that should be enough to quell her fears.

Now, enough of that silliness. Today will have enough trouble on its own.

Perhaps sensing a mind concluded, the serene form of Celestia began to stir, eyelids flickering until opening in full and slowly taking in her surroundings. A small spate of confusion before recognition took hold; no, she was not in a wintry land any longer, but in the quiet seclusion of her fiancé’s chambers. Safe, far from prying eyes, and allowed to be herself. Jeweled eyes looked over and took in her companion, face crinkling into a dreamy smile. “Hello,” she whispered.

“Hello, darling,” Rarity replied, reaching out to find her hand in Celestia’s. “Feel better?”

“Marvelous. And you?”

“The very same.” The fashionista glanced over at the clock beside her bed. “It’s soon to be evening.”

“Ooh, so at least a few hours,” Celestia grunted, pushing herself into an upright position. “That’s the most I’ve gotten in days.”

There was more than a story there, but not the one that had summoned Celestia back to this quiet corner of her kingdom. Rarity had no desire to rob her beloved of this moment, out of time and away from the rest of the world. “I think… fancy a cup of tea?”

“Most certainly,” Celestia replied, pushing herself out from beneath the covers and adorning herself in clothing once more.

They took to their tasks slowly, the gentle rhythm quietly bringing them back to full sentience as each step was completed. No pace or pressure to be kept, simply to see it done. Hot water put on the boil, and a small plate stacked with honey muffins that had easily tempted their palate as they waited for the kettle to sing. The two had begun their work separate, but each waking moment brought them closer and closer together. Brushings of skin became small touches, glances of the eyes turned to smiles; quiet gestures all they could offer until at last they could not resist the call and fell into each other’s arms in an embrace, clutching to one another tightly as though afraid the other might vanish from their grasp.

“I missed you, darling,” Rarity breathed. Oh, just how deeply had she missed her! The sweet scent of Celestia that spoke of spring flowers, the warmth within her chest like a beam of sunlight, all so gentle and soothing to her spirit. The comfort of her presence had been an ache, one that she could not have imagined ran so deep.

“And I you. Every day, my love,” Celestia replied. To an extent even her sister’s mockery could not have described, the stellar princess had hungered for the feel of her bride in her arms. The passion with which she reached out for her, as though the whole of her heart could not be held back from expressing her love. Oh goodness, just how wonderfully did Rarity love her!

“I’m sorry about all this. I know it’s all my fault.” Rarity couldn’t help but let it slip; she hadn’t meant to. But Celestia was here in her arms, there to listen to her worries and help allay her fears- to whom else was she supposed to run? “And you said it was all so important that you just had to stay and now I’ve made you come here-”

“Shush, shush… it’s alright, darling,” Celestia cut through, soft words quieting the turmoil that had tried to brew. “Twilight sent me a message and told me what happened.”

“But they-”

“It’s not the end of the world,” Celestia said, this time speaking with firmness. “You did nothing wrong that can’t be made right, don’t you worry.”

How could she be so sure? So many times she was like this, confident and hopeful even in the face of the impossible. How many times had she seen greatness and goodness in others when no one else could even conceive of the thought? Rarity had seen her vulnerable before, yes, but who she truly believed Celestia to be was who she was now. It would be foolish not to give in and trust her.

The two returned to Rarity’s bedchambers and closed the door, lamplight filling their surroundings with a comforting glow. “There, now,” Celestia said. “We’ll both feel better with a little something in us, don’t you think?”

“Seeing as I haven’t eaten since- well…”

Celestia bit her lip as her expression clouded. “Have a muffin, sweetheart. And take all the time you need.”

Rarity gave a bitter laugh, wanting nothing more than to bury her face in her hands. “I hardly need any time. Oh, I’m just the biggest fool that ever lived.” Try as she might to waylay her journey down the path to misery, she could not avoid this inevitable first step. Celestia had every right to know just what kind of stupidity she had concocted while on her own. If she were to indeed marry a fool, she should at least know it.

Celestia, however, was hardly keen on giving credence to such self-deprecation, and more than capable of quelling her beloved’s propensity to the dramatic. A hand reached out and caressed Rarity’s face, the soothing touch giving a little more strength to face the moment. “I hardly doubt that. Why not tell me how you saw everything?”

Her beloved wanted to hear the tale from her perspective, and she had no answer available but to do as she was asked. Perhaps slowly, and certainly painfully, Rarity retold the tale of her most wretched day with as much detail as she could offer; from the moment she had arisen she recalled what had transpired before her eyes and the reactions she had felt to it. Not once did Celestia interrupt but instead allowed her fiancé’s stream of consciousness to flow without ceasing, not one word or thought ever given the slightest objection. Never in her life had she ever had so excellent a listener, more rapt an audience; no one in all of Rarity’s life could match this sort of attention that she was given by this sweet princess, as though her words were more important than anything that had ever been spoken.

“… And then- and I just- well, clocked him,” Rarity said, a twinge of guilt as she confessed to this last sin; Blueblood was, after all, Celestia’s kindred. “And then I just ran and left, and then I came here and then I just- oh, I messed everything up. I’m so sorry, dearest, I didn’t mean to make such a mess of things. I honestly wanted you to come back home and find the whole wedding ready and just waiting for you! And now look at what I’ve done!”

“You did the best you could. Goodness, Rainbow and Twilight have spoken wonders about you,” Celestia countered. “They’ve both came to me before I found myself at your door, did I tell you that? They wanted me to know you’ve been the loveliest bride, absolutely exquisite to work with. Always gentle, always kind to everyone around you. One moment of weakness against a boy who was desperate to incite you does not make you a failure.”

“But look at what happened! I somehow got this entire engagement suspended and I wasn’t even trying!” Rarity protested. So desperately did she want to feel miserable and blame someone, anyone, for the consequences that had come about. “And you had so much important work to do, but… but look at all this.”

“Luna is finalizing whatever else needs to be done. She is more than suited for the task of keeping Rutherford sated while I deal with matters of state. Anyone who protests can –frankly- bite me,” Celestia said, soothing what concerns still tried to arise. “Rarity, my diamond, you worry far too much. It is alright! You don’t think such things are final, do you?”

There had been a small part of her that had conceded. “Well…”

Celestia laughed. “I am going to say something that you will certainly not believe, but I ask that you humor me and listen anyway. Can you promise me that?”

“I’ll- try.”

The stellar being took a deep breath to steady herself and said, “As surprising as this will sound, I do not actually believe Blueblood believe he was being malicious.”

The utter gall to even suggest it! “That cad! How could you think-”

“Please, let me explain,” Celestia interjected, “As insane as it sounds. You know him only so well. I was there in his life from the moment he was a little boy. His parents doted on him, spoiled him endlessly. But very rarely were they there to let him be a child. But to me? I… I cherished my time with him. Blueblood was the closest I ever believed I would get to having a child of my own.”

The idea of a youthful Blueblood was impossible for her to reconcile with reality; a boyish, sandy-haired child with tussled clothes and hair seemed impossible when compared to the regal brute she knew now. How had he become something so awful if Celestia recalled him with such tenderness?

“I will admit, I spoiled him just as much as they did,” Celestia continued, “but he remained ever so kind to me. Not once a cross word in my presence, always gentle. He even came to me and spoke of how he wished his parents would actually get to know him… I tried my best to guide him. But I guess the works of his kin bore more fruit than my labors. He became the son they deserved- and the grown child you have come to know. Even still, though, he does look to me as someone he cherishes. And his experiences with you likely made him assume…”

So that was the secret as to why. “He thought he- he wanted to protect you. From- from me,” Rarity surmised.

“I believe that is what he intended,” Celestia replied. “But he never knew you, not like I do. He never knew the generous spirit, the purity of love you give me. He only ever knew the snapshot of your life that you allowed him to be part of. And from then on he judged you to be the same- because how could other people change if he has remained the very same person since the day he left boyhood behind?”

She had never thought of it that way. Truthfully Rarity wasn’t quite sure how much of it she believed, resentment against Blueblood’s continued torment not allowing her to feel any mercy just yet. But it did allow his actions to make sense, even if the consequences were still horrid to deal with. “And now look where that’s got us,” she muttered. “What are we to do?”

“Firstly,” Celestia said, “we are to rest. A comfortable evening together is just what I want- need, really! And then a good night’s rest before we return to Canterlot in the morning. I have informed the House of Lords you and I are to meet with them tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow! But what for?”

“So they may know you. Know us,” Celestia answered. “They acted as Blueblood told them to, but how much do they really know of you? After all, your name is tied to Twilight’s, is it not? A little enlightenment on things and they will gain proper perspective.”

“And you’re sure?” Rarity inquired. She was so determined to see the worst in all of this, for what reasons she herself couldn’t fathom. Heaven knew why she wanted her romance to have so much drama when the lack of it had made Celestia so loveable.

“Positively,” her solar bride replied sweetly, there to meet her cheek with a kiss as the two settled in each other’s arms. “Now, no more despair. As if the words of any could hope to keep me from you!”

The tension in her form, kept buried within throughout their conversation, at last began to fade. Hunched shoulders kept tight fell and became relaxed, pressure within fading as her breath was released in a gentle stream. Somehow, even if she couldn’t quite see the end of the road, Celestia had determined a way for them to come to a joyous end. There would still be wedding, still be matrimony spent in happiness and love even if she knew not yet how. Yet again, the wondrous princess of the sun had found a way to be her rescuer from her dreary world.

And just like last time, the thought found a way to give life to a burning heat inside.

“I’ll take these dishes back to the kitchen,” Celestia said, reaching for the dishware as she rose to her feet. “How do some games sound? I found myself wishing I could try your hand at-”

“Those can wait- can’t they?” Rarity replied, quick to reach out and find Celestia’s hand in hers. “I mean, we- we have plenty of time to clean up. There’s no rush.”

A small gleam in her magenta eyes suggested that Celestia could easily deduce to where this was leading; no fool in mind and no stranger to love, the slight smirk on her face was proof enough she might be capable of swaying. “I think it has been a long day for both of us, my love.”

“But the night has hardly even begun!” Rarity protested, this time more forcefully pulling her resplendent beloved back down to the bedsheets where further touch could reach her. “Don’t you want to spend time with me, darling? I’m ever so glad you’re back…”

“If you feel like persuasion­-!” Celestia’s words never finished before Rarity leapt up to meet her in a kiss, those plump lips stifling all speech and rendering it unnecessary. Now was not time for talk when so much more pleasurable things were available. Happy to relent to this assault of affection, the sunlit royal threw her arms about Rarity’s form and returned the kiss with all the fervor and delight she held within.

Their absence had turned their yearning into a desperate hunger; it took little time for the lovesick pair to descend into the realms of deepest passion, their kisses quickly becoming ravenous. What was propriety or haste when there was love at their fingertips? Rarity loved the feeling of her body so totally helpless in Celestia’s grasp, unable to shrink away from the ferocity and warmth of her lips. So safe, so secure, and so utterly eager to be ravished! Hands streamed across form as she caressed every facet of her beloved, desperate to feel and touch wherever she could.

Throwing her back against the comforting strength of the pillows, Celestia poured herself into the tending of her bride; for too long had she been kept away from this wondrous woman, desperate for the slightest peck of her lips. Rarity was the greatest, most wondrous of lovers; ever eager to tend and to nurture. How could she resist the urge to do the same when now was given to them the chance to ravish? Stroking through hair and across form, her lips pressed all the more deeply until the two were totally intertwined, unable to be distinguished from the other-

Lips opened wide, allowing far slicker, more pleasurable things to come forth and frolic. In a delicate dance did their tongues begin, Rarity’s swirling morsel coming forth to pluck and lather at the pink sweetness of Celestia, the two becoming more and more entangled until a thousand strands of slick saliva held them together. So sweet was this tasting, this ferocity of feeling, but still not enough to sate them! More and more did they joust and dance and twirl about, desperate to feel one another ever so deeply. Even as Celestia latched down with her iced lips and began to suckle, enough to make her regal fiancé openly sigh with delight- still not enough to soothe the fires within! Gentle sucks, rhythmic and slow across spittled flesh as the two drank deep of one another, needing to be filled with that decadent flavor!

Hands, held fast about as their saliva mingled and became one, soon came alive once more and sought out their most needed wellsprings. Beneath the fabric of robe and underthings did prying fingers reach, hunting for that sweetness of pleasure that could only be brought about by the one who loved them. A small twitch here, a pinch there- and oh how much more called for them to fall deeper into this outpouring.

“I missed you, darling,” Rarity said, her words falling muffled and broken in between their flurry of sloppy kisses. “Can I make it all up to you? Pretty please?”

One last plunging union of mouths and Celestia retreated with a heaping helping of dribble on her lips, clearly eager to descend back down and find all the sweet flavor she could. “Will it be alright if I return the favor?” She inquired most cheekily. A giggle came in response, and the two could resist the lovely temptation to fall no longer.

The evening had only just begun, and they had all the time in the world available. Tomorrow’s troubles had no place in the face of the comforting now that tended to their lonesome spirits when so much good could still transpire before the dawn’s risings.

To be back at the sight of one of her most humiliating failures was not something she had intended. Rarity’s stride down the parliamentary halls to the House chamber was a slower thing, full of movements and glances as anxiety tried to prevent the inevitable. No good would come of being here, her fears tried to claim. Bad things happened in this place.

More reasonable voices, however, had already said their peace and helped her to continue onwards. “Convincing the Lords will not be as difficult as you expect it to be,” Celestia had counseled her earlier. “And emotions will not be running quite so high this time around as well. Do not let yourself fret.”

“And what about Blueblood? He- he has a point about my initial behavior with him,” Rarity had objected.

“Blueblood is mine to deal with,” Celestia had answered, a gleam in her eye as she spoke. “And his argument will not last long in my presence. I do not think today is something he will enjoy.”

As she made the turn down the hallway, there at the door stood the pair of royalty that defended her, Twilight and Celestia chatting as though no matter of great importance awaited them. Their casual, relaxed manner helped to bolster the young fashionista’s spirits; if they were this confident, then surely there was no reason to worry.

“Good morning,” Celestia hailed, gladly taking Rarity’s outstretched hand to kiss. “How are we this morning?”

“Is it alright if I’m nervous?” Was her reply.

“You needn’t be for long, my love,” Celestia said. “Simply follow my lead and answer what questions may come your way. Do I have your trust?”

“Of course!” The very suggestion that Rarity did not trust her beloved completely was almost insulting.

The sunlit princess gave a smile. “Wonderful! Now, shall we?”

This second foray into the sprawling chamber held less trepidation and turmoil than the first time Rarity had walked through the heavy doors, her morale bolstered by the presence of Celestia at her side just as much as this visit being of action and not reaction. Her presence came as an announcement to the crowd by the young officer at the doors, name called after the two royals that preceded her entrance. Immediately she felt dozens of eyes fall upon her, their criticisms of her still potent; their weight would not burden this time and the beautiful woman kept her head held high. Out into the crowd did she gaze and saw a familiar head of blonde hair; Blueblood was a tall man, impossible to miss- yet she saw him shrink with fear at the sight of his regal aunt, the eve of his punishment now at hand. Remembering the words spoken to her only the day before, an image of a straw-haired boy was envisioned behind her eyes, tiny figure caked in dirt and grime as he sought to escape the scolding of an angry parent; the only thing that had changed in the sight was size.

Try as she might, Rarity couldn’t fully deafen the twinge of pity.

Twilight was the first to take the podium, the neurotic princess holding the crown scepter in hand as she spoke aloud to say, “Princess-Regent Twilight Sparkle announces the High Princess Celestia! To her hand do I return the rule of the throne, and in her hand may it forever remain.” Coming to her side was the sunlight princess, Twilight bequeathing the golden rod into Celestia’s hands before disembarking from her place at the podium and taking a seat at Rarity’s side. A small puff of air escaped her lips and she whispered, “And good riddance, too. Never, ever again…”

“You did wonderfully while she was gone, darling,” Rarity muttered. To absolutely no surprise, her longtime friend had found herself averse to the politics involved with royal duty.

A wry grin came at the remark. “I’ll settle for being a schoolmaster and your wedding planner, thanks.”

A few glances came to the two women sitting at the rear of the room, but the majority of the nobles assembled became fixated on Celestia as she settled into her place at the podium. This illustrious princess they knew, many of them well enough to be fearful of what they had been called here to witness. Though most often as warm and gentle as the springtime sun, great and terrible could be her wrath, more painful to endure than even the churning rage of the star she held within her grasp. Though many suspected –and perhaps a few of the more cruel hoped- that Blueblood would receive the brunt of her anger, all knew they would be held culpable for their actions against Celestia’s fiancé. The tongue-lashing Princess Twilight had laid upon their head would be child’s play compared to what was coming; Hell was about to be paid.

The beautiful Princess of the Sun looked about at her anxiously shifting audience, soaking them in for a moment before giving a small smile. “Good morning,” she said, gentle voice perfectly audible to all present. “It is good to see you once more. It dawns on me that it has been many a year since I have been before you in this manner; I hope you will forgive this absence.”

The unexpected calm geniality left the crowd disarmed. They had expected a rebuke, flashes of anger and heady pronouncements. Instead Celestia spoke to them as though a friend at the fireside, no more important than small words said over a cup of tea.

“It is my understanding of recent events that you possess little familiarity with the young woman known as Lady Rarity,” the lovely woman continued, “And that what knowledge you possess would be best described as seeing through a lens darkly. She is a friend of Princess Twilight, and was her friend even before her ascension to the crown. She is the Bearer of the Element of Generosity. She is also my fiancé. Such details are easily found in news clippings.” A small breath before adding, “It is my hope that you will know this dear lady all the better before this day is done.”

The crowd of nobility was no more certain of their ruler’s intentions than they had been before she had spoken. They had heard speeches and formality before; just what was she up to?

“Some of the tales I am to speak to you today,” Celestia said, “I am sure Lady Rarity would rather I not divulge to you. It is my hope that she will forgive me for this unexpected disclosure, as it her intention for many matters to remain private. “

A raised eyebrow in response, and a feeling of trepidation. Leaning over ever so slightly in her seat, Rarity whispered into Twilight’s ear and asked, “Darling, do you know what she’s up to?”

“I was hoping you knew.”

“My first true meeting with Rarity was three years ago, an informal visit to her Boutique. I had come to apologize for events that had transpired at the Gala the very night before,” Celestia said. “And in our conversation I found myself distracted by a singular thought I could not make myself ignore: Good heavens, she is so hot.”

The unexpected pronouncement made the crowd ripple with surprise- and in their midst came the sound of muffled, barely audible laughter. Stuck to her place and unable to escape, Rarity found herself biting her lip to avoid splitting into an embarrassed grin. How she loved to hear Celestia praise her, but this was a very formal place…

“I fashioned myself an excuse to be able to see her again. I asked her to join me for tea. And at our teatime, I requested her to make me a dress so that I would have reason to continue seeing her. Every new meeting with Rarity made me desire to spend further time in her presence. I had become, by no intent or will, completely smitten. And so I asked Rarity for her hand, unable to resist the desire for a real relationship. It is during the years that followed that I truly came to know the woman who had so thoroughly charmed me.”

Oh no. Rarity’s bashful smile was impossible to snuff out, the elegant fashionista trying to keep her self-composure when all she wanted to do was hide. She had a fairly good idea of where her beloved was heading. If only she could make her stop before the true embarrassment really began!

“When faced with meeting the needs of her friends,” Celestia continued on, “Rarity will give nothing but her all, and do so without complaint. Upon knowing that she would attend her first Gala, she gladly spent countless hours crafting gowns for each of her friends and refused any sort of payment in return. This generosity is shared just as gladly with even passersby; from the aristocracy to the ordinary, her willingness to give without thought cannot be matched by any other I have ever known. And in the three years that I have had the pleasure to call her mine, she has only allowed such good graces to pour out all the more.”

She could feel more eyes upon her and how desperately did she wish they would depart. No wonder Celestia had apologized beforehand, nothing of what she was about to say had she ever revealed to anybody. Even Twilight was gazing at her curiously, wondering what sort of things her friend had been up to, apparently on the sly.

“When flooding struck Dodge City,” Celestia said, “Multitudes of families were left without homes and belongings washed away. When I spoke to Rarity of the aftermath I had witnessed, her immediate thoughts were to the young children who had been affected. Care packages were assembled at her behest, each containing a stuffed animal that had been crafted by her own hand.”

“I remember that, there must have been over a hundred of those sent out,” Twilight muttered, staring at her friend with an impressed expression. “I didn’t know you did that-”

“Please stop, darling,” Rarity begged. Oh, this was just the beginning and she knew Celestia’s penchant for superlatives. This was going to be awful.

“Two years ago, Baltimare was unexpectedly struck by severe weather, a tornado making landfall within the city,” Celestia reminded her crowd, pausing to let the power of memory sink in. Some of these nobles called that wounded city home, its past troubles dear to them even in their high place. “Lady Rarity insisted that she travel with me as I went to survey the damage so as to give aid to relief efforts. For days this selfless seamstress took on the role of nurse to the wounded and fearful, attending to the young and old with care-”

Cellie darling, please don’t say it next-

“-Upon her return home, the next two months of her profits were quietly donated to relief efforts within the city. The value of these contracts reached a number of almost one million.”

Twilight gave a stared and positively gawked at her friend, the unexpected revelation flooring her. How such a thing had escaped her notice was beyond her.

Rarity, too busy with praying to sink through the floor, ignored every head that turned her way. For far too long did Celestia continue, revealing numerous clandestine actions she had taken over the course of their relationship. From the large-scale to the small, from peaceful moments to the tribulations she had known at Twilight’s side in the midst of danger- Celestia was intent on revealing everything for these nobles to bear witness and she wanted absolutely no part of it whatsoever. She’d never wanted any sort of praise or thank-you for any of it!

“Her actions have even been felt here in this very House,” Celestia continued, the pronouncement rousing Rarity from her mortified stature and making her confused. “I need not regall you the stories of the late Lord Darager, for his name is known all too well by each one of you.”

There was an intake of breath across the hall, hushed and hallowed. And out in the crowd did one young man begin to rise to his feet; shaky and suddenly stricken, Blueblood had singled himself out as he took in the sight of his aunt as though seeing her clearly for the very first time.

“Lord Darager of Blue had long been known as my friend, and a willing advisor in political decorum. For many years. When news came of his passing…” Celestia’s voice caught and became tight, a sudden struggle against emotion overtaking the serene princess. “I- it was at first my wish to be alone in my grief. But Lady Rarity insisted she remain and mourn with me. And in an act of kindness to one she had never met, Lady Rarity attended to the late Lady Roam with food and kindness in the days before and after the funeral, giving comfort to a widow even to her last days. An act of kindness unknown to her children… and her only grandson.”

It was the first time in what felt like ages that she could look about at anyone, even as countless eyes were fixated on her. The face of Blueblood stood out from the crowd, handsome features now quivering and threatening to break. It had never occurred to her that there was a connection, not even the slightest. Darager had been Celestia’s friend and that had been reason enough. Not once had she thought that his legacy might be one she’d already met…

“Lady Rarity seeks no titles. Nor was she born with any to her name,” Celestia said softly, the quaver in her voice still faintly present. “Every title she bears now is one she has earned, has been given: Element Bearer. Friend. Sister. Confidant. Fiancé. Lady… and love of my life. For so long I have hoped to grant her the title of ‘bride.’ Now all that prevents it is time. Time, and your acquiescence.” The regal woman looked about at her rapt audience, the emotion within her beginning to surge in strength and overtake her. “Would you rob me of her simply because of the actions of others? For a fear unfounded? You know her tale now, and all the credit to her name. Many of you once deemed her common- but where could I ever find anyone like Rarity ever again? Never before, and never again has there been someone who will so happily be so selfless, so graceful, or so lovely. Of course I wish to marry her.”

The room was left silent as the great ruler’s words came to a close. A pair of tears came unbidden and fell in streaks across her fair face, the potency of her feeling unable to be truly held in check. Drawn by love for the one who shed them, Rarity left her seat and came to her beloved’s side, taking hands in her own in the hopes of granting comfort to help stem the flow. Had she broken decorum again? Probably. But it was just as likely that she didn’t care.

The silence was broken by the sound of footfalls upon hardwood, shaky steps taken as Blueblood tottered out from his place amidst the nobility and down to the House floor. His clear eyes, wet and turned weak, could not bear to look at the two women before him, face turned away as though fearful of both judgment and grace alike. The handsome bearing had become boyish, younger and strained against the tide; not quite able, or perhaps not yet willing, to cede to the deepest matters just yet.

“It is the will of this House that all objections to the marriage of Princess Celestia and Lady Rarity be rescinded,” he said, voice kept tight. “The Chief Representative will now excuse himself to await Princess Celestia’s appearance.” And without another word Blueblood departed from their midst, heading out the aged doors to more private quarters.

She could hardly recall what happened after; the world moved by in a blur as their time in the House came to a close, Rarity only knowing that she departed with Twilight and Celestia before being whisked away to her fiancé’s chambers where the two lay together in an exhausted heap of emotions and spent forms. She wished she could feel relief or delight of any kind; all she could really sense was Celestia’s current turmoil that made her own heart twist. For a time, all they were was a mess of tears and dampened laughter as the whole ordeal crashed on top of them.

“Can you forgive me for saying so much?” Celestia asked, seemingly stricken with guilt by her actions. “I know you never meant for anyone to know, I just didn’t know of another way to make them really see you-”

“Yes, of course you’re forgiven!” Rarity cried. Unwilling to let go of her beloved lest the spell be broken and none of her change in fortunes would remain. “Don’t you ever do it again, but you are absolutely forgiven. Oh, Cellie~!”

She couldn’t resist kissing her, their lips stained by salt but still eager to unite all the same as the two women melted together, unable to do anything but reach out and find comfort in one another. Their embrace needed more and yet no fire was needed, frolic and serenity pleading for them both all at once. Only capable of wet kisses and gentle presses, Celestia and Rarity collapsed onto the bed and breathed each other in, letting the strongest of their emotions fade away and be replaced by exhaustion.

“I don’t want to do anything else all day,” Celestia murmured. “Just- absolutely nothing. Just remain in here and we rest. Take a bath, read a book, no worry or any of the like.”

“There is the wedding,” Rarity replied; it was only so far away now, feeling more like a moment awaiting them on the horizon. “Should we try to- maybe later, when we’re feeling up to it…”

“Would you trust me and Twilight to handle the rest of matters?” Celestia asked. “You’ve done enough on your own, sweetheart. I can return the favor- only one task requires your hand, if you wish it.”

Indeed it did, that wondrous, dreamy, difficult task of crafting scratchwork into beautiful reality still awaited her. She could picture them in her mind’s eye, feel the longing in her heart to see those adornments be brought to life. With Celestia so trustworthy in matters and more than willing to carry the workload, she just might have the chance to see them be woven into being at last. The thought was potent, enough to make her smile.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Celestia remarked, her own smile glowing as she caressed her beloved’s face. “Now, no more thought of any sort of work. Come here, sweetheart~!”

The day seemed to last so long, filled to the brim with all the rest and nothing they could accomplish, yet still somehow only just enough to fill a single breath of air.

Author's Note:

I like writing stuff like this. It honestly feels nice.

Just a little more to go. And I think you'll like the next chapter best.

Keep reading, I guess.