• Published 1st Feb 2021
  • 1,521 Views, 33 Comments

Hold Still and Let Me Marry You - KingdaKa

Rarity always wanted a dream wedding. Now that she's about to marry the dream girl, she's determined to make the rest just as perfect. Of course she'll overthink this.

  • ...

I: Visions and Dreams

Rarity had once been a person of appearances. Even the look and presentation of the romance she desired had to be picture-perfect, a picturesque scenario straight out of a torrid novel- the kind she most assuredly did not own, of course. Besides, the cover would have been enough explanation. She’d wanted everything to look and sound perfect, and had somehow let herself be conned into a piece of filtered, curated make-believe that anyone sensible would realize was little better than dime-store trash. There was reason enough to be silly and relax in normal life; love, she had discovered, would absolutely demand it. One could not love and hold to their dignity like an old woman clutches pearls, terrified to be seen without them. If one was to love deeply, there would be a little change along the way.

Rarity awoke to the sun in her eyes, perhaps not the most appealing way to awaken. The bright sunbeams would not let her rise from her slumber casually, promptly earning a grunt of discomfort through their rays. A series of rapid blinks, trying to cast aside the blackened spheres that dotted her early morning vision. “Heavens, Cellie,” she muttered, “Next time, close the blinds.”

Their celebration during the night had been rambunctious, to say the least. Celestia had called upon Luna privately so as to break the news, and the over-exuberant Princess of the Night had promptly spread word across the entire kingdom- with the first being the nobility and social elite that had been present for the ball. The calls for numerous toasts to them both came nigh-endlessly throughout the night, whether it be to their engagement, their upcoming marriage, or simply to their health. It had come to the point that they simply had to decline a drink, lest the happy couple be knocked into insensibility by liquor. They’d been glad to celebrate, really, but the night had at last worn them out.

Rarity had managed to escape the madness sooner than her beloved, a memory of her excitedly telling her friends flashing in her still-drowsy mind. When she had returned home, that beautiful woman she knew as her fiancé had been waiting for her, clearly exhausted and looking for solace. Wearied by their own excitement and the presence of others, it had been a relief to simply fall into each other’s arms and go to bed. If anyone thought it was a risqué thing, they would simply have to deal with it. Besides, sharing the same bed was hardly the raciest thing they’d done together.

The room about her grew brighter and the drowsy woman gave a huff. She would have to actually get up and face reality, despite the protests of her soft pillow and warm bedsheets. With a yawn that somehow became a groan, Rarity forced herself free of her covers and made to the door, knowing that the first thing she needed was some tea to help awaken the senses. The crème brulee, I think. Something pleasant to begin matters.

The slight tinge of a pleasant aroma was already wafting up to meet her from somewhere below the moment she entered the hall. A walk down the stairs and into the kitchen revealed more, the nearby coffee pot having already been put to use and adding a sweet smell of vanilla. Clutching a bright-pink mug of brew and dressed in a fluffy bathrobe was Celestia, looking slightly more awake than her fiancé and contentedly sipping away. Eyes turned to catch sight of her and shone in recognition, matching the smile that formed soon after. “You look lovely,” Celestia greeted.

Rarity laughed. “Please. Do you recall all those fairytale princesses? Those pictures of them waking up to birdsong and already looking perfect?”

“I do.”

The sleepy seamstress yanked out her chair and slumped into it, able to release a sigh. “Those are a bunch of lies.”

Celestia laughed, earning a small glower in return. “Oh my, I did something to upset you.”

“You left the blinds open.” Bitter, and straight to the point.

“I’m sorry, I was raising the sun and I must have forgotten to lower it,” Celestia said, at least looking somewhat abashed. “Can you forgive me?”

“Hmph. Make me some tea, first, and then I’ll consider it,” Rarity muttered.

“The crème brulee, I’m guessing?” Celestia asked, setting her mug aside and promptly tending to the request. “Just a moment, if you please.”

Rarity waited until her back was turned before beginning to stare, watching as the Princess set the kettle to boiling with a single wave of her hand. It was the strangest thing to see the royal performing kitchen necessities, but there was something rather nice about it all the same. Celestia had mentioned several times before how she disliked being disconnected from normal life; these simple things that so many (to include Rarity herself) considered to be daily toil were a treasure to her. When she had spent so many years being served by others, it was nice to do the same for someone in return. If she was sorting laundry, cooking a meal, or perhaps just reclining with a good book, the sunlit Princess would have such a look of contentment that Rarity delighted in seeing it.

“Give it just a few minutes for it to infuse,” Celestia instructed, setting a piping hot cup before her bride-to-be and letting her be graced by the thick, creamy scent of hot tea. “Am I forgiven?”

It was now Rarity’s turn to laugh, if only a small one; truth be told, she hadn’t really been angry. “A good morning kiss would be nice.”

“As you wish,” Celestia whispered, leaning down to see her lips meet those of her love for a gentle kiss, their world momentarily coming to a halt and letting them enjoy that simple happiness that was one another. They had never tired of such things, to know and to feel one another with touches and caresses and kisses that always felt so new and lovely. Not one embrace had ever been like the other, right from the start. “Good morning, Rarity.”

“Good morning, Cellie,” Rarity replied, returning to place an additional kiss on her Princess’ cheek for good measure. “I hope you slept well.”

“Like a dream,” Celestia answered. “One would almost believe that Luna graced us with a little magic of her own.”

“Could she have?”

“I’d hardly expect anything else, after last night.”

A giggle and at last a small sip of tea, the heat and pleasing flavor rushing through her and calling for her senses to awaken and meet the day, Rarity giving a small shiver of delight at the sensation. “Ooh, that’s nice.”

“Anything to eat? I was considering making some crepes,” Celestia offered.

The idea of dining on Celestia’s strawberry crepes was an appealing offer, but Rarity forced herself to shake her head. “Thank you, but I can’t ask you to do everything. You deserve a break!”

“It would be my pleasure,” Celestia insisted, already turning to the pantry and fishing out her needed ingredients. “I wish for us to celebrate today.”

“Are you not planning on returning to Canterlot today?” Rarity inquired.

“I have considered the options,” the Princess began, “and decided that I shall spend the day with my beautiful fiancé. Our day will be spent with whomever we wish, and doing whatever we please.”

“Can you get away with that, darling?”

Celestia grinned. “Who could possibly stop me?” she asked, sounding more than a little mischievous.

“Well, I certainly won’t say no,” Rarity replied, her spirits soaring at the thought of an entire day alongside her beloved. “And here I was afraid that you’d simply dine and dash.”

“As of last night, I am engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world,” Celestia said happily, beginning to mix her ingredients and set to work. “There is nothing in the world that could possibly see me away from you today.”

Rarity simply smiled and let the sound of the early morning life meet her ears. The sounds of songbirds filtering through the nearby window alongside the breeze that rustled the trees; Celestia humming to herself, small clinks of metal coming from the bowl in which she mixed. All about her were the things Rarity cherished, scent and song and sound combining together all in the presence of the one she loved. It was though the universe was in celebration for her, bringing her whole world into that small, cramped kitchen and making it feel so perfectly at peace.

Fairytales can eat their heart out.

“Rarity! Celestia! Oh my goodness, I was just planning on dropping by, hello!” Twilight’s delighted smile came immediately to greet them as the happy pair made their way through the threshold and inside, guided away to more suitable furnishings. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t really expecting company. Would you like anything drink? Tea, wine, coffee?”

“Nothing for me, Twilight. But I appreciate the offer,” Celestia said warmly. “I hope we’re not intruding…”

“No, of course not! Rainbow and I were just lounging around today, we were up pretty late last night getting the libraries reorganized. I think we sort of needed a rest,” Twilight said as she led the way to her private lounge further inside the crystalline palace. “Rarity, I was about to put on some of that Vanhoover coffee you brought me, would you like a cup as well?”

“Hmm… I think I will, thank you.” Rarity hesitated. “Oh, and some of those almond cookies if you have any left. I hate to be a bother-“

“Of course you’re not! Please, go on ahead, I’ll be back with a tray in just a minute,” the young princess insisted, waving her longtime friend’s concerns away with a brush of her hand. “Make yourself at home, alright? You remember where the lounge is, I’ll be right behind you.”

As the doors to the kitchen swung back and closed themselves, the fresh-faced couple continued on through the homey castle and took their time strolling onwards. It had been on a whim that they had stopped by, their morning of solitude coming to an end with a sudden, marked desire to be among friendly faces. Celestia of all people had initially found her first true extended period amongst Twilight and the other Bearers awkward; it could be difficult to have friends when one’s role in the world was often as a sovereign first and a companion second. It had taken time, Twilight’s insistence that she had a place in their company, and more than a little admonishment from Rarity to convince her to relax and accept a role as just one of the girls. Now, a weekend could hardly go by without the once-lonesome Princess in good company; her darling’s dear friends had become friends of her own as well.

“About time! And here I- oh jeez!” Rarity had scarcely stepped into the lounge before the rough tones of Rainbow’s voice boomed through the peaceful air and set it to shattering; there was a blur of human movement and then the bedroom door swung open- and shut just as quickly, leaving the two unsuspecting guests dumbstruck by the swiftness of the events.

“Did- we… interrupt something?” Celestia asked, hesitant to enter into the lounge further and perhaps cause more disruption.

“Not yet, at any rate,” Rarity answered, shaking her head as her mind came to conclusions about what had transpired. “Rainbow Dash, you are as subtle as a brick to the head.”

“Was Rainbow, erm… topless?”

“I doubt she was expecting guests, either,” the fashionista surmised.

Taking to the open loveseat together, their breath turned slow and came to match the calm of the room about them; Twilight’s castle was therapeutic in its own, strange little way, perhaps an effect that came about to soothe the limitless mind of its mistress. Both had been here numerous times before, whether it be as a visiting pair or a solitary soul in need of comfort and wisdom; Twilight’s analytical, logical mind had come to their relationship’s aid more than once, a helpful antithesis to the two vibrant, more emotionally guided women. After the wild delirium that had come from last night’s celebrations, perhaps it was inevitable that they would find themselves here. In Twilight’s presence, they could rejuvenate and prepare for the first step in what would be a very long road to the most awaited destination.

The bedroom door opened once more and Rainbow Dash made her first formal appearance, adorned in sport shorts and a loose-fitted shirt, its bright blue colors a heady contrast to the rather red face of the normally shameless athlete. “So- about that.”

“You were expecting someone else, I’m guessing?” Rarity inquired.

“Kinda. Yeah, umm, sorry, Rarity, Princess-”

Rainbow’s stumbling words were brought to a halt by a single raised finger of protest by Celestia. “Rainbow, please,” the sunlight royal said, “You’ve no need to call me ‘Princess Celestia’ any longer. I thought you saw me as your friend!”

“We are friends!” the prismatic woman replied.

“And I’m most very glad of it,” Celestia said with a smile. “Apologies for our intrusion, I hope we didn’t give you a fright.”

Rainbow gave a snort born of humor. “When am I ever afraid?”

“Well, you certainly have to be dragged with chains to get a manicure,” Rarity suggested.

The mouth of the strong-willed athlete opened to deliver protest, then just as promptly fell shut as she came to the conclusion that there would be no sort of proper response. “No fair,” she grumbled, though a grin came in response to the friendly jab. “I gotta admit, I didn’t think I’d see either of you two today.”

“Oh? And why’s that?”

“Well, after last night and everything,” Rainbow said, “I sorta guessed you’d have to be elsewhere. You know- wedding planning, politics, all that royal ‘crowny’ sort of stuff. I mean, isn’t this sort of your big dream and everything, Rares?”

“We are… taking a reprieve,” Rarity replied, sinking deeper into her beloved’s lap and letting her body relax further. “After all, we’ve no set date for the ceremony. All the difficult parts can wait a little longer.”

“And I was sorely in need of a day off,” Celestia added. “Thankfully, I am not wanting for lovely company.”

The lounge door swung open of their own accord, a faint aura about the handles as Twilight strode through the open threshold, a silver tray in hand that bore the weight of steaming coffee and powdered cookies. “And here we are,” she declared, setting the refreshments on the nearby coffee table. “I brought a few more mugs, just in case anyone besides me and Rarity wanted some. Help yourself!”

“Thank you very much, Twilight,” Rarity said, swiftly taking a cookie and relishing the first, succulent bite as the chorus of flavors rang in her mouth; cinnamon, almond, and a light dusting of sugar that wrapped it all together. “Goodness, they’re wonderful as always.”

“I got the recipe from Pinkie, of course,” Twilight said, pouring her guest’s coffee before helping herself to a mug. “But I’ve come to rather like making them. It’s fun to make a little mess in the kitchen every now and then.”

“She got a new cookbook last month,” Rainbow explained. “I swear, the way she’s been going in there, she’s gonna out-bake the Cakes before too long.”

Twilight rolled her eyes but her smile remained, she taking a seat in her favorite recliner and pausing in her hosting to take a long, slow sip of coffee, exhaling and letting the heat escape across her lips. “So,” she began slowly. “You came by for a quick visit last night, Rarity.”

The memory was dim, a small pinprick in a night of rather raucous emotion. The seamstress felt herself begin to flush. “Oh goodness, I did, didn’t I?”

“For about the span of ten seconds,” Twilight reported, her smile beginning to grow wide in excitement. “Nevertheless, you mentioned something interesting. And now that it’s taken time to sink in… how does it feel?”

Rarity regarded the shining band about her finger, marveling at the splendor of it and just how brilliantly it shone against her fair skin. Lovely as her engagement ring was, it still was absolutely incomparable to the one who had placed it there, a mere reflection of beauty rather than the true sight of it that was her fiancé. It was good to be engaged- wondrous, spectacular, really. But to be engaged to Celestia, that charming and tender lover that had so magnificently courted her, swept her off her feet and set her heart afire was more than words could describe. “I…” She stopped before she could even begin, merely giving a little squirm of happiness and a giggle before turning herself so as to find those delectable lips of Celestia and ensnare them in a kiss. “What more could I possibly ask for?” she breathed.

Celestia said nothing for a time, her eyes sparkling as she beheld the love of the woman who was happily wrapped in her arms. Their relationship had begun almost accidentally, born from misfortune that had brought them together. But she had fallen for this exquisite diamond so easily, so willingly- and how fiercely she had wanted to woo her! So many people heard the title of Princess and assumed that she would demand to be given to, and give nothing in return. But she had yearned to love someone, to cherish them and make them her own. Rarity had delighted in the role, eager to be loved by her, their romance together taking Celestia’s passions and setting them to smoldering; she had never known she could so deeply, passionately love someone as she loved Rarity. “She is my priceless treasure,” Celestia said at last. “More beautiful and wonderful than any star that adorns the skies.”

“Ick.” Rainbow pulled a face, pretending to gag. “Girls.”

Twilight became indignant. “Excuse me, and just what am I, exactly?” she demanded. “I’ve been sitting here thinking that I’m your girlfriend- apparently not.”

“Yeah, but we’re not mushy. There’s a difference.”

“We were cuddling in bed just last night!”

Rainbow shrugged away the complaint. “But I’m the big spoon. That’s allowed if you’re cool.”

The brilliant princess gave a groan and decided to let the matter slide for a time. “Rainbow says congratulations, by the way,” she said, turning back to her guests. “And I do, too. Really, I’m so happy for the both of you. I know you’ve been wanting this for forever.”

“It’ll only get better from here,” Celestia said, her hand weaving its way through her beloved’s hair, gentle strokes that smoothed their way through Rarity’s ever-pristine coiffure. “Having a fiancé is nice, but a bride… ooh, I like that better.”

Rarity giggled, trying to wave away the flush that came to her cheeks. They were in the presence of others and she valued discretion, but to the thought of being Celestia’s bride was intoxicating. Of course she leaned in and met her love for another kiss, the sweetness of those lips upon her own begging that she continue and deepen the moment, present company be forgotten. Calm yourself, now. You are still a lady, after all.

“We’re still here.” Rainbow’s words cut through and helped put an end to the besotted woman’s growing desire, bringing the conversation back from its private place and into the open. “You know, if you came here just to show off, I might just have to make a few moves myself.”

“Sorry. I promise, we really did come by to socialize,” Rarity said, trying to contain her flustered attitude, although Celestia’s hand massaging her thigh wasn’t truly helping matters.

Rainbow’s teasing could only last so long, however, her smile changing from playful to something more friendly. “I mean, I’m not really surprised. You’re- what? A little excited? Been dreaming of this your whole life?”

“Well,” Rarity began, her face bearing a bashful grin, “the circumstances may have changed… but yes. If only I’d known I’d fall in love with a princess instead.”

“And I am very glad you did,” Celestia added, looking more joyful than any soul present had ever seen her. “Twilight, have you ever given thought to marrying Rainbow? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

Twilight smiled and considered the thought, but soon found herself distracted by the strange turn of events that was occurring on the striking features of her girlfriend. To the surprise of those about her, Rainbow Dash had begun to flush a bright red and was struggling to hold back a smile that spoke to a mixture of emotions, clearly torn between avoiding everyone’s gaze while also trying to catch the eye of her significant other.

“Rainbow, are you alright?” Rarity’s feminine senses, always on alert, had zeroed in on her tomboyish friend with suspicious intent; it wasn’t at all difficult to guess what she might be thinking.

“I mean…” Rainbow’s cheeks were now a shade darker than the color crimson as she tried to hold back her emotions. “It’s- nothing. I promise!”

“Do you expect anyone here to actually believe that?” Rarity pressed, now certain of what was going through her friend’s mind. “You’re safe here… why don’t you fill us in?”

“Umm- well.” Rainbow stammered for a time before giving herself a shake and speaking again in a much smaller voice. “I mean, it’s- I wouldn’t mind. Marriage, I mean- if we were both ready for it.”

“Aww… Rainbow, I’m flattered!” Twilight said, positively glowing as she came over to her girlfriend’s side and took her in an embrace, a single kiss on the cheek for emphasis. “That means a lot to me. We definitely can talk it over whenever you feel like it.”

“Aah, come on,” Rainbow replied, half-heartedly trying to shrug away her princess’ affections. “Let Rares have this one for a bit, she’s been dreaming of this since she was a kid. Besides, you know she’s gonna need your help.”

It wasn’t something they’d wanted to ask right from the start, but both Rarity and Celestia had agreed that Twilight would be the perfect wedding planner. Such an analytical mind, perfectly logical and organized, would be unparalleled in planning what was so often a difficult ceremony to create.

“Hmm… good point,” Twilight remarked, turning back to her guests. “I’m guessing that’s something of a reason for why you came by?”

“Well… it did cross my mind to ask,” Celestia admitted, “but it can wait. You don’t have to answer right away, we really did want to say hello-”

“Nonsense, I’d be glad to!” Twilight’s face turned bright with anticipation, that maniacal excitement she held for planning and lists and structure coming to life and giving the young royal her familiar aura of neuroticism. “I kinda figured you’d ask me sooner rather than later, and honestly I was going to offer even if you didn’t- I mean, you’re one of my best friends, of course I want to help you have a dream wedding, and Celestia is my old teacher-”

“Twilight! Thank you, really,” Rarity said, cutting through her friend’s wildly growing monologue and bringing the growing sense of eagerness back down to earth. “But there is something important I’d like to ask of you regarding all of this.”

“Sure, ask away!”

Rarity felt the strange mixture of heat and cold crawling its away across her skin, a weight of shame burdening her mind as unpleasant memories were brought to the surface. “We… we all know that I can be- well, dramatic. And often a diva,” she said weakly, shuffling herself where she sat. “I know that I’ve dreamed of this for- for years, darling, but, well… I don’t want to be that sort of bride. Demanding and harsh and needing everything to be just so. I know I could be like that very easily, so please help me not to be. I know weddings can be difficult, but I don’t want to be myself.”

“Rarity…” Twilight’s smile was warm, brimming with empathy for her friend’s founded fears. “You don’t need to worry, I’ll be glad to help. Besides, who could be a more perfect bride than you?”

“You have grown so much since then,” Celestia added, her hands taking Rarity’s in their grasp. “You are more a woman, and more a lady, than you ever were before. I know you will be nothing less than a shining example.”

The rest of the afternoon went by peacefully, talk of the upcoming wedding coming and going in between topics of daily life and recent events. With so much ahead of them, and plenty of time to start preparations, neither bride-to-be felt the need to be hasty, despite Twilight’s eager insistence. Patience, Rarity had decided, would be the key to being a good example. And so they laughed together, told stories, and shared a pleasant meal until time became lost in the tracks and daylight flitted away and was left behind.

“You make me wish I did not have to return to Canterlot,” Celestia remarked to her companions. “The bureaucratic side of this wedding will be such a bore. Politics and paperwork everywhere, I’ve hardly the stomach for it.”

“And you’re sure there’s nothing I can do to help?” Twilight asked.

“Unfortunately, this will have to be by my hand,” came the wearied answer. “But I promise, I will be as present as possible for whatever preparations need me.”

“And if anything arises, I’ll be happy to pick up the slack,” Rarity reminded her. “Good night, Twilight, Rainbow! It was lovely to see you!”

As the door to the crystalline palace was pushed shut behind them, Rarity took a moment to let a whispering breath escape and flitter away into the night air. Above them shone Luna’s moon, its pale whiteness out-dazzling the starlight about it and setting the darkness of the sky to a shade of soft blue. The world about them was peaceful, hardly a soul to be seen as the village lights continued to glow brightly through windows or were beginning to be snuffed out, the denizens forsaking the later hours in favor of a contended slumber.

“Well, I’m glad we came by,” Rarity remarked to her fiancé, “I had a lovely time, I hope you-”

Words were no longer deemed necessary and Rarity found her lips occupied by much more pleasant, desirous forces; Celestia, her last vestiges of patience now burned away, ensnared her lover’s lips in a ferocious kiss that set her fair lady to staggering, the two falling back against the castle walls as neither wanted to be separate from the other. Just like the first kiss that had sealed their fates, this one saw a moment passion spilling over and overwhelming their senses; Celestia tended to Rarity’s lips delightedly, longing for further feeling and delight sending her hands across skin so as to hold and caress. She felt her love, fingers dancing along fabric and flesh as she kissed her again and again, each one adding a further potency that had not been present before. It was a longing, a deeply burning hunger that incensed her now.

Rarity exulted in these moments. To feel so wanted was intoxicating, she more than happy to be swept up by the occasion and be lost in her dear Celestia’s cravings. Becoming lost in the moment, she threw her arms about her princess’ neck while her legs interlocked around her waist and held on tight, her body held fast between the soft, sultry figure of her fiancé and against crystalline stone. She kissed back with equal fervor, breaths coming in hot and heavy as the smoothness of those lips ate away at her conscious mind. Rarity loved those lips, adored the mouth that met her own, and she wanted to see them satisfied. It was by yearning instinct that she opened wide and let their tongues become intertwined, a new dance being born between them as the two lovers feel deeper and deeper into their passions. She wanted to feel each caress, each joyous lather and be stripped away of all bondage-

Celestia’s hand, slowly inching its way up Rarity’s thigh, took to pinching away at her bottom, trying to do away with the fabric that held the barrier between them. A small portion of Rarity’s sensible mind reignited and gave recognition to her surroundings, an unwanted soaking of her flaming desire. This was not her home, nor was it her princess’ bedchambers, but instead outside in the midst of town. Even at night, this was not a sensible decision to make. If they were to go there, no matter how much she wished to do so…

“Darling,” she whispered through muffled kisses, “we’re still in public.”

“Mmm… but I want you,” Celestia breathed, taking to Rarity’s neck and gracing it with kisses, desperate to re-entice her future bride. “Does it have to matter?”

Not really, was Rarity’s instinctual response, but her rational thoughts could not be ignored now. “Perhaps we should not start our engagement with a scandal?”

Celestia didn’t want to hear it, nor did she wish to listen, but she could feel Rarity continue to disengage, trying to ground them both into more reasonable territory. With a sigh, she ended their bout of love and set her fiancé gently back to her feet, disappointment evident across her face. “If you insist. But a whole night without you…”

“Only for a few nights more, Cellie darling,” Rarity assured her, trying to ignore her own disappointment regarding the matter. They both had responsibilities and duties to attend to, and there would be plenty more time that could be spent in intimate company- and in a much more suitable locale. “And then every night after, I’ll be right in your arms.”

“What a terrible wait it will be,” Celestia remarked, pulling in her treasured love for one last, lingering kiss. “Oh, how I love you.”

“And how I love you, darling,” Rarity said, an outstretched arm granted for her princess’ taking. “Would you be so kind as to walk me home?”
And so they turned away from their once-fiery moment and strode off into the darkness, both silently, eagerly, waiting for their next embrace.

Author's Note:

Well, that took forever. This shouldn't have been so hard to write, but at least it came out alright. I think.

More to come. Hopefully life stops feeling like bland mashed potatoes before too long and makes this happen a whole lot more easily.

Always glad to hear from you.