• Published 1st Feb 2021
  • 1,521 Views, 33 Comments

Hold Still and Let Me Marry You - KingdaKa

Rarity always wanted a dream wedding. Now that she's about to marry the dream girl, she's determined to make the rest just as perfect. Of course she'll overthink this.

  • ...

III: Wedding Dresses and Wedding Rings

She had spent too much of her career in the presence of human form to not be able to discern Rainbow Dash’s current discomfort. In fairness, the active athlete was not used to such long periods of statuesque inertia. To simply stand still and do little more than breathe was not something one would really consider all that enjoyable- especially for one who possessed an unusual amount of physical prowess. Yet despite the long ordeal of static movement and assorted fabrics put about her form, not once had the prismatic woman complained, or even given an unhappy sigh. Determined to be the best maid of honor that her dear friend could ask for, Rainbow had willingly offered to be Rarity’s first model for the bridesmaids’ dresses, and a few hours of immobility was the price she had chosen to pay.

“I believe I am… almost done, Rainbow,” Rarity said, a pair of scissors running their way through cloth with slow, careful precision. The dress was lovely enough already, and perfectly suited for her friend’s streamlined body shape; the teal-colored A-line style flattered her form, with just enough exposure of the shoulders before covering with lace across the small of her back. The skirt slit had been a bit of a risk but she rather liked the results, considering Rainbow’s powerful legs and letting their smoothness shine. Now all it required was a single accessory to –quite literally- tie the thing off with a bow. “You’ve been ever so patient, I can’t thank you enough.”

To Rainbow’s credit, the normally-cantankerous woman gave a smile- a far cry from her usual behavior around dresswork! “It’s my job, right?” she asked. “I gotta help where I can.”

“And you certainly have been of help, darling,” Rarity affirmed. “All you need now is just a little something to help make you stand out… I think this should do it.”

“What should do it?”

“Don’t move, please,” Rarity instructed. As her model stiffened, she wove the ribbon band about her friend’s sleek waist and cinched it, tying it in a bow that sat just above the hip; the gold fabric worked wonders against the softer colors beneath it, adding just enough flair to the dress that it positively sparkled. “There! That looks perfect, now take a look at yourself in the mirror…”

“OK.” Rainbow’s expression was doubtful, a common sight to behold upon her whenever she was adorned in finer things. More comfortable in shorts and a sports top, a dress was something she wore rarely; yet now here she willingly stood, turning to the mirrors behind her and giving a start at the sight of herself in the reflection. “Oh.”

Rarity studied her friend’s reaction, watching as she sorted through the various emotions. Just what was Rainbow thinking of right now? She’d done her very best to have a good attitude for this long; would she falter now? The seamstress doubted that the sight was something that would overwhelm her. “Well, Rainbow?” she asked as the silence continued on. “What do you think?”

“Umm-” Rainbow shrank into herself somewhat, a bashful smile beginning to form on her features. “So it’s… I like it.”

“Do you really?’

“I look- pretty,” Rainbow said, promptly giving a laugh at her own remark. “Yeah! I look kinda pretty, I can’t believe I just said- thanks, Rarity. It looks really nice.”

The bride-to-be could only glow, coming forward to give her friend a hug. “I’m glad you feel pretty, Rainbow,” she said, “and thank you so much for being my model for today. You’ve been a wonder, truly. Would you please let the girls know to come by on Thursday? I'd like to get to work on their dresses as quickly as I can.”

“Sure, I can do that,” Rainbow replied. “Anything else you need from me right now, or..?”

“Not at the moment, no,” Rarity said, then pausing. “Well… the invitations, that’s right. Would you be able to see them addressed-?”

“Sure. Twi and I can go over them,” was the answer. Perhaps a little swiftly, but Rainbow extracted herself from Rarity’s seamwork and returned to her normal attire, garment bag in hand and headed for the door. “Glad I could help, Rares, let me know if-”

The door opened and the pair found themselves greeted by a heady aroma of displeasure, baked in the afternoon sun and magnifying the stench tenfold. Even back in the midst of her work, it was enough to garner the whole of Rarity’s attentions; up close and personal, it was all the worse for Rainbow who was nearly staggered by its unexpected appearance.

The prismatic woman’s eyes came upon the stinking box of refuse that sat at the doorstep and she retched, giving it a sharp kick and sending the horrid container as far away as she could see it fly. “Oh holy hell,” she coughed, eyes spluttering from the intensity of the hot reek. “What was that?”

Rarity gave a groan. “Not another one.”

It was not an expected answer, nor a welcome one, Rainbow pulling a face at the news. “Another- Rares, how many have you gotten now?” Rainbow demanded.

“Three,” came the sighing answer. “It had some silly newspaper-stitched note in it, if I were to guess. The first one did.”

A sound of disgust as the athletic woman checked her shoes for any trace remnants of the refuse. “This is stupid. Somebody’s doing it to you on purpose, just to be spiteful,” Rainbow grumbled. “Do you know who? Or even why?”

“A no to both,” the fashionista answered. “I don’t even think they’re being delivered by the mail, I think they’re just snuck in. I can’t imagine someone who would have time for such a nasty thing.”

“I’ll swing by the post office, alright?” Rainbow suggested. “Maybe they’ll know who and I can get them to knock it off.”

“If you must. But please don’t be rough, Rainbow, I doubt it’s our sweet town mailgirl doing such a thing.”

“I’m not gonna be nasty- I just wanna know,” Rainbow said with no small amount of snark. “Jeez, what sort of grudge would someone even have against you?”

“Likely some unhappy suitor of dear Cellie’s who thinks I got in the way,” Rarity answered, rolling her eyes at the thought. “Really is the silliest thing, too.”

“Well, I… jeez. Idiots,” Rainbow muttered. “I’ll grab Twilight and we’ll get the invitations ready, alright?”

“Thank you, dear, see you later!” Though she kept her tone cordial, the elegant fashionista had little extra time to spare for casual conversation. A wedding planner chock-full of tasks and ideas beckoned for her attentions, several which had a short deadline before they would have to be decided. Leaning over her desk with book in hand, Rarity pored over the numerous scribbles and thoughts that had already found their way within: the registry had to be created (did they even need to ask for anything, or was it just a formality?), the wedding party gifts needed to be purchased-

“And from whom, too,” Rarity mused. There would be all sorts of people present, from the elites to family and friends of all backgrounds. She would have to think of something that would be tasteful for any sort of lifestyle. “Anyway…”

Décor still had to be selected- and then actually brought in! The great hall would need to be cleared and prepared for guests, and the royal gardens made ready for the guests that would enjoy the reception. She hadn’t heard back from Cadance about officiating yet, nor had she and Celestia decided upon photographers or music. Applejack needed to be checked in on as well as the Cakes, the rehearsals needed to be finalized, seating charts, the license itself…

With so much scratchwork there before her eyes, the sheer breadth of it was enough to make the bride-to-be feel rather intimidated. The idea of the wedding had always appealed to her- with whom she’d share it with was heavenly! But with such a short time to go, and all the tasks and confirmations that still had to be handled, the amount of things to do possessed a certain aura of insurmountability. All of which, she thought ruefully, required the approval of her beloved Princess that just so happened to be one of the busiest women in the world.

“And we don’t have the rings made yet,” she murmured, the thought putting her skin to gooseflesh. “Or the dresses.” The ideas she possessed were easy enough to envision, but they too required external approval- not to mention the effort it would take to design them along with the rest of the gowns. “Goodness, I almost forgot Luna’s!” The remark came in a groan, a tidbit of info that was quickly jotted down before its presence could be forgotten. Not just her own bridesmaids, but Luna also needed a design. Five bridesmaid dresses still requiring conception, along with two wedding dresses that would require her finest efforts.

A small gulp and Rarity leaned back in her seat, away from the open planner as though it was something that could lash out and strike. Maybe she’d bitten off more than she could chew.

“Rarity? Are you home?” The clear voice of Celestia washed away her nerves like a cleansing spring rain, the seamstress renewed by this most welcome of people.

“Yes!” she cried, up and on her feet before even will could tell her to rise. “In the backrooms, darling!” The thrill she felt at hearing that melodious voice, anticipation brought about by joy that would soon know realization-!
The curtain to the backrooms was thrown aside and the resplendent form of Celestia revealed itself, those shining eyes smiling bright at the sight of her beloved there to meet her. “Rarity,” she said delightedly, “my sweet angel…”

“Cellie, hello!” Rarity said, gladly meeting those open arms and soon finding herself swept up in a much-needed, deeply desirous kiss. Oh, the feel of Celestia’s lips upon her own; the warm softness that was the feeling of her, the firmness that came with her passions! Whenever they embraced and came to love one another was when she felt alive, the depth of her love given life in this wondrous feeling. “Oh… oh my…”

Celestia was quite unwilling to relinquish her hold just yet, keeping the slender woman still within her arms. “Are we alone?” she inquired none too discreetly.

“Yes, we are- don’t try to distract me, I need you to be serious for a moment!” Rarity said with a laugh. Forgetting her desires for a moment longer, the elegant seamstress forced herself out of her beloved’s grasp and took a solitary position, heading back to the desk where her myriad scratchwork lie waiting. “I didn’t expect you for another hour or so, please- come on over!”

“As if you needed to tell me,” Celestia purred; a snap of her fingers and a chair materialized beside her fiancé, the princess settling upon it and allowing herself the opportunity to stretch out. “Ooh, so comfortable… as you were saying, my sweet?”

“Oh, do be serious, Cellie, this is for the wedding! We only have a short while to go!” The bout of delights that had come at the sight of her bride-to-be vanished like mist in the morning light, the professional seamstress coming to life and trying to force her way of things for a time. “Look at all of this, we have so much to still accomplish- Cadance hasn’t replied, we still need the vendors, and the dresses aren’t even close to being done! We can’t just sit about-”

“Rarity…” Celestia’s soothing voice broke through the monologue before it could truly find its rhythm, a finger placed upon moving lips and striking them dumb. Worried eyes found themselves trapped by calm laughter found in another’s, princess looking upon bride and shushing away the worries. “You can relax. I know you’ve been busy here, so I took the liberty of getting a few of the vendors to reply.”

“You have?”

“I have!” Celestia said sweetly. “Cadance sent me a letter yesterday and she would love to be our officiant, just so you know. The Canterlot Choir practically begged to play music for us as well- and more than a hundred different nurseries are willing to pay just so their décor can be used for the ceremony.”

“Oh- oh my…” A hundred seemed quite a few too many for any sort of decision to be easily made.

“So I asked for only a few to send me anything. I will be glad with any choice you end up making, my dear,” Celestia added. “Please, take a moment to breathe. I know you’re busy.”

“I… I haven’t been, really,” Rarity replied, feeling more than a little ashamed. Whether it be the worry or the weight didn’t seem to matter, she consumed by the anxiety that came about with all the planning she still had to endure- and Twilight would surely add more to the mix that she hadn’t thought of yet. “I met with Rainbow a bit ago to work on her dress and the most horrid package came while we were working-”

“What sort of package?” Celestia’s voice lost all of its warmth in an instant, a sharp seriousness taking its place as the role of princess overtook that of fiancé. “Were you- could you have been hurt or-”

“No, I am fine- look at me!” Rarity replied, showcasing her fair skin for Celestia to marvel upon. “No, truly. I’m fine. It was just some sort of disgusting prank, sending that animal dung.”


“And reeking,” Rarity added drily. “I pay it no mind, mostly because I can’t imagine who would want to do such a thing beyond some silly fool.”

“Hmm…” Celestia was not quite satisfied with the explanation, her frown remaining as mind was brought to the matter and finding current explanations lacking. “I am… going to have a pair of guards here for the next few days-”

“Cellie! It’s only a prank, I am fine-”

“It is only a prank for now,” Celestia interjected. “But it may not stay that way forever. Please, for me. Let me make sure you’re safe.”

It was excessive by her eyes, but Rarity felt no need to argue when there were plenty of other matters left to be discussed before day’s end. “They won’t scare off other customers, will they?”

Celestia laughed. “I’ll send my kindest guards,” she offered. “Ream? And Yor? A newlywed couple, the kindest souls I’ve met in my care; they’ll do a marvelous job of looking after you. And they won’t say no to a cup of coffee if you were to offer it.”

“Then I’m sure I’ll be in good hands,” Rarity assented. “Now, darling, we’ve got important matters to discuss- did you bring any designs yourself?”

“For the dress? Not a one,” Celestia admitted nonchalantly, “I trust your judgment in that matter. But I did bring a few for the rings, if you were interested.”

Metalwork was a bit beyond her, the seamstress eagerly awaiting what work was put before her eyes for appraisal. Bringing herself closer to the desk, Rarity soon found herself greeted with various pamphlets stuffed with small papers and sketches, the numerous drawings and designs before her a rather overwhelming sight at first glance. Was this how her own customers sometimes felt when at her mercy? Goodness, I hope not, she mused, I’d best make sure of that. I’d hate to scare anyone away with too many choices-

“I rather liked this one,” Celestia said as she cut through her beloved’s inner monologue. “I thought it a nice example of your sort of elegance. Lovely, but not gaudy was what I was hoping for. What do you think?”

Rarity examined the mishmash of pencilscratch with her own eyes; it was a rather lovely design, actually. The simple bands possessed no great intricacy to their shape, possessing only simple engravings of sun and diamond upon them so as to match their standards. It did not take much for her to imagine their loveliness when gold would be smelted down and given shape.

“I think they look lovely, darling,” she remarked. “How soon would they be made?”

“If you approve, as soon as tomorrow,” Celestia replied. “Shall I send word?”

“Yes, please!” Though it was something simple –and had required virtually no effort on her end- there came a sense of pleasure at knowing at least one task was already decided upon. All that the rings would now require was waiting. “Thank you for seeing that done.”

“Of course! It is my wedding as well,” Celestia answered, her teasing tone eliciting a few quiet giggles from her fiancé. “I would hate to see you exhaust yourself by fretting; do not feel like you need to accomplish everything on your own, I can certainly set aside my duties for a time to help you prepare.”

“Won’t you be needed, though?”

“A few places. Here and there,” Celestia admitted. “But Luna is being gracious and helping where she can. Besides,” she added, “they won’t be able to get a word out of me during the honeymoon.”

“Well that,” Rarity reminded her, “is quite a long way away. And we have a lot to do…”

“Of course, of course,” the sunlit princess said. A shake of her beautiful head that set her beautiful locks to rippling, attempting to refocus. “Now, I know what you asked me to come down here for…”

Rarity knew the workload that still lay before them. Their wedding was only really in the planning stages even still, little more than ideas and approval rather than anything tangible; working on Rainbow’s dress had been the first real accomplishment she’d managed. There was still so much to do, yet none of it could keep the excited glow from her face that appeared alongside a smile at the thought of designing their wedding dresses at last.

“I hope you like what I’ve come up with!” she proclaimed, opening the desk drawer to extract a rather battered notebook from within. The veritable treasure trove of all her various designs and ideas inevitably found their way to the papers within its binding, a secret item in which her very best work -and, on occasion, her very worst- was designed before being brought to life. “I just knew you and I would have to be dressed in the most wondrous designs I could ever imagine. I spent all of my free time on drawing something up- oh, you can’t imagine how excited I was when I finally finished them, we’ll both look absolutely marvelous!” A quick skim through the pages before arriving at a leaf with a bent corner, notebook set before her princess and showcasing a set of sketches of her most recent designs. “Ta-da!”

It was, by her estimation, the loveliest thing she had ever managed to conceive. Though a simple design at its core, the classic princess design was beautiful to the eye and would look even lovelier when adorning such exquisite forms as their own. The straps fell just beyond the shoulder and allowed the V-neckline a little more room, pairing well with the small tinge of exposed back; perhaps a mild bit of skin, but still graceful all the same. Seeing as they both possessed a slimmer figure, she had added in a thin fabric belt just above the skirt before flaring out into an elegant ballgown skirt that draped down into a beautiful train held fast by a line of buttons. When the idea had struck her only a few nights ago, Rarity had positively salivated over the thought of she and Celestia joining hands in such wondrous gowns; all that remained now was their creation!

“Well? Aren’t they splendid?” Rarity said, glowing with pride at what was surely her greatest accomplishment yet. “I can hardly wait to begin working on them, we’ll be the talk of weddings for years to come! Can you just imagine walking down that aisle together and-”

She could have carried on; when brought to new heights of excitement, the elegant seamstress’ usual verve when it came to her most personal designs possessed few limits that could cease her joyous ramblings. But all it had taken was a moment for her eyes to catch sight of something amiss and silence her words, allowing her focus to zero in on Celestia’s expression and found it… lacking.

“Darling?” Rarity asked, hesitant of even inquiring at all. “Is something the matter?” The lovely princess didn’t immediately reply, a small nibble of lip as she pondered how to best respond. A small glance at her fiancé before quickly darting away; it was all that was needed to make the fashionista’s heart sink. “You don’t like it…”

“That is… not entirely true,” Celestia answered, speaking slowly as though carefully selecting every word. “It looks absolutely beautiful, sweetheart. Truly, it does! The thought of seeing you in such a dress as this makes me- ooh.” A small pause as a happy tremble coursed through her graceful form. “It is a perfect design for you. I cannot wait. But it is best meant for you, and you alone. I have worn… I’ve simply worn so many ballgowns, been adorned in so many things of the like that it… it just- I’ve done it enough!”

Rarity gave a solitary nod, trying not to let her face display her crushed emotions. In just a few words, her beloved had wiped away a daydream that had enchanted her romantic senses and seemed guilt-free for it. It wasn’t like she was doing anything wrong- Celestia had every right to want a dress she would enjoy wearing! It was a selfish thought to try and keep everything her way, even if it was disappointing that she hadn’t approved of the design. And it took me so long to create, too, Rarity thought. Heaven help me, I’ll have to design a replacement so quickly!

“Al- alright, then,” she said, a small wriggle that cast off her unhappy emotions, allowing the eager bride to become businesswoman for the one she loved most. “So tell me then, darling, what sort of dress were you wishing for? Just say the word!”

“Well… I was hoping for something a little off the beaten track,” Celestia said, a teasing smile on her sparkling lips. “Just as unforgettable as any dress you’ve ever made! And I do appreciate the design you’ve made, it just needs a little… a little something.” Her fingers traced along the outlines of the design, a slow movement across pencilstreaks as though feeling the shape and texture of the design that awaited its creation. But beneath the pressure of her skin came forth a small tinge of magic, smoothing away the dried lines and seeing them moved about to her satisfaction. The long train of the gown slowly disappeared at her behest, vanishing into ether and being soon followed by the skirt itself until bare legs were all that remained. Almost all the way up to the belt did fabric disappear until only the barest traces of propriety remained, leaving lush thighs exposed and made ready for adoration. Then just as quickly the neckline saw its modifications: lowering it until it at last came to an end just above the belt, exposing skin all the way down to the waist and letting plush cleavage be displayed on the interior.

“Now that,” Celestia remarked, “would be exciting, don’t you agree?”

In fairness, it possessed a strong similarity to the first design Rarity had ever made for her princess; the very design that had helped to see their love bloom, actually. But that had been a private affair, a steamy bout of kisses that had come about only in the company of two lovers, not before a crowd of the country’s fairest and finest. Rarity stared at the newly edited design, blinked, and then silently gazed at her fair partner. She cannot be serious.


“Yes, my precious diamond?”

“Our wedding will be in public.” She decided to play the whole thing as a joke, just part of Celestia’s usual teasing.

Celestia gave a shrug. “I know. So?”

“So possibly, just possibly, that might not be appropriate for a wedding?”

“But it would be fun!”

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Rarity groaned, left flabbergasted by the idea that Celestia was being sincere. “Darling, you can’t be serious! This would be wholly inappropriate, you know this! What sort of scandal would there be if Equestria’s most famous Princess wore this at her own wedding?”

“Let them talk!” Celestia countered, waving away her fiancé’s concerns with only a small wave. “The whole event is for us to enjoy ourselves, isn’t it? Why can’t I partake in my own way?”

“Cellie!” The seamstress was appalled. “You cannot do this, you know you cannot wear such a thing! This isn’t even a dress, this is only lingerie at best! It’d be wonderful for our wedding night, but not the wedding itself- not in front of people!

The rare instance of a frown on Celestia’s face, displeased at receiving such negative feedback. Rarity, in turn, could hardly believe that this conversation was even happening and felt her frustration rising.

“Please, just for fun- for one day,” Celestia said.

“Absolutely not. I can’t even imagine-” It would be too easy to keep this back-and-forth going, too easy to give in to her emotions and become the very sort of bride she feared to be. With a quick inhale that was followed by a long, slow exhalation, Rarity forced herself back into a semblance of calm and re-engaged her beloved. “Cellie, darling, why ask for such a thing? I don’t understand. It is a wedding, surely you know that this sort of thing wouldn’t be acceptable.”

A sigh came along with a shake of her head, Celestia’s beautiful visage at last relenting in her attempts to bring about her more sensuous desires. “I know- I do, I promise,” she murmured. “But I love the idea of awaiting you like this. As something desirable, that you couldn’t even take your eyes off of. I’d just- be a gift. For you.”

So that was it? Rarity knew in an instant that Celestia had to have been teasing her, the realization bringing forth a small snort of laughter. “Perhaps, darling,” she began, “I can help you achieve something similar. A little more gracefully?”

The sly smile on those wondrous lips was enough to confirm all suspicions. “That sounds wonderful. What did you have in mind?”

“Unbelievable. You brat!” Rarity cried, giving a hearty shove that put Celestia to laughter, one that soon brought her own voice into the mix. “You could have just said that from the start, you scared me half to death!”

“I could not resist one last chance,” Celestia admitted. “Will you forgive me?”

“Only if I have to,” Rarity replied; a roll of her eyes and a turn of the page, a blank sheet of paper there before their eyes and made ready for her skills. “So… a more sensuous, alluring sort of wedding dress, darling?”

“That was the hope. Something sexy,” Celestia said. A small gleam came to life in her eyes as she leaned in and whispered, “So that the sight of me will drive you wild all day long.”

A small raise of her eyebrows in response, even if the smile came by instinct. “And what would your hopes be in achieving such a thing?” Rarity inquired.

“So you’ll be so much more fun when we’re alone.”

The mental image flashed only for a brief moment- and was enough to make her twitch. “I’ll set right to work.”

Celestia made for marvelous company while she worked, Rarity’s sketch coming along slowly as the day carried on. With her greatest inspiration by her side, the lovely seamstress’ mind was able to consider every facet of her physique and ponder at just what would be most suitable. She was extraordinarily beautiful; everything Rarity had aspired to emulate, possessing a natural feminine grace that made her irresistible. That slender, sun-kissed figure, those splendid curves and shapely breasts that were a delight to the eyes, smooth skin that bore those flecks of gold as though she truly had been carved from the sun itself. This was the woman for whom she was designing a dress- and she was going to marry her! The thought was wondrous, magnificent, so delightfully joyous that she could hardly contain herself.

And even a little arousing.


Celestia, having just risen from her seat to head to the kitchen, paused. “What’s wrong?”

“Can you come here, please?”

“I can,” the princess replied, “I just got up, what is on your-” Her words were sealed away by the force of her fiancé’s affections, a passionate kiss bestowed on her jeweled lips by Rarity’s own. Held fast, Celestia could do nothing to escape the union- and why would she even try? The feel of this beautiful woman upon her, the flavor of her lips, and the love that bound it all together… ensnared by such a kiss, she could only melt.

Rarity released her, a miniscule filament severing as they broke away. “Thank you, darling,” she said, promptly turning back to her work and trying to stifle the giggles that soon followed such a sudden act of affection.

Her efforts continued on into the evening. Every new line was set down upon paper with care, minute details weaving their way across white background in small movements of the hand. Rarity gave the work her utmost determination, longing to see the image in her mind’s eye be brought to life for them both to enjoy. She could see it so clearly, the beautiful bride that was to be the woman at her side. If she ever found herself beginning to fall into torpor, then to Celestia would she call and find a kiss waiting to fall upon her lips. The longer she carried on the more kisses she needed, and the small touches and gestures that began to weave themselves into the mix; her inspiration was strong even if her weariness bade her to come rest, so all the more desperately did she need her princess’ love to spur her on towards completion. She needed Celestia desperately, closer to her and more loving, more gracious with every new union and more passionate so as to properly match her own desires lest she fall into exhaustion. Only those sweet, lavish, luscious lips could hope to save her-

“And… there!” Rarity proclaimed, setting aside her pen and immediately feeling a horrid cramp overtake her hand. “I believe that does it.”

Celestia slid back into the seat beside her beloved, squeezing herself in close as she leaned in to inspect this new design. Though a far cry from her beloved’s future adornment, this new design still bore a classic form at its core thanks to a subtle corset-style look across the bodice. But then there was the sweetheart neckline, given additional exposure while still retaining a sense of regality. Across the unbroken gown of white was a thin layer of lace, a resplendent floral pattern that added grandeur- and then utter sensuality as fabric disappeared and allowed the skin to breathe beneath the flowers, highlighting every curve that she possessed. Even down to the train did the blooms continue, loose patterns helping to veil the figure that would stride beneath the form-fitting skirt. Made with her in both mind and eye, Celestia looked upon a gown that was designed solely for her, and only her beauty alone would it glorify.

“What do you think of this one, Cellie?” Rarity inquired after a fashion, having allowed the fresh design to sink in and be fully examined. “I know you wanted something sexy, but I kept finding myself thinking of something fit for a princess, so that theme of royalty kept creeping its way in. How did I fare?”

“Oh, Rarity.” Celestia’s words were husky, her eyes rippling with light as she tried to hold back the unexpected rush of emotion. “Rarity, my beautiful diamond, it is wonderful-!”

“I thought you’d like it!” Rarity said, triumphant after the long trial. “You’ll look simply marvelous, darling, absolutely breathtaking! I can just… I can just imagine you wearing it already…”

“And how does that make you feel, hmm?” Celestia inquired, happy tears still trying to tear at her voice. The two were all but atop one another, close and eager to be the totality of each other’s attentions in the comfort of the late hour.

“Like I can hardly pay attention to anything else, darling,” came the reply. Her hand began to slither its way down to the interior of Celestia’s thigh, settling there as it plied across fabric and massaged the smooth skin beneath. “How does that sound?”

“Like heaven.” The kiss that came was relief for them both, Celestia caressing her beloved as Rarity swooned at the touch. Their passions were at the boiling point, eager for further kisses and all the delights that were to follow after-

“Can we go somewhere, dear Cellie?” Rarity breathed, struggling to speak through the stream of kisses that fell upon her lips. “I think we need to be alone…”

“Mmm, but we are alone,” Celestia replied, pulling her fiancé into her lap and beginning to unravel the ties that held fabric together. The flesh across her beloved’s neck called for her attentions, beckoning for the tenderness of her kisses that would only escalate things further. “Why even wait?”

It had been her hopes to see them reach the bedroom, but the pulsating heat within her would offer no mercy upon her; relief was demanded in all immediacy, and Rarity was eager to comply. “Oh, darling-”

The ringing sound of the front door met their ears. “Rarity? I’m home!” Sweetie Belle cried. “Apple Bloom and me brought some takeout, you want any?”

But then again, life could be so desperately unfair.

Neither of them had seen the great hall so empty before. Every footstep that fell within the open space echoed on across stone and marble until at last able to flee through the open frames of the windows that allowed sunlight to spill through. For Twilight, who had spent more hours within the usually-bustling hall than she could recall, seeing the place so devoid of life was a rather eerie sensation.

For Rarity, the great room seemed to beckon forth images and dreams of events yet to come, perhaps inspired by the one day she had ever spent within its walls; the great crowd of people, the sight of flowers along carpeted paths, and a blissful union between spouses at last. “Soon it’ll be my turn,” she whispered.

“What was that?” Twilight asked. The feeble words were too softly spoken for her ears to hear them in such an open hall, nothing close enough to bounce them back where she could hear the echo.

“It’s nothing, Twilight,” Celestia answered, a grin on her lovely features as she walked in their midst. “Only daydreaming. I might even join her myself, if I get the chance.”

The three of them had come to survey the hall at Twilight’s insistence, the sprawling room made empty so as to allow imaginations their chance to run wild. This would be the place where the wedding would take place, and plotting minds needed opportunity to envision that fateful day. Who would be where, beneath what and amidst whom? Only the planning stages even still, but a wedding of this scale would not allow for anything to be done on a whim.

“So the dais will be where the ceremony itself take place,” Rarity said, walking up the miniature steps and allowing her eyes to conceive of her numerous ideas. “The arbor will be at the center… in the very back, against the window, with Cadance just before it.”

Celestia, noticing what had caught her beloved’s eye, nodded in assent. “We should have brought markers for certain things,” she remarked. “People’s placement onstage, the position of props. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me.”

“It did to me,” Twilight piped up. A faint glow within her bag and out flowed several small tiles along with a pair of markers. “Nothing else is going to happen in here until the wedding, right?”

“No- thank you, Twilight, these will do wonderfully. So here will be Cadance,” Celestia said as she set down her first tile adorned with the name Cadance upon it. “And then Rarity and I upon either side, just a bit before her…”

“You’ll be on the right side, so that means Luna will be… just about here…” Rarity muttered-

“Rainbow will be- here… with Fluttershy and Pinkie just a bit to her right…”

“Twilight, you’ll be here- with Applejack to your side.” Rarity surveyed the assorted tiles that had been scattered across the dais, mulling over the numerous names and roles that needed to be fulfilled. “That leaves the ringbearer-”

“One of my guards will see the duty done,” Celestia said. “Once they’ve arrived, the rings will be sealed in the vaults until the day of the ceremony.”

“Perfect! That leaves the role of flower girl…”

“If you trust me, I can work up something that’ll make a nice substitute,” Twilight offered. “Sweetie and the others are all grown up, I don’t think they’d take kindly to the offer this time around.”

“So, a person or something-?”

“Something worthwhile,” Twilight answered, remaining cryptic as her smile suggested further secrets. “You’ll appreciate it, I promise.”

“Then Twilight has that covered,” Celestia remarked. “A team of guards will work as ushers, one of the pages will be given tasks… I can’t think of any other duty left unassigned.”

“Nor can I,” Rarity added. “Twilight?”

“I think that covers everything,” the brilliant princess replied. Turning about from the couple, she surveyed the open space of the hall floor and began to scrutinize. “Hmm… we’ll keep about a five foot gap or so between the guests and the dais, and then about the same all the way around. That should be enough for everyone to fit comfortably.”

“How many guests are supposed to come?”

Twilight bit her lip. “About two thousand.”

It had not been the answer she’d been expecting, Rarity taking a small gasp at the response. “Not even Cadance’s wedding had that many.”

“I tried to see it made even lower, but I could not convince the Houses to allow it,” Celestia sighed bitterly. “The significance of the High Princess of Equestria does not allow for a small wedding, unfortunately.”

“Pinkie and Applejack will have their work cut out for them, even with the help of the kitchens,” Rarity murmured.

“Welcome to a wedding,” Twilight said with a barking laugh, “Not one has ever been easy.”

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the great hall, poring over various tasks and designs that required their attentions. With so many details still left undecided, Twilight was desperate to see as much settled before the day could pass them by. When the sun began to hang low against the horizon, Rarity found her mind troubled by a strange sort of haze, and her body sagging. With only a small meal for lunch, the constant focus had demanded more from her than she’d expected.

“And then there’s the gardens- oh gosh, we haven’t even paid any attention to them yet,” Twilight muttered, shuffling through her clipboard and the numerous papers held against its frame. “Cake designs haven’t been sent in yet, the buffets need to get decided…”

“What needs to be done for theeee- oh excuse me- the gardens?” Rarity inquired. She’d meant to say more but found her words swallowed by the presence of a yawn.

Twilight looked up from her notes and found that her audience was definitely far from rapt, even Celestia’s nigh-endless energy showing its signs of fatigue. Rarity, trying her best to maintain a genial attitude, was slumping against the wall and looking as though she were in desperate need of some time off her feet.

“Another day,” she said, a snap of her fingers seeing the clipboard vanish from sight to some unknown space. “We’ve gotten a lot done today, even if it doesn’t really feel like it. Where’s Rainbow been, now that I think about it? She’s supposed to be helping out.”

“She is, darling. Down at the Boutique here in town,” Rarity replied. “I told her to bring the rest of the girls with her, they should be finishing up with their dresses right about now.”

“I thought you were making them.”

“I ran out of the proper fabric, so I reached out to dear Sassy with the designs. I wouldn’t be able to get a new shipment in until next week, I didn’t want to fall behind.”

“Let’s go drop in, then, I guess,” Twilight assessed.

“Twilight, the Boutique’s halfway across town,” Rarity reminded her, hoping that the tone to her words wasn’t a whiny one. But after the long day they’d spent within this one place, the thought of walking such a distance did not appeal to her in the slightest.

Twilight, however, only grinned. “It’s a good thing you’re with us, then,” she said. “See you there-” and in a quick flash of lavender, she disappeared.

Rarity blinked. “I forgot you can do that.” She wrapped herself about Celestia’s arm and braced herself for the jump, feeling that sudden rush of wind about her form and a loud Snap! as the moment came-

One world slid away and was promptly replaced by another, the empty space of the great hall supplanted by the polished and gleaming world of the Canterlot Boutique, Rarity’s second- well, third- home and currently closed to the outside world as its proprietor tended to the most significant custom orders of her life. “Ooh, it feels much nicer in here,” Rarity remarked as the cool breeze of the air conditioning fell upon her skin.

The couple made their way to the backrooms and found Twilight chatting away with Rainbow and Pinkie while Applejack was being attended to upon a small stage, the vibrant locks of Sassy flashing all about her fit form as the seamstress completed the final touches.

“Good evening, darlings,” Rarity called. “How’s everything gone today?”

Rainbow gave a wave of her hand in greeting, saying, “Fluttershy just went home, she’s good to go. Twi will have to swing by tomorrow and get hers done, we’re just out of time today.”

“We did have one problem, though,” Twilight cut in-

“Oh no.”

“Nothing major! Just a stitch broke on Pinkie’s dress after Sassy had finished, right where the skirt meets the bodice. It’s fixable, but she’ll have to come back tomorrow and get it re-sown and maybe even refitted. We can’t risk that happening later on.”

Pinkie, playing the role of both victim and perpetrator within the incident, tried to avoid facing the wearied brides and let her eyes flit freely across the room to avoid contact. “I- I might have gained a little since- you know, last time you made a dress for me,” she admitted. “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.”

It was another setback, but the shamefaced look upon her dear friend’s face was intolerable. Though perhaps not the most graceful of beings in their happy band, Pinkie’s continuous lively warmth had been a blessing in their lives for far too long; heaven forbid that such a small thing as a little extra weight be what aroused her anger. “Darling, it is entirely fixable,” Rarity said, soothing the worries of the distressed baker. “It’s perfectly- well, it’s not wonderful, but it’s a solvable problem. You needn’t feel bad.”

“Are you sure? I know we’ve all still got a lot to do and you need me and the Cakes to get working on-”

“Pinkie, you’ve nothing to fret over,” Celestia interjected, her serene tone soothing the worries of the younger woman. “Your dress is perfectly mendable, you ruined nothing.”

The miniature crisis resolved, the group of exhausted women could do nothing but await the finishing touches to Applejack’s dress, a moment that came none too soon by any of their tastes; the day had been long for all parties, and the morning to come would surely bring another.

“I’ll see this lot back to bed,” Rainbow said as they departed the Boutique, Sassy locking the doors and saying her goodbyes. “Umm… food, right- I’ll talk to the Cakes and see what they’ve got, bring it up to you when I come by in the afternoon.”

“And I’ll start working on a couple of meals for y’all to check out, too,” Applejack added. “Let you decide what you want for the reception and we can send the recipe along to the cooks.”

“And I’ll talk to some of the designers, see what décor ideas they’ve got for me,” Twilight said. There were numerous other tasks and things to see done, but the effort of naming them was too much for any of the weary women to bother with, not when there would be enough come the morrow that they would have to see done. “Holy jeez, I’m tired.”

“Bed. Bed, all of you,” Celestia insisted of them all, a friendly but exhausted smile on her lips as she shooed them away. “Thank you so much for all your hard work today, get some rest.”

In a matter of seconds, the entire group had dispersed; Twilight saw the others off to Ponyville with a wave of her fingers while Rarity and Celestia disappeared into the bowels of the castle where a comfortable shower awaited them. Only a brief spattering of water upon their flesh did they desire, the call of the plush sheets enticing them like a siren’s song. So comfortable were the pillows upon which she crashed that Rarity could not even summon the strength to roll on her side when she felt the presence of her beloved beside her.

“How long until the wedding?” She muttered, knowing full well the answer.

“Two months, one week,” Celestia said in a sigh that was more likely a groan.

A short, yet very long, period of time. “We’ll see it done.” I hope.

Morning came far too swiftly for either of their liking, the call of royal duty dragging Celestia from the comfort of her bed rather than she being willing to answer. Walking to her balcony in little more than a shuffle, resplendent hair in numerous tangles and one eye feeling drier than the other, the princess peered out at the horizon to where the brilliant star awaited her summoning. Too early by her current tastes, and the sun itself too bright for her gaze to bear; a single wave of her finger was all she was willing to give the momentous morning ritual.

“Please let today go well,” Celestia murmured. Her own duties as princess would keep her occupied well into the afternoon, unable to attend to wedding preparations. The last thing she wished for was unnecessary politicking to prevent her hour of departure.

Rarity was hardly any swifter in rising from slumber; bathroom activities came at a staggered pace as the two women prepared themselves for the day, a little more makeup being found necessary to cover dark circles and baggy eyes. The thought of breakfast held little appeal to a still-sleeping stomach, but the need for coffee screamed within their heads- with maybe something a little extra held within as a sort of jumpstart.

“I’m going to head down to the gardens this morning before it gets too hot,” Rarity told her beloved. The two had requested a private morning in the royal apartments with only simple fare to help temp their palates, and the best coffee the palace had in its larder. Settled before a plate of baked goods with an assortment of spreadables, the pair of lovebirds found themselves slowly entering the awoken world in fullness.

“More planning?”

“And seeing what gardening needs to be done,” Rarity added, “checking the grounds for any holes or things that could see people get hurt. All those high heels, it wouldn’t take much for someone to tumble.”

“It’d make for something to laugh at, but yes that’s wise,” Celestia muttered. “Send word once you’re done, I’ll try to join you as soon as I can, I’ve a delegation from Baltim-”

The door to the apartment, locked and kept sealed by a potent ward of Celestia’s making, undid itself and were cast open to reveal the magnificent stride of Princess Luna, beautiful warrior of moonlight. Ever tall and proud, her eyes sought out her elder sister and the expression upon her face forewarned that whatever summoned her was of ill tidings. “You are not going to like what I have to tell you,” Luna announced, no preamble or morning greetings upon her sharp tongue.

Forced to pause in the act of buttering her bagel, Celestia tried not to scowl at the dreadful proclamation. “Really. That’s how you’re going to start my morning? No warning, at all.”

“This is the warn- do you remember King Rueben?”

Seemingly deciding that breakfast was a lost cause, the sunlit princess set aside her cutlery and focused all her attentions on her sister. “Distinctly,” she said drily. The cantankerous leader on the Crystal Empire’s border had been a thorn in her side for more years than most could count, a constant source of tension and eager to cause trouble with his larger neighbors to the south.

“He’s dead. Passed away two days ago.”

“Oh… ‘Kay. That-”

“His son Rutherford took the throne today. He wants to declare war.”

The silence was palpable; Rarity gawked at the declaration, her eyes flitting between the two women as realization began to set in. War? Like, an actual war? A bloodshed, fighting, death sort of thing?

Celestia, however, only blinked. “Any particular reason why, or just because it’s Tuesday?”

“Cute, you think he needed a reason,” Luna said.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Celestia complained, throwing up her hands and forfeiting all hopes for the day. “Just like his father, I swear. Then we’ll have to go talk him down, this’ll…”

“I know, I know. And he’s not anywhere near as angry as his old man.”

“Wonderful. Right now, of all times!” A difficult spirit to aggravate, the sight of Celestia so easily losing her cool was a shock to both sister and beloved. “Unbelievable- OK. OK, so… let’s get ready to go, I’ll alert Hearth Fire so he can prepare a contingent of guards-”

“Wait, you’re having to leave?” Rarity, still left reeling from the sudden rush of ill tidings, found herself struggling to come to terms with each new revelation. A country she’d all but forgotten about was suddenly at the forefront of modern politics and was trying to enact a war, which was going to see the departure of her future bride- and all of it had been announced in less than thirty seconds!

Celestia winced, knowing the weight of the blow was not to be solely against her alone. “Yes, I…. unfortunately yes, I have to be there in person,” she admitted, turning from her sister and back to her fiancé. “Rarity, I am so sorry, but this is of importance. Not just because of diplomacy, but out of respect, Rueben’s funeral will require our presence also. If it was just that then our absence would only be a day or two, but Rutherford…”

“You could be gone for quite a while,” Rarity guessed. The cold shock in her stomach was only growing with every second, bad news becoming worse the more time it was given to sink in. War and rumors of war, all in the midst of a wedding to the very one who would have to deal with it all. “Will you be safe, is there-”

“We’ll be fine,” Luna said, the eternal warrior guessing at what stoked the young woman’s fears. “Rutherford is young and brash, but he’s not a fool. We’ll be able to talk him down, it’ll just… take forever. They’re a particular bunch. I am really sorry, I know this is a horrible time.”

Rarity gave a shake of her head. “It’s fine. I know this is what you have to do.” She truly did understand, even if the implications were a horrid one. The wedding preparations would be all but hers alone, and that would be if diplomacy did not see the whole event delayed entirely.

“You are wonderful,” Celestia murmured, kissing her bride in thanks. “I’ll send word to Twilight as soon as I can, let her know what’s going on. She’ll be Princess-Regent until I return, and then-” A small groan, but a smile all the same. “We’ll see it done, and in good time. Don’t you fret, my love.”

Without another word the two sisters departed for parts unknown, leaving a beautiful young woman still rattled and most definitely feeling very small in the face of the numerous duties and preparations that would all but totally fall at her feet.

Author's Note:

I hate that I've been to depressed to write much for this long. Especially on this story. I like it. It's sweet, happy, and kinda sexy- everything I enjoy writing.

Enjoy. Keep reading, I guess.