• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 1,406 Views, 25 Comments

Letting go - Eweeka

Fluttershy can't move on after she lost Discord and now she found a way how to bring him back. But things won't go as she expected.

  • ...

The night

Chapter two: The night

It was dawn when the animals returned to Fluttershy’s cottage with the broken medallion. The witch told her to visit her at night. She spent the waiting time cleaning her house and checking if everything was fine in the animal sanctuary. Since she was pregnant and was taking care of Esper, she hired volunteers and new employees there. She stopped by every day or every other day to check if everything was okay and to assign new tasks. Finally the sun hid behind the mountains. And it started to get darker and darker. Fluttershy left her home and headed towards Esmeralda's house. The closer she got, the faster her heart was beating in her chest and the more nervous she was. Who wouldn't be nervous when their loved one was about to be brought back to life?

Finally she was before of the doors the witch’s hut. The lights were on in the hut as the witch was preparing the ingredients on the giant pot, waiting for the last one that Fluttershy was bringing.

"I'm here. I have the medallion and the other things.” Fluttershy entered without knocking.

"Ahh, good you are here. Let me take that.” She took the medalion and the rest of the things from Fluttershy’s bag. She threw them all into the pot and after few minutes she poured some liquid into a transparent vial. "So where is his body?” She turned around.

"Um... It's in the cemetery behind Ponyville. It's easy to find his grave because there's also his statue.”

"Alright then.”

"So we are going there now?”

"Yes, we are.” She hid the potion in her bag, took an oil lamp, got a hoodie and then moved towards the door.

Fluttershy followed her. They walked all the way in silence, without exchanging a single word. The air slowly turned cool. Every now and then, fireflies were flickering between the bushes but the main sources of light were the moon and the old cat's lamp.

It took them almost an hour to walk from the swamps to the Ponyville’s cemetery. Esmeralda opened the old gate which creaked eerily. This sound made shiver went down Fluttershy's spine. The mare looked uncertainly from side to side. The cemetery looked ghastly at night. She felt like years ago, when even in the daytime she could get scared of her own shadow. She felt as if in each of the dark nooks there were phantoms and ghouls ready to kidnapp her and took to the land of the dead. She jumped in fear when her hoof stopped onto a twig making an sound. She approached Esmeralda who seemed unmoved by the dark atmosphere of the cemetery at night. If it were not for the presence of the cat and her desperate desire to see Discord again, Fluttershy would leave this place as soon as possible and hid under the bed in her safe cottage. But now it was too late to back out. She had to finish what she started. The mare and the old cat walked by the different crave stones as bunch of crows flew by above them. The witch stopped in front of a statue of a creature with a pony's head and the body of a snake.

"I’m guessing this one is his grave?” She asked without any emotion in her voice.

"Yes.” Fluttershy squeaked. Her own voice decided to fail her tonight.

Esmeralda looked around at the nearby graves. She noticed a shovel standing against the crypt wall, probably left there by the grave diggers. Without further ado, she took the shovel and walked over to Discord's grave.

"Okay, lets get digging.” She said cheerfully as if it was not digging in someone else's grave, but digging to look for some legendary treasure.

Fluttershy paled at the thought of digging in the grave. In her lover’s grave. Suddenly she felt her dinner rise to her throat. She was trying her best to not to throw up. "Don't you mind... if you do this alone...”

"I understand. I’ll tell you when I’m done.” The cat shoved the shovel on the ground and started to dig.

The pegasus couldn't look at it. It was too much for her. She turned her back on the witch and stood there with her eyes closed, focusing on breathing and trying to calm her heartbeat while Esmeralda was humming a merry tune as she continued to dig. Fluttershy wondered how many times the old cat had to do this since digging in the grave did not make any impression on her. The witch stopped humming her melody when she hit the lid of the coffin. "I made it!” she shouted at Fluttershy.

"O-okay.” She didn’t dare to turn around.

The feline opened the casket and she saw the body of the draconequus not quite decomposed. The stench of decomposing flesh hit Fluttershy's nostrils. Her face turned green, her heart felt as if it were about to pop out of her chest, her vision started to blurry. She was one step from fainting.

"Okay, let’s get this started.” The witch wishpered, as she crawled out of the hole, took out the potion and poured it into Discord’s body. "Bring back which was taken by the cruel fate, let these two be reunited, regain this body back, repair the broken hearts!” She whispered the words of the spell as the draconequus body or reither what was left of it sooner started to glow. She started to back away a bit as his body levitated from his grave. His body was restored back almost to how it was before he died. Then boom and a shock wave knocked her back. Fluttershy turned her head to see what was happening behind her, but was blinded by a bright light. She covered her eyes with her wing.

The draconequus body landed gently on the ground. After a moment he took a deep breath. When Fluttershy heard this sound, she lowered her wings, opening her eyes, even though still a little blinded, she could see Discord knelling on the ground, trying to gasp for the air.

For a short moment she was staring at him, having a hard time believing what was happening wasn’t a crazy dream, the result of her despair and longing.

"See? I told you I’ll bring him back.” Esmeralda said proudly. "He is not quite as what I expected but he is a creature of so much power that this is the best I could do.”

Tears of joy and happiness streamed down Fluttershy’s cheeks . She wasn’t able to contain herself anymore. „DISCORD!” she cried, as she threw her hooves around his neck, hugging him fiercely.

"Agh no so hard! W-where am I?” He was looking scared and confused not knowing what was going on.

"Oh dear, please be careful with him now. His body is very fragile at the moment.” The witch warned.

"You're in the living world again!” Fluttershy sobbed still hugging him but more gentle. The first thing she noticed was that his fur wasn't that soft as it was before he died.

"I'm alive but how?” He said with dry voice looking down at her, as his eyes looked more tired than they would normally be.

"Thanks to Esmeralda!. She brought you back! Oh Dissy. I missed you. I missed you so much.” She started to cry. „I love you so much. I promise I will love you forever. I will take care of you, I wil give you happiness. My love, my dear.” She was nuzzling his fur like a madmare and her grip tightened again around him. If it was a dream she didn’t want to wake up from it.

Discord slowly huged her back. "I missed you too. But I… I still don’t understand. I think… I shouldn't be here.”

"Yes, you should! If not for the chimera you wouldn't die at first place!” She cried.

He took her hoof in his claw and paw, as they looked into each other eyes, for the first time in a long while. It was wonderful feeling seeing his beautiful golden eyes again.

"If I may I need to see something first.” Esmeralda interrupted them while she approached Discord.

"If you mean money... Have all of them.” Fluttershy pulled out a hoof with a bag full of bits when her other hoof was still wrapped around Discord.

"That won't be necessary.” She pushed Fluttershy’s hoof with the bag away from her. „I just need to check a few things on him.” The witch opened up his jaw to look inside. "Hmm. Seems good.”

"H-hey! Wffat aff you dfffing?!” He mumled with indignation.

"Calm down mister draconequus. I’m just making sure it all is working like it suppose too.” She looked into his eyes, then she inspected the rest of his body. "Alright. You seem to be fine. You will be a bit weak for a week, or two, or maybe more but then you should be back as if nothing happened.”

"That’s wonderful!” Fluttershy shouted with excitement. Ignoring Esmeralda’s presence she kissed Discord with a passion on the lips, she put into this all of her longing, pain and love.

Draconequus ears perked up silghty and he kissed her back.

"Well, I will leave you with that my friend. If you need anything you know where I am.” Without waiting for an answer, she began to walk away.

"Thank you! Thank you for everything!” Fluttershy shouted before the witch was out of sight. She didn't think about the fact that witch didn't take any payment from her. "Dissy, could you teleport us to my cottage?” She looked at him wondering if he also has his chaos magic back.

"Of course, my dear.” He snaped his fingers but nothing happened. „Um hehe.” He laughed nervously. „Just give me a moment.” He snapped his claws few times but still nothing happened. "I guess I can't… I’m sorry.” He looked at her with disappointment.

"No. Don’t be sorry. This isn’t your fault. That's okay. I love you with or without magic.” She hoped this will make him feel better at least a little bit. "We we can walk to my cottage and talk.”

Discord only nodded. Then he started walking towards the gate, but he didn't walk on two legs as he always did, instead he walked on all his fours. Fluttershy didn’t questioned it. She followed him, catching up with him so that now she walked beside him. Since Discord was with her now, the cemetery didn't seem scary anymore. They walked in slient until they were half a way to Fluttershy's cottage. Discord was quiet and taciturn. It was not like him. "Is everything alright?” Fluttershy asked with concern.

"It feels odd and that’s a lot saying from me.” He croaked.

"I'm sure everything will be alright. Look! We are home. Esper is at my parents house I'll pick her tomorrow morning.”

"Esper? Oh you mean the little filly that you adopted some time ago.”

"Yes. You will love her. She is such a sweet baby.” They were now inside her cottage and she turned the lights on.

Discord frown. "Wait, don’t you think it will be a little odd to have her see me alive?”

"She is small. She doesn’t know you yet and that you were dead.”

"What would the others say If they see me alive then?”

"You’re alive, it happened. They will have to accept that. It’s not like they gonna kill you.”

"I suppose.” He still wasn’t sure. "How long has it been, since you know…”

"Three months... I couldn't do it... Without you. I love you more than anything else. I'm sorry. Maybe if I told you long ago... things would be different.” She was going to cry again.

Discord’s eyes widened, as she said that it’s been three months. „I’ve been gone for that long... I would have thought you moved on, my dear... He smiled softly. „You don’t have to be sorry for not telling me. I’m also not without a fault.”

Fluttershy walked on the upstairs. "Three months doesn't seems to be that long. I still feel like it was yesterday. I couldn't stop thinking about you.”

"I feel like I’ve been dead much longer than that.” He followed her up the stairs looking around as if everything was so new to him.

Fluttershy sighed with relief as she laid down on the bed. She felt pain in her hooves from too much walking, but it was worth it since Discord was with her again.

Discord also wanted to lay down next to her, he walked over but then stopped. ”Do you smell that? What is that?” Draconequus sniffed confused around the room.

"I don't smell anything. Everything is as it was before, if not counting Esper's room. Maybe you mean her scent.”

"No, no it’s something else...” He sniffed himself. "Oh celestia, it’s me. I didn’t think I smell so different.” He said with disgusted expression on his face.

"Strange. I didn't smell anything. I would notice it when I hugged you.”

"I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised at my smell. I did came out of a grave, no magic, and I’ve been gone for three months. Maybe I should take a bath first.”

"You know were is bathroom. I will wait for you here. If you need any help let me know.”

"I will.” Discord kissed her head and went to the bathroom.

When he entered the bathroom the first thing he did was look at himself in the mirror, touching his face. "I do look different... I’m so pale.” He studied more carefully his reflection. His body was more grayer than colorful. It reminded him colors of Fluttershy and her friends when he turned them into their opposites. His antler was half broken, and full of cracks and scrapes. There were circles under his eyes. A piece of the right ear was missing. His beard and mane looked like they hadn't been brushed in years, plus the hair on his mane was sparse and missing in several places. The same was with feathers at the end of his tail. The fur all over his body was faded, it looked like a fur of mangy, homeless dog. His blue wing wasn’t in the better state either. The last layer of skin was visible on his hands in several places and on his tail in two places a large area of ​​scales was missing revealing delicate skin. Discord frown slightly. He didn’t like what he saw at all.

"Does she really wants me here like this...? No, it just from being brought back.” He picked up the brush and began to brush his mane with it. But no matter how hard he tried, his hair remained the same as if his appearance was part of the spell and he couldn't change it. "I’m sure after my bath I’ll be good as new.” He smiled and turned the water as he got into bath. His elongated body, getting any dirt and grimed of his body.

In meantime Fluttershy was humming a melody and trying to focus on reading a book, she heard sounds of water from the bathroom. She was waiting impatiently for him to finish his bath, she couldn’t wait to spent her first night with him as something more than a friends.

"Hmm.” He scrobed his body. "My fur feel off too. I hope I can fix that...” He slowly started to feel a bit upset. "Should I really even be here…? What will the others think... What if they will think I tricked them... That I faked my own death... They will hate me again...” He sat down in the shower as he feeling himself about to cry.

"Why this is taking him so long? Maybe I should check on him?” Fluttershy thought. She left the bed.

Discord was sitting there crying to himself as the water hit his body. "I-I don’t want that, I don’t want them to think it’s all another trick. They won’t believe me.”

"Dissy?” She cracked open the door to see how he was doing. What she saw worried her a lot. "What happened? Why are you crying? Is something hurts you?”

"Huh? N-no I’m fine, my dear.” He lied, quickly trying to dry his tears.

"Maybe let me help you.” She took the shampoo from the shelf and put some of it on his mane and gently brushed it.

"Thank you.” Pleased, he closed his eyes, as he let her wash his mane. Her touch felt so nice and it was so gentle.

After a few seconds of rubbing she rinsed off the shampoo with water and changed her position. She got into the tub and sat on his lap, slightly blushing and started kissing his chest slowly moving her lips on his neck higher and higher.

Discord’s body shivered under the touch of her soft lips, blushing brightly. "Fluttershy…” He run his claw through her mane. "I missed you.”

"I missed you too.” she wishpered between kisses. Now she was kissing his face and muzzle, slowly getting closer and closer to his lips. Discord smiled softly putting his paw on her cheek as he pressed his lips against her. A soft moan escaped her mouth as she deepened the kiss, tasting his lips carefully. It was amazing feeling. Her hooves were running through his mane while his claw and paw tightened around her small body.

They broke the kiss seconds later with loud click after they run out of air. For a moment they were staring at each other eyes, trying to catch their breaths. Then Fluttershy put her head between his neck and left arm and whishpered "I want to give you something special, something that adult mare gives to their one and true love.”

His face got all red as she said that. He choked on his own breath from the shock. "Fluttershy a-a-are you s-sure about that. I- I mean are you sure?”

She was sure as never before. She got a second chance with him and she didn’t want to waste time. She wanted him, she loved him too much.

"I want to know what it's like and I want to do this because I love you.”

In response Discord crushed his lips against hers. Fluttershy's eyes widened but after a moment she closed them clutching her hooves around his neck. This night Fluttershy lost her innocence but she didn't regret it, doing this with him felt right.

Later as they were lying on Fluttershy’s bed in her bedroom, Discord’s claw was playing with her mane.

"Fluttershy.” Whispered softly to her. His muzzle was so close to her face so she could feel his breath tickling her ear.


Discord before he could say anything, Fluttershy sudennly felt a movement inside her, the baby was moving for the first time. She immiediately put her lover paw on her belly.

"I-its moving.” He smiled warmly as he gently rubbed her belly.

"Yes. Our child.” It’s been so long since she felt such happiness. So it was like having a real, complete family with her lover by her side. She moved closer to him so she could nuzzle his neck. "I want you to be a part of my family.”

"I want this too.”

They were cuddling, sharing kisses, whispering tender words until Fluttershy could no longer fight the overwhelming her sleepiness. Discord kissed her cheek again as he wraped banket over her, she lost count how many kisses they have shared during this night and yet she still couldn't get enough of his affection and closeness. She was half- asleep when he softly wshipered "Goodnight, my love”. She nuzzled more into his fur as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight and so close to him. It seemed like nothing could go wrong at this moment.

When she woke up it was early morning, the sky was still dark. Discord was lying next to her with his paw and claw wrapped around her waist. She smiled at the sight of his face with peaceful expression on it, then she put her head on his chest. His heart was beating, she could feel and hear it . Maybe it was beating much slower than it should have been but still. And he was also breathing and his body was so warm. It wasn’t a dream he was really here. He was alive again. He was with her.

The draconequus snuggled her close trying to get warm as he started to feel a bit cold. Fluttershy seeing this put blanket on him. Finally she had what she dreamed about for so long. Now she knew the feeling of sleeping with her love and just being with him. She also knew that sooner or later she will have to tell her friends about everything and this won't be an easy task but for now the most important for her was enjoying this moment.

"Fluttershy.” He mumbled in his sleep and moved his head closer to her back. Fluttershy kissed his forehead and nuzzled into fur on his neck failing asleep again.

Author's Note:

Again I'm sorry for all of the grammar and speiling mistakes. If you notice anything I don't mind if you let me know ^.^