• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 1,396 Views, 25 Comments

Letting go - Eweeka

Fluttershy can't move on after she lost Discord and now she found a way how to bring him back. But things won't go as she expected.

  • ...

The last goodbye

And so on another months has passed. Everyday Fluttershy was saying to herself that she will go with Discord to the witch next day and next day and so on. Discord was helping Fluttershy with taking care of Esper and Melody as much as he could. He desperately held on to life as much as it was possible for him, despite his misery. But more and more often his body was failing him but never complained to Fluttershy about it. He endured everything in silence. The only moments of relief were when Fluttershy was close to him. Her touch for a few short seconds made the pain in his body disappear.

It was Saturday afternoon, Melody and Esper were taking their nap, Discord was also sleeping in their bedroom and Fluttershy was watching over him. In past few months he was sleeping more and more and he barely eat. He looked like he was ten thousand years older, He seemed to be very tired of life. He had lost enough weight that Fluttershy could easliy see all of his ribs.

„I can't put it off any longer. He's just suffering. What's the point in a relationship where one only suffers...” Now she was seeing her mistake clearly.” What have I done. I was a selfish idiot. I was keeping him here, for my own egoistic desires... Even though I knew about his misery.” She felt so gulity. She hated herself at the moment for what she did to Discord.

„Fluttershy...” Discord looked at her exhausted, almost out of breath saying it.

„Y-yes? Sorry. I didn't want to wake you up.”

„I think it’s time for me to go.”

„D-do you want to go to the witch as I promised you?” She was hoping that was what he meant by saying it’s time for him to go.

"I’m tired. I can’t hold on much longer my dear. It’s already been more than a year." He rose a little and got to nuzzle her cheek then fell back on the bed. It looked like this action took all of his strength. Now he was laying on his back.

„ S-so you are – are d-dying?” She felt the tears began to trickle into her eyes.

„I have been. I almost did before Melody was born.” He started to drift off as he spoke.

Fluttershy noticed bird sitting on the windowsill. „Please bring the Cat Witch here. She lives on the edge of the swamps. Please hurry up, Discord is dying!” The bird noded and flew over to the witch’s hut. Then she turned to Discord. „ I'm so sorry... I’m sorry for all of the pain you had to endure, I'm sorry for being selfish.” She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and began to cry as she took his paw and claw in her hooves.

„It’s okay my dear… I- I don’t have grudge against you…” His breathing became heavier. „I’m happy I could be by your side for a little while. You were so loving and gentle… And you was trying your best to make me happy… T-thank you for that.”

Hearing these words she hugged his neck „I love you with all my heart. Please don’t forget about it.”

„I won’t… I love you too.”

Fluttershy pressed her forehead against his. „I'm so sorry for everything... Will... will I see you again?”

„Maybe after you pass on. I don’t remember a lot from the time when I was dead but I know the after life is actually nice.”

„S-so you don't know for sure if... we will be together again?”

Discord tried to comfort her. „I’m sure we will.” After a moment of silence he said. „I want you to keep it.” He removed a wedding ring from his middle claw. „It won't be useful to me on the other side, but you will have another thing that will remind you, and our daughters when they will be older, of me.”

Moved, she took the ring from him. Draconequus pulled out a small bundle from under the pillow. „This is also for you. Last gift from me. Unpack it now.”

Fluttershy did as he said. A small heart made of pure gold, decorated with a pattern with a floral ornament, appeared before her eyes after removing the package. It was a necklace that could be opened.

„Open it.” Discord mumbled.

And so she did. Inside, to the right was a picture of her, Discord, Esper, and Melody together. Discord was holding her while Fluttershy was holding in both her hooves their daughters and was nuzzling his cheek. They looked so happy on this photo. On the left, there was a lock of hair from Discord's mane. Fluttershy was out of words.

„R-rarity helped me with this. D-do you like it?”

„I love it! This is wonderful gift, sweetheart. Thank you so much.” She put the wedding ring and necklace on the nightstand.

Discord lifted his paw and caressed his wife’s cheek, then ran his fingers through her hair. Fluttershy leaned into his touch as she wrapped her front hooves around his paw. They stayed like that for a moment, then Fluttershy leaned forward and gently pressed her lips against his. Discord returned her kiss. That was one of the most loving and tender kisses they have ever shared and sadly the last.

A knock could be heard on the other side of the door.

„Come in!” Fluttershy's voice cracked.

Soon the witch came in closing the door behind her.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure what she felt at the sight of the witch. Anger? Rage? Grudge? „He is dying. Your spell was messed up!” She said it as if every word that left her mouth was a poision that could harm.

The feline didn't seem moved by her words. „I did warn you that he is a powerful creature and I couldn’t bring him back fully to normal. I simply gave you what you desired. There’s alway consequences to your actions.”

„Or maybe your spells for bringing back to life are always like this!” She felt a growing anger within her.

The witch sit down and sighed. „Yes they are but it seems like you haven’t learn anything from this.”

Learn?! So this old witch didn’t give her any warning just to make her learn a lesson? She agreed to bring Discord back and put him in such a suffering just for that? The rage was boiling in her blood. She wanted to slap Esmeralda in the face with all her strenght but Discord's faint whisper stopped her. „C-calm down…”

For a moment she was sitting next to Discord’s bed in silence. „ If you think so… Then you’re wrong. I know I was selfish is that what you want to hear?!” She spoke through clenched teeth as she took draconequus paw again and started caressing it. Discord smiled softly.

„That is not what I wanted you to learn.”

„I was selfish and... I know if we love someone we should set them free and... and any spell can't cheat death... Are you satisfied?” She hissed.

Esmeralda smiled slightly. „ I suppose we should set him back then.”

Fluttershy was still mad at Esmeralda. „If you didn’t notice he is already dying. I just will be here, by his side until he fell asleep.”

„As you wish.”

„If you want you can stay here. Or do wahtever you want. I don’t care.”

The cat didn’t move from where she was sitting. It looked like she wanted to stay.

Discord's breathing began to become faint and shallow.

„Discord?” she wishpered.

„Yes l-love…”

„Shhh. I- I… I’m glad I have met you. I’m glad you were a part of my life.” She laid one hoof on his chest while in the other still holding his paw. He no longer had the strength to say anything instead he only gave her a week smile laying there. She tried to smile back as she looked into his beautiful golden eyes one last time.

„Try-try to sleep...” she almost choked on her tears saying that. She knew prefectly well that when he fell asleep he won’t wake up from this slumber anymore.

The former lord of chaos slowly started to drift off, his heart beat getting slower with each second passing by. Fluttershy gave a light squeeze to his paw, reassuring him that she is still by his side and she will stay there to the end.

Soon he took his final breath, as he passed on once more. His chest stopped moving and his body went still. Fluttershy closed his eyes and started to cry and sobbing uncontrollably on his chest, she couldn't hear his heartbeat anymore but his body was still warm.

Esmeralda put her paw on grieving mare’s shoulder. „I’m sorry but it’s best that he isn’t in pain anymore. He’s in a better place now.”

„I know.” Fluttershy sniffed.” But that doesn't mean it's less painful... But I hope... it will be better over time...”

„It will. Trust me you aren’t the only one that have been through this, but after some time you will look back at these moments fondly.”

„Tell me one. If your spells are always like this… then why… Then why you are doing this? Why you’re giving ponies their loved ones just so they had to watch them suffering and dying again after few months.”

„I know it seems cruel but most of the time it’s the only way to help them understand important things and move on. If I didn’t gave them what they desired they would find someone else, someone worse who only heavens know what would do with their despair and with what they want. Tell me If I had refused you, you would have stopped looking for a way to bring him back? ”

The mare was silent for a moment. „ No.”

„And now will you try ever again to bring him or anyone alse back?”

„No.” Now she understoond the witch’s intentions.

„ I know life is cruel but we all have to understand that sometimes we have to let go and move on. Sometimes is the best we can do.”

Fluttersy looked at Discord. He looked like he was just asleep there but a sign of relief and slight smile left on his face. „Yes, he is happy now.” She thought. „At least I got a chance to spend some time with him... To wake up by his side... I know how it's like to be a wife and have a family...”

„I’m happy you got that.” Esmeralda gently stroked her head.

Fluttershy rose from her knees. She put Discord paw and claw crossed over his chest and covered his whole body with a blanket. „ I need to tell my other friends about it...we have to prepare the funeral...but this time without the crowds.”

„I do wish you the best of luck. If you need anything let me know. That isn’t bringing back the dead.

„Thank you.”

Two days later, everyone who knew about the whole thing was at the funeral: Fluttershy's friends, the Apple family, Starlight, Trixie and Sunburst. The sun was setting when Fluttershy came home. But this time she wasn't in despair. She felt sadness and in the corners of her eyes were tears, but she also felt a kind of peace and relief. She left Esper and Melody in the care of her mother while she was at the funeral. And now Esper welcomed her. The little filly was now almost two years old.

„Mommy!” Then she froze. „Where is daddy?”

„Daddy… well he had to go sweetie.”

„But he will come back?”

„Maybe someday we’ll see him again.”

Esper was saddened and started to cry. Fluttershy knew it will take some time for Esper to get used to the new situation. The mare hugged her tight, and a few tears ran down her cheeks. Holding Esper in her hoof, she went to the kitchen where her mother and second daughter were. He still is here, in my heart, in Esper. - She thought - And in Melody.


Comments ( 6 )

A sad, heartwrenching ending to this tragic tale...and your art greatly adds to the story!

This story as a whole was a good read, especially with the art to bring it to life. Bittersweet, and still tragic...and an interesting concept overall!

I’m not gonna cry....I’m not gonna cry...:fluttercry::applecry::raritycry::raritydespair:

Dang that was some story here okay after a year pass when the child was born Discord decided to hold on as best as he can despite in his condition and Fluttershy notice it and starting to realize that she was being selfish and not noticing that he was in pain and suffering but when the days comes Discord can hardly move he is very weak and Fluttershy heartbroken seen him like this she apologized for being selfish and bring him back to life by force but Discord want to reassure her that this is not her fault and he is not angry at her at least he got the chance to be a family with Fluttershy and his two daughters and that is all he wanted and it looks like Esmeralda showed up and Fluttershy was pretty upset with her like it was supposed to be a sick joke or something that the spell didn't work as she thought it would the only reason why she did that she wanted to ease the people's pain knowing to the fact sometimes when you love somebody you have to let them go especially if they're in pain it does sound a little harsh but if she said no they will find somebody even worse than her so she had to do it because Fluttershy will desperately will find somebody but right now Discord is breathing very slowly and Fluttershy wants to reassure him that she is still with him with his last breath he's gone Fluttershy heartbroken told everybody that Discord is gone and they set up a funeral for him just only the ones who knows about it when esper and Melody came back home esper asking where's her dad and Fluttershy told her that he has to go somewhere that's all she can give her heartbroken esper was crying she basically lost her father but knowing to them they will get through this it's going to be a slow process for this family but knowing to that at least they got the chance to know Discord how much he cares and loves them so much dang that's what's a pretty tragic story there are some few misspelling but other than that this was pretty good keep up the good work

„Try-try to sleep...” she almost choked on her tears saying that. She knew prefectly well that when he fell asleep he won’t wake up from this slumber anymore.

This was sad as hell! But I can't hate it even if I wanted to! It was too well done and it was very sweet and who wouldn't try to bring loved ones back?

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