• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 1,406 Views, 25 Comments

Letting go - Eweeka

Fluttershy can't move on after she lost Discord and now she found a way how to bring him back. But things won't go as she expected.

  • ...

The truth

Chapter 3: The truth

The night continued on for a few more hours until the sun slowly started to rise up. The sunlight was sneaking through the window shade. Fluttershy didn’t want to leave the bed, she wanted to cuddle more with Discord but she had to pick up Esper from her parents' house. She woke up Discord and together they prepared and ate breakfast. After Fluttershy left he was waiting for her and Esper. He was a bit nervous and not sure how the child will react to him. When Fluttershy returned, she set the Esper on the floor. When the little one saw Discord, she was staring at him frozen for a moment. Discord waited for the crying to burst, but that didn't happen. Instead, the filly approached him.

The little unicorn seemed to be really intrigued and interested in this strange creature. Discord smiled down at her. He laid down on the floor so his eyes were level with Esper's. "Well, hello there little one. I’m happy to see you now with my own living being.”

The little filly without any fear puted her small hooves on his muzzle, rubbing it with curiousity. After a moment she clung to him with her forehooves wrapping them around his face. Discord looked at her in surprise at first thinking she would be scared but soon he was enjoying this moment to have her hug his muzzle. It’s been so long since he have gotten affection and after last night this was just pure gold to him. Within a minute Esper was on top of his head, touching his horns with intrigued expression on her face. Fluttershy was observing it in slience but she couldn’t hide the wide grin on her face. She was so proud of her adopted daughter.

"Hehe she sure is a curious one, isn’t she.” Discord grined.

"Indeed she is.” Fluttershy agreed.

Someone knocked in the door and without waiting for the answer walked or what is most accurate jumped inside. It was Pinkie Pie. "Fluttershy, you won’t believe what happened! Discord’s grave is…” She broke off in mid-sentence as she froze at sight of Discord.

P- Pinkie?!” Fluttershy frowned.

"I’m a ghost! Boooooo!” Discord quickly put Esper down and jumped out of the window, hoping it will convince Pinkie that what she saw was only her imagination. But it was too late. Pinkie run out of the cottage screaming so loud that Fluttershy even didn't expect that Pinkie can scream so loud. The pegasus quickly put Esper in the baby carrier calling Discord’s name. "Discord, come here! We have to stop her!”

"Nononononono! The others will see me and freak out! I-I should have known this wasn’t a good idea!” He was freaking out.

"We don't have time for this! We can catch her before she reaches Ponyville!”

"Fine but I’m gonna cover myself I don’t want any other pony flying by to see me!” He put on a long hood. "Okay, let’s go get her.”

Fluttershy with Esper and with Discord following her rushed after Pinkie Pie, good thing was that was still early morning and most of the ponies were still asleep. Pinkie Pie was already in Ponyville but the pegasus and the draconequus didn't stop chasing her. She was at the door of Rarity's boutique screaming to let her go inside becasue there's a zombie apocalypse. Fluttershy gripped her shoulders, turning the pink pony towards her, so they could face each other.

"Pinkie, calm down!” She hissed.

Discord quickly grabed Pinkie, covering her mouth. This action made Pinkie struggle even more, trying to free herself from the draconequus' paws. "You deal with Rarity, I’ll deal with Pinkie.” Discord wishpered.

"What’s all the noise about? I’m trying to sleep here.” Rarity, dressed in a sleek bathrobe, opened the door yawning. Pinkie Pie took advantage of Discord's moment of distraction and kicked him with all her strenght in the face making him lost his balance and so both of them crashed through Rarity's doors, by the way, knocking over confused Rarity. Fluttershy gasped covering her mouth with her hoof.

"Agh! You little..!” Discord quickly regained his balance after falling and hid himself away.

"Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy what on Equestria are you two doing?!” Rarity demanded answers trying to disentangle herself from the robe which was quite long.

"Discord! I saw Discord!” Pinkie Pie grabbed Rarity by the face, shaking her like a doll as she continued to speak. "He was chasing me! He is a zombie! He is hiding in your boutique! HE WANTS TO EAT OUR BRAINS!” She shouted the last line. Fluttershy said nothing as she waited for Rarity's reaction.

"Pinkie don’t be ridiculous. He’s been gone for three months! You woke me up for this?” She freed herself from her friend's hooves, correcting her curls and making sure they were in a perfect state.

"Then who is hiding under your curtain?!” She shouted uncovering the curtain and showing hundled Discord.

Fluttershy rushed towards him and hugged him. Rarity looked over in shocked. "I… What?!”

Disord quickly threw the curtain rod at Pinkie which hit her on the head.

"Ouch!” Pinkie whined while Discord was trying to find his way to escape from the boutique.

"Discord!” Fluttershy cried catching his tail and trying to stop him from running. "Calm down please! Everyone calm down! He won't hurt anyone!”

"No! This was a bad idea! I-I shouldn’t be here!” He was closer to the door.

"Please stay! Please, don't leave! Dissy...!” She begged feeling herself about to cry and yet still not releasing his tail, and blocking her back hooves so she could make him stop getting closer to the door.

"Oof!” He fell as Fluttershy pulled after his tail back with all her strenght. The mare clunged to his tail tightening her grip. "I'll explain everything... at Twilight's castle. Please let know about it Rainbow Dash and Applejack.” That was the only idea that came to her mind how she could solve this situation.

"No!” Discord protested snapping his finger and trying to use his magic. "Why this doesn’t want to work?!”

"D-discord, p-please.” She stammered hugging him as thight as she could.

"N-no t-they think I-I’m a zombie!” He whimpered.

''Please. Let them have a chance to understand the situation.”

Rarity and Pinkie Pie understood that zombie or not he doesn’t act like he was a danger. "Y-yeah I would like to understand what on Equestria is going on.” Pinkie Pie said, massaging the area on her head where the falling curtain rod had hit her. A great lump on her head was starting to show.

"It’s the same for me.” Rarity added.

Discord curled up to a ball and started to cry. He had never cried in front of anyone except Fluttershy before. It seemed like the whole thing about bringing him back to life was too much for him.

Rarity and Pinkie looked at each other concerned. "I’m sorry for freaking out and calling you a zombie, Discord.” Pinkie lowered her head. "It’s really nice to see you again though”.

"Y-Yeah. I don’t know how it’s possible that you’re alive but it’s nice as Pinkie said.”

Discord didn’t say anything in response. Instead he curled even more still whimpering like a beaten dog.

Fluttershy after few hours was able to calm down Discord and convice him to go with her to the Canterlot Castle the next day.

When they came to the catle Pinkie Pie and Rarity were there already. Pinkie kept herself busy eating cookies that she brought with herself and Rarity took the gown she was trying to finish sewing while waiting for Twilight and the other marauders to show up.

Fluttershy, Discord, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were in the throne room waiting for Twliight and the rest of their friends.

Discord muttered under his breath. "I’m still not sure about this.” Only Fluttershy heard him.

"Everything will be fine. I truly hope they will understand.” She closed her mouth because she heard Twilight’s voice from the other room. And she definitely wasn't in a good mood.

"Nope! Nope!” He tried to hide.

Fluttershy caressed his claw. "They can't blame you. You didn't do anything bad. If anyone here is to be blaming for, it's me.”

"They will… They’ll think it’s just a trick. They will hate me.” He said trying to hide behind his marefriend.

Fluttershy couldn’t recall when last time she saw Discord so nervous and scared.Maybe because she never saw him in sucha state before. "Calm down. Let's listen what Twilight has to say.”

Rarity shifted from hoof to hoof impatiently as she stood still. "So how long we will be standing here in slience and staring at each other? I have important orders to complete and time is running out.”

Soon Twilight walked into the room upset. "Sorry I had some duty to finish and one of the artifacts is missing since two days… So what is you girls came to talk about..."

Rarity asked with confusion. „Fluttershy didn't told you?”

Twilight didn’t answer Rarity’s question. She was too absorbed standing there quietly and staring at Discord who was hiding behind Fluttershy. "Please tell me I'm seeing things.” She rubbed her eyes. At that moment Applejack entered the throne room. "Hi! I’m sorry for…” She also noticed Discord. "Um, well this is kinda… um an awkward moment.”

Rainbow Dash joined them second after Applejack. "Hey, sorry I’m late.” She froze as she stared at draconequus.

Pinkie Pie broke the silence. "Nope! You definitely not seeing things Twilight, because we all seeing him too! You know that is a crazy story! Yesterday I woke up early in the morning because I had dream about Discord and because yesterday passed three months since his death, I decided to visit his grave, but the grave was dug up, so I ran to Fluttershy’s cottage. When I walked in, I saw Discord in the living room and I got scared. I thought the zombies were attacking us, so I wanted to hide in Ponyville but Fluttershy and Discord started chasing me. I thought Fluttershy turned into a zombie as well, so I was running even more...”

Rarity pulled a cookie from Pinkie's bag and stuffed it into Pinkie's mouth, preventing her from talking more. "Yeah. And they all crushed through my boutique’s door. We all are here because Fluttershy promised us to explain how this is possible that Discord is alive.”

Everyone looked at Fluttershy waiting for her to explain everything. But before she could say anything Rainbows Dash shouted. "Discord is alive?! What kind of sick trick is this?!

"I was dead, Rainbow!” Discord growled. What he feared the most was happening.

Applejack soclded Rainbow Dash. "Come on. Let’s now jump to conclusions. That’s the best way to solve everything!”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth ready to argue more with Applejack but Twilight intterupted her.

"How for Celestia’s sake are you alive? There is no spell to bring back the dead!”

"Are you sure about that?” Fluttershy questioned.

Twilight looked surprised. "What do you mean?”

"Esmeralda The Cat Witch brought him back to live. She lives on the swamps. I found out about her through newspapers.” She showed them the page of the newspaper with the advertisement.

Rainbow Dash looked closely at it. "I didn't hear about her before.”

"Spooooky.” Pinkie summed it up.

"A cat bringing the dead back to life. That’s kinda uncanny don’t ya think?”

"She is the same species as Capper. Maybe other species has their own kinds of magic and spells.” Fluttershy explained.

"Fluttershy, this is unholy and not ethical. How could you bring him back. This… This...” She paused for a moment and took the paper reading the advertisement. "Fluttershy this doesn’t make it right still and you know it.” She sighed.

Rainbow Dash pointed with her hoof at draconequus. "Yeah and who knows what she could have done to his body. Maybe she is using him!”

"Nobody is using me Rainbow!” He growled showing is fangs and trying to defend himself from the false accusations.

Fluttershy knew that the talk with her friends about it gonna be difficult but she didn’t expect it would be that hard. "Why this isn't right?! Because he don't deserves to live or what?! Or maybe you were happy that he was gone?! But I defenitely wasn't!”

Twilight raised her voice more upset. "That is not the point! This is unnatural! Just look at him! He looks like a walking corpse!”

"Gee, thanks Twilight.” Discord rolled his eyes. He definitely was not amused by what the princess of friendship just said.

"I mean, there are also good sides to this.” Pinkie Pie made an attempt to loosen the tense atmosphere between the gathered. "Hey at least he doesn’t need a costume for Nightmare Night. He can prented to be zombie and scare others.” She squeezed Discord’s cheeks.

"PINKIE PIE!” Everyone yelled at her.

Pinkie coverd her head with her hooves. "Okay, okay! Sorry! That was just a joke!”

Fluttershy turned to Twilight. "His heart is beating and he is breathing! And he even was sleeping and eating! Like alive being!”

Something clicked in Twilight's mind and she asked Fluttershy. "How exactly this witch brought him back?”

Fluttershy told them with details about the potion, the night and everything else.

"She did what with the medallion?!” Twilight couldn’t believe what she just heard. The destroyed medalion was gone forever, tunred into poison that brought Discord back to live.

"You heard me loud and clear.” Fluttershy stammed.

"Welp, that explains a lot.” Applejack added.

Twilight took a moment to calm down herself. "Fluttershy think about it. If other ponies will see that Discord is alive they will also want their loved ones to be brought back to life. Do you want all of equestrians to bring the deads back to life?

"So what you are gonna do?! You will kill him?! If you do this then you won't be anymore friends of mine! I do not agree to lose him again!”

"Dear, I think Twilight is right.” Discord put his paw on his beloved shoulder. "As much as I love spending time with you I think it’s best if I’m not here.”

These words broke Fluttershy’s heart. "No! I don't agree!” She shouted and then run out of the room, crying.

"Fluttershy! „Draconequus chased after her on all his fours. He called her name few times before she stopped runing. They were now outside the Canterlot Castle.

"I wonder what would you do if I was the one who died. I bet you would also looking for a way to bring me back.” She spat.

"Of course I would. I won’t deny that. Please just listen to me.” He tried to reach her with his claw and touch her mane but in anger, she rejected his gesture.

"No! First you will listen to me! You don't even know how it was after you died! Every day was a pain and pure torture! I cried every night before I fell asleep! I was wondering how things would be if you were alive! I was wondering how it would be waking up by your side, cuddling with you... just, just to be with you! And two days ago I got it and it was amazing! It was even better than in my dreams!” Her eyes were full of tears, her chest was moving rapidly after this outburst.

Discord touched her cheek trying to get her to calm down. "I know you have miss me, and it does hurt not to be with you but you have to think about it rationally.”

"The lord of chaos is talking about rationallity, what a irony.” She said with great sarcasm.

Discord frowned at her words. What she said have hurt him, and she knew about it from the look on his face but she felt too angry and disappointed to worry about this at the moment.

"It looks like I’m not a lord of chaos anymore since I don’t have my chaos magic.” He growled. "And besides even someone like me has to from time to time think about some things rationally.”

"What about the baby? It deserves to know its father. And Esper? She also needs a father.”

"I know but Fluttershy look at me, I don’t want to be like this, not in front of anyone. Others will suspect things and make us all look like we faked everything.” He said with worry in his voice.

"But the night when Esmeralda brought you back you said you want to be a part of my family!”

"I do, I’m just not sure if being like this is the right way.”

Fluttershy screamed in despair as she tried to pound her hoof against his chest but instead she rested her forehead there. "I... I'm not ready to let you go... I'm not...” she sobbed.

"I know your not.”

"They why do you want to leave me. I gave you my heart, soul an body. What else you want?” she said with frustration.

"I want you to move on.” Discord sighed as he took in his paw the hoof with which she tried to hit him second ago.

Fluttershy didn't say anything, instead she began to cry uncontrollably and shaking.

"Please don’t cry. I want you to be happy, I know you can be without me. You have your friends.”

"It isn't the same. They can't comfort me when I woke up in the middle of the night because of nightmare. I can't cuddle with them or kiss them on the lips. Friends will not replace you.” She wasn't going to give up.

"You’ll still have a piece on me once the baby will be born.” He was running out of arguments.

"It still isn't the same… Why I should move on since you’re here and we can live happily ever after?”

Discord frown a bit holding her close.


"Everything gonna be alright.” He coughed a bit. "I-I’ll stay here with you.” He said resignedly.

"R-really?” Fluttershy expected that he gonna argue with her much longer. But she didn’t complain.

"Yes. Just for you."

"Will you be happy?”

Draconequus nodded smiling a bit. Out of joy the mare kissed him on the lips and nuzzled his fur chest.

The rest of their friends heard their conversation. Discord noticed Twilight making a head movement. As if she wanted to talk to him in private.