• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 1,406 Views, 25 Comments

Letting go - Eweeka

Fluttershy can't move on after she lost Discord and now she found a way how to bring him back. But things won't go as she expected.

  • ...

The promise

„I’ll be back, dear.”

„Okay. I will wait for you here.”

Discord noded again and headed over to Twilight.

When he was close enough, the princess spoke. „I heard your conversation. If you’re not sure this is right then you shouldn't gave up so easliy.”

They begun to walk slowly.

„I love her and I want her to be happy, I’m not even really sure if I’ll be alive much longer anyway. I don’t think I’m immortal and I’m not feeling like I used to.”

„What about you? You look tired and...sick.”

„I’ll be fine.” he smiled trying to look happy, hoping he convinced her.

„Don't even try to lie to me. And what about rumors? You won't hide it in secret for too long.”

„I can try to as best as I can. At least for a little while.”

„I hope you know what you're doing.” Twilight sighed.

„Don’t worry. Plus if I do need to die I can always ask you.”

Twilight froze too shocked to say anything for almost a minute. „ I won't kill you.” She said with cold voice.

„Twilight please. As a friend I ask of you if the time will come. Do to me this one favor.” He begged.

„Fluttershy won't forgive me. You should talk about this with the witch. I won’t kill any of my friends. Never. I’m sorry Discord but I can’t do this. ”

„But if anything does happen, please. She doesn’t have to know.”

„But she will. Fluttershy isn’t stupid.” She growled.

„I know she isn’t.” He sighed. „I’m glad to see your doing okay though.”

Twilight thanked heavens that he changed the topic. „It's nice to talk to you again.”

„ It’s still a bit odd to be alive after so long...” He almost whispered.

„I think you should go back to Fluttershy. She's waiting for you.”

„I suppose you’re right. I’ll perhaps see you later.”
The draconequus went back to his beloved mare.

She turned around as she heard his steps. She noticed how tired he looked. He walked on four legs, it seemed lik every step was taking him a lot of effort and pain. His limbs were shaking.

„Let’s go home.” He said smiling, trying to hide the pain.

„Can you still fly?”

„I can try.”

„I thought we could fly to my cottage.”

Discord started flapping his wings levitating off the ground. „S-see I can fly.”

Fluttershyrose into the air and kissed him on the cheek. „So let's go.”

Discord smiled and started to fly off with her panting slightly. Fluttershy noticed that he was panting. She wasn't happy without him but definetly he wasn't happy being like this. His body was weak and vunerable, he was pale almost colorless and without his chaos magic and it seemed like he also didn't have his joy of life and sense of humor. As the old saying goes, if you love someone you will set them free. But she wasn't ready to let him go... At least not yet... But on the other side he was suffering, just like when he was suffering because of chimera's venom. She fought with herself for a moment, struggling what se should do. Then an idea appeared in her mind. „Discord?”

„Y-yes dearest?” He flew little low because he grew exhausted.

Fluttershy landed on the grass and started to walking slowlly, giving him time to rest. He fell a few inches of the air and laid next to the place where Fluttersy was standing. „Just give me a second.”

„I… I'm still not ready to be without you... I need time... In a year... after our child will be born... I.. .I'll let you go.”

„I’ll be fine, my dear. Really don’t worry about it.” He slowly got up, his limbs were shaking.

„I'm serious, Discord.” She looked into his eyes. „ I’ll go with you to the witch and I’ll ask her to to send you back.”

He looked back smiling a bit trying to keep her from worrying. „Come, let’s just go.” He started walking slowly.

„I'll promise. I'll set you free. I just only want you to met our child. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”


„That's all you have to say?” She was a little bit disappointed.

„No, sorry. I’m not thinking clearly.” He said ashamed, rubbing his neck.

Fluttershy sighed. „It's okay... But there is also one more thing.”

„What is it?”

„I want to marry you. So even if you will be gone you still will be my husband and I’ll still be your wife.”

Discord giggled for the first time since he was brought back. „Well are you asking for my hand? That is so odd of you.” He teased.

„Well, yes. I’m asking you for your hand.” She chuckled. „So what will be your answer?”

He smiled. „Of course I’ll marry you dear.”

The mare nuzzled fur on his chest. „Thank you.”

„Should I wear the dress then?”

Fluttershy rolld her eyes, happy that Discord was teasing with her just like it used to be. „I don't think you would look good in dress.” She teased him.

He gasped. „Are you calling me ugly? It was a blow to the heart, my dear.” He put the claw on his chest and the paw on his head in a theatrical gesture. „I would look fabulous in a dress.”

Fluttershy giggled. „You would be even more handsome in a suit or in a tuxedo.”

„Well you aren’t wrong in that.”

Fluttershy in response giggled again.

Soon they were at Fluttershy's cottage. She gave him a solid massage to make the pain from his body gone.

„Oh that feels so good.” He was laying on the bed, on his belly sticking his tongue out a bit, while Fluttershy was sitting on his back.

„I know. You deserve it. My hero.” She gently kissed his back.

Discord purred soflty in response making Fluttershy giggle.

Some time later, a couple asked Twilight if she would agree to marry them. The princess agreed. A month later the wedding took place outside Fluttershy's cottage and it was modest. Despite this, Rarity insisted on sewing a wedding dress for Fluttershy and a tuxedo for Discord.

At the wedding were everyone who knew about that Discord was brought back to life.

It was the Apple family, Fluttershy’s family, Twilight and Spike, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, CMC’s, Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst and Zecora. They all swore that they won’t tell anyone about the secret.