• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?



This story is a sequel to New Friends Between Realities

The day is finally here. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are ready to officially abdicate and pass the thrones of Equestria to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight herself is nervous. A part of her still isn't sure she's ready for all of this. But with her friends and family there to support her, she will not let all of Equestria down.

And before the night is out, Princess Twilight still has a few surprises up her sleeves.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Pretty good fic. Short and sweet.

Comment posted by JimmyHook19 deleted Dec 8th, 2020

I don't know. Is there a point to your bitching and complaining, and spamming the same thing over and over again? Why even bother reading this when you know what the basic plot is?

Comment posted by JimmyHook19 deleted Dec 8th, 2020

Dude. You need to find a better way to vent. The stuff you write, and who writes with you, do? I don't like any of it. As in, not at all, and have nothing nice to say about them.

But you don't see me going in and commenting very not nice things about them. Or the idea in general. You seem to be obsessed with Twilight succeeding Celestia and Luna, and any story that has it in it.

And not in a good way either :/

A nice tweaking on things. Enough to pique one’s curiosity. And it feels exactly like something the show would’ve done.

I also appreciate the whole not a fix-it statement. That kind of got old real quick...

Since this appears to be a start of something(at least that’s the impression given here). I’ll be keeping my out to see if you do anything more with this.

Honestly I would have preffered Twilight remaining in Ponyville. It would have just felt more right. The biggest issue I saw with the episode was the merging of the two crowns. It always bugged me that what is essentially Royal Regalia was lost. Historians and archaeologists all over would gnash there teeth at that.

Never thought of the regalia that way. Personally I like what Celestia and Luna did with their crowns. There's still a chance that their chest pieces and hoof shoes still exist.

Don't know if what Twilight wears in the future is the combined form of them or not. I like to think though that she had them custom made, and that Celestia and Luna held onto theirs.

But that's just me. And yeah. I hated that she and Spike moved back to Canterlot. The stupidest idea that came from the episode to me. Yes it's Equestria's capitol. But when you're God Empress, who is going to tell you no if you stay in Ponyville and rule from there?

Which is why I had Twilight do this instead. Yes, Canterlot is still technically the seat of government. But Twilight is staying in Ponyville. And if the Canterlot Elite don't like it? Too bad for them.

I have a vague idea that sometime in the future, in-universe, Twilight will move the entire aparatus of government to Ponyville. But that's not for a long time yet.

Staying in Ponyville will eventually cause the nobility to start moving to Ponyville to be closer to Equestrias monarch. Given enough time and probably long after the girls are long dead Ponyville and Canterlot will merge as one large city because of Twilights home in Ponyville.

True. But that's way in the future. In-universe and real life. Canterlot wouldn't be completely abandoned and deserted. But at some point, ponies will forget that there was ever a time when Princess Twilight lived anywhere but Ponyville, or that Ponyville wasn't always the capitol.

No matter how hard Twilight might try to keep the Equestria she knew alive in memory. Only the alicorns, Spike, and Discord, would remember. But that would be centuries, even millennia in the future.

I'm overthinking this probably. Oh well :b

I quite liked this. To be honest, the original canon version wasn't bad (though I didn't like that the villains, and Cozy in particular, were turned to stone rather than reformed, so you get big points for including her here), and I like the lesson it taught and the fact that even though the ceremony itself was filled with unexpected glitches, the important thing was the time Twilight spent with her friends. However, you alternative take was nice too, and had more of a regality about it.

Like I said, I find the inclusion of Cozy Glow intriguing. She could very easily become a further assistant to Twilight, assisting with the increased workload or when Spike is away as an ambassador, or even to Starlight at the Friendship School.

I could also see Twilight living in her Ponyville Castle, and then holding court in Canterlot several days a week. Kind of like Ponyville is the White House and Canterlot is the Oval Office or the Capital Building.

Celestia waited a moment until the noise had died down. "My sister and I have ruled this land for quite some time, but even we know that change eventually comes to us all. And though we know it can be unsettling, it is as natural as the rising and setting of the sun and moon."

...Is the rising and setting of the sun and moon really natural though, if someone is controlling it?

"May her reign be as eternal as the Armor of Eternity itself!" Luna finished.

They said, just after talking about how everything changes eventually and even they had to step down after their long reign.

Really though, a good fic. Have an upvote!

Thanks. Not sure about Twilight and the Court idea, but I can see what you mean.

The sun and moon? Nopony really knows anything for sure. So I just went with it.

As for the last bit? "May her reign be as eternal as the Armor of Eternity itself!" Is an old, for lack of a better word, prayer, said at the coronation of all pony rulers, dating back to even before the Three Tribes Era.

Nopony actually really knows for sure what it means, or where it came from. Some think its just mumbo jumbo. Others think it refers to the armor worn by the supreme being of the multiverse, she who rules over all and stands alone at the top of reality itself, and whose armor is as invincible and impenetrable as the multiverse itself.

Just saying this here, since it won't come up anywhere else 😎

I would like to see how they managed to reform cozy

Hope this means a sequel.

Well, this is an interesting alternative that would work well.

Somehow, I have a feeling that Cozy Glow's spot alongside Tirek and Chrysalis was replaced with a certain evil unicorn king.

Nope. Sombra was brought back. But he suffered the same fate as he did in Season 9's premier.

Then what, it was only Tirek and Chrysalis?

Honestly, it's not really important to this universe. If I do another prequel, then I might answer that question.

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