• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 5,894 Views, 45 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - AmethystMajesty25

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings team up with a crew of street racers to take down a crime organization.

  • ...

The Final Key

The next morning, Ms. Nowhere and her agents were carrying and removing all of the possessions in the crew’s warehouse since they paid for them in the first place and the operation was officially terminated.

“Hey, easy! We're moving out, not robbing the joint!” Ms. Nowhere told her agents as one of them removed the TV set.

While the Agency continued to remove the possessions of the crew’s warehouse, Tony and his friends arrived with Gary gasping and running away to notify his boss.

“Ms. Nowhere,” Gary slipped all of a sudden before he resumed running up the stairs. “You wanted me to let you know when the team arrived.

The street racers and the ninjas entered their base as Tony shouted, “Hey, what's going on?!”

Gary informed Ms. Nowhere, “They're here.”

“Hold up. I think she's robbing the joint!” Rainbow alerted everyone.

“WHAT?!” Every one of Tony's friends exclaimed.

“We're not robbing anything! I paid for all of this! And this operation is over.” Ms. Nowhere told them as her agents turned off the lights in the warehouse.

“Aww!” Cisco sadly said until he saw the nacho dispenser being taken away. He gasped, “Aww! You're taking the nacho dispenser?”

Pinkie gasped, “And the ice cream, cake, and candy maker?”

“And the taco dispenser?” Sonata added.

“And even my pizza maker?!” Mikey exclaimed.

The four food lovers sobbed and whimpered while Leo and Tony comforted them.

Gary and Ms. Nowhere walked passed them as she said, “I'm afraid this is "nacho" cheese anymore. She snickered, “It's funny, Gary!”

Echo told the four food lovers, “Easy, guys, Never let 'em see you cry.”

“That's my nachos!” Aria yelled as Adagio and Sonata held her back.

Adagio calmed her down, “Take a breather, Aria.”

Sonata added, “She ain't worth it, girl.”

Tony and Leo went after Ms. Nowhere as Tony questioned, “Why are you pulling the plug? We know the cars are actually the keys!”

“Yeah, and Frostee, Twilight, and Donnie's been captured! They're still out there!” Leo mentioned.

Ms. Nowhere took a deep breath and said, “See, this is why I wanted to leave before they returned. Always have to explain everything.” She walked towards the gang and slowly clapped to berate them. “Congratulations, you found out that the cars were the keys. What do you want, a cookie?”

Pinkie raised her hand and said, “I do!”

“Well, too bad! Because you also blew your cover and, yes, I know, your friends are still out there! And who's gotta bring them home to their parents and clean up your mess? I do! And I hate cleaning.” Ms. Nowhere shouted before she walked away.

The Ninjas reached for their weapons until Gabby stopped them. “Aún no,” she said.

Gary apologized to the crew, “I'm really sorry about your friends, but it was great meeting you all. I hope we can spy together in the future.”

Ms. Nowhere called Gary, “Gary! Hauler! Now!”

Everyone raced outside and saw that the cars of Rainbow, Sunset, and Tony’s crew were being towed to the hauler. Plus, the Shellraiser, Stealth Bike, and the Turtle Racer were being towed too in a separate truck.

“Yo, not the cars, too.” Echo said in disbelief as Dr. Cluckingwoth clucked with worry.

“Yes, the cars. Those upgrades are property of the US government except yours, Hamato Clan, we're bringing them for inspection. We'll be sure to ship them back after we remove the tactical gear. Also, we don't cover shipping.” Ms. Nowhere informed the crew before she and the Agency left the premises.

Raph shouted, “That's crossing a line!”

“You can't take our rides. We worked hard building them together!” Leo said.

Ms. Nowhere scoffed, “I can and I don't care.”

“What about those cars?” Gary pointed his finger at the Party Wagon and the Patrol Buggies.

Ms. Nowhere looked at it and replied, “Nah, leave it. I already checked it earlier and they got no government tech in there.”

Gary nodded as The Ninja Racers looked on disbelief and felt frustrated that their vehicles were being taken away by Ms. Nowhere and her agency.

“Man! She makes Bishop look nice!” Raph remarked.

“Oh no!” Aria pointed.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Layla’s car drove up and the girl got out. “Okay, good, I found you!” She said.

“Layla!” Tony glared.

Before Layla could say anything, Rainbow and Applejack tackled her from behind and pinned her down while everyone else stared daggers at her.

“If you think you're here to start something,” Rainbow started.

“Then think again!” Applejack finished.

“Get off of me!” Layla struggled. “I'm not here to start anything!”

“Likely story!” Casey scoffed.

“She's telling the truth,” April said, holding the side of her head. “For now, anyway.”

“How do you know that?” Echo asked.

“Call it a gut instinct,” April replied.

“Fine!” Rainbow relented, as she and Applejack let Layla go. “But we're watching your, criminal!”

“And if you say ANYTHING bad about family, my boot's gonna get friendly with your face!” Applejack threatened.

“And if you lay a hand on Gabby, you'll get this!” Casey threatened her with his taser.

Cisco said, “I can't believe you kidnap our friends!”

“I didn't know that was going to happen! I was in the dark, you gotta believe me!” Layla begged her former friends.

Tony commented, “I don't.”

“Me neither,” Echo continued.

Adagio finished, “None of us do.”

“Shashi's gone too far!” Layla stated.

“He tried to turn us all into roadkill, and kidnapped our brother and friends!” Raph snapped. “THAT wasn't going too far?!”

“Raph!” Leo eased.

“I ditched them the first chance I got,” Layla explained.

“You got out, how come didn't you save Frostee, Donnie, or Twilight?” Tony demanded.

Layla looked down in guilt. “...I couldn't.”

“Couldn't, or wouldn't, Lone Wolf?!” Gabby challenged.

“And you came here to apologize? Sounds suspicious to me.” Echo retorted.

Layla answered, “I didn't come here to apologize, I came here to warn you.”

“About what?” Tony asked.

“I know what those cars unlock.” Layla informed them.

Then, the hauler pulled up and the Agency showed up towards the crew. Ms. Nowhere asked, “What are you talking about?”

“Together, the five cars open a vault and inside is something called the Skeleton Key.” Layla explained.

Ms. Nowhere bluffed, “Please! Take her.”

“Wait!” Layla grunted as the agents pinned her down. She begged, “You have to listen to me!”

“It's a little early for a bedtime story.” Ms. Nowhere said.

“Wait? You've heard of this thing?” Tony asked her.

“And what is this Skeleton Key that you know about?” Leo added.

Ms. Nowhere explained to them, “Supposedly, Skeleton Key can control any technology within a several-mile radius. But it's just a myth.”

The agents picked Layla up and she said, “It's real! No, think about it. Those billionaires had access to top minds and money. They created it. Skeleton Key exists.”

“A device that controls technology? That doesn't sound so bad.” Mikey commented.

Gary confronted Mikey and answered right to his face, “Bad? Bad doesn't come close to the apocalyptic catastrophe that Skeleton Key could unleash upon humanity.”

He continued explaining it in a montage.

“A person with that kind of power could lead armies with the wave of a hand. They could rain down fiery vengeance on anyone from anywhere at anytime. Skeleton Key could turn a mere mortal into an all-powerful god!”

While most of the group was unfazed, some were cowering in fear.

“Okay, melodramatic much? I think they get it. If Skeleton Key exists and the car unlocks it, then there’s only one thing left to do: Destroy the last key car.” Ms. Nowhere stated.

“How? Do you know where it is?” Gabby asked.

Ms. Nowhere retorted as she walked up to the hauler, “What is this, twenty questions? I know exactly where it is! Turns out, the last Key Car was owned by billionaire, Cleve Kelso. He practically begged the military to look after it with all these thefts going on. Probably he won’t be happy that I’m going to destroy it now.”

‘Cleve Kelso? What does he have to do with this?’ Applejack thought to herself.

“You keep talking about the car, but what about our friends? You can’t leave them with that psychopath!” Sunset asked, feeling worried already.

“Intelligence agents and every branch of the military are searching for him as we speak. I have no intention of leaving him but we must prioritize!” Ms. Nowhere explained.

Raph pointed, “My brother and our friends should be your first priority!”

Ms. Nowhere warned them, “Let me give you all a word of warning: Making decisions based on emotions leads to trouble. That’s how I ate six pints of ice cream last night,” The engines of the hauler started and she signaled, “Let's go.”

The Agency drove away from the warehouse as the street racers and ninjas looked on with worry on their faces.

Minutes later after most of their vehicles were taken, Echo, Sonata, and Raph found Cisco inside the Yoka head with computers inside. Echo cheered him up and said, “Yo, we'll get them back, Cisco. We never leave family behind.”

Cisco cried, “I can't help but worry about Frost-bite, you know? Poor Tee-tee. He's all alone.”

“Don't forget about my brother, Donnie, and our friends, Twilight and Spike.” Raph reminded him.

Cisco sobbed, “I know he annoyed me something crazy, but… I'd do anything to have him here annoying me right now.”

“Hey, if it makes you feel better, you don't have to worry about Frostee's safety.” Raph told the big guy.

Sonata added, “Yeah, Donnie and Twilight know how to fight. They'll keep them safe.”

“Thanks, guys. I'm glad to call you my friend and someone I love.” Cisco thanked them as Sonata blushed bright red at that statement.

Echo said with sarcasm, “Way to be subtle, Romeo.”

Cisco hit his head on the panel and a holographic Frostee appeared.

As Cisco hit his head down, sirens started to blare and a hologram of Frostee appeared. “Nuh-uh-uh! Step away from the Yoka!”

“Frostee?” Sonata wondered as she, Raph, and Echo covered their ears while the alarm kept blaring and the hologram continued saying its message.

“Wow, you kinda got your wish.” Echo said.

“I just… I just miss him so much!” Cisco cried.

Raph shouted, “Does this thing an off switch because it's starting to annoy me now!”

Tony swung by and rushed to their friends. He covered his ears and said, “There you guys are! What are you doing?”

“Just having a nice quiet moment thinking about Frostee.” Sonata answered.

Tony informed everyone, “Yo, come on. Our friends and I got an idea on how to get them back.”

Everyone gathered around the ring to discuss about their plan to rescue their friends.

Tony announced, “Okay, me, Leo, and Sunset discussed this and here's the plan: We steal the key car from Ms. Nowhere and give it to Shashi in exchange for our friends.”

Leo continued, “We know we're asking a lot and there's a risk that we could get thrown in jail.”

Sunset added, “So if anyone wants out, none of us will judge you.”

Tony finished, “So, you're either in or out.”

Everyone gave some time to think about the risks until Gabby spoke up.

“It may be risky, but I like it. Muy bien.” Gabby answered with a determined look.

“That might actually work, but are you guys cool giving Shashi the final key to a super weapon?” Rainbow asked.

“She does have a point. You sure about making this decision?” Echo asked them all.

“We don't have a choice. Our friends are family. We're not waiting for Ms. Nowhere to get around saving them.” Tony answered.

Cisco stood up and cheered, “I love it! Man, for Frostee, and our friends, I'd give a key car to a monkey on a motorcycle.”

“Darling, why would the monkey need a car if it already had a motorcycle?” Rarity questioned him.

“I don't know. Rainy days?” Cisco answered.

Sunset said, “Look, we'll worry about Shashi using the Skeleton Key later. Step one is finding where Ms. Nowhere has the car.”

Tony thought to himself, ‘Maybe if I had a tracker… Nah, too late for that.’

“M-Maybe satellites and hacking?” Cisco suggested while sparring with Echo.

“Like what?” Tony asked while Echo threw Cisco down with a simple arm throw.

Cisco groaned, “I don't know. It's what Frostee would say.”

“Or Donnie or Twilight.” Mikey added.

“Well, we have to think quick. Ms. Nowhere is headed off to destroy that car and it's our only bargaining chip.” Leo noted everyone until Echo found something on her phone.

“Got her.” Echo announced as she showed them the app on her phone.

“"Steppin' On Up"?” Leo wondered.

Echo explained, “It's an app that tracks Ms. Nowhere's steps. It also tracks her location.”

“Yo, privacy. What happened to it, you know what I'm saying?” Cisco said.

Casey added, “I hear ya, bro. It's sad thing.”

Tony asked, “Where is she?”

Echo answered, “Currently, in the desert outside of the city. Wait, hold up. The map's blacked out. Which means the location must be a military base or something.”

“How are we supposed to get into a military black site, get the last Key Car and get out? We don't even have our cars.” Cisco said, with worry.

Fluttershy raised her hand and spoke up, “Um, the only vehicles we have left are the Party Wagon and the Patrol Buggies.”

Cisco replied, “No offense, Flutters. But, that's not much better.”

Echo asked the ninjas, “Can't you guys just do some ninja tricks to get in?”

Leo answered, “We're too large of a group.”

Sunset added, “Not to mention we've never broke into a military base before.”

Gabby asked everyone in the room, “So, does anyone have any suggestions?”

Then, Tony had an idea.

Tony contacted Shashi as he was watching them on his computer monitor in his lair.

“You guys really do anything for family, won't you? It's a deal. If you can get me that last key car, I'll give your friends back.” Shashi demanded.

Tony informed Shashi, “But there's just one catch. In order to pull off this heist, we're going to need our tech support. We gotta have Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight behind the computer.”

Shashi signaled Nacho and he went to get the tech geniuses. After Nacho brought them to the computer room, they all gasped and saw their friends onscreen.

“Tony, Echo, Cisco/Leo, Mikey, Raph, Casey, April, Gabby/Rainbow, Sunset, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Dazzlings!” The tech geniuses beamed and Spike barked happily.

Frostee laughed, “Man, it's so good to see you guys!”

Fluttershy ran up to the monitor and asked, “Are you all okay?”

Everyone expressed their concerns as Cisco said, “Are you eating enough, Frostee? Blink twice if the mattress is too soft!”

“We’re doing okay for a couple of tech geniuses who's been handcuffed and kidnapped and whose life is being threatened.” Frostee answered while feeling angry towards Shashi and his goons.

Twilight continued, “Except, we're totally bored.”

“And starving.” Donnie finished.

Frostee continued, “Come on guys… I spy with my little eye, something that is gray.”

“They haven't stopped talking for 12 hours.” Shashi annoyingly retorted.

“It has a keyboard attached to it and rhymes with "flomputer"!”

Tony stepped in and informed their tech support, “Frostee, Donnie, Twilight, we need your tech support breaking into a military base.”

The trio looked at each and shrugged their shoulders.

Frostee said, “Huh! Sounds exciting! When do we start?”

“Immediately.” Tony replied.

“Computer.” Nacho suddenly stepped in, “Yes! I got it!” He scoffed.

The tech geniuses shook their heads in disapproval before they started going to work.

Meanwhile, a helicopter landed in the military base as General Dudley looked on to see the car being transported from their chopper.

“It's time to destroy the car.” Ms. Nowhere said as she and her agents made their presence.

General Dudley stopped her, “Now hang on there, missy.”

“Excuse me?”

General Dudley explained, “This car is the private property of Cleve Kelso, and I don't think he handled it over to us just so we could blow it up. Besides, the way I see it, we got the car and we got Layla Gray. If we find Dhar's location, we get the rest of the cars and take Skeleton Key for ourselves.”

“General, that's not the plan.”

“Yeah, well maybe it's time the plan changed.” General Dudley said. “Get Gray to an interrogation room. We'll find out what she knows.”

Ms. Nowhere stepped in and confronted General Dudley. “That's not going to happen.”

“With all due respect, no one waltzes in here and tells me what to do.”

“Well, I can assure you, General, that I'm not no one, I'm Nowhere. Ms. Nowhere.”

“That supposed to mean something to me?” General Dudley questioned her motive.

Gary gave Ms. Nowhere a document and showed General Dudley straight to his face. “It means I have full authority over this operation and as my first act, I hereby relieve you of duty.”

Ms. Nowhere smirked, “This is my base now,” She called her agents, “Agents, get him out of my sight.”

From there, her agents restrained General Dudley as Ms. Nowhere finished, “Now excuse me while I "waltz" wherever I please.” And then she started to dance in front of Dudley’s expense, “Although I'm more of a cat daddy lady.”

Ms. Nowhere stopped and yelled at Gary, “Gary, let's destroy the car!”

Later in the evening, The Ninja Racers waited outside the perimeter of the military base while a vehicle entered the property. The Rainbooms were already dressed in their ninja outfits with their masks on while the disguised Turtles, April, and Casey put on their masks as Tony contacted their tech support over the com-link, “Tech Support, we're in position.”

Frostee, Donnie, and Sci-Twi were set up behind three separate computers and they cracked their knuckles to warm up.

“Let's make it happen.” Frostee vowed as Donnie and Twilight nodded.

The tech trio went to work while Shashi observed them and their work.

Back at the military base, the security guard was on guard duty for the night shift until he heard a car coming from a distance and heading towards the base.

“We got movement beyond the perimeter.” He said as the soldier drove the military’s vehicle from the base to check out the disturbance.

The disturbance surrounded by dust was Mitch who’s revealed to be the driver, having been roped into the mission by Echo, who was hiding underneath his car.

Mitch informed Echo, “You'd better not be messing with me this time!”

“I'm not. You help us do this and you'll have the sweetest one-of-a-kind ride on the block.” Echo assured him.

“All right.” Mitch replied. “Hey Echo?”


Mitch said, “Be careful.”

“Toughen up, outlaw.” Echo said while holding on.

The soldier grabbed his megaphone and ordered, “Pull over immediately! You are in a restricted area.”

Mitch pulled over and the soldier did the same, allowing the military's vehicle to align right behind his while it was perfect timing for Echo to slid underneath and attached herself to the military vehicle's undercarriage.

“I'm in!” Echo announced over the com-link.

Mitch activated a rocket booster from his car and left the base, leaving Echo behind to do her work while the rest of the team looked on from afar.

The soldier sighed, “Just a Flat Earther with a homemade rocket. We're heading back to base.”

After the soldier head back to base Echo successfully bypassed the entrance security and entered the premises. From there, she exited out of the undercarriage after the soldier left while everyone else watched as Echo was smuggled in. As Echo snuck around, Frostee and the others monitored her progress.

“Okay, so this is a secure facility, so step one is to blend in.” Frostee instructed Echo through the com-link.

Echo disguised herself in a garb similar to Ms. Nowhere and walked passed the soldiers as they saluted to her.

“Now that's some respect.” Echo said.

While she bypassed the guards unnoticed, the tech support accessed the cameras of the base.

Twilight chimed in over the com-link, “Step two: intercept and up-link the main security hub to us so that we have access.”

“The station you need to get to is across the base, so stay hidden.” Donnie added.

One of the security guards walked up to Echo and asked, “Excuse me ma'am. Can I see some ID?”

Echo pulled out her phone and pretended to call Ms. Nowhere. “Ms. Nowhere, I got some snot-nosed officer fresh out of the academy is harassing me here. Permission to release the genetically-engineered, laser bees?”

“No!” The security guard screamed and ran away.

The tech experts watched as the guard fled for the sake of his mental state. Frostee was taken aback by this after he and his tech buds witnessed Echo scaring off a guard, “Okay, I said stay hidden, but you do you.”

“Got to admit, it was pretty funny.” Donnie admitted as Spike was on the ground, laughing like a hyena.

“Okay, the main building has a small annex station attached to it. That's where you need to go to intercept the transmission.” Twilight informed Echo as she made hew way into the building.

Echo intercepted the transmission, allowing the tech support an extra degree of technological control.

Frostee smiled after he slurped his yoka, “Nice job, Agent Echo! Now my friends and I can control everything on the base.”

“Ooh, this is going to be fun.” Twilight smiled with glee.

“Agreed.” Donnie nodded.

Shashi then noticed Layla being held in a room as solitary confinement. “Looks like Layla's not welcomed anywhere these days,” He said.

Donnie announced, “Okay, we got eyes and ears everywhere. I got eyes on the Key Car.”

“Mine are on the Hauler,” Twilight continued.

Frostee finished, “And I got everywhere else.”

Tony, Gabby, Cisco, Rainbow, Casey, Sunset, the Turtles, and the Dazzlings sneaked past through the base’s security system.

Frostee laughed over the com-link, “Haha, you made it past the landmines.”

“Wait, actual landmines? There were landmines and you didn't tell us?” Cisco asked.

“Yeah. I knew you might get nervous and accidentally blow yourself up! So, you're welcome!”

Twilight added over the com-link, “Don't worry so much Cisco, Donnie and I already deactivated the landmines. You're free as a whistle.”

Cisco was taken aback by this, “Oh… Uh, thanks?”

Then, the door was opened and Echo popped out, ushering them to get in.

“Phew!” Tony and Cisco sighed.

“First time, huh?” Leo asked as he and the rest of the team entered the base quietly.

After that, Echo gave Tony, Gabby, Cisco, and the Dazzlings some military uniforms. “I hope these will fit.”

Leo informed everyone in base and over the com-link, “Guys, the rest of us are on stand-by and are awaiting the signal.”

Tony replied, “Roger that, Leo.”

Everyone listened over the com-link and nodded, getting ready to carry out their plan.

Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere was testing out the military’s laser-cutting incinerator and Layla was sitting in her confinement cell and watching them work in a separate hangar. Layla contemplated, “The government spent a billion dollars on a watermelon juicer. Your tax dollars at work.”

“It's an incinerator!” Ms. Nowhere corrected her. “I'm excited to use it on something other than melons and pictures of old boyfriends. Also, I can do it without the sass,” She turned to Gary, “I'm starting to question whether or not it was such a good idea to keep Layla so close.”

Gary shrugged and his boss responded, “Great. Thank you for the thoughtful reflection.” Then she ordered her guards, “Get the Key Car in place!”

While the guards get the Key Car, Tony and Gabby, impersonating as the soldiers, sneaked past the troops as Twilight instructed them over the com-link, “Turn right.”

The Torettos turned right and entered inside the hangar quietly.

As for the disguised Turtles along with Casey, Sunset, and Rainbow, they found their vehicles inside another hangar, but it’s guarded by Nowhere's men.

Leo called his brother, “Donnie, can you get these guys to leave?”

Donnie replied while typing, “Working on it.”

Adagio asked, “What about the Stealth Bike? Any sign of it?”

Frostee looked through the hangars from the surveillance cameras and answered, “Two hangars away from you. Right where the hauler is.”

Aria answered over the com-link, “We're on it.”

The Dazzlings left to find the Stealth Bike. Minutes later, the Dazzlings caught up with Cisco and Echo.

Echo greeted them, “Hey girls.”

Aria said, “We're here to help ya.”

They locked eyes on the hauler and Adagio informed their tech support, “We got eyes on the hauler.”

However, Cisco groaned in the back, “What size is this outfit? And what's it made out of? It's a polyblend, isn't it? It's making me sweat like crazy.”

Echo asked, “More than your normal nervous sweating?”

“Yes!” Cisco replied as he started tearing off his uniform.

The girls cringed as Echo said, “Whoa. That's a lot of sweat.”

Cisco sighed, “That’s better.”

Aria requested, “Don't ever do that in front of us, Cisco. A little warning next time please?”

“The Dazzlings and I will make sure the hangar’s clear.” Echo informed Cisco as the girls moved out.

From there, Cisco and Sonata, impersonating the soldiers, attempted to gain access to the hauler, but Cisco's hand-print did not work.

“Come on…” Cisco groaned.

Sonata did the same and it didn’t work. She retorted, “Seriously?!”

However, the two spies interrupted by a soldier approaching towards them.

“Excuse me, you two. Can I help you with something?”

Sonata whispered to Cisco, “Cisco, hurry!”

Cisco and Sonata laughed nervously as they tried to put their hand on the hand-print again, but it won’t give them access again.

The soldier helped them and said, “Let me get that reader for you two.” He put his handprint on and it granted access to the hauler.

“My wife suffers from sweaty palms, too. You know, a hand deodorant works nicely.”

Cisco gasped, “Thank you.”

“Yeah. Great tip, officer.” Sonata added.

Suddenly, Echo, Aria, and Adagio knocked him out with their punches and kicks. Sonata groaned, “Aw, why'd you do that? He was so helpful.”

“Well, then let's put him somewhere nice and he'll wake up rested and refreshed,” Adagio suggested them.

“He gave us some good advice on hand deodorant.” Sonata told her friends as she helped Aria picked him up.

Later on, Tony and Gabby spied on Nowhere and her men getting ready to destroy the key car.

“Is everyone ready? There's not much time.” Gabby notified everyone over the com-link.

Cisco along with Sonata revved up the hauler and answered, “We're ready.”

Everyone started up the engines of their vehicles with Rainbow and Sunset in their respective cars, the Turtles in the Shellraiser, and Casey in the Turtle Racer. Leo responded, “We're ready too.”

Outside of the base, April was in the Party Wagon while Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie drove in the Patrol Buggies. April said, “We're good to go.”

Adagio and Aria were in the Stealth Bike while Echo drove her Hyperfin and they all exited out of the hauler, “We're set.”

The tech support drank their drinks as Frostee responded, “We're a go.”

“We're all set, T?” Rainbow chimed over the com-link.

“Let's make some noise.” Tony signaled.

Echo turned on the neon lights under her car, blasting music. She bopped her head and pumped her fist to the beat then she stepped on the gas and drove her car out of the hangar.

Laughing, she drove circles around a parked truck. "Woo! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Woo! Yeah, that's right, take that!" Then she drove straight into boxes of explosives, detonating them around the base.

“We'll take that as a signal,” Leo said, as Raph drove the Shellraiser out, followed by Casey in the Turtle Racer.

“Goongala!” He hollered.

Aria and Adagio rode the Stealth Bike, almost running over some soldiers.

Minutes later, Twilight opened the gates to the base.

"Step on it, April!" Pinkie cheered.

April floored the gas and drove the Party Wagon while the remaining Rainbooms drove the Patrol Buggies as they joined the party to create their diversion.

The alarms blared and Ms. Nowhere alerted her men, “It's SH1FT3R! Stop them!”

While Nowhere and her men drew their attention elsewhere, Tony and Gabby made their way to the key car, but they were attacked and tasered by Ms. Nowhere, who had anticipated their participation.

“Tony Toretto and Gabrielle Rivera. I'm actually impressed… with myself!” Ms. Nowhere said.

Tony wailed, “Don't destroy the car. Shashi might hurt our friends.”

Gabby begged, “If you destroy it, we won’t get our friends back. Let us fix our mistake.”

They both laid down in defeat as Ms. Nowhere reminded them her warning, “What did I tell you about emotions clouding your judgement? I will destroy the car and all of you will go to jail.”

Then all of a sudden, Ms. Nowhere was attacked by Layla, who was unexpectedly released from her confinement cell.

Back in Shashi’s vault, Shashi was surprised and told the tech geniuses, “I can't believe you guys let Layla out. You know she's a wild card.”

“She's the only card we got.” Frostee vowed.

Layla informed Tony as she helped Gabby get up, “Tony, get the car and get out. Gabby and I will hold her off!”

Donnie pointed out to Shashi, “Oh, she's helping us! Yes!”

“Layla Gray, so unpredictable. That's what I love about her.” Shashi stated.

Ms. Nowhere got up and asked the two girls, “You two think you can take me?” She got into her fighting stance, “I do Pilates three times a week and Tae Kwon Do on Tuesdays and Thursdays.”

“My friends taught me the ways of ninjutsu.” Gabby stated and got into her fighting stance.

Layla stepped up and said, “Yeah, well I grew up in Gum Neck, North Cackalacka.”

“Maybe it'll be a scrap after all.” Ms. Nowhere threw her jacket at the two teenage girls and started fighting against them.

“Go! Go!” Gabby hollered while blocking Nowhere’s kicks.

Tony ran straight towards the key car while Gabby and Layla held Nowhere off, but he hesitated to climb in.

Back in the vault, Shashi questioned Tony’s motive, “What are you waiting for, Toretto?”

Twilight answered, “He doesn't want to leave them.”

“It's either them or you.”

Back in the hangar, with Tony finding himself unable to abandon his friends, Gabby kicked down Nowhere while Layla was forced to activate the mechanism Nowhere had in place to destroy the car.

“I said, go!” Layla shouted.

Tony had no alternative but he drove the car out of its hangar right before the lasers destroyed the car along with him inside.

“Wild card.” Frostee commented with astonishment.

With the Ninja Racers driving their vehicles around the base and evading pursuit while trying to do their best to survive, Echo contacted their tech support, “Yo, tech support. Did you find a getaway vehicle for us?”

Donnie, Twilight and Frostee searched for a getaway vehicle around the base until they gasped and found a getaway vehicle that was big enough to carry their team.

“Coming right now.” Frostee hit the "Enter" key and the hangar doors were opened, revealing an airplane inside. They hacked into an airplane and began to commandeer it remotely, much to Shashi’s shock and surprise.

Donnie informed him, “Frostee... You're twisted.”

“I've flown a lot of drones, but it's my first time piloting a flying cruise ship.” Frostee stated.

Donnie and Twilight corrected him, “Our… first time, Frostee.”

“Alright, alright, my bad.” Frostee apologized.

Shashi walked over and said in disbelief, “This is the craziest heist ever! I can't believe you guys are still alive.”

“I know, right?” Frostee added.

Donnie commented, “I've been close to death too often.”

Twilight added, “More than is healthy.”

Casey looked up at the airplane and reacted, “Whoa!”

Echo and the Dazzlings tried to escape from their pursers and Adagio asked, “How are we looking?”

“As much as we like it, we can't hold them off forever!” Echo hollered.

Then, Cisco rammed the military’s vehicles with the hauler from reaching his friends. He informed them, “We're looking good! Tony's got the car!”

“And we got the plane! Everyone line up to load up!” Frostee instructed the team.

“You got it, Frostee. Alright team, let's roll out!” Leo ordered as the Ninja Racers followed the plane.

As for Gabby and Layla, the girls continued dodging Ms. Nowhere’s attacks, Layla turned to the Latina. “Gabby, I know this probably isn't best time.” She deflected a kick from Nowhere. “But I just wanna say I'm sorry for that mountain fight!”

“I'm sorry too,” Gabby replied, ducking a punch. “And even though I was mad at you, I still consider you a friend, Layla.”

“Well, I consider you my best friend,” Layla stated.

Gabby smiled warmly. Until Ms Nowhere hit them both with a spin-kick.

“You two can make up in your prison cell!” She said. “This mushy stuff makes me wanna gag!”

“Yeah?” Layla began, as she and Gabby got up.

“Well that cold attitude makes us wanna do THIS!” Gabby punched Nowhere in the gut and Layla locked her fists together and uppercut Nowhere off her feet.

Then, Layla approached Ms. Nowhere and threw down her fist to punch her out, only for Ms. Nowhere to grab her fist and zap her with the taser stick, knocking her out.

“NOOOOOO!!!” Gabby wailed.

Ms. Nowhere stood up, “One down, one to go!”

Gabby clenched her fists and charged at Ms Nowhere screaming, “YOU BRUJA!”

But Ms. Nowhere grabbed and flipped Gabby over her shoulder and zapped her too.

“Pathetic!” She stated, coldly.

With Gabby down, Ms. Nowhere turned to go after Tony, when she stopped and had a funny feeling. Then she quickly spun kicked Gabby to the floor and then she brought out her taser.

“Next time you're down,” Ms. Nowhere began, as she jabbed it toward Gabby. “You stay down!”

But Gabby suddenly turned on her back and grabbed the taser in time. Ms. Nowhere tried to yank it out of her hands, but Gabby held on tight and was pulled back up.

Then, Gabby threw a punch but Ms. Nowhere caught it, twisted her around, and put her in a hold. Gabby struggled and stomped on Nowhere’s foot. The woman grimaced but didn’t let go. After that, Gabby head-bashed her but Ms. Nowhere still wouldn’t let go.

“You're beat! Give, up!” Ms. Nowhere said, as they struggled.

‘This woman's a machine!’ Gabby thought to herself. Then she shot back, “Not! Yet!” Then she leaned her head back and bit her in the cheek.

Ms Nowhere yelled in pain and finally let go of her. Then Gabby pulled the taser out of Nowhere's hands and zapped her with it.

“That was for Layla!” She growled, and then used it to whacked Nowhere three times. “And that was for Tony! And this!” Then she grabbed Nowhere by the sweater and rushed out of the hangar toward another one and slammed her into it. Then she punched her left and right across the face before she locked her fists together, like Layla did, and upper cut Nowhere of her feet. “That's for being a cruel-hearted jerk!”

Ms Nowhere stood back up, cracked her neck, and raised her fists. “It'll take more then a few hits to take me down!” Suddenly, Leo came up behind her and nerve struck her in the neck, making her drop back down. As she tried to get up again, Leo hit another nerve in her neck and she was knocked out.

“How about a couple of ninja nerve attacks?” He asked, then spoke to Gabby. “You okay?”

“Yeah, gracias, Leo,” Gabby said. “But I thought you're with your brothers?”

“I was, but I decided to go alone and check on you guys.” Leo answered.

“Oh, that was very thoughtful of you, Leo.” Gabby said. “Come on!” Then she and Leo ran back for Layla.

After they left, Gary pulled up to Ms. Nowhere in a truck, as she got up rubbing her neck.

“Are you okay?” Gary asked.

“Ugh, shut up and drive, Gary!” Ms. Nowhere snapped, climbing in. “We gotta stop Toretto!” She then called all of her agents on her walkie talkie, “Do not let the cars make it onboard that plane!”

“Guys, the plane's exposed. I must get to the runway and take off!” Donnie alerted everyone over the com-link.

Rainbow shouted, “Do it! We're heading your way!”

“Guys, get in the hauler! I'll ram through!” Cisco told everyone as Echo and the rest of the team went inside the hauler with their vehicles… except for Tony, who was thinking about her cousin and Layla.

Tony said, “Get on the plane. I'll meet you there!”

“What are you doin' T? Come on!” Raph yelled.

“I'm not leaving my cousin and her friends behind.” Tony vowed and drove back to base.

Casey gasped, realizing Gabby's not with Tony as he mentioned. “You guys go! I'll follow Tony!”

“Oh, not you too, Casey!” Pinkie shouted as Casey drove back and followed Tony.

Frostee called Tony over the com-link, “Tony, Casey, we can't stop the plane!”

Shashi slammed his fists down on the table in anger and ordered Tony, “Do not go back there, Toretto!”

Casey wondered, “Can this guy be anymore bipolar?”

Shashi shouted over the com-link, “I heard that!”

“Don't worry, we'll make it!” Tony said as he and Casey dodged the incoming the cars from left to right.

Cisco rammed through the incoming military vehicles blocking their path and drove straight towards the plane.

Back at the base, Leo and Gabby carried Layla as she woke up while Tony and Casey arrived just in time to rescue them.

“You guys came back. I guess we're family now.” Layla said.

Tony replied, “Don't push it. Let's go.”

Layla looked around and asked, “Where am I supposed to sit?”

Gabby and Leo hopped in to the Turtle Racer and she told her, “Sorry Layla, party's full. No hard feelings.”

“Heh, none taken.” Layla chuckled.

Since the key car only had the driver’s seat and the Turtle Racer’s full, Layla sat on top of the key car as Tony drove through the base along with the Turtle Racer following them.

“The plane's about to take off!” Layla alerted everyone.

Gabby replied, “No te preocupes, we'll get onboard the plane in time, Southern Belle.”

“Then we better get on it!” Tony stated as he accelerated forward and Casey did the same.

Leo shouted, “Everybody hang on!”

As the hauler climbed aboard, the others did their best to catch.

“Guys, I got an idea.” Casey hollered as he moved behind the Key Car.

Gabby asked, “Casey, what are you doing?”

“Something either cool or painful. Well, here goes nothing.” Casey activated the turbo booster and the Turtle Racer surged forward, pushing the Key Car along for the ride and making Dr. Cluckingworth clucked loudly.

“Goongala!” Casey yelled as they drove right past Ms. Nowhere and her men, much to her Nowhere’s surprise.

“What?!” Ms. Nowhere shouted in disbelief.

Suddenly, laser-shooting drones were deployed, armed and ready to shoot the two cars.

“Serimente?!” Gabby retorted as Casey and Tony dodged the lasers from the drones.

As one of the drones was about to lock-on the Key Car, Layla and Leo managed to destroy them with her punches and kicks while Leo used his swords to slice down the drones, paving the way for Tony and Casey to drive their cars clearly.

“Whoo-hoo-hoo!” Layla whooped.

Tony and Casey activated their car’s boosters with only seconds to spare as their friends gasped. Just as the plane was about to take off the runway, they both made it onboard the plane as Shashi observed the whole thing and grinned.

“We made it! Tech support, we're coming to get you!” Tony shouted.

The Ninja Racers celebrated and successfully completed their mission. However, Ms. Nowhere looked on and was completely disappointed. She told her agents, “Bring me my jet.”

Author's Note:

Screenshots taken from Season 1, Episode 6 of Fast and Furious: Spy Racers