• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 5,894 Views, 45 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - AmethystMajesty25

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings team up with a crew of street racers to take down a crime organization.

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Just hours after the heist, the tech geniuses were piloting the plane, but they were unable to remain steady, since Frostee, Twilight, and Donnie had never flown a real plane before and they’re having trouble with the turbulence.

“HANG ON!” Frostee yelled.

“What are you doing?” Tony asked while Layla and Gabby held on to the Key Car’s spoiler for dear life.

Frostee shouted, “WE DON'T KNOW!”

“Well, figure it out!” Tony called while the rest of the Ninjas and Crew were struggling to find their footing.

Shashi warned the crew while observing, “My car's in there! Be careful!”

“Our friends are in there!” Twilight told Shashi.

Then, Shashi and the tech geniuses heard a beeping sound.

“What's that beeping?” Shashi asked everyone.

“I just said, we don't know what we're doing! This is easier with Jet Blaster 5000! There's way less turbulence in that game!” Frostee vented before Cisco appeared onscreen.

“Game? Bro, this is real life!”

Frostee retorted, “Hey! I'm 13 and remote-flying a giant spy plane!”

“So everyone, just back off for a second!” The tech geniuses shouted.

After they stopped venting, Layla and Gabby noticed that the Key Car was going to hit the back of the plane. Layla shouted, “Tony!”

Tony glanced, “Uh-oh.”

With quick thinking, Tony stepped on the brakes and the Key Car stopped before it got damaged.

Tony sighed until he, Gabby, and Layla screamed and saw the hauler was about to hit them. However, the plane descended as everyone inside tried to hold on while Cisco tumbled.

“Guys, I don't want to pile on, but you're shaking Cisco up like a Yoka bottle, and you know how gassy he gets.” Frostee informed them.

Cisco heard her and shouted, “Hey, I can hear you!”

“I can smell you!” Echo shot back.

Aria added, “What does Sonata see in you?”

The plane ascended again and the hauler was about to hit Gabby, Layla, and Tony. However, Layla and Gabby managed to release Tony from the seatbelts and they got out of the car just in time. As for the tech geniuses, they shortly managed to rectify the situation and the hauler didn't hit the Key Car, making the plane flew smoothly.

“OK, we're clear. I think we got it.” Twilight informed her friends as they all sighed in relief.

With Layla holding on to Tony, he thanked the country gal, “Thanks for your help back there.”

Layla pushed him aside and replied, “Don't mention it. Seriously, I have a reputation to maintain.”

While everyone got out of their vehicles, they all headed to the main room as Cisco fell down and coughed before getting back up, “Oh man.”

“Check it out, yo! This is like the biggest plane I've ever been on!” Cisco cheered.

“You and me both dude.” Casey added before they gave each other fist bumps.

“It's the only plane I've ever been on.” Echo said as she entered the main room.

The tech geniuses appeared onscreen as Frostee complimented, “Yo, that plane looks awesome! Wish we were there.”

Tony sat on the smoothest couch and felt totally relaxed. “Check out this couch! Guys, you're gonna love it here when we rescue you.”

“It's even got a kitchen!” Pinkie cheered before opening a drawer with cookies in a jar stored. “What?! Look! Fresh-baked cookies!”

“Really? Give me some of those!” Cisco requested.

“I'll have some too please.” Mikey added.

“Me three.” Sonata finished.

Pinkie gave each of them some cookies before she chewed one. “Oh, man, these are… these are good.”

Frostee, Twilight, and Donnie glared at the four food lovers from onscreen as they continued to eat the cookies.

“Mm! Oh, man! That last one was even better than the other one.” Cisco said.

“Oh, man! We ate them all.” Pinkie frowned before she slumped down on the counter. However, the top cabinet opened automatically and another cookie jar appeared.

Pinkie saw it and gasped, “Wait! There's another jar!”

While Shashi continued observing, the tech support pretended to act all sinister and Frostee said, “Look at us and our cookies,”

The Tech Trio looked at each other and gained a nasty smile on their faces. They shouted in unison, “VOMIT COMET, Y'ALL!”

The plane descended down rapidly as everyone held on yet again with Cisco, Pinkie, Mikey, Sonata, and the cookies floating.

“I thought we're friends, man!” Cisco said before taking another bite out of a cookie.

“Oh sorry. We're just learning how to use this awesome spy plane.” Donnie answered.

Shashi warned them, “Quit messing around and bring me that Key Car if you all want to get out of here. They all listened and calmed down, making them pilot the plane smoothly. Everyone onboard landed safely except Cisco.

“Ow!” He groaned.

“Sorry.” Twilight apologized.

Then, they heard an alarm beeping sound and Shashi informed the tech support, “It's coming up behind them.”

“Uh… Guys, we've got company.” Twilight informed the crew as a private jet flew in right behind them, flown by Ms. Nowhere and Gary.

Ms. Nowhere appeared onscreen and yelled from the top of her lungs after Tony startled, “Delinquents! You need to land this plane immediately!”

Aria said, “Polite as always.”

Rarity added, “Manners of a rock!”

Tony asked, “Ms. Nowhere?”

“You guys thought you could ditch me that easily?” Ms. Nowhere questioned them.

Gabby answered, “That wasn't easy at all.”

“Not to mention, if you had let Frostee, Twilight, or Donnie take a closer look at those cars, then maybe they might have discovered that they were the keys!” Adagio stated.

“But you said 'Forget the Cars', Ms. No-nothing!” Aria remarked.

“So, it's kind of your fault we didn't find the keys sooner,” Sonata noted.

“However, you were super awesome.” Tony admitted, changing the subject.

Ms. Nowhere replied onscreen, “Aw, thanks.”

Gabby smacked Tony at the back of his head. He shouted, “Ow! What did you do that for?”

“Don't compliment her!” Gabby whispered.

April whispered as well, “Seriously?”

“What?” Tony shrugged. “Sure, she's a jerk, but she's still pretty cool.”

“She's also trying to stop us from saving our friends!” April reminded him.

“And that bruja took my friends' cars along with Dr. Cluckingsworth!" Gabby put in, as the mutant chicken clucked in agreement.

“I can hear you!” Nowhere said, over the com. “And I don't know what bruja means?!”

“Uh, Gabby called you a witch,” Gary told her.

“No one asked you, Gary!” Nowhere snapped. Then she went back to being serious and berated the teens, “And you know what? No! You punks robbed me! Now listen to me, all of you. Skeleton Key is too powerful. Giving it to Shashi would be catastrophic.”

Tony refused, “I'm sorry, but we have to save our friends.”

“They're our familia!” Gabby added.

The tech buds popped up onscreen and they cooed, “Aww!”

Frostee added, “Thanks, T & G!”

Ms. Nowhere became surprised that the three captives were okay. “Frostee, Donnie, Twilight! Are you OK?”

“Meh.” Frostee answered onscreen.

“He means we're okay.” Twilight reciprocated as Spike popped up onscreen and barked happily.

“I will get you all back. Trust me.” Ms. Nowhere vowed.

“Frostee and the rest of his friends are gone because of our mistake. It's our responsibility to bring them home.” Tony explained.

Everyone in the room agreed as Ms. Nowhere retorted, “You're only making things worse, Toretto! Let me handle this. You think I want to tell his moms that I lost him, and admit that science camp isn't real?”

“I think, deep down, they knew. That brochure wasn't good.” Gary commented.

“That brochure was great!” Ms. Nowhere fired back.

Frostee admitted, “Honestly, I wanted to go to that science camp.”

“Thank you, Frostee,” Ms. Nowhere said before communicating with the Ninjas and Crew onscreen. “Tony, don't make me bring your plane down by force.”

Shashi popped up right behind the tech geniuses and blackmailed her, “If you take out that plane, I take out your friends.”

“Hold on. Is Shashi on this call? Typically, we don't let the bad guys listen in on our communication!” Ms. Nowhere informed the teens.

“This communication is over. I-I'm sorry, Nowhere, but I can't abandon my friends and family. We're bringing Frostee, Twilight, Donnie, and Spike home now.” Tony vowed before he disconnected the call, wishing to save Frostee and his friends.

“Did he just hang up on me?” Ms. Nowhere asked.

Gary replied, “Well, 'hang up' is a bit of an antiquated term. Really, he disconnected from you.”

“Fine! If they won't give me that car back, then I'll take it.” Ms. Nowhere vowed and angrily walked out.

“Oh, boy.” Gary said.

Back on the spy plane, Fluttershy was comforting Dr. Cluckingsworth. “It's okay, you're safe now,” she soothed, before the chicken clucked something and she gasped. “Ms. Nowhere was gonna have you dissected?! Pardon my language but... MS. NOWHERE, YOU'RE HEARTLESS!”

“Whoa!” Rainbow said, in surprise. “If Fluttershy's calling someone heartless, then it must be true. And I totally agree! She's a total jerk! Except Gary, that dude's cool.”

“Oh yeah,” Aria agreed. “Ms. Nowhere is absolutely the worst!”

“And she didn't seem to care that much about saving our friends,” April stated. “She probably just doesn't want to look bad.”

“With that warning, she gave us against listening to your heart, I believe that,” Gabby agreed.

“Not to mention she treated us all like we're beneath her!” Leo stated. “She's almost as bad as the Shredder.”

“Almost!” The Dazzlings stated.

“And she took all of your cool stuff!” Casey added.

“She's Ms. Jerkwhere, alright!” Mikey called. “Yeah, that's what I'm gonna call her now!”

Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere used a flight suit and jumped out of her jet to chase after the crew's spy plane.

Shashi alerted the tech geniuses, “She's launching something!”

Cisco appeared onscreen again and asked, “She's what?”

“Dang! Nowhere's shooting us down?” Echo questioned everyone.

“Guys, can you dodge a missile?” Gabby asked the crew’s tech support.

Donnie squinted towards the sonar, “I don't think that's a missile.”

Pinkie looked at something on the sonar with the alarm beeping. She said, “Uh... speaking of Ms. Jerkwhere, she's right behind us!”

“What?!” Everyone shouted.

Frostee panicked and alerted everyone, “Ms. Nowhere's a jet! Ms. Nowhere's a jet! Ms. Nowhere's a jet!”

Everyone except Leo and Raph rushed towards the observation window and saw Ms. Nowhere flying towards them with her flight suit in tact. As for the two disguised Turtles, they went back to the Shellraiser to grab the Portal Projector.

Layla admitted, “Uh… OK. Th-That lady is kind of my hero now.”

“For real, yo!” Casey added.

Ms. Nowhere landed on top of the plane by using her magnetic heels, “Thought you could get away from me?” She picked up her magnetic heels to scale towards the glass window, “I'm Nowhere! I've forgotten more about being an international spy than you'll ever know!" Nowhere ordered them as the teens moved away, “Put that plane down now!”

“I'm freaking out, T!” Cisco shouted.

“She's nuts!” Sonata frightfully added.

Tony told everyone, “Stay cool. We're safe in here.”

As she was about to cut her way in, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to see Raph with his magnetic gadgets on his feet, without his disguise on. Luckily, the Crew couldn’t see him clearly.

“You!” Ms Nowhere shouted.

“Hello, Ms. Jerkwhere!” Raph smirked.

“What did you just call me?!” Nowhere growled.

“The good news is, you’re wearing a parachute,” Raph began. “The bad news…”

Ms Nowhere interrupted him and threw a sharp punch and kick, but Raph grabbed her fist and leg. As he started grinning, he hurled Ms. Nowhere right off the plane. The spy quickly opened her parachute and could do nothing but watch the racers and ninjas get away with the plane and the car. After that, Leo used the Portal Projector again and the portal appeared behind Raph. He turned around went back through it, transporting Raph back inside the spy plane while the rest of the racers and ninjas noticed her heels were still in tact until they flew off in the sky.

“I know they did not just buck me from my own plane!” Nowhere snapped. “This is why I do not have children!”

“Is it though?” Gary asked over the com-link.

“Shut up, Gary!”

“At least it's a beautiful day to be skydiving.”

Suddenly, two military jets flew passed by Nowhere and began to tail the spy plane. While holding on to her parachute from the turbulence, Nowhere contacted General Dudley, “General Dudley, what are you doing?”

Back in the military base, General Dudley arrived back and took over the base again. He informed Ms. Nowhere over the com-link, “You had your chance, Nowhere. Now I'm taking that plane down.”

Ms. Nowhere pleaded him, “Don't you dare!”

“I’m hanging up.” General Dudley answered over the com-link before he ended his call with Nowhere as she gasped.

“It's 'disconnecting' Grandpa!”

With Nowhere out of the way, the ninjas and racers looked on and saw the two military jets flying above them.

“Doesn't this thing have any spy gadgets or something?” Tony asked.

“Probably, but we're kind of learning on the fly here!” Frostee answered.

“It'll take some time.” Donnie added.

“Well, learn and fly faster!” Applejack hollered.

While the two military jets continued to circle around the spy plane, the tech geniuses found something about the gadgets of the spy plane.

“It looks like this thing has… it has a cloaking device, but w-we need time to get it going.” Frostee informed his team.

Back in the skies, Gary continued piloting Nowhere’s jet and observing the spy plane as the alarms started wailing. Then, the two military jets flew right past him and headed straight towards the spy plane.

Gary gasped, “They're locking weapons. What should I do?”

Ms. Nowhere was running out of options and thought about the teens’ safety. Nowhere took a deep breath, knowing that it would be a big gamble against the military and ordered her agent, “Save the kids.”

Gary grunted and dived Nowhere’s jet down to save the teens in their spy plane. The two military jets engaged their weapons and fired its missiles at the spy plane. The ninjas and racers whimpered as the missiles were heading straight towards them.

“AH, THE HECK WITH IT!” Sonata shouted as she grabbed Cisco and kissed him on the lips, much to his surprise and pleasure.

Then all of a sudden, Gary swooped by with Nowhere’s jet and shouted, “Deploy chaff!”

Nowhere’s agent then deployed a craft that took the hit from the missiles, and with the cover of the fiery explosion, Gary informed his boss, “The kids are clear!”

“Activating cloaking.” Frostee said as he and his tech buds activated the spy plane’s cloaking mechanism, allowing them to fly freely and safely while everyone inside calmed down.

“Ms. Jerkwhere saved us?!” Rainbow asked, in disbelief.

“I take back what I said about her,” Fluttershy suggested. “I think we all misjudged her. She may act mean and cruel, but maybe deep down, she does have a heart.”

Everyone thought about that for a moment.

“Maybe,” Raph admitted. “But she's still a jerk!”

“And how!” Everyone, except Fluttershy agreed.

“All the way,” Tony said.

Fluttershy sighed.

Tony then chatted with Shashi from his lair and asked, “So, what are we doing?”

Shashi answered, “We've got it from here. Your plane should land in about 15 minutes. See you then.”

He then turned off the computer and ordered the tech support, “Put the plane in autopilot and have it land at these coordinates.” Shashi handed Frostee the map.

Donnie answered, “Got it.”

“I'm sorry it worked out this way, but your buddies are bringing the car,” Shashi started putting handcuffs on the tech geniuses including Spike as he continued, “As soon as we make the swap, you're good. No hard feelings.”

The tech geniuses were appalled by his comment as Donnie exclaimed, “No hard feelings?!”

“You don't get to say that!” Twilight yelled.

“They're right. You kidnapped us!” Frostee shouted.

Spike barked while Shashi told them, “Hey, don't forget, you were all snitches trying to stop me from getting the Skeleton Key.”

Donnie told him, “You know the entire U.S. military will be all over you the second you get it, right?”

“I know,” Shashi whispered to the tech support before he exited out of the computer room.

“Man, we cannot let him get his creepy hands on Skeleton Key,” Frostee looked down on his medallion and he had an idea. He tried to sway the medallion with a bit of a struggle until Frostee got it. “Activate laser protocol.” Frostee pressed a button on his medallion, but nothing happened. He tried again and groaned, “I said, activate laser protocol!”

The mechanism worked and started shooting lasers as Frostee dodged it and it hit the handcuffs in his right hand. However, he fell out his chair after that while Donnie, Twilight, and Spike giggled.

“Good thinking, Frostee.” Twilight congratulated him.

Donnie asked, “You okay?”

Frostee replied, “Almost got a lot shorter, but yeah. Give me a sec to get you guys out.”

“I'm surprised you don't want to bolt out of here alone.” Twilight said.

“After all we've been through? A-no way! I trust you guys.” Frostee answered while Donnie felt guilty upon hearing that.

After Frostee released his friends, Donnie opened the grate to the air vent and Frostee said, “Time to get our spy on.”

They all crawled through the ventilation shaft to escape and dropped down towards the Key Cars.

Donnie ordered his friends, “Twilight, take the red one. Frostee, the blue one. I got green.”

Twilight and Frostee nodded as they all ran towards the Key Cars and went inside them. “All right, here we go. Just like driving a car in a video game, except the pedals are down there. All the <i>way</i> down there,” Frostee muttered, “Stupid high-tech car! How am I supposed to…” He then found the seat adjustment button, “Ah!”


Spy Racer!

Driving away in the key car!

Try to catch me, but I've gone too far

Frostee stopped singing, realizing he was being lowered slowly. He groaned, “Come on! Aren't you supposed to be some kind of supercar?”

Twilight called Donnie, “Hey Donnie, I only have my learner's permit.”

“Well that’s nice. Are you sure you know how to drive a fast car, Twilight?” Donnie asked.

“I'm sure I can handle it.” Twilight answered as Spike ducked into Twilight's bag and zipped it to where he can still breath.

As for Frostee, his feet were finally on the gas pedals as the seat stopped moving. He shouted, “Bam!”

Suddenly, Frostee was plucked by the twins, Nacho and Rollie.

Nacho requested, “The rest of you surrender if you don't want your friend to get hurt.”

“No, I get to bring him back!” Rollie said.

Nacho fired back, “Nah, I do!”

Frostee begged, “If you keep yanking, you'll both get a half!”

Rollie liked the sound of Frostee’s idea and replied, “That seems fair.”

The twins laughed and Frostee realized his mistake. He begged, “No. No, no, no, no, no…”

“Okay, we're coming out. Just don't hurt Frostee.” Donnie answered as he slowly exited out of the green Key Car.

Nacho chuckled, “Smart move.”

Rollie nodded, “Now it's fair,” then she noticed Twilight was still in the red Key Car and had a sly grin on her face. “Hey, four-eyes, why are you smiling?”

“Because you idiots haven't realized that I'm sitting in a highly durable speed car and that you two, are standing right in my path...” Twilight explained, still grinning as she started the car.

After a few seconds, Nacho and Rollie got the hint. “Uh, oh!”

“Frostee, brace yourself!” Twilight called, as she pulled the gear shift and stomped her foot on the gas. The tires squealed and the car shot... backwards. “Y'aaahhhh!” Twilight screamed as the car crashed into the back wall with a jerk.

“And... she put it in reverse by mistake,” Frostee stated, dryly.

“I'm okay,” Twilight called, right before the airbag deployed and smushed her against the seat.

Nacho and Rollie burst out laughing at her, while Donnie and Frostee facepalmed.

Meanwhile, Gary and Nowhere landed right back on the military base, but they were surrounded by General Dudley and his troops as the two spies exited from their jet.

Ms. Nowhere questioned the general, “General, what are you doing?”

“Ms. Nowhere, you have aided and abetted enemies of the state. Arrest these traitors.” General Dudley announced.

As the soldiers moved to apprehend Nowhere, Gary stepped in and started fighting them while Nowhere smirked.

Gary first punched one soldier to the gut and sweep kicked another. Then, another soldier tried to get the jump on Gary, but he sensed it quickly and elbowed him followed by an overhead throw. After that, Gary caught the soldier’s leg, blocking his attack and threw him right at another soldier. Gary shoulder tackled two more soldiers, hit another soldier with an uppercut, a kick to another soldier, and threw another soldier on the ground. General Dudley and his troops were intimidated by Nowhere’s agent.

Back in the spy plane, the Crew and the Ninjas were watching everything from the drone feed in the military base.

“Whoa!” They all said in amazement.

“So cool,” Tony said.

“Holy chalupa!” Raph remarked.

“Wowie zowie!” Pinkie gasped.

“¡Increíble!” Gabby said, in Spanish.

“Look at him go!” Cisco cheered.

“Gary's awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“The dude's like a tank!” Casey stated.

“Totally!” Echo agreed.

“He's strong as a bull!” Applejack commented.

“Yep,” Rarity agreed.

“Amazing,” Adagio commented.

“Wow,” Aria added.

“Go, Gary!” Sonata cheered.

Back in the base, the rest of Dudley’s soldiers moved in and piled onto Gary, but he used every amount of his strength and defeated Dudley’s soldiers. While the other soldiers slinked back, Nowhere told her agent, “Gary, stand down.”

“Sorry about that.” Gary apologized while fixing his composure.

The two spies stood down and let General Dudley cuffed them. He vowed, “Now I'm going to use the full might of the American military to take Shashi down, like you should have done from the beginning.”

“You're playing right into his hand.” Nowhere informed him.

“Take them away.” General Dudley scoffed while his soldiers escorted Gary and Nowhere to their prison cell.

Meanwhile, in the garage carrier of the spy plane, Gabby was feeling guilty and thought about something.

The ninjas noticed her behavior and April asked, “Gabby, is something wrong?”

“I've been thinking,” Gabby stated. “Tony and the crew have been trusting us. Well, I just realized, we haven't really trusted them.”

“Darling, whatever do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“You know what I mean,” Gabby pointed to the Turtles. “I feel guilty about keeping Tony and the others in the dark like this. I don't think it's right to lie to them anymore.”

“Just what are you saying, Gabby?” Leo asked.

“I think we should tell Tony and the others the truth about you guys,” Gabby stated.

“What?!” They all gasped.

“Guys, I know it's a gamble, but they're our friends.” Gabby stated.

Applejack remarked, “I'm all for honesty, but this sounds worst than the time mah sister and her friends had a box of fireworks.”

Rarity nodded, “I agree.”

“No way!” Raph rebuked.

“No one is ever supposed to know about us,” Leo added. “Ever! That was the number one rule that Splinter always gave us!”

“Oh really?” Gabby retorted. “Did that stop you from revealing yourselves to April? Or the Wondercolts at Camp Everfree? Or Crystal Prep when they visited New York. Or me?!”

Everyone expressed concern for that.

“Please, Leo, por favor!” Gabby pleaded. “We've all worked together with them. They trust us, so we should trust them.”

Leo thought about it for a moment, before he said, “Gabby's right. We've worked together with them and they've trusted us. So they deserve to know the truth.”

In the main room, Tony and his racing crew gathered around for a private meeting.

“You realize the jerk who took our friend is about to get access to the most powerful weapon in the world?” Echo said.

Cisco added, “Man, no matter what happens, we have to get Frostee back.”

Tony vowed, “We will. He's family.”

“And it's not just Frostee. My brother Donnie, and our friends, Twilight and Spike got caught in the middle of it. So we'll help.” Leo reminded them as the Ninjas entered the room.

“Excellent. And I'll make sure we're gonna swap the car for them. No funny business.” Tony stated.

April asked, “Then what?”

Tony smiled, “Then we're gonna stop Shashi. Right, Layla?”

Layla answered, “Want to play cops and robbers, you're on your own. I'm just here to get your friends back.”

“Come on, you're the best driver we've ever met.” Rainbow said.

“And you're our amigo, Layla.” Gabby reminded her.

“You even tied me and Rainbow. We could really use your help.” Tony said.

Layla retorted, “To bring down Shashi? The guy who stole a car from space? You'll need more than my help. I'm out. I'm sorry.”

“I know you think you're a lone wolf, but I think you run better with a pack.” Tony stated.

Raph added, “Believe me, I know the feeling.”

Minutes later, the spy plane landed on an undisclosed location and the heroes exited the spy plane with their masks on. They walked on the sands of the desert and saw Shashi, Jun, Nacho, and Rollie on the other side with the rest of the Key Cars. They approached towards Shashi and his crew to get ready for the exchange.

“Hey, Toretto, where's the car?” Shashi asked.

“I want to see Frostee and our friends first.” Tony demanded.

Shashi signaled his crew Nacho brought out Frostee and Donnie while Rollie got Twilight and Spike.

Nacho told Shashi, “Hey look, they're like a hairy armpit.”

“Smells like you never heard of deodorant.” Frostee muffled.

Nacho asked, “Who?”

“Ewww.” Twilight commented.

Tony signaled Layla, who was in the spy plane, by phone, “They're safe. You're on.”

The door to the spy plane was opened and Layla drove out with the Key Car. Shashi signaled the twins to let go of their hostages and allowed Frostee and his friends to walk back to their crew while Tony signaled Layla to drive up to Shashi in the spy car. Thus, the deal was complete.

The ninjas and racers ran up to their tech support and hugged them.

“I missed you, man!” Cisco cheered.

Frostee replied, “Ah, that's the B.O. I like to smell.”

Sonata took Frostee from Cisco and hugged him tight.

“Frostee, I missed you too.” Sonata said.

Sonata let go of Frostee as Echo laughed, “Yo!”

They both did their secret handshake and Tony greeted Frostee, “Good to have you back, Frostee.”

Mikey yelled, “Donnie!”

“Welcome home, bro.” Raph said as he hugged Donnie.

Leo hugged Donnie as well, “Welcome back, brother.”

Then, April kissed Donnie, leaving him a gibbering mess while Donnie blushed really red.

Tony noticed and asked his cousin, “Is he okay?”

Gabby answered, “Happens every time April kisses him.”

“Twilight! Spike!” Pinkie cheered as she hugged Twilight.

Spike popped out of Twilight’s bag and barked happily. Rarity grabbed Spike and hugged him while Fluttershy joined the hug. After that, the rest of the Rainbooms gathered around for a group hug.

Sunset told Twilight, “We're glad you are all safe.”

On the other side, Shashi looked from afar and scoffed, “Touching.”

Layla drove up to Shashi’s crew and Shashi told Layla, “Now, get out of the car.”

“I don't take commands anymore. You guys don't seem to get it. I'm better as a lone wolf. Kiss your last key goodbye, Shashi.” Layla refused as she attempted to drive away from the scene.

Shashi smirked, “Layla Gray, you are fun.”

However, the Key Car stopped dead in the sand and Layla was unable to escape because the car was remotely taken over.

“What the?” Layla wondered until a fiery explosion occurred and the Key Car was driven right back near Shashi’s crew.

The five Key Cars cars began to flash their headlights, move around, and align in place to form a star-shaped position, opening a hole in the ground and the two teams found themselves being lowered like an elevator to an underground vault.

Echo said with worry, “This doesn't seem good.”

“I never thought I'd say this, but I hope this is a government weather machine,” Cisco hoped.

Shashi explained to the ninjas and racers, “The cars are keys, and this is what they unlock.”

Everyone observed around the area and Tony asked, “What is this place?”

“A tomb,” Shashi answered. “My mother and father believed that if they came to America and worked hard, they could use their talents to create a better life and a better world. They were geniuses, but they were naive. They trusted five rich men who used their minds to create Skeleton Key. It was technology decades ahead of its time, able to control anything computerized. The men knew discovered something invaluable. They also knew they couldn't trust each other. So they built this vault to lock it away, made five keys to keep it safe, and then killed the only people who knew about it.”

The ninjas and Tony’s crew gasped as Tony figured out who Shashi was talking about with a sad expression on his face. He answered, “Your parents.”

“They buried them here, along with their dream,” As the elevator stopped, Shashi continued his speech, “Now I'm digging that dream up, and it's going to become those billionaires' nightmare. They've been using it to build the greatest fortune in the world, but all it has built… it can also destroy.” He approached towards the container and took possession of the helmet known as the Skeleton Key.

“So, can that helmet really control any form of technology?” April asked.

“Yes it can,” Shashi said.

“You only robbed four of them. That means there's one left.” Tony realized.

“Cleve Kelso, the one who pulled the trigger, he's about to see a ghost,” Shashi stated.

Fluttershy sadly whispered, “Cleve Kelso killed his parents? Oh dear.”

“That yellow-bellied snake. Ah knew he was up to no good again.” Applejack whispered back.

As the elevator began to ascend, Shashi looked at the helmet until he turned to Tony and offered him, “I know you understand family, Tony. You understand justice. Help me.”

“Help you what? I can't bring you parents back.” Tony replied.

“But you can make sure that the next generation of people like them has a fair shot. Today, we can level the playing field. Help me use Skeleton Key to unlock all the vaults in the world and give everything away. I'm about to create a world without rules. In a world like that, I'm going to need some real outlaws. I need a Toretto. And your friends are more than welcome to join,” Shashi placed his hand on Tony’s shoulder, but he looked conflicted. “You're not made for a life on a government leash. Come with me. Help me destroy this entire corrupt system and take out the man who murdered my parents.”

Gabby thought with worry, ‘Tony.’

Tony thought about Shashi's offer and decided he can't turn back on his family. He answered, “No. I can't. You've got it all wrong, Shashi. Family isn't about revenge. It's about helping each other. It's about healing. Destroy Skeleton Key and walk away from all this. I won't stop you.”

“I'm disappointed. I thought all of you would understand. But what about the rest of you? Are you going to take Tony’s side or mine?” Shashi asked them all.

Leo answered, “Shashi, my brothers and I know what it's like to lose a parent, but Tony's got a point. So we're not joining you on your quest of revenge. We side with Tony.”

The racers stood up alongside Tony while the ninjas reached for their weapons and drew them against Shashi, letting him know that they made their answers clear.

“Figures,” Shashi said, nonchalant. Then he smirked, “You know what, that reminds me...” then he announced, “Attention everyone, Tony Toretto and his crew aren't the only one's with a secret to hide!”

The Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings gasped in shock.

“Oh no!” Gabby said, eyes wide.

“Secret?” Tony asked. “What secret?”

“Your prima and her friends have been hiding something from all of you, Toretto,” Shashi explained, before putting on the face helmet. “Four somethings. Hiding right, in, plain, sight!” He thrusted his hand toward the Turtles and their cloaked, human disguises pulsed and flickered, nearly revealing themselves.

“What's happening?” Raph asked, as Shashi clenched his fist and held it to his left side and their disguises really started to flicker, showing bits and pieces of their real selves.

“Shashi must be using Skeleton Key to shut down our disguises!” Donnie whispered in a panic.

In desperation, Casey charged at Shashi with a bat and leaped at him. “Goongala!” Only for Nacho to punch him down at the last minute.

“Uhh, what's happening to the guys?” Frostee asked.

“Nothing!” Pinkie interjected, jumping in front of the Turtles to shield them. “Nothing to see here!”

But then, Rollie grabbed her and threw her off to the side.

“You're about to find out!” Shashi answered.

“NOOOOOOOO!” The ninjas cried.

Shashi swung his hand out and in a bright flash, the Turtles’ disguises vanished and they were exposed.

“Aww, not again!” Mikey moaned.

Everyone except Shashi gasped in shock. Cisco, Frostee, and even Nacho and Rollie screamed at the sight of the Turtles.

“What the?!” Tony gasped.

“What in tarnation?!” Layla exclaimed.

“Whoa! I did not see that coming,” Echo stated.

“What-what are they?!” Nacho asked, in shock.

“They're monsters, bro!” Rollie exclaimed.

“Hey, we're not monsters! We take serious offense to that!” Mikey frowned.

“I knew it,” Shashi said, removing the helmet.

“Wait! You knew?!” Gabby asked, in shock.

“But how did ya see through their disguises?” Applejack asked.

“I didn't at first,” Shashi admitted. “But after I got to know them at the after party, I started getting suspicious. And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense!”

“That doesn't explain how you found out,” Leo said.

“Well, like I said to Gabby after that tie race, I have friends in New York,” Shashi explained. “One friend in particular told me all about you four. He goes by the name of... Hun!”

“Hun?!” The ninja team gasped.

“You know Hun?!” Sunset asked.

“Of course I know Hun,” Shashi confirmed. “After all, we're business partners.”

“Partners?” The Turtles gasped.

Shashi rolled up his sleeve and revealed a Purple Dragon tattoo on his right arm.

Frostee gasped, “I know that symbol! That's the symbol of the Purple Dragon street gang.”

“It's a very interesting story,” Shashi began. “You see…”

“Months ago, we had been planning to rob one of the Shredder's secret money stashes. But when we arrived, we discover that someone had beat us to steal: The Purple Dragons! Layla and the others wanted to duke it out and Hun was more than happy to oblige. But I had a peaceful resolution. We would let the Purple Dragons have the heist, if they shared half the goods with SH1FT3R. And although reluctant, Hun agreed, under the condition that SH1FT3R becomes the LA branch of the Purple Dragons, and a partnership was formed. But the Dragons never got away with the money though. And they ended up behind bars. But we broke them out and Hun explained that he had been foiled by the Shredder's adopted daughter, Karai, and one of four mutant Turtle ninjas who had been giving them all trouble. He also described that each turtle wore a multicolored mask; Blue, Red, Purple, and Orange. And your cloaked human disguises each wore that color. Hun also said they were allied with a red headed girl in a black jumpsuit, some punk vigilante with a hockey stick, and seven high school girls called, The Rainbooms. Remembering all that, I just put two and two together, and it all clicked!”

The Ninja team stared in dumbfounded shock that Shashi had figured them out through all those details.

“Wow!” Pinkie spoke up. “And we thought Batman* was a great detective!”

“Now with that's out of the way, I guess I'll have to do this myself.” Shashi stated before getting ready to put on the helmet.

“You're not getting out of here with that key!” Tony stated as he tackled Shashi, letting go of Skeleton Key in the process. After that, Shashi’s team and Tony’s friends soon followed and fought against each other. Tony battled Shashi while Cisco and Echo engaged in combat with Shashi's two guards. As Cisco knocked off Nacho, the yellow Key Car glitched and opened the door for Layla to escape and help Tony’s friends fight her former team.

Frostee asked Jun, “You ready?”


“Let's… do this!” Frostee shouted as they both grabbed their phones and battled each other in a video game.

Frostee was the mage avatar while Jun was the female warrior avatar. They mashed buttons with their fingers and their characters duked it out.

Donnie hollered, “Hey Frostee, need any help?”

“Nah, D. I got this. You and Twilight help the others.” Frostee ordered as the two ninjas rushed off to help their friends.

“How can you see him as anything but a freak?” Jun asked while using her phone.

Frostee replied while using his phone, “He's my friend. But I bet you didn't expect my mage to level so quickly.”

“Watch out for my trap.” Jun said.

“Aw!” Frostee grunted. “That's it! It's mana-drain time.”

Shashi and Tony continued to battle as Tony called his friend, “Cisco! You got to stop this elevator.”

Cisco asked, “How?”

“You'll think of something.” Tony said while dodging Shashi's kicks.

Echo struggled to get up and observed the fights between her friends and Shashi’s minions. She called, “Yo, Cisco! The key cars, they could jam up the elevator!”

While Cisco and Nacho continued to match their strength against one another, Raph rushed over and flipped Nacho over for Cisco to escape. As Rollie was about to stop Cisco, Raph tackled Rollie.

“Do what she says. I'll handle Tiny. Now go Cisco!” Raph yelled as Cisco reached towards the green Key Car and started pushing it with every ounce of his strength.

Applejack came by and aided him to push the car. She asked, “Hope ya don't mind, Cisco.”

Cisco nodded and they worked together to push the green Key Car. However, Rollie kicked Cisco, knocking over Applejack as well and stopped their plan.

As Nacho was ready to finish off Cisco, Echo and Sonata gasped as they rushed towards Nacho and knocked him down.

Back to the video game fight, Frostee told Jun, “Forgot to level your minions, I see.”

“Shut up! It's oblique warfare!” Jun retorted.

“It's dumb warfare!” Frostee laughed.

Tony continued to battle against Shashi with the help of Gabby, Leo, and Sunset.

“Come on!” Tony yelled before Shashi kicked him down and his head was about to get flattened by a big gear piece.

Tony realized the incoming danger until Gabby pulled her cousin out of the predicament just in the nick of time.

“Thanks, prima.”

“You’re welcome, T.” Gabby replied as she and Tony stood toe-to-toe against Shashi.

“We could have ruled the world, like a family!” Shashi stated as he kicked him, but Tony blocked his attack.

“Stop Shashi! It's not too late to end this.” Tony said.

Shashi cried, “It's 16 years too late! Sixteen years I spent alone!”

Before Gabby and Tony prepared to fight against Shashi again, everyone heard the military jets soaring through the sky and explosions booming above them as the elevator reached to the surface. The fight was broken up and General Dudley’s military army arrived and placed their weapons and weaponized drones in front of them.

General Dudley exited out of the military vehicle and ordered through the megaphone, “We have you surrounded! Drop Skeleton Key and back away, or you will be met with lethal force!”

Tony informed Shashi, “It's over, man. The government's here.”

“They won't be the government for long,” Shashi replied as he looked at Skeleton Key on the dusty grounds. He then dropkicked Tony down and picked up the helmet. “Not when every tank and every plane gets ripped from their control!”

In response, Shashi donned the Skeleton Key helmet and targeted the army’s helicopters first and motioned his hand to spiral one of the choppers out of control. Luckily, the pilots ejected out of their chopper and landed on the desert safely.

“I can feel my parents with me, their code racing through my mind!” Shashi stated as he continued using Skeleton Key’s power and gathered all of the military’s drones, turning them against the military. Tony was ready to charge right at his enemy from behind, but Shashi slammed his fist down and the drone crashed right in front of Tony, knocking him down on the ground.

General Dudley ordered his troops, “He's got the key! Take him out!”

The military choppers fired their missiles at both parties, but Shashi used the helmet’s power again and knocked the missiles away from them. The ninjas and racers laid down and took cover. Shashi then sent the other two helicopters down and the pilots escaped and parachuted safely before their vehicles crashed. After that, he used the weaponized drones and targeted General Dudley’s army. They took cover as well and General Dudley looked scared. With no other options left, General Dudley and his army retreated as Shashi turned their vehicles against them too.

“I've got to warn Cleve.” General Dudley proclaimed.

After Shashi scared off the army, the rest of the weaponized drones surrounded the ninjas and Tony’s friends along with Layla.

With the twins and Jun by Shashi’s side, Shashi informed his team, “It's time we pay a visit to the man who killed my parents. And he's in the perfect place for the whole world to go bust - Las Vegas.”

Shashi’s minions climbed aboard the three Key Cars as Shashi turned his attention to Layla. He told her, “This was was going to be your car, but you've ruined it.” He snapped his fingers and blew up the yellow Key car.

“Oh, by the way, here's a little parting gift for you all!” Shashi waved his hand and another swarm of weaponized drones surrounded the Racers and Ninjas. “I warned all of you guys! Being in SH1FT3R's like a dream, but you try to cross us and just like that, that dream turns into a nightmare! Tell my parents I said hi!” Shashi said before he and his crew drove their Key Cars along with their military tech and left for Vegas, leaving the heroes at the mercy of the drones.

“Well, it was nice knowing you guys!” Frostee said, in fear.

Then the drones opened fire. Cisco screamed and the crew and Layla shut their eyes and braced themselves. But nothing happened. They opened their eyes and saw they were all shielded by some kind of diamond dome. Tony and his crew looked over and saw Rarity holding her hands out and grunting before she thrust her hands out and the dome knocked the drones away.

As the drones started to come back, the Rainbooms all held hands and rose off the ground, then to the crew's shock, the girls sprouted pony ears, wings, and tails and their outfits changed into beautiful dresses.

The Turtles, Allies, and Dazzlings drew their weapons as Leo shouted. “Ninjas, take 'em down!”

“Booyahkasha!” Mikey hollered, as they fought off the attack drones.

Leo, Raph, and the Dazzlings were slicing and smashing the drones up with their bladed weapons, tribaton, and tonfas.

Donnie was twirling his staff, deflecting some drone blasts, when he got an idea. After making some quick calculations, he flipped away and threw some ninja stars in opposite directions. The stars bounced off some drones and nailed some others, shutting them down. He chuckled, “Nice!”

Suddenly a bunch more drones were about to blast him, but they were knocked away by April's psychic waves. “Thanks, April.”

“Your welcome,” April replied, before she destroyed more with her tessen and tanto.

“Goongala!” Casey shouted as he shot some exploding hockey pucks that blew up more drones.

“Yeah, boy!” Mikey was avoiding the drone blasts then he attracted the blade in one end of his chucks and hooked a drone. Then he pulled it around, making it blast other drones, before he yanked it to the ground, destroying it.

As for the Rainbooms, Sunset was destroying some drones with her kunai. Twilight was using her spear and magic. Rarity with her sickles and diamond disks. And Fluttershy with her blow gun.

Applejack was dodging some blasts when she picked up the blown up key car and used it like a baseball bat, swinging and smashing some drones. “Yee-Haw!” She hollered.

Rainbow zipped around with her super speed, slashing away at some more drones with her nagatana. Then she used her wings and took to the air, flying over the crew. She smirked down at the shocked Tony as she destroyed more drones.

Pinkie Pie did backflips and cartwheels as she was tossing her sprinkles at some drones blowing them up. "You need more sprinkles! And you need more sprinkles!" Then she twirled around, throwing sprinkles at all the drones and they all blew up.

Then one came at Tony, when Gabby grabbed hold of it then smashed it on the ground and stomped it till it was destroyed.

After the Ninjas destroyed all the drones, the crew stared in shock before Frostee said, “That... was... AWESOME!” He started fanboying out until Cisco laid a hand on Frostee’s shoulder to calm him down.

Tony’s crew glared at the Ninjas and Rainbooms, who looked sheepish.

“So, I guess we got some explaining to do, huh?” Mikey said nervously, right before Echo threw a broken drone piece at his head, knocking him down. “Ow!”

“You guys were giant turtles?! Like this whole time?!” She yelled.

“Uh, technically, we're mutant turtles,” Donnie corrected her.

“And you disguised yourselves with cloaking tech?” Frostee asked with interest. “How did you make that?”

“Oh, well you see-” Donnie started.

“Not the time!” Layla cut him off.

“And you girls have super powers?” Cisco asked.

“We sure do,” Pinkie said. “Cause we're magic!”

“Magic?” Tony scoffed. “There's no such thing.”

“Nope. She's telling the truth,” Spike spoke.

The crew stared at the dog in shock and dumbfoundment.

“Umm… did that dog just speak?” Cisco asked.

“That dog just spoke, yo!” Echo said.

“Really, four talking turtles, seven girls with magical powers, and you’re more shocked by the talking dog?” Spike retorted.

“He's got a point,” Frostee noted. “Wow. I can't believe I just agreed with a talking dog! How weird is that?!”

“Not as weird as you think,” Sunset said.

“And you hid all this from us, prima?!” Tony snapped at Gabby.

“I'm sorry...” Gabby said in guilt. “I wanted to tell you.”

“But you didn't!” Tony retorted.

“Don't blame Gabby, Tony,” Leo interjected. “She was only keeping our secret.” Then he explained. “As ninjas, we trained to embrace secrecy. And as mutants, we had to remain hidden from all humans as most humans just wouldn't understand us. And we weren't sure if you all could be trusted.”

“Especially you!” Raph said to Layla.

“A lot of humans we've encountered only saw us as monsters,” Donnie explained. “And they would run away in fear, or try to either destroy or dissect us.”

“Yeah, some government jerk tried to do that to me and Mikey once!” Casey recalled General Griffin.

“They do have a point,” Frostee agreed. “Jun did call Donnie a freak.”

“And Rollie call them monsters,” Cisco noted, then he admitted sheepishly. “And me and Frostee did scream in fear when we saw them.”

“Can't really argue with that,” Echo admitted.

“And one time when we accidentally got exposed, our late Sensei grounded us,” Mikey recalled the Muckman incident. “And took away our TV.”

“No TV?!” Frostee exclaimed. “That's the worst!”

“I know, right!” Mikey agreed.

“Same with us and our powers,” Sunset told their reason.

“Mine too,” April added.

“Okay, I get why you didn't tell us,” Tony admitted. “But still, we trusted you guys!”

“I realized that a while ago,” Gabby explained. “So I convinced them to tell you guys the truth. And we were going to, but Shashi beat us too it. Also, do you think it's easy saying 'Hey, my friends are actually four giant talking turtles and my other friends are magical'?”

“That right there sounds like crazy talk to me,” Layla noted.

“And they all did just save us,” Frostee pointed out.

Tony sighed, “Yeah.” He admitted, “So, it's fine, prima.”

Echo said, “If you trust these guys, we trust them too.”

Cisco smiled, “Yeah, these guys are cool in my book.”

Frostee added, “Ditto.”

Gabby and her friends were elated and sighed in relief. She thanked Tony and his crew, “Thanks guys. We appreciate it.”

“Just don't keep anymore secrets like this from us, okay?” Tony said

“Muy bien,” Gabby nodded, and the two shared a hug.

Once they pulled away, Tony vented, “But I can't believe Shashi blew up my car!"

Layla reminded him, “What are you talking about? That was my car.”

“What? You were going to drive off and leave him. He wanted me to help him and get his revenge, OK, not you.”

“I was literally on his team! There was a plan where I was supposed to drive that car away.”

Tony suggested Layla, “Agree to disagree.”

“Guys, please, por favor?” Gabby told Layla and his cousin.

Layla apologized, “Sorry.”

Echo asked everyone, “All right. So, what do we do now?”

“We still have the spy plane and our cars. We just have to head him off and stop him.” Tony answered.

“Didn't you just see what just happened? He can control all of our stuff with Skeleton Key. And when that thing gets to Vegas, he's going to be able to tap into the main electrical grid, amplify his power, and control the whole world.” Frostee informed everyone as Shashi’s army were heading straight to their next destination, Las Vegas.

Author's Note:

Raph speaks a line from the movie, TMNT: Out of the Shadows, where he threw Ms. Nowhere off the spy plane and luckily, she had a parachute.

When Spike talks to the Crew, Cisco, and Echo's reaction is based on Max and Thor's reaction in George of the Jungle after hearing Ape speak.

*read Equestria Batgirls

Artwork provided by Jebens1

Screenshots taken from Season 1, Episode 7 of Fast and Furious: Spy Racers