• Published 12th Mar 2021
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - AmethystMajesty25

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings team up with a crew of street racers to take down a crime organization.

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The Key to the Strip

Meanwhile in Las Vegas, the greedy, Southern billionaire known as Cleve Kelso was sitting in his penthouse suite of his hotel casino, The Passline. From there, he started video chatting with five of his businessmen without looking at them.

“Ah, quit your bellyachin'!” Cleve ordered.

One of his businessmen pleaded him over the com-link, “Cleve, Shashi stole my key car and half of my operating capital! My board is trying to fire me, and half of them are my kids!

Cleve turned his chair around and looked at the video chat on his phone. He berated his colleague, “You know what your problem is, Williams? You live on a boat. Man can't get a firm footin' on a boat.”

“You're supposed to protect us, Cleve!” Another partner of Cleve’s, Delwyn Usk, exclaimed over the com-link.

“It's not my fault that you can't keep your keys in the garage. Now, just relax. My key car is locked up tighter than a tick on a deerhound. Without that, that kid's got nothing.” Cleve stated.

“But he's gonna try...”

Cleve abruptly interrupted his other colleague, “Let him try! I made my bones on the Strip with Rudy the Fish and Big Poppa Umami. I can handle this punk. And, by the way, we should have taken care of this when we got rid of his parents. But no. 'Cleve, that makes us feel so dirty.' I hope you learned your lesson on that one, ya bunch of soft serves.”

“But how do you know your car is safe?” Another colleague asked.

“Because I got an old war buddy watchin' it, and he would eat a glass sandwich before he would let my car get snagged. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a blowing-up party to attend.” Cleve said before four of his colleagues hung up except one.

“If you really think getting rid of that kid is going to make you feel any better, then I'm out Cleve, I can't help you on this one, neither. You're talkin' to a father here,” He rebuked. “I'd pull any mean, scoundrelous, swindling, cheating, low down, dirty move on anyone. But I draw the line when it comes to harming children!”

Cleve laughed. “Then you ain't no real man, Arboost! You're just as soft as those other wussies!”

Arboost glared, “Is that so? Well, how's this for a man? Consider our partnership closed, Cleve! Expect a call from my attorneys. That is, if you're still alive!” He laughed wickedly.

Then, a tall woman who’s Arboost’s daughter, Jessie, walked up. “Your call is officially done, Cleve!” After that, she shot the screen with one of her guns.

Cleve grunted, “Ah, I never liked Arboost anyway!” He then lamented with his trophy, “You know, the Passline was my first hotel. I'll miss you, old girl. Haven't felt this way since I had to put dow my old pony, Butterscotch.” Then he got fired up, “But my new hotel will make ten times more money, so, 'boom' goes the dynamite! What a bunch of candy canes.”

Cleve’s phone rang and answered, “General Dudley, how's my baby?” However, Cleve was not pleased after General Dudley answered to him. “What? What do you mean you lost it?”

Then, Cleve felt something rumbling around the area and looked through the window of his hotel and saw Shashi and his army entering the Las Vegas Strip.

“Hello, Las Vegas!” Shashi announced over the P.A. before his tanks started firing in the air.

Back in the Passline, Cleve got nervous as he watched and said, “Oh, applesauce.”

“Please clear all traffic from the Strip.” Shashi said as he used Skeleton Key to move the cars out of his way until the police was coming towards him. He used its power again and snapped his fingers, causing the police cars to stop and the policemen escaped just in time before the tanks crushed them.

Shashi called the tourists as they watched, “Attention, guests of Cleve Kelso's hotels. I need you all to please evacuate the Yo-Leven, the Ace Deuce, and the Horn Casinos. No need for alarm. You are all about to receive the biggest payout of your lives, the biggest payout in Vegas history!” He then ordered Jun, “Jun, head to the smart city hub. Connect it to the main power grid.”

“You got it. I should be able to amplify Skeleton Key's range in about 30 minutes.” Jun replied as she drove the Green Key Car to work on the amplification.

“And then we can hack the world and destroy every government on Earth. While you're doing that, I'm going to hunt down the man who killed my parents.” Shashi vowed as he used Skeleton Key’s power again to search Cleve through the security cameras and gain control of the entire Las Vegas Strip.

“Where are you, Cleve? I'm coming for you!” Shashi shouted as Cleve continued to watch, feeling scared.

Meanwhile in the desert, the ninjas and racers gathered around to come up with a plan to stop Shashi and his army. Tony spoke up, “There's got to be some way to stop Shashi.”

“He's commanding a whole army!” Layla shouted.

“Any of you guys have back-up?” Tony asked the ninjas.

Leo answered, “All of our allies are in New York and we can't risk anyone else seeing us.”

Adagio added, “And it'd take too long for the rest of the Foot to get here.”

“Then we'll have to shut down Skeleton Key. Frostee, Donnie, Twilight, can you guys hack it?” Tony asked them.

Frostee answered, “I don't think so.”

Twilight suggested, “I could maybe Trojan-horse a virus to shut it down for like ten seconds or something.”

“That's all we need.” Rainbow nodded.

“Seriously?” Gabby asked.

Tony replied, “It might be. I just need to get close enough to knock that helmet off his head.”

“We would need a really powerful transmitter to project the malware.” Donnie said.

“You're going to Vegas. Why don't you use Big Ben?” Layla told the mutant turtle.

Donnie noted, “That might work. It does have that big antenna on top. But we need a massive power source.”

“I was joking.” Layla said, dryly.

Echo suggested, “How about the top-secret government battery in my car?”

“Yeah!” Frostee cheered.

“That'll work.” Twilight noted.

Tony told Layla, “You see? We got something going here!”

“That's the power of teamwork,” Gabby stated.

“And friendship!” Pinkie added.

“Look, even if this could work, you don't have enough time. By now, Jun is jacked into the main grid, and it's a matter of time before Shashi takes over all the world's computers, or whatever he's doing.” Layla said.

“You were in his crew. Don't you know his plan?” Sunset asked.

“Cualquier Cosa? Anything?” Gabby asked.

Layla replied, “I like racing cars and stealing stuff. Politics is his thing.”

“Of course it is,” Donnie sighed.

“Any idea on what Shashi's gonna do after he gets his revenge?” Spike asked.

Frostee got off of Cisco’s truck and said, “He'll probably eliminate the global banking structure, take control of all nuclear weapons, pretty much destroy modern civilization as we know it.”

“Well that's real comforting,” Raph said, in sarcasm.

“Then we better get moving.” Leo notified everyone.

Cisco asked everyone, “But how are we gonna get close to Shashi if Skeleton Key can control all our vehicles?”

“It can only control ones with a chip. We're going in old school.” Tony answered.

Minutes later, Tony started removing the computer chips from his car.

“All right! Yeah!” Cisco cheered as he ran towards his vehicle and removed the technological components inside.

“Uh...” Frostee wondered as Cisco threw them away, rushed over to Casey, and took his hockey stick.

Casey wondered, “Huh?”

Cisco then started using the hockey stick to smash the equipment. “Yeah! Take that, Shashi!”

“You don't have to break them! We can put them back in later!” Frostee informed his bud.

Cisco apologized, “Oh. Sorry, man. I-I got carried away.”

“Does that mean we can cancel the smashing we were about to do?” Sonata asked as everyone saw her, Pinkie, and Mikey getting ready to smash some of their equipment.

Meanwhile, Layla, Echo, and the Dazzlings looked around the desert as Tony informed Echo over the con-link from her watch, “Echo, find some radios. We won't be able to use our watches to communicate.”

From there, they found a small, storage building and Echo opened the door to see some vehicles inside.

“Oh, snap!” Echo said while Layla and the Dazzlings smiled.

While the ninjas and racers went to work, Echo arrived back to the group with an old-school car. “Check out this beast! I don't even have to rip anything out.”

Layla arrived with her motorcycle, zooming and circling around Tony and Gabby before stopping. Not only that, the Dazzlings came by with their motorcycles too.

Tony asked, “You love that, don't you?”

“Just one to remember me by.” Layla said.

Gabby asked, “What do you mean?”

Layla explained, “I told you, I would stick around long enough to get your friends back. Well, they're back.”

“But we can still stop Shashi.” Tony told her.

“He's right, Layla,” Gabby said. "We make a great team.”

Layla replied, “Great! Then law and order will prevail, and I'll go back to prison."

“Maybe we can talk to Ms Nowhere about that,” Gabby suggested.

“Yeah, I-I think I'll just hit the road and try my luck solo.” Layla answered.

“After everything that we've been through? We really need you, Layla.” Tony said.

“Please, Layla, por favor,” Gabby pleaded.

“You need more than me. Try to stay alive, everyone.” Layla informed her friends. “And, Gabby...”

“Yeah?” Gabby asked, before Layla pulled her into a hug. Although surprised, the Latina returned it.

“You stay alive too, bestie,” Layla said, before the two girls parted. Then she rode off with her motorcycle and left.

“Adios, amiga” Gabby waved sadly. Then she lowered her and shut her eyes, fighting back tears.

Tony laid a hand on her shoulder. “You okay, prima?”

Gabby wiped her eyes. “Si, I'm okay,” then she straightened up in determination. “Now let's go stop that psicópata!”

Back at the military base, Gary was sitting in a cell playing the harmonica pretty good while Ms. Nowhere was taking care of her pet bird in its nest right on the cell window.

“There you go. Who's a hungry, little guy?” She then fed Gary’s pet roach to her pet bird. “Nummy roach!”

“Wait,” Gary stopped and sadly asked, “Did you just feed him Papa Roach?”

“Nature is cruel, Gary. Only the strongest pets survive.” Nowhere explained to her agent until they heard a loud thud. The security guard was knocked out and the person unlocking their cell was none other than Dominic Toretto.

“I thought I told you to keep my cousins out of trouble.” Dom reminded them.

“Seems like trouble follows the Torettos wherever they go.” Ms. Nowhere stated.

Dom said, “Let's move.”

Meanwhile, Jun entered the main power grid and logged into the computer. From there, she informed Shashi, “Twenty-five minutes until global domination.”

“I'm not picking up Cleve on any of the cameras. Time to flush him out.” Shashi stated as he looked through every security camera from his helmet.

“Cleve! I know you're watching somewhere. Check this out!” Shashi called the southern billionaire out as he used his helicopters to fire their missiles on Cleve’s casinos and his drones to loot Cleve’s money, distributing them to the pedestrians on the streets below.

“That's Cleve Kelso's money, everybody! Giving back to the people!” Shashi hollered.

Back at the Passline, Cleve watched from the window and vented, “You son of a gun! I stole that money, fair and square!” Angered that the money he stole was being stolen from him, Cleve made his way to his elevator, which housed a security camera that Shashi hacked into, and called him out. “You think you can rob me? This is my town! You want to fight Cleve Kelso? Here I am!”

Shashi pinpointed Cleve’s location. “Gotcha.”

Meanwhile, the heroes raced their cars towards Las Vegas as Tony instructed his friends, “All right, Echo, Gabby, Sunset, Rainbow, Casey, Rarity, and I will run interference. Leo, you and your brothers will provide artillery in the Shellraiser. April, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, you guys are in charge of support with the Party Wagon. Dazzlings, cover Cisco. Cisco, tow Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight in the Hyperfin to Big Ben. Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight will hook up the battery, activate the transmitter, and launch the virus.”

The three tech geniuses along with Spike were all crammed inside the Hyperfin and Frostee said, “I hope this works.”

“You and me both?” Donnie agreed.

“That makes three of us,” Twilight added.

“Ditto,” Spike put in.

“Wait, what do you mean?” Tony asked over the com-link.

“I mean, it's not like we tested it.”Frostee replied.

“He's right,” Donnie chimed in.

“We haven't had enough time to test our hypothesis,” Twilight informed.

“Guys, can you just stay positive, please?” Tony told him on his walkie-talkie. “The virus will work, and I'll take out Shashi while Skeleton Key is down.”

Echo said, “In ten seconds.”

Tony stated, “I'll do it in five.”

“Hey Tony, in case we fail, thanks for being our friends.” Rainbow said over the com-link.

Tony replied over his walkie-talkie, “Don't talk like that, Rainbow. But you're welcome.”

As they entered the Strip, Nacho spotted the heroes coming after them. He alerted his boss, “Hey! Toretto's coming!”

Shashi spotted them and said, “Hun was right. They're harder to exterminate than cockroaches. I'll handle this.”

He then used his Skeleton Key to hack their vehicles but was unable to do so, because they have removed the technological components. However, the hack affected Frostee's medallion, glowing red and whirring noises.

“Uh-oh!” The tech geniuses said before Frostee opened the car door and threw his medallion out, which exploded like a grenade.

“I can't stop their cars! Toretto must have pulled out all the tech. Fine. If that's the way they want to do it, we'll take them out the old-fashioned way.” Shashi vowed and left his two cohorts, Rollie and Nacho, to deal with the Ninjas and Racers.

“Today, I'll say goodbye to Cleve... and Tony Toretto,” Shashi announced as he hopped onto his drone and flew away to deal with Cleve Kelso.

“There's Big Ben a mile ahead,” Gabby said as Shashi looked from above and used the water pipeline to create hazards on the road.

The heroes dodged the hazards and Tony informed everyone from his walkie-talkie, “Scatter! We gotta keep Shashi busy while Cisco finds a way to the tower.”

The civilians ran for cover as manhole covers fell from the sky while the heroes forged ahead and Raph noticed the empty streets.

Raph called his brothers, “Hey, the streets are clear. I can snag me a bike and help.”

“This is Las Vegas, Raph. We're more likely to be spotted here than New York,” Leo reminded him.

“He’s got a good point, bro,” Mikey agreed.

Raph groaned, “Agh, fine.”

With Nacho and Rollie were heading straight towards the heroes, Tony drifted to the left while Nacho chased after him. As for Echo, she drifted to the right while Rolle chased after her. Meanwhile, Shashi was flying towards Cisco, Frostee, and the Dazzlings.

Sonata alerted her friends, “Guys, terror from above!”

Frostee whimpered, “Uh-oh.”

Then, Shashi used Skeleton Key to blast water from below, blasting the manhole covers away while Cisco, Frostee, and the Dazzlings dodged them. However, Echo’s car was covered with gunk from the sewers.

“Gross! Ugh!” Twilight said as she turned on the windshield wipes.

Cisco sighed, “Glad I missed that.”

Frostee stated, “Yeah, glad you missed it.”

Cisco went through the watering hole and blasted water right at the Hyperfin. “Huh. There, that should be better…” Cisco said until he suddenly noticed a big army tank coming in front. “Woah! Hold on!” Cisco’s team drifted to the right before it opened fire on them.

Adagio informed Cisco, “Cisco, go with Sonata and complete the mission. Me and Aria will draw Shashi away from you.”

Cisco nodded as Adagio and Aria drove towards Shashi, drawing his attention away from the trio.

Shashi noticed that he was being followed by the Dazzlings and sent his weaponized drones to keep them away from him.

“That’ll slow them down.” Shashi said before heading towards Cleve’s penthouse.

“Whoa!” Cisco dodged the shell and Sonata jumped aboard Cisco’s truck.

Sonata told Cisco, “We can act and find another way to the tower!”

“You got it, Sonata.” Cisco replied while driving away from the tanks.

Jun informed Shashi, “Ten minutes until we launch worldwide.”

As for Tony and Echo, they were continued being chased by Nacho and Rollie along with Shashi drone’s shooting lasers at the two teenage heroes.

“I can't lose Rollie in this bucket.” Echo informed Tony over the com-link.

Tony rounded the bend until Gabby had an idea. She asked her cousin, “Are you thinking what I'm thinking, primo?”

“Oh yeah. Hey Echo, let's play some chicken. You ready?” Tony said over the com-link.

“You know it.” Echo answered over her walkie-talkie.

Just as Tony and Echo were about to slam into each other, they drifted to the side and speed down opposite roads. Nacho and Rollie weren't so lucky and crashed into each other.

Tony asked everyone through his walkie-talkie, “How's everyone doing?”

“Okay on this end,” April answered while driving as the drones swarmed over the Party Wagon, only for them to be turned into scrap iron.

Twilight said over the com-link, “Try and salvage some parts.”

Back to Cisco’s team, they were also being chased by Shashi’s drones and started shooting lasers at them.

“Get ready to steer, guys.” Cisco told Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight over the walkie-talkie.

Frostee asked, “Do what, now?”

“Oh boy,” Donnie said, realizing what was about to happen.

“Oh no!” Twilight squeaked.

“I'm just gonna brace myself,” Spike said, ducking down in Twilight’s bag.

Cisco released the tow cable and the tech geniuses screamed while skidding towards Big Ben. After the car stopped, they opened the door and proceeded to enter the building.

While Jun continued prepping Shashi’s plan, she informed her boss, “Five minutes left.”

“Should be just enough time to finish my business with Cleve.” Shashi said as he entered Cleve’s penthouse. “It's been a long time...”

Cleve abruptly punched Shashi before he finished his greeting. “Oh, did I crack your glasses, four-eyes?” He then tackled Shashi to the ground. “You think you can take my money?”

Before Cleve struck back, Shashi kicked him off before two of his drones tackled right at Cleve as he was about to charge towards Shashi. His drones picked Cleve up as Shashi confronted his parent’s killer, “I've waited a long time for this.”

“You got sand, kid, I'll give you that. If someone killed my parents, I would do the same thing,” Cleve smirked.

“Oh, my mission is about more than personal revenge. I'm about to create a new world order.”

Cleve laughed, “Ha! That's what they always say when the tanks are rollin' down main street.”

Then, Jun informed Shashi over the com-link, “Shashi, Toretto took Nacho and Rollie out. And our drones are getting torn to pieces. We need some help down here!”

“Not now, Jun.” Shashi answered.

“Trouble with the new world order?” Cleve cackled.

“Shut up.”

Jun informed Shashi again. “Forget the old man! We can get him later.”

“Toretto can't touch me here. Finish your work and stop interrupting me.” Shashi ordered her.

Cleve continued to push Shashi’s buttons and asked, “Being boss is harder than it looks, isn't it?”

“Don't act like I'm one of your corrupt billionaire buddies. People like my parents don't have a real shot at the American dream because you rigged the game. But I'm gonna make the world a better place. I'm leveling the playing field! I'm gonna redistribute…”

Cleve interrupted him, “Holy Moses! You here to take me out or make me subscribe to your newsletter?”

Shashi then punched Cleve, knocking him out as a result.

Back outside Big Ben, Frostee called his friends over the walkie-talkie, “Uh-oh. Guys, we got a problem. I threw away my medallion, and now I don't have anything to solder these wires.”

Echo asked over her walkie-talkie, “Will a drone laser work?”

Frostee replied over the com-link, “That will do.”

“I'm on it.” Echo said as a laser drone continued to shoot lasers at her and made a U-turn to escape until a big army tank was targeting right at her. Echo looked back and gasped until Sunset drove right passed Echo and told her over the walkie-talkie, “We got you covered Echo.”

Echo sighed in relief, “Thanks, girls. Stay safe out there and be careful.”

“On it.” She put down her walkie-talkie. “Hold on, Rarity, and get ready to bail out when I say now!” Sunset said, as she drove toward a big army tank.

“Oh no!” Rarity said in worry.

Back to Echo, she ditched her car and hopped onto a drone and took control of it. Echo cheered, “Whoo! Wahoo! Yeah! Wahoo-hoo! Oh, yeah! Coming your way, tech support!”

Sunset glared as she shifted the clutch and pounded her foot on the gas, driving straight at the tank. Then at the last minute, she cried, “Now!” Sunset and Rarity jumped out of her car as it ran into the tank as its cannon opened fire, making both vehicles exploded.

“Darling, your car!” Rarity exclaimed.

“I never really like that car anyway,” Sunset shrugged.

Aria and Adagio pulled up on their bikes and Adagio asked, “Need a lift?”

Sunset and Rarity nodded.

While the tech geniuses waited outside Big Ben, they heard Echo coming with the laser drone, “Wahoo! That was awesome!” She then broke the laser drone in half, “Sorry, little guy.”

“Wow! I'm glad DJ Drone wasn't here to see that.” Frostee ecstatically said before receiving the laser gadget.

Meanwhile, Jun informed Shashi, “Two minutes until Skeleton Key is ready to launch worldwide.”

Back to the streets, Tony and Gabby were being chased by an army tank as Tony used her walkie-talkie and asked, “How much longer Frostee?”

Frostee finished building his laser gadget and replied over the walkie-talkie, “We're ready to go. But Shashi is on top of a building, and you'll only have 10 seconds to get to him and take down Skeleton Key! So… how are you going to do that?”

Gabby looked at the map and found a building that they can use to get to the Passline where Shashi’s located at. “I think we just found a ramp,” Gabby noted.

As Tony and Gabby were heading towards Shashi, they were stopped by one of the controlled helicopters. The Torettos turned around to find another way while the helicopter fired heat-seeking missiles at them. “Guys, we got a little problem here!” Tony said.

The Torettos dodged the first heat-seeking missile, but not the second. “We can't shake it!” Gabby hollered while the other missile continued following them.

Just then, Layla appeared all of a sudden and made the save by holding a lit flare while driving her motorcycle to draw the missile towards her. She screamed, “Wahoo-hoo!”

Tony and Gabby gasped, “Layla?!”

Layla told them, “I got the missile. Now, finish this!”

As she turned into an adjacent street, the missile exploded as Tony and Gabby witnessed the impact and stopped the car, leaving them to fear the worst.

“Layla! Are you all right? Does anyone have eyes on Layla?” Tony asked his team over the walkie-talkie with worry.

Jun notified her boss, “Skeleton Key is linked into the West Coast grid. We're ready to launch worldwide, Shashi.”

With Cleve continued to be suspended by the weaponized drones, Shashi told him, “I could do this all day, but sadly, I have other business to handle. Goodbye, Cleve.”

Before Shashi was ready to finish off his Cleve, Tony ordered, “Fire up the transmitter!”

Frostee activated the transmitter from the Hyperfin, planting the virus to Shashi’s server. “You got ten seconds, T!” Frostee said over the walkie-talkie.

“Good thing you have a ten-second car, primo.” Gabby noted.

“Thanks, Gabby.” Tony smiled as the Torettos headed their way to Shashi’s location.

After the virus was transmitted, all of Shashi’s drone and Skeleton Key were shut down.

Shashi questioned, “What's happening? Jun, I lost power.”

Jun informed Shashi from the main power grid, “Someone is transmitting a virus! I'll have it handled in just a second.” While she’s working on removing the virus, the Yoka head emoji appeared and cackled.

Jun realized who planted the virus and said, “Nice one, Frostee.”

Back to the streets, Tony admitted while driving, “Really wished I hadn't yanked out that electric rocket ignition.”

“Then let's go manual.” Gabby said and Tony nodded.

As they were driving towards the pyramid, Rainbow noticed one of the controlled tanks was aiming its cannon right at Tony and Gabby. Rainbow gasped, then she glared in determination, pulled the gear shift, and stomped on the gas.

At that moment, Tony and Gabby noticed the tank fired a blast.

“Oh no!” Gabby cried.

“Oh lugnuts!” Tony exclaimed.

Suddenly, in slow motion, Rainbow’s car drove right in the way and the driver got out at the last minute, as her car was destroyed, then she activated her super speed and ran alongside them.

“Whoa! Thanks, Rainbow!” Tony said.

“Gracias!” Gabby thanked in Spanish.

“Sorry about your car,” Tony apologized.

“Hey, friendship's more important than any dumb old car,” Rainbow replied. “Now let's go stop Shashi!”

Tony nodded as he turned his car to the right to grind against the sidewalk, which started the ignition. Then, the car drove up the pyramid and Rainbow jumped onto Tony’s car in slow motion before it jumped from the pyramid, launching right towards the Passline floor level where Shashi and Cleve are located.

Shashi saw the headlights and reacted in disbelief, “No way.”

Tony and Gabby exited from their car safely and Tony cheered at his survival, “Wahoo-hoo! Yeah! Did you guys see that?!”

Gabby reminded her cousin, “Not the best time, primo.”

As the ten seconds have passed, Shashi squared off against Tony, Gabby, and Rainbow while the Skeleton Key helmet came back online as Jun informed Shashi, “Got it! Shashi, you're back online.”

Back to the fight, Shashi kicked Tony to the ledge as he was almost about to fall off the building.

“No, no, no, no, no!” Tony cried until Gabby and Rainbow grabbed him just before he fell.

Tony thanked them, “Thanks, girls.”

Gabby replied, “Don't mention it, primo!”

“Now go stop Shashi, T!” Rainbow yelled as she and Gabby launched Tony and tackled Shashi before he put on the helmet again. Tony grabbed the helmet, chuckling in victory. Shashi got up and started throwing punches at Tony, but he dodged them and rammed Shashi’s face to the window.

“Let's see what this thing can do.” Tony said as he gained possession of Skeleton Key and donned the helmet.

Once he gained possession of Skeleton Key, Tony veered the weaponized drones towards Shashi like he was possessed by its power.

Shashi tried to run away, but he was cornered and cowered in fear as Tony was prepared to finish him off with the weaponized drones.

“Nowhere to run, Shashi!” Tony said, darkly.

“Tony, no!” Gabby exclaimed.

“Don't sink down to his level!” Rainbow cried.

Tony heard his friends’ cries and took a good look at his own reflection.

He took off the helmet and whimpered, “This is how you took out Layla. Hiding behind a mask, letting machines do your dirty work.” He tossed the helmet to his car. “Get up. Let's finish this, Toretto-style.”

“This Toretto-style?” Shashi challenged. “Three against one?”

“We ain't fighting, el pelmazo!” Gabby said, smugly.

“We're making sure you don't run!” Rainbow said, as the two girls blocked off any escape route.

Tony and Shashi resumed to combat against each other once more as Jun tried contacting Shashi again, “Shashi! Shashi, come in!”

She didn’t hear a response and Jun exited the main power grid until Echo made her way and knocked Jun unconscious.

Echo cracked her knuckles and said, “Hack that.”

After that, Twilight walked up to the computers and plugged a flash drive in.

Twilight said, “There. That should allow Frostee and Donnie remote access.”

Echo asked them, “What are you doing?”

“Well, while we were hacking Cleve's network system, we found something very interesting...” Twilight answered, as they continued working.

“And let's just say, they're making sure Cleve and his buddies get a one-way ticket... to jail.” Spike laughed.

“Alright. I'll be outside if you need me.” Echo shrugged and walked away to let the tech geniuses do their thing.

Back in the streets of the Las Vegas Strip, the tourists watched while Cleve emerged and said, “Come on! What's the hold up here? Let's blow this old gal!”

With the explosives inside the building, as it was set for demolition, Cleve was set to blow her hotel with Shashi and Toretto’s team inside. “See you later, Shashi,” Cleve cackled.

Tony and Shashi continued to throw punches at each other until Tony knocked Shashi unconscious just as Cleve pushed the plunger down, setting off an explosion.

Tony smiled while clutching his fist, “That was a heck of a punch!”

Gabby told him, “I don't think that was you.”

The team gasped as the building began to rumble, getting ready to collapse into rubble.

Frostee contacted his friends on radio, “Guys! The building you're in is exploding!”

“I noticed,” Tony noted as the girls quickly went to his car and sat on the backseat while he buckled Shashi into the passenger seat of his car and threw the Skeleton Key helmet into the backseat before getting in the driver’s seat.

“If we make it out of here alive, we're gonna knock you out all over again.” Gabby told an unconscious Shashi.

Leo shouted over the com-link, “Get out of there guys!”

Tony asked, “How?”

With no way to safely exit the collapsing building, Tony thought of a desperate way to escape: the windows.

“Hey, if Dom can do it, so can I.” Tony stated as he revved up the engines and drove his car back.

“I hope you know what you're doing, T!” Rainbow shouted.

Tony glared in determination, pulled the gear shift, and stomped on the gas. Everyone screamed as the car drove out of one of the windows in desperation and jumped off from the collapsing building.

“They're not going to make it!” Cisco said while his friends looked up with with worry on their faces.

Tony whimpered, “No, no, no, no, no.”

As the car continued plummeting, it was snagged by a harpoon, fired from an airplane. Tony and his friends inside whimpered and panted except Shashi.

“Are you seeing in this?” Is anyone seeing this?” Tony asked in disbelief.

Frostee said in disbelief too, “I can't believe I'm seeing this.”

Pinkie added, “Me neither.”

Tony’s car was being towed into the plane and the door closed behind it while Tony and his friends sighed in relief.

“Look who dropped in?”

Tony, Gabby, and Rainbow recognized the voice and looked through the window.

Tony asked, “Dom?”

“Didn't anyone ever tell you cars don't fly?” Dom said as Tony, Gabby, and Rainbow exited from Tony’s car.

Gabby asked, “Dom, what are you doing here?”

“You two know I'm always there for family.” Dom answered while Ms. Nowhere and Gary walked up to them.

Tony thanked his big cousin, “Thanks. I always wanted to be just like you.”

“Same goes for me. I guess we didn't realize what that really meant.” Gabby smiled.

“But you two stepped up and finished the job. And I'm proud of you.“

Dom hugged both of his cousins, feeling very proud of them while Rainbow, Gary, and Ms. Nowhere looked on while smiling.

Back on the street, Layla drove up to the Ninjas and Tony’s crew.

Tony gasped, “Layla! You're alive!”

“Amiga!” Gabby cried in joy. And they ran up and hugged her.

“Of course I am. You're the ones who needed saving... again.” Layla looked at the streets of Las Vegas, “You really tore things up here.”

“Yeah, this was pretty fun. I've never been to Vegas before.” Tony said.

“After this, we might not be invited back.” Gabby told her cousin.

“Or any of us.” April added as the Ninjas agreed in unison.

Just then, Tony noticed that Dom was approaching towards his crew and the ninjas, but the Turtles’ identities were exposed and they all panicked.

“Oh lugnuts!” Tony exclaimed.

“Turtle exposure alert!” Frostee cried.

“Oh no!” Echo covered Leo's face with her cap, much to his annoyance.

Cisco tackled Raph and Donnie, trying to hide them. “Nothing to see here!”

Frostee stood in front of Mikey, waving his arms to keep the three from seeing him. “These four are not giant turtles!”

“Uh... yeah, their... uh... cosplaying! Yeah!” Tony made up, quickly.

“Really?” Gabby and Layla deadpanned.

“Oh stop the theatrics, we know!” Ms. Nowhere said.

“Wait, what?” Tony said.

“You knew?” Echo asked.

“Yes, she did,” Leo said, taking her hat off his face.

“Surprised us too,” Mikey said.

“Now get off of us!” Raph and Donnie yelled at Cisco.

Cisco got off them and helped them up. “Sorry, guys,” he said, sheepishly.

“Uh, what about Dom?” Frostee asked.

“Nowhere already told me on the way here,” Dom explained.

“Of course she did,” Gabby rolled her eyes.

“It's cool, Gabby,” Dom said. “I've seen way crazier things than four giant turtles.”

“Even stranger than a talking dog?” Spike asked, taking Nowhere and Gary by surprise.

“Even stranger than that,” Dom answered.

Leo announced for his friends, “All the same, sir. We're sorry we deceived you.”

Dom smiled, “You guys had my cousins' back throughout this adventure. That makes you aces in my book.”

Leo bowed, “Thank you.”

Pinkie looked around and asked, “Uh, has anyone seen Adagio and others?”

Before anyone could try and look for them, three of the key cars pulled up in front of them. The car doors were opened and the Dazzlings were revealed to be the ones driving them. Sonata in blue, Adagio in white, and Aria in green.

Adagio greeted them, “Hey guys.”

Sunset asked, “You girls took three of the Key Cars?”

Aria answered, “No way we're letting these beauties go to waste.”

Sonata suggested, “And the three of us figured we could use our own set of wheels.”

Tony gave Layla an offer, “So, Shashi's gonna be locked up for a while. What are you gonna do now?”

“We can still talk to Ms. Nowhere about the prison thing,” Gabby said.

Layla asked, “What are-are you recruiting me to join your little spy squad?”

Tony answered, “Yeah, why not? You get to travel around, play with cool spy stuff.”

Layla politely declined his offer and reminded him, “What did I tell you, Toretto? I'm a lone wolf. I better get out of here before someone remembers to arrest me.”

She got on her bike with a smile, knowing she has plenty of new friends. “See you around everyone. And you too, Latina,” she said to Gabby. After that, she rode off with her motorcycle and left town on her own terms.

Tony smiled, “Later, Gray.”

“Adios, Southern Belle,” Gabby said.

Ms. Nowhere walked up to the group, “Looks like Cleve managed to get away in all the chaos. But don't worry, we'll find him. Any chance we'll find Skeleton Key in there?”

Tony said, “Doubt it. I think the four of us survive.”

Ms. Nowhere replied, “Probably for the best. It was too power. That thing in the wrong hands...”

Gabby added, “Yeah. Imagine.”

“Hey, we've got something for you.” Twilight announced as she gave Ms. Nowhere her flash drive.

Donnie informed her, “Kelso made an interesting call you'll want to hear.”

“Four arrests for the price of one.” Frostee added.

Ms. Nowhere nodded with interest and said, “Nice work. I’ll hold on to this for safekeeping. And don’t worry, I’ll return your flash drive once I upload it in my base of operations.”

“Hey, Gary,” Rainbow said to the big agent. “We saw you take down those soldiers and you, were, awesome!”

“You were metal, dude!” Casey added.

“It was so cool!” Tony said.

“Yeah, you were all, POW!” Mikey said, mimicking Gary punching one of soldiers.

“And after that you were, KICK!” Pinkie mimicked him kicking the soldiers.

“And then you were, BODY-SLAM!” Sonata acted out him body-slamming the soldiers.

“Ay, you were excelente,” Gabby commented.

Gary chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “It was nothing. Just doing my job.”

“Don't flatter yourself, Gary,” Ms. Nowhere remarked.

Tony then stared at everyone with the same thought in mind.

Back at the military base, Ms. Nowhere and Gary were walking onto a tarmac.

“Gary, where did you park our plane?” Ms. Nowhere questioned him.

Gary amusingly answered, “It was right here.”

Just then, the spy plane passed by them with the Ninjas and Racers onboard along with Skeleton Key in possession.

“Toretto, don't you do it!” Ms. Nowhere shouted, as she and Gary ran after the plane.

“Sorry!” Tony called back as a smiley face appeared on Skeleton Key’s face.

“Not sorry!” Rainbow called.

“We'll bring your plane back,” Sunset said. “Eventually!”

“Nothing personal!” Gabby shouted. “Just payback for trying to stop us from saving our friends!”

“And taking all of our cool stuff!” Mikey added.

“And for taking the Shellraiser and Turtle Racer!” Donnie said.

“And being a jerk to us!” April added.

“And for being very mean to Gary and Julius!” Fluttershy put in.

“You can't take my plane!” Nowhere shouted. “It's mine!”

“We can and we don't care!” Leo called.

“See ya,” Raph called. “...Ms. Jerkwhere!”

Gary looked on as the plane took off from the runway while Ms. Nowhere roared in outrage and shook her fists.

While they were all flying in the plane, Gabby thought of something.

“You know, guys. As much of a pain Ms. Nowhere was, she was right about one thing,” Gabby said, taking skeleton key. “This thing is too powerful. And we can't risk it falling into the wrong hands.”

“So what should we do with it?” Echo asked, and Gabby smirked.

Few hours later, the ninjas and Tony’s crew arrived in the streets of New York as Gabby floored the gas and ran over Skeleton Key with the Shellraiser, smashing it. Then she reversed and ran over it again, smashing it more. The Ninjas and Tony's Crew watched as she drove the Shellraiser back and forth, running over Skeleton Key until it was totally destroyed.

“Yep, that'll do it.” Tony said.

After they destroyed Skeleton Key, the Ninjas invited the Toretto Crew to the Turtle Lair.

Leo announced, “Welcome to our home.”

The Toretto Crew were amazed at the lair and Tony said, “I can't believe you guys live here.”

“You guys weren't kidding that you're ninjas.” Echo commented.

Just then, Fugitoid appeared and greeted, “Ah, welcome back Turtles and friends. I was just cleaning up and tidying up your home while you were gone. And…” He then looked at Tony and his crew, “Oh, hello there. I've never seen you guys around here before.”

Tony and his gang gasped after seeing a robot and Pinkie told him, “That's because these guys are our new friends, silly!”

Pinkie pointed the Toretto Crew one by one, “That's Tony. Echo. Frostee. And Cisco. The Toretto Crew.”

Fugitoid smiled, “Well, it's very nice to meet you. My name is Fugitoid.”

Frostee started fanboying, “No way! You're a robot! Like an actual robot! Tell me, are you an alien from outer space? Did someone created you? Do you…”

“Easy there, Frostee. Slow down. It’s quite a long story, my new friend,” Fugitoid replied.

Frostee smiled, “Really? Tell me more, Fugitoid.”

While Frostee was busy with Fugitoid, Cisco opened the fridge and happily gasped, “Pizza! Mmm, I’m hungry for some pizza.”

“Check the freezer for ice.” Mikey said.

Pinkie added, “Yeah, we'll get the drinks.”

Cisco opened the freezer door and when he did, he screamed and slammed it shut.

Tony asked with a confused look, “Cisco, what's wrong?”

Cisco frightfully answered, “There's something in the freezer!”

The two pranksters giggled that their joke worked.

“What? What happened Cisco? You look like you just seen a ghost.” Frostee noted.

Cisco frightfully told his crew, “There's something in the freezer! Something alive!”

The pranksters laughed at Cisco's panic attack and Mikey cackled, “Relax, it's just Ice Cream Kitty.”

“Ice cream what now?” Echo asked.

“Come see for yourself, guys.” Mikey offered Tony’s crew to look at what’s inside the freezer.

Tony’s crew opened the freezer and saw Ice Cream Kitty.

“Meow,” Ice Cream Kitty meowed.

Tony asked, “Is that a cat made out of ice cream?”

Pinkie answered, “She's actually a mutant cat made out of ice cream.”

Fluttershy added, “She's actually a real sweetie.”

April mentioned, “Before that, she was my pet.”

Raph came in with Chompy shortly after the Toretto Crew met Ice Cream Kitty.

Rainbow greeted Chompy, “Hey Chompster.”

Cisco cooed, “Aw, who's this little guy?”

Raph answered, “This little guy right here is my bud, Chompy.”

“He's cute.” Cisco cooed again.

“Uh, I wouldn't get too close, Cisco. Raph warned him as Chompy belched fire, narrowly missing Cisco.

“Woah. That's awesome. He’s like a fire-breathing dragon.” Cisco complimented.

Echo asked, “Where did you even find this little guy?” She then asked Raph, “Can I try petting Chompy please?”

“It's a long story.” Rainbow answered as Raph nodded and Echo petted Chompy gently.

“So this is where you live,” A female voice echoed as everyone turned their attention to see Ms. Nowhere along with Gary and Bishop arriving in the Turtle Lair.

“How'd you?” Leo stared.

“Find this filthy hole you call a home?” Ms. Nowhere finished. “Because I'm that darn good!”

“We asked Bishop for your address,” Gary noted.

“Shut up, Gary!” Nowhere snapped.

“By asked, he means she threatened me with a missile,” Bishop explained.

“And speaking of which...” Ms. Nowhere took out her purse and aimed a missile at the ninjas and racers. “Hand over Skeleton Key! NOW!!!”

Everyone smirked at each other before they all answered in unison, “Okay.” Then they dumped the pieces at Nowhere's feet.

The government agent stared in shock. “You destroyed it?!”

“Nope. Gabby destroyed it,” Tony corrected, nodding toward his cousin.

“You said it was for the best,” Gabby noted.

Ms. Nowhere retracted the missile back into her purse. “Well, okay then.”

“Really? Cause I remember you asking Bishop if the Utroms could…”

Ms. Nowhere interrupted Gary, “THAT... was actually in case we couldn't physically destroy it.”

"Though, apparently that is not the case," Bishop stated.

“It was actually more fragile than you think.” Gabby said.

“Fair enough.” Then Ms. Nowhere asked, “So, where's my plane?”

Sunset grinned and answered. “Back in Vegas.”

“What?!” Ms. Nowhere shouted. “Oooo, when I'm finished with all of you...”

“Tell you what, Nowhere,” Gabby interjected. “You forget about us stealing your plane, and Tony and I will forget telling Dom that you tried to throw us in jail!”

Tony chuckled. “Dom will not be happy about that!”

Although she didn't show it, Ms Nowhere shuttered at the thought of an angry Dominick Toretto before she composed herself. “Fine. But keep your mitts off of my stuff!”

“Okay, as long as you and your agency keep your mitts off our stuff!” Raph retorted.

“That includes our vehicles!” Donnie added. “And Dr. Cluckingsworth!”

“Fine,” Ms. Nowhere repeated.

“And one more thing, Ms Nowhere,” Gabby said, before she grabbed Nowhere by her sweater and threatened, “If you ever, and I mean EVER, try to sacrifice our friends again, then Dom will be the last person you should be afraid of! Got it?!”

“Loud and clear,” Ms. Nowhere frowned, before she swatted Gabby’s hands off her and yelled at her agent. “Let's go, Gary!”

Then she, Bishop, and Gary left. But Gary glanced back at the Ninjas and Crew with a look that said, 'I know you lied about the plane being back in Vegas'. Gabby smiled and put a finger to her lips. Gary nodded and headed out.

“Hey, you guys want to show us some of your landmarks? I always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty.” Tony begged the ninjas.

Leo smiled, “Give us a minute to grab our gear.”

However, Gabby then thought of something and announced, “Actually, I have a better idea.”

The next day, the ninjas and Tony’s crew were spending the rest of day on the beach with a beautiful sunrise shining in the sky. Tony, Echo, Gabby, Casey, Rainbow, Sunset, Aria, Leo, and Raph were racing each other in the ocean with their jet skis. Cisco, Frostee, Mikey, April, Spike, Rarity, Sonata, and Adagio were sunbathing while Donnie, Pinkie, Fugitoid, and Twilight were filming with Twilight’s drone as DJ Drone was serving a Yoka can to Frostee and drank it.

“Wahoo! That's right!” Echo yelled as she rode on her jet ski, making a jump. “Whoo!”

Tony followed her, “Yeah!”

“This is a well-deserved vacation.” Sonata told Cisco.

Cisco replied, “You said it, Beautiful.”

“Indeed, Sonata.” Fugitoid answered, watching from afar.

Just then, the ski racers splashed the sunbathers. Luckily, Fugitoid didn't get splashed.

“Oh c'mon! Seriously!” Rarity vented.

“Sorry, Rarity.” Tony apologized as everybody else started laughing at Rarity’s misfortune.

“How mad you think Ms. Nowhere is over the state we left her plane in?” Sunset chuckled.

Echo said, “Nah, she'll be fine. We deserve a little vacation.”

“But first, I was thinking, maybe we could hop over to Japan and visit the Yoka factory? I hear they have all kinds of crazy flavors, like lychee and seaweed and platinum tiger.” Frostee suggested, feeling excited.

“Not before my new boyfriend takes me to dinner.” Sonata suggested while Cicso smiled so hard, his face was hurting.

“One more lap before we hit the road?” Echo asked.

“Let's do it!” Tony cheered.

[Frostee, Pinkie, and Sonata]

Because we're ninja racers

Riding jet skis

While hearing the pranksters sing, everyone covered their ears and ignored their singing voices.

Taking laps around the keys!

“Ha-ha! Whoo!” Frostee cheered.

Just then, Mikey came running with a few sheets of paper.

“Guys, I've finished the song I was writing. Look.”

The Dazzlings and Rainbooms looked at the lyrics and they were actually impressed.

Adagio smiled, “Mikey, this is pretty good.”

Pinkie complimented, “Really catchy.”

Sonata asked him, “What's it titled?”

Mikey answered, “Chasing Legacy.”

Minutes later, the Dazzlings and Rainbooms along with Mikey perform their song at the beach while the Allies, Toretto Crew, and other beachgoers watched.

[The Dazzlings and Rainbooms]

Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah



This is our family

That's what it's all about

We ride for life

[The Rainbooms]

Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah

We run the world like we're family

Speed it up, 'cause together we

We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy


Ride out, got the whole squad, yeah we on the go

Go strap the whip, it's our tire smoke

And the crew stay tight, yeah, everybody know

We just havin' fun 'cause this is how we roll

'Cause they can't hold us, stay so focused

The streets, they made us, never slow up

Got your back for life, the bond can't be broke

We didn't come to lose, so we doin' the most

[The Dazzlings]

Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah

We run the world like we're family

Speed it up, 'cause together we

We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy


From nothin' to somethin', got the whole city buzzin'

Never hate it, we love it, it's all family runnin'

It started off with a dream, they never stoppin' the team

We goin' all the way up 'cause we kings and queens

Have to fight our way in, pushin' through the limits

They didn't think we could do it, but my crew stay winning

We movin' country to country, the whole world is our throne

It doesn't matter where we go 'cause family is home

[The Rainbooms (with Mikey)]

Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah

We run the world like we're family (Like a family)

Speed it up, 'cause together we

We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy

[Sonata (with the Dazzlings and Rainbooms)]

Everyday we're lovin', fightin', pushin', survivin', changes, don't come easy

We fall then rise, takin' chances, always light up, see us standin' tall

Stronger, only makes us stronger, it's how family grows

'Cause I got your back for life

(Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah)

(Oh, ha-ha, ha-ha)

[The Dazzlings and Rainbooms (with Mikey)]

Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah

We run the world like we're family

Speed it up, 'cause together we

We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy (Chasin' legacy)

Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah

We run the world like we're family

Speed it up, 'cause together we ('Cause together we)

(We ride out, ride out) Chasin' legacy


Yeah, we ride together

We rise together

We fall together

But we get back up strong

Every time

'Cause family is love

And in my life, family is everything

The Toretto Crew, Allies, and everyone else at the beach cheered for the Ninjas’ performance as they all bowed.

After they returned from the beach, Donnie used his portal ray to make a portal back to LA.

“That portal projector is awesome!” Frostee gushed.

Donnie smiled, “Thanks.”

Tony told him, “Donnie, don't even think about giving him the schematics to build his own.”

Leo smiled, “Glad we got to meet you, Tony.”

The two leaders shook hands as Tony smiled, “Likewise, Leo. Anytime you guys are in our neighborhood, look us up.”

“Will do. And you guys are always welcome to come to New York and visit us if you need any help dealing with our enemies.” Leo informed him.

“Or magical problems. And you guys can swing by Canterlot City anytime you want and we'll throw you a big welcoming party to you guys. The Toretto Crew!” Pinkie cheered as she fired her party cannon with confetti.

“Consider it done.” Echo nodded as Cisco walked up to them, covered in lipstick stain.

Cisco apologized while blushing, “Sorry I'm late, guys.”

“Mm-hmm. Seems like you took your time with your girlfriend, Cisco.” Frostee smirked.

Cisco saw his reflection in the mirror of his truck and quickly wiped his face clean.

Tony patted him on the back, “Bro, relax. We're happy for you.”

Echo stated, “Though, I'm surprised Sonata ain't seeing you off.”

Cisco informed his crew, “She and her friends had some explaining to do.”

Raph suggested, “Karai is probably steaming mad.”

“Nah, she wouldn't be. But, she'll get over it eventually.” Donnie said.

Gabby walked up to Tony and cried, “Before you go, T. I just want to say thank you for being there for me and having my back for me, primo.”

“No problem, Gabby. After all, no matter where we go or where we are, family is home.” Tony smiled before he hugged Gabby, which she hugged him back too.

Tony let go and went back to join his racing crew as they climbed into their cars. Tony glanced at the Ninjas, “Later guys.”

Tony and his crew drove their cars and raced to the portal to Los Angeles before it closed while the Ninjas waved back at them.

After the portal closed, the gang headed back toward the sewer, when Mikey noticed something.

“Hey, Sunset, Rainbow?” Mikey said, pointing off to the side. “You two might wanna look over there.”

The two Rainbooms looked and gasped. Parked there were two motorcycles with notes that read “to Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash” respectively. Sunset’s motorcycle looked like the one she rode in the Friendship Games and Rainbow’s motorcycle looked like it was specifically designed for her.

“AWESOME!” Rainbow gushed, as she and Sunset ran over to them. Then they took the papers and found a message on the back. She took her note and read, “'To Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer.'”

“'Thanks for not being total screw ups'”, Sunset read from her’s. “'PS, there are no spy weapons on these bikes so don't bother checking. A little payback for stealing my plane.' Definitely from Ms Nowhere.”

“Looks like she wanted to replace your cars that blew up,” Gabby said.

“Okay, maybe Ms. Nowhere's not totally the worst,” Rainbow admitted.

“Told you,” Fluttershy smiled.

In the end, the bond they now had with Tony’s crew was strong because that’s what they were: Family.

Author's Note:

Happy 4th of July!

Arboost was an antagonist from the 2003 TMNT series. And since Casey called him Boss Hoggs, a character from The Dukes of Hazard, Jebens1 based his version off of him. Plus, Arboost got his own gang.

Here's what Arboost and his gang looks like. Created by Jebens1.

Rainbow Dash’s motorcycle is from the EQG Digital Short, FOMO.

Sunset Shimmer’s motorcycle is from Equestria Girls: Friendship Games

Tony driving his car through the window from a building is a reference to Dominic Toretto driving an expensive car through windows of three buildings in Abu Dhabi before ejecting himself from the movie, Furious 7.

Chasing Legacy was sung by Shaylin Becton & Tha Vil

Screenshots taken from Season 1, Episode 8 of Fast and Furious: Spy Racers

Comments ( 5 )

Happy Independence Day, buddy.

now i'm waiting for the next season of this story. ha haa.

Well done, and Happy Independence Day

Thank you everyone for reading my story of Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers. There will be plenty more adventures with the Toretto Crew soon.

I can't wait to read more about the adventures of the Ninja Racers. Especially the third and fourth season.

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