• Published 20th Dec 2020
  • 2,831 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced Brawler of Equestria (RWBY x MLP Displaced Story!) - Ocelot the Devil

On an ordinary day like any other, I receive the most unusual package in the form of two golden-plated bracelets. Slipping them on, I didn't expect to get sent to another world or transformed into a hot-smoking blonde. Can't catch a break, can I?

  • ...

Meet and Greet!

The blonde’s eyes cracked slowly open as she released a minor set of groans in response to awakening. “My head feels like hell right now...” She complained out loud before stretching her arms and trying to stifle a yawn with one of her hands.

Where was she exactly...? It seemed to be a bedroom of sorts. Which meant that she was in someone’s home… but what happened to that Discord creature? Was he beaten or was he still running around?

Apparently, someone must have heard her moving around because the door opened a few moments later and the mystery person entered the room.

“Oh, my! You’re awake!” The person in question that spoke this was a girl with long pink hair that covered one of her teal eyes. She wore a sleeveless blonde dress with a short-sleeved gray jacket while a pair of brown sandals adorned her fair-skinned feet.

Needless to say, the blonde was stunned by the appearance of this... this... beautiful woman. She could even sense her heart beating faster.She hoped she wasn't staring rudely, but she couldn't help herself if she was.

“Umm...” The woman with pink-colored hair commented to break the awkwardness between them.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Thank you for taking care of me." The blonde said with a small smile on her face.

“W-welcome. I’m Fluttershy... and you are?” The pink-haired girl known as Fluttershy wondered about the name.

The blonde was in trouble now... she didn’t have a clue on what her name was!

"I, um, I actually don't remember my name." She replied bashfully and rubbed the back of her head.

“Oh! Oh no... I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bring it up! I’m sorry!” She apologised while releasing a huge wave of tears.

"No, please don't cry! I'm sure my name was something silly and I probably hated it!" She tried to comfort Fluttershy only to make things even worse as she continued to cry even more.

Why did she have to be so bad with crying women?!The blonde didn’t know what to do to make Fluttershy calm down...

In desperation and quick thinking, the blonde hugged Fluttershy as tight as she could. "I'm sorry, please calm down. I hate seeing you cry." She admitted.

Despite all of the crying, Fluttershy was surprised by the hug as she wiped the tears away. “I’m sorry...” She said softly.

"I'm sorry too…" The blonde replied with a sad frown.

“For what? You’ve done nothing wrong...” Fluttershy said with a confused look.

"I made you upset…" The blonde replied – her voice cracking up a bit. "That's reason enough to apologize."

Fluttershy felt a little guilty and muttered a simple. “But...”

"Can we start over?" The blonde asked with a hopeful look.

Fluttershy nodded and wiped her tears away. “I’d like that.” She agreed with a small but sad smile.

"Alright, well I'm pleased to meet you, Fluttershy." The blonde greeted with her own smile.

“Likewise. Though... I just wish I could call you by your name... I bet it’s a nice name.” Fluttershy commented.

"Well, why don't you pick a name for me? I'm sure any name you pick will be great!" The blonde encouraged the pinkette.

“O-oh! Ummm... okay. Are you sure though?” Fluttershy asked - her tone had a hint of hesitation.

"Well, it's better than being called 'hey you' or 'girl'," She pointed out and the pinkette had to admit that it was a good point from her companion.

“Hmm...” Fluttershy began to think of what to call this mystery person

The blonde waited patiently for her new name. She didn’t really care about it in particular. It was just to make sure that Fluttershy wouldn’t have another crying episode. She hated seeing a cute girl like that get- Wait… did she just think that Fluttershy was cute again?

“Hmmm... Ooh! Will Natsumi work for you? I can call you Natsu for short until we can figure out what your real name is.” Fluttershy stated.

"Sure thing!" The newly dubbed Natsumi agreed. She turned the name over in her head…Natsu. For some reason, it had a perfect ring to it… it sounded like a fighter’s name.

Fluttershy nodded before she looked away for some reason, much to Natsu’s worry. Did she say something wrong?

"What's wrong, Fluttershy?" Natsu asked in a worried tone.

“Umm... I... like your hair.” Fluttershy admitted and didn’t even stop the blush from appearing on her cheeks.

Natsu blushed as well at that statement and replied. "Thank you."

“W-welcome. Oh, thanks for saving us from Discord.” Fluttershy thanked the blonde fighter who just shrugged.

"I don't think I did anything special. The guy was a jerk… using his magic to threaten you all. He was a monster and I had to stop him… it was the right thing to do." Natsu stated.

“But you saved Ponyville! You’re a hero!” Fluttershy replied.

"Really?" Natsu asked in surprise – she didn’t expect to be called a hero today.

“Mhm. All my friends and I saw you fight off Discord... ooh! Do you normally allow the fire to spread to your hair?” Fluttershy wondered with a curious expression.

"I don't remember…" Natsu admitted before realizing something. "Funnily enough, I don't remember anything, actually. I’m sorry…" She apologized.

“Ooh! Memory loss?! Oh, I’m sorry...” Fluttershy apologised yet again as the tears built up in her eyes yet Natsu wasn’t having that.

"Please don't cry," Natsu begged as she placed a hand on the pinkette’s shoulder.

Fluttershy sniffed as she wiped the tears away. “I’m sorry but I feel like I should do more to help you out yet... I feel so weak.” She admitted.

"Don't say that, you've given me a place to stay while I recovered and nursed me back to health." Natsu said with a small smile.

“I... I guess but still... I wish I could find a way to help out some more.” Fluttershy admitted.

"I can't think of anything else you could reasonably do," Natsu replied gently.

Fluttershy felt sad and looked down. “Aww….”

Natsu hated making Fluttershy sad and tried to wrack her brain for something Fluttershy could do for her only for her stomach to begin growling.

"Um, would it be too much to ask for some food?" Natsu asked sheepishly.

Fluttershy’s face lit up. “Of course! Oh! I haven’t even offered you some food... damn it. My bad...” She apologised.

Natsu was surprised by how she had swore in front of her. She didn’t expect a cute and innocent girl like that to swear.

"Really, it's fine Fluttershy." Natsu assured her.

“If you say so... anything that you would like me to make you?” Fluttershy wondered.

"I don't want to be a bother. Anything's fine." Natsu replied with a shrug.

“Alright... hmm, I’ll see what I can do. Mind if I keep you company?” Fluttershy asked. For some reason, the pinkette was really eager to spend more time with Natsu… yet she didn’t know why.

"I don't mind at all," Natsu said as Fluttershy’s face lit up. Hearing these words made her scream ‘Victory!’ in her mind.

Just then the door opened slowly as a ‘WOOF!’ noise was heard. On the floor was a black-white dog - from the looks of he or she... it was a corgi.

"Um, hello there." Natsu greeted and immediately facepalmed at the fact that she just spoke to a dog.

The corgi entered the bedroom and rushed over to Fluttershy who picked it up with a smile. “Oh, hey Sora. Who’s a good girl? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!” She stated while playing with her dog.

Natsu though this was too cute for words… not only that, but the sight of Fluttershy playing with the dog was melting her heart.

Fluttershy was petting the corgi before overlooking Natsu's location. “This is my pet corgi Sora. I adopted her a while back since I need a companion for my bunny rabbit Angel. She’s been helpful around the house a lot.” She explained.

"That's so sweet." Natsu cooed with Fluttershy nodding before Sora noticed the blonde. She tried getting closer to her but couldn’t be due to Fluttershy holding her.

"What's the matter, girl?" Fluttershy asked with a confused expression.

Sora’s face was trying to reach Natsu from the looks of it.

Fluttershy understood her dog’s plan before she held Sora out to Natsu. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked with a soft expression.

Natsu nodded happily and took Sora in her arms. “Hey, girl. Do you want me to hold you?” She asked the dog who barked happily and then licked her.

Natsu giggled as the dog showered her in affection in the form of licking every square inch she could get to.

“She likes you it seems.” Fluttershy stated with a smile.

"Well I like this cutie too~" Natsu giggled and continued to play with Sora.

Fluttershy blushed at those giggles and her heart was beating very fast. She counted herself lucky that Natsu was too distracted with Sora to notice.

Sora then licked Natsu’s hand, which surprised and delighted her. "Sora!" Natsu laughed as she got dog slobber on her hand.

Sora barked happily and made a gesture for Natsu to pet her… which she did without a moment’s hesitation.

Seeing Natsu playing with Sora made Fluttershy wonder if she was a dog lover or an animal lover. Maybe both…?

“Natsu, if you don’t mind me asking... are you an animal lover?” The pinkette wondered.

"I think I must be. I'm enjoying playing with Sora too much otherwise," Natsu said.

Fluttershy’s face lit up. “I’m one as well! I love taking care of every type of animal there is... well, except for the monsters in the Everfree... they’re scary.” She admitted with a shiver. Going to the Everfree Forest was definitely something that she always dreaded doing…

"Monsters, huh. Probably a good idea to stay away from them," Natsu noted. She memorized the warning in her mind as well. Definitely avoiding the Everfree Forest unless the situation was urgent…

Fluttershy nodded and then her stomach growled as well. All of this time talking and spending time with Natsu… she didn’t even go get started on their meal!

"Let's get something to eat." Natsu encouraged and Fluttershy nodded at the idea.

The two went downstairs with Sora resting in Natsu’s hands. Upon entering the kitchen, Fluttershy then went about gathering things for their meal.

“So... what happened exactly after I knocked Discord out?” Natsu wondered as she sat down where the table and chairs were.

"The girls and I sealed him in stone using the Elements of Harmony." Fluttershy answered without turning her back.

“Ah, I see. That’s- wait, the Elements of Harmony?” Natsu asked with raised brow. What on Earth are the Elements of Harmony?

"The Elements are ancient artifacts that use the power of friendship to help people and stop bad guys." Fluttershy explained.

Natsu went to try and digest the information that was given to her just now. “So... they are like McGuffins in a sense?” She asked with the first thing that came up to her mind.

"I suppose so." Fluttershy answered with a small shrug. She didn’t think to call them ‘McGuffins’ until now…

“Fair enough. And you are one of the Elements?” Natsu wondered with a raised brow.

"Yep, I bear the Element of Kindness." Fluttershy told her.

Natsu whistled as her lips twisted into a smile. “So... like a superhero?” She asked.

Fluttershy blushed heavily and quickly responded. "Nothing so grand. I just… do what is right."

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” Natsu admitted with a smirk.

"I'm really nothing special." Fluttershy demurred while keeping the blush on her face. All of this caused Natsu to giggle.

“Still, you’re a hero as well. I kind of feel bad that I’m intruding in your home...” Natsu admitted with an uneasy look.

"It's the least I can do for the woman who saved us from Discord." Fluttershy insisted and continued fixing the meal.

Now it was Natsu’s turn to blush heavily. Fluttershy had done nothing but act kind towards her... so... why the hell was her heart beating!? Well, the answer to that wasn't truly a mystery. A pretty woman was treating her well and it looked like she was a lesbian or at the very least bisexual.

Yet Natsu wasn’t going to do something stupid and try to romance her immediately. Natsu didn't have so much as a penny to her name. Hell, she didn't even know her real name to begin with. Fluttershy deserves someone better.

“Say, Natsu... if you don’t mind me saying this... but during your battle with Discord... I noticed that your eyes changed colour.” Fluttershy said.

"Really?" Natsu asked. Her eyes changed during the battle with Discord? How and why had they done that? Was it something important or just a cosmetic?

“Yeah. Apparently they went bright red when you became angry at Discord.” Fluttershy explained.

"Huh...that's strange," Natsu said with a curious expression on her.

“I agree. Though I do love the colour red.” Fluttershy revealed with a slight grin on her face.

That got Natsu to blush… It almost sounded like Fluttershy was flirting with her.

“T-thanks.” Natsu replied with the blush still there.

"You're welcome," Fluttershy said and started blushing as well.

The two went silent and the air around them turned awkward. Someone needed to break the ice before things got… uncomfortable.

"So what are you making, Fluttershy?" Natsu asked while trying to bring the topic away from the awkwardness.

“O-oh... something salty. I hope you like macaroni casserole with hot sauce.” Fluttershy told her.

"I won't know until I try," Natsu answered with a shrug. Fluttershy flinched at the reminder that Natsu was an amnesiac, but Natsu didn’t notice.

“I’ll get us both some juice.” Fluttershy suggested.

"Thank you." Natsu thanked. A little juice wouldn’t hurt since she was feeling a little parched.

“Of course.” Fluttershy replied with a nod while finishing up the last touches for their meal. As Fluttershy was pouring the juice, she didn’t see a little bit spilling, her gaze elsewhere. Soon the casserole was in the oven and cooking while the pinkette and Natsu drank their juice.

“So, since it’s getting a little late... I’ll have to introduce you to my friends tomorrow. They’ll want to meet the savior of Ponyville.” Fluttershy stated.

"I'll look forward to it." Natsu said. Meeting the other residents of Ponyville would help her get a much clearer experience on where she was. At least she now knew the name for the town.

Fluttershy nodded before remembering something else. “Oh! My friend Pinkie will no doubt throw a surprise party for you.” She explained.

"Thanks for the warning." Natsu told her with a smile.

“Of course. One thing you should never do is upset Pinkie. Believe me... you don’t want to know what happened the last time we avoided her.” Fluttershy said with a shiver.

In a particular moment of planning a certain ‘Thank you for all the parties, Pinkie!’ party… Pinkie literally became someone else with anger displaced on her face.

"Duly noted." Natsu replied albeit with a confused expression.

Fluttershy nodded before adding something else. “Good. I have some of my old pajamas prepared for you but we’ll need to check if they’ll fit on you.”

"Thank you so much Fluttershy, I don't know how I'll ever repay you." Natsu replied to her kind offer.

“No, no! It’s fine! I just hope I’ll be able to repay you someday.” Fluttershy told her while shaking her arms in response to Natsu’s words.

Both women blushed at the insistence of repayment and the air once more became awkward.

“So... ummm...” Natsu didn’t know what to say or do next.

"Let's see if those pajamas fit you while we wait for the casserole to cook." Fluttershy suggested and the blonde nodded at the idea.

Natsu got up as did Fluttershy. As they were walking away, the pinkette accidentally slipped onto a small puddle of juice onto Natsu as they both fell to the ground on top of one another.

Natsu ended up on the floor, but that wasn't important to her. The important thing was Fluttershy's hand was groping her left boob while on top of her.

Natsu saw it and blushed heavily as did Fluttershy who immediately tried to get off Natsu. "I'm so sorry!" She apologized quickly.

Natsu shook her head and started to apologize as well. “No, no! I apologize as well!”

"I'm the one who slipped and ended up with my hand on your...your...." Fluttershy couldn't say the word as she blushed along with Natsu who rubbed the back of her head at the awkwardness.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Natsu spoke once again.

"It's fine." The blonde assured.

Fluttershy nodded before replying. “I’m sorry again...”

"Don't worry about it." Natsu replied with an awkward frown.

With that mess cleared up, Fluttershy and Natsu went for the pajamas. After giving them to Natsu, the pinkette left the room so that she could change without being disturbed.

Natsu took off her trousers and shirt before slipping on an orange t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She took off her boots and put on a pair of slippers. To her surprise, the pajamas fit quite well. Fluttershy was almost exactly her size.

“Huh, not bad.” She commented but wondered what to do with the prosthetic arm. She couldn’t exactly sleep with it… it might get crushed or damaged. Should she risk taking it off without knowing if she could put it back on?

“Hmmm... let’s see what happens if I remove it...” Natsu trailed off and began to detach it slowly.

Taking off her arm felt very odd…There was no pain, but suddenly she couldn't feel it. And then she understood why... it was gone completely!!!

Natsu started freaking out! Her arm hadn't been covered in armor, it was gone! All this time she assumed the robot arm was just a decorative armor… she didn’t expect her entire right arm to be missing!

“Where’s my arm!?” She screamed.

Having heard the scream, Fluttershy rushed back into the room to check on the blonde who was having a panic attack.

“Natsu, what’s wrong!?” Fluttershy asked in a worried tone.

"My arm!" Natsu exclaimed, holding her robotic replacement with her other hand.

Fluttershy looked at where the robotic arm was and gasped when she saw the missing right arm. "Oh, my! Natsu, are you alright!?" She asked while examining it.

Natsu took a deep breath and began to calm down. "It doesn't hurt or anything. I was just shocked and now I wish I knew how I lost my arm..." She admitted.

Fluttershy hugged her as tight as she could. "It's okay... It's okay. I'm here for you." She promised the blonde.

Natsu nodded before the tears began streaming down from her eyelids. This day was definitely a hellish one for her.

"I'm sorry... look at me going all to pieces. I just...I hate not knowing anything about myself..." Natsu said as she cried while Fluttershy stroked her gently.

"Shh... I'm here for you." The pinkette assured with a smile while she cradled Natsu slowly.

As Fluttershy continued to cradle Natsu, the pinkette began to sing a lullaby to which the blonde had closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.

Author's Note:

Once again, I have surprised you all with the next chapter of the story... we finally get introduced to Displaced!Yang's love interest along with getting a name 'Natsumi/Natsu'!

Reasons on why I chose the name is because of Fairy Tail's Natsu... plus I thought it would be a cool name for her... I think. Don't judge me please!

I don't own MLP nor RWBY - they are owned by their respective authors (Hasbro and Monty Oum/Rooster Teeth)!