• Published 20th Dec 2020
  • 2,823 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced Brawler of Equestria (RWBY x MLP Displaced Story!) - Ocelot the Devil

On an ordinary day like any other, I receive the most unusual package in the form of two golden-plated bracelets. Slipping them on, I didn't expect to get sent to another world or transformed into a hot-smoking blonde. Can't catch a break, can I?

  • ...

Breakfast, Helping Hand (And a New Arrival on Equis)

A couple of days had passed since my meeting with the Princess and honestly, I felt myself being super bored. Despite me training and spending my time with Fluttershy, it just wasn’t… What's the word? Satisfactory.

On this day, I decided to change my activity and do some jogging around the town to take my mind off things. Different things were on my mind such as how long will I not be having memories, my illness fading away and just figuring out new means to elevate my boredom.

Whilst I was running, my nose picked up a very tasty scent in the air. My stomach began to growl. Oops… all that negativity and questioning has made me work up an appetite. Plus, I don’t think I had breakfast this morning since I decided to just run out the door and start jogging.

Now where are those delicious treats coming from? Using my nose, I began to track down the scent as fast as possible. My destination was none other than the bakery of Sugarcube Corner and out sitting on the windowsill were a large tray filled with cookies! Apparently, they were put out to be cooled since they were just freshly baked.

While I was told about the bakery from Fluttershy’s friend, Pinkie, I never did enter it nor bothered to pay her a visit... Never seemed appropriate. My stomach growled and I proceeded to rub my belly. Truth be told, I was feeling a bit hungry and wanted to have something to eat.

“Breakfast time.” I told myself before entering the bakery.

Inside was a dream come true for anyone that had a sweet tooth. Cakes, cookies, pudding… Basically, it was a Candyland paradise and I wasn’t gonna lie but everything looked very tasty! I don’t know why but I just wanted to binge on everything!

“Can I help you, Miss?” A voice asked me.

Turning around, I saw a middle-aged woman with her hair styled in a whipped-icing style with a moderate rose with pale and light grayish crimson color scheme while both of her irises were colored in with brilliant rose while her skin was completely fair. She donned a simple beige shirt with a skirt and Mary Jane shoes. An apron was tied around her waist.

Must be the owner of Sugarcube Corner, so I gave a simple nod. "Y-yeah... I'm Natsu, a friend of Fluttershy."

“Oh I heard of you. The one who defeated Discord… my husband and I send our thanks.” The woman admitted with a grateful look.

Her comment made me blush a bit. "I don’t brag or anything but I couldn’t let his actions go unpunished. Plus, it just seemed right to jump in and do something."

At that moment, my tummy released a growling noise as my blushing increased. “Oops… my bad.”

The woman's lips morphed into a smile before she replied. "Sounds like someone is hungry."

“Y-yeah… didn’t have a chance to get breakfast.” I admitted with a sheepish look.

"It's fine, my dear. Pinkie has been meaning to invite you over ever since she explained to me and my husband about your exploits." The woman admitted, which surprised me a lot.

“Really? That’s quite a surprise.” I replied before taking a seat at an empty table.

"Oh, yes indeed! So, what should I prepare for your belly to be satisfied?" She questioned and handed me a menu to choose.

I looked at the selection of goodies before me and shrugged. “I don’t know to be honest. Any recommendations?” I questioned the owner.

The woman kept her smile. "I think I know what might cheer you up. Take a seat and I'll be around soon enough." She assured her.

I took her advice and sat by the windows and watched the world go by. This place was pretty peaceful... not gonna lie. Even though I don’t remember much about my home, I had already made the decision to adopt Equis as my new place to live in.

Kind of wish I could remember anything about my old home though. Wonder if anyone is looking for me...? If my parents or siblings are… if I can remember any.

Then again, my memory was all a fritz and I couldn't really answer that one. Even if I wanted to, I'll have to go on for a little while without any memories. Damn it all to hell.

Hearing footsteps, I turned to the owner who was bringing me… holy mother of god! What… What heaven was this!?

In front of me was a large plate with mouth-watering pancakes, complete with chocolate syrup and a batch of strawberry. Next to it was a cup of coffee. Holy shit… what a breakfast this was!

“Coffee is the morning pick, my dear.” The woman told me with the smile still on her face.

"Thanks, miss. Should really give me a boost of energy." I told her with my own smile on my face and got down to eating my food.

“It’s so good…” I admitted after taking the first bites.

"Why, thank you!" The lady admitted with her smile.

Cutting down pieces of my pancake, I put one-by-one in my mouth and chewed slowly. Also, I drank my coffee too since I was feeling thirsty and my energy was being regenerated.

I rubbed my tummy satisfied with my meal as the woman began to take away my plate, cutlery and empty cup. “I’m glad you enjoyed your breakfast, dear.” She told me before departing for the kitchen.

Leaving the café, my gaze immediately befell towards one of Flutters’ friends - Applejack, who was pushing a cart filled with logs. Whatever she had planned, I was unaware at this time. Nonetheless, I’ve decided to go and assist her.

“Let’s see if there’s anything I can do to help her out easily.”

Walking ahead, I noticed that it wasn’t just Applejack trying to push the cart. Another farmer was assisting - this one, quite big and muscular. Hmmm… a friend or relative? I wasn’t really sure.

"AJ?" I spoke and revealed my presence to her.

“Who’s calling me?” I heard a southern accent in her tone as she turned to see me.

She was a young woman who featured blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail at the end whilst her tanned-skinned face featured freckles with both of her irises being colored in green.

Her attire was befitting of her Southern style: a cowboy hat that rested atop her head, a western styled green and white top followed by a jean skirt with an apple belt and brown cowboy boots with apples on them. Cowgirl was written all over.

"That would be me. You remember who I am? Natsumi or Natsu for short." I asked her and hoped that she would remember me

AJ looks from top to down and then snaps her fingers. “Oh yeah! I remember you! You helped take down Discord, right?” She replied.

Blushing once more, I gave a nod before responding. "Y-yeah... that's me."

“Howdy and pleased to meet ya, Natsu. How can I help ya?” Applejack asked me with a look of interest.

"I'm looking for ways to make myself useful if you can believe it." I admitted.

Applejack gave me a nod with a humming tone. “Ah, feeling restless, aren’t ya?” She asked me and I gave a nod in return.

I gave a little bit more explanation as to my motivation for this task. "It's too early for me to return home and I wanna do something to be useful. What's with the lumber?"

“We're rebuilding a barn, since our first one was unfortunately destroyed. Hence why we need the lumber. If ya want to help us, we don’t mind an extra hand.” Applejack admitted.

Nodding once more, I gave a small smile before I went to pick some of the lumber from the cart. It should hopefully give them a much easier time to move the cart without any sort of trouble.

“Is the cart easier to move now?” I asked with AJ and the other farmer giving me a nod in return.

AJ gave me a smile in return. "Thanks, pardner. I appreciate it... now let's move on! Back to Sweet Apple Acres."

Grabbing a couple of planks, I was awed at how strong I truly was, we moved onward towards the farm.

Quite a big farm with many apple trees in the distance and a red-colored barn. I was awed by the sights and I wouldn’t lie to you: it was very amazing!

AJ looked at me and smirked. "A beauty, ain't it?" She questioned.

“It is something alright.” I admitted, looking at the trees that had apples resting in it.

"Full property of the Apple family and protected by its members... including me." AJ told me with a proud grin on her face.

“Wait, this whole forest is-” I began but couldn’t finish my sentence.

AJ beat me to it with her response. “Yep, generations of Apple family legacy right here.”

I was in awe... all of these apple trees and AJ's family owned it all? How does one even manage that...? Owning all of this and managing to thrive on it? A question that could be answered in the future possibly.

“Come on Natsu, we’ve got work to do.” AJ reminded me as she began to take out the lumber from the cart.

Nodding, I picked up some lumber as well and followed AJ to the designated location and started doing whatever she asked me to do…


I was helping the Apple family with building the new barn. A task that was easily accomplished by the end of the day. With the help of AJ and the other farmer, we were able to finish the job a lot quicker.

We were nearly wrapping up work as AJ came over and handed me a beverage that was... Huh, I couldn't tell what it was to be honest. It featured an orange-brown color and it was fuzzy.

“It’s apple cider.” AJ revealed and handed me the glass.

"Ah... thanks, boss." I nodded and took the glass from her.

“Welcome. My way of saying: Thanks. You really helped us out, Natsu.” She told me.

"Eh, it was no trouble. Just hope I was able to help you out with that barn." I admitted and took a sip.

“Ya did good today. Say, been meanin’ to ask: how ya fittin' in our little hamlet?” Applejack asked me whilst sitting down next to me.

"It’s a peaceful land. Lots of scenery and the people are kind too." Was my answer and then I took another sip from my beverage.

“How long do you plan to stay?” Applejack questioned me.

"Hmmm... that’s a good question. If I can't seem to remember anything about my old life... or my memories can't be returned... guess I'll be spending the rest of my life here." I admitted without any hesitation.

My answer made AJ’s eyes widen in surprise. “I understand. Maybe someday you’ll get your memories back.” She responded back.

I gave a nod in return before replying. "Let’s hope so."

Looking up, I saw that the sun was beginning to go down and early evening was steadily approaching. “Wow, it’s already that late?” I questioned

AJ shrugged. "Well, we have been workin’ all day, so yeah..." She pointed out.

Finishing off the last of my beverage, I stood up and gave her the empty glass. “I’m heading off then. See you another time?” I asked her.

“Don’t be a stranger.” She told me with a smile.

Nodding back at AJ, I smiled at her and walked back home. My tummy was rumbling and truth be told, I’m feeling a bit peckish. Time to see if Flutters has anything prepared when I get home.

My walking was a quiet and silent one back to the house. Nobody stopped me or even got in my way which I wasn’t expecting to be honest. Kinda of thought that someone would get in my way about now yet nothing.

Soon, I made it back home and opened the door. "I'm home!" I announced.

“Welcome back.” Fluttershy called out from the kitchen.

Heading for the bathroom upstairs, I went in and washed my hand... kinda of a hard task to do due to the fact that my other arm was still a robotic prosthesis. Never really knew how I acquired it sadly.

I managed to clean up my other human hand without much trouble before frowning. “Either I need a waterproof prosthesis or something that will help me out in washing my body better.” I told myself.

Once that was done, I headed back down and stepped into the kitchen. "Did I worry you with my absence?" I asked and sat down.

“Nope. I’m sure you had something important to do.” Fluttershy told me.

"Yep… I was helping out your friend Applejack." I replied.

"Oh? Helping out AJ with what if I might inquire?" Fluttershy questioned me.

“Building a barn, among other things…” I trailed off.

"A barn, huh? I take it you were helping out with moving the strong materials and putting together stuff?" Fluttershy concluded.

“Yep. Speaking of farming, her patch of land is quite interesting to say the least. Does her family own everything in Sweet Apple Acres?” I questioned my friend.

A smile formed on her face. "Oh, yes! Her apples are the reason that I’m able to make apple-related dishes." She revealed.

My tummy roared for food as I smiled sheepishly. “Sorry about that. Let’s feed the beast that is my tummy.” I made a joke.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes but kept her smile. "Boo… that was the worst joke ever." She replied.

“Sorry but I’m not sorry. So, what’s for dinner?” I questioned whilst smiling.

"I've prepared something special for just the both of us - lasagna. Covered in mouth-watering cheese and extra tomato sauce. My first time making it... so bear with me." Fluttershy pleaded.

Upon hearing the word ‘lasagna’, my mouth began to drool and couldn’t be halted. Why am I suddenly thinking about an orange cat that has a craving for Italian food?

Shaking my head, I got up as I helped Flutters set down the plates and utensils along with getting a pitcher filled with apple juice... I can already taste that lasagna in my mouth. Couldn't wait to start eating… hopefully soon.

Once the pieces of lasagna were set on our plates, I took the first bite and chewed it very slowly… hmmm, she’s done well with cooking it.

“How is it?” Fluttershy inquired about my opinion on her dish.

"Really good." I gave her a compliment.

Hearing my comment, Fluttershy released a giggle. “I’m so glad that it’s to your liking, Natsu.” She told me.

That giggle caught me off guard as I blushed heavily. “What’s so funny?” I decided to ask her.

"Mmm... what indeed." Fluttershy told me mysteriously and resumed eating.

I got annoyed and pouted. “Come on… tell me what’s funny!” I pleaded with her.

“Hmmm… nope!” Fluttershy had an amused grin on her face.

I started to get annoyed as my face and cheeks turned red whilst she was being amused more and more. “Stop it!” I demanded her.

“Again… nope. Also, I took a picture.” Fluttershy admitted with a smile.

"HUH!? You did what!?" I was at a loss for words. How did she even do that!?
“You heard me and don’t bother asking me what type of picture and where I’ve hidden it cause I won’t tell you.” She replied and giggled yet again.

“WHAT!? Why aren’t you going to tell me!?” I demanded in anger.

Fluttershy giggled and responded. “You’ll never know.”

"Tell me!" I demanded with my face being completely red.

Fluttershy placed a finger on her chin before she responded. "Let me see... NOPE!"

My eyes immediately turned red and I was about to yell at her until she lost her smile and frowned. “If you keep that up, then I’ll punish you… very hard. And there won’t be any desert. Are we clear, Natsumi?” She questioned me, like a stern mother would to a disobedient child.

I sank back into my chair and gulped a bit... afraid of Flutters completely. My eye color changed back into lilac. I gave a nod as she smiled in satisfaction. We both continued to eat without a care in the world.

Guess I’m not getting that picture anytime soon… probably for the best. I don’t even want to know what’s on it.


Clashing the two stones together, she tried to form up sparks to which she was hoping to start the fire… with minimal success. She nevertheless hoped it would work soon since she was starting to get really cold!

“Come on, light. Work, damn you!” She demanded.

She tried harder to get some sparks in the hopes that her campfire might be started… but nothing so far was happening. Damn it all to hell! She threw the stones away at the far back of the cave.

Slumping onto the ground, she groaned… only to halt as an idea came up into her head. “Wait a second. What if I do this…”

Trailing off, she took out a silver bullet from her belt and snapped it in half as she poured the powder onto the wood. “Okay, so far so good…”

Going back to grab the sharp stones, she got closer to the powder-covered wood and clashed them together as sparks began to come out as she pleaded. “Please light up.”

She ignited the wood and powder and started a fire which made her grin in relief. Finally! A place where she could rest for the time being…

She sat down and warmed up her entire body. "Ah, that's much better… at least one of my problems is solved."

Her happy face turned sour as she began to wipe a couple of tears from her eyes. “Yang… where are you?” She questioned with a sniffle.

And for that matter, what about the rest of her friends - Penny, Weiss, Jaune and Blake? What happened to them?

She could only sleep with the sound of silence and worry due to the fact that her friends were still missing.

Author's Note:

To those that were waiting a long time, I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting! Life was a total bitch and I had no excuses… this is all on me!

But your patience will finally be awarded with the next chapter. Enjoy as usual and happy reading!

I don’t own any of the respective franchises that each company owns. Only the story and idea. Enjoy!