• Published 20th Dec 2020
  • 2,831 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced Brawler of Equestria (RWBY x MLP Displaced Story!) - Ocelot the Devil

On an ordinary day like any other, I receive the most unusual package in the form of two golden-plated bracelets. Slipping them on, I didn't expect to get sent to another world or transformed into a hot-smoking blonde. Can't catch a break, can I?

  • ...

A Day spent with the People.

Despite the promise of eating alongside Natsu, Fluttershy immediately put her to bed after helping her calm down. She decided that when morning came, they would both enjoy breakfast together.

She put the blonde to bed before planting a small kiss on the cheek and whispering a simple “Good night, Natsu.” before leaving for her own bedroom. The night passed quickly and Natsu was awoken by the golden sun.

“Ugh… five more minutes.” She protested before covering her face with the sheets.

For a moment, slumber overtook her body once more…

Until she heard a knock on the door. “Natsu! Are you up?” The gentle tone of Fluttershy questioned on the other side which led to Natsu groaning a bit.

Having heard no response from the blonde, Fluttershy opened the door gently. “Natsu?” She spoke yet all she got was a simple sigh from under the sheets.

“Morning…” Natsu spoke before yawning and poking her head out. Her face depicted tiredness due to having awoken so early.

“Morning to you as well, silly. Sleep well?” Fluttershy asked with a caring smile.

“I guess so. I still feel tired though. What time is it?” Natsu questioned.

“About 7:00 in the morning. If you’re still feeling sleepy, I’ll let you rest some more.” Fluttershy told her.

Natsu thought it over before shrugging and pulling the sheet away. She stood and stretched her one available arm before blocking another yawn. “That’s… alright.”

Suddenly, her stomach growled a bit to which Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. “Oops, I forgot that we didn’t have anything to eat last night. I was planning on both of us having breakfast if you want.”

“I’m down with that. Lead the way.” Natsu encouraged.

Before leaving with Fluttershy, she slid on the prosthetic on her missing arm. It didn’t hurt like she imagined it would. The brawler followed Fluttershy downstairs to the kitchen and sat down to await for breakfast. Speaking of that…

“Oh, did you get the meatloaf out of the oven yesterday?” Natsu questioned as Fluttershy was preparing something unknown.

“Yeah. I nearly forgot about the loaf since I was busy helping you calm down and then putting you to bed. I then remembered and quickly turned off the oven before retiring for the night.” Fluttershy explained.

“Ah… whelp, guess we’ll be having that meatloaf for lunch?” Natsu asked with a slight grin.

Fluttershy didn’t turn around but nodded with head. “Seems so… I hope you like oatmeal, Natsu. I’m not certain about what you normally eat so I apologize if you don’t like what I’m preparing for you.”

“Nah, it’s fine. At this point, I’m willing to get any type of food into my belly… even oatmeal.” Natsu answered with a shrug.

Fluttershy didn’t say anything else and continued making breakfast for herself and her guest. Soon, she was finished and served everything on the table.

As Natsu and the pinkette, they continued their conversation. “After this, we’ll head for the Golden Oaks library. My friends and I agreed to stage a meeting there.”

“Anything that I should be aware of or prepare just to make sure I don’t make a fool of myself?”

Fluttershy placed a finger on her chin to think. Natsu raised a good point…

“Hmmm… well, you are new to Equestria so I don’t think they’ll be too hard on you. Although, Twilight might try and educate you on some very important matters regarding life here on our world. Just… humor her and be sure to be honest when conversing.” Fluttershy explained.

“Oh… okay?” Natsu replied with confusion written all over her face.

Seeing the confusion made Fluttershy explain about Twilight more clearly. “Twilight is the type of person who enjoys learning about new things and how they work. She’s always been like that ever since she became Princess Celestia’s student when she was just a little girl.”

Natsu gave a nod - now she understood things a little better. The blonde made a mental note in her head to answer any and all questions that Twilight asked as best she could. Once breakfast was over, they took a quick shower and soon were on their way to the Golden Oaks Library.

Halfway though, Fluttershy noticed how silent Natsu was during their trek towards the meeting point. Her best guest was that the blonde brawler was feeling nervous.

“Natsu?” Fluttershy spoke gently yet the blonde didn’t hear her.

Natsu’s mind was on other things such as the meeting between herself and the pinkette’s friends. She still was a little unsure of how things would go down.

“Natsu?” Fluttershy tried to get her attention but failed.

‘I know I can trust Flutters… yet the rest I’m not sure. What if they turn out to be different from her? Could I even trust them at all?’

“NATSU!” Fluttershy yelled as Natsu shook her head and looked at the pinkette.

“W-wha… Oh… sorry, Flutters… I was just thinking about something else.” Natsu shrugged it off.

Fluttershy raised a brow. “Is it about my friends and what they’re like?”

The question made Natsu look away in embarrassment. “Maybe…” Was all she said.

“Natsu.” Fluttershy spoke and took her hand. “You have nothing to worry about. My friends are the most caring people you’ll ever have the privilege to meet. Just take a deep breath and relax… I’m here for you.” She promised.

Natsu still wasn’t sure but gave a nod in response. She’ll soon find out just what Fluttershy’s friends are like and then make her final verdict.


Natsu had to admit that the residents of Ponyville weren’t all that bad… Pinkie especially. Turns out that she was quite a party animal.

The blonde had learned some interesting things about Fluttershy’s friends and was memorizing every detail in her mind: Twilight had a deep love for astronomy and learning how the small things work; Rainbow enjoyed being an athlete; Applejack was a hardworking person; Rarity loves fashion (a little too much if you ask her) and Pinkie was the party planner extraordinaire.

At least they were being nice to her so far… Fluttershy was right in her words about them. She didn’t even know why she had ended up being nervous to begin with. Guess all that fighting yesterday stressed her out a lot.

“Enjoying yourself?” The voice of Twilight Sparkle interrupted Natsu who was currently taking a sip from her punch.

Twilight had dark blue hair with both purple-pink streaks, fair skin and purple eyes. She wore a purple sweater with a pair of light blue jeans and slippers. There was a porcelain glass cup in her hands.

“As best I can.” Natsu shrugged and took another sip from her punch.

“Let me guess - nervousness from meeting all of us, right?” Twilight smiled gently as Natsu blushed in embarrassment.

“Umm… maybe.” She answered.

Her answer made Twilight giggle. “Relax. We’re all friends here and pretty normal… well, mostly me.” She replied.

“Huh?” Natsu raised a brow.

Twilight got into a small conversation about her misadventures in Ponyville. Some involving a stampede, diamond hunters, small creatures that eat everything in sight… Natsu was stunned by what was just told to her.

“Wow… that’s insane.”

“You don’t know half of it… I’m starting to wonder if my mentor sent me here because she plans something behind the scenes.”

Natsu flashed a smirk. “Like a troll?” She asked.

“Yes… like a troll.” Twilight smirked back and they laughed.

The conversation continued with Twilight explaining some of the layabout in Equestria, the Elements and whatnot. Natsu just listened to everything and memorized in her head.

“Fluttershy told me she’s one of the Elements - Kindness.” Natsu added with Twilight nodding.

“Then there’s Applejack who is Honesty; Rainbow who is Loyalty; Rarity who is Generosity and Pinkie is Laughter. As for me, I’m the Element of Magic.” Twilight explained.

Natsu raised a surprised brow. “Magic? You can do magic?” She asked with Twilight giving another nod.
“Yep. All I need is my trusty wand, my spell book and I’m good to go! Why is that question so surprising?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Oh… well, I assumed that you could just do what that Discord creep did and perform spells without a wand or book.” Natsu explained.

“Ah, I see what you’re getting at… Well, it’s not really simple. Discord is over a thousand years old so him using magic without a book isn’t a problem. But for us living in the current era, a wand and book is required.”

Natsu nodded. “I see… How advanced are you?” She wondered with a curious expression.

“Oh, I’m very advanced! One of the top most powerful magic users who graduated from Celestia’s school!” Twilight boasted.

“Huh. That’s cool.” Natsu complimented as Twilight beamed at the compliment.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a bouncy go-happy girl with pink hair that’s shaped like cotton candy and crystal blue eyes. She wore a white-blue shirt with a jumper overhead and sneakers. “Hi, hi! Natsu, are you enjoying the party!? Are you!? ARE YOU!?” She asked.

Natsu nodded. “Of course I am, Pinkie!” She replied with a smile.

Pinkie Pie cheered and jumped around them. “This is the best ‘Thank you for saving us from Discord’ party ever!!!” She declared to Natsu.

Natsu nodded and took another sip from her punch. So far things were positive for the blonde…

Then came a young woman with violet-colored hair, fair skin and blue eyes. She was wearing a white-colored suit and violet high-heels. “I hope I’m not intruding, dears.”

“None at all, Rarity.” Twilight assured.

“Something we can help you with?” Natsu wondered.

Rarity nodded. “I don’t mean to be a drag, dear… but you must tell me where you acquired the outfit from Natsu! This screams both ‘danger’ and ‘adventure’ at the same time! Please tell me!” She pleaded and tugged onto Natsu’s uniform.

The poor blonde didn’t know how to answer the question. She really didn’t have a clue on how she acquired the uniform since her memories were on the fritz. The only remaining option was to be as truthful as possible.

“I… honestly don’t know, Rarity.” Natsu answered.

Rarity slumped her shoulders in disappointment and let out a dramatic sigh. “Oh, woe is me!” She declared.

I ended up being confused while Twilight facepalmed. “Rarity… I swear to Celestia…” She sighed in annoyance.

“I can’t help it, Twilight! Natsu’s outfit is just what I need to draw inspiration!” Rarity declared.

Natsu blushed at the praise of her attire. “Umm… well… I…” She was at a loss for words.

Thankfully, she was saved by the bell thanks to the arrival of a cowgirl whose blonde-colored hair was tied in a ponytail along with her skin being tanned while her eyes depicted an emerald green color. She wore a white t-shirt with an apple logo on it, a blue skirt and brown-colored boots. A Stetson hat rested on top of her hair.

“Leave her alone, Rares. Yer frightenin her!” AJ scolded the fashionista in Southern voice.

Rarity pouted at her. “I was just trying to strike up a conversation, Applejack.”

AJ rolled her eyes before sending an apologetic look to Natsu. “Sorry bout her, sugarcube. She takes things WAY too serious.”

“It’s fine.” Natsu assured.

AJ dragged Rarity away before things could get ugly while Pinkie jumped off to who knows where. Natsu couldn’t help but smile a bit. “Are they always like this?” She asked Twilight.

“Sometimes… you just gotta know when to not get involved and you’re all set.” Twilight told her.

“I see… how long have you been in Ponyville?” Natsu wondered.

“About a year and 2 months. So far I have no plans to return to Canterlot since my friends are all here. What about you? You saved us all from Discord and you’re currently the hero of Equestria. Any plans in mind?” Twilight asked.

Natsu thought about it. “Hmmm… well, not really. I guess for the time being, I’ll be in Ponyville. Doing things and helping out with whatever.” She finished with a shrug.

Twilight nodded. “I see… if you want, I can give you some reading material to help you get accustomed to Equestria.” She suggested.

Natsu placed a finger on her chin to think before nodding with a smile. “Sure. Why not? The more information I learn about this place, the better.”

And with that the party had continued as planned as Natsu became more and more relaxed. So far she managed to have such a good time and enjoy herself for the next couple of hours.

Then came the time to depart. Fluttershy and Natsu wished their friends a farewell and headed home. In her hands, the blonde was holding a couple of books that were given to her by Twilight - reading material.

“I can’t wait to get started on these.” Natsu shared with Fluttershy who nodded.

“I told you that you had nothing to worry about. How do you feel so far?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Honest truth… I feel pretty good. Your friends seem like such a nice group of people.” Natsu complimented.

Fluttershy giggled and agreed with a nod as the two went back to the cottage. Natsu couldn’t help but wonder if she would be getting involved in adventures while staying in Ponyville.

Equestria’s foes had better watch out… because the blonde brawler had arrived! She couldn’t wait to get started!

Author's Note:

So, yeah... slight apology for the long wait on this Displaced story's newest chapter but I hope it's well worth it. Enjoy and happy reading the next part of Displaced!Yang's story. Next part will be exploring the relationship of Natsu and Fluttershy - I can't wait!

I don't own MLP nor RWBY - they are owned by their respective authors (Hasbro and Monty Oum/Rooster Teeth)!