• Published 20th Dec 2020
  • 2,823 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced Brawler of Equestria (RWBY x MLP Displaced Story!) - Ocelot the Devil

On an ordinary day like any other, I receive the most unusual package in the form of two golden-plated bracelets. Slipping them on, I didn't expect to get sent to another world or transformed into a hot-smoking blonde. Can't catch a break, can I?

  • ...

Sickness, Lessons and an Insane Nut.

Natsu woke up with a yawn, just like any other day albeit with some difficulty. Her body for some reason wasn't cooperating with her and she had no clue why. It was probably because she was still waking up... that had to be the only reason.

Stretching out her left arm, she immediately blocked the yawn and then shook her head before attaching the prothesis on her missing right. Groaning, she got up and felt disoriented before slipping on a set of flip-flops and walking slowly to the nearest- "OOF!" She bumped her entire body into a wall.

"Ow..." Natsu groaned and collapsed onto the ground with a disoriented look. Her field of view was groggily due to the fact that she had just woken up from her slumber... great. What she really needed was a coffee, breakfast and a shower: ASAP.

She sleepily wandered down the stairs for her beloved coffee. "Coffee... coffee... coff- ARGH!" She was cut off completely.

In her haste to reach the downstairs, she slipped and rolled downward onto the floor. With a groan, her entire body felt like shit. "What's wrong with me this morning..?" She asked herself just as the door upstairs popped opened along with a pair of slippered feet rushing quickly down the stairs and gasping.

"Natsu!" Fluttershy yelled in a worried tone as she went to help the blonde up. "I'm fine, just feel...off," Natsu assured Fluttershy yet she was having none of it and helped the blonde up. Throwing her arm over her shoulder, Fluttershy carried her to the couch and sat her down.

"I'm fine, really!" Natsu tried to convince her only for Fluttershy to frown at her. "No backtalking me, got it?"

"Yes ma'am," Fluttershy nodded in satisfaction and got to work in checking her out. She was glad that the blonde was wearing a t-shirt and shorts... the last thing she wanted to see was her beautiful... pale... handsome... naked... Fluttershy shook her head before she could do anything that she would regret later. It was too early to be getting worked up!

She checked Natsu's head and then her body for anything serious. There wasn't anything much to the pinkette's relief. At least Natsu was okay for now but she really seemed like she needed a huge dose of coffee. With lots of sugar.

Fluttershy moved in the kitchen to start brewing her a cup of delicious morning caffeine. "Just relax, okay?" Flutters called from the kitchen to Natsu who only whimpered a simple "OK..." Natsu sighed heavily.

It was nice of Fluttershy to act like a caring person towards her but she really doesn't need to. But she also wasn't going to disobey her Not that she wanted to... that pinkette was such a mature woman. So beautiful... So caring... so nice... Natsu blushed She looked away... why was she always thinking about this? It was just Fluttershy! Fluttershy, simple and caring Fluttershy. And yet...

She couldn't stop thinking about her. That pink hair, her body, her well-developed chest, everything. Natsu...was hot for Fluttershy. TOO Hot... too hot. Natsu blushed more and couldn't stop it. "No, stop it Natsu... She's not like that..."

"Not like what?" Natsu yelped when Fluttershy popped her head out with a curious expression on her face. The blonde immediately turned away to avoid blushing. "N-nothing! Just tired is all..."

"I see..." Fluttershy's tone indicated suspicion in it. Something was clear off with Natsu. Natsu gulped Fluttershy just sent her a dark look before turning back to finish up the coffee.

The pinkette wondered what was up with Natsu. She would get to the bottom of it! And then she would find a way to win that heart of hers! Fluttershy squeaked a blush of her own. Why did she think of that!? Wait, did she just seriously think of it!? She hid her face quickly since she couldn't let Natsu see her. She was supposed to be the strong one! She was an Element of Harmony after all! She shook her head and got back to fixing the coffee.

The coffee pot started to boil with the water becoming very hot. She paused for a moment before peeking her head into the living room. "Natsu, how many sugars and cream do you want in your coffee?" She questioned.

"Uh...yes." she answered very awkwardly.

Fluttershy blinked at the strange answer. "Natsu. I asked how many, not if you wanted any cream and sugar."

Natsu blushed at her dumb answer. "Sorry... one spoon of cream and sugar."

"OK," Fluttershy nodded and got back to work. Natsu was acting very strange. Tripping down the stairs, not answering questions well, muttering to herself... it was all weird.

Something was clear wrong with her today. Was it that she didn't get enough sleep? But not getting enough sleep wouldn't explain why the usually graceful fighter was suddenly so clumsy... Something was on her mind. Something that made her act awkward... especially around her.

Fluttershy would have to look deeper but first, she'd finish brewing up some coffee. Soon it was done and she poured two glass cups for herself and Natsu, she added everything onto a tray and then headed straight into the living room. "It's ready!" Natsu nodded with a smile as she was given her cup with her coffee.

Fluttershy took hers and they both tried to drink… correction. Only Fluttershy had drank it. Natsu had a little difficulty holding it. Her body was shaking up a bit and even Fluttershy noticed. "Natsu, what's wrong?!" She questioned worriedly.

Natsu tried to drink only to accidentally drop her coffee. The cup shards broke completely on the ground along with liquid spewing. Fluttershy rushed to her side as Natsu shivered. "I'm fine..."

"Don't you dare! You are not fine!" Fluttershy held her hand against Natsu's forehead and the pinkette was stunned completely. "Natsu, are you channeling your anger right now?"

"Huh?" Natsu questioned with a raised brow.

"Are you channeling your anger by any chance?"

"No..." Natsu mumbled as Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, my... Natsu, your head is burning."

"Burning..." Natsu muttered, her eyes fluttering before she felt something coming on. "Ah... ah... ah... ACHOO!" She sneezed and groaned.

"Natsu, you're burning up with a fever. We're taking you to the doctor," Fluttershy decided as she stood up.

"B-but, I'm fine." The blonde tried her best to calm the Element of Kindness but it had zero effect.

"No you are not missy! You fell down the stairs and are trembling so bad you dropped a cup on the ground!" Natsu cringed at Fluttershy's scolding tone. She sniffed with her nose being stuffy. "Sorry..."

Fluttershy sighed. "Let's get you to the doctor," Natsu nodded and stood up slowly albeit reluctant since her body was feeling bad. Luckily, the pinkette was there to assist her in helping her.

Once they were both dressed up, Fluttershy and Natsu made their way to the doctor's office quickly since the pinkette wasn't sure if her friend wasn't going to get much more sicker than she currently was. For this reason, they both quickly ran towards the hospital.

"Hold on, honey. We're nearly there." Fluttershy promised after a while and Natsu gave a small nod.

They entered the hospital where they saw the reception being at her desk and typing on the computer yet paused when she heard the doorbell ring. Turning to the newcomers, she spoke with a casual look. "How may I help you both?" She asked with a small smile.

Fluttershy pointed at the blonde. "My friend, Natsu. She has a very high fever at the moment and her body seems to have caught some sort of contagious disease but I'm not sure what it is."

The receptionist looked at the blonde whom she assumed was Natsu and examined her with a sympathetic gaze. Judging from her face, she definitely seemed down and her face was depicting worry. This was troublesome indeed and the only person that can help her was the doctor himself.

"Very well. The doctor will be informed and will receive you both soon. Please wait there." The receptionist pointed at some chairs for them to sit while she started calling her superiors.

Fluttershy nodded and they sat in the waiting room but Natsu had difficulty sitting down so the Element of Kindness helped her out. "There we go."

Natsu groaned as Fluttershy rubbed her hand. "It's okay."

"I'm not sick..." Natsu tried to protest weakly yet to no avail. It didn't have the effect the blonde was looking for.

Despite how weak that lie was, Fluttershy couldn't help but smile. "Oh? Is big tough Natsu already back on her feet?" She teased.

"Yes..." Natsu's comment resulted in her getting poked in the cheek by Fluttershy.

"No... stop it, damn you." The blonde demanded yet her words only made the pinkette giggle.

"Silly Natsumi, so strong yet so stubborn."

She was so adorable... and so kind. Natsu was so... so... what was the word...

"Perfect..." Fluttershy muttered quietly in the hopes that the blonde wouldn't hear her yet no luck...

Natsu raised a small brow and questioned. "Perfect? At what exactly, Flutters?"

The pinkette blushed and looked away. "N-nothing."

Natsu started to blush as well as the situation became awkward. Luckily, they were both saved in the nick of time as the receptionist called from her desk. "Miss Fluttershy? Miss Natsu?"

Fluttershy stood up as did Natsu albeit slowly. "Yes?"

"The doctor will see you now," The receptionist informed them.

Fluttershy nodded as she took Natsu's hand and the pair went inside the room where the doctor was supposed to be stationed yet he was a no-show. So, they waited patiently until he returned which wasn't very long. A young man in his early 30s with short and stubble blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, his attire consisted of a shirt and pants with black shoes underneath a long medical coat. An 'ID' was attached to his coat.

"Now then, what seems to be the problem?" He questioned the pair.

Natsu sneezed a bit as Fluttershy rubbed her hand. "My friend is sick with a high fever and something is very wrong with her body. It seems to be a little weaker than usual."

"I see. Very well, let me take a look at her, Miss. You can wait outside if you want to." The Doctor told Fluttershy before sending a sympathetic look to Natsu. "Don't worry, my dear. We'll have you fixed up in no time."

Fluttershy decided to leave the room to wait outside while the doctor examined Natsu to see what was wrong with her. He'd assure the Element of Harmony that her friend would be in good hands and discover what exactly was the cause for the disease in the blonde's body.

Deciding to sit down on the chair, Fluttershy just waited and swung her legs while anxiously awaiting for the results to the situation. Thoughts of worry and fear began to take hold over the pinkette.

What if Natsu was really sick? What if the disease is something life threatening...? What if poor Natsu is in her last few moments of life? What if she died...?

God, she can't handle that! She can't handle seeing her Natsu getting worse!!! She can't afford her to die just now! She had only met her just recently and this might be their last meeting together! No, she can't let that happen!

And then, Fluttershy paused before allowing a deadpan look to form on her face. Jeez, that was a dark thing that she imagined. Natsu dying and all... what kind of idiot was she to think that? It was just a simple disease, nothing more.

Once she released the sigh from her lips, she looked down. "She won't die... she'll be alright. Bad girl, Fluttershy... how can you even think that? You should be ashamed of yourself, missy!" Scolding herself, she shook her head and began taking deep breaths to remove the negativity out of the way. Out went the bad thoughts and in she let the good ones...

She waited patiently in her chair and rocked her feet back-and-forth with a casual expression until she heard a scream as a young woman ran inside the hospital with a scared look and shivering expression.

"What's wrong?!" Both Fluttershy and the receptionist questioned at the same time... not that they didn't notice it.

"B-bear!!! BEAR!!!" The woman repeated her pleas with the fearful look still on her face.

"Huh?!" Fluttershy was confused until the woman explained everything from top to bottom. How a bear suddenly wandered into town and started to act really crazy, roaring and screaming... it was completely insane.

Fluttershy got up and was deeply worried. A bear that was acting crazy? Oh, dear... this calls for a resolution from the Element of Kindness herself! Time to deploy her caring nature once more.

"I'll take care of it," Fluttershy promised yet the woman and receptionist looked at her with a worried look. They knew about her and her status as the Element of Kindness but still... would she be able to handle a scary bear? Short answer: Yes. Yes, she would be.

Fluttershy headed out to deal with the bear and it didn't take long to find it. It could be found near her home and it was roaring and going around as if it was crazy. Guess it must have given up trying to scare up residents in Ponyville... the important thing though was that nobody was injured. That was something... but still, having a bear running around and screaming was bad. She decided to calm it down.

"Mr. Bear, please calm down. I don't know why you are acting this way but I must ask you to calm yourself." Her demand resulted in the bear roaring at her some more.

Fluttershy sighed heavily and then frowned. "Well, I guess its time to bring out the big guns."

She had a theory as to why this bear was acting this way... and there was only one way to deal with a stressful creature like this. Giving him a very strong lesson in manners and teaching him that it's not right to scare other people.

And so she did with her jumping up and 'assaulting' the bear... and by assault, she meant giving him a nice soothing massage to calm him down.

It worked with the bear beginning to relax as it allowed its soft brown skin to be massaged by Fluttershy who smiled gently at him. "There we go... you were just under a lot of stress, weren't you big guy?"

The bear nodded who was still enjoying his well-deserved massage as a goofy smile popped up on his face.

"Good boy," She complimented and continued her method of making him calm. However, the peaceful moment ended when the pinkette heard a yell of despair from nearby. She told the bear to not move and then went to investigate...

Then she saw the most bizarre scene: Twilight on the ground and shaking back and forth. “Out of all the times she had to pick to attack someone, why did she do it now!?” She demanded to no one in particular and then took off quickly.

Although Fluttershy wanted to comfort Twilight and ask her what was wrong, the librarian had nothing but despair on her face and didn’t hear anything else. A very confused Fluttershy went straight back for the bear while wondering what on Earth was going on through the librarian's head.

Once back to the bear, she gave him some advice which was to take it easy and relax along with not doing anything damage-related to the citizens of Ponyville or Equis for that matter. She also told him to come to her if he was in another stressful mood. She promised to take care of it ASAP.

With a thankful nod, the bear took off to its home while Fluttershy watched it go with a sigh. With that cleared up, she went straight back for Natsu to see how things were so far. Once back at the hospital, she gave a small nod at the receptionist before heading back to the doctor's office.

Natsu was done with her check-up albeit still sneezing. "What's wrong with her?" Fluttershy questioned with a worried expression.

"She's come down with a bad case of pneumonia. She's got a fever of 102. We've given her some medicine that should hopefully break the fever soon, but until then I'd like to keep her here under observation," The doctor replied.

Fluttershy froze... p-pneumonia!? Did... did she heard that right!? Oh, god! Poor Natsu! And a fever of 102! That was definitely heartbreaking to hear! This wasn't true, it just wasn't!

"Will she be OK?!" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"She'll be fine once the fever breaks," The doctor assured her yet Fluttershy still wasn't calming down.

Fluttershy started to shiver and worry about losing Natsu... poor Natsu! She can't lose her... she just can't! She didn't know what she would without her!

The doctor tried to calm her as best he could. "Ma'am, relax! She'll be fine! We gave her medicine that should calm her down but I must ask you to remain calm or else I'll be forced to ask you to wait outside."

Fluttershy sniffled and nodded in understanding. Some fresh air would serve her good in order to gather her thoughts and not suffer a breakdown due to the fear of losing Natsu.

Leaving the room and the hospital all together, she went outside and sat down a bench. Her head was filled with so many emotions right now. Anger, sadness, fear... and all towards one person in particular: Natsu.

Her poor Natsu... She blushed when she thought about her... god, why was she on her mind...

She buried her face in her hands and shook her head. No, no... she wasn't attracted to her! She was just... um, worried! That's it!

That was definitely it... it was! Nothing else!

"S-stop it, dummy! You're just worried about her is all..."

Gah! It was impossible! She couldn't be attracted... she can't be... And yet... Her heart beat faster, her cheeks flustered...

She... she...

She... she was in love. She was in love with Natsumi, her blonde knight and the one whom had saved the town from Discord. Her Natsu, the brave hero and brawler... the hero of her dreams.

Fluttershy blushed horribly at that. She couldn't deny it no matter how much she tried...

She loved Natsu and yet the question was: did Natsu feel what she felt as well? She had no clue.

She gulped as fear took hold over her entire being. Too damn scared to admit it. Perhaps Natsu had feelings for someone else. The thought hurt more than she thought it would. She wanted to tell Natsu how she felt. But that would result in a mess in which neither party would end up getting anything worth their while.

She sighed while looking down. "Maybe, it's better this way. Even if I do confess, Natsu would never love someone like me. A shy and nervous girl. I shouldn't say anything." Fluttershy decided with the feelings of a broken heart in her.

She looked down and felt wet on her cheeks. Tears began to drip from her eyes and down onto the ground. Damn it, everything was just so messed up... she wanted to admit how she felt. But she was scared... scared of the outcome. And of the rejection from Natsu.

"Natsu, why can't I just..." Fluttershy trailed off since she couldn't find a way to finish her words

She rubbed her eyes and told herself to hold it together. Once they got back home and tucked Natsu into bed, then she'll release her emotions on her own.

So she waited until nighttime had come... Natsu was discharged from the hospital and felt a little bit better although she was still in need of medicine if she was going to regain her health eventually. Before they left, the doctor had supplied the pinkette and the blonde with a bottle of pills.

"She'll need to take one pill with food every twelve hours for two weeks and she'll be fine," He explained as Fluttershy nodded and pocketed the pills. The doctor wished them luck and then headed back into the hospital to finish his shift.

"How do you feel, Natsu?" Fluttershy wondered as she took her hand while they were both walking back to the house.

"I feel like crap, but better than I did this morning," Natsu stated with a small smile while walking slowly.

Good. At least she was feeling a little better than earlier today... with help from the pills, she'll be fit and spry in no time. The last thing Fluttershy wanted was for Natsu to end up staying in bed for eternity. A dark thought indeed...

"Let's get you home Natsu and in bed,"

"Right. Anything interesting happened while I was in the hospital?" Natsu wondered.

"Nope," Fluttershy said, a half-lie and half-truth.

Natsu nodded as they went back to the house. Along the way, the pinkette released a small sigh. "Well, just one little incidence, albeit strange."

"Oh?" The blonde raised a brow with a curious expression.

"Yes, so it happened while I was-" Fluttershy however couldn't finish due to a large commotion nearby following by voices yelling things like 'BACK OFF!' or 'MINE!', 'OVER MY DEAD BODY, TROLLOP!'. It was very strange.

"Huh?" Both Natsu and Fluttershy spoke at the same time as they ran towards where the commotion was and what they saw was... stunning to say the least. People, having hearts for eyes were fighting... over a doll? An ugly doll at that.

The woman were at the front and they were yelling the following words:

"It's mine, skanks!"

"No, it's mine!"

"Back off, hussies!"

"You back off, snobs!"

"What the heck?" Fluttershy asked with the most confused tone in her voice.

Natsu rubbed her head. "Took the words right out of my mouth."

And if that wasn't bad enough, they even saw Rarity and AJ fighting for the doll as well. What the hell!?

Natsu sneezed some more as she groaned. "Ugh... I'm not spry enough to deal with this."

"Let's get you home. Hopefully someone else can deal with...this..." Fluttershy paused as she stared at the doll.

The doll... such a... beautiful doll....

She wasn't the only one who was thinking about that. Natsu was also staring at the doll even though Natsu was still very sick. But she didn't care... that doll... was so beautiful.

Fluttershy and Natsu were both watching the doll and had hearts for eyes. That doll... they had to have it. Wait... THEY!? What did they mean by that!? Both looked at each other and glared.

"It's mine!"


In Natsu's sick state, Fluttershy easily overpowered her and began to punch her heavily with the end result being the blonde who was left groaning and coughing on the ground. The pinkette hadn't realized what she had done just yet as the spell continued to fill her head about the lovely doll.

Fluttershy had won and grinned victorious! She had won her chance to get the doll! She went to claim it only to freeze when she heard Natsu's groans, she turned and the spell was broken. She froze and gasped in horror. What had she done!?

She rushed to Natsu's side quickly and began to hug her and cradle her non-stop without slowing down. "Natsu! Oh, my god... I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over... it's like that doll was making me act like a different person! Oh, god... I'm so sorry!!!" Her words only made her feel awful and she started to cry.

Natsu groaned some more although she tried to get up and assure that Fluttershy wasn't at fault but it was no use. Her body was hurting... damn, Flutters was a good fighting. Her actions made the blonde chuckle.

"You hit like a girl..." She smirked with an amused tone.

Fluttershy looked at Natsu with a look of disbelief while tears streamed down. "You're so stupid!"

Fluttershy started to slap her while Natsu took it all in. How dare the blonde joke with her!? Didn't she realize what she had done!? She beat her up over some stupid doll and she has the utter nerve to joke!? Ugh, damn idiot!!!

Natsu coughed violently while taking the punishment all in. Once the pinkette was done slapping, she embraced Natsu in a hug and cradled her while crying. "I'm sorry!" She yelled.

Natsu took it all in but continued to cough. "It's fine..." She assured but sneezed a bit with a sore throat.

Fluttershy cried while looking at Natsu.

She hated seeing Natsu like this. So weak and sick. She hated how Natsu tried to act tough but deep down she was worried about Fluttershy's actions and how the pinkette would blame herself. She hated that the blonde was such a strong person to remain optimistic even in the darkest of times. But more importantly... she hated how she didn't have a chance to admit how she felt.

Natsu just hugged her and whispered gently. "Flutters..."

"Natsu..." Fluttershy also found herself whispering gently with the tears still streaming down.

The pinkette hugged her and sniffed. She couldn't stop cradling the blonde no matter what... it was her fault she got hurt and all because of a spell to make her love a stupid and ugly doll. Ugh, damn it all to heck.

"Can we go home now?" Natsu asked with a hopeful look while coughing and groaning.

"Yes, of course." Fluttershy promised with a few tears and a sad smile.

Natsu was glad to hear that and got up with the help of Fluttershy. They walked back home while the rest continued to fight over the doll along with AJ and Rarity. Nobody showed signs of stopping anytime soon even though it was just over a simple toy.

Once they got home, Fluttershy wasted no time and tucked the still sick Natsu who coughed but smiled. "Thanks... I appreciate it."

"Rest now Natsu. I'll come by later with food and your first dose of medicine," Fluttershy covered her body with the blanket and petted her by the head.

"Of course... a-although, I..." Natsu looked away much to the Element of Kindness's worry.

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked while stroking Natsu's hand.

Although Natsu's gaze was still turned away, the blonde couldn't stop blushing as she blurted out the next couple of words. "I... I feel a little alone."

Fluttershy blushed too. Did Natsu want her to stay for a little while? Well... she didn't really mind since she had nothing else to do.

And thus, Fluttershy stayed with her and gently stroked her hand while Natsu slowly drifted off to sleep.

Fluttershy watched her and waited until she was asleep... then she sighed with a small smile on her face. "Even if I don't have a chance, you'll always have a place in my heart, Natsu." She leaned forward until she was close to her forehead and kissed it gently.

Fluttershy then got up from the edge of the bed and then left the room. What she needed now was a shower and some dinner... after today's events, she was too tired to care if she was being honest. Especially after that 'doll' incident... actually, she wondered who exactly was the culprit that charmed the people of Ponyville to like that... ugh, ugly horse doll.


Twilight Sparkle cringed and gulped. This mess was definitely something that shouldn't have been of much issue... and yet, it turned out into a non-lethal aftermath. And now Celestia was going to send her to the moon! She was so scared, so freaking scared!!! This wasn't supposed to go down like this! How did she let it come to this?!

"Twilight Sparkle." A voice that had spoken behind her spooked Twilight completely. Oh, how she was so scared right now... God, she was done for! Especially due to... today's events.

"I'M SORRY!" Twilight yelled with tears in her eyes and got onto the ground and held her mentor's dress while crying and pleading the following. "PLEASE DON'T SEND ME TO THE MOON!"

"Twilight." Princess Celestia, her mentor, had a gentle and caring tone instead of a scolding one. She didn't seem mad at all and instead was trying to calm down her student... to no avail.

Twilight kept on crying and didn't hear how neutral her mentor sounded about this whole fiasco.

Princess Celestia's entire rainbow-colored hair reached all the way down to her knees while her magenta-colored eyes scanned her still crying student. She was wearing a white sleeveless dress with yellow ends, a yellow-styled necklace with a purple gem in it, golden slip-on shoes and a crown with a gem on it.

"Twilight," Celestia said again in a calm tone although Twilight was not hearing her and continuing to cry. She had no idea how dumb she acted right now about this stupid incident.

The Princess of the Sun had enough. Time for drastic actions.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia yelled and that got her attention. Twilight gulped when she saw Celestia becoming stern and crossing her arms. "Calm yourself," She ordered.

Twilight sniffed and looked down. "But... I didn't deliver my friendship letter in time." She admitted.

"That's strange, I don't recall setting a due date to your friendship letters," Celestia let some sarcasm into her voice while keeping up with her stern look.

"H-huh?" Twilight's question resulted in Celestia bonking her in the head.

Twilight groaned and rubbed her head.

"Did I ever tell you that you needed to send me weekly friendship reports?" Celestia questioned.


"So why did you think you needed to send me weekly reports?" Celestia asked while trying to keep the amusement out of her tone.

"B-because... it's... important that I keep up with my studies and never disappoint you..." Twilight admitted with a sad look.

"Oh Twilight..."

Celestia sighed heavily and ruffled her hair. "You're such an idiot sometimes. I said and I quote: Always send me reports when you are ready and only when you have something to report." She explained.

Twilight blushed and felt like an idiot. "Oh..."

"That explains half of what happened today. The other half is you going insane and casting a want-it/need-it spell on a doll," Celestia stated as Twilight cringed with an awkward blush.

"Twilight, you could go to jail for unauthorized use of that spell and you know it,"


"So I need to know why you had a complete mental breakdown and I need to know that it won't happen again," Celestia ordered her without having the stern look on her face and now having a maternal one instead.

"Because... I wanted to get my friendship report on time and I need to do an incident in order to create a situation where I would use friendship..." Twilight explained.

"Yes, but you're a smart girl Twilight. You could've told a nasty little lie to one of your friends and started drama for a friendship lesson that way. You used the want-it/need-it and, from what I've heard, were acting like a madwoman,"

Celestia bonked her head once more. "That's for doing the events of today. Honestly, Twilight..."

Twilight looked away. Why had she completely lost her mind? Probably because she didn't think that her actions were doing much harm until the princess explained it to her.

Twilight sighed heavily as her mentor embraced her in a hug and smiled amused. "You're damn lucky that I love you like a daughter otherwise I'd jail you."

"Sorry..." Twilight said with a guilty look on her face. Though, she was touched that Celestia had seen her as a daughter just like Twilight saw her mentor as the mother she never had... without hurting her biological mother's feelings, of course.

"What am I going to do with you Twilight?" Celestia asked while ruffling her hair.

"Probably die of insanity... Mom." Twilight decided to test her boundaries and it resulted in her mentor bonking her head.

"Ouch..." Twilight groaned and rubbed her head.

"I'm sure Twilight Velvet will be thrilled to hear you called me Mom," Celestia smirked wickedly

"Eep!" Twilight jumped up in fear and shivered.

Celestia giggled evilly. "Relax, my student. I won't tell her. If anything, it will be our secret."

"Phew..." Twilight sighed in relief. At least her mother won't find out...

Celestia smiled and then released Twilight from the hug she was giving her. "Now then. No more tricks, got it?"

"Got it," Twilight nodded.

"Good. And whenever you feel like turning a report in, you must be ready with it first but only if you have something to report, got it?"

"Yes ma'am,"

Celestia nodded and sighed in relief. Thank god that's over. What a day this turned-

"Oh, Princess. I never did thank you for sending us that backup to help with Discord." Twilight thanked her.

"Huh?" Celestia paused with a confused look on her face.

Backup? She didn't send any backup against Discord? Come to think about it, she thought that her student and her friends were the ones who took him down!

"What backup Twilight?" She questioned.

Twilight paused. Wait... so the Princess didn't send...?

"Oh... so, you didn't send Natsu to help us."

"Natsu?" Celestia questioned with a raised brow. Who was this 'Natsu'?

"Oh! Well, she's the one that saved us from Discord! She's a very strong young woman who can use her anger as strength. I even saw her hair lit on fire and her eyes change color." Twilight had explained as Celestia took notes of what she had learned.

"Interesting... where exactly is this young woman? I'd like to meet this 'Natsu' and thank her in person."

Twilight nodded. "She's at Fluttershy's house if memory serves me right."

"I see. Very well then, my dear student. We shall pay a visit to the Element of Kindness so that I might meet your new friend in person and thank her for helping us against Discord." Celestia decided.

The princess would definitely like to meet this 'Natsu' and thank her properly. If what Twilight explained was true, then she definitely deserved their utmost thanks for stopping Discord. And if she was lucky, then maybe Celestia could definitely have a little chance at fun... without Twilight knowing.

Celestia grinned wickedly at that thought. Despite being the ruler of Equis, there were times when her job was rather dull... or otherwise, COMPLETELY BORING! So she needed to have fun every now and then... And if this 'Natsu' had a short temper, well... it might be her key to having some proper fun.

Author's Note:

And after a long struggle of not writing this Displaced story, I have returned at last with a new chapter! Amen and finally! I know how long you've waited for this and I'm here to deliver it! I'm sorry that I wasn't fast enough but life is definitely a bitch at times. Still, I'll do my best to keep giving you content no matter what.

Also, if something in this chapter isn't to your liking, be sure to tell me and I'll do my best to fix it... if I can. Another thing is the romance between Yang (Natsu) and Fluttershy - it won't be like those quick get-togethers. Instead, it will be quite a while until they both end up in a relationship. I know in some stories authors tend to get the romance very quickly and start the relationship but I'll make sure that its slow and gentle until they are ready to confess.

Celestia has appeared at last... we can only dread the pranks and evil jokes that she and Natsu will pull. Equis, better watch out or else... you're doomed. Doomed with a capital 'D'.

Next story is Kitty's a Long Way from Home. That has been sitting there for far too long and its time to update that work as well... soon, if possible.

Before I forget, Merry Christmas and Happy Soon-to-be-New Year! Here's to hoping 2022 is a better one that this!

Mentioned this in the previous chapter but the offer still stands:
Also, would anyone want to see more Displaced!RWBY characters appear in this story? Write a comment if you want anyone to come and join Natsu's team or assist. In the meantime, enjoy the chapter!

I don't own MLP nor RWBY - they are owned by their respective authors (Hasbro and Monty Oum/Rooster Teeth)!