• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 16,956 Views, 598 Comments

A Feline's Point of View - Zman537

Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.

  • ...

A New Home (Reworked)

Chapter 2

POV Felix

My head was pounding, and my body felt...different. Sorta like I had been run over by a steamroller and re-inflated. At least that's what I think it feels like. Daffy Duck never seemed that hurt, and trying to move my head hurt too much. I decided to lay there and try to look around, but found it difficult to open my eyes, or move my body for that matter. Eventually I began to get my hearing back. I could barely make out voices from somewhere nearby. They both sounded... feminine?

"...ut I'm telling you Twilight, They were the Rainbow butterfly."

"But that's impossible! Spectrum Illuminia have been extinct for over a hundred years! They don't just pop out of nowhere! Maybe it was a bunch of different colored butterflies and you're mistaken?"

Well this 'Twilight' seems like the intelligent type, and I really hope she isn't a sparkling vampire. I hated that book. The other sounds kind-hearted but seems a little shy. The voices had started to clear up so I decided to stay put and keep listening.

"I-I know, b-but it couldn't have been anything else. I mean, I'm not saying your wrong, but..."

Scratch that. She's VERY shy.

"And you said they just vanished?"

"Umm... yes?"

A long sigh came from Twilight. "Alright Fluttershy, I believe you. But I think it's best if we contact the princess about this. It isn't every day that an extinct species suddenly appears."

"A-alright, I need to tend to an injured cat Scootaloo found yesterday anyways. He seems fine, but... um... I think somepony dyed his fur."

'Somepony'? Doesn't she mean 'somebody'? What kind of names are 'Twilight' and 'Fluttershy'? Am I in some evil military facility? And most importantly, IN WHO'S RIGHT MIND IS IT OKAY TO DYE A CAT!? THAT'S JUST DIABOLICALLY EVIL!!....... Maybe I should give them Milos. Faint clopping broke me from my thoughts, followed by the sound of a door opening and closing. I was confused at the sounds before I was suddenly lifted from where I was laying and placed on something furry. Both the sound of hooves on what I'm guessing was wood and this new furry experience made me come to one conclusion to my current situation.

Did I just get put on horseback? Cause if I did, this is one HUGE horse!

After a minute or two I was laying on something soft, probably a bed and I started to feel less pain. Something hard yet... silky had laid me down and curled my body into a more comfortable position. While far from how I normally lay down, it wasn't like I could move into a different spot. I soon heard knocking from further away and a new voice rang out.

"Fluttershy, are you home?"

"Eep!....... Oh... umm... Scootaloo? What are you doing here?"

"I... uh... was just wondering if that cat from yest..."

As the voices faded with the sound of clopping hooves, I figured that I was finally alone. I pulled myself up from the plush blanket and popped my neck. My body still felt wrong but it also felt... right. Couldn't really describe it in all honesty. I decided that I had been looking at darkness long enough so I dared to do the one thing that would confirm my current fears.

I opened my eyes.

I was in a GIGANTIC room on an ENORMOUS bed. Everywhere I looked there was something that was bigger than it should have been. My fears had been proven to the utmost degree.

I had shrunk to about the size of a common house pet.

"Well this can't... get... any..." As I was saying this, I saw a black tail with a brown tip wave in front of me. As I followed it to what owned the furry extension, I froze in shock and horror at the sight of black, brown, and white fur. "Worse."

Oh how wrong that statement is and how stupid of me to have said it. Indeed it can be worse. The only thing that entire saying does is getting your hopes up and induces Murphy's Law. Simply being shrunk would have been so much easier to deal with, but fate decided that mauling me with butterflies and shrinking me wasn't enough. It had decided to turn me into the one thing I had come to LOATHE over the past five years thanks to living with only one of its kind.

I was now a short haired calico cat.

To anyone watching me I hung my head as I sat there. My mind, however, was a complete mess. What did I do to deserve this!.................I blame Milos. I blame Milos Sooo much! If I ever see that.....wait. If I'm a calico... doesn't that mean... I gasped and looked between my legs before giving a sigh of relief.

Oh thank God, they’re still there. I was afraid I had lost them too..... and now that I think about it, this explains the 'dyed cat' comments. Calico's aren't exactly all that common. With a quick look around I noticed that the room was very nature like, there were even birdhouses and feeders hanging from the ceiling. Well this scratches out top-secret military base, and replaces it with sorceress hippies. I also noticed a miniature, two story house in the corner. Complete with a mailbox labeled 'Angel'

I stood up to get off the bed but quickly fell on my face. "I'm gonna have to get used to this until I find a way to turn back to normal. Hurray for extra thick quilts." Trying again, I successfully stood up with much inner praise. Achievement! I walked unsteadily to the edge of the bed and came across another problem.

"Now how do I-" I promptly slipped off of the bed and landed on my face....this time with a loud 'thump'. "Ow! My nose! Right in my Nose!" I was rolling on the ground in pain when I heard yet another person talking. This time it was directed at me.

"Would you keep it down out there?" I looked up to see a snow white hare glaring daggers at me from the tiny porch. I was confused as I couldn't determine the source of the sound. The only one there besides me was that bunny. The same bunny that was currently face palming. (face pawing?)

"I'm right here you idiot!" The bunny screamed at me.

"GAH! Talking Rabbit!"

He got this annoyed look on his face from my reaction. "What? Never met a bunny before?"



I clenched my jaws shut. Fearing what this angered hare could do to me. He gave an aggravated sigh before looking back at me.

"Now, I would like to know who you are, and what you're doing here."

"Err... well... I'm not quite sure how I got here, um... Mr...."

"Bunny. Angel Bunny. Now if you don't mind can you tell me your name some time today?"

"Oh... right... uh... My name's Felix."

His eyes widened before turning into an icy glare when he heard my name. He was about to say something when the door opened and I couldn’t believe my eyes. In the doorway was a large buttermilk yellow pony with a flowing pink mane and tail. I had almost missed it but there was a trio of butterflies on her flank.

Judging from the fact that I can understand animals at the moment and by her frightened and nervous demeanor, this must be the timid voice I had heard earlier. What was her name again? She seemed to be looking for something. She didn't even notice me or Angel.

"H-he-hello? I-I-is a-anyp-pony th-there?"

Yeah, this is definitely the shy voice I heard.......And why am I thinking like this? I thought I failed Psychology in the most dramatic way possible........ Schme.

Before I could respond Angel covered my mouth with his paw. "What ever you do. Don't talk." I tried to ask why but he had already hopped away. I sat there watching as he hopped up to the pony.

"Oh, Hello Angel. Did you see if anypony was in here?"

Angel simply shook his head, followed by some fancy body language. When he finished the mare started to relax.

"Oh, that's a relief. I thought I heard somepony. I need to lay down, I'm starting to hear things." After that she left the room a lot calmer than she had entered. Angel turned to me and shot me a glare that would have put me 6 feet under before grabbing the scruff of my neck and dragging me to his home.

"Ow! Hey! Let go man! That hurts!"

He just ignored me and kept dragging me into his lair. I got a good look at the interior of the home; I was incredibly impressed and surprised by the detail in every piece of furniture. I especially liked the couch, it was incredibly soft considering the fact that he had just thrown me face first into it. That was possibly the only good thing that was about to happen to me. "Now that we are finally alone. I'd like to know WHO you are and HOW you found me!"

"I already told you! I'd like to know where the heck I am!"

"Lies! Now who sent you?"

"You’re Crazy!" Soon after I yelled I bolted out of his door and out of the oversized room. Don't ask me how I was accustomed to moving at all, because I don't have an answer. I dashed down the stairs and ducked under a couch that had a smaller pony sleeping on it. I sat there panting and whispering to myself, hoping that I had escaped that crazed rabbit.

"I really hope this is just some dream. Please be a dream. Please. Please. Please. Pleeeeeaase " I soon had a strike of inspiration as I was cowering under my plush hideout. "Wait. If this is a dream.... then following it through should wake me up! Especially since pain clearly hasn't done it's job. Yes, that should work perfectly!... Now how do I do that?"

I quickly took a peak out from my little hidey-hole and saw the larger pony again. She was cleaning some of the furnishings with a duster while humming some cheery tune. Soon after she grabbed some bird seed and started filling the bird feeders that hung on the wall. “It seems that ponies are the dominant race in this crazed dream. Since I’m a cat… and this appears to be an animal caretaker’s residence…” I thought of all the ways that I could get free from my current position and as far away from the death rabbit upstairs, but only one seemed reasonable. “This is probably my stupidest idea ever.” I sighed and left the safety the dark underside of the couch provided.

POV Scootaloo

I was standing outside Fluttershy's cottage. Earlier I had decided that I would talk to her about that cat and see if she could help with the trouble I had sleeping yesterday. The normally friendly cottage suddenly didn't seem so friendly.

I took a deep breath before walking up to the door. "Come on Scoots. You can do this. Just go talk to Fluttershy, and get this off your chest." I gave a couple knocks on the door frame.

"FLUTTERSHY, ARE YOU HOME?" I heard a startled Eep from inside before Fluttershy cautiously cracked opened the door. When she saw me she opened the door the rest of the way.

"Oh... umm... Scootaloo? What are you doing here?"

"I... uh... was just wondering if that cat from yesterday was okay." I followed her into the living room as she grabbed a metal tray in her mouth and placed it on her back.

"Oh he's doing just fine, I just moved him to my bedroom upstairs so he could rest on something softer than the couch." I tried to suppress a yawn before she continued. "His coat colors are a bit odd though, and... are you feeling alright Scootaloo? You look really tired."

"Yeah, I just...*yawn* had a little trouble sleeping last night. You were saying something about colors?"

"Oh! Yes I was, but... it's just that cats are only supposed to have two colors at most. At first I thought somepony dyed him, but after I brought him to my room it's clear that his fur wasn't."

As tired as I was, I still had to cock my head in confusion. "Who in Equestria would dye a cat?"

"Um... I-I don't know."

"Anyways... I was also wondering if you knew of anything that could help me get to sleep."

"Well... did you eat anything strange before going to bed?" I shook my head "Okay... Has anything happened lately?"

"Not really, my parents are gone most of the time and hardly pay any attention to me... It get's kinda lonely at night." Okay, only the last half of that was true, but it's not like I can just tell her I'm living in the clubhouse. That would only cause her to worry over me.

Fluttershy thought for a moment before smiling warmly. "I think I know just what you need."


"Mmm Hmm! Rainbow came to me with a similar problem two years ago and its helped her since."

"Isn't that when she got Tank? (Awesomest tortoise in Equestria BTW)" Fluttershy nodded. I sat as the pieces were falling into place. When they did I woke up for a moment.

"Your going to get me a turtle!"

"Um... not quite. There are lots of other ani-"

A loud yell could be heard through the house. Fluttershy jumped and hid under the table.

"What was that?"

"I-I d-don't k-kn-know. Could you w-wait here while I check on things? I-I mean if that's alright with you."

"Sure. I'm just gonna *yawn* lay here for a while." Fluttershy climbed the stairs as I fell asleep.

I was flying. Rushing through the clouds at breakneck speeds. The wind was whipping my mane wildly, and my eyes were watering from the air pressure. I had just gone through my fifth cloud when a rainbow blur passed me. I stopped and looked around before seeing the awesomest and fastest flier in Equestria.

"Hey Scoots! You feeling up for a race?"

"You. Are. ON!"

"Alright! On your mark. GETSETGO!" She took off like a bullet and zoomed ahead of me.

"Hey! That's cheating!"

"Better hurry up, or I'm gonna win!" We raced for what felt like hours. Yet I still felt like I could fly forever. I squealed in shear delight and triumph as I passed Rainbow and crossed the finish line.

"That was a good race kid! It looks like we have a new fastest flier in Equestria!" All I could hear was the crowd cheer at my success. I was basking in the glory when I felt something boop my nose. I saw Rainbow in front of me..., but it wasn't the Rainbow Dash that I knew. Instead, flying in front of me, was a rainbow-maned cat!


She only meowed as she started to groom herself. It was the strangest and most disturbing thing I had ever seen. The clouds I was standing on disappeared and I fell headlong into the ground. Unable to fly from the shock of seeing my now feline idol.

My eyes fluttered open. Something was messing with my nose. I groggily sat up and whatever it was took of to the other end of the couch. I looked back to find the cat from yesterday playing with my tail. "Hey! That's my tail!"

He turned his head to me and gave me this pleading look. I really hate to admit it, but it was on par with the natural adorable of Fluttershy, or at least that's what I've overheard from most of the stallions in town. I don't question it though, colts are weird that way. Fluttershy cantered in about then and saw that I had woken up.

"Well it seems that somepony likes you~."

"Wha?" She pointed to the cat and his eyes somehow grew larger. It was like staring into pools of adorableness. He soon stopped and began rubbing his head into my side, just under my wing. I felt him purr and giggled. He sounded just like my wings when I'm on my scooter. For the next couple of minutes I just played with him, and afterwards I came to one solid fact about this feline.

This cat was awesome.

"Hey Fluttershy? Can I keep him?"

Fluttershy started to smile in a way that would make Pinkie proud of the shy mare. "Oh this is wonderful~! I'll just have to ask your parents if they're alright with the idea." My smile faltered as soon as she said parents.

"Uh... that won't be a problem. I... um, heard them talking about a pet last night. They’re completely okay with it!"

"Oh, alright then. Let me just get you a collar for him." I stood up as she went to a nearby dresser and started rummaging for a collar. When she came back she gave me a simple, green collar with a blank tag. "Here you go; I had Twilight enchant my name tags so that when you think of a name it will appear on the front."

I slipped the collar onto the cat’s neck and he shook his head in protest. Soon after I got it on his neck the tag flashed and a name appeared on it. I looked at it and read aloud. “Felix? Is that your name little guy?” The cat nodded in response. “Well then Felix, do you want to go home?” He nodded again and jumped on my back. "Alright! Let's head home!" I trotted to the door and was about to leave when Fluttershy stopped me.

“Um… Scootaloo? Do you have any food or supplies to help take care of him?” Before I could answer, she had already loaded my wagon with some bowls, a feather on a flimsy stick, a cat climber, and a large bag of cat food. “There you go Scootaloo. That should last two weeks. Be sure to feed him twice a day, and play with him regularly. Kitties need their exercise too.”

“Okay, Bye Fluttershy!” Without another word, I left for the clubhouse.

When I got to the club house, Felix ran inside and I quickly got everything else in. The cat climber was stuck in the corner, and the food bowls placed next to it. I lifted up a loose floor board by the desk and I moved some of my apples to the side. I stuck the cat food in after I filled one of the bowls. Felix had started climbing on the carpeted structure and was sharpening his claws. I pulled the cat toy from the climber and dragged it along the floor. Felix went wide eyed and started chasing it, but he soon got bored and curled up on Applebloom's pillow.


Oh, horseapples. I forgot about AB and Sweetie. They're probably still waiting for me! "You stay here Felix. I've got some friends that I want you to meet, but I have to go get them. Stay here and be a good kitty." Felix let out a long meow before going back to sleep. I quickly darted from the clubhouse on my scooter.

My destination...

Carousel Boutique.

I really hope they're not mad at me.

End Chapter 2

Author's Note:

A/N: I am really sorry this took so long. but writer's block, school, and other projects that needed to be done sucked the life and time out of me. I'll try to have the next chapter up a LOT sooner.

Zman, signing out.

PS: I plan on trolling the living daylights out of AJ.

EDIT: Fixed some grammar issues myself so I wouldn't have to bother my editor with already written stuff. Also added a few details here and there.