• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 16,957 Views, 598 Comments

A Feline's Point of View - Zman537

Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.

  • ...

Experiments with Twilight Pt. 2

Chapter 6 Pt.2

~Felix's POV~

I was looking around the room as the walls suddenly turned a neon green and the ground a vibrant purple. Duuuuuude that’s trippy.... I looked back to the mouse and started to bat it around some more. Eventually the mouse didn’t like my touch and ran off the table. “This way Felix, This way!”

I obliged and jumped after it, purring the whole time. There was a purple cloak that was in the shape of a pony talking to an oversized blue chicken as I played with the mouse. “Oh, don’t be like that Rainbow. He’s just a harmless cat. So far the only thing strange about him is his coloration.”

The chicken ruffled it’s wings before clucking a response. “Then why does it keep going for me? I know my mane and tail are awesome but come on!” I caught the mouse and it started to giggle.

The cloak moved in a shrugging motion. “I don’t know. Maybe he likes you. You and Scootaloo are a lot alike.” The cloak shifted up towards the raspberry stairway. The mouse in my mouth turned purple and followed. “Let’s see how he acts upstairs. I don’t want him tearing up my lab.”

I chased after the mouse and when I exited the stairway I was in awe. The walls were a rainbow of color that was mind-numbingly breathtaking. The cloak moved away as the mouse sat down on the floor and the chicken was sitting on the couch. I looked over to the mouse who was now standing and waving his arms. “Come on Felix! Let’s play!”

I grinned and crouched down before launching at the mouse with a battle cry. “MINE!” I was batting the mouse around and laughing as I did so. Whatever was in that mouse was the most awesome thing I have ever had the pleasure of coming in contact with. This is probably the closest I'll ever get to speed and I DON'T CARE~ I was having such a high that I almost didn’t notice that the cloak and chicken had turned to look at me, chicken even squawked, but at the time being I didn’t have a care in the world.

This is paaaaaaaaaaaaaaradise...... Everything’s so..... Cooooooolerfulllll........... I was rolling around the floor of the library playing with the mouse. It was looking up at me with a smile. “Play with me Felix! Play with me! This is fun!”

I smiled back and started to bat my new friend across the floor. “Oooooookaay mister mouuuuusie!” I continued to run around and play until Mr. Mouse grew violet wings and started to fly away. “Noooooo! Come back downer to the flours!” I chased and jumped at the mouse as the cloak was shaking in amusement. After a while I gave up seeing as Mr. Mouse was out of my reach. “Fine! Be that way! You.... You.... um....” I zoned out as I saw the blueish blobby chicken sitting on the couch. It’s rainbow of feathers was alluring as the mouse ever was.

I chomped on the feathers and the chicken started to run around. I didn’t bother to chase it as I had a nice bundle of feathers in my mouth for the chewing. I lurrrrrrv this feeelin~

~Scootaloo’s POV~

I was racing back to Twilight’s place down the street. How could I have forgot my saddlebags! I never normally do that! I came to a stop outside and went up to the door. I heard some muffled yelling from inside and decided to press my ear to the door.

“This cat is freaky Twi! First it bites my tail, then it starts TALKING?! Just what is with this thing?!”

“I don’t know Rainbow... do you think Scootaloo knows about this? The talking, I mean.”

I gulped as I kept my ear pressed. He talked!? I thought he wanted to keep it a secret!?

Felix was giggling from the other side of the door. He sounded.... out of it. “Oooooookaay mister mouuuuusie!” I blinked a couple of times. Um....... what?

Rainbow spoke up next. “Well whatever is the case, I’m not sure if she should keep him. I mean, what if he’s really some sort of dangerous monster!? I am not letting anything like that near my number one fan!” If it wasn't for the situation, I would have squealed in excitement knowing that Rainbow cared about me that much.

I heard Twilight sigh afterwards. “Rainbow, I highly doubt that.”

Felix started to yell suddenly. “Noooooo! Come back downer to the flours!” I was really confused by that one. Just what did Twilight do to him? There was the sound of laughter before Felix yelled again. “Fine! Be that way! You.... You.... um....” I was getting curious about what was going on inside and cracked the door open.

Rainbow was sitting on the couch while Twilight was levitating a toy mouse and writing something down. “Com’on Twi! He may look cute but-” She yelped and jumped off of the couch. I heard a massive amount of purring and saw that Felix was lazily chewing on some multi-colored strands of hair. “See! He just attacked my tail again!”

I tried to sneak in when the door let out a large creak. In an instant both Rainbow and Twilight saw me. ...Oh Shoot... We all stared at each other for a while until I cleared my throat. “Um.... Hey, Twilight! Hi, Rainbow! I... um... came here to pick up my saddlebags. I, uh, forgot them when I, uh, left.”

Felix looked up at me and grinned. “ScoooOOOoootalooooo~ These feeaders are amaaaaaaazinnnnn~!” He flopped back down and started to purr again as he continued chewing.

I looked at him for a moment before looking at Twilight. “What did you do to him and why is he chewing on Rainbow’s tail?”

She blinked for a moment before shaking her head and looking at me. “Scootaloo, did you know that Felix could talk?” Well, the jig is up. I nodded and started to pet Felix after I walked up to him. His purring doubled and he stopped chewing to curl into a ball. You're an adorable idiot Felix.

“Yeah, I was feeling kinda sad when my parents said no. I was in bed when he came up and started to talk to me to help cheer me up!” Felix was rolling around on the couch now and was rubbing his head on my side. “But seriously, what did you do to him? He’s normally more...” I paused for a moment. “Smart.”

Twilight sighed before levitating the mouse onto the floor. “He was being rather rude to Rainbow so I thought that I could distract him with some old toys.”

Felix shot off of the couch and dived for the mouse the moment it landed. “MINE!!” He was biting on the toy’s head while purring and flicking his tail. “Whatever be in your head Mr. Mouse.... It is amarzing.”

I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. “Daaaw, He looks so adorable!” Rainbow was sitting on the couch again as Felix was rolling on the floor. I went over to my saddlebags and picked them up before opening one of the flaps and moving over to Felix. Now to just get him in the bags and get the hay out of here.

He looked up at me and cocked his head as he swayed from side to side. “Heeeeeey.... When did you get a twin sister Scoots?”

“Um.... huh?” Felix almost said something else before he flopped forward and was crawling along the floor. I just blinked for a moment before I looked over to Twilight and saw Rainbow was doing the same. “Again.... what did you do to him?”

Spike walked down through the main room as he headed to the front door. “She gave your cat an old toy that used to be for her parents cat. Apparently it’s still full of catnip and she forget that little detail.” Twilight facehoofed and Rainbow was starting to laugh until she caught Felix playing with her tail again.

Twilight levitated Spike back over to the desk she was sitting at and gave him a quill and paper. “Spike, take a letter.” Spike sighed as he started to write.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I would like to inform you that the research that you asked me to perform on the feline that Fluttershy found has produced some unexpected results. While his physical traits aside from his coloration are normal, it seems that the subject has a higher thought capacity than the average feline. I dare say that it is on the level of ponies as the subject has actually spoken multiple times. He also is currently under the care of one of the towns fillies, Scootaloo, and has been named ‘Felix’. I am unsure of what to do now that this has come to light and am asking for advice.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

Spike sent the letter away and we all waited for a moment. Soon, a reply arrived and Spike read it aloud.

Dear Twilight,

This news is strange indeed and I am glad that you told me. I will be departing Canterlot within the hour to speak to Felix as soon as I can. If at all possible, it would be helpful if the filly in question was present upon my arrival.

Your loving mentor, Princess Celestia.

P.S. Thank you for telling me about the catnip Spike.

Rainbow was laughing at Spikes blush as he grinned and hid the letter. Twilight, however, looked over to me with a worried frown. “Scootaloo, do you think your parents would be alright with you staying here?”

I gulped slightly. “Uh... s-sure Twilight. It’s not like I can say no to the princess.” I looked over to Felix who was rolling around the room purring again. Oh..... I hope this doesn't end badly....

Author's Note:

I am a lousy author.... I have no excuse what so ever for how short this chapter is and for how long it took. But still, here it is. Enjoy as always.