• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 16,956 Views, 598 Comments

A Feline's Point of View - Zman537

Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.

  • ...

Angel 007: Golden Claw

Chapter 8

~Angel’s POV~

I was sitting in my house staring at some of the fake pictures on the walls when I heard knocking from the roof. “Angel? Mama’s going to be gone for a bit so you’re in charge till I get back.” I grinned and got off my couch.

“When the caretaker’s away, it’s time for Angel Bunny to play.” I hopped over to one of the back walls and pulled on a miniature light fixture. The wall slid back and sank into the floor to reveal an elevator I built in ages ago. I stepped in and pressed one of the only two buttons on the panel before the door closed and I began my descent.

On the way down I reached over to a small cubby that was in the elevator and pulled out a pair of sunglasses that were made to fit smaller creatures. The ponies here seemed to have a thing for dressing up pets in what I assume is the capital city. While I’ve never been there myself, I heard from some pets that moved here that it’s annoying to no end. I still found having the sunglasses to be enjoyable though.

The elevator stopped moving down and started to push forward. it wasn’t long before it stopped at it’s destination and opened. I left the elevator and entered a large circular room housing other elevator doors of various sizes. The largest having a bone with an apple behind it, while the smaller ones had an opal and a diamond trio, a green scale on a balloon, a brown feather and a flame on a six pointed star, and the latest addition; a tortoise shell on a rainbow bolt of lightning.

I walked over to the table that layed in the center and flipped open a small compartment to reveal a red button. I pressed it and a microphone popped out of the button. “Everyone, report in.” There was a rumbling as the doors on the other elevators shook. When they opened, all of my allies arrived but one. The largest door remained shut. “Where is Winona?”

Gummy was wearing a tophat and calmly drank from some tea that he brought. “She’s out on a hunt for the feline you were talking about last time.”

Opalescence took a seat across from me. “She’s still going on about that silly tom you were talking about?” She looked up in thought. “I wonder what he’s like...”

Owlowiscious shook his head. “We have some bigger problems right now Opal.”

PeeWee, our newest member, nodded. “Ya! He’s back at the library talking to Twilight and Spike! I didn’t think that they could speak cat!”

Tank finally made it to his spot next to the table. “Well what are we waiting for?” His propellers started to spin a little. “Let’s get moving. We can’t have him let the ponies know we can talk.” He hovered over to his elevator and got in. The others followed with their own things to say.

I looked over at them. “And do what? Do you have a plan?” Tank stopped and shook his head. “I thought not, I’ll go with Owlowiscious and see what we can do to stop him from chatting up any more of the ponies. You guys just go home and do whatever.” Owlowiscious nodded and I moved over to his elevator.

Tank yawned before heading to his, “I’m going to go home and sleep.”

Opal entered her elevator. “Owlowiscious, are you sure you’re not just sleep deprived?”

Owlowiscious shook his head. “Yes Opal, now if you'll excuse me.” His elevator closed and the three of us, Owlowiscious, Peewee, and myself, were headed to the Library. The door opened at a upper branch silently and we stepped out and peered down at the main room.

What I saw wasn’t something I was wanting to see. “Dang it, he’s talking with the Princesses!”

Owlowiscious narrowed his eyes. “What should we do?” I hopped back to the elevator and held a paw over the button.

“You fly down and snatch him up. We toss him into the elevators and bring him to the main base.” He nodded and turned to Peewee. Peewee saluted and grabbed a white ball from behind one of the branches. “What is that?”

Down below, Felix had hopped off of the desk and Owlowiscious smirked. “Smoke bomb.” Peewee innocently dropped the ball and the room was flooded with smoke.

Down below the ponies were all coughing and looking around the now smoke filled room. “What in tarnation!”

Owlowiscious swooped down and grabbed Felix. “Hey! Let me go!” I heard a squawk as Owlowiscious flew back up empty handed.

“The little bugger bit me!”

“I’ll clear this out!” The rainbow pegasus flapped her wings and the smoke started to clear out of the room.

I sighed and looked down at the room with disdain. “Mission abort, We’ll catch him later.”

~Scootaloo’s POV~

I was confused at what the princesses had said when Felix sighed “I guess it’s story time then.” Felix jumped out of my hooves and ran over to the other side of the room. “I’m guessing that you all want me to elaborate on what Celestia said?” Felix smiled sadly at me as everypony nodded. “You told me your past, It’s about time I told you mine.”

“It all started when I adopted a cat and named him Milos. He was just a kitten at the time, but over a couple years he got older and bigger. And most importantly, became the most annoying thing in existence.” I was confused by what he was saying. Adopted a cat? But isn’t he a cat? Wait, maybe it’s like when a pony adopts a kid! That would make Felix a dad! Cool!

“One day, about a week ago, I was headed to bed when Milos suddenly got onto my bed and summoned a horde of butterflies. He then used said butterflies to send me here, to Equestria, and turned me into a cat.” ......huh?.....

Rainbow looked up at him and gave him a confused stare. “Wait, you were turned into a cat? I call horsefeathers!”

Felix nodded. “Yes, I was. What? Did you think normal cats talked on a regular basis?” Rainbow glared some before moving back to her seat. “Anyways, as I was saying, I wasn’t always a cat. I used to be what you would call a human.”

The others gasped except for Celestia. I cocked my head to the side and looked at Felix. “What’s a human? Is it one of those things that Lyra always goes on about?” She said that they’re... like hairless monkeys or something... I don’t remember.

Twilight looked like she was about to have a small mental breakdown after hearing him. Her mane was starting to stick up into a frizzy mess like when she went bonkers and popped out of that rubber ball last year. “B-but humans don’t exist! They’re myths! Myths do not exist!”

Felix rolled his eyes. “And where I’m from so were unicorns and pegasi. But lo and behold, here I am with both in front of me.” He hopped down and started to walk over to Celestia. “That sums up how I got here, now for who I am-” There suddenly was a small bang and everything was covered in smoke.

Applejack started to cough along with everypony else. “What in tarnation!” A blur moved through the smoke and I could hear Felix yowl in shock. What’s with all this smoke! W-what’s going on!

Fluttershy was waving a hoof in front of her face and was silhouetted from the smoke. “I-I-I can’t see anything!” There was a squawk as the shadowy blur split in two and I heard a thump when one landed on the floor.

Rainbow shouted over the smoke. “I’ll clear this out!” The smoke started to clear out of the room with a powerful gust of wind. When the smoke was gone, I was still coughing some and clearing my eyes.

When I could see again, Felix was laying on the ground groaning. “Ow....” I ran over and picked him up. “That hurt.”

I looked at his head and found a knot under his fur. “Are you okay Felix?”

He looked up and grinned. “Yeah, just a bump on the noggin. I’ve had worse.” He winced and rubbed his head where the knot was. “Of course.... I was about a dozen times bigger then, but what can you do?”

Fluttershy came over and was looking at the knot on his head while Twilight was slumped into a table. “Now I owe Lyra a hundred bits.....”

Applejack nodded. “You and about everypony else in town.”

Felix sighed and continued to rub his head. “Can I please get back to what I was saying?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, I believe we all very much would like to hear about who you were before all of this.”

He nodded and cleared his throat. “Well besides being a human, I was just some guy in all honesty. I worked a 9 to 5 job, got paid, went home, and paid bills. I had brown hair, blue eyes and was only about average in height.”

I looked at him and poked his nose. “You still have blue eyes.”

He blinked. “Really? That’s pretty cool. Anyways, there isn’t really much to say about friends and family. Loving mom and dad, couple of close friends. Not much, but it was all I needed.” His ears folded back, “I kinda miss them though. Especially Jason.” I looked around and was taking in everypony’s reactions. Rarity looked at Felix with this weird look, kinda like she was planning something.

I almost asked a question when I was interrupted by a yawn. Fluttershy noticed and walked over. “Are you feeling okay, Scootaloo?” That drew everyone else’s attention to me as well.

I nodded lazily. “Yeah, just a little,” another yawn escaped, ”Tired.”

Rainbow got off of the couch and trotted over to me and Felix. “How ‘bout I give ya a lift home squirt? You look ready to pass out.”

I snapped awake and looked away. “N-no it’s okay, really. They’re.... on a business trip, so it’s kinda quiet and empty at home. That and they’re kinda forgetful and probably locked the door again.” I felt the lie weigh down on my thoughts.

Celestia raised an eyebrow and I could feel my body freeze. “Is that so? Do your parents do this often?”

I shook my head. “No, they don’t. But Dad keeps forgetting to get a spare key for me.” Another lie and more weight on my mind.

Applejack started scratching her head. “But if ya were locked out of yer house, where have ya been sleepin?”

Twilight looked over at her. “I think where we found Felix should answer that.” She turned her attention to me. “Is that right Scootaloo?”

I cringed a little but nodded. “I... sometimes, stay in the clubhouse.” It was a truth technically, and I did start to feel a little weight lift off of my shoulders when I said it.

Celestia looked like she was in thought as Fluttershy gasped. “Oh my... Scootaloo, why didn’t you tell anypony? I’m sure that Applejack or Rainbow would have let you spend the night at their homes.”

I shifted back and forth in place. I could feel this whole conversation going downhill with every lie I was telling. I really hope that Celestia and Luna can’t read minds. “I... I didn’t want anypony to worry about me...” Or send me to the orphanage again.

Felix was looking back between me and the other ponies before he started to grin. “Hey Twilight? Is it alright if we spend the night here?” Twilight winced slightly and started to rub the back of her head.

“Well... I would, but I would need to clear out the guest room to do so and it’s currently filled with my stored lab equipment. Sorry Scootaloo.” My ears folded back and I looked at the rest of the room.

Rarity was nervously looking around. “The boutique doesn’t really have any room with Sweetie currently being there at the moment...”

Pinkie was bouncing up and down. “You could stay with me! We’d have parties, and eat sweets, and have even more parties...”

Fluttershy shuffled her hooves. “Well... she could always....”

Rainbow puffed out her chest. “I could take care of her no problem! What kind of awesome role model would I be if I didn’t?”

Applejack just looked at her unamused. “Ya really think ya can take care of a little filly? I’ve seen yer house Rainbow! It’s a miracle you don’t get lost in there with how much Wonderbolt stuff is just layin' around.”

Fluttershy raised a hoof and spoke just a little louder. “I have an extra room back at my cottage... she could always....” The others kept bickering over different details (mostly Felix when it came to Rarity and Rainbow) and she kept trying to get their attention before Fluttershy did something I haven’t really seen her do. “GIRLS!” The others stopped talking and stared at Fluttershy while she blushed. “I, um.... I could take her in... u-u-until her parents get back of course.”

Celestia and Luna both smiled at Fluttershy’s offer. Celestia’s smile seemed proud while the smile Luna gave towards me had just a hint of sadness. “That would be very kind of you Fluttershy.” Celestia looked up at one of the clocks and closed her eyes. “And it seems that Luna and I need to take our leave. Goodnight everypony,” Celestia leaned closer to me before whispering, “And good luck.” As they walked away, Luna gave me a quick wink and a moment later they were gone.

Everypony was silent and it was getting really awkward. Fluttershy broke the silence when she trotted up to me. “W-well, I think we better get going.” She turned to the rest of the room. “Good night everypony.”

Rainbow nodded. “I got to get up early anyways for weather duty. Later girls!” She shot out of the door in a rainbow streak and Pinkie followed after while waving.

Applejack let out a long yawn before shaking her head. “Whoa nelly. It is gettin’ late. See ya later girls. That playdate for our critters still up for tomorrow?”

Rarity nodded and followed Applejack out. “Indeed it is Applejack, but first we need to get some rest. Have a good night Fluttershy, Twilight. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

I let out a long yawn and Fluttershy knelt down. I groggily climbed onto her back and sprawled out my limbs as I started to fall asleep. I couldn’t help but smile as I felt someone nuzzle me. It’s probably Felix.... And I’m going to sleep in an actual bed for the first time in awhile!... I felt Fluttershy start to take off with me and Felix on her back after a few words with Twilight. I'm not really sure what they were, but at the time I didn't care. I was too tired.

Author's Note:

Holy foxholes, I updated this story. It's been so freaking long since I've had the brain power to actually work on this that I almost forgot it's existence again! The only thing that prevented that was all of the favorites and comments that have been happening in that ridiculously long period of time!

And again, NightmareKnight, You. Are. Awesome! Thankyou so much for doing the editing thing and fixing up some points in this. Xenomorph Twilight is NOT part of this story and will not ever be. That error in wording was extremely strange and I can't believe I didn't notice it.

And now that I've mentioned it, the comments are going to be flooded with XenoTwi stuff......... derp.