• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 16,956 Views, 598 Comments

A Feline's Point of View - Zman537

Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.

  • ...

The Royalty has Arrived

Chapter 7

~Felix’s POV~

Rollin, rollin, rollin~ Rollin, rollin, rollin~ I was lazily rolling in the rainbow room as the purple cloak was talking to the green and purple mailbox. The blue chicken was watching me more like a hawk and the orange chick I named Scootaloo was looking around. Heeheeheehee I am so high right now. I saw Mr. Mouse fly up to a shelf and pouted. “Aww... I wanted to play more....” I saw something flick to my right and looked over to see my tail. I tried to catch the rogue appendage only to miss.

As I continued to play, the mailbox and chicken were laughing but Scootaloo was still looking around anxiously. I decided right then and there to do something about it. Even if you’re a pseudo Scootaloo, I shan't let you be a worry wart. “Hey! Hey Scootaloo! Hey~!”

The chick looked up at me. “Huh?”

“Why you so down in the dumps? This place is too colorful to be worried. You need to smile, or... something...” Around then a large pink party balloon popped out of the bookshelves. My eyes widened at the sight of the color as it brought back memories of the pink diablo. ”PINK!” I don’t remember getting a response after I said that because I passed out the next moment.

~Scootaloo’s POV~

Felix was rolling around on the floor giggling to himself while Twilight was talking to Spike. I saw that Rainbow was glaring at Felix and I... wasn’t sure how to feel. Rainbow Dash has been the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister and Felix is almost like a brother to me. Even though he’s a cat. I hope this all goes by smoothly.

I felt a paw press against my leg and looked down to see Felix looking at me. “Hey! Hey Scootaloo! Hey~!”


He was frowning somewhat as he looked up at me. “Why you so down in the dumps? This place is too colorful to be worried. You need to smile, or... something...”

I’m not sure how... but Pinkie popped out of the bookcase soon after he said that holding a platter of fresh cupcakes. “Is somepony in need of a smile!? I’ve got cupcakes!”

Felix stared wide-eyed at Pinkie before screaming, “PINK!” Felix fainted soon after yelling and Pinkie was just staring at him.

Pinkie blinked a few times before looking at me. “Huh... I guess cats can talk. Ooo! That explains the doozy I had earlier today! Oh, I wonder if he says everything in silly cat puns! Hehehehehe, that would be aMEOWzing.” She dissolved into a fit of laughter at her own joke and rolled on the floor in Felix’s place. The cupcakes somehow landing on the table in the center of the room.

Rainbow simply shook her head. “Pinkie...”

Pinkie interrupted her. “I’m so random, yeah I know! I mean, that joke is getting a bit overused and I wouldn’t be Pinkie if I wasn’t random so saying I am random is kinda redundant and silly! But not a silly as the word kumquats cause that word is just plain SILLY!” We all stared at her for a moment before shrugging. Pinkie didn’t even pay attention to us as she hopped back up to her hooves. “Aaaaanyways, Who here needed a smile? I heard somepony say somepony else needed cheering up and came here on the triple!”

I fidgeted a little and tried not to look at anyone. “Well....”

Pinkie put a hoof around my shoulder and gave me a cupcake. “Say no more Scootaloo! Your Auntie Pinkie’s here to help! Now what’s got you so down?”

Twilight coughed lightly and Pinkie stepped back with a light blush. “I think I can answer that one Pinkie. I had just finished sending the princess a letter and-”

“Ooo! The princess is interested in Scootaloo! Is she going to give her flying lessons? Ooo, what if she’s actually an alicorn?! Or what if it’s BOTH!? Then I’d have to make one super party to compensate for both of them! Oh, but what if-” Pinkie’s rant was muffled when Rainbow covered her mouth with a hoof.

“Pinks, the princess isn’t interested in Scoots.”

Pinkie blinked a couple times after Rainbow removed her hoof. “Then why did you send her a letter? Was it a friendship report? Twilight, I thought you liked sending those on tuesdays.”

Spike grumbled next to me. “She does.”

Apparently Twilight didn’t hear him and turned to Pinkie. “Well... yes, but that isn’t what all this is about. Princess Celestia asked me to do some research on what kind of feline Felix here is and... well....” Pinkie made a silent ‘oh’ before giggling at the sight of Felix running in his sleep.

Suddenly, Pinkie was sitting next to him with a lab coat on. “This is a scientiferific discovery! A new breed of cat, the Sillicus Felixicus, is one of a kind out of all felines!” I couldn’t help but giggle at the silly name Pinkie gave him. “I wonder why the Princess would be interested in the first place... OH NO! What if the princess wants to get rid of Felix! That would be pawful! NO! A CAT-TASTROPHE!”

I looked down at Felix in worry and jumped down off of the couch to pick him up. Pinkie was being really dramatic about the possibility of Felix getting taken away and Rainbow was trying to get her to calm down along with Twilight. We all fell silent as there was a knock on the door.

Twilight yelled. “It’s open!” The door opened and Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack all walked in. “Howdy Twilight! Ya make any progress with the critter?”

Fluttershy was shaking a little. “Y-you didn’t hurt him did you?”

Rarity patted her on the shoulder causing Fluttershy to jump. “Now now dear. We both know that Twilight wouldn’t hurt the poor thing on purpose.”

Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Well, to answer AJ’s question, yes I’ve definitely made progress.” I hugged Felix a little tighter.

Rainbow spoke up. “The little jerk can talk!”

Rarity stared at her. “Rainbow dear, that’s just preposterous. Pet’s can’t talk like ponies can. Its just silly.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Tell that to my tail! The little jerk kept biting me!”

Fluttershy gasped lightly when she looked over at Felix. “Oh dear... What happened?”

Pinkie blushed. “I accidentally spooked him and he fainted.” Fluttershy went over to talk to Pinkie and Rarity and Rainbow were still arguing.

Meanwhile, Applejack was looking at Twilight as if she just grew wings. “Really Twi? The little guy can talk?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, I found it out after I gave him an old mouse toy.” She blushed. “apparently catnip has some... interesting effects on the feline mind.” Everyone stopped talking when there was a knock on the door.

Twilight went up to the door and opened it to reveal that not only Princess Celestia had arrived, but Luna as well. Everypony but Twilight bowed and after Twilight gave Celestia a quick nuzzle, Celestia spoke. “Twilight, it is good to see you. Now where is this young Scootaloo and her companion?” I hugged Felix a little tighter to my chest as the princesses walked up towards me. I bowed a little and the princesses smiled at me. “There is no need to bow young one.”

I got up and continued to hug Felix. “I-I’m sorry Princess...”

Luna trotted up to me and smiled. “There is no need to apologise young Scootaloo.” She turned her attention to Felix. “So this is the feline of which Twilight spoke of?” I gulped and nodded. Luna leaned down and looked him over. “Interesting...”

Celestia looked over to Twilight. “You were correct in saying his coloring was strange.” She reached out a hoof. “May we see-”

I hugged Felix tighter. “Please don’t take him away!” I started to sniffle as my eyes were watering. “Please, he’s my friend...”

Luna reeled back in shock along with everypony else. “Young one. What in Equestria makes you think we would do such a thing?” I looked up at her and sniffled.

“B-but Pinkie said...” Luna shot a disapproving glare at Pinkie before turning back to me.

She leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I have seen your dreams young Scootaloo. I know that ever since Felix has arrived, you have been having less nightmares by the day. I think it would be best for him to stay with you rather than taking him away.”

I looked up at her in shock. “Y-you mean it!?” She nodded and I hugged Felix tighter. She smiled at me and I kept hugging until I heard somepony talk and felt a light tapping on my forelegs.

“S-scoots!...Can’t....breathe.....” I stopped hugging Felix and he gasped for breath. “Thank you.”

I grinned sheepishly and pointed to the rest of the room. “Um... Felix. You may want to turn around.”

He looked at me for a moment. “What are you....” He turned around and saw both the princesses looking at him. “Talking...about....” He looked around the room and his ears went flat as he saw how many ponies just saw him talk. “Oh....hehehe, um.... Hi?”

~Felix’s POV~

I slowly was coming back to the world of the waking. Seeing that amount of pink scared me. I cracked an eye open and saw that I was being held by Scoots. “Y-you mean it!?” I was confused for a moment until I started to suffocate from the strength of her hug.

I tapped on her legs as best I could. “S-scoots!...Can’t....breathe.....” She let go some and I took in a large breath. “Thank you.” Nearly died right there from severe amounts of love. One would not think it would be possible if not experienced first hand.

Scootaloo looked at me nervously after looking around. “Um... Felix.” She grinned sheepishly and pointed behind me. ”You may want to turn around.”

“What are you....” I turned around and froze. There were two ponies standing in front of me that were larger than any other pony I had seen yet and I was in the middle of the library. “Talking... about....” I looked around the room and the room and saw Twilight holding a notepad next to Applejack, who's hat looked like it was about to fall off and join her jaw on the floor. Rainbow was glaring at me next to an unconscious white unicorn, and Fluttershy was gawking at me next to the pink one who was here as well, though she seemed less chipper than the other times I’ve seen her. “Oh.... hehehe, um.... Hi?” Well that blows that secret out of the water and makes it a good fifty feet in the air for all to see.

The white pony directly in front of me knelt down to address me. “Greetings Felix, I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister Luna.” I paled under my coat. I just got bowed to by ROYALTY! I really hope I haven’t screwed anything up. The dark blue, who I'm going to assume is Luna, one nodded. ”We would like to know more about your arrival into Equestria and who you were before then.”

I blinked in confusion for a moment and my jaw fell to the ground. “W-w-wait.... You mean that you know that I’m....” She nodded and I felt like I was about to faint again. She knows that I am not of this world... OH GOD WHAT IF SHE WANTS ME DISSECTED!?

Luna looked at her sister in a more mild confusion to my own. “Sister, what do you mean by ‘his arrival into Equestria’?” Celestia just smiled and looked at me and waved a hoof.

I sighed and Scootaloo was looking at me in confusion. “I guess it’s story time then.” The ponies started to look at me as I hopped out of Scootaloo’s hooves and made my way onto the desk on the far side of the library. “I’m guessing that you all want me to elaborate on what Celestia said?” The ones that could nodded. I looked over to Scootaloo and smiled sadly. “You told me your past, It’s about time I told you mine.

It all started when I adopted a cat and named him Milos....”

Author's Note:

HAZZA! I actually managed to get something for this story in a relitively short amount of time! thank you, again to NightmareKnight for editing. I hope you all enjoy.