• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 5,694 Views, 121 Comments

Learning to Live and Love - FlashKenshin77

Leon is tired of life and ends it, getting a 2nd chance and heads into Equestria. What chaos awaits?

  • ...

What Am I Doing? (Unedited)

“It’s a what?”

“A phoenix egg,” Twilight said as a book floated over. She flipped through the pages before she stopped. “Ah, here it is; a phoenix are magical birds that regenerate by bursting into flames-”

“I know what a phoenix is, but how did an egg get in the Everfree?”

She tapped a hoof to her chin. “That’s a good question… Their nesting grounds are a good two days and a half away from there…” She turned to the saddlebags and looked them over once again. “And neither had a cutie mark on them?”

“Nope, that’s how I found them…” I held up the egg, looking at the weird markings trailing down its sides. “Couldn’t Rarity find who made them by the stitching or something?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I think you’ve been reading too many Sherclop Hooves books. Although it could be possible, which would be very taxing, to tell who made them; even if we did, we won’t know who bought them. We don’t usually keep receipts.”

“Oh… I see…”

“Hmm…” Twilight tapped her chin, looking over the bag once more before picking up the shard of glass. “I wonder what this is for.”

“No idea…” I sat down, and put the egg down. “What are we gonna do about the egg?”

She sighed and turned. “Well, we have two choices; try and return it to the phoenixes, or we can take care of it.”

“You don’t sound so sure on the former.”

“Even if we found the right parent, I doubt she’d want it. It’s been meddled and touched by ponykind. They’d ignore it.”

“So I guess we’re taking care of it?”

She smiled. “If that’s the case you better go see Fluttershy, she’d be more help than I am with this sorta thing.”

“True, seems to be her area of expertise. Thanks again Twilight…” He paused. “What about the bag and glass?”

Her horn glowed for a moment before a small blue pouch floated into the room. “Here, you can borrow this to carry the egg in. I wanna see if I can find anything… We gotta be missing something obvious...”

I took the bag and put the egg snuggly away, strapping it around my waist. “I get that feeling too, but I’m not the smart one here.” I headed towards the door. “Well if you find out anything, let me know okay?”

“Of course… Oh, and Leon?”


She turned to face me. “Princess Celestia wanted me to confirm if you could still use your powers or not?”

I shook my head. “Haven’t been able to for a good while.”

She faintly smiled and nodded. “Okay… I’ll let you know if I find anything.”

“See ya Twi,” I shut the door behind me and took off for Fluttershy’s.

I feel like there’s always something she’s not telling me... I sighed and patted the pouch. Well better get you to an expert little one.


“Oh dear, I’m not entirely sure Leon… I’ve never looked after a baby phoenix... “

“It’s fine Fluttershy, but I still think you’re still the best pony for the job.” I faintly smiled.

She blushed and looked away, a small part of her mane covering her face. “W-well t-thank you, that’s very kind… but… um…” She paused before smiling at me. “I guess I can help…”

“Thanks Fluttershy! You’re the best.. Now… uh… what do we do?”

She giggled and thought for a moment, picking up the egg with a hoof. “Well I’m assuming you’d have to keep the egg warm and clean. Besides that, I’m not sure… there isn’t a whole lot of books on phoenix care.”

“I see… so what, I have to sit on it till it hatches?”

“Oh no no no, we have to keep it warm yes, but it’s no ordinary egg. Phoenixes are used to extreme temperatures, so we’d need to keep it by fire… Hmm…” She turned to her fireplace and put the egg down. “Leon, why don’t you clean it while I get a small fire going?”

“Yes ma’am!” I saluted and picked up the egg, walking over to the sink and waited for the water to warm up. “So Fluttershy…”


“How do we know its getting ready to hatch?”

She put some logs in the fire and started it up, watching the fire crackle. “Oh, it’ll start moving around. Usually they only stay in their egg for a few months at the most.”

“I see… hehe…” I washed the egg off and wiped it off before walking over. “Mmm… nice and warm…” She smiled and went into the kitchen, rummaging around before she returned with a small bundle of sticks. “Uh… isn’t that gonna catch fire?”

She shook her head as she put it in a large metal pot, making a small nest. “I’m hoping that the metal will keep the egg warm enough…” She walked over and put the pot in front of the fire. She took the egg and nestled it in the debris, keeping a careful eye on it as she scooted it closer to the fire. It seemed to warm up, the pot getting warm. “There… Let’s just keep it like that for awhile.”

I hugged her and she blushed deeply. “Thanks Fluttershy, I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you.”

She mechanically patted my back and I let go, her face was bright red. “It-It’s n-nothing Leon, glad I could help.”

Hehe… if you say so. You don’t mind if I leave it in your expert care?”

“Oh no, means I can write down what I learn…”

“Careful there, starting to sound like Twilight.”

She giggled. “That’s not a bad thing…”

“Not what I meant… but if you need anything, let me know, okay?” She nodded. “Thanks again, I’ll see ya later.” I walked out, trying to think. I blinked and popped my head back inside. “Hey Flutters, quick question…”

She eeped and turned back around, taking a deep breath. “Y-yes?”

“How often have you found phoenixes in the Everfree?”

“Never… this’ll be the first time.”

“Hmm… gotcha. Sorry about scaring you.”

“It’s fine,” she giggled and shook her head as I left again.

First time huh… I trotted through town, deep in thought. I almost didn’t hear the faint hooves behind me but continued as if I didn’t. I looked around, I was in the middle of town, ponies everywhere. Probably just heading the same way… I tried to pass a look behind me; no pony was there, or at least following me.

Carrot Top waved at me as she saw me looking. I waved back, slightly unnerved. I walked a little faster, making my way home. Alright, if I can just find some way- I facehoofed. Wings, right. I unfurled them and took to the sky, hopping up and landing on a cloud. I peered over the side, scanning the ground below me. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.

I frowned and bit the inside of my cheek. Maybe… I’m going crazy... I got up and flew home, my senses on high alert. I landed and opened the door; my house was quiet… too quiet. And dark; no wonder why I don’t come home often. I shut the front door and it creaked.

Of course… I rolled my eyes and cringed slightly when it clicked shut. It took a moment before my eyes adjusted to the dimness as I looked around, trying to notice anything different in the shadows. “Alright, I know you’re here, why not show yourself?”

I heard a very faint hiss before the buzzing of… wings? I saw a blob of darkness flying towards me and I rolled away from the front door. I jumped towards my closet, hoping to get my sword before the fur on the back of my neck rose. I flapped my wings and flew up, only for sudden pain laced up my back. I grunted and hit the ceiling, blinking as I re-connected with the floor. A hoof smacked my face and I kicked with my hind legs, a ‘oof’ coming from my assailant.

I laid on the floor for a moment before I launched myself at him, punching everything I could. It tried to defend himself and I felt a searing pain in my hoof; its fangs were sunk in my hoof. I punched it in the side of the head and it wouldn’t let go.

I pushed it off and grabbed a pillow from the couch. I whacked him with it and wasn’t sure if it was surprised or dazed as it sat and stared at me with cold, almost lifeless, blue eyes. I hit him again and chucked the pillow at its face. I turned around quickly and opened the closet door. I grabbed my sword and yelped, the thing tackling me.

We fought for a moment over the sword before I had to use it to stop it from biting my neck. It snapped a few times, drool oozing out of its mouth.

“Get off me!” I shoved with all my might and pushed him off and he tumbled back. I got up and drew the sword out, dropping to a stance.

The creature shook its head and rose to its hooves. Suddenly my fur bristled as I felt something lean towards me. “I think that’s enough…” It hissed in a feminine voice. Something slid up and rest next to my throat.

I gulped. “W-who are you?”

“Merely messengers…”

“That try and kill ponies?” I panted, a bead of sweat falling into my eye.

“Nay, but our queen wished to test if the stories were true…”


“Of human prowess in combat.”

“Well, I hate to break it to you and your queen, but I ain’t human. Just a simple pony.”

It laughed and my ears twitched at the sound. “You can fool many ponies, Leon, but you cannot fool us. We can sense it.”

I chuckled nervously. “Hehe… Can’t blame a guy for trying. Ponies weren’t too fond me...”

The creature smiled and pulled whatever was against my throat away. “No, but let us cease hostilities… my dear brother can get quite… out of hoof.”

“Nonsense dear sister… I merely enjoy the challenge.” The brother said and lights turned on in my house. I blinked and tried to rid the stars from my eyes as I finally got a good look at my attackers.

“You’re changelings,” I said simply, surprised.

“Yes,” they said together. Both were identical down to the last detail; black carapaces, leather-like wings, cold blue eyes. Holes dotted their hooves and they had a crooked horn.

“I thought Twilight and the others shot you to kingdom come.”

They paused and looked at each other. “She may have weakened us, but we had a nest nearby. We’re not as easily defeated as they think.” The female said.

“I see… and what’s stopping me from running out and telling them that we have a pair of changelings in town?”

“...Our queen would be most displeased and I’d hate for anypony to get hurt.”

“Was that a threat?”

“Merely a suggestion. I know your type, you hate it when your friends are hurt.”

I grinned. “Well I hate to break it to you, but I’m pretty sure the girls could handle themselves, they tend to be saving ponies.”

“Ah… you believe we’re referring to Twilight and her friends… No, no…” The brother smiled. “How is that ditzy mare… Derpy? Right?”

The room got colder as I glared at him. “Excuse me?”

“I hear she’s taking quite a liking to you… it’d be a shame-”

I shot right up to him, my sword out of its sheath before I realized it. “You wouldn’t.”

He raised an eyebrow, not even worried. “By all means kill me. Just know that if you do, you’ve sealed her fate.”

I studied him, staring into his reflectionless eyes. My brain was going a thousand miles before I sighed and pulled away, sheathing my sword. “What exactly do you want?”

“Well… if we found you worthy,” the female started.

“We’d escort you to a point where you’d meet,” the male continued.

“Our queen,” they finished together.

“...So let me get this straight; I’m supposed to follow you to god knows where to meet your leader.”

“That is correct.”


They shared another look, one of hesitation. “We… do not understand.”

“Why would I do that? That’s like… a nono all around. You just don’t follow strangers back to their ‘home’.”


“And why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“The ‘we’ thing instead of ‘I’ and you finish each other’s sentences… it’s creepy.”

“We are of the same mind… mostly.” The female smiled, showing her fangs.

“And another thing, aren’t you supposed to be protected back at home?” I pointed at her and she tilted her head. “Aren’t females important or something?”

“Well yes... but I can handle myself.”

I went to open my mouth but her brother interrupted me, and looked quite furious. “Enough, please, with the questions. What is your answer?”

“Well…” I paused, trying to wrap my head around anything. If I don’t, I’m sure I’m going to have changelings to worry about… but if I do… oh boy. “I guess I really can’t refuse such a courteous offer from royalty. But only if I can bring my sword.” I finally said.

“There will be no need-”

The sister put a reassuring hoof on her brother’s shoulder. “As you wish, but I must warn you. Do not draw it near our queen unless you you want to fight every changeling in our nest.”

“Understood.” Only I would draw this much attention… I tied the sword around me and took a deep breath.

Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be…” Something hit me. “How are we going to go through town, you two are going to stick out like a sore thumb?”

Even as I finished the sentence, they changed. The brother suddenly grew a little taller, his body sprouting light blue fur. His webbed mane turned into a long and slightly unkempt, a darker shade of blue, same with his tail. He had blue eyes and blinked once. He also had a cutie mark, two horseshoes linked together.

The sister grew slightly as well, her mane turning two shades of silver. Her tail was kept clean with a small ribbon at the bottom. Her coat was sandy brown and three apple slices was her cutie mark. She smiled and looked at me with pale green eyes. “Is this… better?”

“Uh…” Was all I could utter.

They both grinned and headed towards my door. They beckoned me and I followed a moment later. What am I doing…

I followed the duo, who were waving to ponies that wandered by. I was silent, trying to figure a way out of the situation. If they could slip in unnoticed, imagine what they could do to you when they actually wanted to hurt you… I hope Derpy’s okay...

Although I’m sure I could’ve taken the brother… I didn’t even sense the sister. She was way too good. I think I understood what she meant by ‘taking care of herself’.

We were almost free of the town, Fluttershy’s cottage not too far away. I sighed in relief as the two seemed to drop the act for the moment. That is, until we heard a pair of wings.

“Leon?” Dash called out.

I gulped and the two changelings turned to stare at me. I saw the brother tense slightly, but the sister passively looked at me.

I turned and saw Dash land in front of me and I threw on a smile. “Hey Dash.”

“What are you doing way out here?” She paused and turned to the pair and stared at them. “Don’t I know you from somewhere…?” she asked, looking at the brother intently.

“Probably, I’ve seen you a bunch of times. Always flying off and saving ponies.” The brother said, smiling. “It’s good to meet the great Rainbow Dash.

Dash grinned and puffed her chest out slightly. “Heh, well thanks… I know it’s awesome to meet yours truly… but… Hey, wait a minute. I remember now.” The brother got ready to attack. “I saw you during the parasprite attack!”

He paused. “Oh yeah, those pesky little buggers. Kept attacking everything.”

“Yeah,” Dash laughed. “I hated those things…” She shook her head at the memory and turned back to me. “And what are you doing out here?”

“Oh, you know, just… looking for something.”

She raised an eyebrow. “By the Everfree?”

“Well he was helping us… I lost something when I went in there and he was kind of us to escort us through. Said he had a lot of experience with the forest.” The sister said.

“Pff… you could say that…” Dash rolled her eyes. “Just… be careful okay? I don’t want to have to take you to the hospital.”

“Heh… I’ll do my best. Hey, quick question.”


“Could you go check on Twilight, she wasn’t acting like herself.” She went to say something else but I gave her a tight hug. “Thanks, you’re the best.”

She blushed and coughed. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” She took to the air. “I’ll catch you later then, better go do that before it interrupts one of my naps.” And with that, she zipped off. a rainbow trail behind her.

I sighed and turned back to the changelings. “You got so lucky…”

“Very… let’s go.” The brother said and led us into the Everfree.


Dash flew to Derpy’s, trying to piece her mind back together. Stupid, stupid! Why’d you freeze like that... She groaned and looked down, realizing she was already halfway through the marketplace. Okay, now if I turn here, I’d- She blinked; in the marketplace, was one of the ponies she just ran into.

She quickly nose dived to the ground and landed next to him. Yup, same cutie mark; coat, tail, mane, and eye color. It was… an exact copy. “Hey! How’d you do that?”

He eeped in surprise. “D-do what?”

“How’d you get back to from the Everfree that fast?!”

He looked at her concerned. “I haven’t been near the Everfree in ages…” He turned and motioned at the saddlebags on his waist. “I’ve been shopping all morning.”

“But I coulda swore-”

“Then you must be mistaken. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He said and walked away.

Dash stood there, flabbergasted. She shook her head. I know that was him! She walked over to a stall and asked if he’d been there a few minutes ago. When the salespony said yes, her brain went into overdrive.

There was some hammering going on behind her. She turned and saw somepony working on a new stall. Derpy was helping her, holding a plank steady. “Sorry I crashed into you again..” She murmured.

“It’s alright, at least Ambrosia was nearby to help.” Carrot Top said. “Thanks again Amy, I’d have to close early…”

“It’s no problem CT, glad I could help,” Ambrosia said and turned around with a smile.

Dash had to do a double take; it was the other pony from before too! She rushed over to the trio. “How long have you been working on this?”

Uh… about twenty minutes, give or take… Why?” Ambrosia asked, confused.

Dash ignored her, her mind trying to figure out what was going on… until something clicked. Wasn’t feeling herself… exact copies… She turned and looked at the Everfree. He didn’t… She quickly flew up again and tried to look for me.

She flew to Twilight’s as fast as she could, hoping she was wrong.

Author's Note:

Oh boy, it's been awhile... Hello there! Sorry, life has really kicked me around lately. But I won't bore you with those details... Hopefully the chapter was worth the wait; if it flows a bit oddly, I'm trying something new. I've been reading the Dresden Files and wanted to see how that author's flow is... I know I didn't copy it well, it was more of a trial thing. Well, hopefully you enjoyed.... I'll try and not have a chapter a year update... I'm not Team4Star hehe...