• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 5,683 Views, 121 Comments

Learning to Live and Love - FlashKenshin77

Leon is tired of life and ends it, getting a 2nd chance and heads into Equestria. What chaos awaits?

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Love Hurts

3 Months Later…

Fluttershy and Twilight were my companions pretty much the entire time I was stuck in the hospital. Twilight grilled me daily about human life, our diet, how we live, what Earth was like. I didn’t want to go too in depth, so I glossed over many dark parts of human history. Twilight let me read an overview of Equestrian history and some cultural traditions, like this Winter Wrap Up thing that would be happening next month. She also let me borrow the Daring Do book series; it was exactly like Indiana Jones. Rainbow and I had many “heated discussions” of who the better adventurer was; Rainbow usually won. Princess Celestia came by a few times, usually offering me suggestions on what to do when I got out of here. She also had a house built for human standards, much to all our surprise. She built it out of the way of Ponyville, so very few ponies knew about it. I heard it was close to Fluttershy’s house.

Dash was also a frequent visitor, but didn’t stay for long. Always swooped in through the window, hiding from somepony or another. When she was here, we’d have quite a few random discussions, from Daring Do v. Indiana Jones, to goals in life, then favorite food. She was a strange one, very loud too. She also didn’t hesitate to tell me how she was going to join the Wonderbolts and be the best flyer that ever existed. She was a bit more reserved when Fluttershy came by, because she’d bring another pony, who she introduced as her ‘coltfriend’, Shadow Embers.

He was… rather odd. He was, like his name suggested, a muted red and orange, with a short spiky mane and a bandana tied over his forehead. He had a few burns and soot marks underneath his orange eyes. He was very quiet and never talked to me, always talking through Fluttershy. He was very rude too, ignoring Dash altogether and I could tell he irked her, her teeth grinding a lot whenever he was there.

Fluttershy and I had spent a lot of time together, realizing we had many things in common. Neither liked to be the center of attention, parties, or loud noises. We like being ignored and quiet. We shared many stories of our past, some of our fears, and many of our problems were solved by each other. Call me crazy but Fluttershy was probably the pony I trusted with everything.

Christmas was awful this year. I sat in the hospital alone for most of the day. I kept thinking about everyone and what they were doing when I realized that I will never see any of them again. I cried for a while when I felt a reassuring hoof on my arm. I looked up and saw Fluttershy there. She had smiled and listened as I vented. When she realized it was Christmas, she promised to be right back and left the room. She came back a little while later, with a small present and something to eat. It was probably the best Christmas I ever had.

Towards the end of my stay at the hospital, Nurse Redheart would have me get up and walk around a little bit, letting me walk longer each time. Trying to make sure my leg muscles didn’t get weak she said. Twilight also wanted to see what else I could materialize, since I showed her by turning my katana into a sakabatō, or a reverse blade sword. She had me try and summon anything from my world and I quickly realized I couldn’t summon anything but a guitar, another fedora; which I gave to Applejack after her hat was shredded in one of their adventures, and some records. No iPods, laptops, or TVs. Twilight theorized since those were ‘high-tech’ that her world couldn’t handle it just yet; or whatever.

On my final day at the hospital, I got up and went to shower, which was hard when it was built for a four foot pony. I sat down and quickly showered, getting out looking at the reflection in the mirror. I had short brown hair with streaks of gray at the temples; the side effect of using my summoning power. I was about 6’1, probably 150 pounds. I wasn’t rippling with muscle, but I could hold my own for a while.

I sighed and dried off, putting on the shirt and pants that Rarity had made me for free; she thought of it as a ‘challenge’ to make clothes for a new species. They fit perfectly and I finally grabbed my Indie jacket; Rarity had repaired it, practically making it brand new. I grabbed my shoes and put those on, glad to finally be dressed once again. I grabbed my fedora and sword, putting the hat securely on my head and the sword in the ‘pocket’ Rarity had sewn into the pants. I walked out of my hospital room for hopefully the final time and headed to fill out the paperwork necessary for me to leave.


The sun was bright, the light reflecting off the snow when I left the hospital alone. I looked around and everypony was wearing a scarf or jacket to ward off the cold. The snow was maybe only a few inches deep on the ground. The ponies nearby stopped and stared at me, some curiously, some horrified. I shook my head and started to try and find where any of my ‘friends’ lived.

As I wandered the town, I saw a little orange… filly riding a scooter at blinding speeds, plowing through the snow. I thought she saw me but I was wrong and we collided, she bounced off me and tried to use her wings to control her momentum but couldn’t stop and sailed towards a tree. I saw that and as soon as I hit the ground launched myself between the two. She hit me in the chest as I grabbed her and went down with “oof”.

“You okay?” I asked the daredevil.

“Of course I am.” She said, her eyes betraying her fear.

I smiled and put her down. “Please be a little more careful.” I said as I walked away, rubbing at the pain in my chest. I didn’t hear a response and glanced at the filly stare, who stared back at me, her head cocked and with squinty eyes. “Um?”

“You must be that human that Dash was talking about,” she gasped, “you killed a manticore!”

“Yeah… I didn’t want to, but it was going to kill me and Fluttershy…”

“Wait till I tell the other CMC that I met somepony that could kill a manticore!” She said, completely ignoring me.

I shook my head. “Oh, um… do you happen to know where Twilight Sparkle lives?”

“Oh yeah, that egghead lives in the tree right there.” She said, pointing to quite literally a tree house with a sign off to the side that had a picture of a book.

“Thank… you.” I said, walking over to it. The orange filly flew off down the road on her scooter, miraculously avoiding everything. I shook my head and knocked on the door.

“It’s a public library!” Someone said as they opened the door to reveal a small purple and green dragon. His green eyes widened at the same time as mine did.

“D… d… dragon!” I yelled, falling backwards into the snow.

His eyes shrunk menacingly. “What’s wrong with being a dragon?” He asked his voice full of suspicion.

“Nothing… I’m rather a fan of dragons.” I got up and brushed the snow off my pants. I cleared my throat and hesitantly held my hand out. “I’m Leon Kennedy; Twilight told me to find her when I got out of the hospital.”

He stared at it intently. “So you’re that human she’s been making a fuss about.” He finally shook my hand. “I’m Spike, her number one assistant.”

“Nice meeting you Spike; is Twilight here?”

“No she had to go to Canterlot for something or other so she left me in charge of the library.” He said, puffing his chest out with pride.

I smiled. “Well congrats.”

“Leon darling, what are you doing out of the hospital?” Rarity asked as she walked towards us. She was wearing a pink scarf with her cutie mark emblazoned on it.

“Oh hey Rarity; didn’t Fluttershy tell you I was getting out of the hospital today?” I asked. Spike stared at Rarity and I could just make out his iris’ turning into hearts.

“No she didn’t… in fact, I don’t believe anypony has talked to her in a few days.” Rarity said.

“What?” I asked, now worried. “Where does she live?”

Rarity pointed behind us. “If you follow this road, you can’t miss her house; it’s right before the Everfree Forest. It’s normal for her to disappear for a few days, getting sidetracked by all those animals she takes care of.” She noticed the look in my eyes. “Darling wait, you just got out of the hospital!” She yelled as I took off as fast as I could.

Something didn’t feel right; my body seemed to move faster than before and it felt like I flew down the road. I avoided hitting anypony surprisingly and within a few minutes, made my way out of town. I looked around and sure enough, I saw Fluttershy’s house just like I remembered. I ran up to it and knocked on the door; no answer. I knocked again and this time a small white rabbit opened the door. He stared at me and tapped his foot impatiently against the ground.

“Hey there… Angel, is Fluttershy around?” I asked, remembering Fluttershy telling me about her pet rabbit.

He stared at me and shook his head no.

I heard sobs coming from the house. “Look Angel, I know she’s in there; I can hear her. Could I just talk to her? Make sure she’s alright?” I begged. My god, I’m arguing with a rabbit…

He shook his head no again.

“What if I promise that if she wants to be left alone I’ll leave?” I asked again. Why am I trying to see her so badly; because I want to make sure she’s alright. After everything she’s done for me, it’s only fair I return the favor. Angel sighed and finally nodded his head. He moved out of the way and I rushed inside.

I just realized… I could’ve stepped over him. I facepalmed. I saw Fluttershy sitting on her couch, her eyes red and puffy. She didn’t notice me as I stood next to her. “Hey Fluttershy,” I said quietly.

She eeped and jumped, hiding behind her mane until she saw it was me. “Oh… hey L-leon; how are you?” She asked, her voice sounded ragged and broken.

“I’m okay, glad to be out of the hospital; how about you?”

“I’m okay...” She said, hiding behind her mane still.

I sighed. “Fluttershy, I know you’re not. You don’t have to tell me but I’m here if you need me. Mind if I sit down?” I asked.

She nodded and I sat next to her. Before I could say anything, she buried her face into my chest, tears pouring down her cheeks. I gently started to rub her back as I looked at Angel. What happened? I mouthed and he shook his head and shrugged. I rolled my eyes and hugged Fluttershy.

“Um… Fluttershy?” I asked.

She lifted her head off my shirt and stared at me, her usual blue pools of happiness gone; replaced with pools of pain. “Yes?” She said her voice unusually more quiet. She saw how close they were and pushed away from me. “I-I’m sorry….” She said, staring at the couch.

I scooted closer to her. “It’s okay Fluttershy.” I said as I gently pulled her into a hug. “I was going to ask what happened.”

She was still as I let her go. She started to cry as I sat there running my hand along her mane.

“My… my coltfriend dumped me.” She finally said.

My mouth dropped to the floor. “What?” I managed to say.

“M-my coltfriend dumped m-me. He said h-he d-didn’t love me anymore. He was c-cheating on me.” She said her voice going out towards the end.

“I’m so sorry…” I said, at a loss for words. She leaned against me as I gave her another hug.

“It’s okay… I-I’m okay.” She tried to say, but couldn’t keep the charade up. She broke down again.

“If there’s anything I can do, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“O-okay.” She was silent, her tears absorbing into my jacket. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“Anytime.” I said, letting her use me for support.

We sat together for a long time, completely silent as she continued to cry. I didn’t mind. I was glad I could help. She finally looked up at me and struggled to smile.

“Thank you…f-for coming over.”

“It’s no problem… I’m glad I could help.” I said. I got up and stretched.

“What are you going to do today? I mean… if you want to tell me…”

“Whole lotta nothing; maybe try and find a job.” I said, looking at her. She seemed to be a little better. “Hey, why don’t you-” Angel hopped out of nowhere and smacked me with his paw. I sighed. “Alright; I understand.” I said as I took off my jacket and put it around Fluttershy. “Angel thinks it’s time for me to go. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to find me.” I said before walking towards the door.

She grabbed the back of my shirt. “Wait; I-I was wondering… if you c-c-could stay for a little longer?” She whispered, her face hidden behind her mane.

I looked at Angel and he shrugged. I sat back down. “Sure, I’d love to.” There was a moment of awkward silence.

Before I could say anything, she leaned against and nuzzled me. I didn’t know what to do; my mind was in overload. She’s a bloody pony, why in the world am I so confused right now? Granted, being stuck in an alien world for three months with nothing but smart, intelligent ponies that can talk and have a very similar society structure isn’t that bad… but still; relationships… I looked down at her closed, red, puffy eyes. I gingerly wrapped an arm around her. “I’m sorry.” I whispered.

“No… I’m sorry… I… I…” she trailed off.

“It’s alright Fluttershy, I’m here for you.” I assured her.

“…Why? Why did he? I trusted him… how could he?” She said as the tears started to flow again.

“Ssh; it’s okay.” I said, pulling her closer. “Fluttershy, some… ponies… are just cruel and good at playing with emotions. I know it hurts really badly right now, but in my experience, it’s this experience that makes you stronger and it shows you how capable you are. Your heart may feel broken, but its stronger than any… pony realizes.” I put my hand gently under her chin and lifted so her eyes looked directly into mine. I wiped a tear from her eye. “Especially yours Fluttershy; I’ve never met anypony more kind and loving than you.”

Her face turned scarlet red. “T-t-t-thank… you.” She said through sniffling.

I faintly smiled. “I’m just telling you what I see. You truly are amazing.” I said with a chuckle.

“No I-I-I’m not; I’m a t-t-terrible pony.” She said, looking away from me.

“Fluttershy, not only did you save me from dying a second time; you went into the Everfree Forest to look for me even though you're deathly afraid of it. That takes courage very few ponies are capable of; especially for something you just barely met.”

Her face was still red. “I was just trying to help…”

“Exactly; not only were you afraid of me and the forest, but you still went out to look for me. If it wasn’t for you, I probably would’ve died in that forest.

She didn’t say anything but more tears came out.

“Fluttershy I know it’s hard right now and it seems as if the light in the world is gone, but look around; you’re surrounded by animals that care for you and would do anything to help. Angel is especially worried about you.” I said, pointing to the small white rabbit. He looked away and whistled innocently, we both smiled.

She buried her face into my chest again. “Thank you. “She said, her voice slightly muffled by my shirt.

I smiled and gently rested a hand on her head. “It’s no problem… I was worried about you.” I said, my eyes going wide as I realized what I said and I felt my face get red.

She looked up at me. “You were… worried about me?” She asked.

I gulped. “Of course I was; you were always there for me and I wanted to be there for you…” I said, trailing off.

She faintly smiled and nuzzled against me. “You are a good friend.”

I chuckled.” Yeah, sure.”

Something smacked against the window causing Fluttershy to jump; I saw that it was snowing pretty hard. I groaned as she squeezed me tighter.

“Fluttershy… I hate to say… anything, but I did… just get out the hospital.” I managed to say.

She looked at me and immediately let go. “S-s-sorry.” She stammered out, her face red again.

“It’s alright.” I said with a smile. She still seemed scared so I took my fedora off and gently put it on her head. She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes. “There, now it won’t be so loud.” I said as the hat covered her ears.

She smiled. “Thank you.” She said, giving me a hug. She yawned.

“Are you tired?” I asked.

She shook her head no. “N-no.” She said, trying not to yawn again.

“When was the last time you slept?” I asked.

She yawned again and her eyes started to close but she quickly opened them again. “I think… it was night before he told me; three days ago…”

“Why don’t you get some sleep? Everything will be fine.”

“I don’t want to be r-rude to you…” she said, closing her eyes and leaning against me.

I shook my head and went to say something when I saw she was already asleep, her chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. I chuckled and gently got up, making sure she didn’t fall. I grabbed my jacket off her and used it as a blanket; it somehow covered her entire body. I grabbed a pillow on the couch and gently put it under her head. My hat fell on the floor and I picked it up and put it on.

I walked over to the chair and watched the snow fall quietly. Angel hopped on my lap and held out his paw. I hesitantly shook and he nodded; hopping off afterwards and disappearing somewhere in the house.

I sighed. “What a weird day already.” I said as the snow picked up.

Author's Note:

it's been awhile for this story hasn't it? Well.. I'm back.. I guess it's a good thing. Thank you all for the support of this story though; it really means a lot to me... So what did you guys think? Was it worth the wait?

And on a side Author's Note... Leon Kennedy is not the Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil... I just like his name hehe... pretty sure you figured that out though.