• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 5,694 Views, 121 Comments

Learning to Live and Love - FlashKenshin77

Leon is tired of life and ends it, getting a 2nd chance and heads into Equestria. What chaos awaits?

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Into the Changeling's Den (Unedited)

The Everfree Forest was a scary place to be. It existed beyond the control of the princesses and no matter how much the pegasi try to control it, the weather had a mind of its own. Once you pass into the canopy, the sun disappears and you left in near darkness, the sense that you’re being watched with every step.

I’ve nearly died three times since I came here, twice in the Everfree. I glanced around, straining my ears to hear anything that’d give away an oncoming attack. Nothing stirred nearby, which didn’t sit well with me.

We went deeper into the forest, the hoof-paths we were using simply vanishing. The forest’s shadows got stronger and I had to pay attention where I walked.

The mare smiled as she glanced over at me. “Is everything alright?”

“Just peachy, such a big fan of the forest…” I muttered, nearly tripping over a root.

Her horn glowed for a moment before a werelight appeared on it, giving our little traveling party some light. “There you go.”

“You’re too kind.”

She rolled her eyes and led us deeper. I had completely lost where we were going, all I knew was we were deeper in the forest than most ponies I think have ever gotten.

Silence reigned once more, the only sound our hoofsteps as I nervously looked around and noticed certain markings on the trees. I tried to look at one when a pair of eyes appeared out of the gloom. It stared into mine and I froze.

Several more emerged around us and somewhere something hissed. The pair that I followed hissed back, and it was quiet once more before half a dozen changelings literally materialized. I gulped and loosened up the best I could, in case I had to fight.

The changelings walked up to the pair next to me and were talking in their weird hissing language. The fur on the back of my neck tingled and I had a gut feeling there were more watching us. I stared and watched them talk about something as every pair of eyes turned and looked at me.

The female motioned with her head and I hesitated before I followed, the other changelings falling next to me. It took a second to realize that they had surrounded me and I looked up. The canopy was rather close to the ground, so no flying away, unless I flew through tree branches.

I followed the group of changelings and I noticed that there was green goo everywhere. It looked almost like a spider’s nest, the goo solidified like a web. I gulped and they led me deeper. Soon, the only light came from little orbs in the goo. I tried to be as discreet as possible and get the lay of the land; it really didn’t help. I had no idea where I was till they led me to a cave and a pair of changelings walked from the opening.

“Is he the one?” one hissed.

“Indeed brother,” another answered.

The changeling smiled and before I knew it, I was more or less forced inside. If I couldn’t see before, I was going off sheer blind luck. I could feel the ground decline gently and I stumbled my way through. I heard movement all around me but the faint luminescent orbs weren’t giving me much to work with.

We stopped outside one of the large caverns and everypony stopped. They forced me forward and pushed me inside. I looked around and my body tensed. I was surrounded by thousands of them, every pair of eyes on me. I gulped and reach for my sword.

All the noise abruptly stopped as they glared at me and I lowered my hoof. I looked in the center and a tall pony sat there, watching me with cold green eyes. She had long slender hooves, holes dotting the bottom. Her fur, no shell, was a deep grey/black with her abdomen a few shades of green. Long dark cerulean hair covered her face, split by a broken and crooked horn. Her leather-like bug wings rested at her sides, her tail swishing curiously.

“Hello there,” she said, her voice sounded like two people were talking at the same time.

“Hello back.”

She smiled and revealed a pair of fangs. “How are you Leon? I hope my daughter and son didn’t harm you.”

“Uh… just fine, thank you.” I stuttered.

She got up and slowly walked over to me, looking down. “I see… you taste… better than I remember.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing…” she trailed off and closed her eyes.

I fidgeted. “Um… not to be rude, but Queen-”


“Queen Chrysalis, but I was wondering why you asked for me.” I put a bit of an emphasis on it.

She regarded me for a moment, not saying a word. “I remember the last time your kind was here. Tall, handsome, had a way with words like you wouldn’t believe. He got my mother to agree to an alliance…” She said wistfully, lost in memories.

I coughed nervously, quite aware of the thousand to one ratio I had going against me.

“Then he turned and killed her. And forced the changelings to join his army.” She continued, her eyes full of fury. “And we were slaughtered, nearly pushed to extinction.”

“I’m sorry Chrysalis… but-”

“So when I heard another human had appeared in Terra, I had to at least see him. But I knew Celestia would have her hooves all over you.” She said, her horn glowing as my sword pulled me off the ground.

“Whoa, hey now!”

“And what is this? A sword?”

“That’s mine!”

She pulled it out of the sheath and looked at the blade. It seemed to almost glow, a faint light coming from it. She hissed and quickly put it away. “I see… of course.”

I stared at the blade, confused. “I-I don’t understand.”

“Of course you wouldn’t, pawns usually don’t.”

I glared at her. “I am not a pawn.”

“Oh?” she asked, eyebrow raised as I was unceremoniously dropped to the ground. “You inhabit a pony body, live in Ponyville, and help Celestia’s prize pupil. All the while answering to her and Luna’s beck and call. I believe that is a pawn.”

“I’m just trying to repay her for letting me stay and healing me.”

She laughed, my wings rustling nervously. “Whatever you say Leon or should we call you Emerald now?”

A small bead of sweat trailed down my back. “How do you-”

“Know? I have loyal subjects in many places. I hear quite a few things.” She went to sit down and I was pulled towards her. “I hear that you saved the Element of Kindness from a manticore.”


“And went on a secret meeting with Luna and Twilight.” She lowered her head, our eyes level. “I’d be very happy if I could hear about that.”

I put on my best poker face. “Sorry, top secret.”

She pouted but there was a hint of something in her eyes. “I figured… but it was worth a try.” She got up and hissed as a few guards came towards us. “You’ll tell me in due time.”

The guards grabbed me and I fought against them. “What the hell are you doing?!”

“You’re too dangerous to leave alone without the proper supervision. We wouldn’t want another war.” A devilish smile appeared on her lips. “And we have much to discuss.”

“You can’t do this!” I struggled against them, their grasp was like iron.

“Oh? But I believe I have.” She laughed, the rest of the changelings followed suit as they led me away.

I could hear the buzzing as my captors forced me down a side corridor and into a maze of passageways. I fought with everything I had, I didn’t even make them grunt. I thought I was strong or at least up to par, but I was useless against them. If only I could reach my sword… I tried to dip forward a little so the blade would slide out and it slipped out slightly, right before they grabbed my sword with magic and held it inside.

Finally we stopped and one opened a cage. I got a quick look around, there were a bunch of cages lined up near mine with ponies inside. I couldn’t get a good look before they tossed me inside, my sword landing awkwardly on me. The cage door snapped and locked shut.

I rushed to the door. “Let me out!” I yelled. I paused and peeked out between the bars. Jesus, I’m being hit with all the clichés, aren’t I? I sighed and turned around, looking over the cell.

Beds on opposite walls, cell door at the front. No windows and the only source of light was a rather mute orb at the top. Nothing else. I sighed and hopped on the closest bed. “Could be worse I guess.”

I heard a very faint snort and looked at the opposite bed. I just realized I wasn’t alone and took a look at my cellmate.

It was… a filly?! My mouth dropped and my eyes widened. She couldn’t have been older than six, probably around Dinky’s age. She stared at me, her eyes lifeless, just two crystal blue eyes staring at me. A splash of freckles dotted her face, almost covered by her filthy and stained white fur. Her wings were all mangled and her feathers rustled. Her dirty sand blonde mane was all over the place and places were nearly burned off. She didn’t have a cutie mark and she leaned heavily on one side.

I jumped up and slowly walked towards her and she scooted back. “Hey, it’s alright… I’m not..”

She was quiet, but I could see the fear and panic in her eyes. I sighed and went back to my bed. “My name is Leon, what’s yours?”

No response.



“I see…” I grabbed my sword and laid it on the bed before I headed back to the door. I tried to pry at the bars with all my strength, all it did was make me tired and angry. They didn’t even budge. I groaned and peeked outside. There were no changeling insight. I tried to wiggle in between the bars… If only I was a wee bit lighter, I might have fit.

Something rustled and I turned and saw the filly had gotten under her bedsheets. She flipped over to face the wall and curled into a little ball. I was so tempted to just go give her a hug… but that look she gave earlier, it was pure and utter terror. I walked over to the bed and got up, resting my head against the wall. I wonder if they’ll notice I’m gone…


A few hours went by before a changeling appeared. He slipped two trays of food and water inside. He stared at me for a moment before leaving. I scooted the food over to the filly, who gazed at it, only barely nibbling on the bread and drinking water.

I didn’t realize how hungry I was till I had ate my food. I drank the water and went back to staring at the ceiling. I wasn’t sure how I’d escape. It seems like Chrysalis had read the evil villain handbook, no guards by the door. The door securely locked with some sort of key. Bars are pretty much impossible to break by hoof alone. No window to escape through.

I’ll figure out a way… I glared at the door and got up, slipping my head through the bars and studied the lock. It was one I was sorely unfamiliar with, but it seemed to be the classic key lock. I don’t remember seeing a changeling with a key, so they probably unlocked it with magic. If that was the case… I wasn’t going anywhere without them wanting me too.

I bit my lip and trotted back to my corner and grabbed my sword. I pulled it out of the sheath, the blade gleaming once more. “I don’t understand you… You’ve never glowed before…” I murmured, looking over the blade. It was just like the anime I took it from with not a scratch nor chipped edge. I tapped it against the wall, thinking.

So it surprised me when I got a reply, tapped with a hoof, at the cell door. I quickly turned and saw the female changeling from before, a faint smile on her lips. The filly was hiding under her covers as far as she could get away from the door. I got up and put myself between the two.

A pang of sadness crossed her eyes before they went neutral. “Don’t worry, I’m not here for her.” She said calmly as she unlocked the door.

“Then what do you want with me?”

“Queen Chrysalis wants to talk to you, privately.”

“Tell her she can shove it. Unless she’s going to let me go, I got nothing to say.”

She sighed. “I’m honestly surprised you haven’t tried charging your way out.”

“Heh, I’ve seen enough movies to know there are guards all over. Probably at important crossroads.”

“Oh my, so wise from one so young.”

“Ha-ha,” I said and stood my ground. “So go tell Chrissy what I said and leave us alone.”


“What? I can’t be witty?”

She rolled her eyes as her horn blinded me for a second and I was caught in her magic. I struggled against it but it was pointless again. She put the sword on my bed and led me out of the cell, the door shutting and locking. Well… it is magic locked. Great. I saw the filly peeking from underneath the covers, her eyes locking with mine. I gave her a small smile and let myself be taken to the chamber.

But we weren’t going to the big room as we took a few noticeable turns away from it. “Where are we going?”

“The queen’s personal chambers.”


She snorted and we went quiet. She finally put me down and I walked besides her. We both knew I wasn’t going anywhere so I might as play along for now. I heard some faint crying and muttering and I glanced around. We passed through what must be there prison, because ponies were in cages. But… they were fillies and colts too. Some other ponies were with them and I gave them a good look. From the way the fillies were reacting, it was like they were talking to their parents or something. Each tended to cry and the pony would hug them and brush their mane. Their eyes were closed, but I could see a faint glow under them.

“What’s going on there?” I motioned towards the cages.

“We’re feeding.”

“Feeding?” It took a second to click. “On fillies and colts?” I hissed.


I wish I had my sword still, I would’ve beaned her over the head before running over there and whacking each of them. Fury rose in my chest and I could tell she and every other changeling nearby sensed it. Each pony regarded me coldly, a flash of green before they returned to the fillies and colts in their care. “You’re stealing love from children?!”

“Orphans, more or less.” She said neutrally.

“How could you even do such a thing!?” Everypony was started to notice and guards appeared from the darkness.

She used her magic to force my mouth shut. I still screamed and raged at her. The filly in my cell made a lot more sense, I’ve had a few orphan friends back on Earth. The looks they gave were a bit… haunting to say the least.

We moved, more or less against my will, down a corridor and paused at a closed door. A row of changeling guards stood there solemnly watching us. They moved aside as we entered.

Chrysalis was waiting for us, sitting on her bed with a huge grin. The magic was released from my mouth and the door shut behind us. “How could you?” I asked, my voice barely containing my anger.

“Do what?” she asked innocently, a smug smile on her lips.

“You know damn well what I’m talking about!”

She laughed and motioned for the female to leave. The female nodded and left, giving me a last glare. “Oh Leon, the tales I’ve heard were correct.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“You truly are so predictable.”

I glared at her. “You’re feeding on the lives of innocent fillies and colts, orphans no less. You really have no shame.”

Her smile disappeared. “No shame? Shame is for ponies who can afford to worry about their appearance. Ponies don’t know what it’s like, to fight tooth and hoof for survival.”

“And here comes the big ‘boo hoo’ speech.” I said coldly.

“You do well to watch your mouth in my presence.”

“Or what? You gonna hit me? Torture me?”

She was quiet before leaning down to me. “I don’t need to hit you, I know exactly how to pull your strings. You share a cell with a little pegasus filly.”

My eyes turned hard as my body tensed. “Lay one hoof on her...”

“I already have, my little hero.” She whispered into my ear.

I don’t remember what happened next, Chrysalis was standing and then she was on the ground, my hooves around her neck. “Don’t you dare.”

She smiled and I flew off her, hitting the wall hard. “It would be wise to not lay your hooves on me ever again, if you value her life.” She said as she got up and loosened her body.

I gritted my teeth and got to my hooves. “Let the kids go and I might just spare your life.”

She laughed. “That’s rich boy, considering not even Princess Celestia could defeat me.”

“But what about Princess Cadance?” She froze and I smiled. “I’ve heard the story, Chrissy.”

Her eye twitched. “Chrissy?”

I gave her a grin and laughed. “Something wrong?”

She took a slow, deep breath. “I forgot how infuriating you humans are.”

I coughed. “Yeah, we are a pain in the neck, that’s for sure.”

“But that’s alright, I enjoy breaking the witty ones.”

“Ha, in your dreams Chrissy.”

She seemed to glow for a moment before green fire erupted around her. I blinked and felt my face get warm. When the fire vanished, Rainbow Dash stood in her place. Her eyes, however, were the same. Instead of the beautiful magenta, it was the cold eyes of Chrysalis. “What about now, dear Leon?” She walked over and nuzzled my cheeks.

“Get away from me.” I said through clenched teeth, my face red.

It killed me a little when she put on a pained expression. “B-but don’t you love me?” she whispered in Dash’s voice.

It’s just a changeling! It’s not really Dash! It was a lot easier to think then to believe. It took everything I had not to hug her. I shut my mouth and closed my eyes. “Chrissy, leave me alone.” I growled and pushed her away.

She laughed and I could feel she changed back to normal. “Oh, I’m going to have fun breaking you, my sweet, delicious human.”

I took a shaky breath and looked at her. “I don’t know why you’re doing this, but I’m going to stop you.”

“And whose being the cliché one now?”

“I stand by my words.”

“And I stand by mine.” She hissed and the guards entered, carrying me out. “Maybe one day you’ll understand.” She said, the door slamming shut.

They paused outside the door and before I even knew it, they were beating me. I tried to defend myself, but I could barely shield my head. They continued for awhile, my body screaming before I felt them pick me up. We went to my cell and they tossed me inside.

I groaned and looked around, the filly hiding underneath the covers. “It’s alright, they’re gone.” I whispered and pulled myself up. I staggered to my bed and fell on it. I sighed and closed my eyes. Everything hurt and I grabbed my sword protectively. I opened a swollen eye and saw the filly look at me sadly.

She hesitated for a moment before ever so carefully making her way to me. She stopped at the bed and looked extremely nervous, like a deer caught in the headlights. “S-sp-sparkling Shield.” She murmured quietly, with a hint of a southern twang. “That’s my name.” She said before running over and hiding in her bed.

I faintly smiled and nodded before falling asleep, the pain engulfing me.


Time was hard to tell inside the cave; what seemed like hours was probably only be a few minutes. I tried to pick the lock for the longest time. Sadly, it wasn’t as easy as they show in the video games and most of the time, I stood there getting frustrated. When I wasn’t trying to pick the lock, I sat at the door, watching the changelings and whenever I was led to Chrysalis, I tried to gather the guard movements. It was hard to do without drawing attention to myself, but I learned what I could.

They’d bring in food every seven odd hours and a few times times, they took Sparkling away. She’d always come back moments later, looking more tattered and exhausted. Then they’d take me away to Chrysalis. Sometimes, she’d be Dash. Others, maybe Twilight or any of the girls. She even transformed into Derpy a few times. Each time I’d fight against it and be beaten afterwards.

Sparkling never ate or said much, mostly just ‘slept’ in her bed. I guess after being here for as long as I assumed she was, you’d give up hope. I couldn’t afford that, I wasn’t gonna sit there and die. So I kept at it, even though I knew it was pointless.

The female changeling was the one that usually got me. It had come a point of the day to argue with her. There was something about her, the way she acted, that made me hope that she wasn’t too happy with Chrysalis. But she always defended the Queen, even if she wasn’t excited about the way they use children. By her defense, the children would’ve died in the orphanage. And the changeling weren’t wrong, they could eat like normal ponies, or so she said. But love kept them strong and let them able to change into ponies. I tried to show her how evil it was, and she agreed. But they did save them from a slow death and they had just enough to stay alive. And besides, they were making them happy and playing with them.

The worst part, most of the orphans weren’t old enough to understand what was going on and the ones that were had been here too long to argue. So it slowly became a game of her trying to convince me it was a good thing, not necessarily evil, to save the. No matter how they tried to sugar coat it, I knew it was bad, even with their ‘logical’ reasoning.

Pretty soon my body constantly hurt, a few cuts here and there. My right eye got swollen shut at some point and I think a wing might be broken. But I kept at it, no matter what. I stopped eating mostly, my stomach not able to handle it anymore. I just drank water.

Sparkling watched me a lot, lying on her bed and I tried to get her to talk, but it usually ended when she turned away. So I murmured to myself. I had to, or I could hear the fillies and colts down the hall, playing and laughing with their changeling captors. I could tell by the haunted look in her eye that she could hear it too.

There were a few times where I found the cell door mysteriously unlocked and I took the risk and ran. Each time I got a bit further, but more of a beating when I got caught. After a few times, I finally got the jist of the layout and began planning my escape. I had to try before I got too weak to do it, I could tell I wouldn’t last much longer. I could feel myself starting to slow down and I would lose track of time way too often. Sparkling even came over a few times and had to shake me to get my attention.


The female opened the door to go to Chrysalis’ chambers once more. I staggered up and followed, making sure my sword was ready. We headed down a familiar path and she turned to look at me. I avoided her eyes and tried to act normal. They could sense emotions so I had to act usual or my plan would be over before I even acted.

We passed by the other cells and were coming up to the crossroads and I gathered all my energy that I’ve been saving. I took a deep breath and as soon as we hit the crossroad, I pulled out my sword and swung it at the guard. It smacked him right in the horn and he dropped with a yelp, clutching it. Guards swarmed me as I rolled out of the way and kicked one as it sailed by. I heard a crack and he stayed down.

I held the sword in my teeth, eyes darting in the darkness. My ear flicked and I hopped out of the way, landing on a changeling’s back and slammed the pommel into his head. Another tried to grab me with magic but my sword suddenly shone a flashing bright light. It blinded him long enough, and me, so I could accidentally smack him.

I took off down the corridor, gritting my teeth and putting on more speed. I could hear the buzzing of their wings as they chased me. I flew, heading back through the cells. I had to jump to avoid a tackle and run along the wall to avoid another. A changeling came swinging with a hoof-sword and I slid by, swinging my sword. He wasn’t ready and both swords hit him in the face, his sword nearly carving half-way through. It’s blood exploded everywhere and covered my face.

I closed my eyes and wiped them the best I could, heading back to my cell. I paused and got just enough moment and power to hit the lock. The lock shook and for a moment, I was afraid it’d stay shut. But it folded and the door swung open.

Sparkling peeked from the underneath the covers. I held out a hoof. “Come on! We don’t have much time.”

“None, I’m afraid.”

I whirled around and the brother was standing there, a dozen guards behind him. I turned to face him and held the sword even.

“Put down the sword and surrender. Surely you don’t think you can take on thirteen of us in your condition.”

“I can sure as hell try. I’m going home and taking Sparkling with me.”

“Oh, how cute. You got her to talk.” He chuckled.

I could feel the fury bubbling in my chest and adrenaline was kicking it into overdrive. My sword shone and I lunged at him. He slipped past me and went to hit my side. I whapped him with my wing and flipped over, landing a back hoof on a guard’s head. I nearly impaled my leg on his horn as we went down and I jumped out of the way.

The others reacted instantly and moved out of my way, dividing on each side of me. The rest of the fight was blurry, a flurry of sword fighting and sheer dumb luck I only got a few hits in return.

I panted and paused, trying to get air. I had most of them down, only two looked dead. The brother stared at me, his eyes betraying nothing. The remaining guards flanked him, so it was a six on one. I could hear the buzzing of wings approaching and surprised reinforcements took so long to get here.

The brother faintly smiled and the incoming buzzed stopped, before retreating. I cocked my head and listened before they disappeared all together. I was happy they were going away, not too sure I was thrilled as to know why.

“My queen is most interested in seeing this.” The brother said, apparently able to read my mind.

I gulped and tried to get my body ready for round two. The adrenaline was fading fast and I could stop from shaking completely. It took all my willpower to not collapse right then and there. He nodded and the remaining guards slowly walked away, slipping into the blackness. I knew they were watching and waiting for the signal from Chrissy to attack.

“So… it seems we get a repeat of before.” The brother whispered.

“Y-yeah… and I would’ve won, if not for your sister.” I croaked.

“But not this time. I seem to have a little bit of a advantage.”

“Aye,” I said and lunged.

He ducked and pushed the sword away and went for a right hook. I dropped the sword and bit his hoof, grabbing the falling sword and swinging it. It smacked right into his side and he grunted before punching me. I gasped in pain and let go as he mule-kicked me away. I slid into the cell, the brother flying after me. I quickly rolled to the side and missed him stomping on my skull. I tried to do the same to him but he grabbed my hooves and flung me into the wall.

I sat there for a moment, dazed and saw him walking up to me. There was a blur of movement behind him before he screamed. Sparkling had flung herself and bit his wing. He tried to shake her off before he smacked his wing into the wall. She cried in pain and let go, falling to the ground in a ball. He went to step on her when I tackled him away, punching him in the eye.

He yelled and tried to get himself in a better spot to hit. I wouldn’t let him and we rolled on the ground, trying to beat each other senseless. Finally, he got on top and started bashing my head against the ground. Stars exploded and danced across my vision as I fought against his grip.

A flash of light and something hit the ground next to us when suddenly he howled in pain. Sparkling stood there, her entire body shaking as she held my sword the wrong way. I looked at what fell and saw half of his horn on the ground. He growled and kicked the sword out of her hooves and grabbed her. He squeezed her by the throat and she tried to get out of his grip. She couldn’t and started to shake, her body desperately trying to get air.

I crawled over and grabbed my sword. I yelled and stabbed him in the stomach, the tip of the blade nearly poking Sparkling in the belly. He let her go and she dropped to the ground. I pulled the sword out and he started to fall when pain erupted in my chest. I looked down and he had plunged a small hoof sword right into my chest. It was just below the shoulder. I whimpered and almost fell flat on my face, the world dimming. He hit the ground and he let go of the sword.

He grinned. “Looks like it’s draw...”

I didn’t answer, instead put my sword away and made my way over to Sparkling before picking her up. I held her in the crook of my arm and she held on feebly.

“Where are you going?” The changeling asked, struggling to rise.

“Home.” I said and slowly made my way out of the cave. My body was about to cave in and I couldn’t see. I limped through the corridors, my blood making weird plopping noises as it hit the ground. We weren’t stopped or followed, shockingly; I half expected to be hounded by changelings the entire way out.

But we got outside and nearly went blind from the light. Even though there really much different, the light in the cave was nothing compared to this. It was nearly as bright as the sun. I wobbled for a moment before gritting my teeth and continued forward, an eerie breeze causing us to shiver.


Chrysalis and the female silently watched them leave, the leaves rustling in the breeze.

“Why did you let them go my Queen?” the female asked quietly.

“Because I am not sure what Princess Celestia has done to him, nor why she allowed him to roam about her kingdom freely. It begs to be seen.”

“So why did you want us to capture him?”

“I wanted him to see that not all that remember his kind look back fondly. There will be things stronger than I that will hunt him down for vengeance.” She sighed. “It would be best if he stayed as a prisoner here… He had so much love to give.”

The changeling daughter hesitated for a moment. “You don’t think he’s like the previous one?”

“No, not at all. Foolish, easily predictable, and no control over his emotions. However he is a good swordspony.”

“I still can’t believe he beat Brother.”

“Indeed, I’ll have to talk to him about his failure.” She turned to leave. “But we don’t have to worry, if he survives the Everfree, he’ll have enough things to do for awhile.”

The female followed right behind. “What should I tell the others?”

“Pack up, we’re leaving.”

“As you wish my queen.” The two changelings disappeared back into their den, Chrysalis already plotting once more.


I’m not sure how I did it, but I managed to make it through the Everfree. I would’ve sworn that we’d be prime targets. Maybe I’m just dreaming and I’m still stuck at the changeling den. But I could make out the edge of the forest and tried to go faster.

My body didn’t agree and I tripped, my mind going faster than my body. I tried to protect her and landed with an ‘oomf!’. I laid there for a minute or two before forcing myself to rise. Everything hurt and I really just wanted to sleep. My eyes kept drooping close.

We made it out of the Everfree and I took a deep breath, the clean air giving me a second wind. I shambled my way down the road and headed towards Fluttershy’s place. It was the closest and I knew she’d be able to help.

We almost made it there before somepony spotted us. “Leon!” Dash yelled from the sky and quickly landed in front of us. She looked exhausted, small bags underneath her eyes. I heard galloping and saw the rest of the girls headed this way.

My brain instinctively reacted and I had my sword out, barely able to hold it steadily and took a step back.

“Leon… what are you doing?!” Dash yelled.

I started to hyperventilate. I really hope it wasn’t another changeling, I couldn’t do anything. My sword wasn’t glowing… but I didn’t know what that meant. So I had to think of something, something the real Rainbow Dash would know. My mind raced and everypony looked exhausted and horrified. “D-dash, w-what did you call Shining Armor?” Not the best question in hindsight, but I really wasn’t on my A-game.

She hesitated and tried to chuckle. “R-really? It’s me-”

“What did you call him?”

She rolled her eyes. “I called him pompous, then went on to explain why.”

I sighed and the sword dropped from my mouth, with me almost hitting the ground. Dash caught me just before. “W-what happened?” she whispered before noticing the filly. “Who is that!?”

“H-help her…” I feebly pushed her into Dash’s hooves.

Fluttershy came over and took her from Dash before rushing off with Rarity to the hospital. I leaned against Dash and struggled to stay conscious. “C-changelings came… threatened Derpy… Had to go. Led me into the Everfree, big nest of them.” I tried to talk fast.

“N-no, it’s fine. I understand, we figured it out.” She said, holding me close. Dash held me close and rested my head gently on her chest.

“Chrysalis was there… leading them…” The remaining girls gasped. “Kept transforming into you girls… I had to be sure… I-I’m sorry…” I closed my eyes as my body started shutting down. I could hear her heart and listened, ignoring the pleading Dash as I blacked out.

Author's Note:

Well then, another chapter... must be a year later. It would've came out sooner but about half-way through, I got a very cool idea (or so I think) and had to rewrite most of it. Hopefully you enjoyed the slightly different take on changelings. Or at least I've never read it before. And I asked my changeling expert and he liked the idea... so yeah... Any comments/questions/goofs, let me know!