• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 5,694 Views, 121 Comments

Learning to Live and Love - FlashKenshin77

Leon is tired of life and ends it, getting a 2nd chance and heads into Equestria. What chaos awaits?

  • ...

Well Then... (Unedited)

If I’ve learned anything in this new life, it’d be hospitals are so... boring. I can see why Dash doesn’t like it in here. You’re stuck on a bed and can’t do diddly squat. It was a long week cooped up inside.

Luckily I don’t remember much of it, the drugs they had me on were really strong. Twilight visited a few times and I asked if she could ask Celestia to repurpose my house to be more pony accommodating, since Sparkling couldn’t fly. Nor could she reach anything in the house as it was.

I spent as much time as I could with Sparkling, trying to get to know a bit about her. But she was so quiet and hesitant, she really didn’t open up that much. Unless Fluttershy was around, and even then, it was like pulling teeth from her. We asked if she remember where she was born; all she could recall was it was by the coast. I asked around and got a few replies. I discussed my plan with Dash and she liked it. Said she’d help too. Her and Derpy took off and must’ve found her hometown, they were still gone. Hopefully they still had what I wanted, although talking Twilight about it, maybe not. The outer towns don’t usually keep records that long.

It was a little something, but if there’s a chance I can make her happy, I will. Anyways, since Dash was gone, it was pretty uneventful; Celestia and Luna had to return to Canterlot, but they said they’d check up on us soon.

Once they left, I asked the girls if they wanted to help renovate a room for Sparkling. They all agreed and even said they’d help pay. I tried to refuse, but they insisted. Rarity said she’d help ‘spruce up the place, since a filly lives there now’. I’m not entirely sure what that means, but should be fun to see.


The rest of the week dragged on before we were finally free of the dreaded hospital. Sparkling and I walked out, Nurse Redheart waving goodbye, we waved back as Sparkling gulped; it was pretty early in the morning and ponies were wandering back and forth. I smiled at her. “Everything will be fine, I promise.”

“I-If you say so…” she murmured and followed closely.

It was strange, I figured the girls would want to see us out, guess they were busy. I took a bit of a detour and tried to avoid as many ponies as possible. Finally we hit my house and I stopped and gaped.

Last time I saw it, it was a bit run down and spiders were thriving in my house. Now… now it had a fresh coat of paint, the shingles were completely new and something frilly hung from the edge of the roof, in a lacy pattern. The windows had light green curtains and the windows themselves sparkled in the afternoon sun. Fresh flowerbeds sat under the windows and the grass was cut and watered.

I blinked. “Well then… They said they’d clean it up a bit...”

“Bit much?”

“Just a bit…”

I led her down the small path and opened the door, which didn’t creak. I grinned at the thought and nearly had a heart attack when something exploded with confetti raining on us. I took a sharp intake of air and somepony darted underneath me.

“Surprise!” A chorus of voices called out and I realized my house had visitors. All the girls were there, each with a big smile; I grinned back and noticed Dash was back too. I went to say thanks when another pony came out of my kitchen.

His coat was black, mane and tail light bluish gray, with a streak of lighter blue running down the middle. His cutie mark was a thundercloud with a single lightning bolt. He looked really familiar… but I couldn’t place his name. I know I’ve seen him a few times…

“Thunderlane?” I asked and tilted my head.


“What are you doing here?”

“He’s with me,” Dash said before she walked forward and gave me a hug. As she let go, she slipped an envelope to me. “Found it.”

“Thanks Dash… but I-”

Thunderlane walked over and Dash let go before he kissed her on the cheek. I blinked and was sure my mouth dropped a bit before it registered. “So… you two are together now?”

They nodded and Dash refused to look me in the eye for some reason. “Oh… well, congrats...” It quickly dropped to an awkward silence as the other girls were watching us carefully.

Dash coughed and grabbed Thunderlane’s hoof. “Well we gotta go, we’ll catch ya later.” She forced her way past us and left, Thunderlane right behind her.

I watched them go and knew the girl’s eyes were on me, waiting for my reaction. I didn’t feel anything honestly, which was surprising. I half-expected to feel something… but there was nothing. Just emptiness. I felt a hug and turned to see Pinkie, trying to give me a grin.

“We didn’t know when the right time would be…” Rarity said, looking morose.

“Hey, it’s alright. It’s not like we were together or anything.” I forced a chuckle. They still looked sad. “Come on now, it’s supposed to be a party. We got out of the evil hospital and now we have a guest.”

Sparkling peeked out from underneath me and waved. The girls seemed to relax but I caught Fluttershy’s eye. She faintly smiled as the girls gathered around Sparkling. The party dragged on for a long time, time flying by. I let them talk and wandered around the house.

Everything was newly painted or refurbished and I could barely tell it was mine. I went into the kitchen and stared at the new ice box they put in, the chrome still gleaming. I walked over and put a hoof on the counter, I could still smell the last coat of soap on it.

“W-what do you think?” Fluttershy’s voice came from behind me.

“It’s so new… I remember being amazed at it when you guys did this for me when I was human… but this is incredible.”

“Princess Celestia hired only the best craftsponies and plumbers.”

“I can tell…”

We sat in silence for a moment, the only noise the muted conversations from the living room before she looked at me sadly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Hehe, of course. I mean…” I hesitated, trying to find the right words. “It’s just… Maybe I was going crazy, but I thought she liked me.”

She knowingly smiled. “Do you like her?”

I blinked, caught off guard. “What?”

“Do you like her?” she repeated.

I paused to think about it. “That’s the thing, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter anymore, she’s happy with Thunderlane. And that’s all that matters, right? Her being happy?”

She walked over and gently hugged me, patting my back. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be, it’s not your fault.” She nuzzled my cheek and I felt my face burn before she let go. “Besides, I’m sure I was just being crazy. Who would like me?” I laughed as she gave me a glare.

“Oh there you two are. Are you ready to go?” Rarity asked, hiding a smile behind a hoof.

We looked at each other and nodded; the girls formed up on me and Sparkling and we headed towards the market. I bent down and Sparkling climbed onto my back, able to hide from most ponies. Sadly, Pinkie, Twilight, and AJ couldn’t stay. Apparently the Cake twins needed foalsitting and Pinkie was the only one available. Twilight had something from Celestia to do, and AJ had to get ready for prime-time applebucking season.

We said our goodbyes, but thankfully Rarity and Fluttershy stayed with us as we went to the store. It was a small one off the side of the Quill and Sofa store, which confused me. Why would the guy selling sofas also sell quills? Never really got an answer for that.

The bed store was a small one story building, a sign with a bed and sleeping pony on it. We opened the door, a little bell jingling off the top. Rows upon rows of beds greeted us, save for a small area off to the left where a pony sat reading a magazine. He had slicked by grey mane and a big smile turned his head from the counter. “Morning folks!” he greeted, closing the magazine.

“Morning,” we said in sync.

He got up and walked towards us, his tan coat groomed to perfection. His smile was nearly blinding as he got closer and his brown eyes quickly studied us. “So what can I get for you today?”

“We’re merely browsing.” Rarity quickly said to stop his pitch.

“I see, well… if you need any help, I’ll be over at the counter.” He said, nodding to our group before going back to the counter and opening up a magazine.

I bent down and Sparkling hopped off my back. “Alright Sparkling, we’re here for you to pick out any bed you want.”

“A-are you sure?”

“Mmhm, I want you to be happy with it so don’t mind being picky.” I smiled.

She paused and looked around before she grinned and walked up to the most basic bed, just a wooden bed frame with a mattress. She hopped up and laid down. She squirmed in it for a moment before she buried her face into the pillow. “I like it,” she said after a moment of lying down, her mane a mess.

Rarity twitched. “Are you sure you don’t want something more… extravagant?” she asked. Sparkling shook her head as she was encased in a blue aura. “Come darling, let’s pick out a better bed for you!” Rarity wouldn’t listen and dragged her off, Sparkling not even struggling against the magic.

She seemed very lost and concerned as we followed Rarity. She let Sparkling down and picked out a bunch of over the top beds. Sparkling would hop up and try it out, but in the end she didn’t like them. There was one that made Rarity’s eyes sparkle. “This is the perfect bed!”

Sparkling struggled to get up and nearly sank to the bottom. “What is this!?” she squeaked, her voice panicked. She flailed on the bed, trying as hard as she could to get to the side, but kept fumbling back into the middle. The bed rippled with every motion and her eyes stared horrified at every little wave.

“A water bed~ I’ve always wanted one, but with Opal…”

I helped Sparkling off and we wandered the rest of the store for another hour. We tried a bunch of different beds, Rarity remarking on each one. But Sparkling didn’t want any, no matter how persuasive Rarity was. Finally I bent down to her. “You still want that first bed?”

She fidgeted nervously and looked at the ground. “Mmhm…”

Rarity gasped. “But why darling? It’s so… simple...” She said distastefully.

She looked up at us. “But it’s comfy… and nice. I mean, a bed is just a place to sleep, right? Besides, I’m used to a dirty mattress on the floor or a sleeping bag. That bed is luxurious.”

I chuckled. “Well, looks like we have our pick.”

Rarity sighed but relented as Sparkling hopped happily with us as we headed to the counter. “Excuse me,” I said.

The salespony quickly looked at us. “Did you finally decide on which one?” I nodded and pointed. He deflated a little. “Are you positive I can’t get you to change your mind? We’re having a sale-”

“No sir, I’m quite sure I want that one.”

He sighed and nodded. “If you’re sure…” He paused once more, just to make sure. I glared at him. “Fine, fine. It’ll be two hundred bits.”

“For that…? That’s outrageous.”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but it’s a very sturdy bed.”

“It’s literally a bunch of wood and mattress.”

“But the mattress is full of special clouds from Cloudsdale. And that wood was crafted by the finest woodspony from Hoofington.”

Rarity went to argue more but I shook my head. “It’s fine Rare.” I hoofed over the bits and he greedily took them.

He walked into the back for a moment before he returned, two earth ponies following him. They grabbed the mattress and frame and loaded it to a wagon out back. He held out a hoof and I shook it. “Now if you need another bed, I’ll give you a deal.”

“Heh, no thanks, I’m good.”

“If you say so… have a good rest of the day.” He said and waved, going back into the store as the two earth ponies hooked themselves up to the harnesses.

Our group led them to my house and they sighed before they stopped in front. They took the mattress out of the wagon and made their way slowly upstairs to her new room. We got out of their way and let them set it up. I had to go back to the wagon to get a few tools for them, since they couldn’t carry it all. After they built the bed, Rarity came up and forced them to move it against the far wall, which they grudgingly did. As they packed up and got ready to leave, I rushed into my savings and tipped them a few bits.

“Why are you being so frivolous with your bits?” Rarity asked as the two earth ponies left, wagon in tow.

“Because I know what’s it’s like to do manual labor and get barely anything in return.” I grinned and turned around, going back inside.

Rarity sighed and shook her head, following me inside. “Very well, I guess it’s understandable.”

Fluttershy was helping Sparkling with her bed and I finally got a good look at the room. Rarity had really went all out on the room. It had a fancy rug, thick curtains with frilly lace. There was a chest full of toys in the corner, a table underneath the window. Next to that was an empty bookcase next to it, a few bits of dust stained it. Her closet door was open, completely void of anything, except for a dresser.

Sparkling surveyed her room and gulped. “It’s so… big…”

“Heh, sorry about it being empty. We didn’t know what you’d want…”

“No, no it’s fine…” She got off the bed and hugged Fluttershy and Rarity. “Thank you for helping me…”

“Of course darling… It reminded me of when I help my little sister.” Rarity giggled.

“You have a little sister?”

“Mmhm, she’s only a few years older than you actually. I’m sure you’ll meet her soon; you and she would get along splendidly.”

“M-maybe… Ah don’t know…” Sparkling quickly walked over to me and hugged me. “Thank you…” she whispered.

“Heh, don’t mention it, just trying to give you everything you need.” I patted her head as she hugged me tighter.

“As much fun as I’ve had today, it is getting a tad late and I must return to the Boutique. I still have some orders I can get through.” Rarity said with a flick of her mane.

“Thanks Rare, you helped a bunch.”

“It’s no problem darling, glad I could help.” She walked over and hugged both of us. “Take care of yourselves, and you too Fluttershy.” She winked and walked out of the room, her hooves clopping against the stairs.

Fluttershy and I shared a look. “Wanna stay for dinner?” I asked.

“If it's okay, I mean, as long as I wouldn’t be a bother…”

“Nah, its fine. I was gonna go out to eat. I have to go to the store tomorrow. I’m sure I don’t have any more food.”

“Heheh, yeah… we had to take all your food out… It was pretty bad…”

“Dang… Oh well.” I chuckled and looked at the two. “Alright ladies, where are we eating?”

“Well… there’s a small little restaurant that opened up not that long ago…”


“Mmhm, it’s mostly an outdoor restaurant. I’ve been there a few times, it’s nice.”

“What’s it called?”

“Mossy Gardens…”

“Sounds good to me. Let’s go!” I said and led us down the stairs.

The sun was on its descent and there wasn’t as many ponies out as there was before. We showed Sparkling a few things around town, just so she’d semi-know her way around. She kept close to us and whenever a pony would walk by, she’d hide from them the best she could.

We finally got to the restaurant and took a seat. It wasn’t crowded at all, maybe two or three couples. The waitress came by and took our orders. As we waited, I got Fluttershy to talk about all her animals and Sparkling’s eyes lit up.

They started talking about them and I just sat and watched. It was good to see both able to get out and not freeze up in front of other ponies. Food arrived and we ate, it was surprisingly good. I let Sparkling try some of mine and she really liked it so we switched. Heh, her food wasn’t that bad. Ponies began to thin even more, leaving us and just one more couple. A few ponies would trot by, but most were inside by now.

We finished and I paid as we left; Fluttershy wasn’t too happy about it and promised she’d get the next one. I nodded before all three of us walked towards Fluttershy’s house.

We reached her front porch and she stopped. “Thanks for dinner Leon… it was wonderful.”

“Anytime, thanks for coming and helping out.”

She smiled and bent down to give Sparkling a hug. “You be good for him okay?”

“I will,” she squeaked as I laughed and Fluttershy hugged me.

“G’night,” I said as she let go.

“Goodnight you two,” she waved as we turned around and headed home.

I heard the door click behind us and sighed. “That was nice, glad she could stay for dinner.”

“Mmhm… Hey Leon?”


“You like her, don’t you?”

I nearly tripped. “Whaaa?”

She laughed, a high pitched giggle. “Well, it’s just… maybe I spent too much time around changelings, but I could almost see it.”

“Hehe… it’s funny you mention it. I’ve talked to her about it, I do love her, but as a sister. She was the closest thing I had to a friend when I arrived here.”

“W-what do you mean? A-arrived here?”

“Oh yeah… You don’t know. Well… it’s a long story that’ll have to wait till we get home.”

“O-okay…” she scooted closer as a pony walked by. I lifted my wing and pushed her close.

“It’s okay…”

“I-I know, but it’s just hard… Ah see another pony and Ah expect it to be a changeling…” she whispered.

“I know… I had the same for a bit…”

“How’d you beat it?”

I shrugged. “Dunno, it stopped when I finally accepted that not everypony was out to get me.” I bent down and she climbed up. She rested her chin against my head. “It’s gonna take some time but I’ll help you in anyway I can.”

She smiled and closed her eyes as we walked home in silence. “Hey Leon?”


She hesitated and her wings fluttered. “Why did you come back to save me?” she whispered.



I sighed. “Because… I couldn’t save everypony. And I made the choice to save you. I didn’t know you, but I could feel your pain… You weren’t like the others and you were gonna die soon… I couldn’t just not help you.” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know, as soon as I saw you, I knew I’d do anything to protect you. Call me weird and crazy all you want, just what I believe.”

She was quiet and her body shivered a few times as I felt the tears hit my mane. “You got hurt because of me though…”

“I always will to protect you, it’s what family does.”

“But we’re…”

“You chose to live with me, that means we’re family. One way or another, we’re family. We may not be flesh and blood, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still be family. Fluttershy and the others are like my family here and now you are too.”

She nodded and wiped her eyes. “Come on, let’s go.” I flapped my wings and took off. She eeped in fear and we flew home. She stood up and let the night wind blow through her mane. A few tears sprinkled past and fell to the ground.

I landed and we walked inside, quickly locking the door and turning off the lights. We made our way upstairs and she paused at her door. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you sure this is okay?”

“Is what okay?”

“All this money you’re spending on me... “

“Sparkling…” I bent down to be level with her. “I wasn’t going to let you sleep on the couch or the floor. You’re gonna be living with me and you’re gonna have to get used to a lot of new things. And I’m probably gonna be mean sometimes, but parents got to be at times.”

“Heh, I know…” She hopped up on her bed and stared at the ceiling. “It’s just… weird. I’ve only known how to live outside and in a cave… Having a room, an actual room all to myself… It’s a bit…”



“You’ll get used to it. And hey, when you get friends, you can have all sorts of sleep overs and whatnot.” I grinned.

She giggled and yawned, rubbing her eyes.


“Very… it’s been a long day.”

I chuckled a bit. “Yeah… oh, before you go to bed, I have to give you something.”


“Wait right here,” I said and rushed down the stairs, grabbing the envelope from the counter. I walked back upstairs and she sat on the bed. I hoofed it to her and she took it.

“What is-”

“Open it.”

She looked at me quizzically before opening and pulling out its contents. She stared at the paper in her hoof. “W-what is this?”

“It’s your birth certificate.”

“But why-”

“Because I needed to know your birthday, you know. Proper father stuff.” I sat on the bed next to her. “There’s one more thing.”

There was still a paper folded in half and she unfolded it. She sat there in shock, tears forming in her eyes. Her hooves shook the picture she held.

It was a stallion and mare, smiling happy at the camera. They were in their wedding outfits, standard tuxedo and white dress. Ponies stood next to them, all grinning ear to tear.

The stallion had a dark brown coat, not a hint of silver on him. His chocolate brown eyes gleamed in the still photograph, his cutie mark hidden by his black tuxedo. His black mane had some grey in it, but just at the temples with a horn parting it in the middle.

The mare was a stunning chestnut orange with beautiful sea-green eyes. Her sandy blonde mane was caught in a draft, forever gently waving. Freckles dotted her face, some hid by smile lines. Her cutie mark was hidden as well.

“D-daddy… a-and Mama…” She sniffed.

I put a hoof around her and she leaned into me, crying. “I thought you’d like to have something to remember them by. And to know they can forever watch over you. I know I’m not your real dad, but I’ll do my best to take care of you.” I whispered, rubbing her back.

Her body shook, the picture falling to the ground as I pulled her into a hug. The night continued on, a lone filly cry filling the still air.

Author's Note:

Phew! It's been awhile, eh? Sorry about that... I kinda got lost where I wanted to take it. And I had a lot of fun writing this, glad I could finally finish and publish it. Hopefully I can get the next one out soon~ But we'll see. I have another story to work on... if you wanna know what, click here for the bloggie blogs. Till next time and hopefully you guys enjoyed it.