• Published 15th Feb 2021
  • 363 Views, 61 Comments

Something Sparkling - Captain_Cosmos

In one universe, Sparkling Medley is shaking up Ponyville. But what is she doing in another universe? Shaking up Appleloosa that's what. Come on Pardners. She be coming 'round the mountain!

  • ...

Chapter 13

“No, please, NO!” Sparkler screamed as she was pelted with eggs from all directions, them smashing into her body nonstop. She covered herself with her wings for protection while she cried. “Please! Just leave me alone!” She pleaded with her assailants.

At that moment, she seemed to have gotten her wish. She felt the egg pelting cease and all the egg debris and yolk wash off her. She peeked out from her wing cover to see that rather than the rustic streets of Appleloosa, which she was in just a second ago, she was now in the familiar starry-night landscape from a previous dream.

She looked around, before she felt a familiar presence. She sighed. “I promise I am not having these nightmares on purpose, Princess Luna.” She said as she turned and watched the large chambray princess appear in front of her.

“Of course thou aren’t. Nopony wants nightmares.” Luna replied. “Although I think you will agree that there is a problem.” She stated.

“You won’t get any argument from me.” Sparkler responded, sighing. “I’ve had a nightmare every night since Autumn…” She trailed off. She couldn’t dare speak of that event.

Luna seemed to understand what she meant, as she nodded in response. “I must admit that I am amazed at how many ways the same dream can play out. Getting assaulted with eggs in the sky, the hallway, the street, and they all have different lead-ins.” She commented.

“I know.” Sparkler said, feeling the tears coming again. “I don’t want to have these nightmares, but I don’t know how to make them stop. I certainly can’t rely on you to save me every time, can I?”

“Thou are correct.” Luna replied. “There is only one way to truly end these nightmares.”

“I have to come out with my wings.” Sparkler concluded. She unsurprisingly received a nod in agreement. Sparkler sure knew where Luna was going with that sentence.

“It’s just…how do I even go about doing it?” Sparkler asked. “Ya can’t just bring up that you’re an Alicorn so, like, casually…can you?”

“I wish it were so, but I am sure you are aware of Alicorns’ position in society.” Luna replied.

“That’s another thing that’s holding me back!” Sparkler commented. “If I tell Autumn, she’ll think I’m a princess…when I’m not.”

Luna sighed. “You shall have to consult with my sister on that one.” She said. “You might not have a choice.”

Sparkler groaned and facehoofed. Luna shook her head. “But that is still some time away. Let us return back to the matter at hoof, of telling Autumn your secret.” She quickly said, trying to get Sparkler’s mind off the whole royalty thing.

Sparkler nodded in agreement. “I just…I want to tell her, but without...any way to gauge how she would react, I just can’t risk being pelted with eggs again. It’ll hurt more than when I was in school.” She said, the tears now escaping.

Luna gave an understanding nod, and then lit up with an idea. “I believe I can help you with your little problem.” She said, her voice picking up brightness as she was excited to potentially solve Sparkler’s situation.

“Really?” Sparkler asked, perking up herself too. “How?”

“There may be no taking back what you say in the waking world, but unlike out there, in the dream realm you do not suffer any real consequences for your actions.” Luna explained.

“...Ok?” Sparkler prompted, not seeing where this was going.

Luna smiled at her. “If you wish to gauge how Autumn shall react to your wings, I can quite possibly create a construct that would simulate the real Autumn quite well. Which would allow you to see how she would react before you tell her for real.”

Sparkler’s eyes widened, her brain catching up to Luna’s idea. “You mean, practice coming out?” She asked.

“Precisely.” Luna replied. “If you agree, I shall help you rehearse coming out, and I may be able to give you some helpful advice.” She explained.

Sparkler couldn’t believe it. There was a chance for her to practice coming out? And since Luna would presumably be there, she wouldn’t even have to worry about Autumn egging her! It was a genius plan! A huge smile just had to burst on her face.

“That would be amazing, Your Majesty!” She exclaimed as she gave a respectful bow. “I shall be forever grateful to you.”

“Tis my duty to assist ponies in whatever ails them. I shall see you tomorrow night.” Luna said.

“I’ll be here.” Sparkler replied, giving a salute.

With a final nod, Luna vanished and the scene around Sparkler morphed from the starry landscape to a grassy field. Where a small voice called out from behind her. “Hey mom! Wanna play tag?”

Sparkler let out a light gasp, before smiling. “Sure kiddo!” She said as she turned to see a little colt smiling at her. It was obvious he was the one to call her mom.

The whooshing breeze flew and spread all over Autumn’s body as she traversed through the endless sunset skies. Wait, how was Autumn in the sky? Why, because Sparkler was carrying her. They wanted to do a new friendship thing together, something they hadn’t done before, and this was what Sparkler had suggested.

“Am I holding on too tight, Autumn?” Sparkler asked.

“No, this is comfortable.” Autumn replied.

“Good. I’d hate for you to not enjoy this.” Sparkler responded.

“I am definitely enjoying it.” Autumn assured as the beautiful sights below moved on by.

“Dreaming that your friend is an Alicorn. How many times have I seen this before.” A new voice suddenly came in.

Autumn looked around the landscape. “Where’s that coming from?”

She felt a shift in the way the hooves around her held her as the appearance of her sights changed as well. They now resembled a black starry night, as her speed slowed down to a complete halt.

“W-what’s going on?”

“Fear not, my little pony. It is only I, Princess Luna.”

Autumn got set on her hooves and Princess Luna landed in front of her.

“Oh. Good.” Autumn said, taking a breath. “I was getting scared.”

“I trust thou are doing well, Autumn Apple?” Luna asked.

“I am. Thanks to my newfound lifestyle that includes a roommate! I’m doing better than at any time I can remember.” She beamed.

“That is good to hear.” Luna said. “As for why I am here tonight, it is not merely a social call, unfortunately.” She told Autumn.

“Sorry, what?’ Autumn asked.

“Something has been ailing your new roommate, Sparkling Medley. I assume you have noticed that she has been acting a little off lately?” Luna asked.

“I have.” Autumn said. “And to be fair, I myself have probably been acting off too. There’s something going on that I would assume is bothering both of us, but we won’t say anything about it to each other.”

“Hmm. Is there something ailing you as well?” Luna asked.

“There is.” Autumn said. “I seem to have found out about something that I suspect I wasn’t supposed to have found.”

“About your roommate, perhaps?” Luna inferred.

Autumn nodded. “Yep. Unfortunately, it is something about her. Something that, based on her daily clothing choice, was probably meant to be hidden. I feel like I violated her privacy.”

Luna sighed. “I will say only this. Tis her fear of losing her friendship with you that holds her back from revealing her deepest, darkest secret.” She informed the apple mare.

“... Oh. Really?” This was getting interesting, and Autumn was concerned for Sparkler. She was afraid of losing the friendship?

“Let us just say that she has had bad luck in the past with this kind of thing and she does not want to be hurt again.” Luna explained.

Autumn stood there in silence. She couldn’t believe the sadness she was hearing.

“There is a way though, to help her out of this hole she has found herself in. And it is the reason I have come to you tonight.”

“Oh. Let’s hear it.” Autumn said, bringing a bit of a smile back.

“I believe that if she were to practice telling her secret here in the dream realm, she will slowly build up her confidence and work up the courage to finally come out of the closet in the waking world...as the saying goes, I believe.” Luna explained. “And I firmly believe you will play an instrumental role in this, Autumn Apple.”

Autumn thought about it for a moment. “Practice telling her secret in the dream realm… it could help.” She said.

“I believe tis the only way she shall work up the courage, unfortunately. I also told her I would return to her tomorrow night for her first practice run, by the way. And I would like you to be there for it.” Luna declared.

“It may very well be the only way.” Autumn felt like she could trust Luna’s info to be true, given that she can see inside dreams. “And sure, I will be there for it.” She continued.

Luna smiled. “I shall come and get you when it is time. But I do have one request. Sparkler will probably keep saying you are a figment of her dreams that I created. I believe it best if we allow her to think that.” Luna said.

“You mean… she’s going to think it’s a fake Autumn she’s talking to, when I really will be there listening to her coming-out?” Autumn was concerned.

Luna nodded. “I know it does not make sense. But I shall explain in full tomorrow night if you desire me to. But like I said, this is likely the only way to truly help her.” She said.

“I’d like the full explanation tomorrow night, please.” Autumn said.

“Then we are in agreement that we shall keep this from Sparkler until she comes out in the waking world?” Luna asked.

“This interaction, yes.” Autumn replied.

“And you will play along when she insists you are merely a construct I have created?” Luna asked, getting all serious. “I will explain in full tomorrow night, but it is paramount that Sparkler remain in the dark that you are really you for this plan to work.” She told Autumn.

“I understand.” Autumn said. “I will play along.”

“Then I shall see you tomorrow night.” Luna said. Without another word, she disappeared, and the scene reverted to the setting of before, only Autumn and Sparkler were standing on a cloud this time.

“So, ready to get back to flying?” Dream Sparkler asked.

“Yes.” Autumn said. That was all she needed to say.

The next night, Luna would enter the dream realm once again and immediately make her way to Autumn’s dream bubble.

Before Luna’s arrival, Autumn was (in a dream) finally performing her first concert with Sparkler in the mix. The crowd cheered after the first song’s last notes went off. Autumn then high-hoofed Sparkler. “I can’t believe we’re doing this at last!” she said.

“We make an awesome duet!” Sparkler commented.

“We do!” Autumn said, high-hoofing her again.

“It will be interesting to see you and Sparkler onstage, Autumn.” Came a new voice as Sparkler suddenly disappeared, as well as the crowd.

“Huh?” Autumn said.

“Behind you.” The familiar voice replied.

Autumn could definitely feel and hear the voice’s location. She turned her body around swiftly. There Luna stood, in her silver regal attire and flowing, starry mane.

“Hello there, Your Majesty.” Autumn bowed. “What brings you here tonight?”

“Good evening, Autumn. Tis time that we paid Sparkler a visit for her first coming out practice session.” Luna responded. “You still want to do this, correct?” She asked.

“Oh, it’s time for that? Oh. Well, yes, I am ready. And I do still want to do it.”

“Then I shall share dreams between you two, after I let her know it is time. Remember that she must believe that you are a dream construct I have created. So please do not correct her.” Luna reminded Autumn.

“Got it.” Autumn said.

Luna nodded and vanished. Likely to go to Sparkler’s dream.

Sparkler strummed the last note of her guitar as the song finished out. The crowd in front of her cheered, applauding her performance.

“Thank you, Canterlot! You’ve been a fantastic crowd!” She called out to the fans.

“We love you, Sparkler!”


The crowd’s shouting continued. Sparkler chuckled and waved goodbye as the curtain closed.

Backstage, Sparkler smiled as the cheering died down and she began to pack up her equipment. “Ah. Another satisfied audience.” She commented.

“It would certainly appear that way.” She heard the voice of Luna say.

Sparkler turned around and saw Luna appear in front of her. She smiled. “Hello, Your Majesty.” She said.

“Good evening, Sparkler. This is most certainly a stark contrast to last night’s...less than stellar dream.” Luna replied.

“Yeah.” Sparkler smiled sheepishly. “It is a nice change of pace.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “It is. Though now it is time for us to work on something that has ailed you for too long.” She said.

Sparkler nodded, understanding what Luna meant. “Right...Coming out practice.” She glanced behind her to make sure her wings were covered by something. After confirming that her poncho was there, she turned back to Luna. “Ok. I am ready.” She said.

Luna nodded and lit her horn. Bringing in “fake” Autumn.

“Hi!” Autumn said.

She looked around. ‘Wait a minute… this place looks familiar.’ She thought internally. ‘It’s the backstage of where we were performing.’

“Hey Autumn.” Sparkler responded.

“Hi Sparkler! Want a hug?”

“Y-yeah. Sure.” Sparkler replied.

Autumn held out her front legs and walked up to Sparkler.

Sparkler opened her forelegs for Autumn, her nerves were already getting worked up. Autumn dove right in, holding Sparkler across her barrel.

Sparkler gulped and shivered as she felt ‘fake’ Autumn hug her barrel, on top of her wings. ‘Why am I so nervous? This isn’t even real!’ Sparkler shouted to herself in her mind.

While she couldn’t feel them due to the thickness of the poncho, the area in which Autumn was hugging, the area where Sparkler’s wings supposedly are, only served to remind her what she was here for.

Luna watched the scene for a second, before clearing her throat. “Ahem. Now then. Ready to practice, Sparkler?” She asked.

Sparkler let go of Autumn. “Yes princess.” She replied.

“Then the spotlight is on you.” Luna replied. “Pretend that this is the waking world and you have decided enough is enough.” She told her.

Sparkler nodded, and gulped. “Uh...A-Autumn? T-There’s something I need to tell you.” She told ‘fake’ Autumn.

Autumn walked in a bit closer. “What is it, Sparkler?”

Sparkler gulped again. ‘Wow, I sure am nervous over coming out to a construct.’ She thought to herself. “Well...it’s...uh…” She trailed off. She was visibly sweating now.

Luna gestured for Sparkler to continue. Sparkler was close to hyperventilating now, which Autumn noticed.

Autumn walked over and softly placed her hoof on Sparkler’s back. “It’s okay, Sparkler. I’m your best friend and will listen. You’ll also feel better once you get this off your chest.”

Sparkler took several back-and-forth between Luna and Autumn...before just snapping. “I’m an Alicorn!” She blurted out as she poofed her poncho away, letting her wings spread out in all their glory.

While Sparkler turned her body around and squeezed her eyes shut, Autumn was confused about why she was so afraid of revealing that.

She looked at Sparkler’s wings. “Hmm. So you are an Alicorn. I did kind of suspect, based on the night I held your midsection after that nightmare. Something was bulging through and it definitely felt like wings.

“But aside from that… why do you look so scared and distressed, Sparkler? What’s wrong with being an Alicorn?”

Rather than answer Autumn’s question, Sparkler just sighed and shook her head. “No, no no; that didn’t go well at all.” She declared in distress.

Luna lifted an eyebrow in confusion. “What do thou mean by that? Did Autumn not react like you wanted her to?” She asked.

“No, it was me. Did you see me back there? I shouldn’t be so nervous when I tell her. And just blurting it out? That might scare her.” Sparkler said.

‘Do they realize they’re saying this right in front of me?’ Autumn internally thought as Sparkler and Luna conversed.

‘Oh, right. Princess Luna said Sparkler was gonna act like I wasn’t really me...That’s what it must be. Luna’s playing along.’

‘...And I just realized: Wow. My suspicions of Sparkler being an alicorn. Those were wings that I was feeling. Not padding, not anything precisely coincidentally feeling like wings in that very spot. It does make more sense that she does have wings.’

“So thou are saying that thou do not want to feel so nervous when coming out.” Luna concluded.

“Yeah.” Sparkler replied. “Also I’d rather not just blurt it out and risk scaring her. Or hurting her if my wings decide to pop out after I free them from my poncho.”

“I see.” Luna responded. “Autumn? How do you think Sparkler did coming out?” She asked.

“The fact that she did it at all is a sign of great bravery and trust in a friend.” Autumn said. “We must applaud her for that. Still, I can’t help but be confused about why she was so scared of revealing herself to be an Alicorn. It’s just… the pony type you are. I thought it would be something a little more, you know, controversial.”

Sparkler blinked, then turned to Luna. “That sounds a lot like something Autumn would say. You’re pretty good at making life-like constructs, Your Majesty.” She said.

“You have no idea, Sparkler.” Luna winked at Autumn as she said that.

But Autumn didn’t smile. It was at this point she realized the extent of what was really happening. Sparkler thought she was practicing to a fake Autumn, when in reality, she was right here, listening to the come-out herself.

‘I hope Sparkler doesn’t find out that Luna and I played a trick on her.’ Autumn thought. ‘I get why Luna is doing this, but it doesn’t feel right.’

“So, you wish to continue these practice sessions?” Luna asked.

“Yeah. I’d like that very much.” Sparkler replied.

“Very well. We shall continue to do this for however long it takes for you to come out in the waking world. We shall resume this tomorrow night. Have a nice night, Sparkling Medley.” Luna said.

“You too, Your Majesty.” Sparkler replied.

With that, Luna flashed her horn, and she and “fake” Autumn vanished. Sparkler sighed as they left.

“With the way tonight went, it’ll be a long while.” Sparkler said sadly.

“Thank you Autumn. You played a fake you rather well.” Luna complimented Autumn back in her own dream.

Autumn sighed again. “Thanks, but… I’m not feeling great that I tricked Sparkler.”

“It is sad, but as I said. It is the only way she will be able to come out in the waking world.”

“I understand.” Autumn said. “I do trust you, Princess.”

“Now, I believe I owe you an explanation as to why this is happening.” Luna said.

“Yes please.” Autumn said.

“How much of her past has Sparkler told you?” Luna asked.

“Well… she did tell me that she was a bullying target in school. Nopony liked her.”

“Indeed. And to put it simply, it was the wings that drew a target on her back.” Luna said.

Oh. So that must be why she was so afraid to reveal the wings. “Huh. Really? Why wings, though? How can you have a problem with those?” Autumn was visibly confused.

“It was more about her uniqueness. They put her down every day just because she was one of a kind in the area. It drove her to put on the poncho and hide her wings from her new home here in Equestria.” Luna explained.

Autumn held her mouth open, stunned in silence. “That’s… horrible.” she said.

“Indeed.” Luna responded. “She requested that I make the practice sessions as real as possible. That’s why I came to you, the real Autumn. But I also knew that if she knew you were really you, she would never have done what she did tonight.”

“I do see what you mean.” Autumn said. “Yeah, I think she would have been too afraid to knowingly come out to the real me, at least as of yet.”

“Hence why I came up with this deception. Which I feel like thou should reveal when this is all said and done and she comes out in the waking world.” Luna suggested.

Autumn had to take a heavy breath. “I really hope she doesn’t get upset by that.”

“I feel it would only strengthen the argument that she doesn’t have to worry about her past repeating itself.” Luna said. “Because even if this is a deception, the fact that you are willing to go to all this trouble to help her is a sign of true friendship.” Luna reasoned.

“...Oh. Yeah, you may have a point there.” Autumn said.

“Well, we still have yet to see what happens when Sparkler comes out in the real world, so I guess I’ll focus on that first.”

“Then you are willing to keep doing this every night?” Luna asked.

“If it’s what’s necessary for Sparkler, yes.” Autumn said.

“Then I shall see you tomorrow night Autumn.” Luna said with a nod.

“See you then!” Autumn saluted.

Without another word, Luna vanished. Autumn smiled.

“We’ll get through this together, Sparkler. That’s a Pinkie Promise.” She said.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Ooh! Autumn KNOWS!