• Published 15th Feb 2021
  • 363 Views, 61 Comments

Something Sparkling - Captain_Cosmos

In one universe, Sparkling Medley is shaking up Ponyville. But what is she doing in another universe? Shaking up Appleloosa that's what. Come on Pardners. She be coming 'round the mountain!

  • ...

Chapter 15

There’s going to be a dream tonight, isn’t there? Autumn thought to herself. It was now later in the night and time for bed. So after bidding goodnight to Flappy and brushing their teeth, etc., Sparkler and Autumn slipped into bed on their usual sides.

“Well, I’d call this a pretty productive day. Wouldn’t you say, Autumn?” Sparkler asked as she slid into bed.

...Definitely not productive in Autumn’s case. She could see how it was true for Sparkler, given her visit with Airwave, but pure worry was all that Autumn’s day consisted of.

“I mean, given that Airwave showed up, I bet you had a productive day.” Autumn said to her roommate.

“It’s my dream come true! Do you know how it feels to have your idol come to you to record a song? Is there a better feeling?” Sparkler asked.

“Some of the musicians I work with idolized me before I started working with them, but they were the ones who hired me.” Autumn said. “I sure can’t imagine what your situation was like.”

“It just feels validating, you know? Like. you know you’re good when one of the top music artists in the world comes to you. A small time record label, to negotiate a regular recording deal.” Sparkler explained.

“So proud of you, Sparkler.” Autumn said as she hugged her… around her neck, because reasons.

Sparkler happily returned the hug. After a few seconds, they parted. “Well, time for bed.” She said.

“Night, Sparkler.” Autumn said. She reached for the lamp and the room went dark.

Up in the starry-blue dream realm, Luna walked through the myriad of dream bubbles from the ponies of Equestria, headed for one destination in particular. “Let us hope Ms. Autumn is ready for another practice.” She commented as she reached her destination.

“You knew?!” Sparkler said angrily. “This whole time, you bucking KNEW?!

Autumn sighed deeply as she sat down. “I… I did. I-I’m so sorry, Sparkler.”

“This whole time, you knew mah secret and didn’t bother telling me?! Some bucking friend you are!” Sparkler scolded Autumn, beginning to glow a bright blue all over her body. “Gah! I’m so bucking mad at you right now that I could--” That was the last thing Sparkler was able to say before she straight-up exploded, releasing a wave of magic that blasted Autumn into a wall. Hard.

Autumn cried out in pain from the impact and panted in fear as she struggled to walk. “A-are there any broken bones?”

“This is a nightmare, Young Autumn. Though it is not a dream, you still cannot be hurt.” Said a voice as the scene changed to the familiar astral plane.

The pain in Autumn’s body also disappeared, making it clear to her that it was indeed a nightmare. She wanted to feel relieved, but was still reeling from what she had seen.

The night princess appeared before her. “I must say that I did not expect you to have a nightmare when I came by.” She said. “Although I am more surprised that your mind managed to more or less accurately depict what happens when an Alicorn becomes too emotionally compromised.”

Autumn hung her mouth open. “So… that’s not just a theory?” She asked.

“Indeed.” Luna replied. “Though it is not something we generally share with ponies.” She admitted.

“Shouldn’t the Alicorns themselves, who are vulnerable to it, know about it, though?” Autumn asked. “Sparkler doesn’t seem to know. Or at least, I’ve never heard her say anything about it.”

“She did not even know she was an Alicorn until I first showed up in her dreams. Beforehoof she just dubbed her anatomy the Horn and Wing Combo.” Luna explained.

Well, this was a piece of new information for Autumn if there ever was one. “...Wow. She didn’t even know. ...That makes me even more concerned about her; I’m pretty certain she is under emotional distress like I am, even though we’ve never talked directly about this situation to each other.

“What happened is that sometime after I hugged her around her midsection, she said ‘Oh no.’ And you told me she got bullied in school because she was an Alicorn, right?”

“That is correct.” Luna replied.

“Yeah. I remember. And as her pet parrot and I talked about yesterday… if she holds in her emotions for too long, that could potentially spell danger. And as of now, well, remove the ‘could potentially’ part. Now I know she could literally die. I mean, I didn’t see her die in that dream, but that’s because it ended before I could take notice.”

“Let us not let her parrot learn of this revelation shall we? He does not need to know.” Luna suggested.

“Okay.” Autumn simply said.

“So. Are thou ready for practice?” Luna asked.

“Yes. Even more so now that I know the importance.” Autumn said.

“By the way, Sparkler’s parrot and I have an idea that could help Sparkler come out. I, acting as a fake construct, suggest to her that she writes a song to play as she comes out. Music has been the one best thing to cheer her up and boost her confidence, I’m told.”

“That is a brilliant idea.” Luna responded. “Are thou going to suggest it tonight?” She asked.

“I feel like I should.” Autumn said. She began to smile again.

‘I think that is wise. If the goal here is to prevent your nightmare from coming to fruition.” Luna said.

“Yes. Yes, that is the goal.” Autumn said. “Not to mention keeping Sparkler alive.”

“Then shall we?” Luna asked.

“Let’s do it!” Autumn said.

Luna and Autumn walked the Astral plane to Sparkler’s dream. Once they got there, Luna saw something that her eyes widened in response to. “Oh no.” She said.

“...What’s going on?” Autumn said, scared.

“It would seem you are not the only one who has had a nightmare, look into Sparkler’s dream.” She said.

Autumn didn’t want to look… but she had to. She forced herself to peek into the bubble to see what lurked behind.

Within the dream, Sparkler’s horn was glowing brightly as she landed on a hill in the brown Appleloosa desert. She was in tears, and the fear she had was apparent on her face.

“No. Still not far enough. I...I can’t…” Sparkler began hyperventilating and glowing bright, bright blue, brighter and brighter by the second. She squeezed her eyes shut as tears came loose.

“Squawk! Sparkler! Squawk!” Called out her parrot.

Sparkler shook her head and kept moving forward. “No! Stay away!” She called. “It’s not safe!”

“Fear not, Sparkler. This is only a nightmare.” Just like that, Sparkler’s magic stabilized and she stopped glowing. The sandy hills she was in also changed to the familiar surroundings of the house she shared with Autumn.

Sparkler turned to see Luna standing there, with a construct of Autumn. “Your Majesty!” Sparkler bowed her head respectfully. “T-Thanks.” She said.

“This is quite the Nightmare you had.” Luna said.

Sparkler nodded. “I...I never had a nightmare like it. I could feel myself breaking down...as if I was about to…”

“Explode?” Luna asked. Seeing Sparkler nod, she sighed. “That is what happens when an Alicorn becomes too emotionally compromised. Lest they release the pent up magic, they explode.” Luna explained.

Sparkler listened to Luna’s explanation, and it only made her more terrified. “Why did I have to be an Alicorn?” She shouted out before she could stop it.

“Indeed, it is a quirk that we do not cherish.” Luna responded.

Sparkler shivered, before deciding to move on. “So. Time for practice?” She asked, trying to shift her mind’s focus.

Luna nodded. “Indeed, but first, let us see if the construct has any recommendations.” Luna gestured to Autumn, cuing her in.

“Hi, Sparkler!” the real Autumn said, continuing the trickery. “I, in fact, do have a recommendation for you. Try writing a song to play as you come out to the real Autumn. Like, reveal your wings while you get to a certain lyric line or something. Music always helps you, doesn’t it?”

Sparkler blinked. Music did help her. It was her #1. And the fact that the construct knew that… that was impressive. As for its suggestion...huh. Sparkler was surprised she didn’t come up with it herself; it was genius.

“That’s actually a great idea! Huh. Your magic is something else, Luna. She really does act like Autumn. It even knew how music always helped me...How does it know that?” She asked.

Autumn turned to Luna. She felt the trickery starting to show cracks.

“Simple. Part of my ability is to see the memories of those who dream. And you have had plenty of memories of music helping you. I implemented that as part of this construct’s repertoire.” Luna explained.

Sparkler listened, and nodded. “Hmm. That’s really cool!” She said.

“Yes, It is.” Luna replied, winking at the ‘construct’.

Looked like Autumn was getting bailed out here. At least for now.

“Shall we continue with practice?” Luna asked.

“What do you think, Sparkler?” Autumn asked.

“Yeah sure. Let’s do it.” Sparkler responded.

The next day, in the studio of Sparkling Harmony Records, Sparkler and Flappy had a bit of time before. Airwave was due to arrive, so Sparkler decided to tell her longtime friend about the coming out idea.

“…So I’m gonna write a song, sing mah coming out to Autumn…and the ball will be in her court…so to speak.” Sparkler finished explaining.

Flappy listened while his friend shared what happened the previous night, and smiled when he heard she was going to do it. Way to go Autumn. He inwardly sighed in relief. Now the risk of losing Sparkler entirely was lessened, if only a little. She still needs to do it and come out. We’re not out of this yet.

“Squawk! That’s a great idea, Sparkler. Why didn’t we think of that? Squawk!” He asked, keeping up the ruse that he didn’t already know about the idea.

“Apparently the construct that Luna created to resemble Autumn exactly is smarter than we are. She even knew that music always helped me gain confidence…somehow.” Sparkler said.

And that immediately took away Flappy’s smile as he raised an eyebrow, while also starting to worry a little. “Squawk! How did the construct know that? Squawk!” He asked. Did Autumn just accidentally blow her cover?!

“According to Luna, she can see past memories and used mah memories to make Autumn’s construct…strange.” Sparkler responded.

“Squawk! W-what’s so strange about that? Squawk!” Flappy asked. Crap crap crap! Sparkler, for once in your life, don’t question magic! Please don’t question magic!

“She said she created a perfect construct of Autumn…and yet on the memory front she shouldn’t know that music boosts mah confidence…should she?” Sparkler asked.

“Squawk! You think it only works for you? Autumn is a musician too. She could just as easily gain a confidence boost from music. Squawk!” Flappy quickly responded.

Sparkler stared at him for a moment, before nodding in agreement. “That makes sense.” She said. “Music can be a confidence booster for anypony.” She said.

Flappy had to actively beat down a sigh of relief. He and Autumn just dodged a major magical bullet. Oh thank bucking Tartarus! He was relieved that Sparkler actually bought Luna’s explanation, as well as his own. As he watched Sparkler get to work writing her music, he wondered... how long they had until hay hit the fan.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

We're approaching the final stretch folks! What will happen? Stay tuned to find out!