• Published 15th Feb 2021
  • 363 Views, 61 Comments

Something Sparkling - Captain_Cosmos

In one universe, Sparkling Medley is shaking up Ponyville. But what is she doing in another universe? Shaking up Appleloosa that's what. Come on Pardners. She be coming 'round the mountain!

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Chapter 5

It was tough for Autumn and the CMCs to not continue frolicing in fun. They were a great, fun group when together, and Autumn was finally, at last, getting to have a non-lonely night! The special, awesome setting kept Autumn’s mind racing, her voice daytime-like, and hooves walking fast.

But tomorrow was a big day, featuring the hangout with Braeburn, so sleep was a must.

Eventually, the four ponies, with Autumn on her own bed and the CMCs pointed towards the opposite wall on a shared inflatable mattress, do make it happen.

Could anything noteworthy happen during the night?

“Autumn? Y’all ready to go?” Sparkler asked.

“Almost! Should be just a few more minutes, then it’s time for the perfect day with my best friend and roommate!” Autumn said from the next room over in her house, which she now shared with Sparkler.

Autumn could hear a giggle in the distance after she said that. Sparkler seemed to enjoy the sweet friendship nods.

Autumn finished getting ready, and she and Sparkler set out the door for a day at the waterpark. First time going there together; should be awesome!


“Who’s gonna jump first?” Autumn asked.

“...I don’t know. This is a tad scary.” Sparkler replied.

Autumn and Sparkler were standing at the top of a white tower in the middle-left of the vast pool, overlooking the entire waterpark, which was basically one big pool with attractions in it. There were waterslides, sprayers, the typical stuff, but also bouncy inflatables, and jump-off towers, like what they were on now.

The pool was so large that Autumn and Sparkler could only faintly see its east edge, even from the top of a 12-foot tower.

“Okay, I reckon I’ll jump first.” Sparkler eventually decided. She braved the height and pushed her body to leap off, causing a circle of whiteness and height of water as she crashed into the blueness at the bottom.

“Hehe! That was right fun!” Sparkler said from below as she stuck her head up, with Autumn overlooking.

“I’m comiinngg!” Autumn said, drawn-out, as she plunged down herself.

Autumn’s splash attacked Sparkler all over, but she enjoyed it, only giggling. Autumn rose out of the water smiling, and the two mares hugged each other as a signal of “well-done” for accomplishing that frightening feat.

“I say we go relax on land now.” Autumn said.

“Okay.” Sparkler replied.

They transitioned from swimming to walking and returned to their picnic table and beach chair area on the south-located sideline, where fresh, cold bottles of Sparkler’s famous lemonade were awaiting them.

“Oh man, it’s always exciting when you know you’re about to drink this lemonade, even when you’ve already drank it so many times.” Autumn said, reaching into Sparkler’s blue saddlebag and holding one of those wet, refreshing yellow gems in front of her feasting eyes and dry mouth.

“Hehe. I don reckon that’s how I know I’ve done it well.” Sparkler said.

“You totally have.” Autumn replied.

Autumn twisted open the yellow bottle and took a tropical sip of the lemonade while overlooking the sunny blue waterpark. She was having an absolutely beautiful day.

Which was made even more beautiful by the mare next to her, whom Autumn looked over to her right at.

Autumn couldn’t help but set down the lemonade and give Sparkler another hug. “Thanks so much for being my roommate.” She said, as she nuzzled Sparkler with her face and pet her back, unable to resist. Her eyes even became a bit wet, like the waterpark.

“Aww.” Sparkler said. “Thank you for lettin’ me stay with you...And fer bein mah friend.”

Autumn woke up. The room was still colored black, so she deduced that morning probably wasn’t coming anytime soon. That she had woken up in the dead of night.

She leaned over to the right and checked her digital clock; it read 1:10 AM. Yeah, there was still a long way to go before the day with Braeburn.

Oh yeah, and what was that dream she just had?

The mind movie which had only just come to an end came back to Autumn as she rolled over onto her back. It locks her eyes wide-open despite her still being tired; wanting another session of REM.

Did I… call Sparkler my roommate in that dream?

Yeah, I did! I remember it; I said it in the beginning and at the end. We were at a waterpark, we jumped off a tower, then we had her lemonade at our bench.

And at that part… I hugged and nuzzled her with tears of joy as I… called her my roommate!

Autumn rolled over onto her side with her eyes still wide-open; so much so that she decided to put sleep on the backburner.

I have to say… Now that I think about it, I kind of like the idea of having Sparkler as my roommate.

In that dream, she behaved exactly like she does in real life. I don’t remember anything fantastical in the dream. And with that, it showed us as being in perfect harmony.

I did tell Applebloom last night that Sparkler was the most promising roommate candidate I’ve had so far.

She ticks all the boxes, didn’t criticize me for having those boxes, and we’re already having tons of fun together.

Yeah, I know, I already decided to run a roommate trial with her, a sleepover, but I’ve done that many times already with little to no knowledge about whether or not the pony I’m sleeping over with ticks the boxes.

Most of the time, I didn’t find out something really important about them until later.

That doesn’t seem to be the case with Sparkler…

...and again, that dream. I’ve never had a dream like that before.

This had now progressed to the point where Autumn sat up in her white mattress and red blanket bed, overlooking the CMCs, who were still sound asleep. Steadily breathing with closed eyes, much unlike her.

Do I, possibly, really want Sparkler to be my roommate?

I mean, most of those other trials I’ve run only got run out of desperation mode. I wanted a roommate so badly that I just went for it when whomever random somepony offered.

And when it didn’t work, well, I wasn’t sad because I wanted them specifically. I just wanted a roommate in general.

With Sparkler, though… I’d be really sad if she doesn’t work out. Because I like her. A lot.

Not in the romantic sense, but like, yeah, I really want to have her with me, in this house. Or in whatever house. I’d give the house choice to her if she wanted, because that’s how much I care about her.

Autumn’s eyes widened again when her thoughts told her that.

I just said “I care about her.”

She let out a silent giggle.

Well, looks like I’m right.

Wow, that dream really revealed a lot.

So what do I do when the day comes?

Well, it is the day with Braeburn, where him, Applebloom, and I will be hanging out amongst ourselves, and Sparkler will be off watching over AB’s friends.

So time might be short, but I don’t doubt I’ll see her today.

And…when should I tell her that I want her as a roommate?

Or, if ever?

Well, wait… she still might not work out in some way. That’s what the trial is for.

But again… I’d be heartbroken if she doesn’t work out.

She let out another silent giggle.

Okay, it’s probably best to work through all this after a good night’s sleep. Especially since I can feel my eyes getting heavy.

See you in the morning, big question.

To be continued...

Author's Note: